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So when did you grow up and realize shy girls were shit tier

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So when did you grow up and realize shy girls were shit tier and mean/serious girls are for real men?
Never make another thread.
She was never once mean.

It's time to grow up.

She's pretty blunt/cold some would consider that mean. I personally don't, but I can see why people would. Sae Niijima is another good one.
Kyoko's only cool in her spin-off novels which are written by someone else entirely though.
Baconhands is for bullying
>mysterious and intelligent female with rough background falls for limpdick MC because he has the amazing power of normal
If this is for "real men" then call me a hot woman, this is the lamest shit around.
Naegi still wanted Maizono and thinks about her even until the very end of the series.
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Asahina is the most perfect waifu ever to live, and anyone who disagrees is a pleb
>DR1 doesn't end with Naegi curing Junko of her crazy by sticking his rod of hope in her

Shit game desu
I grew up and realized girls are all cunts. Men are straight forward and tell you how things are instead of being purposely vague and telling you things are fine when they're not and then getting bitchy when you assume things are fine when someone tells you things are fine. Also up don't have deal with a cranky person one week out of the month.

I'm not even attracted to men, but holy fuck is having a relationship with a dude that much less stressful than a girl.

Hold that /v/

I learned when I was 10 years old
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I'd forgive a lot for a girl that was just intellectually stimulating. Most of them just skate by with sarcasm instead of intelligence.

Alternatively, one that is genuinely nice. Those are a bit easier to find but still rare.

In either case they want nothing to do with me but hey
>liking bossy, bitchy females
>not liking kind, submissive ones
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>liking females
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>liking anyone
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t. ishimaru
Last year.
I actually liked them before. But I realized the second part only recently.
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What a gaylord.
Only good waifus are the psychopathic ones.
I like all personalities as long as they have proper justification
I'm purposefully vague and tell people things are fine when they aren't, but it's mostly because i don't like talking about myself.
>Not liking tomboys while relegating everyone else to the trashcan

You kids will grow up one day.
Not everyone is a fucking faggot.

Go suck on a (feminine) penis, you degenerate.
No thanks, not everyone has the same hobbies as you either.
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Prime breeding material
She's dumb as a brick though

In the "bad end" she becomes everyone's breeding cow.
Seriously, if i didn't want pussy so much then I'd just have a non sexual bromance or some shit. The only thing that even motivates me to waste time on a female is the off chance i might fuck her, but other than that they aren't good for shit else. I dunno how any sane dude happily deals with this shit on a daily basis, I really dont.
i like girls who pretend to be cute am i autistic /v/?
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>this thread

This, most women aren't smart just hyper sarcastic to where you think it's intelligence by how cunty she's coming off
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After I finished W3,& settled with best girl
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>"bad end"
the "bad end" is just a dream and you will have no coice but to choose the right choice after that
Aoi is best dangan girl
stay mad
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I have to wonder why they didn't just make her the protagonist.
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>mfw the Bad End was a Doug Funny-like daydream of Makoto
>mfw he imagined that happening to Hina

Not to mention Toko didn't get a pass in that dream either.
Kyoko is a massive sociopathic cunt with daddy issues. This thread was a mistake.
>self inserting as a female character
there are more people who like to self insert as a male character
other than that they also don't want to romance guys as a female character
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Let's be honest. The best girl is Sakura, not even memeing. She's the only one that wasn't fucking annoying
And in both games and in the DR3 anime.
>don't want to romance guys as a female character
Just go full /u/, problem solved
>Just go full /u/
It's what could have been.
S-shit tier, anon?
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Now it's great for both genders!
i should have stried to go for Hanako in my first KS run
i was locked in Emis route and i never reset my first runs in visual novels
Why does it matter who you go for first?
because you will always remember your first run and i would be much more satisfying if you chose the girl you like the most
but Emi still was 2nd best girl for me
What a cuck

"You'll remember your first".
No you won't.
Well he clearly does, so I'm not sure what your point is.
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Why the fuck does being scarred means you're a cripple? It's not nearly on the same level as losing your arms or something. It's like saying that Volgin is a cripple. I don't get it.
Being hideously deformed tends to impair your life pretty badly, anon. Besides, real burn victims don't look like cute animu girls.

what is wrong with her hands? is that supposed to be a closed fist?
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>Junko sneaked into Naegi's room in the middle of the night
How many times do you think she raped him and reset his memory before the killing game began?
Why was I supposed to even give a shit about Naegi as a character? For most of the cases in the game he was absolutely nothing but
>Have hope and trust each other guys! No I don't have any sort of actually constructive suggestion to make! No I won't address the fact that every death so far has resulted out of people blindly trusting each other and hoping for the best the exact way I'm yelling at you to do!

