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And nobody was surprised!

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And nobody was surprised!
Are you fucking kidding me, no fucking effort.

Then 3DS gets the shit we want. Nintendo is so fucking off base, it's mind blowing how they always manage to completely fuck over their fans. Fucking worthless.
Why are Japs so stupid? First they attack America and get their empire destroyed now the put out this garbage.
Wii U port was garbage though. At least now it is fully updated, seems like 1:1 arcade match (the Wii U was actually graphically inferior) and more modes apparently.
Well, they did decided to do Knack 2 over Ape Escape 4

I was, I just wasn't impressed.

I don't like the trend of rereleasing Wii U shit to the new system. I didn't buy a Wii U myself, but the games already didn't interest me, why congest your library with the same shit?
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You know, Pokken was a fun game. If they actually went and kept updating it like Splatoon and patched in more stuff every month, I'd be hyped.

But I know they won't.
3v3 and a new character added that wasn't in arcade mode. Plus balance changes.

More effort than SFV :^)
This Direct was the worst possible.
>Port of a game I don't give a fuck about
>sequel on the wrong console
>re-release I don't need

Also the name "ultra sun" and "ultra moon" is retarded, and they didn't even try to give us an idea of how different they're going to be.
>buy pokken
>wait since release for them to release the already done DLC characters
>dlc characters now cost a switch + $60

yeah nah
At this point they're just laughing fearlessly at the US. There's a fine line between masochism and absolute pure madman-ism that is the Japanese.
I wanted a version of Pokken with the rest of the arcade content and more usable local multiplayer. I got what I wanted, and will buy it day one.

Firstly: no one bought a Wii U, so Nintendo is forcing all their 1st and 2nd party devs to port everything over.

Secondly: GF doesn't have a real pokemon game ready for the switch, yet, so they're recycling until they can get the console-level game that's been rumoured out next september.

It sucks, but we have to live with it.
How can you tell it was 1:1 with the arcade version?
D-d-did I miss something? Had no idea there was a Direct today.
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>SUn/Moon gives literal ProWres mon complete with Zangief reference
>Choose the LARP Owl

For what fucking purpose
at the very least, the switch is better than the wii u, so there's that

go play pokken in wiiu and you'll see jaggies vs. direct arcade feed stream from a video
Just overhaul single player. PLEASE.
What the fuck is this
You know, just when you think they can't possibly pick a dumber name than most of the fans, they go with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

I'm laughing so hard. That is the WORST possible name I ever heard.
You literally missed nothing at all.

Pokken for Switch, Pokemon Gold/Silver for GBA and some sort of new Ultra Sun and Moon title that they gave barely information on.
my ass.
It's been two years and you retards still think that every character in the roster needs to be some kind of fighting type
You were retarded two years ago and you're still retarded today
Why are Star cucks so insufferable?

fuck off
You can't tell that difference from this stream.
It's better to look at the backgrounds because the Wii U version has less stuff going on than the arcade version.
youtube is already up, watch the whole thing in 1080p HD feed, the in-game shots are cleaner
This was actually exactly what I wanted. No freeshop on the switch yet and I was looking forward to those pokken arcade characters.

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Fucking disgusting, fuck nintendo for this.
see >>379275058
So Pokken for Switch just has >>379274316 and that's it?

Hawlucha's the only new character aside from the arcade-only characters they added in?
Speak for yourself, please.
I don't really want fucking Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun that is the exact same thing but with an alternate story.

Switch Pokken has 5 characters more than WiiU and some balance changes and stuff
Did they do this the wrong fucking way around?

Should've been Pokken 3DS (2D fightan pokemons) and Sun and Moon Switch Versions.
this is all GF
>No full Pokemon Game for Switch

