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>unforgivably shit tier Orcs Nords Redguard >shit tier

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>unforgivably shit tier
>shit tier
>mid tier
Wood elf
>high tier
Dark elves
>god tier
High elves
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>>god tier
>High elves
Are Nords the niggers of tamriel?
Nah, they're the snownigger (vikings) of skyrim.
>start genociding everyone for no reason after you blew up your retarded continent
No, the niggers of Tamriel are the niggers of Tamriel
>shit tier
nigger if you are playing skyrim, the
re is no other
race to choose.
Virtually every dungeon is full of frost magic dragur and nords have natural resistance.
Nord 1h shield main since morrowind here.

In ESO argonian and nigerguards are the best for stam dps

High elves are fags, only goon in a TES game if you are going full on no weapon and magic
They're worse than the niggers.
Reminder that there are only 8 Divines.
Found the nigger
You mean Eight and One
Fuck that "and One" new age shit.
t. elf scum
what's this eight and one shit?
The Prophet from the addon calls them "The Eight and One"
What addon?
Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC?
> Oblivion screenshot
> Breton - "Mid tier"
> 50% base magic resistance
> Nigga you srs?
>wanting to play as a literal cuck race

Bredtons are just half ass elvish breed pigs. If you want an all rounder your much better off going dark elf not some faggot ass BREDton homie
The Knights of the Nine
didnt bother with oblivion's expacs
base game was shit enough so i didnt know
>Shit Tier
>Bad Tier
High Elves
Dark Elves
>Ok Tier
Wood Elves
>Good Tier
Basketball Americans
>god tier
>high tier
>mid tier
>shit tier
>neck yourself fag
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>putting redguards on the same level as men
>this much bad taste

Found the sky rim fan boy
Almost perfect taste but argonian are god tier and dunmer are shit trash
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Not having Bosmer in the lowest tier is disingenuous. They're a joke race.

Also, Men did become living gods too. It was kind of a thing they did.
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>Likes faggy fantasy races in their fantasy videogame
>tfw really like argonians but always get called a fucking scaley or some shit
god damn I just think having your homeland being near unconquerable and having a tree that can give you a huge amount of power is fucking cool
>god damn I just think having your homeland being near unconquerable and having a tree that can give you a huge amount of power is fucking cool

Fuck up faggot
Have you heard of the high elves?
People who chose fur or scale are usually pedofiles
>pathetic midgets who are just pawns of the altmer

Bosmer are worst race.
That's quite a leap

You mean they're gay men who primarily fantasize about being fucked by muscular lizards with huge dicks.
What? I didn't even post an image, or seen the show if that's what you're talking about.
>based nords on the same level as the niggers
back to /leddit/
Nah there's definitely a noticeable pattern there. Fur and scale avatars always have some sort of sick and twisted perversion it's part in parcel of being an animal faggot
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>god damn I just think having your homeland being near unconquerable and having a tree that can give you a huge amount of power is fucking cool
someone has the pic with the dude holding their races flags?

>elf fag
>thinking he can speak
>snowniggers not on the same level as niggers
back to /nupol/
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Dont you see elven supremacy is the only truth!
You have to go back

>steal dwemer technology
>use it to become gods
>credit your own race

Filthy Dunmer faggots lying again.
>likes fantasy characters
>in a fantasy game
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>Tiber Septim was a nord
>People think other races matter
So why is every mexicat and lizard either a thief or a drug dealer?
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This fucking faggot, this Bosmer scum, is enough to make me hate the entire race.
>tfw Tiber Septim was actually a dirty elven half-breed
>Worshiping a false god
Disgusting Nord barbarians
What's wrong with that?
Dwemer were dumbass faggots

>calling him by his stage name

His name is Talos!
Dunmer are cheating because they're MK's favourite so they got the most interesting development before he fucked off to Tumblr.
>this heretic again
You already got btfo last thread

Well, it's not a credit to Dunmer that the Triumvirate stole shit, threw their buddy Dagoth Ur under the bus, and then lied to their people for centuries about being gods when they were really just greedy pieces of shit.

