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Thread replies: 277
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I'm a little disappointed it's not on the PS4, or even Steam, but it's nice to finally have another console MH.
We will find out in a couple of hours what it looks like.
I'm pretty sure there will be a trail made available straight after.
In a couple of hours? When?
>upscaled port of a 240p 3ds game
who cares
At the monster hunter championships.
If anything this is evidence that ps4 is getting monster hunter 5
At the championship thing,

Starts in 3 hours 30.

12pm nip time
>4am for me
oh well, whatever

>Confirmed for unaware how the MH team makes the games.
XX is trash anyway
5 will be on ps4
>5 will be on PS4
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>mfw it's true and Itsuno's project is MH5
The guy who has been leaking MH since Tri confirmed it, but go ahead and delude yourselves into thinking otherwise
>but go ahead and delude yourselves into thinking otherwise
unlike you lmao
you can't even understand how ironic you sound
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>he thinks monster hunter will ever be on steam
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>when you're this delusional
Leave MH to Fujioka.
did you not play mh3g on the wii u?
MonHun is big enough to have it's own dedicated launcher and not have to pay 33% to Valve.
This is just a cheap port to test the waters. Watch, it won't sell, and Capcom will be forced to make MH5 a PS4 exclusive.
>Watch, it won't sell,
I know you want that to happen but this game is going to sell like fucking hotcakes. Japan is going to have a Switch crisis when this game comes out.
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nice joke anon
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>japan civs travels a lot
>they fucking love portable gaming
>they fucking love monster hunter

The switch is the answer to their gaming needs.
Because 3U sold the WiiU so well and opened for more WiiU ports, right?
Delusional. Monster Hunter on PC would be mostly played by western players and that playerbase isn't as big as you think
>Bloodborne sold 2 mil world wide
>implying Monster Hunter will sell more than 1 mil on Dudebro Station
one is portable, the other isnt
You forgot the N2DS, far more portable, cheaper and with better battery life.
Bloodborne is a niche title for hardcore gamers. MH is Japan's Call of Duty
Both are bad consoles with a handheld gimmick, don't fall for the same trick. Don't make others fall for it.
You are just making a stronger case that a console MonHun is a bad idea and should not be on the PS4.

Vita sure, but not PS4.
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Can't wait for that higher resolution and controller support. Goddamn.
MH will never be on consoles. At best they'll get mediocre ports now and then like with the PS3, WiiU and now Switch.
The main series will remain based on actual handhelds.
Souls is a bigger series than Monster Hunter in the west though and Japan hates home consoles. Literally 0 market.
This. ALSO, Switch is not a console anyways.
Do you see a 5 anywhere in that picture?
The rumor wasn't for a MHXX port.
If Capcom releases MH on PS4, Japan will buy a PS4.

MH makes the console, not the only way around
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I'm pretty sure, though probably not, if sony made another portable before the switch came out, it would have had a chance of getting monster hunter.

They just didn't have the balls like Nintendo does on that gimmick though.

That's because they had very much success with monster hunter being portal because of what >>378173961 said.

This is just to soften the blow to Nintendo when they announce this is a port by Team Ninja, while the real Team MH makes MH5 for PS4.

It's like when a girl gives you a pity blowjob, right before she goes out and fucks Jamal and Chad.
It is a console. A console with a handheld gimmick. The 3DS will get a pure handheld successor of its own. The switch is the successor of the WiiU.
Why are Nintendo fans such sore winners? Literally no Sony owner cares about this shit gimmick anymore.
i kinda want to get into the series, is the psp games good enough?
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>being a falseflagging faggot
I'm starting to feel bad for you guys
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who best monster and why is it zinogre?
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>tfw you bought a Switch
>tfw you didn't buy Generations
whatever you say anon
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Some of them will, a large number won't.

