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>4 days until E3

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Thread replies: 440
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>4 days until E3
Sly 5. C'mon. Finish the Cooper's story.
Devil May Cry 5 won't happen.
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What will he do for E3?
I hope sony quits on these furfag games, we need more with an actual deep and compelling stories
Who here is ready for the stream of the BubbleBowl episode?
shut up shut up shut up shut uip shutp uip
Ape Escape 4 will happen.
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I was supossed to study for an important exam.

supposed is a big word.
Fuck you.
Sly Cooper >>> The Last Of Us
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He'll say another great one liner like "My body is ready" " What's wrong with you" or "Play. The. Game" when interviewed by one of the live streams.
The Last of Us sold record breaking numbers and received multiple ten out of tens. Sorry anon. You aren't getting a new Sly Cooper for the same reason you're not getting a good Zelda game ever again.
you cant say with a straight face that thieves in time was good
Don't fuck this up Nintendo
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Let's do this /v/

I bet he's gonna announce Mother 3 and a new Metroid for Switch
5 days for anything important
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The fucks made me wait 8 years for Sly 4 and decided to put a cliffhanger at the end. Give me Sly 5 and finish the story.
None, they all go to shit eventually
Good J&D, Sly, R&C
Good horror games
Vanquish sequel
ww2 games revival
New J&D made by Naughty Dog
More Fallout from Bethesda
/v/ becomes completely impossible to post on because every stupid console-buying weeaboo retard here doubles down on their stupid toy fights because of nintendo's new tablet, repeatedly spewing stupid objectively false bullshit and gloating about games that either won't release before 2020 or will turn out to be absolutely fucking garbage just like other m or starfox, and by clogging the catalog with "WE WON WE WON WEE WOM BE BUM" threads for some of the most miserable E3 conferences in fucking years.
I hope authors stop writing children's books. we need more books with actual deep and compelling stories.
I predict something related to social justice will happen, and /v/ will complain and make a dozen threads about it.
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Work starts 19th so I've got the whole week free and I can spend all my time shitposting here ans watching E3. Gonna go get some sweets from Sweden on tuesday before EA starts. I'm fucking ready.
Microsoft is going to be hilariously terrible, if those minority trailers are any indication
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If they don't let me Rp as White Glint, or Berlioz, or fucking nine balls I'm gonna bomb Namico and From to the fucking ground
>another 4/4A dodgefest
pls no
I'd rather take a fixed VD with White Glint parts available
hoping to see some code vein with better sound fx
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>All this Souls shit
>Have to beg to get their true nature of making games that they were good
A man can dream
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Animal Crossing, Odyssey, Metroid, F-Zero, Zelda DLC, Pokemon, Chibi Robo
Odyssey is the majority of the direct, Zelda DLC, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Splatoon 2
Wii U ports and too much talking about Splatoon/ARMS
6 days until the only conference that matters.
It doesn't matter. Probably fatlus but they don't do big E3s.
Return of the slow "comfy" threads.
Disappointments, people to laugh at. Caramel and fib btfo.
When everything is going so well but then something goes wrong and I end up giving everyone Cs.
This usually happens every year while waiting for a stream to start but then some pessimist ruins everything. Like >>379263598
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>Not liking going fast
Mate come on
>Vanquish sequel
Unironically though. 20 somethings shouldn't be reading the fucking hunger games and taking it seriously
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I know EA and Ubi will be full of pandering and SJW shit but I hope Microsoft can still control themselves and keep this trash out of their conference
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Nothing wrong with going fast, but 4/4A didn't really feel like ACs since there was no energy management or anything that made the older games, you just spammed boost and rifles and won everything. Or are you going to claim fighting this piece of shit was fun. AC designs are godtier though.
Those make money. Most deep and compelling story books start raking in the cash only long time after the books have been out, so authors obviously go where the money is, unless they find books a passion.
>cyberpunk 2077 gets showcased, Re;fantasy gets a trailer
>It wont because both games are too early in development
>no new announcements for sony
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Metroid remake
Treehouse streams being dull as fuck like last year
F-Zero, Animal Crossing Switch, a good laugh out of TES6, Mayo 3
Ubishit showing [Game] WITH GUNS, Bethesda making blunders again, Microsoft with a one guy audience, Shitendo showing the same games again, AMIIBO
TES6 is exactly what we expect it to be, no Animal Crossing on Switch, paid online on P2P Switch games, more new 3DS games no one wanted, Sony brutally murdering another series, Microsoft actually winning money with the Scorpio
too bad those games have the best stories as well
I have favorite products and services, but not favorite companies

Metroid Prime Federation Force 2

Metroid Other M 2

Metroid Prime 4 developed by Retro.
The indie segment is going to be amazing.
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I mained a plasma only core with everything being plans based

He wasn't hard to me
Final mission White Glint in 4 on the other hand was literally impossible
Based Nintendo



No one realizes how great based Nintendo's conference was
I'd read a book if I wanted a good story.

I don't read books.
What's with this image? There's like 3 Spring Mans. Also did /v/ finally forget about Wonderful 101?
I had to cheese CUBE with missiles since rifles couldn't hit him and if I ever went too close he just melted me in place. Funny that I never had any problems with the Fall, but damn if it wasn't a fine last mission. From knows how to make good final bosses.
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This is the year.
I'll just post this instead.
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>get hyped every year
>only end up buying like one of the games for 75% off every year
Why do I keep bothering?

