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Why do we hate him again?

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Why do we hate him again?
maybe because he releases like 3 videos a year? He quit work so all he does all day is fuck his gf and bum around raking in patreon and youtube bux
We dont.
In the whole of BioShock Infinite, no one says the word NIGGER.
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Why does every Matthewmatosis thread have his profile pic as the OP? Why is it every time one pops up a video of his comes up soon?
His commentaries are not perfect, but he at least goes to lengths to try and give more depth to things than most others. His voice is also really nice, and has good canter, I can't watch Joseph Andersons videos because his voice irritates me and he doesn't know how to pace his commentaries.

Matthew completely missed his youtube star opportunity however. He did not put out enough content when he was at peak relevance. Dude could probably be bathing in cash right now if he had put in more effort.
It's not up

He could stand to trim off the fat on his commentaries; the problem is that he's in love with the sound of his own voice.
He's bad at video games, and his only really insightful video is on Bioshock infinite
I like him and his GF has a really cute voice.
He's never going to come out with the MGSV one is he?
he makes money from doing what 4chan does for absolute free

lol get played nerds
there are no pictures of the guy and he only has that avatar, what other picture could a thread about him possibly start with?
the moment he got popular he decided he needs half a year or more to make a single video
Matthewmatosis >> MisterCaption even though he's got asperger's >> Cancer >>>>>>>>> Joseph Anderson
Because he is a jewtuber
joseph, we know your marketing tricks you can stop now
I like him whenever he makes videos.
How much money does he get from Patreon bucks for not doing anything? He put out THREE videos last year, and one was just a Dark Souls longplay. I'm gonna be miffed if it's more than a couple thousand annually.

What happened to MisterCaptions undertale video?
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Cancel that I just looked it up. He gets $816 a month from Patreon.
>That's almost $9800 per year.
>Last year just from Patreon he made $3300 per video.
>He's getting about $27 per day from fans. For 3 videos a year.
>That's not even counting Jewtube bux
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>/v/ is a single entity that all agrees and disagrees on the same things

I don't even know who this guy is.
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because he got cucked out of his fame by a stronger and smarter alpha male
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>quit job to make videos
>don't make videos

simbly ebic
because even though he quit his job and subsists solely on patreon bucks now, he barely uploads anymore. also his vids are way less fun than his earlier shit.

i think he goes out of his way to do vids on slightly less mainstream games (like his recent ones on Riven, Obduction, Vallhalla, Downwell, etc.) That's all well and good except he built his channel and mainstream shit like Dark Souls, Mario, Zelda, and MGS. It also seems like a tease that he insists on doing vids on these kinds of games instead of Bloodborne, DaS3, MGSV, or BotW, all of which are games in a series that he's done multiple videos on before.

it's frustrating because he had a good channel and it seems like he's pissing it all away for no reason except to be different for the sake of being different.
i heard joseph has him in chastity and fucks his gf
Does anybody know when he and his gf got together?

Things started going downhill when he took like 9 months to put out the DaS commentary, and while I actually liked that vid, everything since then has been boring shite. I'm gonna assume that's probably around when they started dating or got serious/moved in together.

I think this is a side channel of his?

no i think somebody spliced that together from one of his live streams. he uploads his streams to his MatthewmatosisExtra channel. I think some of them are on twitch too from before he had the second channel
Oh ok, thanks!
He's a fucking red head
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Because I have for some reason decided to have hating thing others like be my defining trait.
>inb4 that one triggered DaS2 fanboy spews his tired rhetoric about how Matt's only argument is how it isn't more like DaS1, even though that isnt even remotely true and everyone knows it
aren't you being an e-critic right now?
People don't hate DaS2 because of him. He just acquired an extreme amount of viewership for having the right opinion at the right time. It's what people wanted to hear.

It probably wasn't great for him to gain so much attention so quickly while thinking that people actually valued his opinion.
Why do we love Joseph again?
boring documentary narrator voice. he's ok
Maybe Matt's just shy
because he BTFO matt on every aspect of quality

>clean and concise with no horrible drawling accent
>actually provides examples to back up his claims
>puts out more than two videos a year
Does he tripfag here anymore?
retards hate him because he criticized a meme weeb game
his gf doesn't let him come on 4chan anymore. he's gone full normie.
There’s a meme on 4chan that has Todd Howard, often in an assortment of disguises, showing up and demanding that people buy and/or preorder Bethesda’s latest game. And he gets increasingly more irate as posters reply saying they pirated it, or that they thought the game was bad.
I don't understand why he feels the need to bring up 4Chan so much.

His actual criticism is still good though. Top tier background noise
but todd posting is maybe the only good meme to come out of /v/ in the past 3 years
based matt calls out the only halfway decent /v/ has going for it

I see nothing wrong with this
I don't understand why people like comparing Matt and Joe so much.