Capcom would be stupid to make a console exclusive Monster Hunter and if there is a portable version of the same game the nips will go for that one. (see MH3U)
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>tfw no mhxx on vita
Yes, you can play Switch games on a tv
>Radio active
Like anybody on reddit knows how to use a radio.
>tfw it's another WiiU situation
What am I meant to do right now, buy a Switch? I already have a WiiU, I will NOT do it again.. I can't, surely?
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it's not like it would be hard to port any game to console. They make high quality textures and just lazily downgrade them, see how 4U looks on N3DS compared to O3DS.
No idea what the fuck happened when they ported Gore to Frontier though, especially the armor which looks horribly shit
There is also a debug of MH4U floating around which looks better than 3U HD
>The 3DS will get a pure handheld successor of its own.
Why? They can simply release a smaller Switch in a few years.
Do we really need a new thread every 5 minutes?
I also have a WiiU and I'm not falling for that again.
I agree anon. I agree.
I missed you!
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I missed you too, kind anon
Japan will have a Switch crisis when Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey comes out.
Capcom please announce MH5
I want to know life after XX
Wiiu was pretty good. Put 500 hours into mh and bayonetta 2 alone
You're my nigga, but this is better than MH on Vita desu desu.
Surely capcom would add new stuff to get people to buy the same game and not just port it as is. Surely not, fucking lazy cunts
Man, I wish I was autistic enough like a nintenigger to make a pic out of all the shitposters in these kind of threads and post it after MH was announced for the PS4.

Too bad.
I'm still fucking irate that a console version of MH4U never came out. It could've saved the Wii U even
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One month later and the yelling autists get proven wrong

>umm... *smack lips* can you like... not be such assholes about it? I mean.... pshhhh we never cared about monster hunter anyway right?

Sonykids are either the winners of the world or victims to unfairness. Fuck off and kill yourself.
Rumors said that Switch was supposed to get a spin-off not fucking Gens.
This means your save CANNOT be transferred, doesnt it?
At least MH4U was 60 FPS on the n3DS. Gens was capped at 30 regardless of which 3DS variation you ownes.
Your patience will be rewarded.
no, it'll be an app that transfers the save over your network like 3U does
Capcom literally has no reason to make a new mainline Monster Hunter exclusive to a single home console.
No reason, at all.
God. I'm crossing my fingers they sort this out! All those fetch quests are horrendous
The argument is that you think it's not going to sell.

I can't possibly see how this is going to sell like shit given the sales of the Switch and Japan's rabid fanboyism for any thing MH.
>a game series that has only sold well on handhelds will now suddenly sell best on a home console for some reason
Man sonybabies are so fucking deluded.
>PS4 selling worse than the fucking vita in Japan
>guise MH5 is totally for PS4
the entire world isn't America, dumbass.
No, the Switch is the top seller in the Burger Kingdom. Europe is the reason why the PS4 sells a ton. Not like britbongs buy Nip games.
None of you cunts play monhun. How is this console war shit fun to you?
I own a 3ds, PS4, and pc and would love nothing more than for MonHun to come to PS4 or even better pc. It's pretty much the only reason I bought a 3ds.
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Fight me
I agree with you honestly I hate playing on a portable and I've been playing since monhun 1. But since this announcment every monhun thread is just full of console wars shit and I'm over it.

I'm happy for you dude, just that one or any others?
I just don't see how it's likely for Capcom to forgo their huge install base on Nintendo portables. I still think the MH5 for PS4 to appeal to Westerners thing is true (the movie announcement is evidence that they have interest in expanding), but short of cross-play or a new Sony handheld announcement abandoning Nintendo and the Japanese market is an unbelievably stupid move.
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hahahaha eat shit sonybros
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Technically this is MH on a home console. Guess I have to buy a Switch now.

1 hour 10 minutes until stream
>I'm happy for you dude, just that one or any others?
Where's yours?
I am actually quite disappointed. Oh well.
meh im bore of MH now
all the style shit just make it look retards
or maybe Im still burn out from million monki

What, did you not qualify? Look at this poster and laugh.
>The leak said Switch would get its own unique MH IP
>Next mainline game would be multiplat

seems legit so far :^)
Now that Nintendo is pay-to-play online and requires a stupid fucking smartphone app to arrange parties, I honestly can't get very excited either way. I hope PS4 version at least makes use of the extra power in some way.
Literally killing hyper gammoth right now. Not gonna bother with a picture though.
>blocky shadows
>shitty lighting
>no aa

I know how they are making their games
I agree that it would be stupid of them to do that and they never would. Afaik though they don't have a contract with Nintendo so why not make it multiplat? I really do think it would catch on in the west more if they just tried it.
nice shop
Yes. Portable 3rd (i think you need a translation patch) but I strongly suggest to emulate it on PC so you can use a real controller, PPSSPP is surprisingly low end. You could also try the Wii game if you got good rig
I stand corrected, 85 minutes until stream
It should have been on the ps4, the best console right now. Redpill time
Fact #1: Switch sales are bullshit, having sold less units than the PS4 at release, in the same timeframe.

