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I swear to god we better get trailers and release dates for both

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I swear to god we better get trailers and release dates for both of KH 3 and FF 7 Remake at E3. This is getting fucking ridiculous now
I mean 7R was announced in 2015 which was probably still too early and was less than 2 years ago, you act like it's beeen 15 years
The fuck is wrong with Cloud's arms?

Also I hope we see blue haired chick in the KH3 trailer
7RE is guaranteed at this point. Nomura had a trailer for it but Square held off for a bigger event
Sora's arms look deformed and Cloud's arms look like the arms of some senor citizen with alzheimer's.
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2 Years and we only got ONE trailer and TWO screenshots. Do you see how ridiculous that is
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KH3 is STILL in development.
They taking so long because they want yall to grow up so they can just cancel that shit.
We've gotten two trailers
I told you back then that 7R was just a trailer with absolutely zero development behind it. Hell, most of the "involved" people probably heard about it during the reveal.
Nomura wanted to show one a few months ago, ut Square said no, so we'l probabl see that one this year at E3 or PSX or something
>Nomura didn't know until they already put him on as director
square is full of winners
No shit Sherlock. Happens most of the time with Square and they even admit that they announce games too early with CG trailers and nothing else.
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i gave up all hope at this point

Someone post that pic summarizing Nomura's last 15 years.
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I'm 99% sure that both KH 3 and 7R will be at E3 this year.

The leaks about KH 3 have some credibility to them because it's the same leaker who leaked out shit about some Nintendo games and Final fantasy 15 and both were right. According to the KH 3 leaks, there will be a trailer at E3, full promotion will begin after E3 and that it will release in 2018

7R had a trailer that Nomura wanted to show earlier this year but Square denied it and Cloud's VA Steve Burton tweeted out that he was doing voicing acting for Cloud a couple weeks ago.

All signs point to both being there at E3. Square would have to be pants on the head utterly retarded to not show off their two biggest and most anticipated games of all time
>Nintendo games
He predicted very obvious reveals
>Final fantasy 15
You should actually look at the guy who leaked it instead of websites reporting it
The leaker called the xv plot and development issues leak that was posted here last may fake and said his ""source"" confirmed it
They were true
What about Versus XV?
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I like it
Nobody actually believed that was real right ?
You'd be surprised
What is that? A spin off of FFXV?
I mean I would love to see Nomura's true vision of FF XV but anybody who literally isn't legally mentally retarded would know that would NEVER happen
But I want it to happen anon, more than FF7R at least
>Nomura directing both games

>both are taking longer than they should for a standard 3-4 year AAA dev time

Kek, washed up director
Why does Square Enix take like nine years to make their games? Genuinely not expecting at least one of these to come out until PS5 and the new Dissidia will never be finished either.
It's been his fault . He's literally the last creative genius left at Square. He has to work on 5 projects at a time because Square is creatively bankrupt without Nomura
you can tell OP is still a little kid because he's throwing a temper tantrum about no news for... KH3

lol most of us had our little bitchfits about this in like 2007
He could just quit and start his own shit.

Give me one reason that justfies why he remains a dog.
>He has to work on 5 projects at a time because Square is creatively bankrupt without Nomura
Not sure if you were joking or not but there was one point where nomura literally was directing 4 games at once
>no one is going to follow him to whatever new company he makes.
I'm sure a few would on the small chance he does but it's highly unlikely he ever quits
Pretty sure Yoko Shimomura will follow Nomura
She's a freelancer technically
>He gets to use SE big budget and teams and he is a higher up in an executive position so he has a ton of benefits.

Yeah and then gets shafted when he can't manage his team properly to shit out a game in a timely manner because he's been treated like a dog.

Kojima isn't the only nigga that "left" and formed his own team. Kamiya and Mikami both started their own shit
You do know Nomura was one of the key driving forces as to why FF 7 was a major success right?
>Nomura is the Inafune of Square
Nomura has actually directed games and creative producer while inafune mainly produced and some character designer. That's an absurd comparison
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Stay positive and smile
meant for>>377817383
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Nigga Nomura and Sakaguchi came up with the story. Nomura not only designed the characters but he created ALL of their backstories and developments . Say whatever you want about Nomura but you can't deny how heavily involved he was with FF 7 and its success
I'm glad someone stopped the madman from making a musical jrpg.

