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have you ever seen another game so fundamentally bad get carried

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have you ever seen another game so fundamentally bad get carried so hard by the sheer charisma of its cast?
every persona game
>game is bad because I say so / because I personally don't like it
>take the worst parts of team fortress and mobashit
>add it into a game where maps are so utterly balanced only one gamemode can be played "seriously"
>game gets horribly stale after maybe 100ish hours

it's not a good game
>all objective based team arena shooters are rip offs of TF2
>all games with character specific abilities are MOBAs
>maps being balanced is bad
>game that costs $40 and gets you 100 hrs of playtime is bad
The character design was alright, at least until they introduced Orisa, but the real draw has always been the gameplay.
>sheer charisma of its cast
I ain't even bother to post the fish pic.
the alternatives to these games are f2p so i wouldn't list the price as an advantage
The gameplay's pretty addicting, I'm still enjoying playing every couple of days and I'm past the 200 hour mark by now probably.
Hows that even related to my post? OW was carried by blizzdrones, not because it's characters are interesting.

Why I'm even replying?
>all objective based team arena shooters are rip offs of TF2

Overwatch exists because of Team Fortress 2. You're a fucking retard.
And TF2 exists because of other objective based team arena shooters that came before it.
You're the retard here bucko.
The characters are not interesting from a writing or depth perspective but they're iconic and easy to like. That's why they're so wildly popular.
>And TF2 exists because of other objective based team arena shooters that came before it.

It's not a duplicate of an existing game like Overwatch, sorry you're so angry about this.
>they're iconic
Not really.

>easy to like
Maybe if you grew with Pixar.
And Overwatch isn't a duplicate of TF2, sorry you're so angry about people having different taste in games than you, and that you're such a manchild you can't accept this fact.
Get off Gaben's dick. TF2 is a dupicate you idiot.
>Pixar is bad
>I only like mature movies for mature movie watchers such as myself
>And Overwatch isn't a duplicate of TF2,

Except it absolutely is.

>sorry you're so angry about people having different taste in games than you, and that you're such a manchild you can't accept this fact.

Nobody is angry except you. I don't care if you play Overwatch, just don't claim it's nothing like TF2. You're a spastic mate.
>>Pixar is bad
But it is.
>>I only like mature movies for mature movie watchers such as myself
Said nobody.
>by the sheer charisma of its cast?

Is that code for marketing?
>This game is nothing like TF2
>"Yes it is"

If you can play a game for up to 100 hours, then why the fuck would you complain?
Team Fortress 2
To entertain the oft-cited but flawed "it gets better when [you git gud/ when you get past this point/ when you're invested/ you have friends playing]" Everyone has a limit for how long they will play something that isn't fun, some are just higher than others.
>can't complain about a game you have never played
>can't complain about a game you have played
Okie dokie artichoke
The first 99 hours are spent trying to git gud

Once you git gud you see the game is awful
nice opinions retard
But that's wrong, TF2 was a great game, the charismatic characters are just a bonus.
I agree with his hot opinions, Tim, you fag
It's a lower skill ceiling than pretty much every FPS ever, the only time you'd have to improve at this game is if you've never played an online shooter ever.
People getting distracted by the high quality animation isn't charisma.
I would call out you for underage b&, but I realized I already did a decade ago.
>create mechanically bad game with p2w scheme, bonus for jumping moba bandwagon
>implement different waifus of the rainbows
> overblow marketing, any press and make controversies
>Overwatch is a duplicate of TF2
>TF2 is great
>But Overwatch is shit

Sounds like Call of Duty
Are you really saying that team fortress is a bad game, Anon?

