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>port of 2 year old literal tumblr: the game
yeah, Sony won
The fanbase became cancer. le bad time.
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>psychical release
pckeks btfo
enjoy our scraps sonyroaches
>Toby Fox sold out

Feels bad.
That cover is horrible lol
Remember when /v/ liked undertale?
thanks for beta testing, PCKEKS
to be fair this was actually unexpected
>Caring this much for an unfinished product.

>Vita gets another multiplat
is this game good? don't care about the fanbase if that's relevant
Ur mr gay. It was probably the best choice that's not fanart.
>shit game coming to a shit console
Sony lost their presentation with ONE GAME lmao
I've been actively avoiding them until i could play it on my vita
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Wow, is fucking nothing.
So these graphics are the power of the PS4... woah.
>Everyone saying how the Wii U would be perfect for this game
>2 years later
>PS4 gets a port
>So does Vita
>Vita is still getting more games than the Wii U
Toby is going to make so much money.
/v/ has a huge hater boner for it, but if you're into Earthbound-esque games, then by all means go for it.
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It still fucks with the game file, right?
Lets be honest though, who wouldn't sell out?
pc is getting one too
i checked
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imagine the kind of faggot who will buy that collectors box.
this is actually hilarous, this will probably be the only highlight on their E3 presentation and the only game that will be playable this year.
It already begins.
Fucking meme game.
That was never an argument. I play almost all of my games on my PS4. But I still torrented Undertale to try it. Even my shitty Dell laptop handled it easily. Pretty much everybody has some form of desktop computer or laptop.
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>still no hard mode
>pcbros will never have an undertale physical copy
wow, savage.
Its okay but just get it on PC for 10 bucks, dont pay whatever they will ask for on PS4.
Taking the fanbase away.

>You are FORCED to play the game three times if you want to understand is below average story, each time is more boring.
>The combat fails at both bullet hell and RPG, the gameplay is mediocre at best.
>The OST is good.
>You might or might not like the characters but some of them are forced as fuck.
>There is some sjw shit going on, it might annoy you if you don't like sjw stuff.
>Once you finished the three OBLIGATORY replays there is nothing else to do outside of autistic achievements like see all the ending variations.

I'm being honest here.
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>PS4 version won't have hard mode
>Neither will any future version
Only really have to play it 1.5 times. If you are friends with everyone you just need to do the unlocked final friendship sceneThe "third route" isn't necessary per se but is put in there to accommodate video game mentality.
sans = reddit
papyrus = /v/
>Sjw shit
Is it really anything beyond lesbian relationships?
There are gay furfags but you can kill them both if that's your thing
undertale copied cave story, you retards praise a false god
>There are gay furfags
Did we play the same game?
Let's be sincere here, not everyone likes Toriel and just killed her alongside other characters, someone new to the game will just go and kill stuff when necessary.

Personally I can't stand Toriel and killed her as fast as I could the first time I played, I mean, some anthropomorphic goat trying to become your mother is just straight up creepy.
I don't think So Sorry is meant to be gay.
You'd think Switchfags would be undertales's main audience, though.
Some of you faggots have the lowest definition of selling out. He ported his game to another system. How the fuck is that selling out?
The problem with the game is that now that it became popular people know everything about the endings before going into the game, and they know if fucks with savefiles and stuff before even touching it. This kills the experience. Going into it 100% blind makes the game a billion times better. Neutral endings are probably the best part about the game too but nobody ever sees them because they read on the internet how to get the true ending before playing through it, so they do pacifist right away. You cant be caught off guard by Flowey's fuckery either because it became a meme. When you first play the game you are intended to accidentally kill Toriel, listen to Flowey, reload and spare her, thus finding out about how Flowey can see what you did in previous playthroughs, but nobody realizes this either because they all knew that before starting the game.
Basically, if you didnt play Undertale right when it came out the memes probably spoiled it for you.
I think he's talking about the guards
Should I buy it for PS4 or Vita? I feel like the portability might be kinda nice.
I think the he means the gay guards or the gay kid goat.
So Sorry is a kickstarter backer's self insert. Also the royal guards are gay anthros.
Playing Undertale blind was one of the most exciting video game experiences I've had in years. After that I lost interest in the game extremely fast.
He has to make a living.
a nu-male
Tbh, the guards were my second guess.
those are some autistic as fuck shirts
I went in to it blind and hated it.
>sold out

I seriously hate faggots who say this, these people don't owe you anything and have a right to profit on their idea if they so choose.
So Sorry is hidden away pretty damn well, you have to go out of your way to encounter him normally.
So sjw shit then
Blind or not you still have to play it multiple times not because you want but because you are forced to do it, it don't take away the lackluster gameplay not the forced characters and lack of interesting things to do once you get the three main endings.