Worst cast of characters in any game I've ever played, I hear the sequel is even worse in that regard too somehow.
> I hear the sequel is even worse in that regard too somehow.
You heard wrong.

Just stop playing then. No one fucking cares.
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>dominating bossy bitchy females
>not noticing the plebs
Basically a self insert. You relate to how shitty his situation is. It's a mystery game. If you like solving mysteries, play it. You don't, then don't. It's not a dating sim.

Sequel is probably better but you have to beat the first one and not be a faggot.
>Just stop playing then. No one fucking cares.
Not going to apologize for actually playing the games I have an opinion on, go fuck yourself.

I only played it because I was told that it was a good mystery game.
that's kinda hot
It's a great mystery game.
Mysteries are the weakest part of the series to be fair, especially in the first game. It absolutely is a waifu (or husbando I guess) game with Kodaka's wacko story tying everything together.
You should apologize though. How dare you insult the cast? There's only 4 bad characters. Maybe 5. The rest are tropes.
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He's not wrong

Best boy
That is so insanely wrong. The Class Trials are the strongest part, with the final trial being weakest. You are so so so fucking out of your mind. I should screenshot it and post it in the next DR thread for laughs.

It might benefit from Waifu/husbandos but that doesn't carry it even remotely. DR1 was great and it had weak choices.
>Basically a self insert
Think he's supposed to be relatable but not a self insert. You don't get a say in refusing to tell Kyoko about Sakura in Chapter 4, there are a few other scenes like that.

It's fair game to not like the character I think.
While I agree the one who did it is almost never a surprise, it's just like in Ace Attorney, watching how shit goes down's the fun part
It isn't wrong, the closest thing to a decent mystery in DR1 is the first case and that's wasted on being a tutorial case given away by having the culprit's name freaking written down at the crime scene. It's everything else around the mysteries that you're enjoying, Kodaka knows that which is why so much of the Class Trials are barely about the mysteries and more about the cast members crying about their personal problems and so on.
Naegi (and Hajime) are just self inserts for the player. It's why they never really advance the plot or express their personality but they are the head of the class trials and are basically the smartest cast members.
Now that's just bullshit, the "crying about personal problems" stuff happens only at the end of a trial, when all's decided anyways
I find Hajime better at his job of a likeable protagonist, the dude's smug af
Yea, nigga, no.
Everyone picks Hajime over Naegi. Better waifu too... probably.
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I wanted to protect his smile, and make him feel like he is deserving of love.
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Yeah I like Hajime more since unlike Naegi he's cautious around the cast when he first met them and also tries to understand what's going on rather than accept the situation at the beginning. Both though know who the best girl's of their respective game are.

I grew up and realized boys are for real men
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the best girl is Mukuro Ikusabae, the 16th cutie, the one known as the Ultimate Waifu.
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Is it wrong I found this one of the most unnerving tracks?
It just sounds so malicious with a sense of careless disregard to how anyone would respond to Monokuma when he makes honestly terrifying requests for statements.

I still wish the game went with the DISTRUST route rather than have TOO MUCH goofiness and tropes when Monokuma is meant to play that to ironic effect, I'm still mad.
>Seriously, if i didn't want pussy so much then I'd just have a non sexual bromance or some shit

How do you think all guys feel?
Shame the novel was so badly written

The twist will always be better than the actual character

Preferring submissive is the mark of the beta
I never got the love for this girl.

Literally boring tsundere #1276
The funny thing is that "serious / mean" girls tend to be boring and bland as hell when they aren't being raging cunts.
Blame Zero Escape. Because of that game Spike didn't want Danganronpa and ZE to be the same.
Yea, it's horribly written but I still read it and found it charming.

Was she tsundere? It didn't feel like, there was never any "It's not like I like you or anything", mostly just her being cold, obtuse.

Of course I haven't played the game since it's inital release and translation on psp so maybe my memory is hazy.
The anime refused to give her any spotlight unless it was being Junko's lackey.

And everyone knows the know "Despair Sisters" didn't mean jack since Junko always ran the whole thing.
I like athletic, boyish girls with toned butts
You have to play the game, anon. She isn't even tsundere.
She's kuudere if anything.