You can make a drinking game out of how often Matthew mentions the "experience" of a game while Joseph has only just addressed the idea in a video.
He's right, these games do a hell of a lot shittier than they should due to no advertising
I don't
most of his stuff is pretty entertaining
Noah Gervaise or however you spell it> joeseph anderson>mister caption>>dsp thoughts during lets plays>>>> dog poop>> youtube comments>MatthewMatosis
>Why is it every time one pops up a video of his comes up soon?
this is not the case at all. i see an mm thread ~1-2 a month and that's clearly not the rate he's putting out videos
Noah is a cuck at best
Literal who
I dont think anyone but noah would be fucking that lady he be driving around with
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there is this...
*girly cough in mic* Yeah, you're right.
His poor quality 3D Mario analysis
>Noah "1 hour to say absolute nothing interesting while quoting travel books" Gervais
I just can't stand Noah coughing in the mic. It's such a little thing and it takes no effort to move away from the fucking mic. The best would be to make another take.
>Joseph Anderson: Now I'm going to analyze this game
>proceeds to only describe what's happening on-screen and not analyze at all
Go back to tumblr with your leftist loveboy then. Joseph's DSII video was Game Theorist tier, and whenever he inserts his politics into videos he shows he is a marxist piece of shit.
>three 1.5 hour long videos a year
>worse than the niggers that do one 10 min video a month
you niggers get more and more retarded every day
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I dont know wether to feel disgusted or start a youtube series.
What the fuck is this?
>Not once in the game did I hear the word "NIGGER"

What the fuck was he thinking?
Any other interesting gaming critics out there?

I know Joseph Anderson, who I enjoy, Matthew I also enjoy. Then Noah who I don't really like too much. After that I can't really name any that have intersting in-depth videos. Any suggestions?
>Noah Gervais

he has the potential to be good but he puts no fucking effort into editing his vids. a few of his videos i've watched i just had to turn off because i couldn't hear what he was saying over the game audio. he also seems to never do more than one take because every video of his i've seen has him stumbling over his words at one point of another. either do a second take if you fuck up or write your script with more cuts, there's no excuse for having such dogshit audio in a video review like this where the audio is really all that matters

the only time i remember him ever mentioning politics was him making an extremely mild trump joke. i saw that as more of him pandering to the masses than him outting himself as a SJW
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So they do they say "NIGGER" in the game or what?
MisterCaptions follow up video on Nier

Yeah his audio is terrible. I have to crank it up and like you said, he is drowned out by the game audio as well. And then when he reads the patreon names at the end of his video while the wind is blowing or some shit and you can literally hear NOTHING except the wind blowing loud as fuck. Like how could he be okay with posting that?

hbomberguy has a few interesting videos, in particular his dark souls 2 defense vid.

be warned his is a flaming SJW though and regularly shoe-horns this into his vids (his channel is like 30% social justice vids 70% vidya), so if that kind of this pisses you off then i wouldn't bother with him.

Yeah I realized he was a SJW after I watched a single other video besides his DaS2 one, but I did find the DaS2 video pretty interesting and made me want to actually replay the game
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Jesus christ this poor guy

the funny thing is that he's written for like polygon and rollingstone before so you'd think he'd try and be a little more professional than guys like matt and joe. but nope, he just does his audio in one take and doesn't even seem to watch his vids before uploading
Why is he crying?
Mark Brown (game makers toolkit)
Because he got it wrong and got called out even though the like/dislike ratio of the original video is largely in his favor?
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Because of this, I shit you not
He was right though, you can't properly represent history by ignoring historical accuracy.
>145k youtube subs
>$1400 per month on patreon from 435 patrons
>$16,800 per year from patreon (not much)

>134k youtube subs
>$800 per month on patreon from 816 patrons
>$9600 per year from patreon (fucking nothing)

>68k youtube subs
>$2500 per month on patreon from 450 patrons
>$30k per year from patreon (not bad at all, living comfortably if you add in youtube ad revenue)

>83k youtube subs
>$3500 per VIDEO on patreon from 950 patrons (seems to upload about twice a month, so that's $7000 per month)
>$84000 per year from patreon (literally in the 1%, doing quite well for himself)

if you want to be successful using the patreon model, you have to be a SJW. there's no way around it.
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>crying because you were wrong about a video game
Holy shit
you don't know what the 1% is.
i wonder if that ancom actually tries to help the poor considering how much money he makes.

Is he crying?
in a way sjws are like televangelists considering how much they get from less people.
Why can't you form your own opinions again?
>hbomb gets 10x more money from roughly the same number of patrons as matt
>matt has 50k more subs

you can't explain that
Sounds like it
Not everyone cares about Youtube fame and money, that shits for redditors

Yeesh that's really awkward and weird
>reddit boogeyman
Noah and Joseph would both be great if they hired an editor to trim their scripts down, and someone else to narrate them. They both absolutely suck at both of these aspects of video making.

Matthew could probably use a good editor too since he gets hung up on the smallest, most insignificant things, but he at least delivers his script well in audio, which is all you really need to keep my attention.
Fuck off over there then underage newfag
Because crowbcat is /ourguy/.
You ever seen /v/ try to discuss actual game design, not characters or settings? Total disaster. Most eceleb analysis shit is shallow but I do think it's certainly on a higher level of discourse than here, so people watch them to learn.
>Appeal to the emotions of your viewers

Nothing new.

noah doesn't need an editor, he's just legitimately shit at making videos. he should really just switch to a blog format. he's awful as balancing audio, doesn't do second takes, leaves in all of his coughing and pronunciation errors, etc. but blogs don't get as much ad revenue/exposure as videos i guess.
Most of these """"""analysts """""" have shit opinions on how games even work, id much rather trust actual game designers then a 2 hour video just describing the game, only redditors who eat that shit up
Epic b8.
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