I'm out, fuck Nintendo. I haven't bought Pokemon Since SoulSilver for the reason that I'm fed up of it being on portable consoles becuse it feels like they hold the game back.
>he wants to pay to trade a magikarp online
I'm glad it's not on the switch the thing is barley a portable anyway
Yeah, it sounds like it belongs in a 2004 Saturday morning cartoon as some sort of cheap power up. However, it's clearly based off of the pre-established Ultra Beasts, of which the box legendaries have a connection to, so there's a reason for the silliness.
NEW CONSOLE? better release a new set of games for the fucking 3ds.
fuck off nintendo, what the fuck
GameFreak is butthurt Pokken sold like shit on a dead console, and is trying to get their money's worth by riding the coattails of the Switch.
oh great another competitive shit.
switch is so great guys! we have zelda and... zelda
Looks like they're still trying to milk the 3DS one last time.
>Pokken was a fun game
No it wasn't. Phase shift was the stupidest pace killing idea I've ever seen. Even Guilty Gear's Danger Time is less retarded. The game really couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Their's plenty of better 2D fighters and 3D brawlers.
hey, it's apt, SM has garbage move names
they have the install base, so why isn't ultra sun/moon on the switch? did they release it way to o fucking early?
I bet you want a massive MMORPG with every region too.

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>pokken direct
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>hey let's focus on Pokken now that the Switch is getting Ultra SFIV and ARMS, they need more fighting games
>hmm.. our sun and moon games already had really high quality models of all pokémon, so high that they looked great when emulated on the PC even.. should we put it on both the Switch and 3DS with crossplay?
>Switch Pokken has 5 characters more than WiiU and some balance changes and stuff
They should've given us like two more characters at the very least imo.

I would've liked to have seen Deoxys and Greninja myself. Maybe Eevee too.

Also, there's at least one new stage.
Game Freak is way behind the times. They've been doing this since 2004 where they released the new games on the GBA.
Why would they be? Bamco made it.

Also, didn't it outdo sf5?
Who'd think they'd do that when there are fucking 60 million people with a 3DS out there?
I don't think anyone expected this to be switch exclusive, just on both. Not 3ds only.

Putting it on both would have been ideal.
Nintendo is pretty fucking awful. Seriously

They rejected that patch the people wanted to make so that they could relaunch the game on Switch with the arcade characters

Anti-consumerism at its finest
Why do they call it the Nintendo Switch? Because Nintendo is switching all their Wii U games to it.
who knows, considering the arcade is kicking maybe this time the switch version will get constant updates too
Aren't you special

>Wii U is a flop DONT BUY IT LMAO
>Why the fuck are they porting old games wtf?

I don't get you
You're not target market, just a faggot

RPG? yes, MMO? fuck no.
This direct is exactly how imagine Nintendo's E3 is going to be like.

No surprises and disappointing reveals.
Overworld models, backgrounds, and textures in general are kinda shit in SM. I guess they didn't want to redo that.
Eh, phase shift wasn't really the problem with the game (though it was annoying having to figure out which combo you could pull off before the shift)

The problem was how hideously unbalanced it was.

Mewtwo and Dark Mewtwo and Chandelure all had options that completely circumvented the RPS system on top of already having the best movesets, and then someone figured out you could spam sunny day with Braixen to instantly get back your assist and support spam became the norm.

There's a reason the game didn't last beyond its first real tournaments.
It's TPCI's call, not Nintendo

also now the game is more 1:1 with the arcade
Because there's already multiple wrestler type character. It's Pokken, not wrestling simulation 2017.
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I look forward to seeing it die as fast as Wii U's did. Game Freak are so fucking incompetent.
I fucking hate GF.
Is there a developer more lazy?

Maybe the MH team at Capcom, but other than that...
Take it up with Bandai "Xenoverse 2" Namco

>Wii U comes out
>After years of putting out games, none of them interest me, so I don't buy it
>Switch comes out
>Presumably, they don't want to repeat past mistakes
>Their first year is flooded with Wii U ports and other old games I can already buy
>I'm a faggot because Nintendo is putting out THE SAME games that didn't get my attention the first time

Because if you upscale the resolution in emulation for the 3DS version, you notice that only the trainers and pokemon are passable. Every single other thing has N64 tier textures.

They're not putting that much effort in their obligatory remastered version that's out this year. If they were, they would have announced it at the start of the year. If anything, that's just something that will come out later so that the buzz for an actual new Pokemon game can carry the sales for the Switch on another Holiday season.
That's what I'm hoping. I don't know why they didn't update the WiiU version after it's launch, but I'm REALLY fucking hoping they will update this DX port given they seem eager to keep Pokken going as long as Tekken 7's had.
The face emoticon says it all, )x.
i was because i thought that pokken tournament was just going to just disappear into the obscurity
I'm so god damn mad
They should have announced a remaster of XD so we can play both XD and DX
The funniest thing about all this is that it'll still probably sell better than ARMS due to the brand.
Is this the birth of an epic new meme created by Stars babbies?
>they have the install base
> on the switch

The Switch install base is still very fucking small, especially compared to the 3DS.
Yeah, I'm fully expecting them to update it with more characters. There's no way they're keeping the roster as low as it is still at 21 characters. I'm expecting at least another 5-6 or so.