Fact #2: Switch demand is bullshit. Nintendo is literally holding units back from retailers so that you purposely walk into the store, don't get one, and think it must be the next hot item that you just have to have, creating fake consumer interest and hype.

Fact #3: Zelda sales are bullshit, selling less on both WiiU + Switch combined than Horizon: Zero Dawn, a fucking new brand new IP. Even accounting for the fact that there aren't many Switch/WiiU owners, this is fucking sad.

Fact #4: The specs are bullshit. Slightly more powerful than an Xbox 360, has trouble running a fucking flagship launch title that was 6 years in development.

Fact #5: The support is bullshit. The console is too weak to receive quality ports and multiplat titles from more powerful competing consoles, yet development costs are too high to encourage handheld and mobile devs to jump on board. Don't try shilling a few solitary developers who've "pledged their support", might I remind you of the WiiU?

Fact #6: The prices are bullshit. The console is being sold at $300 + tax, which doesn't even include the cost of a much-needed SD card, all for a console with last-gen specs. Add to this the roughly $80~90 joycons and myriad other overpriced accessories.

Fact #7: The games are bullshit. One single hyped title that is also available on WiiU, and a few shovelware games and ports. Nothing on the horizon except yet another Mario game and a few sequels.

A bullshit console, bullshit games, bullshit company. Gotta' love Nintendo.
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Now post yours.
Never ever, friend
No excuses fag.
I mean none of you timestamped, I could just grab one off of the internet but I'm trying to be honest. I actually just carted against him which is pretty embarrassing.
How the fuck does a monster hunter championship work? you go in with a couple of friends and try to kill a monster in the least amount of time?
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>still stuck with ps2 graphics
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Not really into console warring, but I'm glad it's coming to the Switch. I wouldn't buy a PS4 just for MonHun (if the online was free or way cheaper I would.)



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>It won't sell
holy shit anon
that's a stupid looking dog
Might as well not be ported
wii u was a gimmick, switch is not. sorry anon but you're retarded

>single screen games with the option to use a traditional controller that can either be played at home at a shitposting station or portably

not a gimmick
That or solo TA
It's called Double Cross because it's Capcom signaling they are moving main MH to Sony. Screencap this.
I thought part of the appeal of MH for japs was playing on commutes.

Monster Hunter 4, 4U and X have all sold over four million copies on the 3ds. It's literally "build it and they'll come" the series.
Yeah and we'll be getting GBA2 soon also since the DS was just a gimmick and not really a successor to the GBA, Reggie said so!
Gens is a spin off title though.
Leaks said switch gets spin off and Sony gets mainline, so far the spin off title rumor is correct
I bought a 3ds just for 3u and 4u, I didn't like X so XX coming to the switch doesn't bother me. I'll gladly buy any console for mh, but I won't for xx
What fucking leaks? They wouldn't half ass it, if Monster Hunter was to be a sony exclusive all the games would, there's no point in helping building an installbase on a console you don't plan on developing for in the future.
Styles and arts aren't going anywhere son.
It'll probably make its way into frontier, since that's where it belongs
The leak said Switch gets a new spin off similar to Portable 3rd. It didn't say shit about getting a port of XX because it was made up
Then monster hunter is dead to me.
I'm not the guy who have done those leaks but it's funny, because I have someone in contact with Capcom and he clearly said to me that MH5 was in dev on Ps4 months ago. If it's true, the shitstorm will be glorious.
Cry as much as you want, it wont change a damn thing.

At least you seem to be able to accept it.
Well my uncle works for Nintendo and he fucked your mom so there's no way to know who's really in the wrong here
I'd accept Styles if they finally removed the Absolutes and reworked many of the Weapon specific arts like how HH has straight up no good HAs but SnS, LS, SA have 4 good HA
>monhun news in 80 minutes
Anyone know if there will be a stream of the event?
As a mh fan I'm happy with for mh5 regardless of the console it's on as long as styles is balanced so that they're all very even with one another. It's really disheartening to see people in these threads who only care about what platform it's on and not about the games themselves. Shit if mh5 got released on Xbox 360 I wouldn't give two fucks
It's almost like you should read the thread.
mhxx sold the lowest out of handheld mh games in Japan
I doubt styles is making it's return
Oh fug thanks
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It's not fair bros, now i have to spend $300 on a no game console.
3DS exhaustion
3DS hacking
Obvious Switch port coming (Capcom rep said "please enjoy it on the 3DS first.")