Sure it was cool and creepy to fight the flower but the goat was god awful and the skeleton was just not a worthy reward for all the boring as all hell grinding that you had to do.
anon, you know Undertale was a kickstarter game, right? Toby Fox literally sold out from the start.
The whole So Sorry/Samael thing was a maelstrom of generosity, reconsideration, and not getting blasted by the Internet that left nobody unscathed.

Was the Asriel fight that bad?
Wouldn't even consider it a fight as you can't actually die during it
Toby probably hated it but didnt dare to go back on his backer rewards. None of the other backer monsters were as hidden, I think the others are Muffet and Glide.
Oh, he did. He looked at the art the guy was known for and immediately tried to back out, but he couldn't. So he hid him away and hoped for the best.
Glide is pretty hidden.
Muffet wasn't a backer reward, she was a stretchgoal "guest design" from a webcomic artist.

So all the backer rewards were hidden pretty well.
Its a scripted nonfight and makes for a really shitty finale, especially since Asgore and Omega Flowey were pretty good.
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>Port of a game that stopped being relevant about a year ago
>somehow wins E3 for Sony
Haven't been paying much attention to E3 because of work, but good gravy it must fucking suck if THIS is what people are most excited for.
The largest, most glaring issues in regards to Undertale is the inconsistent art-style, rushed characterization (at times), very low difficulty and limited replayability. While two of these things are "subjective" (aesthetics and difficulty) you really can't overlook the horrible fleshing-out of characters after the initial neutral run and the fact that after three play-throughs you're basically done.

I know some faggot is going to say something along the lines of "LOL LIKE THERES """TWELVE""" ENDINGS HURR." You know damn well that minor variations in text hardly constitute as separate endings. Stop shitposting and use your fucking brains, please.

I personally enjoyed Undertale on release and while the genocide route was tedious at points the end result was satisfying.
>2hour game ports with physical copy
So how long is /v/ going to stroke their hateboner for Undertale for?
4ever gb2 neogaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About as long as the fandom keeps stroking their loveboner for the game
Maybe a few months after the game releases at worst
I work as a special needs teacher and never since minecraft have I seen a game that so inherently connects with those on the autistic spectrum. Whenever the little gremlins get their hands on some free time it's to Google undertale or undertale AUs which they incessantly tell me about since they know I enjoy vidya. Recess is filled with these mentally challenged children shouting dialogue from the game or roleplaying their own little headcanons to their heart's content. Whenever I see someone defend undertake online, I can only imagine it's a little autistic child desperately trying to protect their little game. This is the undertale fandom, there is no denying this
This makes me want to end my life. Disgusting. E3 Status = lost
We were so close to having it die

Three routes is two routes more than most games, anon. And the 12-hour length isn't shorter than the average these days either.
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It's probably gonna lag and have fps issues like every game they've shown so far lul
But will Toby ever finish hard mode?
I know you guys like to act like this is nothing, but you forget how popular this game was.
Take a peek at steamspy if you need a refresher.
The game was even the finale of... the winter gdq? Or summer of last year. And gdq has been scrubbed hard of geek culture to bring in the normies.

It might seem stupid, but this will get sales and probably sell even more ps4's.
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>>You are FORCED to play the game three times
Stopped reading right there. Pure Pacifist route tells a complete story with a satisfying ending. There are bonus bits gained from the other endings, but no more so than any other game with multiple endings.
>Physical release

Kickstarter really is a sham
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>tfw I think His Theme is top tier and I want the collector's edition just for the music box
It's getting a PC release too.
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>They ported a game that everyone's played already

Wow, so cool. Almost as cool as that Papyrus dude am I right!? x)))))
You people say shit like this, and yet you all hate Undertale anyway
The first time you beat the game you get the neutral ending no matter what.

Then after getting the neutral ending, you can continue on the same save file. If you've gone pacifist the whole game, then you get an extra quest that you can do and that unlocks the true ending.
Semi-related note, how is the True Lab as a dungeon? Is it better or worse than the neutral game?
It's slightly spooky, but that's about it. It's alright.
who /vita/ here
unadulterated, unbiased opinions on this game are really hard to find.

>undertale is GREAT!! u just hate it cuz u only like call of duty!! y do u think everyone on tumblr likes it? bcuz its good!

>This game is fucking shit. Only Tumblr twats and autistic children like this game. Why do you think everyone on /v/ hates it? Because it's shit.

It's an alright game, but not as great as most of the "fandom' will tell you. It's worth the money, but it's not a life changing experience. This is my opinion on the game. A lot of the insults to this game seem to just be ripping on this boogeyman that supposedly represents who plays the game.

Just chill, pirate it or buy it, play it for yourself and see what you think.
Once you enter it you're locked into the true pacifist ending and none of the monsters in the true lab can be killed to give you a neutral ending.