Also, the dunmer were originally chimer, and were punished for their misdeeds. Dark Elves are shit, face it.
To top it off Vivec and the Tribunal were Chimer
Why doesn't Kirkbride go back to Bethesda?
He seems to spend all his time writing tes shit anyway
>denying the truth
Talos is a Breton
Because Bethesda doesn't want to program in his dumb shit and won't let him go really nuts with it
>adoring fan

Lots of Bosmer with brain problems.
Beast races belong in the oven.
>denying the actual truth
Talos was a god the whole time and just playing a joke on the mortals, just like the many stories of Zeus fucking with people.
"The exact race of Tiber Septim is unknown, but what is known is that he was not a Mer or Beastfolk, but a subspecies of Men. If the statement that he is from Alcaire is true, then he was most likely a Breton. Kyne also refers to him as a "manmer," and Bretons are both man and mer. Tiber Septim was also famous for his hatred towards Orsimer like many other Bretons." He was a Breton, accept it.
Is that why they made c0da canon as well as the towers?
Because the esoteric TES lore doesn't attract normies.
After he acsended to Talos, he retro mantled himself into a Nord.
Because it sounds about as logical as the rest of the Elder Scrolls lore
Dunmer ARE Chimer, and are different precisely thanks to the actions of the tribunals.
>shit tier
>bad tier
wood elf
>good tier
dark elf
high elf
>god tier
In Obrivion?
Elves had shitty, overused voices.
Khajiit/Argonian and Nord/Orc voices were great, but also fairly overused (female Orcs/Nords could have been a bit grittier, too, I guess).

In terms of player race power... Who gives a shit? I played Dark Elf in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, other than my latest Skyrim character (a Khajiit that I created because it's easier to make a decent cat-man than anything with a human-looking face in these games).
literally never played an orc in a elder scrolls game
always make whoever looks the most like a white caucasian
Redguards should have been made to look Middle Eastern due to their desert homeland; there should have been no nignog race (or it should have been based in a savannah grassland and/or jungle area).
If he wasn't a Breton, he was Imperial.
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>Playing as anything other than a lizard nigger and magic lightsaber nigger
>Playing as a snow nigger or ash nigger

Cyrodiil was the jungle area you're talking about, but apparently that was just a translation error.
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TALOS is complex.
Not as complex as my motives.
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Colovians were kind of nigg-ish in appearance.
They're not originally from the desert, they ruined their home continent
Reminder that Redguards are literal Pirate Samurai and that the Kahjiit are thieving niggers
Around cats watch your backs

MK specifically said he based them off black power movements or something like that.
No they're the Muslims of Tamriel
I feel bad for Zurin, no one even remembers him.
>you can be a black nord
>you can't be a white redguard

really makes you think...
Even in video games the nords are cuckolds havahabahahhahahaah
Dont forget fargoth.
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leads to
Makes sense now. Thanks.
I like Khajit. Nowhere else does canon of the race align so perfect with my own playstyle, stealing everything you can, going for maximum profit options and using shitloads of substances for buffs.
so... you're a nigger drug addict... right?
Games are for doing stuff you wouldn't do in real life.
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>>shit tier
>Wood elf
>High elves

>>god tier
>Dark elves
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My N'wah
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Why would Argonians NOT be God-tier?
>4k health, stamina and magicka every time you sip a potion ON TOP of w/e the potion gave you
>Extreme swimming speed
>Huge amounts of extra health and disease resistance like holy shit you never die
>A bit extra magicka because why not
>Extra healing taken AND given
>Protected from entering the Dreamsleeve, the Hist have you covered senpai
>Can speak Jel, closest speech to thought
>Almost all interracial relationships are between a female dunmer and male argonian
N'chow s'wit
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you're a man of taste, i like you serjo
They literally can't do shit outside of their homeland.
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Kick the imperials from God tier and you're pretty close to having the perfect chart
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>implying Rednogs could inherit the glory of Pepe and Kek
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most accurate name for a character ever
>God tier
>High Tier
>Mid Tier
>Low Tier
>all these people rating altmer as lowest when they are objectively the perfect race
>Ash Nigger
>The Dunmer (Elder Scrolls) are based off the Drow (Dungeons and Dragons) that are based off the Dökkálfar. (Norse Mythology)

Learn yo elfish history, fool!

He was an Atmoran/Colovian with probably some Breton in him.