I at least pirated the damn thing instead of importing like I usually do for the reasons above.
I'd be fine if they toned it down so one weapon didn't have one style and arts that outshined everything else the weapon has like striker lance and striker swaxe
Or you can accept that not a lot of people liked mhx and stop making excuses to defend it
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How can they know if they like it if they didn't even play it?
>Japs want the series to stay portable
>Westerners want the series back in home consoles
The Switch was made for MonHun. Putting it on the PS4 would be a mistake
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b-but but
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man, some styles miss the mark just barely. Brave HH is such a shame because it had the potential to have your basic moveset not deal much damage but the Recital mode be the real killer, but they had to go and kill your best combo and make the new Recital do fucking next to no damage
Xx has been out for a while you goon
Xx is a expansion to mhx
Which people bought because 4u was good.
After they played x and didn't like it they didn't buy mhxx, are you daft?
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>reused assets from 3DS version
>720p (upscaled from 240p)
>blurry low res textures
>blocky low poly meshes
>no shaders
>no AA

If it's just gonna be another MH3U WiiU version, then no thanks. It's already 2017 fo fuck sake. I don't expect MHO-tier graphics but at least it should look as good as Toukiden Kiwami or something, not like a game from Gen 7 era.

That's why I want the next game to be either on PS4 or PC or both, not on a weakass wagglin' console for casualtards and manchildren.
Then watch the championship stream, high chances we get a sneak peek at Switch version so you can shut your trap
We will see the Switch version and there will be a trial on the eShop straight after.
>After they played x and didn't like it they didn't buy mhxx

1.7 million sold copies in two months
>oh no another port
In all seriousness now I have a legit reason to think about a switch at some point, but I'm still waiting for the rerelease next year personally. Honestly I think I'll wait for another full monster Hunter game to bother, I'm all down with MH games, but even gens grind was a little intense for me to care about investing in an expansion pack for it, but I'm happy that I could actually play with a controller now.
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Switch is too weak to count as a home console though. Most people treat it as a handheld sidebitch.
This is a shitty 3ds port MH5 will be PS4 exclusive
Man, I'm just saying what I heard and I clearly don't see why the guy would lie to me. It's not like I care about the console, I will play MH on Switch or Ps4, it really doesn't matter. So don't believe me if you want, it's not like I have seen it myself in the first place so I don't know if it's true, but if it is, I think that we will laugh a lot together.

Same for me. Actually if I remember right, he never said that they have a deal with Sony, so the game could probably be released on Switch too but I wonder if the graphical gap can be handled by it, we will see (if it's true).
Someone redpill me on MonHun.