Well, at least now we know for sure tha you are either a shill or retarded

Care to tell me when I said that?
>when the only thing you can buy with real money are loot boxes with purely cosmetics
It's called an inferior copy, like SpongeBob and evil pencil drawing SpongeBob
Team Fortress 2 was rightfully regarded as the bastardized casual TF game when it came out. And it only got worse as time went on.

inb4 crack open a bear
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why do we give threads like these (You)'s? its obvious fucking bait. christ sakes /v/
>muh grenades
Fuck off.
So we can share thoughts, which is the point of the board
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>game gets horribly stale after maybe 100ish hours
>game gets horribly stale after maybe 100ish hours
>game gets horribly stale after maybe 100ish hours

100 hours for freemium shit is a fucking joke
I played TF2 for over 1000 hours and it never got stale
It has similarities to TF2, but to call it a duplicate is just plain wrong. The only way you could even consider it one is if you remove everything thats different between the two and only focus on one small part of it.
>he didn't get the game after he saw "meet the soldier"
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>tf2 is not a duplicate of an existing game
but it literally is
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And yet youre still talking about it, 12 months later
how is overwatch freemium?
>A sequel is a duplicate

Overwatch is more like TF2 than TF is like TF2, scrub
>$40 multiplayer only game isn't even worth 100s of hours into
Sounds like a shit game
it's obviously not freemium since you have to pay for the game but the model is the same

-pretty much all content released is cosmetics that can be either farmed very slowly ingame or paid for
-game has the promise of competitiveness or keeping fresh with balance and shit but actually very little of that happens
>And yet youre still talking about it, 12 months later

We still talk about AIDS, too. And 9/11.
>200 hour mark
When did /v/ get this casual?
>TFC instead of QTF
But AIDS and 9/11 are unavoidable "tragedies"

You just keep coming back to give OW more attention every time
>But AIDS and 9/11 are unavoidable "tragedies"
So is the "gaming" fad.
>It was fun for the first 100 hours, but it got boring after that

This meme isnt funny why you try to use it seriously
>But AIDS and 9/11 are unavoidable "tragedies"

Then what is Overwatch?
Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending to be?
Hello grandpa, still mad over how radio became a thing? and movies? and television? and computers?
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>come to a videogame discussion board

A videogame that *You* dont like, that *You* keep giving attention to
Persona is actually the exact opposite. It has really good battle mechanics but the characters are usually cringe inducing.
so it's completely different, huh?
>free to play
>pay for items that give you an advantage
>pay to play
>pay (I have no idea who in their right mind would do that) for cosmetic items
>Multiplayer only games shouldn't be fun for longer than 100 hours

I disagree, chump
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>sheer charisma of its cast
The whole game only has one likable character, though.
>A videogame that *You* dont like, that *You* keep giving attention to

I liked it better when I was comparing it to the World Trade Center collapse in terms of sheer tragedy
to be honest I never think overwatch character designs are good --- well, for sure its a fresh air for western standard, but still its not like its well made because it feels like overdesigned and basically rip-off of japanese art in 90s

its just a mix of capcom fighting game + shirow masamune + evangelion, and some western influence characters
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>pay $40 for a game
>don't even get 100,000+ hours out of it
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Persona 4.
>Cast charisma.
Nigga what? They're the most uninteresting fuckers in Blizz's line up.
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League back when the summoners journal was a thing, i guess you can call the kits of the fun chatacters charismatic
You mean how music, movies and nowadays even literature were ruined. No, I ain't really mad.

>video games
Choose only one.
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Not the same anon but yeah, Jeff Kaplan said that he's a big fan of TF2 so he wanted to create TF2-like game but with more team-oriented gameplay. Some voicelines in Overwatch are direct tribute to TF2.

Nothing is worse or more boring than their characters from Warcraft and Starcraft. Blackthorne and The Lost Vikings are the only games they made that were even slightly interesting in terms of characters/story.
But even Neptunia manages to be a better actual game than fucking overwatch is.
remember how they made tracer gay to try and get good goy points and no one called them out on being stereotyping bastards by forcing it on the short haired tomboy?
Plenty of people called them out for being cowards and taking the safest possible route by making it a lesbian couple, though. Shoulda just been whichever character had the most gay fan art, which was probably Roadhog/Junkrat.
I don't even mean making it a lesbians instead of a gays, I mean that of the lesbians, they took the most "lesbian" looking character and went with that, which is a plain insult to tomboy lovers and petite girls with shorthair
Overwatch's most embarrassing flaw is how one dimensional and uninspired the cast is. Hell it doesn't have to be the vibrant cast of like tf2 but some fucking real character development would go such a far way with these stereotypical tropes of characters.

