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Nintendo's E3 is going to be the delay of Super Mario Odyssey

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Nintendo's E3 is going to be the delay of Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2, the announcement of the three virtual console games coming in November, the online service costing $40 a year without any improvements explained, meaning that you'll still use friend codes, and that the app can only do voice chat with friends whose phone numbers you have, along with the details of the Zelda DLC that only offer as much as we're getting in pack 1, and the big unveiling of the Mario Rabbids crossover.
And if you say that you were hoping for more, people will say your expectations were impossibly high.
See you in a couple weeks.
understandable have a good day
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But this actually looks cool!
It does sound realistic.
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>tfw so jaded to Nintendo's bullshit I absolutely believe every word of this

And those three virtual console games will be Mario 1, Mario 64, and Urban Champion
>And if you say that you were hoping for more, people will say your expectations were impossibly high.
Pretty much
>wtf, they didn't announce anything
>"w-w-w-well they said they were only going to show 2017 stuff, what were you expecting?"
Nintendo will always "win" E3 in the eyes of a drone because they don't care about other games

People on this board unironically think Nintendo's 2015 E3 was good
Op you're a colossal faggot.
Just letting you know.
Have a good day.
They confirmed the online would be $17-25 yearly back in February
>b-but any price is too much
Sure as hell beats paying $60 a month like Xbox and Playstation
G-force was a cinematic master piece!
you could just say that you are retarded.
Mario Odyssey has been done for months because it's a 4 hour long game. They're spacing out their games.
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>"You're just upset because they didn't announce Metroid V! Fucking Metroid fans"
>Tfw only Metroid I've ever played was Prime 2
And this is the type of person you're arguing against. The type of person who thinks that online which DOES-NOT-WORK is worth $20
you're right cekin, G-force was a great movie

>Confirmed online would be less than $25 months ago.

Don't be stupid OP
Literal fake news. Quit samefagging.
>tfw this is 100 percent plausible after the shitshow that was 2015
Kill me
TFW i got baited by the Zelda dlc meme. TFW i dont play Zelda anymore depite buying the dlc cause i already finished it
>the app can only do voice chat with friends whose phone numbers you have

I guess Nintendo wants people to use Discord?
2014 was the good one. 2015 was "we're only going to show 2015 and Q1 2016 games even if most of them are shit", then 2017 was "you know what? we have no games but here is BotW which will be released in march 2017, also, no info about the NX, fuck you"
t. Nintendofans
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>Nintendo's 2016 E3 was literally just a Zelda trailer
>Nintendofags still said they won
>Zelda trailer was better than everything sony and MS got combined
>Implying Zelda didn.t win

Don't worry son, anal annihilation like that should subside eventually
Nintendo haters annihilated for 2 straight years until now. Reveal trailers, E3, pre-reveal final trailer, launch, post-launch.

The asshurt will never end, and continue even well after BOTW wins GOTY.
I liked Zelda but it's just one game. I liked it a lot but Sony's conference was better.




Remember when the switch cost $250?
that's not true
they also have an ARMS and Splatoon 2 lan
and the rabbids game
and maybe cooking mama or something
There's nothing confirmed about that. They're literally just throwing out numbers and saying "We think it'll be in this ball park". It also says nothing about the US price, which could be hugely different from the Japanese price, since Japs aren't into online gaming as much
Should I buy a bag of crow dicks for you when you're wrong?
Who's this "Ian" /v/ keeps talking about?
You're wrong in the sense that it hasn't been confirmed. You cannot be more wrong than you are already
He reposts memes from 4chan to Reddit
leave lan alone
I hope he burns in hell
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That sounds completely plausible.
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Yes, actually.
I still remember speeding home from work because it was the one conference I was able to see live that year.
Nintendo would have to be literally braindead in order to not take advantage of the current momentum the Switch has to make a great presentation with a diversity of strong games that would sell the console further to 2018.

So yeah, it's entirely possible that what OP describes can happen.
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No smash?

I'm just about done desu, vidya is dry spell city
I'll give you MS but Sony was better even if the games annouced were meh
They'll talk about FE, ARMS, Splat2n, the new SMT and at least 1 more new game.