Why do the nips love it so much?
A controller is enough for me personally, it's not going to look good, but no decent monster Hunter game has looked good since the ps2 era. But I get what you mean, it will probably be a lazy port with uprezzed textures, maybe when they make another new monster Hunter it will be worth something though.
As long as it's able to play MH on a big screen with no UI clutter, it'll be a major step up from the 3DS
If Itsuno isn't working on DMC5 or an actually good Dragon's Dogma 2 I'm flying to Japan to personally kill Capcom.
It's because humans are tribal creatures. But instead of living in tribes of like, a little over two hundred people, now we cram billions of people onto a landmass. So we have to find other ways to be tribal. For these monkeys its "muh PS4" and "muh Ninten". They're just playing out their programming.
>Man, I'm just saying what I heard and I clearly don't see why the guy would lie to me.
That's not the question here, the question is why you're lying on a vietnamese basket weaving forum.
Kek, as much as I want Monster Hunter on PC or PS4 or whatever, I'm pretty sure Nintendo is going to really try to hold on to the franchise, especially once XX comes out and shows what a sales bolster it can be for the switch.
Ain't there already a MH for ps4? But it's jap only and not local.
Doubtful. That's not how Steam ports for games like Monhun are handled. They are a Japanese company, if they did it then capcom would be throwing it on the store as an after though like they've done with 90 percent of their steam games. They know that most of their playerbase, particularly in Japan won't migrate to PC.
>lying on internet
for what purpose exactly?
There is frontier but frontier is shit.
Why do I get the feeling most of the people claiming MH5 will be on PS4 wouldn't actually buy it and just want it for console war shitposting
That's what I'm saying, so stop making shit up
>implying it wouldn't still look like arse on PS4 and PC
You graphics fags are probably the most delusional of them all.
Frontier isn't shit, it's just aged is all, sorta sucks too because some of the exclusive stuff in it would be awesome in the core games.
Their "killer app" bloodborne sold less than half of any monster hunter game for 3ds, go figure.
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>its a port
who gives a fuck, 3U was on the wii U and look where that went
It really shouldn't matter, if you care for the series you'll get it on whatever platform. If it wasn't the shit show that was mhxx you could bet your ass I'd get a switch.
Exactly and then they went to sony just like now lmao
3U was shitshow just because of how bad tri was, but it did help sell the game in the west.
PS4 already has a deal with capcom for two MH games
We got MHFZ and we'll likely get something else. But I doubt it's going to be mainline.
PSO1 clone with nice couch co-op since everyone in nipland owns a handheld
Wait, what? Tri and 3u was when they first went over to Nintendo, the fcuknare you talking about?
Nope it is shit, just look at the monsters and it's moves it is over the top as over the top can get even when compared to XX.

There is a narga that basically teleports behind you and do 1000 cuts like Vergil, and that monster that make a tornado and then it gives the tornado fire but also ice and then the tornado explodes and fire-ice balls fall from the sky like meteorites, really stupid.

also DBZ tonfas.
Most likely MHO
Like I said, just don't believe me.
But if it's true, you will remember what you said to me and I will be there.
So it's like generations but with more anime
To play...a game. How's cognitive dissonance working out for you, man?
I played 3U a month ago and found about 200 people playing it online.

That's 190 more people than street fighter V.
Eh, you are clearly new to Monster Hunter, back in the day it was the definitive game, up until 3U and beyond. Especially now with 4 and up I get what you are saying, but like I said, it's aging, plain and simple.
The tonfas are really cool, and nothing in frontier is any flashier then the styles and arts in gen.
So where is the gameplay?
Welp yeah just increase the anime factor x10 and you are getting close to frontier level of bullshit.
I'm a veteran.
> I started playing when 3u came out
That's not a veteran.
That's one of the most japanese logos i've seen. Reminds me of guilty gear and gundam games
Tonfas are not bad but the execution is awful and everything in frontier is way flashier, even the "fatalis' evil energies of darkness".
m8, there are already MonHun games on PC and they're exactly what he stated they are.
I started back in FU so I'm gen two, more than enough to be considered veteran anyways soloing skills included.
Started with Freedom Unite on the PSP. Rate me.
8 minutes left get hyped!
Nigger have you played X or XX? I mean seriously, it's all flash. Frontier is definetly shit now, and it's deluded as fuck content wise, but if love the tonfas came over. I'd also love a good cross platform game with update physics and stuff, an updated frontier style game would be great.
>tfw you started with original
Where are my bros at?
started with tri on the wii because a friend recommended it to me

is MHXX really that bad, would a tri babby like it?
For a tri baby anything is an improvement. Tri was rock bottom for the series.
I did played the anniversary games I did used the new flashy stuff, it is not near as flashy as frontier, I know what I'm saying frontier have no way to recover now, it will just keep getting more over the top.
Kek, you picked up the game that casualized the series for shitters.

My man, no one remembers the original anymore =(
MH didn't got popular till the PSP, nobody knew about it here, hell even in the PSP it was kinda obscure.
It's starting!
>tfw played MH1 when in school
>was extremely bad at it, got mad and sold it to a friend
Only gave the series a proper go with Freedom Unite though.
Oh no way, frontier is done, it's got it's core players, but as a whole it's dated as fuck. But it's like I said, just aging, when the game came out it was amazing, especially since all of the others were on PSP at the time.
I picked up the game most people picked, so what? I can still solo G rank, can you say the same, maybe you are actually just a try hard shitter.

how many friends request did you got during your 4U play?