They'll probably roll out another edition in a few more years with absolutely everything.

That said, this should really be $40 but knowing Nintendo, this is gonna be full price, isn't it?
>People still being delusional about a mainstream Pokemon still coming to a home console
Just give up already. The mainstream games will alway stay handheld exclusive.
How much money can I get for the WiiU version now?
Huh? Screenshot?
>Ultra SFIV

No, it's Ultra SF2.
Maybe they prefer Ultra Moon secretly but don't want to give up on Sun

Play Pokkén anytime, anywhere on Nintendo Switch – Play Pokkén Tournament DX in TV mode, handheld mode, or share a Joy-Con controller with another Trainer to battle one-on-one in tabletop mode anywhere!
A brand-new fighter — Decidueye enters the battle, alongside all previous Pokémon from the Wii U and arcade versions.
New Support Pokémon – Litten and Popplio make their debut to lend their support in battle.
Team Battle mode – Pick three Pokémon and battle it out to be the first to defeat all your opponent’s Pokémon to win in the new Team Battle mode.
Group Match mode – Find similar skilled players in battle rooms for intense and fun battles online.
Daily Challenges – Complete a variety of different daily challenges.
Watch battle replays – Hone your skills by watching other players’ replays and share your best matches online with the new replay feature.
Jump straight into battle - All characters and Support Pokémon will be available right from the start of the game.
The demo also wasn't very fun. I don't think arms is going to last long and the enjoyment you'll get out of it will be gone in 2 days
No you're just a faggot
That can be completely separate from all else Ive said and still be true

Nobody wanted a Wii u, small crumbs of interest tempted plenty but nobody wanted to commit to plinky plastic shit and obligatory giant controller

These ports are directed towards people who never took the plunge
Really? I thought I read around that Nintendo was the one that gave them a no
>But put Pokemon on the Switch
They'd practically had to make the entire game over graphics wise.
If they didn't just upscale it and remaster some bigger backgrounds like Final Fantasy Type 0 or God Eater 2, you shitters would call that lazy too.
Why not keep it on 3DS?
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Except that's fucking wrong, there's still an active competitive scene and the game is ridiculously balanced.

Tiers straight up don't matter at all because every character is extremely viable at a high level. Even when top level players do make tiers like pic related 90% of the cast is in the same two ones.

No new single player campaign? Fuck.
Bamco made the patch, Nintendo vetoed it.
It's in the trailer.


That's Hawlucha, right? I'm not that big into Pokemon, more of a casual fan. I mostly play it because I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay and felt like it was a great beginner's fighting game.
Anon had his bird mons confused, it's Decidueye.
>the game is ridiculously balanced
>still active
TPCi is cancer
>The demo also wasn't very fun.
In your wrong opinion.
Because no one brough the WiiU. It would be an incredible waste if all those games never gotten the recognition it deserves because everyone had assumed the WiiU was just an accessory instead of a console. Speaking of which, we just might also get #FE and Bayonetta 2 ported over as well.
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>full price port

Nah, it's the grass starter from the newest one. A grass/ghost archer owl.
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>tfw a Sealfag

We'll get our due someday, I guess.
It's a shame but Pokken at it's heart isn't really a casual fighting expierence like the DBZ or naruto games, it's a competitive fighter.

Replays are a huge boon, I hope training mode is also improved, as how training mode was in the WiiU version it made practicing punishes super obtuse
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we'll see who gets the last laugh whito piggu
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
They removed the ? at the character select screen. They definitely will adjust it.
>No more unlocking supports
How kind of them. Story Mode was annoying.
Nintendo is the majority shareholder of TPCi, with the remainder split between GF and Creatures. Quit trying to shift blame when Nintendo still has the most say.
pretty sure evolutions won't invalidate
Oh fuck me. My bad.