I love that song, it's so much more sinister in game though.
But Kyoko is one of the most interesting characters. We have no idea her talent nor much about her background and she helps you a lot. She's not boring at all.
More like commend Zero Escape for having the balls to do what it did and the ideas they put in and considered.

Due to it's nature the Japs hated and Danganronpa wouldn't have ever taken off like it had.
Yeah that's how I remember her as well.
exactly, shame it was so badly written, including but not limited to anime Mukuro
9 9 9 > DR2 > VLR > DR 1 > DR 3 > ZTD

>I didn't play the game!
Just a reminder
Mikan is gross
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I see nothing wrong with this list

Nothing will ever top 999 Or the 2nd to last case of DR2
Kirimygiris almost got you killed multiple times though.

That is my favorite track of the game for that same reason. It's unnerving and eerie, yet it fits perfectly with the despair motif.
no she almost got Makoto killed multiple times, Makoto is not a self insert
He's right. She has no character development whatsoever and exists to move the plot forward, considering Naegi is so fucking incompetent. She's trash.

That doesn't change anything about my argument.
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>We have no idea her talent
>He didn't work it out from case 1
But that's wrong. She
1. Isn't tsundere. This word has a specific meaning.
2. She changes from start to finish personality wise
3. Exists to move the plot forward? That's everyone's job.
Of course I did nigga Now, Hajime's talent! That took me a while.
I really dislike her because she's completely infallible, and that makes her character boring because she is always right 100% of the time. And because she is so competent, the rest of the characters look like idiots.

You can't even make it more obvious it's you that's posting, Hiyoko. Go and crawl back to your lame boat ending and never come back.
she does have character development, she develops into a more boring character

I'm more on the side of the Anti-Kyokofags. She's one of the few characters I dislike. I don't hate her but I do think she could've been done better.
Here's a question I always wanted to ask. What do people think of Zero Jr?
I thought this rabbit was fucking hilarious. But I could never find out what others thought of him.
She doesn't develop. Maybe she's not Tsun, but she is generic and boring. She remains cold and disinterested throughout the entire game.
But shy girls are the best.
>completely infallible
She makes loads of mistakes and even tries to kill you. And YOU solve several mysteries she never does.
No, she becomes more friendly and open and helpful. Like Byakuya. Did you people play the game? Did you see the conclusion anime (DR3)? I think you people didn't.
I played VLR about 3 months ago and I don't even remember anything about that rabbit

if that answers your question
Kirigiri would have been an amazing character had she been the final victim
She should of gotten a Mia death and died case 2.
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DR2 playing me like a fool so many times.
Such a improvement from 1 in terms of twists and plot.

>tfw getting to THAT part
Blew me the fuck away
Only plays a part for the first 1/4 of the game, so that might be part of it.
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>wanting to be a girl in any way
Jaw dropping moments all around. I was never more excited than playing it for the first time.
I was specifically referring to the game, not the following mediocrity of the awful anime, and even then instead of trusting Naegi and telling him that she had taken an antidote, she doesn't. She still has trust issues. She didn't change. Hell, she could have given them that notebook she had any time, but didn't.
I've only played DR2 and damn she looks like a more fuckable Chiaki.
>tsunderecuck thinks he's an adult

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Kyoko isn't a tsundere.

I love this episode of /v/ not knowing shit.

Believe me, she is.
You're right, she's a piece of shit.

No srsly tho im gay as fuck, but that guy is just a huge fag. It's pure virtue signalling "I NEED FEMINISM XDDD". No you don't you need to fucking get your head out of your ass. If you wanted to use your wifes dildo just do it, there's no need to be public about this shit. You have a fetish, you're not special for it.
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If I wanted mean girls I'd go outside.
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So when did you grow up and realize girls were shit tier and serious but kind boys are for real men?
This. I see you're a man of culture as well
Hajimeme is more of his own character and has actual issues regarding his talent. He has no problem telling hopeman off when he's being annoying whereas makoto would try to befriend him to the end. He also has only a few "we have to trust our friends" moments, and the biggest one(chapter 4) ends with the killer telling him that there's no point dying for that shit. He's markably better, especially at the end when you realize how flawed and stupid he was during his school tenure.
Why not just watch the movie instead?
I wish to cuddle a Kirigiri.
You mea Jin Kirigiri?
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yeah, reiclones aren't tsundere, they're just shit
A Kyoko Kirigiri. Jin a shit.
He felt like a heartless attempt to create a monokuma for zero escape. He only has a presense for "half" the game and he just fucks off for the last half. It bothers me because he's so active for the first half and then he's irrelevant.
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>Naegi-kun, it appears my panties are wet.
I can't hug a movie. Well, I could, but it would be extremely awkward. I am a big guy.
No one cares about the opinions of a faggot though.
Would you watch a real Slice of Life anime of the cast before the events of DR1?
Yeah probably, because I'm massive fucking idiot and eat this series up for some reason
>She makes loads of mistakes
Name them.