Keep in mind that you still have to wait for Ep 2 and Ep 3 anyway.
KH3 if we're lucky. FF7R will probably not be there at all. Squeenix fucking around for a full decade is biting them in the ass
It would have been a hell of a ride though
Cloud was never a badass.
Any word on how progress will carry on the next episodes? I mean if it carries over in the long ass time the next episode will take to come out people will have grinded to hell and acquired all the best possible shit. If it doesn't carry over it will feel kinda stupid to be stripped of all your shit every time you start a new episode. The only thing that comes to mind is putting in place caps that will unlock but it's still kinda meh
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>it might possibly be 2025 until we see the completed FF 7 Remake
Mako poisoning.
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They're already confirmed not getting released by the end of 2018, you should probably be expecting 2020 at earliest.
>writer on games
1 game
>he's character designer on games
Mostly in the early nineties, the bulk of career is just a producer or EP
>he's producer on games
You do know the difference between producer and creative producer right
Holiday 2020
What the fuck
The rest of this drivel didn't disprove anything I said before. Inafune hasn't directed games before like I said. He's only written one game. The majority of his career is a producer or executive producer. And dismissing nomura's involvement as just mainly character designs and directing kh is childish
Right pic looks like the remake of left pic
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I hope we get to see HD Tifa and Aeris.
He literally left the company in March. And neither him nor any of the artists you mentioned are anywhere near as multitalented as Nomura. Fuck off XV-kun
You have no idea what you are talking about jesus
m8 no is going to read this essay because everyone knows you have a hateboner for nomura
Enjoy your pre rendered cutscene with a UI slapped over it. Seriously anon don't expect anything from Nomira
No you hate the man too, everyone knows it
You're also a huge fanboy of other people, is it okay for people to hate you now? Or is it only okay when you do it as always?
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What would be worse?

Them finally showing a new kh3 trailer but with release date or no info at all about it.
>Them finally showing a new kh3 trailer but with release date
That seems wonderful aku
>Them finally showing a new kh3 trailer but with release date
I imagine you meant to say without a release date. Because what you wrote is kinda what we're all expecting at this stage.
>Guys I have a trailer and screenshots but SE isn't letting me show them and I'll get in trouble if I do
>shows us screenshots anyway and SE doesn't do shit
Lying fucker has nothing.
Screenshots are not the same thing as trailers you idiot

Post the full picture.
Old times sake.
Not defending Nomura here, but that's basicly just a quick sketch. Even Yoshidas sketches don't look that great
Do it anon. It is worth it. MUH dick would forever ever thanks you
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>doesn't mean I hate him.
literally no one will ever believe anything you say
He straight up said he would get in trouble for showing anything but he didn't. It's obvious he only had those screenshots ready and it was his way of doing early damage control

Thanks anon
But why? I just want a source for fapping material
Only KHfags expect anything from Nomura
Are you really that useless you cannot perform a simple reverse image search?
It'd be a bad fucking move on SE's (shocking, I know - it's not like they don't fuck up often) part if they released KH III after 2018. The HD remixes were all released QI of 2017, and they've generated buzz and interest in the series again, ever since BbS.
Well i guess Nomura is fucking garbage then, the lead anime artist should just direct every game now and design characters.
There's more to designing characters and shit than just being somewhat good at it.
There're artists that can basicly copy Yoshidas artstyle 1:1 doesn't mean Square will just hire them right away
The only thing those shitty ports did was show everyone how greedy SE is
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When you also make b8 images like this, still no one will ever believe you
His artstyle works well for some games. Yoshidas or Matsuzawas style would never work for KH or other games that go for a more 2d style.
I'm not defending him you idiot. Stop putting words in everyones mouth. There's just a bit more to being a good character designer and artist then being able to copy ones artstyle.
Then why the fuck do they still use him as an director? And why the fuck didn't they fire Wada after FF14 1.0 right away.
It's not always black and white, it's not always that easy.
Fine, you get help this one time but from here on out you're on your own.
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wtf stop defending tabata i hate tabata fanboys it triggers me
>Nomura has said himself he's a shit director and bad at managing people
Have you ever heard of the word "Humble"
>showing factual things
xv-kun, everything after the FF facts are just cherrypicked facts or lies that you made up to b8 people with. No one will ever believe anything you have to say. I hope it was worth wasting another night of sleep just to yell at internet anonymous again, cause it's really pointless arguing with someone as dense as you
Shit, meant without a release date
MUH DICK. Thanks anon, despite the tough exterior you are a pretty cool guy. MUH DICK would remember this kindness
>he wanted to turn it into a musical in 2013
pretty sure he was just joking then
He wasn't. He still wants to make one
I guess he has his reasons for it
Man you must work at Square, you're probably Nomuras father
I am his husbando
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>Nomura is a good character designer