That said, Hawlucha fucking when? Or that new wrestling Pokemon from Sun/Moon?
Probably because it's running under the assumption no one bought the WiiU. It's MK all over again. If it ends up sell gangbuster, it just ends up proving Nintendo's decision as right.
the question remains to be seen, will you need 2 switches for 60FPS battles like you needed two fucking wii us?
arcade in Japan is pretty stable
why is Croagunk shitty though? Too random?
They've got Pikachu Libre and Machamp in already, so probably never. They cover all the wrestling already.
What's the point of playing pokemon anymore, aren't there something like 20000 of those little shits?
Nintendo doesn't control TPCi or Gamefreak.

Chandelure and Dark Mewtwo were fine, thougj. Braixen was top tier since launch, and Pika Libre was very high and a nightmare at casual levels. The game is still played regularly.
>surely THIS time around they will update the game with more pokémon unlike with the wiiu were they only gave the arcade pokken more stuff
that doesn't work that way anon

Nintendo only owns 1/3 of it, and GF, Nintendo and Creatures let TPCi do its own thing in spite of that
Machamp is a bodybuilder not a wrestler
The online has about 5000 concurrent players at any given time and in terms of competitive majors, it's going to be at or was just at (or both, for most) final round, NCR, CEO, frosty faustings, dreamhack austin, atlanta, and denver, thefallclassic, winter brawl, NEC; Summerjam, and Defendthenorth, and there's a sidetourney at evo.

The scene is still there, I have no clue why people keep saying Pokken is dead, the only way it's dead is that nobody talks about it online, which is only because people say so and it's a feedback loop.

I already demonstrated how it's balanced. Every single character except weavile has won multiple majors and weavile is still considered one of the best 3 characters in the game anyways, it's just he has to work the hardest to be used at a high level since most of his high damage optimal combos rely on super finnicky icicle crash juggles.
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>Everything unlocked from the start
Oh thank the Lord I don't have to go through that shitty singleplayer for the mewtwos again
>Nintendo told a company not to try to boost WiiU sales
That's practically almost every fighting ever dumb frogposter if you're that autistic to act like arcade only characters 99% of the players never touched are disqualified.

>Guilty Gear with Elphelt and Sin
>Handful of mechs in Gundam Vs
>Platinum, Makoto, and Valkenheyn in Blazblue CS
>Juri and Hakan, Then Yang and Yun (+ two evil clones)
He's a damn joke character what did you expect?
Damn, man. I'm not made of fucking made of money. It sucks being a Nintendo fan. They Jew the out of their customers sometimes.

Fuck Pikachu Libre so hard. There were other wrestling-themed Pokemon they could've thrown in already, and then they just give us a reskinned Pikachu with a different moveset just because he's popular. Fuck Pikachu.

Can we at least get Hitmonchan with a Steve Fox-inspired moveset now?
did Blaziken win any majors?
No, you can play both players on one screen. Wii U version only did 30fps because it was doing two different images at once.
Because WiiU sold like crap. Unless you're Splatoon, WiiU games just wasn't worth the effort since it didnt cover the cost. On the other hand, the Switch seems to be a big hit and can justify the time and effort investment in updates.
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How long until the entire Wii U library is ported to the Switch? I get why they're doing it, and Mario Kart's success goes to show that people generally didn't even know the Wii U existed, but this is such a huge slap to the face for Wii U owners. I feel like I'm being punished for supporting Nintendo during their lowest point by being offered games I already own.
Don't discuss games you actually like on /v/ or else it'll get shit on. Unless the game in question is weeb bait or an older title, expect shitposting.
probably not
for casual play it's not something to worry about, but the tournament scene will still use LAN mode though
I also think that you can use adhoc, but I'm worried about adhoc lag
I thought the random shit where suddenly he goes uber would be cool
Nobody talks about it online because most of the players use discord to talk about it.
Devils Third Remix when??

I'm only half kidding I love the game.
Hawlucha could have been in with Libre's exavt moveset, using stuns and feathers instead of electricity. But, hey, fuck that..........

Why in the actual fuck is it going to take that long? It's one new fucking fighter and 4 arcade characters already made.