>and even tries to kill you
That wasn't even her choice. Chapter 5 was completely rigged and the class trial was cut short before a verdict can be reached so she didn't "choose" to kill Naegi.

I also don't like that the only two time you can go against her are player choices that are completely scripted that you end up paying for it. That is why Kirigiri is never wrong.

>He has no problem telling hopeman off
He stops doing so after he finds out he's a reserve course student. He lets Komaeda completely walk all over him.

>makoto would try to befriend him to the end
Just like he befriended Hagakure, Celes or Togami during his FTEs, right?

>especially at the end when you realize how flawed and stupid he was during his school tenure.
I honestly think that makes him an even more weak character. You have all of these characters, and some had to work really hard to earn their talents, but all Hinata had to do was whine about it instead of trying to make the effort to get his own. The fact that he ends up as a figurative god at the end with almost no consequences pisses me off.
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More screentime for the dead dr1 characters is always a good thing.
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I don't get how you could be a fan of danganronpa after danganronpa3
Kyoko couldn't figure out Trial 3, or rather, how Hifumi was made to kill Taka. You have to figure out (or at least you can THEORIZE) that Celeste uses Alter Ego to win him over.
She is also constantly surprised about revelations towards the end of the game, much like everyone else. She DOESN'T figure out that there is a time skip for example.
I think she wants to accuse the wrong person in Trial 4 but as a detective, she doesn't say it openly yet.
Wasn't that bad overall and it doesn't retroactively hurt the series. Most people aren't as dumb as you.
He still considered them his friend. Makoto activaly hung out with a serial killer without too much concern while Hajime was activly disgusted/afraid by and of hopeman post chapter 1. It only relented when he started doubting who he is and if he actually mattered. It wasn't that he gained respect for him or anything, it's that his negative emotions for himself outweighed that for hopeman.

>no consequences

>old self pretty much died
>new self hates everything and wants to die listening to linkin park
>tries to kill his new personality using a gambit that may or may not work
He didn't love himself, gave up everything for talent, and still hated himself in the end.

Plus if you want to drag the shitty anime into it he pretty much killed his best friend and unintentionally doomed the world
>Literally died because she was a he
Truly tragic.
Not him, but none of those things constitute mistakes. Every time she made a supposition she was correct. Not being able to immediately arrive at the truth isn't a mistake.
>she develops into a more boring character

What's not boring to you? Bouncing off the walls and screaming generic tropes?
Love love~
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>Kyoko couldn't figure out Trial 3
Nope. She did figure it out. Even Naegi made a comment about how she mentioned to "look at the crime as two separate incidents instead of a connected series of events."

>she DOESN'T figure out that there is a time skip for example.
End of trial 3 she call out on Monokuma "what did you do to my body." Note that she is the only character that mentions her body feeling different before Junko brings it up at the final trial.

>>no consequences
I did say "almost," anon.

>>old self pretty much died
>>new self hates everything and wants to die listening to linkin park
>>tries to kill his new personality using a gambit that may or may not work
not after dr3 :^)

>He still considered them his friend.
He doesn't say that they are "true friends" at the end of thier FTEs for the characters I mentioned. He also is completely done with Hagakure's bullshit at the end of his.

>He didn't love himself, gave up everything for talent, and still hated himself in the end.
That doesn't make him interesting, you give Naegi crap for being weak willed, but you don't when Hinata does it.