Are you the same person every year who does these threads?
fucking release date
No release date
Radio silence, never ever
are you retarded?
>Acknowledgement that Fallout 4 was shit

Why would you acknowledge something that isn't true?
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Warning: http://www.e3countdown.com/ still hasn't updated their Bethesda conference time (9 PM instead of 7 PM), and they don't have Devolver.
Warning: http://e3countdown.weebly.com/times.html still has an outdated timetable (wrong Bethesda time, no Devolver).
>every dingle year, I miss Sony
Stupid faggots why do they always hold their show at 3AM where I live
ok Bethesdrone.
dumb fucks, that was so obvious bait I can't believe you actually felt for it. 1/10 see me after class.
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>Sony at 4 AM
Fuck it, I'm not going to miss their show this year. Shitposting is more important than sleep.
pass the template, yo
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>not hoping for pikmin
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I don't do these any more. It's too depressing.
>predict Ubisoft down as being shit, as does most of /v/
>we all do a 180 when Watch Dogs releases
>Watch Dogs releases and it comes full circle, it really was a shit game and therefore a shit presentation but the presentation is already two years in the past
It was also the last straw for Ubisoft, I am honestly not even going to watch the presentation and I have a feeling they're even going to fuck up South Park somehow.
>>we all do a 180 when Watch Dogs releases
Watch Dogs reveals, I meant to say.
This is the only thing that will save E3. I've got high hopes but it's probably just because I played the games for the first time this year.
>Everything I read online says E3 is next Tuesday
>/v/ says Sunday

What the fuck am I missing?
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>Exam period started
>Can't stay up all night because exams are early morning
I hope they don't fuck South Park up, Obsidian did a good job with SOT.
A couple of nobody conferences
EA conference is on June 10, and so on.
E3 technically starts next tuesday, but over here we call "E3" all of the public, live streamed conferences that come before E3 even opens.
There's only one thing I wanna see in the Sony presentation.
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you too?

well, i'm lucky , exam are just after E3.

gonna study and watching E3 at the same time.
E3? Expectations?
I keep telling myself they are going to give us atleast a release date on E3, but thats probably just wishful thinking...
The conferences are always early, the actual expo technically starts Tuesday.
To be honest, the conferences are always fake hype bullshit, but at least it reveals some of the games. Starting Tuesday is when we actually get to see gameplay of close-to-release games on the expo floor.
Thought this semester was over?..
Please just give me a new Pikmin.
It wasn't as good as the original games, but it was good in its own right.
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not in France.

You didn't notice the crappy english?
I'm hoping Nintendo reveals a couple interesting games for release this year, otherwise I'm not getting a Switch until next year. Not letting myself buy one over ports either, as much as I loved MK8 and Smash.
fill me in lads,

what is e3










Literally and unironically close your browser and never come back my friend
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Don't do it anon, it won't work out. I tried it once, and barely scraped a passing grade.

>tfw always say I'll study the whole year
>end up studying a week before
Not him but I have exams from the 12th of june to the 14th.
I hate this
Fuck Pikmin, give us Animal Crossing or Metroid.

You've already got Hey! Pikmin on the way anon, don't be greedy!
And Parpapa 3
I'm from los angeles, we aren't very bright here. (I literally forgot that people from other countries post here.)
>giving a shit about e3
>falling for obvious bait
Perhaps it is you whomst've should leave and never return, friend.
I see. I'm less concerned of having to be a wagecuck on Sunday then. Thanks, anons.
taleworlds said they were going to do something crazy for e3
release date????????????
Numale of War needs to show some compelling gameplay because so far the only thing has going for it is environmental design which might be bullshotting anyway. Not that I expect it to be good, I just don't want every Sony game to turn in TLoU.

I also want the Dark Fantasy meme to end. If From's new game is BB2 I'm going to drink myself to sleep (unless is the the Good Squid's adventure in inner space land).
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>A couple of nobody conferences
>EA, Microsoft, Bethesda
>he cares about the "actual" E3
I try to stream it every year, but I'm very sensitive to cringe so I often end up needing to mute it most of the time to avoid suffering a cringe aneurysm.
Imagine the shitstorm if some buy from Taleworlds just came out, after finishing the presentation and was like:

>Hey, you liked what you saw?
>You can download it right now from Steam
>Das rite, Bannerlord is oficially released

If only
You're saying he shouldn't give a shit about E3, in an E3 thread. Perhaps it is YOU who should fuck off, "friend"
The actual E3 really is better, though. Not some memey trailers and pre-recorded gameplay of games that aren't releasing for another year. You might get some real gameplay on the floor demos.
tak fuji
they all died in the coup last year, the government has been "weekend at Bernies" it the whole time, releasing already finished updates, spacing it out trying so people won't panic
More like they come out, say "this is the battle system, again, ain't it cool lookin'"

"alright see you next year"
I do that too, I often just mute it until I see the next presentation come up, then decide if I need to mute again. It used to be funny with the Kinect stuff, but now it's all just too much even ironically.
The Last of Us 2 on PC PogChamp
>EA Microsoft and Bethesda
>NOT nobodies
Nah, you're a retard
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Are you telling me you can succeed in LA even if you speak Engrish?
Name 10 good things about E3, """friend""", it's just a bunch of shitty overhyped AAA games and >muh gaymer culture
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His game will never be as entertaining as him.
>The actual E3 really is better, though

its literally not
Hey guys I'm from the future. Here's how it's going to go down.