My PS3 died around the time they came out, so I like them.
>TN: A while ago. When I watched the movie Les Miserables, I thought, "We should do a musical!" But I wanted to incorporate it into a game, not an on-stage production.
>TN: In Atlantica. But that was a music game. I wanted a musical cutscene.
>TN: Well, I was watching a show the other day, and it had a musical number. It made me want to create a musical, a production where everyone bursts into song.
>the city of (You)
Nomura supposedly has incredibly high standards for the people working under him, and work is redone until he thinks its perfect. It's why his big games take so long, but are fucking crazy polished when they come out. What we get in KH3 will be perfect, but there won't be as much content as 2FM because it's Osaka and an HD title.
How is he not dead from overworking yet?
meant for>>377825675
>the city of me
I think that's what is keeping him alive right now. The moment he stops he'll die.
I don't doubt that KH3 will be immensely polished and (at the very least) miles better than FFXV, but I'm really concerned for the combat balance and especially boss battles due to Osaka team's track record.
You guys always act like all of his game took as long as XV and even that was far from just his fault. Everything at Square was fucked up at that time. Not like they're any better right now
>it's a ffxv-kun derails the entire thread trying to slander Nomura again episode
How do you people stand these threads?
Did you have the chance to give 0.2 a go? It shows signs of improvement. Obviously not 2FM but a step back in the right direction.
Beats me. He looked fucked in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJcxAUgZD4w
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Pretty sure he's balding, he's been wearing hats lately
It is not nice to lie on Internet anon
0.2 was definitely in improvement, or not even that. If i didn't know better i wouldn't even know that Osaka worked on it, the only thing i didn't really like where the combos animations, but that's more of an Aqua problem. Not on 2FMs level yet, but i never expected it, even the so loved tokyo team took another year to get there and they barely exist to begin with anymore. I hate the combat in the Osaka handheld games but man people need to stop acting like every game tokyo would've worked on would be perfect even the ports. Just shows how ignorant most KH fans are
I want to hug Nomura and tell him that his games are good!
>XV kun boogeyman
>being scared of literal facts
Pretty sure he had like 2 whole hours of sleep before they said "Oi do a quick interview for us".
Yeah, there was one good boss fight that was almost reminiscent of KH2 but the rest suffered from the same issues. Magic wasn't great either.
>while directing multiple games at a time and being a creative producer on others
>cinematic prerender trailers for games that won't be out till 2019/2020
so will they ever fix I.5+II.5 collection or at this point it's best to forget?
So if you're not an arist but a director you do nothing at all? I guess people like Tabata just sat on their ass sleeping all day.
The wait for KH2 got pretty ridiculous, and it was in full development the entire time. Even the 3-4 years to make vanilla wasn't enough, and the game wasn't really done until another year for Final Mix.
Wow I didn't know so many peoples hate Nomura. I always like his games personally.
In the video above he mentions he didn't fix his bed hair and usually doesn't so he wears a hat to cover it up.
Unless they announce something at e3 what we have is what we're stuck with
They haven't released a patch in like a month
do you really think they will release another?
Luckily most of the huge issues are fixed. Still the gold coin hcest and final xemnas RCs should really be fixed, but i wouldn't expet much, Square just doesn't care. There're like 2-3 people who make these ports
>not even the full game, just one fucking disc
I don't care anymore about this remake and neither should you
FFX HD got patched like 3 months or so after the PS4 release, and even then only because the community was spamming the support page.

