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what other games have forced 50% win rates?

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what other games have forced 50% win rates?
isn't that basically the entire point of matchmaking
> Plat

It is, though really good players do have 60+% winrates
>It puts you against people who are your skill level. You rise if you win, and fall if you don't. You'll eventually reach 50%.
forced 50% is a meme by badies
>get matched with people considerably worse than me only every other game
60 is pretty average for anyone climbing. 50-60 means you belong in that elo. 72%+ are the really good players.
Stop telling shitters they are bad
I'm telling on average. Something like 60+ would be considered Unicum level in WoT and pretty admireable winrate in OW, assuming you're masters and above
Nah, I don't think it's a meme, but I don't think it's about putting you in shitty teams to balance things out. You'll be placed with players that are suspected to have similar skill, and sometimes that's completely wrong.
Say I'm rank 18, thrown in with a rank 31 and a rank 9, all suspected to be of similar skill but with differing amounts played to calculate that.
With this in mind, you could be play 30 games, and in an effort to keep you with same-skilled players you're seeing yourself win and lose 50% of the time, because win 2 games it suspects you're of a higher skill, puts you with higher skilled players, then you lose. Slightly adjusts, you lose again.
You should be around 50% for elos you belong in.

Anything above a 50-55% average (assuming you don't drop below 50% means you're climbing to where you belong.

The only people that are above 60% consistently are people that are already high elo and have nothing else to climb (grand master, challenger, global elite, etc).

It's basic percentages
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>people still post about forced 50%

its the current year
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What do you want the game to do? Keep continually putting you against players way better than you so that you have a 40% winrate? Or do you want the game to put you against players who are way worse than you so you have a 60% win rate?

"Forced 50" is an indication that you have reached equilibrium and that the game has succeeded in finding your skill level and matching you against fair opponents. It's not the win rate that matters, it's the win rate *at a certain level of skill* that matters. Being 50% win rate at Plastic League is entirely different from being 50% win rate at Grand Master. If you want to raise your win rate temporarily then improve your skill level. Your win rate will go up for a short time until you reach a level of skill that matches your own, then your win rate will slowly equalize back down to 50%.

Quick but important note: you play League so kill you'reself human trash.
Let's not forget OP is clearly a Bard top in Plat. He has no one to blame but himself
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i was diamond 5 last season and ive only gotten better this season. i just cant do anything 1v5
bard top with highest everything in the game anon. i was the only reason we didnt lose at 15
Faker had 70-80% winrate in br and na. Really makes you think...
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haha you guys are right its just because its the right spot to be in!

>That roster

Sweet tapdancing jesus, I left league 2 years ago and the meta is still stagnant and forced as fuck?
I would agree if at that point each game was generally close or had identifiable fails that lead to your or the other teams loss. Take Overwatch. It feels pretty forced but every game feels like one team is clearly better. It also has pretty close win loss % but players have wild up and down swings for their SR. My win loss is pretty even with a minuscule number of draws yet I've been as low as low gold and as high as high plat and fluctuate up and down often. Just last season I almost fell into silver twice and almost rose to plat 4 times. That wild swinging of SR yet still near 50% win rate is stupid.
the only three meta characters in that picture are lucian zac and ziggs
>bard top vs urgot
Except Utility top laners are fucking useless right now. You could have carried to entire game on your back if you weren't an idiot. Urgot wasn't exactly shut down, and you don't do nearly enough damage and aren't nearly tank enough.. especially when your carries did poorly.

You wanna bitch about losing? Stop being part of the problem.
>dont do enough damage
>when bard gets 3x the damage from chimes now
>when the only person that out damaged me on either team was ziggs
>least deaths but not tanky enough
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>game with elo
>"forced 50%"
Every time.
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>whine about being a slave to a finicky matchmaking algorithm

>play a game that has TEN slots to fill in a game with different roles that individuals may not be experienced with, UNLOCKABLE "CHAMPS" that not everyone has access to, and add too all of that the extremely high snowbally nature of the game where 1 team fucking up 1 aspect of strategy leads to automatic loss

Hm maybe if you don't like a finicky algorithm determining your game outcomes then stop playing a game designed to maximize the chance of something bad happening in a finicky algorithm.
Like I said. If you were a real toplaner, that would mean something. But you were Bard. So it doesn't.

But enjoy your 50% winrate, buddy. Who am I to argue.
You mean, what are some other games with properly functioning matchmaking systems?
I think the legit complaint is that because it pulls from the whole pool to build your team, it will be grouping you with people significantly worse than you in order to achieve a "team win rate" of unrelated individual ratios. But since you will probably never see those players again, let alone play with them (unless we're talking top level play) it's super inconsistent.

Now it's just a meme for matchmaking when you don't know the real problem or want to pad your greentext list.
If it was not forced there would be someone with 0% of winrate, 10%, 30%, 40%, 50%,60%, 70% etc... since you are playing with people of your skill.

But that doesnt exist, it is 50% for 99% of players, meaning that they force that winrate by making unfair matches.

Basic maths.
Name a better way to do it. There aren't enough people of exactly equal skill as you to put you with 9 other people every single game any time you queue from 9 AM to 10 Pm when mommy says it's my bed time. That's the nature of the game.

The wisdom with these kinds of games is to get a team or tank MMR trying. I don't know why you would play without a group of friends. It's madness for reasons already stated in this thread. OP has an easy way out (get friends) but he chooses not to(?) for no reason. I think he just wants to be sad and throw a pity party, but that's why these games got mega popular in the first place; all the benefits of competition with none of the drawbacks of competition because you just psychologically blame your teammates when you lose. In 1v1 games you take full responsibility for losing which is why 1v1 competitive games are massively less popular.
>You'll be placed with players that are suspected to have similar skill,
Just like you'll be placed against players that are suspected to have similar skill
>Basic maths.
More like "I don't know how elo works": the post.
There probably isn't a better way, and I didn't mean to imply that there was. It's just a little tiring that people call the entire point of MMR a bad thing and complain that it is ruining MMR. It's not a perfect system but it sure beats just random game assignments.

For my money give me a server browser, or just a kind of visible rating and let us form our own games.
why are my teammates consistently worse than me
is this just an illusion and am I just as bad?
Play a 1v1 game. You won't though cuz yer scared. Little bitch.
an RTS or an arena shooter is a better choice if you want a good 1v1 game imo
You're not bad, but you're not good. If you just assume everyone who does better than you carried you and everyone who does worse is retarded, you don't have the right mentality (unless you're ex-pro or high-Challenger and you literally are the reason your team wins every game)

Especially in solo que.. if you don't expect to solo carry or at least work with one other guy doing not horribly to win the game, you already fucked up
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