>30 minutes of FFVII Remake gameplay. Honey Bee Inn/cross dressing section featured prominently. Cloud has a Lightning wig.
>Monster Hunter announced as an XBox One exclusive
>Ubisoft makes a record breaking 34 Trump references during their presentation
>Half Life logo. Everyone will lose their shit. Turns out it's Orange Box HD remaster for the PS4. A literal riot breaks out.
>Demon's Souls II and Bloodborne II in simultaneous development
>Undertale announced as Switch console exclusive
>PS Home VR announced. It's basically PS Home, but with VR support
>Devil May Cry 5 logo is shown briefly. But it shows DmC Dante. Everyone is confused.
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But will there be a new Rayman?
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Yeah, it's really fun watching pre-recorded gameplay of pre-downgraded Asscreed every year. I hate actual gameplay too.
>Dragons Dogma 2
>Battle Network return
>Jak X has online, or Jak X 2
>Wild release date
>Warhawk 2
>Skate 4
>Spider-Man gameplay & Release date
>3D metroid
>Sega does something unrelated to Sonic
>30 minutes of FFVII Remake gameplay. Honey Bee Inn/cross dressing section featured prominently. Cloud has a Lightning wig.
Nu/v/ is gonna freak.

But where is Tifa? Buy or not depends on this, and a lot of anger too.
People drew Spring Man
Take a shot every time a speaker mistakenly waits for applause and someone in the crowd goes "woo" after a couple of seconds to break the awkward silence.
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Bonus points for DD2 and MH not XX anywhere
>s-sorry I can't let you know that
>I can't show you that yet
>in player hands this year
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It's hard to get hype for E3 these days
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GC VCC? Nigga, just plug your GC to your CRT.
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>What i wanted: Truth
>What i expected: Lies
knowing bethesda i dont that this is a joke anymore
I don't know why they ever wait for applause during a press conference. I know it's America, but the organisers should surely know that all the "press" are bloggers that will be too busy tweeting to clap?
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Persona 5 on Switch
Fuck you I want to play Viewtiful Joe on the go.
lol, buy a PS4, cuck.
E3 is a perfect showcase of how out of touch most executives are with their audience.
"Viewtiful Joe? What's that?"
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-Hideki Kamiya
It's being turned into a real game instead of a memey 40 minute boss rush, give it time.
>Ryan gosling as one of the aborted snakes of LET
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I won't have to
Jesus christ
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Warioware for Switch, please
How about an actual wario game?
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I wish but my hopes aren't high enough.
Spyro remake WILL be at E3

Bluepoint games said to be remaking a Playstation classic

>Developer Bluepoint Games has confirmed that it’s chiseling away on a new remake project, according to a job listing on its official website. The studio, who is perhaps best known to PlayStation gamers as the company responsible for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Gravity Rush Remastered, emphasised that the title is being aimed to ‘please the masses,’ suggesting the project will be a much-loved IP.

No Skylanders Game this year

>“In addition, as Thomas mentioned, the Skylanders franchise will not have a full game console release this year, but we will continue to engage the community and drive player investment through new toys and digital content.” ~ Dennis Durkin, Activision Blizzard CFO

Classic Spyro and Crash statues being made by First 4 Figures

>It is truly an honor to now be working with Activision to bring you fantastic Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon collectibles! Make sure you join our F4F Official Collectors Club to see all the behind the scenes development process

Spyro included in pic on Playstation Netherlands Facebook page

Crash was first teased with tweet from Playstation Middle East

Spyro WILL return at E3, screencap this
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Thanks senpai
Why is the Sony conference always on in the middle of the fucking night in Europe?! We are their biggest market and most loyal customers, they should at least consider an earlier time.
Crackdown this year
Mediocre conference like last year
Crackdown next year
Playground does a game like Blur or Split/Second
>caring about customers
We hope you'll enjoy this new epic gam- movie!
Maybe that's the whole point. They want to expand US sales just like Nintendo wants to sell more in the EU and that's why their conference is at 6pm here.
But that's just a theory. I don't mind it because NEET life.
3D cartoony action adventure games is probably the most misunderstood and most underrated genre in vidya so he might as well have been serious
it was unironicall better than the first three
unlike the first game it actually had humor, it had the most content and from a technical standpoint it was the best game which led to it having the best graphics, sounds and most fluid gameplay
and the thing with the different Sly ancestors was a great gimmick
All these cartoony shit games like Knack, Yooka Laylee or Remake & Cuck were terrible though so if Sony tells Sucker Punch to make a Sly game I'll be disappointed as fuck.

Sucker Punch should either make another InFamous or a superhero movie.
I meant superhero game!
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The last of us is muh favourite game cos its very deep and it make me cry everytime

Crash and Spyro is kiddy shit, there's no guns or diversity
>20 minutes until Pokémon Direct
Red Dead Redemption 2 is all I am looking forward to.
Ratchet & Clank remake was great despite being underfunded by Sony and it being handicapped by the movie.
Nobody here claimed that Knack and Yooka Laylee were great.

Also Sucker Punch didn't make Sly 4 and also won't make Sly 5 so I don't know what's you're talking about, neither will ND make Jak 4.