IE he was an Imperial.
didn't you do this the other day. you called it nigger tier ya little pinko
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Stealth archers are god tier
reminder that dunmer are based on poo in the loos
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daedra prince comming through

how does it feel that all of your races got cucked out of their facial hair in the entire cyrodiil province?

the mad god strikes again
go back to play with your pagan traditions and mortal bodies
>Facial hair slider makes your skin purple
Ive been mad godded again
top kek where my fellow orsimers at these tier lists are shit
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Are we posting tier lists?
Your species is the result of your god Being shat-out, if that's not literal shit-tier, IDK what is.
Jesus fuck this is what the cities look like? I played through Oblivion with mods and the cities looked so much better.

Also which one is bottom right?

Looks like Skingrad.
>Implying Redguards, Orcs, and Nords don't belong on the lowest tier
Move Argonians up to god tier
Move dirty imperials down to shit tier.
Empire lost its purpose after the Septims kicked the bucket.
>Dunmer and Argonian at the top
as it should be
>are white people the niggers

Stopped reading right there
Why would you have fucking beastmen that got created by a fucking talking tree up there with the glorious god-race, the dunmer.
>god tier
>high elves

*uses magic in ur general vicinity*
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That's redguard dumb ass, they're both the niggers and mudslimes of tamriel
>high e*ves are good at magic
>however they are more vulnerable to their greatest attribute
so this... is the power of the... master race...
I feel like the redguard don't get enough credit. They had figured out tonal magic almost to the level of the dwemer, and actually came out alive when they goofed a spell. wiping a continent from existence in the meanwhile, mind you, but still.
Throws shit out.... but can't take it.
Yeah, masterrace whatever Altfag
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So what was the dwemer's goal once they merged themselves with the Numidium? They clearly didn't hold any regard for their reality, were they just going to trot around causing dragon breaks until shit made sense to them?
it says bodyguard from RIHAD you retard
Hating Redguard is a meme due to them being the only black people in the setting and became impossible to talk about ever since the KANGZ meme took off. They're by far the best humans in the setting.
>/v/tards just now learning that niggers can be mudslimes
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>best humans
>Not Imperials, who are basically the Romans of the setting
They're actually based on arabs, anon.
Blacks aren't in the game, as they haven't achieved a culture outside of it.
God tier:

Mid tier:
Other humans

Low tier:

Fetid diarrhea tier:
Faggot elves
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>nufag learning there's a difference between nigger and sandnigger
>everyone hates Khajit

What's a better class if I want to run around and be a thief? As far as I'm aware, Khajit is best for that.
Imperials are literally just generic humans. They didn't even build their own empire, the Nords did.
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Isn't it implied that redguards aren't even human (in the same sense as imperials and nords), as they don't share a similar origin?
>enables the eternal yellow skins
>even worse the empire still exists after the dragonblood emperors died off
>god tier is composed of elven rape babies
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, they literally have the lowest intelligence.

Colovians are the only white race in Tamriel, getting the few good traits out of the Nordic gene pool along with all of the best Nedic traits.
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>Retard not realizing that there are mudslimes that aren't sandniggers
t. receding hairline
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I guess that means lizards are WHOMST'D'VE'LY'YAINT'NT'ED'IES'S'Y'ES tier, then?
>faggot tier
>half faggot tier
>better make it like tolkien tier
>ruined one continent already tier
>if I yell hard enough that cloud will go away tier
>dirty drug addict criminals tier
cats and lizards
>boring tier
>treacherous faggots that are so shit they deserve to be seperated from the normal faggot tier
On a mundane level Yokuda was just an island off the coast of Tamriel that sank due to earthquakes or eruptions that may or may not have been caused by the Redguard. In which case they're totally human.

On the bullshit metaphysical time theory some of Kirkbride's stuff implied they're time traveling humans using tonal sword magic to skip forward in time to the present and thus avoiding the destruction of the kalpa.
>they literally have the lowest intelligence.