This has got to be pushed back on purpose
>implying they won't reveal stars at E3
Pokken DX's development cost is literally developing ONE fighter. If this sells even remotely well, it's all Nintendo is going to be doing from now on. We're probably already locked in due to MK8DX being the fastest selling Mario Kart while also being the lowest development cost in the MK franchise.
But they're really not wrong in their assessment. I own a WiiU and even I know some of the games would get more love if it gets ported over to a more successful console. I would have bought Pokken but realize the fanbase for it on the WiiU wouldn't have been enough. And when the Switch was first revealed, the first thing I thought was that Pokken would be perfect on it.
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Bodybuilder that does the classic bodybuilding wrestler moves. Cross chops and lariats all over the place.

Both the Pikachus are great though. Regular one is trained in Mishima style karate and acts like a haradass, while libre has all the wrestling you'd ever see from Hawlucha but actually uses electricity in his moveset too, it's great.
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>Nintendo pays for it to appear at EVO again next year
Is Gardevoir still shit-tier in the latest arcade release? She is my main.
>This has got to be pushed back on purpose
Nintendo already said they're purposely not releasing games when they're finished to spread out releases.
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>The video is in 1080p, so clearly, it's running natively on the Switch.
I dont even think the Switch can "technically" do 1080 like the PS4 and Xbone can. I'm pretty sure its 720-900 maximum.
Yes, but then we wouldnt have Pika-Libre, which would have been a shame as well.
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>Shitjustice gets kicked out

And all is right in this world
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>Except that's fucking wrong, there's still an active competitive scene and the game is ridiculously balanced.

Nigga I was at versus which had the best US players and even they were gettin' tired of Pokken's bullshit after only a few weeks
The Wii U has a much larger playerbase than the Switch, and it will stay that way for a while.
So that's what Harada was doing in therese three years

Nintendo tries to pace out the releases so there's about one big thing a month.
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>he bought a Wiiu
if you didnt see the red flags in 2012 then you have no one to blame but yourself
We are talking about japan, brah

not the wii u version that got zero patches and dlc
??? So all those 1080p games on the Switch just don't exist? Got any proof Mario Kart isn't 1080p?
I know they're not wrong but the game is a couple years old. Selling this at full price is kind of a ripoff.

You're basically just reaffirming the point >>379277283 made
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Pokken's about as alive as Skullgirls, man.

Yeah, you've got a tiny dedicated fanbase of people that didn't move on after the first CEO like the rest of the planet, but don't you try to tell me the Pokken "scene" is thriving.
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>went for Froakie in X/Y and Greninja became the most popular evo
>went for Rowlet in S/M and Decidueye is shaping up to be the most popular evo

Feels fuckin' good, man
>machamp isn't a wrestler
>has a wrestling belt

Anon, Libre is clearly female.
You guys realize that Pokkén DX is the final version, right?
Arcade isn't getting new stuff and DX will never get anything added to it again, ever.

So any pokémon not in as of DX is gone. 0% chance.
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>we are talking about Japan
Maybe you were, but this is an american board talking about consoles.
Injustice has more right to be there than Pokeshit
anon ARMS is in 1080p
>defending Shitjustice when Ed Boon doesn't give a fuck about fixing the gameplay and only shitting out story mode shit
that's a powersave belt though, a power limiter if you will

also he's not wearing undies but in Pokken canon he is wearing a thong
Because its ultimately a good game that got screwed over by the utter lack of advertisement for the WiiU. If it was screwed because fans didn't want it, that was understandable. I mean, if circumstances were different and Splatoon had ended up a flop due to no one buying the WiiU, wouldn't you want to give it another chance on the Switch as well?
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>Most popular evo

Anon, that's Tiger Mask. He's already headlining the first movie, Litten is the manga protag's partner, and he got the most work into his Z-Move.
Bayonetta 2 when
The wonderful 101 when
Actually, it got two patches but that's all.
That isn't even a decent joke, much less bait.
>"It's a handheld" is used to deflect any criticisms of the console
>Handheld mode is 720p
>Now suddenly "but it's a console"
This is the worst fucking fanboy runaround I've ever experienced.
It's both you dumb cunt
you do realize what you said doesn't work right

Pokken has really "surprise" picks that aren't popular, the ones that are here aside the usual mascots like Pikachu, Lucario and Charizard.

I mean if it was, Greninja would have been in this game.
You're a moron, the Switch has plenty of 1080p60fps games
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>Bayonetta 2 with bonus Lumen Sage and Rodin chapters, plus rebalances so that certain weapons are better than the way they were in vanilla 2
>W101 at a constant 60 fps and the shitty gamepad sections removed
I would actually pay full price for these, fuck me.
>Because its ultimately a good game that got screwed over
Except no, it's a shallow unbalanced mess on Wii U.

