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Oh, fuck off.

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Thread replies: 253
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Oh, fuck off.
I am not even trying to be racist but she looks exactly like the monkey
>like skyrim with guns
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>game "journalism"
Fuck off indeed
Where is the monkeys afro?
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This really was a different game originally with the beyond good and evil slapped on to increase sales
So we lived long enough to see another beloved series getting raped in the sequel. Fuck this timeline.
This game and many like it are doing harm to the black community by portraying negative black stereotypes, and thus perpetuating an oppressive system of racism.
I fucking hate Ubisoft.
that sounds awesome though.
>like ___________ but with ____________
HOLY SHIT! GTA in space, and it is number 2 so must be the first game in a new and exciting series! There was a #1? It sucks, not at all like gta in space.

Get used to that and welcome to the hell that is a modern sequel BGaE guys! Thief and Fallout fans are standing by on our trauma line to take your calls and let you know that it will never ever be alright ever again.
If that's the reason, then Ubisoft is fucking retarded. Because BG&E was a colossal flop. They packaged the game with packs of string cheese just to get back the cost of making it.

This doesn't even have the benefit of being connected. So they can't even market it on the back of the first game. Because it's unrelated.
This Ancel's pet project you fucking mongs. Beyond Good & Evil sold like shit, they aren't forcing him to make this.

>Open world but in a 3D spaced map

I've always wanted this.
Bix nood, das rasis dawg!
actually does that guy even realize how racist he is? this game is multiethnic

>We did not want to reveal anything before today because we wanted to make sure that the technology would be—you know, you can dream big, but if you don't have any way to make the game of your dreams, then you can talk for hours and hours and hours and then?

>So we waited for three years just working on the technology, so that now you can really travel across space, planets. But not empty planets. Or not empty, generated, whatever planets. Real planets with cities, logical connection between the cities. And even all the natural events that you could have on these kind of planets, gravity, all the moons, and all these things. We needed to make sure, before coming here today, making sure that we will deliver the game.

>You can get out of the Chinese restaurant, jump into your spaceship, go across the atmosphere, and go into your giant spaceship, and then change the planet," Ancel said. "And all this does no loading, and you can be attacked whenever it's happening. It's like GTA but in space, in three dimensions.
I dont think he does, its Canada

In the states that image reads waaaay differently lmao
Good. Damn niggers.

Big promises, the likes of which have been made and broken many times in the past.

Michel Ancel is French.
>This really was a different game originally with the beyond good and evil slapped on to increase sales
this makes zero sense
there's like 10 people who bought the game and loved it
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good thing braindead burgers aren't the entire world then.
I dunno, I kind of trust him on this. If it's been in development for so long, why reveal it now, when they're not even confident it'll come out this gen if not because they have the tech?
exactly, why haven't the dindus stir up some shitstorm over this pic yet?
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errr wait... this is a multiethnic game

can we show some respect
Yea, it is good. The game sounds fun too so this monkey business will be easily overlooked.
that's the point, jews are turning us into one group of cattle as they rule from Jerusalem as God Kings
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>But not empty planets. Or not empty, generated, whatever planets.

Shooting at Sean is not cool ancel
Are the devs secretly our guys? Falling for the multicult hella diverse meme but BTFO the same time by comparing blacks to apes
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i literally remember reading articles from like 10 year's ago about michel ancel's ambition for the franchise. i remember being slightly disappointed when i got bg&e on release and it wasn't as grand as originally envisioned.

fucking ignorant gobshites posing as purists.
jeepers you sound like a nutcase

I'd like to believe it's all as he's saying, but coming from Ubisoft and their bullshots/promises in the past I think it's best to remain cautious until we actually see the game in motion.
So he is that special french breed of racist that hates every one else for not being french. Fair enough.
So essentially it's a reskinned Ass Black Flag?
Between the unnecessary swearing and vague online features (I'd rather just play it offline), this does seem a bit disappointing. It's like they looked at GTA Online and slapped it onto another IP