When I talk about 3D cartoony action adventure games I talk about Ratchet, Jak and Sly, those games were/are great at everything, even multiplayer when they had one.
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She is blind and that is her helpfull loyal doggo?

microsoft pls no bully


New IP that isn't retarded or obvious money-grubbing. Strong showing for Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves. Monster Hunter multiplat announcement. Halo 5 campaign DLC following Locke and the Arbiter doing separate covert missions to the soundtrack of Superfly.


Overwhelmingly centered around the Scorpio. New games will be announced and known properties will look fine, but Microsoft will once again lack a critical mass of games to make people give a shit about their platform relative to Sony or Nintendo. My next console will probably not be a Scorpio, and instead probably be a Switch so long as Nintendo has a good conference and solid holiday bundles.


Microsoft goes into full Jew mode since they haven't seen return on Phil's vision. Phil isn't there and is instead replaced by some unknown bean counter announcing price hikes for Xbox Live memberships and a $500 Scorpio MSRP. Much of the presentation centers around a proprietary deal Microsoft made with EA sports to get Madden and FIFA to be timed exclusive in some capacity. The new Microsoft IP is a derivative hero shooter rife with microtransactions. Cuphead still has no release date, Sea of Thieves is overwhelmingly one dimensional with puttering around on your ship being the only thing to do. Crackdown 3 has massive performance problems. Halo Gears Forza still dominates the last third of the conference and people walk out before the end.

You can tell this is a make-or-break E3 for Microsoft when my Fears section is a huge paragraph of stuff that's not too far removed from reality.
was thinking if i should go to the sony e3 theater event in my bloodborne cosplay.
you guys think its a fun idea?
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Thanks for the template.
From Software
new King's Field VR game this year
probably a new game in 1-2 years
nothing from From Software
She has diabetes and the dog detects if her blood sugar is too high or low. Supposedly it worked, even brings juice or candy to her if she needs it. Magic doggo.
Sorry to disappoint but we know the story already.

Del Toro and Reedus are both people who extend their life by sucking the life from other beings (the baby). Mads is part of an organisation who track them down and stop it. Mads captures both and dumps them in situations for shits and giggles. Reedus is dumped in a land where everything is dead and his tube thing is removed so he can't get life by draining anything he finds. Toro is dumped in a war landscape and is hunted down

Or some shit like that. Hackjimbos typical "muh war is bad" and "muh planet is being killed" terrible cliched story. I shit you not.
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are you an Idort? If you want to be just be like pic related
he's gonna use every single opportunity in an interview to half-answer the question with complete marketing bullshit like he always does
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Idort here

is anyone else worried about the way Sony is pushing their first parties to make games?

it seems like everyone is trying to be Naughty Dog and make Last of Us clones now...

like fucking God of War is now a fucking narrative driven game
Yeah, it is disappointing. Basically all their first party games are movie games now.
Terrible. I want the classic look!
Unironically Nintendo
BoTW DLC, better version of the switch, new Luigi's Mansion, list of GCN VC titles
More Metroid canibalization.
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You're going to buy my new game, right?
Time for the worst E3 ever.
Pikmin 4 please
And many Switch games in general
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This 6 means that cp2077 will release late this year or early next.
Sony Nintendo
Literally anything from Japan Studio. An action game from Itsuno. More Death Stranding info.
From Nintendo I'd like them to take a new Metroid game seriously. Something Wario related would be nice.
Something new from From seems obvious. Half of the same trailers from last year.
It ends with me not being interested in a single game.
Its confirmed false, the anon that said that apologized on reddit
>falling for a fake leak with no supporting proof
Retard alert
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>yfw his next masterpiece is LOST KINGDOMS III
Is this a new meme?
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I miss something ?
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REmake 2 release date
they wont announce anything about it
they announce it but it's a 3rd person coop shooter
Jesus Christ I looked this up. They have a video for Women, LGBTQ, Blacks, and Latinos. Holy shit talk about pandering bullshit.
Fuck off todd
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>want to watch E3
>for the first time ever, I have a date.
>mfw they want to watch it with me

I've made it.

>Animal Crossing Switch, Mario Odyssey footage, promising 2018 lineup in general
>No AC Switch
>Something stupid ala Federation Force.

Also Yoshida better fucking fix White Mage and address it at the live letter.


Ricochet 2*
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Stop hurting me, anon.

>hopes for E3
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How was that Pokemon Switch hype working out for ya

Streum on studios
Extreme let downs.
Moderate let downs.
Mediocre waste of time.
I can't wait for the release of Team Fortress 2!
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For their new game to be announced

It will come out this year

Nothing, I will buy their game either way
Sly games have gotten progressively worse though.
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E3 will be good
E3 will be shit
E3 will be good but /v/ will say it's shit
I didn't expect a Pokemon game first year, Game Freak rarely jump on new platforms so soon. I always expected it to be 2018 since Zelda and Mario are releasing this year.
I want the story to finish.
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>Game and Wario DX
Cool fanfic
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Updated the Nintendo section of my report card.
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i swear to fucking god
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>what I wanted
>Knack 2
Most people in LA can't speak English.
what are you fellow GAMERS going to snack on during E3?
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Why is Devil May Cry trending?
Chips, coke, ice cold tea, pringles sour cream and onion, possibly tears. Haven't decided if I want to eat stuff from fast food joints or to heat up some instant ramen.
La croix, chips and tendies
Why do people think DMC 5 is more possible in this E3 though?
>Can't play Gamer

Gamer was the dopest shit, I'm saddened in Game and Wario they just didn't do 5 levels of that shit.
>Why do people think DMC 5 is more possible in this E3 though?