>Plus if you want to drag the shitty anime into it he pretty much killed his best friend and unintentionally doomed the world
And he gets off scott free for doing all that on their merry little boat as they ride into the sunset.
>Note that she is the only character that mentions her body feeling different before Junko brings it up at the final trial.
Because she had alot more done to her than the rest. She forgot who she is too.
When did you grow up and realized using something as petty as the girls one likes to judge other people's maturity in an Indonesian basket weaving forum was retarded?
You're just proving my point anon. Even with a handicap, she was STILL way more competent than the rest of the cast and makes them look useless.
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We can all agree Junko is the worst, right?
What handicap exactly? Her skills are still there. You forgot everyone is Ultimate Nothings basically.
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The appeal of shy girls is that you look after them to a degree which makes you feel good because you are needed by them but deep down it's you that needs them.
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*the best, sure we're all in agreement
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Stop posting, Mukuro.
*the best at being the worst
Looks like you made a little typo there, anon. Don't worry, I fixed it up for you.
Gun to protect her right?
You just mentioned it in your previous post, she had more done to her body than the others.
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memories. Her skills are fine.
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The initial post in the chain was my first reply to the thread. I never called Makoto weak willed. His actions in chapter 5 show he's capable of doing shit, even if it is technically through inaction. My issue with Makoto is he's literally written to be the average guy, with his only "redeeming trait"(or does he refer to it as his only notable trait? I can't remember) is that he can constantly move forward.

Can I be honest with you? I've never watch DR3. I heard it was absolute shit only good for memes and chose not to watch it. All my knowledge is through hearsay. So it's safe to assume DR3 retroactively ruined everything?

She still mentioned being comfortable around corpses, so it's evident that she still has her detective skills
Got this on my iPod.
Love it.
I particularly enjoyed that scene of her being an utter cheeky shit to a murderer while seated in the backseat of a speeding car that he was driving.
>Has to basically throw Naegi under the bus with her only alibi being she needs to know the secret of the school
>Not a mistake
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When did you realize that DR3 was a mistake?
DR3 may have been a garbage fire, but it was a fucking blast watching it with you guys.
Around episode 5.
When did you grow up and realize that DR2 is an overrated piece of shit and DR1 is objectively superior?

I wasn't too happy about Mukuro being an autist, but probably the dude brainwashing anime lmao is what really killed it for me.
Even now, we are all Juzoboys.
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wtf i like Kyoko now
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Can Juzoboys even be remotely controlled?
>So it's safe to assume DR3 retroactively ruined everything?
Yup. it's a terrible conclusion to the series and a huge disappointment. Go watch it for a laugh. Retcons from the games to justify their new motive, made the sdr2 all dindu nuthins, all the new characters are shallow and most of them die and barley live long enough to be more than 1 dimensional characters. The ending is also a huge sdr2 fanwank all while completely skipping all the development the ending of the second game had and pretend it doesn't even happen, and the dead dr1 characters don't get any screentime.

As I mentioned already, not her fault since it was junko who ended the trial early.
You mean like she was in DR0? Mukurofags drank the IF koolaid.
It was down to her and Naegi as neither had alibis. She knew that Naegi couldn't had done it, but selfishly chose to save herself by throwing him under the bus. She made a conscious choice to put him in the path of almost certain death.
it's like saying "of course Mikan acted like she did at the end of 2-3". Mukuro's an UD and they all basically act the same way.

strip that away from Kyoko and she's just the serious boring girl
It's so ridiculous how Kodaka pandered to DR2fags. Makes them all dindus, brings them all back to life, and has then steal the show in a final episode by talking down Mitarai and reviving Kirigiri while Naegi does fuck-all. Not to mention DR2.5 and the forced inclusions in V3.
>Literally boring tsundere

She's at Kuudere at best. She's a confused and pissed off girl who starts to trust and quite like Naegi, even throwing herself down the trash shaft to save him eventually.
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>So it's safe to assume DR3 retroactively ruined everything?
It's the most poorly written thing to come out of DR. It's not even good as a fan service show unless you REALLY like Chiaki

>Strip off their character trait and suddenly they're empty

Shut the fuck up dude
Kodaka wrote none of DR3 outside of Hope Arc. It was done first and it was up to Lerche's writers for everything else.
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why is she so smug?
She also throws him down there herself, and her entire character arc ranges from bitch to a smile throughout two pieces of media
I think you have a very high opinion of humanity if you think of Makoto as being "the average guy." On more than one occasion he puts his life in danger to save others, sometimes others that he doesn't even know that well. I'd say less than like 1% of people would've made the decision he made in 1-5.
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whoa dude it's almost as if she's a shitty cardboard cutout of a character
She is stripped of that mystery at the end of DR1 though. She's empty like you say.

They all are dumbfuck
Most of the characters in the franchise are one-note, DR2 especially. It's a recurring problem as the characters are all designed with only 2-3 basic traits in mind.