I'd usually assume that it being the passion project of one visionary, who has spent years on it before even announcing, would mean it's actually good though. Hopefully the gameplay hasn't turned into a third-person shooter or an Assassin's Creed or anything.
one of the accidentally better Ass creeds so yes
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spotted the heebs
when she said it was multicultural my first thought was "oh jeez, you can just feel all the virgins at home getting all twisted up in their danglies" and I couldn't help but smile
So because they lied about how awesome the first game was then the second game is lying about how shit it will be?
Lucky you have all those modern sequels of older games that were far superior to back you up and prove it won't be a horrific abbomination that will make you beg for the sweet release of death.
>BG&E1 = charming Zelda clone
>BG&E2 = SJW GTA clone
What a shock
I took a sip of fine wine and turned to my mother, I said "Drumpf, Drumpf is finally finished." She warmly agreed.
This sounds really cool. But can I ditch the nig and take the monkey with me?
Plot twist : GTA 3
the first game wasn't a zelda clone you retard

The monkey has more expression in it's face than the woman. It's so close to the uncanny valley that it dehumanizes her and makes them look even more related.

Don't believe for a second that all this diversity in gaming is to help minorities. It's there to spur anger, resentment and loathing from all sides. The more you fight over inane things the less you ask important questions.
this - it was a multiethnic art project
>BG&E is a Zelda clone
No it wasn't you retard.
located the bigot

when i see a person like this IRL I always play by one rule: CALL THEM OUT.
please don't remind me senpai

>So because they lied about how awesome the first game was then the second game is lying about how shit it will be?

thanks for starting with an incoherent and misrepresentative sentence so i don't have to read the rest of what will surely be a worthless post.
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>years of teasing Jade's return
>all the posters
>all the small trailers
>end up with a monkey that is swearing worse than a port drunkard
>it's a prequel
You want me to care about a dev talking about a game that still has no release date after a trailer was already shown way back in 2008?

If and when you ever actually interact with other humans that don't share your world view or parrot sad talking points

All humans are bigots by nature, you can shout all day and the only thing I see is another limp wristed faggot getting uppity
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Most people disagree
So is it like Japanese GTA?
Jesus christ. I seriously hope this never comes out. I'd rather have no BG&E2 than have it be ruined by Ubisoft whores.
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No you wouldn't, you fucking beta



>Somewhere in there the people at Ubisoft thought “Well. Hell, Zelda is great, right? But it’s too limited, you know? No story to speak of, and that’s a shame. Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll make a Zelda game
>Zelda-type Adventure
in that case Ancel has no fucking idea what made BG&E good. what a hack
Well you know how the first was Zelda-like?

This won't be that.
I can smell your repressed racism from here, son.
You will only lose it when you abandon this retarded cult and actually learn to judge people by their merits.
Just getting your racism and writing "niggers are the nice guys while whites are the devil" over it will not help at all.
You read it.
The game is going to be great right? Just like every other modern sequel has been.
Wait a fucking minute, where's Jade?

does it mean that we can kill niggers in space?

Truthful post. The tower of Babel was the Devil's work.
But can I take pictures? Otherwise it's not a BG&E game.

What, you wanted a game related to Beyond Good and Evil?
it's a prequel, those always go well
You can take as many screenshots as you like and share them with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Of course you can take selfies
It's not like anyone played 1 and that it ended on a cliffhanger or anything. Thats why this one is a xXxXGTA360noscopediversityXxXx game
But I want a Latino AI to congratulate me on taking good pictures.
I thought everyone hated Scary Spice after she made an ass of herself on Big Fat Quiz of the Year.
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>It will be Dead Rising 4 all over again

i'm not gonna bother listing them off but most videogame sequels are actually pretty good, anon. it's movie sequels that suck.

it is also thoroughly plebeian to shit on a sequel for doing something different.
No, you want to do play a vague and shallow game set in an open world because Ubisoft can really only make one game at this point so they just wrap the same gameplay up in different-looking packages.

Hope was a mistake.
That's it eat your slop gamers.
just like rayman 2, rayman 3, rayman origins and rayman legends
have faith in ancel
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ain't it
>most videogame sequels are actually pretty good,
Oh, you are one of those. Sorry to have wasted your time with my assumption you were older than 18 and enjoyed video games.
kek, based Cicero
I've always wanted a GTA game with flying cars so hey this is interesting.

