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http://store.steampowered.com/app/2 18620/PAYDAY_2/ PAYDAY 2

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Thread replies: 180
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fucking terrible game, but I guess I take it
The only game I've had removed from my steam account. I'm not adding it back. Fuck Overkill.
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>never played before
>claim a free copy because why not
>read all the salty comments from people who bought the game
i had fun with it during a previous free weekend, but try not to buy anything that still has paid DLC releasing. i'll take this free copy, i guess, but probably won't even install it. probably this is a trial run for going full free-to-play, anyway.
You can easily pirate the DLC anyways.
It's a genuinely great game with ridiculous amounts of content and replay value. I've never understood why people bitch about the devs giving it good updates; and yes, I own like 80% of all DLC.
It's a fantastic coop shooter.
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>$200+ in dlc
>Cop Genocide simulator
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Is Jacket free or does it come in the Hotline Miami dlc?
>ridiculous amounts of content*

*sold seperately
Yes it does.
now that were talking about f2p games

how about DCU online? seems fun but is it worth playing? need something after im done with DS3
>still caring about hotline meymey

*tips fedora*
>admitting to making more profit off the DLC than the main game.
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oh boy, free garbage
All DLC has been taken off Steam store.
If you want DLC you haven't already baught you will have to get all of it in a GOTY thing.
It always crashes when I play
trust me, I would love to be wrong and have it run, but it just keeps crashing
>Game is currently free on steam
>Nintendo plans on charging full price for it on their outdated toaster
And this is how the Third Party support for the Switch dies
because they directly contravened an explicit promise to not put a specific type of DLC in the game (things that split the game experience, iirc). stating that 'if that ever happens it should be taken as a sign that the company is actually dead' (they had been acquired or something right around that time).
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>installed 1
>went blind expecting a stealth game or at least stealth routes
>2 minutes into the intro stage
Is 2 just the same shit?
nintendo wins again
Yes, but almost every mission can be done stealth if you don't suck

It's a mediocre game.
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>muh PC can't run a 2013 game
>it must be the OS!
My point still stands.
Almost all the heists in 2 give you the option to stealth the whole thing and actually rewards you for completely stealthing a heist if you can.
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>582 achievements
There are mods to even make the loud only missions have stealth
you need HM2 deluxe edition to get Jacket in PD2
Too bad the game is fucking garbage, the devs are the biggest fucking jew's who refuse to listen to the community
there are a handful of stealth-only missions which are impossible if you're pubbing with randos. in particular there's a cool car heist mission that basically only works if three of the players just wait outside the dealership for most of it.
Stealth HoxOut must be retarded.
>try to play a game
>connection error with host
>spend more time trying to find a game than actually playing one

might have gotten better now and it's free so who knows. this is also the reason i never bought Dead by Daylight, i knew it'd have the same problem.

>inb4 huuur ur internet!
payday 2 is the only fucking game that has this problem.
>I run it at 160 fps
>just randomly freezes and dumps me back to the desktop
Reminder a $60 switch version is coming out months from now lol
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>Supporting these Jews
Are you serious
what? so it's impossible to access any DLC now?
Why bother with Payday if you have Siege?
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Hey snowflake ever though about googling about this problem and maybe trying to fix it instead of putting the blame on everyone else?
Maybe if you weren't new you would know that some people have problems with games even if the majority doesn't.
>projecting this hard
>getting this butt blasted for no good reason
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have you tried stopping all background processes
updating or rolling back drivers and, you know
turning your PC on and off again
They'd have to pay me to play this shit.
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Why do they insist on making console versions if they REFUSE TO UPDATE THEM AND PATCH BUGS

In addition, the game is programmed very poorly. If the game has issues running smoothly on PC, PS4, and Xbox, what makes them think they can make it run smooth on The Switch?
Who gives a fuck about payday 2 being free, I want to hear about the fucking vr support.
Fuck do i care, you're the one missing out on a decent game
Just sayin you won't get far in life by blaming everyone else and without trying to fix your own shit
Reminder they still haven't patched the console versions and they have barebones content.
I think i paid like 5 canadian dollars for this game. Its not very good, youll get maybe 8hours of enjoyment out of it but after that its just tedious and cod style endless running and gunning
Makes since. We know Payday 3 is coming, so they probably just want to get the base game out there so they can make good upgrade sales on the Ultimate Edition. I'm pretty sure Payday 1 was also free for some time as well.
Played the game since release, bought every dlc up until the microtransaction cs go type cases were added along side an animation overhaul that completely ruined the satisfaction of melee weapons like the katana and knife... Deleted the game a day later and have since longed for how things used to be... But, alas, will never return to its mvp level.... Much like poor oll D. Rose.
maybe you should just switch to consoles
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Wait they also removed all the DLC from the steam store?
It's a pretty based move if you ask me.
So do old owners get anything?
>PAYDAY 2 is free until the Ultimate Edition is released or until supplies run out.
>All PAYDAY DLC's have been removed from the store until the Ultimate Edition is released.
A fat dicking
so you'd have to rebuy the game with all the DLC to actually access it now?
Is this a permanent thing?
I don't have a computer at the moment to play it on, but can I add it to my library without having to pay for it later?
>so you'd have to rebuy the game with all the DLC to actually access it now?
No idea,just quoting the news release
only 5 mil copies
To summarize all this:

>PD2 had shitton of DLC
>Today they remove all DLC from store and package it in an ultimate edition for $45
>You can only buy the ultimate or base game now
>ultimate edition price depends on how much DLC you already have
>after this every single DLC will be free regardless of what version you have
>base game +future DLC are completely free right now

I'd say go for it, especially if you have friends. They fucked up bad with the money gouging but they've been steadily making up for it ever since they broke off from their parent company. They're supporting it till october next year, maybe longer.
they will give away games to the first 5 million people who claim it
Lmfao. This will be such a good shitstorm to follow. Plus, it will generate good videos of Nintenbros autistically talking on the mic.
dont click this link it's a phishing url
The DLC never seemed worth it because you still had to unlock it and buy it with ingame currency.
Woah damn, thanks OP. I would never pay money for this piece of shit game and never play it even if it was given to me for free but I'll definitely claim a permanent copy, cheers.
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fuck of almir and fuck that bug riddled shit fest you call a video game
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The game's honestly not bad as it is right now.
It went through a long period of being absolutely shit, I'll admit that. Bad heists, microtransactions, poor weapon balancing, stuff like that. But since that period they've been making it up and the game's gone back to being fun. Better balancing (in the sense that pistols aren't the only good thing now), better heists, and no more microtransactions.
It's free, might as well pick it up as it is now, especially when any other DLC will be free.
Anyone bitter ITT either has not played the game or hasn't tried it since they made it better.
IIRC if you want the DLC you have to buy the Ultimate edition, which has all the previous DLC included in the base game, since all future DLC and updates will be free. If you're missing any of the DLC you can "upgrade" to the Ultimate edition for a reduced price depending on how much you're missing.
dead game
>Game release
>90% of the weapons were not viable at all on overkill difficulty
>Technician tree almost completely useless
>Silencer skills completely useless
2013 were fun times
Man don't know about you salty fucks but I love me some free games. No matter, probably just consolecucks crying about getting cucked all the time. Hah, cuckaroos.
Highly recommend the Microsoft Jacket mod for anyone who's picking it up.
There is nothing wrong with what he says. Pandering to horny 13 year olds can stay in their own games.
It has a 10,000 30 day player average.
That's 100 times the amount of people playing Battleborn
Thankfully they've fixed basically all those issues. Silencer skills are a must have on higher difficulties to get over the damage threshold for one shotting enemies, and the usability of weapons is a lot better. Pistols, shotguns, grenade launchers, snipers, and certain assault rifles are all viable now among some other weapons.
Technician Tree is still a little weak, but drill skills are always nice and Jack of all Trades is a great Stealth skill.
I guess I'm claiming it, even though I haven't used steam in well over 2 years.
Knowing them, they did this in advance of the summer sale so that people wouldn't just get all the content on the cheap.
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>got the first game for free
>never played it
>get the second game for free
>very likely won't ever play it as well

Thanks I guess.
It being free still doesn't put it close to it being worth the asking price.
Actually they had all their DLC on sale for 85% off for like a month until a few hours ago.
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>tfw i was an idiot and wasted around 30 bucks on payday 2 dlc
>ultimate edition about to release
>game now free
Never buy dlc.
They're doing it so people who already have the game can get any missing DLC for dirt cheap while anyone who doesn't have the game can buy the Ultimate Edition. They're trying to make it more fair, I guess.
Might as well stuff my library, the community any good?
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>game based on the movie HEAT
you can go stealth, no problem, but there is a reason why it is called Police genocide simulator
If you find the right people. Just like any game, really.
Is it just the vanilla game? No DLCs?
Does CreamAPI work?
A fair chunk of the community is veterans but they're usually not the shitty kind of veterans. Your biggest issue is a strict game host.
I've seen veterans join new player hosted games and literally do everything for them without questioning it
>Cops lack any form of tactics, they just bumrush you
Why are people playing this again?
pubs are ok for anything that isn't above very hard or stealth. Other than that it's pure cancer, but you have your exceptions.
at least 80% of the community is brainless idiots or [ClanName] tryhards

you can usually avoid those if you host your own games and put on a level limit
isa bag of chocolates really, you don't know what the other 3 players could be.
The free part is only the base game though. To get the dlc and other crap, you now have to buy the ultimate edition
Not too bad. Just dont join lobbies that are on the highest difficulty where you are expected to know what to do
Better yet, you can always play with friends, its the most fun that way

Same old then, thanks anons.
play on deathwish like everyone else.
Most people mod and can see if you are a total fucking shitter as soon as you join

Expect people to stalk your profile to see how much you suck and if you cheat, also shit on you for having a private profile and then get kicked
>I've seen veterans join new player hosted games and literally do everything for them without questioning it
I do this a lot actually. I don't know why.
Also people who host and run DLC heists since you can play them as long as the host has it, although it's a moot point now for anyone buying the ultimate edition unless you're still missing dlc and don't upgrade.
That's a pretty shitty community..

