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Where were you when Microshit finally killed one of its best

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Where were you when Microshit finally killed one of its best IPs after spending millions to own it?
Im suprised that phil spencer hasn't been fired yet for shooting the xbox brand to the foot so many times.
Not playing GoW4. That's what they get for trying to make exclusives in these times.
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Its over.

Sony won.
Why are they shutting down the server? 4 isn't really that old.
Gears of War games were always bad. I remember playing the first one at a friends house and just being completely confused how anyone could find it fun.
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>competitor only wins because competition shot itself in the foot
What the fuck? Isn't that game a year old?
Wasn't the game released less than a year ago?
That's some major drop-off. Even Battleborn still clings to life.
>it's real

the fuck is going on
Somebody got fired
microsoft will never cease to amaze me
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Gears Of War 1: cover shooting is cool and new.

Gears Of War 2-4: cover shooting is boring and you can easily spot each mini-arena with a dozen or so chest high walls in the single player game.
Why would anyone bother with anything when MS's foot shooting is so consistent and reliable?
I don't understand why this would happen. Don't tell me they have an undercover sonybro in their midst.
>Some sonybro spent years working his way up as a PR spokesperson to gain control of an MS Twitter handle in order to make a shitposting thread on /v/
Wow. Determination if nothing else.
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A win is a win.
More like an intern having some fun on his last day.
Less than a year old.
Must have really fucking flopped.
>MS damage control after leaker lets the cat out of the bag early
well ya
I honestly don't know how anyone can defend MS/xbone with a straight face anymore
You don't even know what you're missing out so of course you don't know why people defend it.
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it's not like it's much worse than the fucking competition who are absolute fucking kikes in yellow skin
Fake news
I wish I could have read the asshurt comments, any way?
I mean, I have all the systems + PC except xbone and everything on the xbone is on PC except halo which I play on my friend's xbone so it doesn't seem like I'm missing out on much

the xbone is far worse than the ps4 and even the goddamn switch. The switch has more worthwhile exclusives in its first year than the xbone has in its entire library. There are more versions of xbone than worthwhile exclusive games on the system

>b-but excluvies don't matter

yes they fucking do when it comes to consoles, otherwise I can just play on my PC. Other than that consoles are good for local play WHICH THEY ALSO FUCKED UP BY NOT PUTTING IN HALO 5 (don't know if they ever added it later)

The entirety of the xbone from its inception to current day has been an absolute disaster, from the hilarious 2013 E3 shitshow to the multiple caned games
Dedicated servers are expensive to host.

It's why every game should have a p2p option for when it gets too old.
Microsoft is the one committing suicude.
>phil spencer is the guy who's shutting down the servers

he's literally there to be the relatable gamer ceo to damage control microsofts exit from the gaming console market after people just shelled out 400 dollars for something they immediately dropped support for after it sold horribly.
I feel glad actually
Gears of War never had good gameplay
>I have all the systems + PC except xbone
>except xbone
My point stands.
please let me know what I miss out on, I've played halo on my friend's console
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>All the people ITT still falling for the fake tweet
You idiots will eat anything 4chan says huh?
>>MS damage control after leaker lets the cat out of the bag early

Nigga it's in 2 days.

They'd be slaughtered if they just up and shut them down without informing people
Can they just go full force on PC now?
Yep, but dedicated servers should be standard in any online game until the point at which they become a large economic drain.

p2p servers suck so much ass
Because it's fake news lol
regardless of the tweet honestly
>you will never be so determined that you work your way up on the PR ladder
>just to make a shitposting thread on /v/
They're not dropping out you inbred retard.
when every """""""""exclusive"""""""""""" also comes to PC then the console has no exclusives and it's a paperweight
>implying that matters to the mass market in the year 2017

/v/ is so stupid holy fuck how can you people even say you like video games
>b-but it's also coming to PC! :)
>windows 10? I'm no getting that shit
Fuck off m8, you're just shitposting.
not him but fuck the mass market, why should I get one if everything on xbox is on PC/PS4?
windows updates to 10 automatically anyway
Is that the newest gears of war?
Then don't? Why should anyone give a fuck if you play on either Xbone or W10?
Guys this isn't fucking funny. Gears is my only escape and the main way I get my aggression out.
Not sure if you saw this >>377823594
I don't, I'm just calling the xbone a useless system because it offers nothing
>Gears Of War 1: cover shooting is cool and new.
Gears of War wasn't popular because of cover shooting though, it took off because of the multiplayer which had an advanced movement system where you could abuse the slide into cover feature to navigate the maps at high speed and close in to shotgun distance.
I am willing to bet some employee with access to the twitter account has a kid who shitposts here who got onto the twitter account to make this post.