I did pay BG&E 1 but I never finished it.
Yeah, so... this is different from any other franchise revival/long awaited sequel, how again?
Just play Jak 2
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>remember the first game being pretty family friendly
>watch the trailer for the second one
I feel you. Had the same feeling. It's FUCKING obnoxious.
Just play Scrapland

But I could play this instead.
You need your eyes checked
>have a cool story driven ip with a sexy racially ambiguous female lead
>replace her with a monkey because simply being a female protag isn't progressive enough for ubi
into trash

you are aware breath of the wild is a sequel right?

did you not watch the trailer anon.
>black character and a monkey
>swinddling shady buisness men and running from the police
/v/ is not reddit
you can say it without saying "I am not even racist"
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>you will never be as triggered as neo nazis
First Ass creed, then wolfenstein and now this. How will they ever recover?
this - it's like looking at twins

>BGE1 was about a minority beating up cops

That's literally what GTA is.
>t. ico franchise
Ask the black people that also got triggered by being used as shields to block criticism.
Chav Monkey is actually a half-human, half-chimp.
you say that like it repeatedly isn't
Rather ask the neo nazis since there's 5000 of them for every one of your fictional people.
Reminder alt right doesn't play vidya so their opinions have no real impact.
>[X] is like [Y] but in/with [Z]
This is the best gaming journalism will ever get everyone.
just like everyone else, not buying these games
You know /v/ is full to the brim with BRs right?
And that is an actual meme to post your game collection when you're black?
Sorry but no one want to be used as a weapon to bludgeon the things you like (games) to death.
Niggers in space?

Another game that will flop.
Sorry but white and asian players don't play shitty games that parrot having niggers as a gameplay and story innovation.
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There can only be one transhuman in this industry boyo.
reminder the japs are taking over once again after a small break because no one wants western sjw shit
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Why would a black person care if you killed a nazi or cult member?
you are a newfag
you came here after the election
go away
>Like GTA in space
I'd rather have like Beyond good and Evil in space but that's a sunken ship apparently
>everyone else
You're a minority m8
Yes, but games that try to use progressive shaming instead of quality don't sell as well.
It's not the black people that will kill those games, it's the attempt of using the black people as some sort of shaming shield instead of putting actual effort into the product.
Worst thing is that plebs will buy this game.
He won't.
But if the game is crap, he will not buy it just because it features a black guy, even if you try to call him a racist for not enjoying the game, and the same applies to everyone.
literally the majority of video game players, let alone Americans let alone Westerners let alone the world, is no buying these shit games
No, they won't.
But neogaf (the actual target of the cinematic experiences etc) will.
"Plebs" only play shit that is fun on the first 15 minutes, a friend told em about it, and actually have a preference for 60 frames per second.
goy means "nation"

>In Exodus 19:6, the Jewish people are referred to as a goy kadosh, a "holy nation"
>he actually believes the "MAJORITY OF THE WEST ARE MUH NEO NAZI FRIENDS" maymay
Wolfenstein is gonna sell so much even though it has nazis dying. Ass creed is gonna sell very well

Remember BF1?
But plebs love "GTA, but X" genre
That's because Africans were the first to evolve humans to evolve from monkeys
GTA outsell all it's clones violently because the clones don't actually get the whole point of the GTA that is allowing you to have the 15 minutes of fun in completely different ways everyday.

Zelda BotW on the other hand did hit this nail quite precisely.
then why do they still look like monkeys?
>pretending to have actual blindness level eyesight just to be an edgy racist
Instead of me thinking you're a bad ass I just think you need corrective lenses.
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yea, 4chan is a haven for pedos, incestual couples, and trump supporters.

Saying "I'm racist" is actually a huge complement compared to that.
Oh god :(
there's nothing wrong with incest you fuck

jesus christ
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GTA outsell all it's clones, because it just higher quality game overall with much more content.
it has been revived in the worst year possible

like Thi4f and DmC has been revived in the age of edgy remake which has little resemblance to its original game, now BGnE has been revived in this age of the racial diversification quota era.
Could anyone with an up to date One and the physical triple pack HD release of BG&E HD confirm whether or not the game works on One please? I've read people saying it works AND people saying that it doesn't and that only the digital version does.