What's the meta now?

I remember when I played it was suit and always sprinting for max dodge and either run a modded CAR4 or whatever the fuck the strongest sniper was for the big guys and a Loco as your secondary.

Are the other viable loadouts/builds?
>In co-op shooter
Got one. Thanks for the heads up.
Depends on what difficulty you play on, you can get away with pretty much anything Mayhem and under. Most people stealth deathwish and one down, but there are a few mastermind builds that can do it loud.
Yeah its a horrible community, blame OVK for not giving a fuck and actually slapping faggots, and modders making it shit for everyone being turbo autists and try hards using huds and bullshit to make the game actually easier, also MUH UNLOCKER faggots crying about everything
That's pretty much the same everywhere though, I still get kicked on a regular basis in l4d for having a private profile.
Pretty much anything is viable outside of the "One Down" difficulty
I remember a while ago the meta was Dodge suit with triple silenced Desert Eagles
Anarchist armor builds work until One Down. But One Down is stupidly hard so barely anything works on that difficulty.
But Deathwish down you can run a lot of different builds.
Thanks broseph
Buddy and I have dropped hundreds of hours in this, stealthing heists is so much fun. Even soloing them is fun if you don't have a vidya bro to play with.

Pubs sound awful but playing with someone you know and can communicate with makes it easily one of my favorite coop games.
desu on L4D/L4D2 you get kicked for anything
>He never had to experience the shit that was Payday 2's meta-build discussions
Because of the way the skill trees and bonuses apply and work there were builds and perks that were outright better than others, and if you didn't have one specific perk specced or w/e you could cost the heist or even get kicked before the game started because people cared that much.
Nowadays it isn't so bad.
>619 items of DLC

>none of it free

fuck off
Want to know what everyone on the game says?

Stop being poor
>mistaking the news view tab for the DLC view tab
Holy fuck how are you this retarded
I've never played it but from an outsider, it just sounds like your typical elitist group of dedicated players keeping the game alive, and probably from a player's perspective, they just want to make sure they have a teammate who knows what they have to do in a level without them holding your hand.
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I figured they'd have a dlc sale for their 200+ dollars of bullshit, but it's N/A, what the fuck
>here have our game for F R E E goys uh i mean guys haha
>disregard this novel worth of text full of nickel and diming
>it's not even available anymore
that's some scum shit right there, I bet they'll make a ton of money off of this "free" game
I'm pretty sure they're toying with going free to play at this point, they're jewish as hell but know nobody is going to buy a game this old these days but they can still sell dlc to free users.
someone said you can pirate the dlc and it works
ALL the DLC was at 85% for like, 3 weeks I think

If you own NOTHING then all the DLC is going to be 45 dollarydoos
There's 619 news articles. That idiot thought the view tab for news was the DLC tab.
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They actually say

Just use the unlocker faggot the game has no anti cheat
I had fun with it back when it first released, but my understanding is that it's absolutely unplayable without friends. And the DLC is a problem, no matter how you word it, it's way too demanding on your wallet.
t. poor
Won't I get banned from steam for "Stealing"?
Lel same thing happened with Chivalry a couple months ago
They did. Like for a whole month before today.
It was 85% off too.
Are they not releasing patches alongside the new content packs?
no, you'll get banned from their pd2 steam community if they somehow find out
unlocking DLC actually marks you in-game as cheater, but apart from being auto-kicked from some servers they do absolutely nothing and the moment you stop using it the brand is removed anyway.
PD2 has no VAC
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>the base game is free
>the DLCs are unavailable to buy
>meanwhile DCL unlocker mod works
the last squeeze
all dlcs are 45$
They are just not sold until their definitive edition comes out, and it will reduce its price based on dlcs you own.
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>Butthurt comments already flowing in on the steam page.