It's equal with Redguards. Stat-wise it's

Altmer = Breton > Argonian > Imperial = Khajiit = Dunmer = Bosmer > Orc > Nord = Redguard

Intelligence in lore is

Altmer >>>>>>>>>>>> Dunmer >>>>> non-sapient animals >>>> the other "races"
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argonians are not listed for the same reason that rats, goblins, guar, etc. aren't listed

what about sload tho
Shit. I forgot that they were just Ayleid slaves. They're the closest thing to niggers other than maybe the Redguards.
Bretons are the only decent human race, other than possibly the Akaviri. Nords were just Tiber's tools.
>tfw TES will always have unkillable NPC's
>tfw Bethesda will never let you commit genocide
>tfw you will never systematically pure tamriel and exterminate all non humans
Bretons are literally just magical house niggers. They got raped by Ayleids for centuries before the Nords chimped out and killed all the really elvish looking people. Then the Nords left and all the shit hit the fan resulting in dorks like the Forsworn running around half naked and worshiping fucking Hag Ravens of all things.

Before the Miracle of Peace Breton is essentially a shitty war torn nation of a 2 dozen different factions all in a constant dick waving constests that didn't get fixed until time had an aneurysm. That means God literally had to forget how reality worked for a while for the Bretons to even come close to not being useless
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>faggot learning that mudslimes is used to describe all middle easterners and not just muslims
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It's your own fault for throwing money at the inferior RPG.
there is nothing wrong with this I'm a scatman
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You're saying that the humans that are closest to being Mer aren't the best humans.
That's retarded, because Mer>Men. The Thalmor are simply reinforcing the natural order because the Bosmer are retarded/high out of their minds and the Dunmer were shrekt by a natural disaster.
>Tardling doesn't know that there are Muslims outside of the Middle East
God Tier:

Not God Tier:

Race war when?

Bretons are a shit race. The only reason they're liked at all is because the passive magic resist in Oblivion is the best racial trait.
Khajit nude mods or go home
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>orcs not best tier
shit taste
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>On the bullshit metaphysical time theory some of Kirkbride's stuff implied they're time traveling humans using tonal sword magic to skip forward in time to the present and thus avoiding the destruction of the kalpa.
In the 1998 game "Redguard" you can talk to a couple Yokudans (basically the Redguard equivalent of Ashlanders as opposed to metropolitan Crowns and Forebears) that were exiled from the main town, and this line in particular was interesting when considering that idea. It seems that the distinction between present and future in their language is vague or ill-defined.

That's not what TES Orcs look like you weeb shit.
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>"people" who actually think the buttmonkeys of Tamriel are anything more than a race, let alone a stronk race
The best NPC in Elder Scroll history was a Breton.
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He very well could be, but his race was never clearly stated now that I think about it. Keep in mind that Oblivion and ESO are non-canon when it comes to this character.
The only Mer worth a shit were the Dwemer, who mastered tonal architecture and were closing in on unravelling this whole fake-ass god dream before tragically disappearing. The Altmer are too busy obsessing over trying to be the Aldmer and masturbating to their Auriel dakimakuras to realize that by this point if they were to destroy the towers and thus Aurbis they'd die like every other race except maybe the argonians with their alien trees.
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>Implying M'aiq wasn't the best NPC in Elder Scrolls history
You could've at least claimed Lucien Lachance, the Grey Fox, or the generic Ordinator, but nooooo
That's not even weebshit m8
>Inbred mongoloid discovering the fact that they're still called sandniggers and mudslimes regardless if they're in the middle east or if they're muslim
vampires identify more as a vampire than they identify as their birth race
>Divayth Fyr was a Breton
Hold up, I'm not well versed in all the "weird" lore so can you please explain how that works?
sload aren't real
have you ever seen a sload?
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By your claim, that makes Dwemer the best race, then, and they're closer to Aldmer than men, obviously.
Tiber becoming an Aedra is the best that men can boast of.
>Untermensch thinking that niggers and sandniggers are the same thing— making the term "sandniggers" obsolete
Say that again you High Elf fucker, I will literally eat you up and shit you out as an Orc.

Except for those annoying fuckers in Dawnguard who have a rivalry because one is an Altmer vampire and the other is a Nord vampire.
>he didn't bother with the best expansions in the series
>god tier
>shit tier
everyone else
Yes, but the Dwemer being best race has literally nothing to do with them being Mer, as their mastery over tonal architecture came entirely by virtue of their fedora tipping abilities.