Even in the original DR, she acts with surprise when Junko kills her, and makes it sound like Junko trying to kill her was something she never even considered happening, despite the fact she tries to hurt her for fun multiple times in the anime.

Also the FTEs sound like a completely different character, it's nothing like anime Mukuro.
>Kodaka wrote none of DR3 outside of Hope Arc
Is this "Uchi only wrote D Team" all over again?
I disagree with that. Even Kyoko isn't "one-note", she's just boring. You don't have to shit all over the entire cast just because some people don't like your waifu.
I only knew of the one like this with Sayaka. Are there any more?
i never said she was the only one stop bullying me
> oh hey thanks for being genuinely nice to me but shit is getting real so I'm going to get you killed, sorry.
Woah, did I strike a nerve by criticizing DR2? It's true, though. You can sum up half of the characters in the series with a single personality trait
>The nice one
>The pretentious one
>The crazy one
>The hot-headed one
>The comic relief dumb one
To be fair he did just go and fuck the brown chick instead of trying to solve the mystery in the end where she gets executed.
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I feel like Komaeda had at least a little depth though considering the shit he went through
You can sum up anything with one word if you're general enough in your language. DR has great characters, DR2 more than DR1, yes.
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She was hideously scarred and suffered serious emotional trauma as a result of her injuries and the deaths of her parents.
She may be physically able but she's still crippled. Same with Misha and her lesbianism.
Why does that tongue make me hard?
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Best protag
Yeah, but that's all in the FTE infodump that the plot itself never calls attention to. In-game he just rants about hope and talent and stepping stones.
Yeah, no. DR2 had way more one dimensional gimmick characters.
Fucking loved this meme.
Komaeda is literally the only exception. Because of his constant development throughout the whole game, it comes at an expense of the rest of the cast since they don't get enough screentime.
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A harem of 2.
Sloppy seconds of Astrobro.
And the magic loli.
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>Kirigiri thread
My niggas
>hurr hurr we finally had a grill mc
>kills her off on the first trial

what do spike chun soft meant by this
Go into more detail to prove you're not just some butthurt memer.
I'm still annoyed they also made him a brainwashed dindu, if anyone needed to have actually done everything of their own free will it had to be him.
>people hating on Kyoko and DR2
Fucking plebs, go back to Canada.
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That girls need to stick to being action protags instead of mystery solvers.
DR1 are more "gap moe" characters. They might come across as one dimensional at first, they have other things that comes from their development

You can thank all the vocal sdr2fags for being a bunch of annoying vocal whiners that have to get their way.
But he's not a dindu. The non-despair version of him is an unrepentant hope terrorist who has attempted to murder two people
The DR3 cast had plenty of fun people. Don't fucking lie to fulfill your bs post. If I listed good characters, would you just say "Eh, he/she sucked" or would you actually be open minded?
>people upset that their waifu isn't universally liked, especially when the OP is criticizing people that don't like her
Fucking pretentious Kyoko fags
DR2 does that, but better. And don't call character complexity "gap moe", it makes you sound retarded.
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Incest route is the ultimate patrician choice
Captcha: luck granatari
Their personality traits are exaggerated a ton. Souda being a pervert, Sonia being a naive foreigner, Akane being dumb and hungry, Nekomaru screaming about shitting, Ibuki being quirky and random. It's their entire characters and you're reminded of it constantly.


It's spoilered and I still clicked. Time to bail
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So any bets on if they pull some bullshit and bring him back considering how he's even more of a money printer for fujos then Komeada.
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You fucking dingus

I only played like the first chapter, but didn't that spinoff game with Makoto's sister strongly imply he was pretty much the same person he was before?

In fact he pretty much has the same ideas, he wants to cause despair so hope can take it down.
>his hope is so strong that even as a despair he wants hope to win
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>Kiibo won.
Feels good, even if it was just for parts of the last trial.
Are scientists who don't like flat-earthers "pretentious" too, sweetie?
Reminder that the junko look-alike actually raped him.
What are you even trying to imply, honey bunny?
>everyone ded in dank ronpa v3 are just stasis kid like dank ronpa 2
>except the one survived are not in coma
>every kid except kibbo are some kind of clone of a super talented person who has ded
>their memories may be manipulated a bit, but holds a grain of truth
>ouma was actually a clone of dictator who used to rule sonia nevermind's kingdom with an iron fist.
Asahina being dumb and emotional, Hagakure being comic relief, Toko's a gross bipolar NEET, Togami's an elitist prick
They are mostly all terrible. Seiko is the only one I can say had something more to her character. Sertainly a lot more than the rest of those bozzos.