Glad I held off for so long. Now I get to play, the community will be packed, and I didn't have to pay a time.
>Rob a bank
I haven't played the game in 3 years. Is it worth reinstalling? What's changed besides having a lot of new content?
New game
Same old people

Just play the fucking game
Vanilla gameplay is boring as hell
Mods make it actually fun, like unfucking the cops
But every update they made just makes mods unstable, because Overkill have literally no idea how to make a game right, so nothing works reliably.
So you get to enjoy retarded cops that think very slowly for performance reasons
And then you get cops on harder difficulties spawn in greater numbers, bringing the framerate down, so they think EVEN LESS.
So Overkill makes them harder to beat by rigging the stats into an absurd state of artificial difficulty.
And then balance skill trees and weapons around that so you have to e.g. have silenced weapons to do more damage on headshots than unsilenced weapons, which also have to be accurate for headshots since bodyshots are rarely worth shit.

They managed to make bodyshotting meta a little bit kinda, by adding the headshot multiplier to bodyshots. They nerfed that though, so harder difficulties having bloated HP values and spammy cop spawns makes it almost back to square one.

All they had to do was not fuck over modders, and they could make it a much better game with even custom content. But Overkill are too obsessed with movie tie-in DLC and their prestige/progression system of bullshit that doesn't have any god damn relation to the core gameplay. One of their biggest updates lately was to give an excuse to play heists you were going to play anyway, for currency to do the equivalent of just fucking modding your game.
that's literally the most popular heist, robbing a bank stealthly.
is it free for a limited time? or free forever?

I don't have to add it to my acc right now? do I?
5m copies or until they release jewtimate edition
How come there was literally no promotion of this?
I'm online at least 10 hours/day with Steam always visible on either of my monitors, and there was never a popup until literally ten minutes AFTER the "last hour" event ended.
Any of you fuckers about to play the game? im in the mood to play with people of 4chan.
There was a promotion, they literally made an announcement on both Steam and their website

Rest assured, the only people retarded enough to play this game frequent 4chan.

It's almost a guarantee, seriously.
You need to post your profile for that :^)
you think console players use MICS?
you obviously don't play console FPS

t. i own everything, omega race
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>mfw used to play the shit out of the PS3 version
>mfw can't wait to get kicked by just existing
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>Joining to a public random game mid heist
>Get to loudout screen
>Kicked by the host before I can even move my mouse
Make your game private if you want to fuckabout or farm achievements with your friend.
>tfw you constantly buy things and they go f2p
Shoulda waited years
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>Now own both Payday games I got for free
>Will never play them.
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Could they have fucked it up any bigger?
what are other games I can get for free on steam
sauce on image?
just go to isthereanydeal.com and subscribe to giveaways. The website is very useful.
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it's a spic cartoon called legend quest on netflix
>and it will reduce its price based on dlcs you own.

If this is true then i am ok with this.
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>Paragon new hero
>Paladins new champ
>Battleborn free
>Payday free

This week has been really good to poorfags
You need to get the Deluxe edition of Hotline Miami 2.
how do you avoid being flagged as a cheater if you pirate the dlc
get a job and buy the DLC
>Overwatch has double XP weekend when Battleborn goes free to play

Blizzard is just cruel. Fuck Randy though.
All games on steam that have GOTY edition or any DLC packs get their price reduced if you own one of the DLCs from the pack. However, I'm not sure if it reduces the whole price of the specific DLC.
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>people can't afford 5-7 bucks

How the fuck do you people even play video games. I know Overkill are massive kikes, but what the fuck. If that's too expensive, find another hobby.
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In case you are retarded, free DLC unlocker exists. You won't be able to join pubs but you can still host
>You can be a turbo austic if you host and play "with friends that dont exist but I use this as an excuse"
>inb4 but pubs are shit
Stop being poor faggot, actual friends would ditch your for being retarded
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still don't understand how it got popular, all you do is hold the trigger for the whole game literally doing nothing
What do you do when you run out of ammo, smart guy?
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Hey fags guess what? bots now give you passive bonus like more armor, or speed, or more ammo pickups and all that stuff, no reason to play with pubs anymore beside achievements of 4 players, so get the game for free and install the dlc unlocker.
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>boring as hell
>mods to unfuck the cops

>playing loud
>not carefully and methodically sneaking through every possible heist

Anyone actually playing this game as a shooter is doing it wrong.
Enjoyed my time on ps4. Too much paid DLC though. The sheer amount is confusing.
Been meaning to get back into it
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>tfw the only one of my friends that still play this garbage
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>absolutely loved payday 2 about 4 years ago, would play every day with a few friends i met online, always had a good time with
>the jewery starts and the meta gets assfucked right before and during the addition of safes
>we all quit, drift apart
>still talk from time to time, but dont really play anything anymore
>check payday 2 out again recently, a lot of the game has been unfucked but the damage has already been done
>now this shit with the "payday 2 goty edition" starts
when will this suffering end
>5-7 bucks
That's per dlc. The total price will be more like $45, and while I can afford that, I refuse to pay that much for fucking weapon and mask packs.
I'd buy it for like $5.
The moment you pull that trigger.
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