The best the other Mer can claim is having their power wax and wane like literally every other race in the series.
anyone have that stealth archer pic
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>Hey can I ask a question?
>What is...
>Get memorized encyclopedia entries given to you
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>memorized encyclopedia entries
>short paragraph
Take your fucking pills.
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Thanks for reminding everyone that Daedra are better than any of the playable races, regardless of these shit-tier tier lists.
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>implying fedora-tipping isn't tied to intelligence, which is tied to elvishness in almost every fantasy setting since Tolkien, and often farther back than that
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>It's entirely natural for a person's response in a conversation to last 5 minutes of doing nothing but reciting facts
That could apply to a lot of Morrowind's generic dialogue but that's not even fucking close in that example. Those are clearly highly opinionated statements disparaging the lesser races. That's exactly what I'd expect a Dunmer noble like her to say when asked what she thought of them.

Is >>379346707 a memorized encyclopedia entry too? His post reads exactly the same and is of the same length.
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So, wich one of the main characters is the strongest and why is the Nerevarine?
>Eternal Champion
>The Hero of Daggerfall
>The Nerevarine
>The Hero of Kvatch
>The last Dragonborn
>The Vestige
And why is the Dragonborn the weakest one?
Clearly not in Elder scrolls, otherwise the Dwemer wouldn't unrivaled in their knowledge of the god dream among the races, with the only close challengers being a mary sue nordperialeton who's been muddied by kalpas and a dark elf who stole someone else's godhood and had to suck the information out of a daedra's dick.
holy shit, i always thought it was an exaggeration but the people who hate on morrowind really do just not read anything
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>disregards Argonians, but brings up Sload
Sload are the most out-there, ayy-lmao type sentient race in the series. Sure, they seem intelligent in their own way, but their inability to due much of... Anything (other than the Thrassian plague and annoying the Altmer), though that may be largely due to Bethesda not wanting to write more about hideous slug-freaks.
I'd love to play as one.
>Implying reading isn't for fags

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[shitposting fucktouples].gif
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>the people who hate on Morrowind really do just not read anything
Yeah, pretty much
Case in point and/or bait
many keks
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The Hero of Kvatch has effectively become a Daedric Prince.
There's not really a tier above Sheogorath and his fellow Daedric Princes, unless we're talking about ancient creation myths.
I always play Redguard.
Sword and board and adrenaline rush for life.
Honestly the strongest is probably The Hero of Kvatch simply because he mantled people twice (though I do find it hilarious how in the expanded lore he was trying to mantle Pelinal who was trying to mantle him) and became Sheogorath who might be the strongest prince.

The weakest is either Eternal Champion or Hero of Daggerfall (The Agent).

It might honestly be Eternal Champion. He was pretty much a nobody and while he rose to become the leader of he military and is clearly a mighty warrior he is dead or missing by the time of oblivion (though maybe he was just old).

The hero of daggerfall was supposed to be the best agent the blades had and only non-promoted because they wanted to keep sending them out on missions.
>Sload are the most out-there, ayy-lmao type sentient race in the series.

You mean they're the most out-there, irrelevant sapient race in the series.
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That's an entire race of Mer and one literal god (even if Vivec did steal godhood) versus one Mary Sue Nord.
You're not really disproving the idea of Mer being more intelligent or superior in general, if only through their one subrace that fedora-tipped their way out of the Matrix.
Mantling a daedric prince is no mean feat, so first and foremost I'd say it's the hero of kvatch. Next is the dragonborn; thuum may be garbage in the game but it can't be understated how powerful that is lorewise. I mean, a direct link to the tonal architecture of the universe, a fragment of akatosh's soul, with whatever the fuck Hermaeus mora gives you at the end of Dragonborn as the cherry on top.
Even though morrowind did the best job of letting you feel powerful as a game, the Nerevarine isn't all that powerful lorewise, certainly not on the level of a walking divine intervention sent by the time god or a literal daedric prince.
>Praising broken autistic mechanics as good
Seriously, stop this shit. There's lots of things Morrowind did good. Lots of things that were poor game design choices. One of them being dialogue. Asking someone a question and then getting exposition dumped on you like no tomorrow is both terrible writing and a bad game design choice. What it should give you, is lore in smaller chunks. Don't care about what is being said? Then just leave. Want to hear me? Ask them to continue. Not only is this more natural and not on the spectrum behavior, but aids in roleplaying.
What are the essential Oblivion mods?
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>an ignoramus completely flip flopping the arguments because he realized he's wrong
Because if their intelligence had anything to do with their mer-dom, the other mer races would easily be able to follow in their footsteps. The only other elf that came close literally used his bussy to fuck it out of molag bal, rather than coming to it by his own intelligence. (compare to talos, who didn't suck daedra cock for the information and used it to even greater effect, while being human).