Nothing people got hyped for last year actually got debunked, and Itsuno is announcing a new game this year.

Also Capcom has a "unannounced major title" for this fiscal year. ie something for Q1 2018 like RE7.
Meatbread and vodka
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I'm holding off buying an Xbone until I see the Scorpio, if it ends up being shit I'll just go ahead and get an Xbone S. Keeping an eye out for any interesting games for PS4. Don't care what Nintendo does but they seem to be doing good things for their fans this year too. I'm expecting this to be a well rounded E3 with no bad conferences excluding EA & Ubisoft.
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>it is just Dragon's Dogma
>not taking him to the movies for E3
Come on senpai, step it up
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Dragon's Dogma is yuge.

Which is listed as devil may cry series.

Bosh confirmed last july after the pahinko fiasco its happening and rueben and the gang spent last may at capcom japan
Shit. I need to sort out my sleeping pattern for the conferences.
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a good new horror game
a good new open world
news about cyberpunk 2077 and red dead
something about bloodborne 2
clownfiesta ubisoft, amiibo and no games ninendo, movies and remastered sony, 599$ scorpio and no new ip microsoft.
right on the mark senpai, guess it is /v/ though.

Wanna go see GoTG2 with him after. Shit gonna be cash.
>Last 3 years were full of vaporware and lies
>The only decent developer left (Rockstar) never attends E3 because it's for faggots and liars.
>People still pretend E3 matters
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you're not gay, are you anon?
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Still Valve goddamnit!

Battlefront 2 being the best
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord being an improvement over Warband

A few good games here and there

Bannerlord flop
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Now bear with me for a second, I'm not the #1 Star Wars fan or anything but I think SW:BF2 will steal the show. So much hype I've seen around here, also, all over the internet.
Amy Hennig's SW game might pull the upset if it's revealed in full
That Pokemon Direct was a wake-up call, companies don't think the same way consumers do and they never will. Hyped no more.
>tfw you would like to watch conferences but you also have to mantain normie face to your colleagues so you have to go to a pub because of anniversar my boss has

kill me
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>Konami 2010 was 7 years ago
Capcom back in the day
The MvCI leak was fake
The MvCI leak was real
The MvCI leak was real
>Norman Reedus as Solidus Snake
I can dig it
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>it's a "Now lets show off multiple sports and racing games one after another" episode
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>tfw 4 days until CTR Remastered announced at the end of the Crash Warped gameplay footage
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>tfw want to watch the conferences live for the sixth time in a row but get offered an opportunity to work the E3 week and not depend on welfare to cover this month's medical bills
How do we convince Hiro to rangeban Europe during E3?
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>new Vegas in space
>fallout 4 in space
>no mods
Butthurt Amerilard
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Atlus JPN
SMT5 info if not now then at TGS
More shitty half-baked open world garbage
It's another borefest year like the last one.
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>not depending on free money
>the scene goes dark
>gaben rolls onto the stage
>ladies and gentlemen
No. Tell your kind to stop being console war faggots.
Who the fuck actually watches it live?
Smart people only watch the highlight and cringe comps.
better than nothing :^/
Hopefully resign. Nintendo of America has only gotten progressively worse with Reggie at the helm.
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>A new Devil May Cry by Itsuno actually gets announced.
>Gameplay looks great but it now has RPG elements and obvious Souls influences.
I already have a bunch of snacks. I'm going to wake up early to make nintendo pancakes for their direct in the morning. Pizza for Sony. I finally have work off for all of e3, its gonna be a comfy week lads :~)
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>being a nigger
DMC 1 and 3 were already a hack n slash Souls before Souls even existed.
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Oh shit he ain't kidding.

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nice sources, fucking faggots

Gaf is freaking out right now
I thought E3 doesn't start until June 13? Is that just the time that they let the plebs in?
Animal Crossing, some more info on Mario Odyssey. An actual pokemon mainline game announcement. And Metroid.
More odyssey info some new game announcements and Zelda dlc.
splatoon 2 and fucking "arms". ugh
And more Wii u ports.
What's wrong with Splatoon?
drop your hopes for pokemon. Now.

The reason they had a direct so early was because they're not going to talk about it at all except for the demo of pokken dx.

If you're still clinging to something and are ready to complain when it doesn't happen then you're a moron.
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My life has been absolutely shit and this year's e3 is the only thing keeping me going. If Nintendo fucks it up this week, I'm gonna end it all. What are my chances lads?
How has your life been shit?
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Will be worth it for the Sony and Nintendo conferences. The others will be trash as usual though.