Why is this allowed??
I havent played Beyond good and evulz but do you serioualy expect a excatly same game? Fucking retards, gameplay evolves and nobody wants to play boring jumping games

Fuck off, it will be great
Yes but there's more to it.
Just think on yourself having only half hour per day to play a game, and look at the games with that perspective and suddenly you will get some interesting conclusion.

For example, any game that want to waste your half hour with forced tutorials will be quite a sad game to try.
>It's Metroid
>but before Samus was born
>and it's a puzzle game
This is what we're dealing with if you don't get it. Shut up you twat
Id be fine with that because Im not a fucking autist who thinks every game should play the same and cater me as a consumer

Neck yourself
Goyim is the full word
I agree with your statement, but by plebs I meant kids, casual and jewtubers not late 20s/early 30s corpo serfs.
goyim is plural
You two are both retarded. The earliest Homo sapiens from 200,000-300,000 years ago in Africa has almost nothing racially in common with modern black people. If anything, they looked like the slant eyed, big assed Khoisan or big brow ridged, ugly Australian Aborigines. We (as in humanity) didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from apes, by the way, and every race is equally related to chimpanzees and bonobos, you white niggers.
Well, there is another audience that is quite well hidden because /v/ confuse em with the casuals that is the "gaming forum hardcore".
Basically the actual target audience of uncharted.
>Long before Roman times it had also acquired the meaning of someone who is not Jewish.[6] It is also used to refer to individuals from non-Jewish religious or ethnic groups;
No one would care if it had a different name.
If it has the same name with a 2 after it, it should be slightly similar to the first or its only on there for name recognition
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What's going on? The developers are french people so they put french characters in the game. Nothing wrong with that, bro.
remind me again how much neanderthal DNA a sub-Saharan has? Remind me again what the average IQ of an African is? Can you tell me about the recent archaeological and genetic evidence that suggests "out of Africa" is false?
HOW many generic hoop-earringed afro girls are we going to get this year?
Ironically enough only sjw whiteys care about this. Not even blacks ever complained about it.

t. a nigger
>new BGaE announced
>it's a prequel
Soccer is not a matter of social justice unlike the rest.
Basically the rules of the thing are quite loose and "sometimes" it just happens that a team might do something like hiring a BR or two (or 11) to their team just to give that lil completely legal boost.
And they might get "naturalized" in another country like france so their Olympics/world cup team can also use those individuals that are now 100% french.
Face it France is now Africa and muslim. Enjoy your multicultural society.
Yes yes, indeed.
But if you look at all the soccer teams, you will see that none of em actually look like people from the local country.
It's a corrupt mess of players being bought and sold left and right.
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Jade was one of my favourite vidya characters back in the days. I didn't consider her special because she was a girl or anything like that. She was just a cool character in a neat setting with a neat game.

I am beyond sad to see that the long awaited prequel is SJW bait and nothing more.
It always has been
goyim is a slurr for non jews, schlomo
i'd like to say the games not out yet lets wait and see. but if im honest ive been saying that about too many times lately. do we really have to go through a crash to reset the games industry again?
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remind me why nigger hands look like a roasted white man with white palms?
You know "multi-ethnic" isn't some SJW buzzword right? You got the chinese bit from the first trailer, original mamagos was jamaican. If theyre planning on making different cities on other planets theyre going to have different cultures inspiring them.
Fucking kneejerk reaction
based milhouse
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That doesn't make that anon wrong. First of all, let's all remember that we got a BG&E2 trailer ten years ago and that lead to nothing, so having this trailer now means shit.
Secondly, the fact that Ancel would sell his soul to finally make it is a good enough proof to suspect this was a whole different project that Ubisoft turned in BG&E2 to create more noise and get the cult fanbase's money (because "tiny but already existent fanbase of a dead franchise>non-existent fanbase for a new IP").