Instead the """""high""""" elves are too busy autistically screeching about the divines and destroying towers to even come close to the achievements of their so claimed "Mer brothers".
Nobody's defended Morrowind's dialogue system in this thread. They just mocked a guy who thought four sentences describing the speaker's opinions on a specific race (when explicitly asked for it by the player) constitutes an encyclopedia entry.
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Come on fucker, try to hit me, ill avenge my cousin fargoth.
Lots of text-based exposition/dialogue isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd definitely take a ton of meaningful text over the same "Have you heard about the Grey Fox?" garbage you hear from every NPC in Oblivion and Skyrim.
Text isn't necessarily bad, and voiced dialogue isn't necessarily good.
That's what I liked about Skyrim. They should've just added more dialogue options, don't know what the fuck they were thinking with FO4
>complete Downy-autist doesn't realize that mudslime is slang for Muslim, and sandnigger means Middle Eastern
>Please don't make me make it any more obvious; my maymay arrow button is tired
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>moron doesn't know that's the point I've been making this entire time
>Shit tier
>Bad Tier
High Elves
>Okay Tier
>Good Tier
>God Tier
>Use console commands to kill him
That is the oddest taste I've ever seen
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I already mentioned somewhere else in this thread that the Bosmer are busy being high as fuck, and the Dunmer are kind of short on homeland as of TESV.
The Altmer aren't just screeching, friendo; they're crushing the most organized, successful human civilization. Stifling the worship of Talos might piss off the Nords, but that still serves the purposes of the Mer by splintering the Empire.
High Elves might be cunts who are obsessed with being better than everyone else, but they're making everyone they aren't actively stomping lick their boots (or join them, if they're elves).
>What it should give you, is lore in smaller chunks. Don't care about what is being said? Then just leave. Want to hear me? Ask them to continue.
That's... pretty much exactly what happened though. You can leave whenever you want in a conversation.

>What do you think of Argonians?
>They suck and are awful. They should not be allowed to exist but the empire forces us to treat them as people.
>Woah now, slow down! I didn't ask for "The Complete History of Argonian People and Customs Volume II," did I?
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>the same thing I've been saying throughout this greenfuckery
Fuck off man
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>the very same thing I've been arguing during this greenish hued word fornication
Just fuck already.
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The identical claim I happened to have been supporting throughout this olive-hued verbal intercourse
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[screams geometrically].jpg
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Now look what you made me do. >>379352767
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>the homogenous affirmation I have been supporting throughout the course of this viridescent and latently sexual altercation
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>shit tier
High elves
Wood elves
Dark elves
>bad tier
Magic humans
>ok tier
Cat people
>good tier
>God tier
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My man redguard are based
>The synonymous statement I've corroborated from the beginning to the end of this verdant and suddenly sensually galvanizing negotiation
anyone else think a mouthwash mod for skrim could be hot? nothing gets me going like thinking about an argonian lass gargling some m'wash. perhaps it burns a bit on her gums and shes visibly uncomfortable.
Good post. Nice trips.
Has a single person on this planet actually played this?
>literally destroyed the land under their feet, the foundation of their entire civilization
you need to learn what that word means
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Yes. What do you want to know?
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Buy my game!.png
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If anyone hasn't, they should really give it a try! It's only $6 on GOG.