Pokemon gen 8 won't come out until October 2019. It'll be announced January to Marchish of the same year as Switch exclusive. Literally the same situation as B/W2 back in 2011.
Why do you even want Pokemon?
Moon and Sun were released not even a year ago.
You only like it because there are underage girls.
Oops forgot BOTW dlc trailer in expectations, that one is a given.
What show do you think it would be announced at?
Don't you DARE get my hopes up like this.
If Spyro is announced at e3 I am buying a ps4
Sort yourself out my dude
Sure, my love for lolis might influence a bit but it is a good shooter by itself even if there were only boys in it.
The only thing I really don't like about the game is the music.
>No more fucking region locks
The switch isn't region locked, brother.
Let go
He's working on a new IP or Dragons Dogma 2, he doesn't want to be a slave to DMC forever.

If it did get announced it would be either MS if they pay some bucks for a trailer, otherwise Sony if not.
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search your feelings
Spyro is not a first party any longer, it will be a multi.
Fear not, Sony already confirmed they plan on announcing tons of new games (most of them from japanese developers)
Then they should get Kamiya back to direct next DMC.
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I'm totally expecting Atlus to actually announce Re; Fantasy as a PS4 exclusive at Sony's conference, which will cause a lot of shitposting, but then it gets confirmed that SMT V is indeed Switch exclusive, which will cause just as much.
When Sony says tons of new games, they usually mean indies. I could bet on that DMC 5 though.
>He's working on a new IP or Dragons Dogma 2, he doesn't want to be a slave to DMC forever.

False cast has confirmed. Report charts have confirmed. French guy just leaked.

>falling for kojimashit after 4, PW, and V

you have only yourself to blame
What if none happens and both are multi platform?

Yes, I know, lots of shitposting anyway.
That fucking sucks.
That's the most likely scenario desu and it'll create just as much shitposting
did you just wake up from a coma?

Quake Champions is gonna be a thing
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7 layer dip flavored combos. Tquitus. Any booze I can scrounge up, smores. Pizza man, asparagus is fuckin choice. Oreo is if they launch soon enough. I'll probably smoke a fine cigar.
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>Basically guys, French rumor says that Devil May Cry 5 will be at E3. Nameless rumor has apparently been solid about rumors the past years.

Is it happening lads?
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My man.
Will it be a exclusive?
Chinese food maybe. I don't know possibly just chicken since I'm on a dnp cycle right now and I don't want to start sweating buckets.
I personally own all 3 platforms, so if it is exclusive, won't bother me. Unless it affects the game but I doubt it. I believe in Itsuno.
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Prime 4 by Retro
Kid Icarus Uprising 2
Devil May Cry 5
Great Ace Attorney localization + physical release
Shin Megami Tensei V
A proper Monster Hunter 5
Good video games from Japanese companies and surprise announcements
Game as a service bullshit being peddled by Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft.
Monster Hunter 5 is open world casualized trash for the Western market on PS4, but Switch gets a Monster Hunter Portable 5
All the conferences besides Sony's and Nintendo's are focused on Western AAA shit with little-to-no Japanese games
Mario Odyssey looks good
Retro's game is a new IP
Nintendo's conference is just focused on 2017, large Mario focus with literally no new info for 2018 games. Tons of Wii U ports.
Smash doesn't get a proper iteration on Switch and instead Smash 4 becomes a service game with DLC being pumped out continually.
Monster Hunter 5 is open world casualized trash for the Western market with no proper Monster Hunter Portable 5
All the conferences besides Nintendo's are focused on Western AAA shit with little-to-no Japanese games
Shit like Destiny 2 and CoD get a huge portion of Sony conference instead of actual exclusives that could actually use the marketing.
Exclusives are barely a thing anymore since Japan acknowledges PC exists
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None, more interested in the Sony and Nintendo more than the others
A large amount of games I care about and am genuinely interested in
A very small amount of games I care about
Games I don't care about
>first part Nintendo and Sony games don't exist
Quake Champions has been a thing since last E3. Hell lots of people already played it.

Must be nice, living under a rock and all
Literally confirmed to never be happening. The ship has sailed anyway. We're at the point where a lot of college kids are too young to have played HL games at launch
>Samsung announcing they are getting into the console gaming business
>to see some big Tifa boobs
>not seeing some big Tifa boobs
>Kid Icarus Uprising 2
That would be a dream made reality, first game is really underrated since it needed the support to be comfortable.
Can you fucking imagine the shitposting on this board if DMC5 ends up being announced as a PS4 exclusive, and Bayonetta 3 gets announced as a Switch exclusive, both within 24 hours?

Bayonetta fans and DMC fans have always been fairly peaceful between each other, but god knows that would end in a 24 hour time period.
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>he used the stand
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>PC Gaming Show at max hype
Kid Icarus Downfall / other creative title would be the true kino announcement of E3 if it happened.
A citizen's kane of video game announcements if it were to happen as Nintendo was closing up their direct, and Hades suddenly tore through the screen to announce he's back.
Anons already confirmed that DMC5 would be at E3 years ago.
A lot of titles
Nothing but Odyssey like BOTW last year.
Mods, ban him for the duration of E3. Do it for the lulz please.
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You have good tastes Anon.

What games are you genuinely be interested in or are hoping are announced? I'm curious.
>God of war, crash, mario, ninja gaiden TLOU 2, Fromsoft new IP
>No KH3 at all
how much people are you dating exactly?
I didn't, I actually played just as that pic, but that's the most common complain I hear whenever I talk about Kid Icarus.
And honestly, as much as I love the tittle being it my favorite of 3DS and one of my favorite portable games, it is true that a game shouldn't need an specific way of handling it in a portable console.
Is Square Enix not having a conference this year?
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Post your cards, bitches.
Im actually pretty hyped for this years EEE

Any DMC fan expects it to be PS4 exclusive if anything.
You will be sucked
He will be the first boss like Medusa, true enemy is Zeus this time. With Poseidon joining into the fight later, making it a 4 war among Palutena/Viridi, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.