Ex scout is a smug narcissist that is juxtaposed by his stupidity

Spy is a sophisticated aristocrat who has blunderous moments of snarkiness and raw sadism

Tracer is... Uh happy I guess? Oh wait no >le kawaii lesbian waifu XDD

>not overly quirky means bad

TF2 characters are funny, but really now?
Do you also assume that every anime-looking character is an anime stereotype?
Because just look at the characters in overwatch, they all act very stereotypical of what they are supposed to look like. They are all boring even when they steal a lot of things from other games too.
>evil pencil drawing SpongeBob
>they all act very stereotypical of what they are supposed to look like

That could be said for TF2.
Who could have guessed Spy's personality by looking at him?

Funny how sombra shows the voice actors to us. You can find some stuff of them but it's more or like very rare.

They are all so cute.
The tf2 characters are also stereotypes, but the big difference is that they are more than just stereotypes and actually have some uniqueness to them. Instead the overwatch cast has the stereotypes but none of the unique things that set the characters apart.
>100 hours
I lasted like 4. I dropped that shit the moment that standing on a slanted perch killed me. Overmeme isn't bad because it copies assfaggots/tf2; it's bad because anyone who has ever played an FPS descended from Quake will ask what the fuck is going on in this shit ass game engine st some point.
How does your response make sense. Seriously.

Also engineer, sniper and spy are not even quirky, have you actually played the game or do you just watch ytp shit
Overwatch isn't a carbon copy of tf2 because tf2 is actually fun.
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Patrician taste.
>ut99 releases with ~70 characters
>over 50 maps
>6 gamemodes + instagib / all sorts of variants of them
>plus modding tools allowing you to implement whatever the fuck you want

>overwatch in a year after release has ~20 characters
>less than a dozen different maps
>three gamemodes with little to no variants
>and no modding tools

Overwatch is shit but come on, a character with specific abilities is something completely different to just model swaps.
Less is the new More :^)
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Welcome to the /v/ Overwatch thread! I, Anon, McAnon, will guide you through this entire ordeal!

Overwatch is actually fun when played casually. People like to complain about abilities and characters and so on, yet the only real character that is dogshit for dogshit players is Mei. Beyond that, every character s a viable option and is matter of coming together as a team in order to win. The reason why this triggers the average /v/irgin is because most of /v/ couldn't socialize to save their already depressing lives. So getting on a mic and saying, "Could someone else tank?" is too much for them.

>B-but, muh skills!
>TF2 is better!

Horseshit! TF2 WAS better at 1 point, though after 10 years, Valve has officially stepped down as the hero of PC gaming and let it go to shit. Sure, casual OW is bad, but is much more enjoyable than a random pub in TF2. I say this as a 2009 player who finally left the game after the abortion that was/is competitive. And it's true: some characters like Mei and Symmetra are the piss easiest things to master. However, if you're seriosuly going to sit there and say being a good Zen or Zarya isn't a fucking nightmare, especially when you're on a retarded team, you're delusional

So this make OW a great game, right? No. Overwatch has 2 things that ruin it. In comp, the game will literally force you with a player that is bad at the game. You can check and see that he is indeed a bad player. In any other game this could be ok, but in a game like OW where your win/loss depends solely if all 6 players are good, you will be stuck in limbo until you team up with 5 other good players or stop. This in turn leads to the LOL effect where the community becomes shit because if 1 faggot wastes your time, you can do nothing but foam at the mouth

So, does this means you should get OW or TF2? No! Spend your money on games like Titanfall 2 or Dirty Bomb for free. Try the Quake Champions beta Just stop supporting shit games like CSGO, OW, and TF2
so csgo?
Actually kinda mad at myself for falling for the "tf2 killer meme" sold all my shit on tf2 after the devs were putting out shit update after shit update but I still don't even have a quarter of time I've spent on tf2 on overwatch.
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ow goty edition only gives you 10 standard lootboxes...lmao what a great deal
Why did you think modern Blizzard could make even a decent game?
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I seriously can't understand how can people hold the OW characters design in such a high regard. Beside maybe Tracer and Black Widow, every character's design is such a blantant copy of another game/movie/anime's much better character design.