Yes, it's real and yes, it was really him.
>Someone else shares the hobby of digging up old Usenet posts of people who should have known better
Nothing is ever truly forgotten on the Internet
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bethesda needs a new engine.png
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Yes, this is honestly more fun than video games.
Yes, because they spend all day WE WUZ-ing and bitching about how Elves be keeping them down and shiet
Fucking knife-eared cunt
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They literally invaded the Oblivion you retarded faggot
>god tier
>a slave race
You scalefags sure are subtle, discarded without even seeing more of it.
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>tfw TES games have always been poorly coded with monotonous gameplay
>tfw you love playing them anyway
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I like this
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have some more, my friend.
Srry but nords have good powers in oblivion, a nice height, good starting stats i would consider them high tier, wood elves suck ass in oblivion slowest and have nothing good about their race.
high elves are still god tier nobody can mage like them and bretons are also high tier dark elves are normie tier jack of all trades is a master a none
I'm going to marry an argonian warrior and you can't stop mee
this is also the only game of the three in which orcs succ
HoK mantels Sheogorath, so he's undeniably the strongest. Next would probably be the Dragonborn, shouts are pretty OP and it took significant effort even by the Tribunal at the height of their power/divinity to turn back the Nordic invasion of Morrowind because Ysmir and his generals all had shouts. The Nerevarine is ageless thanks to corpus and has the tools of Kagrenac, but otherwise is just a really powerful - but mortal - warrior. The rest are shit.
Better cities
Unique locations
OOO or Maskar's (they work together but you might not like some of the changes either do, but I think Maskar's can more easily be called vanilla but better (mostly))
Your choice of Face and body mods
Unique/interest weapons/armors

A couple of quest mods are really nice tho some have some really shitty voice acting.
I managed a pretty good looking beard for my dunmer in vanilla
Yeap, white people in a nutshell.
>(though I do find it hilarious how in the expanded lore he was trying to mantle Pelinal who was trying to mantle him)

Tell me more
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>make a dunmer
>make him a vampire
>his fire resistance compensates the vampire fire weakness

best race
So Faggot elves are lowest tier but elf rapelings are god tier?

Really activates my almonds.
Yeap, black people in a nutshell.
/v/ hates them because their autistic minds can't differentiate them from furries, same way they hate redguards because they're brainwashed by /pol/
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Literally this. Landstriders can't fucking compete.
>tfw talking about TES is 10 trillion times more entertaining than actually playing the games
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my drink.jpg
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redguards are so fucking good in morrowind, they suck in the other two imo, orcs are also insane god tier in morrowind(fastest race) and in skyrim (best dps)
which is funny they are autistically bad in oblivion.
imperials only suck in skyrim, wood elves are only good in morrowind its the only time having that phat marksman bonus will matter, beast races suck the worst in every game period, high elves never stop having the highest mana potential, breton always a good pick they havent sukked in a game yet.
Dark elves are meh all the way thru imo, nords too
Why does everyone hate the beast races?
Both of them have pretty interesting lore and aren't bad to play as.
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they cant do anything other races can

>armor restrictions in morrowind

>nothing of value period in oblivion

>in skyrim
histskin(in an already easy game?)

khajiit claws(yeah i get this, but play an orc, better burst and no gay phaggot tail)
>powergaming in a single player RPG
Its fun?
furries mostly
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>god tier
>high tier
>mid tier
>shit tier
>unforgivably shit tier
that's subjective but each to his own I guess
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>he believes in Dunmeri superiority
>Dunmer are obviously inferior to the Altmer mentally, physically, magically, and socially
>corpse-colored skin and red eyes are because they're literally a cursed race
>males are entirely unlikable, and the females are only likable because they're perpetually bent over, spreading their legs, or taking Orcish cock in one of these positions
>prides themselves over their slaves, which are almost solely old/young/disabled lizard people that's miles away from the outskirts of their natural habitat
>said lizard people blow them the fuck out shortly after the demon invasion that the Dunmer somehow handled worse than the humans and beast races
>they flee to a shitty country full of snow and drunken blonde ape-men
>said ape men instantly shove them into the ghettos with next to no effort
>up to now, in TES, the last we hear of this race's plight is from a single Dunmer shakily scribbling up the last page of his tear-stained pamphlet called "Dunmer of Skyrim" in which he insists his few dirty farmer and rag-tag thief friends are still the "master race"
You can't dream this shit up.
Breton=degenerate racemix
High and wood elves=asians
Nords=northern european
Argonian=native american
Bretons are statwise the best in game, Tiber Septim was a breton as well, that should automatically make them god tier.
Surely the future of TES holds an Altmer-Dunmer alliance. Their goals are aligned and the Dunmer would quickly fall into step as they dont have much to lose until Vivec returns
Tiber wasn't a breton you tard.
See: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Tiber_Septim
>Tiber Septim, also known as General Talos, Hjalti Early-Beard, the Dragonborn, and Ysmir, was an emperor of NORDic descent
first line
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>Their goals are aligned

Uh what?
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