Is there a stream or anything?
Yeah the original was fucking HARD. Progression was slower too. FU made it way more accessible, but I will always love the original, it had something the rest sorta lost.
It appears to have been delayed another half hour
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Thanks, but I thought it started in like 30 minutes?
I played 4u with real life friends mostly, or played alone, to avoid shitters like you online.
Nah its 11:30 in japan. 30 more mintues till it actually starts.
The fuck is a monster Hunter "championship".
Feels bad. The original was great.
Who can hunt the monster the fastest.
>No Itchy Nose to be found
>It's a 3DS upscale


And it was not a straight port of the 3DS version.
What else did you expect? Capcom is a lazy shit of a company.
Yes it was. It somehow even ran at a worse framerate.

Not him, but I actually played it.
Now that the kids are gone, is this really a system seller for anyone? Or just a nice extra to have? I have yet to be sold on the switch when Strange Journey remake and Alliance Alive are coming up.
Don't use Luluco to shitpost please.
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It would be more successful if it wasn't a spin-off, but yeah, this will still move units.
I wasn't expecting much but Gammoth's snow and Lao's back look absolutely horrible. I also don't know where the apparent frame-dips are someone needs to point them out to me
Its gonna be locked to 30fps because you can play with 3DS players. Fucking Capcom

I actually played it too.

What do you get by spouting bullshit?
Those models look very low poly the crisp looking textures makes the low poly count really stand out. Would it have killed them to work on the models a bit?
Explain how it's not a straight port then.
Seems fine
3ds does a better job at hiding the flatness.
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>Save transfers.

Isn't XX full of cheaters and hackers?
>MHP3rd HD, 3U HD, Frontier HG, and now XX HD all use a Jho model that is inferior to the Tri one
Any news about Stories on the stream?
Here's some footage.

This is sincerely how I feel as well. The depth of the 3D is really underrated.

yes thanks for posting the same video everyone else has posted several times already.
>mfw fell for the Wii U meme but now all my friends are getting Switch for MHXX even though they wouldn't get Wii U for MH3U
Yes, your imaginary friends.
Wait, so MHXX has crossplay with 3DS? Does that include online?
Yes and yes, this is what 3U should have done
It's like ThWiiU. It's the exact same game with a data transfer feature.
bad port*
what exactly would crossplay be if not for online?

After the absolute fuckery of 3U 3DS/WiiU online who knows.
Not like Switch's online is shaping up to be much better.
3u had local crossplay.
>Nintendo's stock jumps to highest value in 8 years as soon as this is announced

Damn. I knew Japan loved MH, but...
it's old men and investors dealing with those stocks, not the fans.
It's also salarymen who are keen on MH. Go figure.
atm if you hack on your 3DS and play online you get banned instantly.
Why is there no map on the screen? Please don't tell me they are going to have the map on the pause screen.
Will I be able to transfer my save from my hacked 3DS?
are you dumb? the whole interface is turned off in the video.

Likely a HUD option.
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So it's nothing
retarded reasoning. call of duty isn't big enough? how about fallout and elder scrolls or fucking gta?
most of those game series are actually getting moved onto their own DRM platforms.
Its called trolls making shit up on the internet.
gun-tonfa fucking when!?
guys, might as well get over it now than be disappointed later. mh5 is going to be exclusive to the switch. this game is to transition the fanbase and also release it in the west. you just don't release a big game like mh5 on ps4 and hope it works out. when square enix decide to develop dq11 for ps4 also they started releasing spin offs for like three years on that console. yes, if this hd port of xx was multiplat with ps4 i would have said for sure that 5 was coming as well, but that didn't happen. nintendo did a whole fucking lot for the franchise in the west and i really doubt they're willing to let all that marketing and publishing go to waste. it's a beneficial relationship for both capcom and nintendo, both seem happy with it, nintendo keeps making bundles and acessories and controllers and doing stuff they don't even do for their own games and capcom keeps making bank with low budgets and besides their home market which is where it only matters, enjoys a growing western userbase.
but yeah sure this game is shit and ps4 will get the real deal
the only way i can see this happening is if sony moneyhats this which why would they? they have the most successful console, every game that gets made HAS to be released on it to have any chance of being successful, it's just fanboys that think this franchise that is basically irrelevant in the bigger picture has to come to ps4
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