Mcree is 1:1 Clint Eastwood, Genji is Grey Fox, Hanzo is a stereotypical Kurosawa movie character, Dva is an eva pilot, Roadhog is a stereotypical pudge clone etc.
To be fair, all of the characters aren't very well developed yet. At this moment pretty much everything is just being established, just like how early TF2 without the comics and such had one dimensional characters too.
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Because I'm pretty young and a "more updated and new looking version of tf2" caused me to sperg.
If Team Fortress is so good then why are so many people playing Overwatch? And have in mind that TF2 is free and Overwatch isn't.
That's why though, they're easily recognizable
Since Justin Bieber is popular that must mean his music is objectively amazing and nobody can hate him or the music.
freemium is pay for aesthetic shit
p2w is pay for advantages
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Reinhardt always seemed like he came right out of Tiger&Bunny to me.
>>game gets horribly stale after maybe 100ish hours
Then try the campaign you clueless mongoloid. Im tired of this /v/ hivemid of MUUH HARDCORD GAEMMSS!
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You m'good sir deserve a tip
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but they look so obviously worse than the characters they were ripped off from, like some cheap chinese ripoffs

just look at grey fox, he has such a memorable and iconic design that accompanied his original concept of a cyborg ninja, Genji just looks so meh in comparsion
>you will never have qt quirky female friends

just fucking kill me already man
Overwatch has a fundamental flaw and that is the gameplay.

Battleborn has a much better gameplay. If you ever played Battleborn you will miss its gameplay.

Overwatch is just a Counter Strike reskin without spray pattern. You like Counter Strike, but want waifus with no spray pattern and mostly 100 % accurate shots? Overwatch is your game.

You want a moba like first person shooter? Battleborn is your game.
>the only playable and not horribly balanced game modes is payload
>2cp maps are still disgustingly designed
>CTF and arena are completely and utterly garbage, so bad they can't be assed to make them regular game modes(notice we havent gotten a single new game mode yet for competitive)
>the game breaks balance wise when maps dont force characters to spam into a choke for 5 minutes, even then hit scans are consistently broken
>maps are cluttered with cosmetic garbage that effects game play far too much, lucio's wall ride mechanic gets fucked by random windows and billboards every where, fences and random decorations like stop signs can break and absorb bullets in a fight
>torbjorn's turret mechanic is literally one of the most half ass designed thing in the game, it fulfills no useful niche and just exists as an engie rip off, literally better to just pick a hitscan and shoot people than use a stupid turret
i can keep going, but defend this blizzdrones
Overwatch is aimed at normies who don't know about those characters and unironically think the Overwatch characters are original
no, freemium is when the game is free to play and you can pay real money for stuff f2pfags can't get
overwatch is neither free to play nor can you get anything with real money that you can't get by just playing
this is the one argument i dont understand

for someone that doesnt follow the supplemental story material for either games, the characters are all just tropes with 1 defining factor.

it all seems like a bunch of head canon whenever people say these characters are deep
>black widow
you mean taimanin asagi?
Am i the only one that realy wanted to play this game for a long time / as his main game after putting many hours in TF2.

i just can't none of the characters feel right to me, none of them feel powerfull.
Depends on what you mean by powerful. There are several heroes who do absurd damage and many who can turn the tide in a match on their own.

Hog and Sym for instance are ridiculously strong, while someone like Genji can carry a match when done well.
>sheer charisma of its cast
The game is popular because it's made by Blizzard.
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