I can't speak for the arcade but the version Americans got was found to be broken and no fun at all competitively extremely quickly.
Can you imagine if all those games become huge hits on the Switch? It would completely BTFO /v/.
the fuck are you on, Switch can output both depending on whether it's docked or not
Oh boy, Snake pass and WiiU ports.
ARMS is neither.
Oh, right, that doesn't count because you don't like it, yeah?
It's 720p when in undocked (handheld), 1080p when docked (home console). How is this difficult to comprehend for you?
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>playing a baby tekken clone when tekken 7 is already released

I sincerely hope none of you actually buy this crap.
They should get nuked again for the switch imo
I did say I didnt buy it since I knew the low WiiU base was going to screw the game over. I was mostly basing my opinions on streams of other people playing like the nips.
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>use the fact that it's both to deflect all criticisms
>When the reality is the fact that its both has created MORE issue than if it were one or the other
Nutendofags are a special kind of insufferable

Literal Wii boxing. Good for you if you like it but there's no fucking way you can be ignorant enough to think ARMS is going to have mass appeal.
they didn't learn to deal with ranged characters though

and arcade was patched, we're getting the patched arcade edition
hehe literally dude
literally literal lol literally
>Now suddenly "but it's a console"
Care to show me where I said that in >>379277647, friend? Or how being a handheld would prevent it from achieving 1080p, which many games on it factually achieve?
When your top players say the game is fucked and not fun your game is bad
nvm I thought you're confused
Microsoft: "Let's divide gamers and put them into separate groups to appeal to american special snowflakes."

Nintendo: "Let's unite gamers by having gamers of all kinds enjoying the same game together to actually appeal to everyone."

THIS IS real diversity, Microsoft. Take your notes.
>dark mewtwo
>masked pikachu

what a fucking waste

Also how the fuck will Pokken DX NOT have Greninja? He's like one of their favorite mons ever.
>Literal Wii boxing
The bait is stale and rotten. No more (You)s from me.
>calls it tekken clone
>doesn't even remotely play like tekken
>learn to deal with ranged
The better US players did learn to deal with ranged (because every local group had at least one hyper faggot spamming with chandelure), mewtwo in general and braixen's sunny day support spam were much larger issues.

I wish I could predict the future like you.
Damn.....so this is the power of Nintendo?

So do I only get to play ports? The only games I see Nintendo promoting recently has been just ports
not him and nothing against the game but if i recall some tekken devs worked on it
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>and arcade was patched, we're getting the patched arcade edition
>implying people are going to come back to a fighter they dropped for a late and massive rebalance
Why do you think SFV season 2 failed to recapture the audience that left?

Balance updates need to be swift and small adding up to large changes over time. No one who learned a game and got bored with it wants to go back and have to unlearn everything to give the game that bored them a second chance.

Glad more good Wii U games are getting a second chance

Also who the fuck thought there would actually be a console mainline pokemon game? Or a gen 4 remake? I swear pokemon fans get hyped over the most nothing shit ever. They just do it to themselves
>Make a wrestler bird pokemon
>One of the best pokemon of Gen 6

>Pokken gets a wrestler
>It's a second Pikachu in a costume instead
Fuck off
ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, and Mario Odyssey are ports?
Microsoft invented that kind of diversity with halo remastered.
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you're right, it would have been good if it was a clone.
No, i'm talking about the US

It's at all the majors I just mentioned and typically gets 60-90 entrants, ans got 123 for CEO this year.

It's not super big or anything but it's much, much larger then skullgirls per your example

this is just wrong, and you don't know what you are talking about, see >>379276334
inb4 "literally wii boxing", "it's just splatoon dlc", "weeb shit" and "mario rehash hurr"
they are, that doesn't make it a clone
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Post Pokken mains
well it's a new console release with new content, so at least you got folks who didn't go with Wii U
No Wailord no buy
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There was literally just a week long online demo of their new game coming in 10 days
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>this is just wrong, and you don't know what you are talking about
Yeah, I only regularly played with SuicineMaster, Bim, and Swillow, but I have no idea what I'm talking about.
KFC and Land Shark
will try Gundam Bug and Napoleon penguin though
Still can't believe people are falling for this but whatever, not out.