Now all this GTA shit they're talking about could mean anything, I'm slightly on the pessimistic side because Kojima too sucked GTA5's dick and we all saw what MGS5 turned out to be.
>He thinks we evolved from monkeys
I don't know about you, but I certainly did not evolve from a goddamned animal that throws its own shit and eats its own vomit
My point is: I liked Jade and most of the other characters from the first game. I don't care for "multhi ethnic" stuff, I just want them to continue the story.

From my point of view it seems they got the BGE setting and ignored everything the first game did with it just to get whatever message they want to convey across.
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this isn't why they're going in that direction and you know it
All of your responses are from Reddit shills poisoning the well.
I'm not denying that, i'm just pointing out that Soccer is not an example of the multicult crap.
Also its very likely that none of those players is a kebab, given the fact they suck at soccer.
ancient man is from bulgaria and king tut has european dna. check mate YOU WUZ NOT ANY KANGZ AT ALL NIGGA
>tfw thought the trailer looked great
>tfw GTA in space is appealing
>tfw don't give a shit about nostalgia babies

idk i usually don't like niggers in games anymore than the next guy, but this one looks good.
Here, knock yourself out:

Just google guy by guy and what you will discover is that half of the players here actually normally play on english teams, and a lot were just "naturalized" players bought from all over the world.

Also i don't see any kebab.
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imagine being so autistic that you can't even participate in a nuanced discussion anymore concerning French, and instead just go straight into posting meme pics.
Fake news


Remember that America's IQ was the same fifty years ago
I really liked the environnement international the trailer
The monkey have a bge design, but his dialogue seemed out of place, nothing wrong with swearing but it s go much forced in the first few minutes.

If its open World I hope we won't have hundreds of collectibles quest.
Also, I saw it will be "online" does it mean it will be a multiplayer? Something like à mmo or a coop game?
I dunno sounds kinda cool, just wish it wasn't called BGAE2 since that comes with baggage that I don't think it's even gonna try to carry
*In the trailer

Fucking phoneposting
It was an event about "racism"

At least, they seems to be Christians and Pacific, unlike Muslim
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I just learned about BG&E sequel. I felt hell yeah, it's been in development hell for ages, I hope it will be awesome.

I watched the trailer. This isn't the BG&E I loved and purchased in 3 copies at least (retail, other retail edition, GOG). This isn't BG&E2 I dreamt about that would further the story of Jade. It will not give me the answer to the question of my youth; what the hell happened to Pey'j?

This isn't about uncovering a conspiracy. This isn't even about those few short moments of genuine wonder when you get to take a photo of a space whale.

What I saw was a random franchise with some "action" and juvenile dialogue that made me feel embarassed. I didn't wait ~15 years just to hear a familiar theme right at the end of it... I didn't wait so long to have this title used as a random trademark atop of a soulless game that's online-heavy and buys into the game design memes like open world.

I'm genuinely sad.

Fuck you Ubi for doing it. Fuck you Ancel for not understanding why the first game was good.
They seems to be nice at least

French Black from overseas are usually more patriotic toward their country than nigs
You're not wrong
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sounds creepy
my sides

French niggers are like the rest of niggers. Dont talk out of your ass. They are also hard muslims.

that's how I feel as well. I want a fucking sequel. I don't want just the setting. I didn't fucking care so much for the setting, I cared for the characters.
Yeah, black Muslim exist too and?

There is more black Christian in our territories.

I just can't tolerate nigs Muslim and sandnigs Muslim
Well, i know you're trying to offend me as a french, but you see, you're not dealing with a french, but a BR.
How else would i know about corruption and soccer like that?
>meme pics.
>monthly terror attacks
lmao fuck french
Wow, this video sure prove that all of them are Muslim
>but a BR
It doesnt matter if they are muslim or not, fucking retard.

degenerates. Okami is best Zelda, but BGE is just better than any Zelda.
I just love to live in this multicultural country, where the worst of every culture is absorbed and no matter the color of the skin and race, it will eventually point a gun to your head and take everything you have.

That's actually a fight between two gangs of drug dealers. You are misinformed, /pol/tard
Yeah it does.