Sadly most KH "fans" like to pretend it's all fine and the issue is just "with your copy"
I like him and his games, but i also like games of other directors. That's a bit too much to comprehent for most people here though
nomura isn't a programmer you fucking mongs
No one hates

The fans are the biggest faggots thinking he's the best at Square like his art ain't garbage
Do you even know what game directors do?
They oversee and plan out the entire development progress in every aspect
It's weird how most KH fans seem to realyl dislike speedrunners, but they're the only people who do a lot to make the ports better or try at least
The biggest issue remaining is the sound effects in KH1 and 2. They really fucking bad and it drags the experience down. The broken RCs are whatever tier at this point, and save crashing only happens if you don't save for literally hours.
what the fuck do game directors do then?
So every FF director just slept all day in his bed and did nothing?
I am the biggest ffvii fan. But the more time passes, the more I lose hope of ever playing the remake.
Yeah, i already gave up on the sound effects in the PS3 version, but the RC should be fixed. It was never perfect but happened like once every hundrede fight in the original, but now it fucks up multiple times per fight and will kill you everytime on proud or critical unless you know how to deal with it, which shuoldn't even be the case
It's only been less than 2 years though
I'm over Xemnas RC. Just Session it or spam triangle anyway and hope for the best. Stokholm Syndrome, but the random drops are more exciting than just mashing the button to infinite dodge on PS2.
In 2020 we might get a confirmation that it will be a ps5 title
Yeah but it took like 8 years to announced the remake.
>it took like 8 years to announce something that didn't exist
>Didn't even know about this interview at the last moment
>Sad Kingdom Hearts music playing in the background

Give the man a fucking break!!

Why would this trigger Nomura fanboys?
In xv-kun's head it does. For some reason he always has to "win" on the internet
He spent 2 years in a tank filled with mako energy.. He straight up joins avalanche after tifa takes care of him and makes him remember who he is. Hence the skinny arms and shit.
daily reminder for xv-kun to kill himself, it should be easy since you live in convict island
Who's to blame for this fuck up?
Well, they did show news. It's not their fault that fans always want 10 trailers every year
xv being delayed, pushing everything back
>The leaks about KH 3 have some credibility to them
Those leaks are things that anything who's been paying even a modicum of attention could predict.
It was Nomura's idea that Aerith dies, if I recall correctly.
>if I don't like someone's art better than this arbitrary example, they aren't talented!!!
Shut the fuck up
>Magic wasn't great either.
You don't have to lie
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Yeah Aerith death was 100% Nomura's idea. One of the top 5 most iconic moments in video game history came from Nomura . Say what you want about the guy but there is no denying how much of a drivkng force Nomura is to Square's success
This is dedication right. The hate you have for Nomura is godly

>still falling for SE's bait

come on people holy shit
>When Kitase was put in charge of Final Fantasy VII, he and Nomura entirely reworked the initial plot.
>The pursuit of Sephiroth that made up a large part of the main narrative was suggested by Nomura, as it had not been done in the series before.
>When talking about the overall theme, Sakaguchi said it was "not enough to make 'life' the theme, you need to depict living and dying. In any event, you need to portray death". As a result of this, Nomura proposed the idea of having the heroine die.
>Kitase and Nojima then planned that most of the main cast would die shortly before the final battle, but Nomura successfully protested against the idea, thinking that it would take away from the impact of Aerith's death.

>Nomura also contributed to the gameplay, creating the Limit Break system as an evolution of the Desperation Attacks used in Final Fantasy VI.

Holy shit, this game just wouldn't have happened without Nomura.
See Tabata killing off majority of the cast isn't always a good idea
Nomura is pretty good but he has done dumb shit before so hating him and defending everything he does are both really stupid.

I think we will get trailers for both games and maybe some details for KH but no release date
Well, i guess he's just sleeping all day while being the director of two games and the artist of multiple others. How stupid of me
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But i thought Kitase is in charge
So the games are taking a long time because of Nomura, but he's not actually the one in charge of either project...?
Welcome to threads with xv-kun where he always contradicts himself 10 minutes later and then tries to look for an excuse
Wasn't there a preview for KH3 at E3 when they announced the PS4? What the fuck is taking them so long? Does Squeenix just take 10+ years to make each game now?
What is with the Japanese and killing off so many characters.
They basicly admit that they announce their games too early when all they have to show is a CG trailer. Nomura didn't even fucking know that he'd be the 7R director until they showed it.
>They basicly admit that they announce their games too early when all they have to show is a CG trailer.

But didn't the KH3 trailer have what looked like in game cutscenes and not just thrown together CG for annoucement's sake? Or am I thinking of KH2's preview, fuck man I've completely lost track of time.
The first KH3 trailer was that CG thing on destiny island followed be that fake gameplay in twilight town, the first "real" gameplay trailer was in 2014 with early Luminous footage or something after that they had to switch to UE4 in late 2014 and now the game is what it's now.
That's actually not bad. If Tumblrettes could make shit like this, I wouldn't hate them so much.
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