I hope your dad smashes all your video games.
>ITT: Not one anon but me actually plays gears of war.

Fuck off, I miss the general. Starting a gears thread on /v/ is a quick way to page ten.
>first one
There's your problem.

Also Horde/Beast mode were the most fun I had with the series.
>implying that matters to the mass market in the year 2017

i hate to be the one to tell you, but the mass market doesn't seem to be too excited about the xbone anon.
Fucking this. I'll defend this game's multiplayer to death. There's just a layer of skill you have to hit before it becomes fun.
It offers me and millions of users hours of entertainment on a daily basis so you're objectively wrong.
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>sony niggers are so desperate they hack a twitter account to make competition look bad

holy fuck
hours of entertainment which can be found on other systems while those systems also offer far more

I don't care if you enjoy the Xbone but on an objective scale it's the worst console, if you sucked up your pride or had enough money for a ps4 and PC you would sell your xbox
I used to despite the Xshit brand and everything cancerous Microsoft has spawned in the video games industry in the past 16+ years, but this actually make me feel pity for all Xbutts.
I've rarely seen such despicable abuse and abandonment of a fan-/customer base than what Microshit has done with the Xbox brand.

Thus said, I hope Microsoft eats shit and kills their Xbox brand forever.
>take your time to make fakes news on /v/
>people respond
I don't get it, what's funny about it?

>tell lies
>some people just believe without checking
>this is funny
I mean, are you like 16 and only now realised that you can fool people?
You obviously care enough to shitpost about what other people do in their free time on their console of choice.

>on an objective scale it's the worst console
There's no objective scale for people's opinions and taste.
>There's no objective scale for people's opinions and taste.

game availability which is essentially non-existant on xbone when you have a ps4 and pc
What makes you think i'm OP faggot? I'm just a random anon who fell for the bait but actually took 30 seconds to check if it was real.
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gotta fit those microtransactions somehow
That is more space than I'm currently using on my hadoop cluster.
Your post sounds like you're a salty third-worlder
power of the could
>Can't play Halo 5/TMCC and backwards compatible games on W10.
>W10 doesn't have a population as active as the Xbone counterpart.
>PS4 doesn't have any Xbox/W10 games

If these change, i'll gladly jump to W10.
what the fuck do you need som much space? how many maps have MP how long is the single player what the fuck?
>backwards compatible and TMCC
why are you bringing 360 games into this? I can just say you can play them on 360

>W10 doesn't have a population as active
source? not like it even matters, if there's enouhg people playing it makes no difference

>ps4 doesn't have xbox/W10 games

yup, which is why I said ps4 and PC, not or

so you have halo 5 to argue against all the other exclusives available on ps4/PC
That's a big game
What the fuck it hasn't even been a fucking year. Microsoft is a joke not even MGO on ps2 died that fast.
You're not even OP? Your sense of humor impresses me in a bad way.
Kek what the fucking fuck?
>why are you bringing 360 games into this?
Because they run better and my 360's optical drive is dead.

>source? not like it even matters
But i thought you had W10?

>so you have halo 5 to argue against all the other exclusives available on ps4/PC
I don't need more.
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There's always time for a nice and simple laugh anon, look here's another one >>377832281
Why do Scots talk like they have brain damage?
>I don't need more than halo 5 to compete with the onslaught of ps4/pc exclusives

now I know this is a joke
>games that are on xbone and exclusive are still able to be run on win10

im just saying, making the xbone obsolete as a system outside of keeping the pc side out of it isnt the best marketing choice

who was that guy they had for the xbone that got fired within months? id like him back to see how different things might be
Who the fuck bought Gears 4? Who is still playing it?
Sounds like a realistic Sony mind set.
It's okay anon, i don't need your approval.
>underages who unironically enjoy gears of war are old enough to post now
We used to joke about this
Fuck off grandpa.
>25th May
>shall be
Anyone with a brain could tell this was fake
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Microsoft is trying to go full "apple"
that means
>no more games
>dumb closed OS
>adverts up the ass everywhere
>tablet/phone garbage that tries to be trendy like iPhones and pads, so that they can jew on the retards that buy shit like that
>more spying

It's their masterplan. That's why Win 10 was "free" - they just want as many users as possible

Damn why? I stopped playing with gears 3 but what the fuck happened? Can an xbot fill me in plz
It's fake news, take a brief moment to read the thread.
Well why doesn't MS leave it up hmm?