Juzo's only defining characteristic is "I love Kyosuke!" And they don't even both explaining why he was in love with him in the first place so why should I both trying to like this character if they don't give him anything else? Chisa's development felt like it doens't go anywhere. She just gets brainwashed and dies for the first motive and was used as a prop to get Kyosuke to get Naegi killed.
Great Gozu is only alive for two episode, Ruruka was shit, Boozeman is boring, Izayoi is boring, Bandai was boring, Miaya could of been so much more since she was mentioned for creating the NWP but her only appearance is her being dead, and nobody likes Mitarai.

They certainly aren't complex, but they have more to them than the majority of sdr2 characters. Ibuki has almost nothing to her, any good will they did to Souda's character is completely nullified since all he cares about is "Miss Sonia!", Imposter was made to literally ruse the player base since Togami was the japanese's fan favorite from the first game.
why did nurse kill music they best friends
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>bipolar NEET
stop using words you don't know the meaning of retard. she's a fujo anyway
What a cuck.
Memeing aside, Juzo was pretty shit. He basically allowed the world to end because he didn't want his gay crush coming to light.
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>This came in today
Feels fucking good to finally have Bacon Wife here.
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>Imposter was made to literally ruse the player base since Togami was the japanese's fan favorite from the first game.
and you yourself got rused into overlooking one of the best characters in the series because you caught the joke and dismissed everything after that
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The fuck are you doing Pancake boy, give me back my hat!
>play ffxiv
>all the """men""" I play with are drama whores, gossiping and making drama over stupid shit
>I'm the only one who's ever direct, solving both my problems and everyone elses
oh yeah gendered problem for sure
dumb cuckposter
I'll give you Hagakure and Togami. But Asahina shows some depth in her friendship with Sakura, hence why she went Jihad in 1-4. Toko has her inferiority complex and trying to actively suppress Syo and has her character massively built on in UDG.
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Saihara looks better with the hat.
tits or gtfo
The only people that complain about drama are the people that cause the most drama, don't you know
Loved this guy, especially when I heard her talent.
>still waiting on mine
TOM is fucking shit
Basically, you have severe depression and need help.
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Mahiru is just Asahina's archetype of "normal girl" done in a more interesting way and Toko actively made DR1 worse because the whole Togami/Toko joke wasn't that funny but the game will not stop telling it.
It was the first time I imported so I made sure to get the fastest delivery possible. Not the worst decision I've made IMO, didn't want to wait three or for weeks just to save 20 bucks.
Her thighs are so delicious.
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post more oumas
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And he is somehow completely justified for causing Hinata to convince himself to become Izuru by beating him up, getting Bandai killed, and all the other atrocities he caused and never really owning up to them simply because "I'm gay and my crush told me to!"

He is one of my favorites, though. Literally the only good thing dr3 did was make sdr2's best boy even better. Still doesn't justify for sdr2 for doing him dirty.
Yea, she's best girl. She and detective are both reverse traps.
>implying i complain on a regular basis
i actually enjoy being the person everyone turns to to sort everything out, and the only reason i bring it up is because the reality directly contradicts that anon's post

i too remember 2006
b-but they were a good couple
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So excited for DRv3. I'm obviously spoiled but man, it's gonna be fun as fuck.
>skin is pale from spending probably weeks on end inside
>should probably be malnutritioned from going days on a case without eating
>thick was and thighs
I don't get it.
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this is a dangan ronpa thread now no one cares about your virtue signaling
its got gum on it
what does "virtue signaling" mean
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the ending is disappointing just warning you now
>Ishimaru and Sonia #1 and #2
Dollars to donuts you're homosexual, am I right?

Also DR2 didn't really do him dirty. People die in this series, it happens. Sometimes it can really help the character. There was no "surviving" for Twogami, but he made the most of his time.
She isn't real and you made up your own head canon on how she lives.
I'm getting it for $20 from them but still. The Flare figure is the one I really want but it's pretty expensive.
I understand the symbolism part of it. I don't know what others were expecting. I saw it played live with /v/ in a Japanese stream anyway.

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Isn't it always?
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hope you learned a lesson not to fucking order from those shylocks

use amiami or amazon japan, never use tom
I love you Red Chiaki!
You're cute
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Chiaki is my angel!
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Because she knows you want to fuck her.
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>Red Chiaki
uh, sure... but here have some more.
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Reminder that Maki has to babysit two furries after the events of V3
>Dollars to donuts you're homosexual, am I right?
What do you mean?