I would honestly also expect a teaser for a Switch Pokemon game that won't come out until 2019 just to get the normies exited. Looking like a slightly above average E3 for Nintendo, honestly.
>stayed at home that week
>they had a pre E3 direct so I just assumed they were getting the small titles out of the way first
>so fucking excited to see how they could possibly top the previous year
>N's E3 is literally all the small games no one gave a shit about
Everyone's got a vidya related thing that completely filled them with utterly soul crushing disappointment. This was mine.
>watching e3 with friends
>bored to tears with nintendo's show
>snow and spaceship appears
>friend jokes "look anon, metroid"
>"nah must be the mech balls one"
>mp federation force logo
>everyone laughs
>i almost leave the house
nice fake news buddy, having said that nintendo already lost since DQM joker3 pro and River city ransom SP arent gonna be localized, ever.
US prices tend to be on the cheaper end due to the weakness of the yen in comparison to the dollar.

I doubt they'd have radically different standards for different markets (unless we're talking cannucks here).
>saw the snow and spaceship
>for one split second I thought it was a Prime game 3DS
>I didn't even care about the graphical limitations or controls, I was about to have a heart attack from the very thought of Prime coming back at all
>Metroid Prime
>Federation Force
>Trailer plays
>Feel the hope draining from my body bit by bit
>E3 direct ends
>All the twitch chat and I could do was just stay in shock of the appaling quality
If they ever pull this shit I will unironically drop Nintendo for life.
I'm fully prepared for a Federation Force HD + Other M HD announcement for Switch, Nintendo is off the rails
When's the last time a Mario game got delayed?
I honestly don't think that will happen with the slue of proper advertising both the Switch and its games have been given.

>make a commercial that panders to millenials / young adults and makes it easy to understand what the console's "gimmick" is
>getting a commercial spot in Super Bowl just before launch of console
>advertising Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart all over the place
>have a proper Nintendo Direct to market Arms and announce Splatoon-like model for future content as well as having 2 weekends worth of trial periods of said game and a Tournament for it and Splatoon 2 just 2 days short of launch of Arms
>have Mario Rabbids RPG, Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey lined up for the rest of the year

>also still have to talk about FE Switch game

They'll have to try pretty hard to undo the momentum that is their current release schedule with Arms being less than a month away, Splatoon 2 a month after that and then Mario Rabbids a month or so after that.
It wasn't that barren compared to 2008 honestly.

Nintendo's E3 2008 Press Conference:

>Wii Sports Resort
>Animal Crossing City Folk
>Shaun White Snowboarding
>Wii Motion Plus
>a small 3rd party sizzle reel for DS
>a Pokemon Rangers game

And that's it.

Take that versus Nintendo's E3 2015 line-up:

>Star Fox Zero
>Super Mario Maker
>Yoshi's Whooly World
>Metroid Prime Federation Force
>Ryu, Roy and Lucas DLC announcement
>new Nintendo World Championship
>Zelda Triforce Heroes
>Mario Tennis Ultra Smash
>2 Animal Crossing spinoffs
>Hyrule Warriors Legends
>Fire Emblem Fates trailer
>Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem reveal trailer
>new Xenoblade X trailer
>Yokai Watch localization
>Mario and Luigi's Paper Jam
>developer interview segments
>Treehouse Live to wrap it up

I think the only reason people were upset aside from Metroi Prime Federation Force was because they didn't have any big hitting announcements on top of focusing on previously announce Mario Maker and Yoshi's Whooly World.
Also, if Roy, Ryu and Lucas hadn't been datamined, I imagine the reception of Nintendo's E3 would've been much higher.

You mean retarded, right?
>I want to be able to use that "Switch has no gaem" meme picture with accuracy.
>delay of Xenoblade 2
only for EOP faggots
Reminder that nobody has ever been able to accurately predict or leak an entire E3 presentation.
This. Not unless it was literally the day beforehand, and Nintendo isn't doing an E3 presentation, they're doing a direct.
Yeah, but anti-nintendo shitposters will be pretending that they've seen it from now till it airs.
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Reggie here. Can confirm. The e3 in this year will be for all the enthusiastic in rabbids! Stay tuned!
>Everyone is pissed about the game
>New direct 1 week before E3
>They reveal Mario + Rabbids RPG...
>For mobile devices

That would be fucking amazing, because people would be absolutely assmad that the game has no chance of "Ruining" the Switch while shitposters will scramble to claim that this means Switch "HAS NO GAEMS" not even shitty ones.
Last year Ubisofts entire presentation was leaked and almost all of Sony's.
Ubisoft 2016 was, 4 days before.
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>no sm4sh for switch announcement
Come on op.
That's all i need bby
The thing is, I can buy it.