It's like, they're giving up to save money or something....
This has been their goal for over a decade now, MS are so creatively bankrupt today that all they do is try to is imitate what is popular rather than try to pioneer and try something new.
not since last year
Shit, I was actually worried for a sec, not a huge fan of PvP but I love horde 3.0

Still went out on the official Twitter apparently since they've put out a statement on it.

Sony did the same with the PS3 launch but recovered, whats microsofts excuse?

Microsoft make more money elsewhere.
Sony had to make the PS3 work or it would have lost one of their most profitable revenue streams.

Why do you dumbfucks think casuals (ie most people) give a shit about exclusives? They just want their "couch experience" with whatever brand name they personally like the most, that's it. That's how it's always been.
The PS3 never properly recovered. It never made it out of last place.
>ex-friend and I played Doom 3 on PC and it was dead but, you could still play it.
>We just had to use Tunngle and boom Co-op play.
Dude Im sorry but this is fucking bullshit, the game released last year for fuck sake. Its been like what? 8 months?
>Im suprised that phil spencer hasn't been fired yet for shooting the xbox brand to the foot so many times.
What makes you think Microsoft cares about Xbox hardware?

They only created the Xbox to prevent Sony from stealing developers away from the DirectX platform and PC gaming. Sony is no longer a threat to them, Apple and other smartphone manufacturers are.
You're point? When the competition is incompetent, the other side easily wins.
What a shitty excuse...
read the thread you retard
Free marketing. Such news quickly spreads and then the update gets spread as well and now people talk about a game franchise that hasn't been relevant in a long time.
/v/ is the worst with this shit. I remember when the xbone was revealed and a thread with the title "MS expects to sell 1 billion xbones" was made, the problem was the op linked an article which clearly quoted MS as saying "we expect a billion consoles (all consoles) to be sold this gen." didn't stop 405 replies, 108 images thread of /v/ shitting on MS for something that didn't happen.

Probably because everyone here is addicted to schadenfraude and shitposting to the point where discussions is impossible.
who is this cutie on the box art
Honestly, its because so much time has passed that most Xbone users weren't even around during the scandal. They don't even know what it is, and if you were to tell them, they probably wouldn't believe you. The anti popularity cycle has looped back into itself now. PS4's were bought out of spite for the scandal, and now Xbone's are bought out of spite for the PS4's success in sales.
what was the scandal? you mean the e3 reveal eith all that drm shit?
How much of that is uncompressed audio?

If this was 2003, I'd bet my ass some pirate group would make a working 300MB rip of that.
Yes. Most Xbone users I have talked to haven't heard about it. Hell, most of them don't believe it when I tell them about it:
>"So yeah, Microsoft planned to have the Xbox One where it can't use used games, and has to be connected to the internet for 12 at a time to work, and you could only play on it for a 1 hour off line. But fans complained enough to make them change this."
>Xbox One owner: "Yeah, right, sure buddy. And the kinect needed a retinal scan to turn the system on right? You damn console warriors are pathetic, making up lies and shit."
>firing Spencer
Literally did nothing wrong. He's just the messenger who's forced to damage control their fuck ups.
I thought the whole point of Xbones' THE CLOUD was that servers would dynamically allocate resources based on a game server's demands, so you would never need to 'shut' off a games servers for that generation.
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As someone who was an early adopter of the Xbone, "the cloud" was a massive faggoty meme that never materialized. Nothing on Xbone noticeably uses cloud storage for anything besides saves, so it's basically just another form of DRM. Crackdown 3 never.

Xbone was a mistake, honestly.
>Sony took forever but it has Bloodborne and P5 which are both pretty good
>The only really worthwhile exclusive series on Xbox got shafted hard by 343's incompetence and ego
they aren't
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The cloud was basically this generation's blast processing
What the fuck? Didnt this game just came out? What a fucking disaster, no wonder they never talked about the sales for this game. Dead on arrival as usual.
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Seriously am i the only one who reads a couple of posts before replying in a thread?
I knew the cloud was a joke from the get go, but MS got enough servers set up for the whole system that I figured they were trying to put an end to games losing their online at some point....because players are paying to access XBL.
Too bad that their "best" fucking sucks
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