RichaadEB and Jackson Parodi made a really good cover of the True Lab theme, I'd check it out if you get the time.
It's pretty alright.
A handful of pretty good moments in there, for something that'll take you maybe an hour.
Every single faggot who bought that game before.
Do they have own term like "bronies"
Toby Fox probably made it
because you stop being indie the moment you make deals with massive billion dollar corporations
Don't listen to the retards. It's a really neat game.
Talk about selling out this hard.

Those plushes are cute tho
he never cared about undertale, he said the only reason he made the game was to see people drawing porn of toriel
Was this during the press conference? I only got up to piss like twice. How short was the announcement?
He didnt sell out, he's cashing in
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Problem, /v/?
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Day 1
Fuck off you numale cuck shills, it's garbage.
>numale cuck shills
Jesus Christ, the containment board really isn't enough for you guys is it?
it was in the pre-show, not part of the main conference

Pretty short. All in all it looks really cool, if it's reasonably priced I wouldn't be adverse to purchasing the collector's edition.
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No hard mode, No conclusion to sans basement
Sony won a trip straight to the trash can.
It's not about hurt feelings you massive faggot, it's about using /pol/ buzzwords for Ad Hominem attacks instead of actually bringing up a coherent argument.

You're shitposting, mate. Stop that. Bad for your health.
The gay stuff in undertale is pretty much parody. Toby himself admitted that the lesbians were inspired by all the yuri anime he watched in the early 2000s probably stuff like Kanazuki no Miko, Yamibou and Marimite.
The gay guys are pretty much a parody of /fit/ (no homo) stuff and are just there for comedy rather than pandering or cashing in on brownie points.
>hating /pol/ on a /pol/ website
reported to the ministry of truth
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Did Barneyfag die from a heart attack?
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>you'll never be able to experience /v/ during the Undertale craze ever again
fuck off retard
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>a /pol/ website

that's a nice fish
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Posting this here with a source:
It's not about "feelings", it's about you being an obnoxious person. Nobody wants you here.
Not really. He is set for life before this deal.
>he says this on a right-wing activism website
Switch port would have been leagues better
Fuck off Toby
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>Three times

I literally got both the neutral ending and the pacifist ending on my first playthrough, just don't do the papyrus date until you finish the final flowy fight. Then reload, do the date, come back and get the pacifist end.
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Just because a faggot got fired doesn't mean the website belongs to /pol/, retard
It's eh at the most. Anyone could've done it, and it would've been better executed as a standalone story
Better controls, ability to hook it up to a TV and shit
Not sure what you're trying to prove.
pre-orders when?
undertale has native controller support, and any retard with an HDMI can play the game on their TV
Control wise it's very similar to the PS4, and you can also hook up a PS4 to a TV, my friend.
>It's not about hurt feelings you massive faggot, it's about using /pol/ buzzwords for Ad Hominem attacks
>calls out the use of nu male cuck and shill as /pol/
Nice double standards you have going there.
Man right I fucking hate replay value in a game. I also fucking hate choices and fucking hate my actions impacting other characters and plot of a game. Fuck why can't everything just be a fucking movie.
Yea but the switch clicks when I do it

I agree with you dumb frogposter.
When did I use Ad Hominem attacks in substitution of an argument? Please name one (1) instance where I just attacked you instead of making a point.
Maybe this will allow toby a bigger budget on his next game (if he even makes another game, I mean would you make another game after tumblr literally raped undertale)
The sad thing is, Undertale getting a console port really IS one of the most unexpected reveal of this year's E3. Everything else has been the same shit we saw last year, shit that's been leaked for months (MarioxRabbids) or shit everyone saw coming a mile away.
>This makes me want to end my life.
Please, by all means, do.
You really don't have to go through it multiple times, the endings by themselves are pretty satisfying. And even if you choose to do so, it's a pretty short game so it doesn't really take that long. It's kind of the indie, weirdo rpgmaker game standard to have multiple endings to make up for being short (ib, trick and treat, mad father, and off to name a few).
Not at me but at this post.
But please, continue thinking dog whistling /pol/ is somehow an argument.
Is this pasta? I like this.
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>That was never an argument.
That was never an argument.
>That was never an argument.
That was never an argument.
>That was never an argument.
That was never an argument.
>That was never an argument.
That was never an argument.
>That was never an argument.
That was never an argument.

Sonyfags in complete denial already. First the backtracking with MHW after finding out it wasn't exclusive nor a mainline game, now this. Their E3 conference destroyed them.
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Its kind of ironic, a game that borrows so heavily from nintendo gets a port on nintendo's "rival",
Will undertale still have the save slot shenanigans on PS4?
You know it's going to be announced for switch too right?
Lmao the game is less than a gigabyte.
Any new content?
What the fuck is a Fire Safety thread?
crust punk dorks like to rent out warehouse space and make little shantytowns inside for their faggot friends to live in so /pol/ thought it'd be funny to tip off nearby fire departments about code violations. they did this for about a month.
Just posted it and it's all real, but if it becomes pasta I wouldn't mind. The truth needs to be spread
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