Nintendo hasn't had a single worthwhile E3 showing in years. They keep blowing their load with Directs, so when E3 rolls around, they have fucking nothing to show. They and their fans are the Chris-Chan of the video game industry and never fucking learn.
Sm4sh port, includes all DLC, adds Ice Climbers, Inkling, Rabbid and Spring Man. Adds the rest of the N64 stages plus Summit, a Splatoon level, Rabbids Kingdom Battle level and ARMS level.
>/v/ will believe anything you tell them as long as it's what they want to hear, which in this case is "nintendo is a failure of a company and they're never going to announce anything of worth at an e3 ever again"
Learn what?
What I want:

Golden Sun Switch, or some new JRPG from Camelot for Switch. Seriously, they need to stop making mario sports games and get back to RPGs.
New game from Uchikoshi for Switch
Whatever the fuck FROM is doing for Nintendo, hopefully it's not just "lel here's DS3 a year and a half late"
New Metroid or Wario game
>Sony E3
>games they showed last year will have updated trailers with pre-rendered cut-scenes with zero gameplay
>Demo for God of War 4
>In which they show off the Valkyries and have Kratos get his ass beaten by them
>They take his son and Kratos falls from a very high place
>DLC for Horizon will be announced
>KIngdom Hearts 3 updated trailer showing a Frozen wasteland and cutting to a giant ball in space
>Anita will be a special guess talking about how to improve gaming
>having so much of a victim complex that you think the majority of /v/ isn't Nintendo/PC
>thinking anyone who isn't 100% satisfied with their recent output hates Nintendo and wants them to die
I actually don't want to see a new Metroid. I don't trust modern Nintendo with the franchise in the slightest.
Well the last 2 E3's haven't inspired any confidence.
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>>having so much of a victim complex that you think the majority of /v/ isn't Nintendo/PC
We JUST got a new Metroid, why are Metroid fans so greedy? Federation Force IS a Metroid game you fucking babies, some of us (F-Zero fans, Golden Sun fans, Custom Robo fans, etc) would KILL for that.
If the majority of this place is Nintendo why does it feel like we're outnumbered by how many people are ready to shit on us?
it was good. It wasnt amazing like 2014, but not every year will be

>Nintendo JUST shit in your mouth
>some of us would KILL to have Nintendo shit in our mouths
It's "gave us a shit game," not "shit in our mouths"
>>thinking anyone who isn't 100% satisfied with their recent output
You know damn well that is not what's happening. What's happening is a not-insignificant portion of shitposters jumping on the chance to shitpost aggressively, and a large portion of /v/ being extremely melodramatic over something that may not even be true, and wouldn't be that big of a deal even if it was.
>They confirmed

No, they certainly did NOT.

Kimishima express that was the likely price range, but nothing was confirmed. The fact he waffled on the price in that shareholders meeting means that the cost of the service shouldn't be too high but the business side can easily weasel of out that.

Confirmed means something is finalized, not speculated.
Well I mean considering the switch sales and Zelda reviews they arnt wrong
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Is OP pic a Twin Peaks reference?
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dont forget all the amiibo announcements sandwiched in between the announcements of shovelware and release dates!
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>ARMS level
>it's basically Pokemon Stadium but cycling randomly between all the ARMS character arenas
And if it was a part of their E3 announcement and not announced 2 days before.

And if overpriced DLC was a factor in winning E3.
>because they didn't have any big hitting announcements on top of focusing on previously announce Mario Maker and Yoshi's Whooly World.

And the fact that over half the presentation was devoted to talking about amiibo.

>Hyrule Warriors Legends
>Fire Emblem Fates trailer
>Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem reveal trailer

None of these were E3 2015. Legends was revealed by Koei days before, and SMTxFE was in a Direct.
Not only did Sony and Ubisofts get leaked last year, the last 4 Nintendo Directs have been leaked the day before, and the Switch reveal lineup was leaked 100% here on 4chan and everyone called it fake because ARMS and Ultra Street Fighter 2 and the new Mario being called Odyssey.
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Jesus christ, the mental gymnastics.
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