>Splatoon 2
Good game, not out

>Xenoblade 2
Not out

>Mario Odyssey
Not out and its just the same shit over and over again. Make a super mario 64 sequel already.
>dragonite and victini

After all the shit we had to put up with over the last year, we get a second chance. I've waited far too damn long to play as scizor and if this is how we'll play him, so be it.
tfw pokken has more depth to it than ARMS
t b h

>odyssey is just the same shit as sunshine and 64
>why dont they make a 64 sequel already!!

you're THIS retarded
I guess the switch just isn't for me. That lineup doesn't seem very appealing
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This motherfucker. Feels so good taking off 40-50% off an opponent's health with just one combo or even just a command grab.
>It's at all the majors I just mentioned and typically gets 60-90 entrants, ans got 123 for CEO this year.
>It's not super big or anything but it's much, much larger then skullgirls per your example
Except skullgirls regularly pulls in slightly larger numbers

100 entrants at cons with thousands of players isn't good
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>that quality
Sure you did.
The fact that SuicuineMaster dropped suicuine and picked up lucario should tell you that those intial impressions weren't accurate.

Most zoners are low tier, but still viable
So I can jump into paintings and explore peach's castle again?
>Make a super mario 64 sequel already
What do you think Odyssey and Sunshine are?

>Not out
So they have to make 4 games in 3 months? Are you braindead?

Fair enough. I am sure the you can find a good selection more your speed on PC, PS4, or 3DS.
So you want the same shit over and over again? I prefer the variety that the 3D Mario games offer.
not him but the only thing he said the same was that mario is a rehash and it is so anyone could have guessed that would have been a response
So how is Odyssey a rehash when he literally wants 64 2? Like, what would make the game no longer a rehash?
3D Mario games have to be some of the least rehashy games ever.

Odyssey is nothing like Sunshine which is nothing like 64.
>People are surprised by all the remasteries

The WiiU got a ton of great games, and considering how poorly it sold, it'd be pretty stupid not to bring them to the switch.
I can count the good Wii U games with a single hand, this tired meme will gradually dissipate as more ports come and unbiased people get to play them.
If they end up selling great, /v/ will forever be BTFO for a long, long time.
/v/ has been continuously btfo by Nintendo since the Switch launched and they still find a way to distort reality and shitpost about how it's apparently "not doing well" or a "blunder" despite literally selling out constantly, even months later.
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>you will N E V E R E V E R date her
Anything Nintendo sells no matter what. The Wii U charts are a disgrace, for example.

Wait, no, credit where it's due, not even you drones fell for Fedora Force.
Shit taste.
your mom
Behold. the power of /v/. I am absolutely BTFO.
so essentially neogaf
>game title isn't even centered
this is the worst offense here
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water dedede looking great as usual
I lowkey hoped for a new Pokemon Go event
non-nintendo console release stuff are not in direct
They're doing a Fire & Ice event next week.
>Port of an old game with barely any changes

>Full price+tip

Thanks Nintendo! I'm so fucking happy that I get to be anally ravaged for another entire console generation! WiiU was Hyope!! Same goes for the Switch :)
>barely any changes
I called this shit a month ago.
The guy I was replying to probably feels real dumb right now.
He wants another fire type when the game already 4
You can't top Black version 2 and White version 2. What the fuck were they thinking with that.
>welcome to fighting games

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This image already makes fanboys blood boil now it's going to get Pokken DX added to it lmaooo
I think just about everyone called it. It was just a little odd that Nintendo kept quiet on it this whole time, plus you had Harada a few months ago saying that he was waiting for the 'go-ahead' from Nintendo, thus he was probably told to keep it a secret.
superior bug master race
>tfw poorfag
>tfw don't even own a Switch yet
What a stellar fucking lineup though.
please don't suck, please keep every gameplay improvement from X
>Team Battle mode – Pick three Pokémon and battle it out to be the first to defeat all your opponent’s Pokémon to win in the new Team Battle mode.
Nice, I was hoping for something like this. Hopefully it isn't something dumb like "Best of 3 wins" and not a survival type battle. I'd like to see a tag option, but I'm not betting on it.

>Group Match mode – Find similar skilled players in battle rooms for intense and fun battles online.
I hope that means actual fucking lobbies.