Black Christian hate sandniggs more than us, sandniggs and nigger Muslim hate them too.

Also nice, comparing actual immigrants to generation of black in our country
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dangit frenchies if this game doesn't have interesting animals with scientific names in it I am going to be fucking miffed
93/=/ isn't all France

Nice try, lot of immigrants don't stay here too long because they prefer UK
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Fucking GTA Online will kill the next generation. Everyone sees how massive R* profit from it and every fucking publisher will butcher and cripple every franchise they have to try to get their cut.
It's Call of Duty in the 2000's again. Fuck originality, IT'S ALL GTA ONLINE THAT'S WHAT THE GAMERS WANT ISN'T IT
Damn, man. Damn.
Blacks from oversea are a drop compared to the ones on the continent.
Also no, they are fucking lazy welfare queen and have much higher criminality rate than the whites.
>nothing like the original title
>no Jade and Pey’j
but why
If only, toi et moi on sait que c'est faux :)
>another nigger lover in France

What a surprise.
Whatever man I just want the game to capture the core feeling of the first game.
How many games do you know that take place in a space faring setting but that take away your desire to travel to other worlds because you are so invested in the planet you are in?
Because more poverty, also smaller population

Even marine le pen said that the government don't help to create jobs in these territories
Just stating the truth kid

I agree though
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I just wanted a good bge sequel.
Please someone post the "I wouldn't go to France" webm
/v/ isn't your free service kid
I was going to post it

>muh crime bcuz poverty

Nice meme: http://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/race-poverty-and-crime/
Also idgaf what Le Pen says, I just loo at fact.
Anyway I don't mind them, we brought them here as slaves and they don't have such a high fertility rate so we don't really have other choices to deal with them, it's more the fuckton of their african brothers which is a problem.
This is the best version
you know that the talmund literally says each jew will have 2800 personal goyim slaves when the messiah comes, right?
Monkey and a nigger sounds like fun
Where's the gameplay though
You'd have to wait another 15 years for gameplay.

That sucks
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>short hair

if beyond good & evil 1 was released this year you guys would still be crying SJW about the games protagonist.
why the FUCK isn't there a webm of all the boob jiggle in that trailer yet

I would have thought it would be on here already
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Best part of the trailer
>You can get out of the Chinese restaurant, jump into your spaceship, go across the atmosphere

The thing is, this was actually possible in the original, but only in a single, limited way. You can tell that it was supposed to have more planets to travel to given how abruptly it ends.
What a nice photo of an african american couple.

funny. I'm playing Persona 5 right now and I'm praying it was more like Dark Souls.
If I wouldn't, I'm sure you would make those posts
This blog is run by two unkown guys with biased sauces

Look at this.
Jim crow was a thing in your graphic

Do you have a brain?
Well they pretty much are more closely related than actual humans and monkeys.
Until you get punched in the nose you giant faggot.
I didn't believe it when Chris Roberts said it after infinity money and infinity development time so I'm sure as hell not believing it now
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>unironically using neo nazis
fuck off kovic
the dude is absolutely right though.
you get sidetracked by bullshit while horrible stuff is being done behind your back.
behind all of our backs
>gta audience + sjw audience

Pure win.
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Holy shit, is all of this really France? I thought muslim invasion in Europe was just an alt right meme. This actually looks scary. Why aren't the french doing anything?
that kind of thing happen between a brother and a sister
Too cucked to care. Doing anything means the blacks and the whites who love them will strike down on you.
The only swearing I remember in the original was Peyj saying Sweet Jesus or something like that, what's with all the f-bombs?

Aesthetically it kinda reminds me of District B13 so the multiculturalism hoopla kinda makes sense but everything else just looks like garbage.
Why does /v/ suck this game's dick so hard?

Were the fans of the original really that rabid? Because this looks like hot shit that will be forgotten in a month.

If it didn't have the name, I doubt you guys would be defending it.
I really thought this was just an exaggerated meme. Fuck, to think France is a christian country and they allowed this.
Did anyone not see and think this is pretty racist? They're putting a monkey besides a black woman.
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