I'm upset I even feel the faintest Glimmer of hope.
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>Something new from Team Ico (ideally a new Shadow of the Colossus)
>New God of War gameplay and some pandering to the gaming community like the Shenmue kickstarter last year
>a new Nintendo-ish gimmick
Nah, neither 4 nor DmC were exclusive. It might be announced on Sony conference but it will probably be multi.
hAHA the ps4 is for girls
"Indie" shit?
How is it that no one expects some Kirby Switch game on its anniversary?
4 is the best one
Last year at EA, they had a segment on indie games. Made in-house and published by them.
>tfw I recently built my first gaming PC, and I can finally get hyped for upcoming games
Let's just hope it's at the worst it's an Only On PlayStation*
*console exclusive
at worst, like SFV
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This is Now a ProJared Appreciation Thread!
what is your favorite projared video?
mine is the one where he debunks the theories that Bioshock Infinite isnt a good game and really delves into the brilliance of its craft. he does it smooth and i really like it that way. whats your favorite video?
What's funny is, the PC gaming show is the worst for that because they only show a few exclusives and waste so much time talking about parts for a computer even though you just built one new. All I have is a PC and it's my least anticipated conference.
Where is my Squilliam?
That one jap with the eyepatch
Where the fuck is Wldo too?
Why is it a ProJared thread? Anyway, I don't know why people hate this guy. I like that he talks about RPGs, which no one else ever touches unless it's Elder Scrolls or Fallout.

Battlefront 2 ditches the shitty DLC model of the first game, it was fun right up until the community shattered; some better balancing and bugfixing would be nice too.
Cool exclusives from the PC gaming show.
Random sleeper hits from the other shows, without them getting downgraded to fuck.
Pokemon surprise announced for the Switch, I want to want one of them but it just doesn't have the software; console mainline game would be cool.

That it'll be the same as any other E3. All the crap we expect will get big showings, some other cool-looking things will appear and slowly turn bad as more news is released, and gamers-turn-presenters won't know how to work a stage.
they got those two out of the way already, remember? That's exactly why we did them.
nintendo fan here saying kill yourself tonight.
>imblying Gaymurs wouldnt act like losing their shit anyway and clap like the little good goys they are
They never announced a Switch game, only 3DS ones, even for whatever the hell that multiplayer action game is.
I guess it's possible that we'll get an announcement for next year, but if one were to show up this year we likely would have already known about it.
I cant fucking believe there still people that is even remotely excited about that shitty event, how many times are you going to be scammed to learn?
Kid Icarus two would be buckets of cum.
I thought E3 started on Sunday
So, since Nintendo fanboys apparently won't get their own board so that they are contained during E3, is there any plan how to deal with them? Their delusions and blatant hypocricy are so annoying.
We run this shit faggot.
Kingdom Hearts 3, Sea of Thieves, Dauntless, Animal Crossing or Smash. Id be happy with that.
How about enjoying your shit without caring about them?
the irony of doing this dumb shit with a perfectly good stand
All fanboys are cancer. If you can't deal with it then just stay off /v/, since there's no way all of them can or will be banned.
EA's conference is Saturday.
>So, since Nintendo, Sony and Xbox fanboys apparently won't get their own board so that they are contained during E3, is there any plan how to deal with them? Their delusions and blatant hypocricy are so annoying.
We can say this about all fanboys really.
That sucks. At least I can (hopefully) look forward to multiplats. I didn't own a PS4 or Xbone so I missed out on a lot of games that came out this gen
why would they announce that during the EA conference?
Sony isn't until Monday
Finally bringing back the OG op pic
Animal Crossing, a lot of Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 delayed to 2018 and more info on that, VC info, maybe a bit more info on Ultra S&M
New M rated Metroid on Switch, Fire Emblem Switch info, GameCube VC, Pikmin 4, project octopath information
Federation Forces 2, any Kirby, new Yoshi garbage
it was already talked about in a direct, how is it that YOU didn't know. There's three candy ass.
Yeah, there will still be tons of PC games, just gonna have to watch the whole thing for the multiplats though.
the one where he was on the gamejournospro list making faces like Sam the Eagle
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>mmorpg sims
>nintendo girls
>bugs during xbox show
Did they seriously copy what another school did for some guy's service dog?
teaser just leaked for Ape Escape 4
>pewdiepie youtube channel
>pewdiepie prensting the xbox show
>a pewdiepie game
>pewdiepie not being at E3 :(
>guy who denies reality on a daily basis

Good comparison.
Is the E3 drinking game going to reflect the new Nintendo Pokemon reveals today?
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How many years old now is Ape Escape again anon?

Looking forward to Sony confrence, Nintendo Direct, and PC show
Kojima Ruse Cruise keeps sailing
New Animal Crossing
Half-life 3
No video games,
"social experience"
a few cringey conferences
Todd Howard gets anywhere near a stage and microphone
Why does everyone think Ubisoft is going to make a bunch of Trump jokes? The whole autism over the new Far Cry had nothing to do with them.