>Watch battle replays – Hone your skills by watching other players’ replays and share your best matches online with the new replay feature.
About fucking time.

>Jump straight into battle - All characters and Support Pokémon will be available right from the start of the game.
Thank god. I had to reunlock all the characters once, what a goddamn pain that was.
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can't wait for KFC buffs

scizorfags win again
Maybe they'll reveal more new fighters later
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>mfw all of Wii Us best games will eventually be ported to Switch
So glad I skipped that piece of shit system
I'm confused by that trailer. Is split screen optional or what?
Running straight to Croagunk.
>splitscreen for a fucking fighting game
I think it's like One Piece Burning Blood, where you have the option to either play splitscreen or not
This picture makes me fucking mad for not being in chronological order.
If we also get an improved training mode so we can actually tell the AI to use specific moves rather then just their light attack it'll be perfect

Pokken's camera is over the shoulder due to how the phase shift mechanic works, it's unfortunately necessary
That'd be pretty cool then. I'm still wondering how field phase would work for player 2 though.
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>Stellar line-up
>Half of them are ports
>it's unfortunately necessary
no it isn't fucking naruto does it fine
nice bait
>Definitive versions of games on a new system I actually own and not the flop that was the WiiU

Wow you sure showed me.
It appears to be optional based on this trailer.
You can see them playing it both splitscreen and single screen on the same Seitch. Might also be worth noting that splitscreen is not seen when undocked.
I still haven't gotten around to playing Naruto games other than the PS2/GC ones, but the controls might be designed differently.

Does Naruto require any directional inputs for attacks?
I don't think so, I think it was like using multiple face buttons but im not sure I haven't played in awhile. also the storm collection is coming out this year with all the storm games on xbone and ps4
The naruto games don't work the same way, the entire movement system and shit is different.
Couldn't they just reverse the directional inputs for player 2's attacks anyway? It just has to be towards or away from player 1.
I'll give it to Nintendo fans, that company could literally kill their families and they would still find a way to defend Nintendo
I'm not though am I you spaz
there is no way in hell i'm buying this game again
i told myself i was going to practise and play pokken a lot with the first one, bought it, played for a day, never touched it again. not falling into the same trap
That seems like it would be horribly annoying.

It might work out though, who knows. There's a couple visual elements that would be problematic, like Suicune's ice wall not obscuring anything player 1 is trying to set up in Field Phase.

My only issue is that should have made it into Pokken Tag Tournament.
I really hope the new team battle mode has tagging, but I'm trying not to raise my expectations for a game that didn't even have replays in 2016.
what movie
Can't say I'm interested in "Pokken" especially when the first one that came out in the Wii U was barebones as fuck.

I will wait for more info on it but its unlikely I will get it. ARMs looks way more interesting than this port.

are you fucking new
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>Implying Sugimori would shill a pokemon he didn't make

I'm pretty sure he's butthurt that Greninja became as popular as it did. It had to be shilled by the Smash team because he didn't want to do it himself.
but he didn't make Pikachu, it was one of the female designers (also did Eevee and I think Mimikyu)
>game has no progression
>every mode is the exact same. Just regular fights
>tiny roster
>no content
>full price
It was objectively a bad game
don't be salty that you can't shitpost ARMS thread with Pokken anymore
I actually don't like games that are pure competitive multiplayer. Includes pokken, overwatch, and will likely include arms
keep crying, starsfag lmao
This is true of most competitive fighting games. You don't play it to dick around, you play it to git gud.
I'm willing to bet within the next year we will see Tropical Freeze: Natty Ice edition, TMS #FE: Awakening, and the Xenoblade Collection, comprised of XC, XCX, and XC2, and Star Fox Zero: non-fucked controller edition.
Man, Fuck Pokken. I want a fucking mainline pokemon game on my switch, But I guess 2018 or so we will get one. But now I won't feel bad for downloading Ultra sun on my hacked 3DS.
Played as Pikachu on Wii U because the game had zero playable Bug types
Scizor ain't my favourite but I'm still curious to try him
>But I guess 2018 or so we will get one.
More like 2019.

>But now I won't feel bad for downloading Ultra sun on my hacked 3DS.
You wasn't going to feel bad anyways.
I was too faggot, I cried every time I pirated
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The spiritual successor to Pokemon XD?
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