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Not unless they can stock it well.
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I feel genuinely bad for switchposters who clearly have lost all hope.

>New pokemon is 3DS exclusive
>New Fire Emblem is 3DS Exclusive
>New Pikmin is 3DS Exclusive
>New Animal Crossing is fucking mobile exclusive

They have to pretend to be excited over wii u ports and colored controllers
Just sell the green and pink condoms for it separately and I'll buy it.
Looks pretty nice. Now, drop the price 60 dollaroos.
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Gravity Rush and Persona 5 have trash gameplay, only appeal is waifus. Nier/Yakuza/RE7/Nioh are nowhere near as fun and memorable as BOTW.
>mobile exclusive
Just like the new Fire Emblem was mobile exclusive, and how the new Mario game will be mobile exclusive right?
Because of a fucking colored controller?
It's actually hard plastic.

>not having all platforms

imagine being this poor
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Those are already out dingus
Every first few months of a console launch is garbage.
Remember when the PS4 launched everyone made fun of it for having no games?
/v/ is the master at moving goal posts.
automata isn't exclusive and botw is legitimately longer than all the games on the left combined.
This thread is a joke you Autist.
pretty lame desu ne. I want a full recolor not just the handles
I beat BOTW in about 1/5 of the time it took for me to beat persona 5
BOTW is an actual game with gameplay. Remember gameplay? Persona 5 is a heavily restricted visual novel with barely any player input.
depends what you mean by "beat", as you could theoretically rush to the final boss and defeat ganon in like an hour, but you'd have experienced almost none of the game
I meant every shrine/dungeon

botw is shallow af
It's hard to tell anymore either these desperate Nintendofags. I need to stop coming here.
Translation: "I havent played the GOTY, persona 5"
post logs of your playtime pls
I have played it. What's your PSN? Wanna compare trophies?
>Gravity Rush
>trash gameplay
I understand P5, but you obviously have never played gravity rush.
Nice try, faggot. :^)
>your useless gimped console
>your dock addon
>your tiny controller wrist strap things
>your 2 tiny controller merging thing with poor ergonomics
Then when you realize it didn't come with a viable controller:
>your 70$ splatoon controller which apparently wins wars.
>forgetting BotW is on Wii U and PC
Gravity Rush was trash. The floating gimmick gets old in like 15 minutes, combat is shallow, the world is boring. Just because you jerk off to Kat doesn't mean it was good.

>enjoy your console which will get a bunch of great games like SMT5, Arms, Odyssey

Yes, I will.
Can't wait to pay triple the price from scalpers.
>Persona 5

Come on, anon
Persona 5 is better than BoTW.
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>Nintendo won
>Has no games
Call me when The Nintendo Port gets a game.
This. Plus Switch has released more post launch than PS4 did. PS4 just launched with more and sat dormant for like the first 1.5 years.
same shit as p5, i can't play this garb
lol, ok
Shittiest looking mario in forever worst fucking choice of all.

I Might've gotten a switch for MH, but the battery life makes it fucking pointless.
This might be an unpopular opinion... but I remember having WAY more fun and a bigger sense of adventure playing 20 hours of the original fable, than botw.

Maybe I just hate games nowadays, but I thought it was nothing special.
>Every first few months of a console launch is garbage.

This is what the first 4 months of the WiiU looked like:

Assassins Creed III
Batman: Arkham City
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Darksiders II
Just Dance 4
Madden NFL 13
Mass Effect 3
NBA 2K13
New Super Mario Bros U
Ninja Gaiden 3
Nintendo Land
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Warriors Orochi 3
Lego City Undercover
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Zen Pinball 2

Its 1000x better than the Switch lineup and the WiiU fucking flopped.
not sure why you posted that as a reply to me but okay

sure, but here is this:

it launched with a zelda that was a breath of fresh air and has a main mario title coming in Nov along with a bunch of other shit, some ports (like MK8 and Pokken DX) and some new (splat2 and ARMS)

the 3DS was grabage at first too, all it had was OOT in aug 2011 and mario in nov 2011 and it needed a price drop from $250. rememebr
Me neither....
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To be honest I regret buying a Switch on launch. I feel for the hype meme and all i got for it were a couple of days of enjoyment of BotW. It's been collecting dust for over 2 months now with nothing worth to play since then and wont have anything worthwhile either.
Luckily i'm an idort and still got some a few pc games on backlog and I still have Nioh and persona 5 to play on my ps4.
>There's people right now that are more interested in buying new accessories than games for Switch.
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Why can't I see this image without laughing my ass off? EVERY SINGLE TIME
Thanks nintenfriend, I was about to draw this up myself.
You're doing god's work anon.
>later that night
impliying /v/ plays games
Thanks Doc
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Is it affordable without the forced gyroscope gimmick trash yet?