>Also DR2 didn't really do him dirty.
He was just there to make hints that he might be the original Togami that survived the killing game and how that affected him mentally, and I was totally down with that, especially for trying to save the atrocity that was DR1 Togami from the gutter since I didn't like him, but that was still a really shitty and lame thing to do and try to fool the player into thinking that was the case.

It's even worse this time. Not even the previous games' chapter 6 is going to prepare you.
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Hey I'd go furry for some of that magic too.
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You're going to carry that weight, space cowboy
I'm saying that I bet you're gay based on the characters you like. Gays always like Ishimaru and Sonia.

I don't really think it was the "only" thing he was there to do, and I don't think it was a shitty thing to do. Once you know he isn't Togami and you start evaluating his actions as his own man you realize he was a charismatic motherfucker who did a pretty stand-up job counteracting the killing game. Kinda makes Nagito look like a fool even if Nagito ultimately wins in the end, if only because of Twogami's fatal flaw, his unyielding selflessness.
I had a fuckton of points from their promotions so I figured why not. I learned never to preorder shit from them. And I'd use amiami if I could get the price I had from TOM.
I would give anything for her.
That's why I'm working on my CS degree - maybe one day I can make an AI or robot version of her.
t. Sigma
Just reboot her
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Man, I'd fuck the Beta Chiaki
Luna is loyal but Chiaki has toughness about her.
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Good comparison. I personally like Luna, but Chiaki is my one true waifu. I was just saying that I feel like Sigma.
also has anybody ever realized that Nagito gets progressively more disillusioned with the blackened/victims as the game goes on

2-1 he thinks Twogami is the shit
2-2 he thinks Fuyuhiko/Mahiru/Peko were too focused on the past but hey, if Fuyuhiko is Peko's hope how can hope be wrong?
2-3 he fucking hates Mikan.
2-4 obviously he knows everybody is a bunch of despair shitters and can't wait to start the ruse cruise
Since you feel and are building your own waifu like sigma, may as well go the whole 9 yards. Install a shit load of cat puns into chiaki.exe
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I'm surprised, is there really a statistic for this?

And despite being able to see his good points, I still can't help but think that the ruse was intentional. You definitely can't say that you didn't hear that speculation that he might be the original Togami more than once.
Kyoko is cute.
Yea. That's why he's probably the best character and fucking made the game god tier.
Kyoko is a shit
>the shit
I should cut your blasphemous tongue out for that.
Can't "fix" fact, anon.
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I'd probably do that just for the fun of it.
I just hope one day my love for her can be realized. I have a few ideas churning for an approach to AI, but I'm nowhere near good enough at coding to make them (yet).
Have a good day/night anon, I'm about to pass out
of course you're supposed to be wondering whether he is or is not the real Togami, but that's just one aspect of his presence in the game. Not even a negative one either, I liked it. Obviously you see a fat Togami you might be inclined to assume it's going to be some satire where he's a joke Togami, maybe he's stupid or cowardly. But it turns out satire of Togami is giving him heroic qualities and leadership capabilities. I love it, I think Twogami is the best.
It's not really gay if you find women insufferable right?
Good night and good luck
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what do they bring to the table so to say ?
I'm not going gay guys , but I'm done iv had 2 wives and they are shit.
so I ask you why do we want them?
pro tip : keep your tip in your hand.
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I threw up in my mouth a little bit, don't stop I needed to lose weight anyway
Look in the mirror and you might lose some more.
Glad your weight loss plan is working out. How many pounds down from 500 are you?
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I didn't realize I was Kyoko, sweet. Guess I can tide myself over from now on by smelling my delicious Bacon flavored hands
Imagine being so fat you look at hands and see food
Imagine being so retarded you look at bacon and want to fuck it
Please point out where you see food in the images.
So I only played through DR1 and played a bit of 2.
Am I supposed to watch the anime or what?
DR3 is mediocre is every way.

Never watch the first game's anime either.
finish 2
then watch the anime while high as balls and enjoy the stupidity
>shy girls
>fragile, porcelain-like
>actually really narcissistic
>meant to put up on a pedestal
>wants reassurance 24/7
>likes cats

>serious girls
>know to have sex

such is life
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>implying Kyoko wouldn't be awkward as fuck in bed but try her best
Thread posts: 350
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