You really think Ubisoft won't make Trump jokes? UBISOFt, OF ALL COMPANIES.
Sucker Punch game? are you autism retarb?

I wish
Yes. I don't see a president. I would think EA would do it considering they allowed one of their lead game developers for ME:A go on twitter tirades about white people with no repercussions.
>"wahh, don't like what people told me I shouldn't like wahh"
>EA moved to Saturday
>MS moved to Sunday
>Only ubisoft and Sony on monday
>Nintendo remains the same

Well at least I don't feel bad for not trying to get two days off.
From Software

Bloodborne 2, TLoU2 released this year

Something decent from Bethesda

No soulslike at all from From Software, no interesting games.
Ah ok now I get it. You're a Ubisoft shill.
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Most of the high-tier Jap devs.

Nintendo announces some games for once. Sony has some good Jap IP's.

Less than five games through the entire event I'll actually play.

No games, gimmicks and too much weebshit in Nintendo's conference.
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It's beautiful.
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>4 days till the entertaining shitfest e3
>9 days till FFXIV's expansion
>2 days ago lost virginity
This week is crazy.
And from last year newfag.
Not Patapon 4 for Vita
last yeah, /pol/tards like you said that wearing a rainbow to honor the victims of whatever massacre was sjw pandering
so I guess that making any game starring anything will be sjw pandering
What age are you anon, were you a wizard?
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If KH3 isn't there I'm probably just going to quit video games and continue being a gym rat or something, I'm so sick of waiting.
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I'm not watching the PC Show this year, which may not be a bad idea considering that anything good (or even decent) is rarely shown off there.
>Elder Scroll VI green
yeah, terrible taste, at least you're self aware.
Nier Automata.
A2 side story( the suicide mission).
I dont care if its a DLC.
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>Capcom / FROMSOFT / CD Projekt Red
>Devil May Cry 5 / Bloodborne II / Cyberpunk 2077
>Red Dead Redemption 2, Spiderman, God of War, Scorpio, The Evil Within II
>Ass creed, COD, Spoats, VR Gimmicks, Bullshit marketing
>Sucker Punch
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Im so fucking hyped for E3 this year, I actually can't wait

Silent Hills: Death Stranding
>a rare game under micro being a positive
That's the worst thing you could ask for.
My friend who lives out in California spent half her junior year in high school in the hospital because of a concussion and the second half depressed. Then she skipped most days in her senior year just because she felt like it and she's still getting a full scholarship to college
>Having a favourite company
shiggy diggy doo

Ace combat 7 release date
Bannerlord release date
Shit to joke about afterwards
Obsidian made Bethesda game

None of my hopes being fulfilled (except the jokes)
Snore fest, with one or two somewhat interesting things just there to make me waste my time with the rest of the damn thing due to a misguided hope that something good might happen.

Almost nothing but VR stuff (outside nintendo)
Almost nothing but ARMS and splatoon (inside nintendo)
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If this happens I will buy a ps4 I've waited over a decade for this
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Ubisoft talks about the rabbid shit in their own conference
Smash 4 port that I won't want to buy but probably will
Repeat of 2015

I'm probably working for most of it anyway for the first time, so that sucks.
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he saved the wrong image
Because he's a "more women in gamez needed"fag. But he produces quality content on a regular basis and doesn't treat his fans like shit... Even if I wonder about his true feelings towards them. He's at least a step above Spoony in that regard.
Same as every year. F-Zero. Metroid. Memes.
I think Destiny 2 will be pretty cool. Death Stranding ruse cruise. Gaylo 6 maybe? Memes.
Even more fucking garbage spinoffs from Nintendo. A revival of desperate MGS5 theoryposting when Kojimer turns up. Lack of cringey Aisha Tyler tomfoolery to make Oobisoft watchable. Memes.
Xenoblade 2 release info, new updcoming Swtich info, Mario Odyssey
New Kirby game details, Metroid, new Wario game reveal
more Fire Emblem crap, another blunder like the infamous "transformation" or "Mario dance" ending.
Scorpio is everything they say it is and not more that 400 bucks
It's what they say it is but pricier
The Scorpio is a huge mess that sucks
Wait, at exactly what time and day to the conferences happen? EST.
>everyone except sony are at a decent time for me this year
for fuck sake sony's conference is the only one I care about
I guess looking like a zombie is a small price to pay for shitposting
Ubisoft and EA to go bankrupt pre-E3, Jak 4, Last of Us 2 Cancelled, Xenoverse 3, Danganronpa V3 demo release, REmake 2
None of the above, and info on some Resi stuff
RE8 is in first person, Danganronpa V3 will be the last game, Xenoverse 3 is just Xenoverse 1 again
>You can't appreciate something old

Man, fuck Mona Lisa
>All these positives for Death Stranding
>Last good game Kojima made was in 2004

I honestly think Konami has been a better company since he left.
Fuck man, if only.

You know what I want from this E3, a fucking Ridge Racer game. A real Ridge Racer that is tough and challenging with good multiplayer, cool tracks and 10/10 music.

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>tfw saw Pokemon Star fags BTFO today
>Was full on aboard the DMC 5 train last year and now again this year

I don't think I can handle getting BTFO 2 years in a row.
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Xbox's entire conference
Why even add the Windows 10 part?
Don't they know that's bad marketing for their console?
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