Gimmicks=not interested.
This is what the first four months of the Switch look like:

I Am Setsuna
Fast RMX
Just Dance 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Skylanders: Imaginators
Super Bomberman R
Blaster Master Zero
The King of Fighters '98
Metal Slug 3
Shock Troopers
Waku Waku 7
World Heroes Perfect
Human Resource Machine
The King of Fighters '94
Little Inferno
World of Goo
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Neo Turf Masters
New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers
Has-Been Heroes
Snake Pass
Metal Slug
Lego City Undercover
Vroom in the Night Sky
Alpha Mission II
Graceful Explosion Machine
Jackbox Party Pack 3
Mr. Shifty
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Over Top
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Blazing Star
NBA Playgrounds
Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Disgaea 5 Complete
The King of Fighters '99
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
Astro Duel Deluxe
Last Resort
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Cars 3: Driven to Win
Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Cave Story+
De Mambo

It looks better than the Wii U, and the Switch is doing well.
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you true to your heart anon, god speed
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No until they fix the shitty D-Pad
If you're talking about the weird thing where it's super easy to do up inputs by accident, just send it in and they'll fix it for you.
Based rational poster.
This is actually sad. The Switch just doesn't come close. And for that matter the PS4 is equally shitty compared to PC so the whole argument is like choosing the smartest kid in the special needs class.
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Can't wait to see the tears when Atlus confirms it's a multiplat

The Switch has been out for 2 months retard.
>Actually believing this
Also, as the guy who made it, the image was done basically right after the Switch came out.
>Remember gameplay?
I laughed at this like a fucking madman and I'm not sure why. Thanks, anon
How easy is super easy? Like if I press down on the corner of the right and it jumps is that too much? I really wish I knew about the splatoon colors before I got this one.
like all but 4 of those are fucking multiplats

that is filler as FUCK
Must have Switch games:
Mario Party Star Rush Deluxe
>as the guy who made it
kill yourself consolewarrior
i haven't run into any gyro whatsits yet
you are confusing this for the wii u, sir
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>only owning one console
>not buying any console you want and a good gaming pc so you can play all the best games no matter what
>actually participating in the brand loyalty meme

Aren't neets supposed to be rich from your monthly autism cash? What's the matter with you?
thats a gay design
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aha ahah ahahahahahahaa

enjoy your shitty "remasters" nintenbro
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Give me back my goal post, you thief!
Why is every switch controller with color, the most ugly and obnoxious version of the color.
Everyone here is either poor or 12 years old and cant have everything they want, so theyll defend everything their massa fucks them with
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...the kid's market.
some of those are available on PC and others aren't even released yet and have no release date.
I found then wannaweeb faggot
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Thanks doc
Wtf is this and why does it do strange things to my eyes
>Remember when the PS4 launched everyone made fun of it for having no games?
>implying people still don't do that
>Be Nintendo
>Last good games console was the original wii
>Release Wii U
>Decide to make one good game for it
>Announce new console and leave Wii u for death
>New console is released
>Its shit

The only one I bothered buying recetnly was the new 3ds and I feel like I got a hell of a lot more out of it in terms of games, like I've literally got Mario kart 7, Brawl, Majora's mask, Mario 64 and Animal crossing and its honestly the only good thing Nintendo has released in the last five years.
idorts will always be the true master race
I'm so confused and now I have a headache and a stomachache so Im probably never going to open that image again, just to be safe
damn straight
Does the Wii U pro controller work with the switch?

If yes, I'll buy a switch.

If no, I won't.
Nigger, why the fuck would it? Do DS3s and DS4s work on the PS2?
>why the fuck would it
They're standard bluetooth protocol. There's nothing about the hardware that prevents compatibility. Nintendo has made a conscious decision not to support syncing in software.
>there's nothing about the hardware that prevents incompatability
Things the Switch Pro Controller has that the Wii U Pro Controller didn't:
>gyro sensors
>HD Rumble
>Screenshot button
Is it much? No. But it's features that cause incompatibility.
Its been a good first year, mah dudes
>>gyro sensors
most games don't use
>>HD Rumble
>>Screenshot button

Nice list
A far bigger list would detail the differences between Wiimotes and the Wii U gamepad and yet you could use Wiimotes in many Wii U games. I mean, if the controls could be adapted for a Wiimote, why not?

Again - there's nothing about the HARDWARE that rules it out. They simply can't be assed to support them via software for the 99% of Switch games that would work just fine with one.
It seems Nintendo is okay with third party controllers not having gyro or rumble, but the screenshot buttons seems to be required for approval.
>>>gyro sensors
>most games don't use
which is a travesty.
New ones are shit to me but yeah it should have been on both
>fire emblem
The new ones are all absolute garbage
It's not even a real pikmen game so what does it matter
>animal crossing
Okay that one makes me mad
>Painful Fact
What's your point?
The thing is, after all this time, the PedoStation4 still has less games than the switch, at launch.

But, since they lose that argument, they will boast about graphics, which they lose to PC.

Then they will boast about *CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE!!!* Which they lost to fucking vhs.

Can't wait till Sony rips off another nintendo gimmick/game and acts like it's suddenly awesome.
Funny how this guy didn't respond to >>379312073

Sonyqueers are terrible false flaggers.
Fucking based post. Damn The thing is though i would not call it down and out, look how long it took for Persona 5, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0 to be on the platform about a few years.
The special olympics?
I highly doubt anyone will buy ARMS and Bomberman(sadly they should Bomberman is actually decent) but i would think they would buy Puyo Puyo Tetris.
how much does nintendo pay you an hour?
I actually meant to include an edit where both sides were playing PPT, with Sonyfag dressed up as Ringo and Nintendo as Ecolo, but I didn't bother
You should it would actually be kind of cool. Its sad that Puyo Puyo isent as known as it should be. Because i think of it as one the best modern takes on two classic retro games.
This could get interesting. I'd like to have one controller with gyro at least, but it would be nice to get an extra controller for comfortable multiplayer at a price that's much cheaper than the pro.
>best modern version of puyo
nigga that's either fever 2 or 20th, PPT is a really barebones version of puyo
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