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ITT: /v/ pays respect to dead videogame series I'll start

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ITT: /v/ pays respect to dead videogame series
I'll start
>American McGee's Alice
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Metal Gear Solid
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>Command & Conquer
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Evil Genius
Ape Escape
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>Legacy of Kain
>Mass Effect
>Devil May Cry
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>Yfw Hitman is being shelved in favor of Life is Strange 2
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>Deus Ex
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The Sims
Star Wars Battlefront
Trauma Center
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Dragon Age
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Republic Commando
Mega Man
Banjo Kazooie
Army Men
not a series
Jedi Knight/Dark Forces
Their names were Snake, Tanya, 47 and JC.
>has only one game
That game was really fucking fun, artstyle is fantastic too
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despite their flaws
>The Rocksteady Batman Arkham games
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This a capcom general?
ur mum
Advance war
Jak and daxter
>Drawn to Life
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Mother isn't dead, it had a proper ending.

Also holy fuck is that comic true. I started violin when I was 14 and haven been playing for a decade. Hate when people ask "So you just kind of started playing one day?".
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This one hurts but technically it had a true ending. It's a shame since they definitely were above average and had a pretty good story for a platformer but never really were utilized to its full potential.

>tfw esrb were pussies and made them change the ending in the later versions
Fuck that. The original ending will always be the true canon ending.
>Advance Wars shelved in favor of Fire Emblem, which rapidly devolved into shit
>Hitman shelved in favor of Life Is Strange 2
Women never should have touched vidya
Fuck affirmative action and muh quotas, women ruin everything they touch by infusing it with their feminist/pc/sjw narrative. Talented women in vidya are few and far between.
Sierra city building games
Pretty much everything Sierra ever made or published. Thanks for killing the best company in PC gaming, Vivendi.
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>Silent Hill
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Duke Nukem
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Star Ocean
Valkyrie Profile
Parasite Eve
Fuck Square Enix
I'll compile all these in a picture
Oh poor you, complaining about all the talent you happen to have.
Rebellion put out two facebook "games" after buying the IP if that counts. Then they decided nobody wanted an Evil Genius sequel when no one was interested in freemium bullshit.
Really all you have to do is tell people you practiced a lot. I cant believe someone was upset enough to make a comic
Shut up you fucking narcissist. People are just trying to be nice.
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Zone of the Enders.

Most of you gaylords are mad about MGS which was being sucked dry as it was.

This is Kojimbo's true crime.
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In my restless dreams, I see that town.

You promised to make another game some day. But you never did...
I'll do one better.

Silent Hill

It is far more dead than MGS and has been so for a pretty long time. At least MGS might still get some new games with some redeeming quality. Silent Hill has been raped by the west more than it has ever been a good franchise. That is some deep feels right there.
i played SH2 like two months ago and i want to play it again
i hope the Kojima ruse is true (i know it's not)
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i feel ya man
>tfw they're making two more seasons of that skylanders show
>tfw they've confirmed Cynder and Malefor
>tfw get to see their designs destroyed as well
I know I'm the only person on earth who cares about TLoS but come on

It will shine again someday fellow STALKER
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Splinter Cell
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I'm pretty much the only one who really brings this game up as much as I do but it really is a shame this series never became what it should have became. If only they just understood why 2 was good. Series pretty much has no real identity.
Nintendo edition

Advance Wars
Paper Mario
Star Fox
Mario Party

All franchises who either haven't had a new game in ages, or whose most recent installments have been collective dumps on the franchise as a whole, making the chances of getting another good game nigh impossible.
Fuck...FUCK. All I want is a classic Silent Hill with modern grayfix and game feel
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i loved KZ3 and hated 2
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Mario will never die, subseries don't really count, it's the same IP being run to the ground since day one
Then you have extremely shit taste. I could understand if you prefer 3 but hating 2 and loving 3? You need to get your head checked with that one.
Will never buy a nintendo console until I see a new mainline fzero game
I know theyre gonna fuck it up tho
What does Hitman have to do with LIS2?
They're both published by SE
SE announced the shafting of Hitman on the same day LiS2 was announced
Yeah this one stings a lot. Best stealth games ever.

Is the trilogy collection good? IGN review has it at 6.5/10

Guess I might have to just emulate.
Parasite Eve. We only got 2 games.
Dino Crisis too. We only got 2.

it was boring, samey and grim as fuck
KZ3 was much more interesting and had more variety
Killzone got shelved for lesbian Archer feminist adventure dawn
If going by multiplayer than 3's maps are absolute garbage next to 2.

The grim atmosphere also makes sense for the series. So I see no issue with that. Although I thought 3 still kept a good visual for the most part.
Yeah what a shame.
Of course Mario will never die. That's why I'm judging the sub-series belonging to the Mario universe separately. Mario Party used to be about competition and ruining friendships as you run each other over on a dynamic playboard, but now everybody just rides in a fucking car together to the end of the level where they do some boss fight in the form of a minigame instead. It's a shadow of its former self.

And don't even get me fucking started on Paper Mario. The last thing that needed was a repeat of Sticker Star, but they did it anyway while the story and characters got to suffer because of it, which is a crime against RPG games.
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Shadowfall was a real kick in the dick
I didn't give two shits about any of the characters and couldn't even really muster up the energy to finish the campaign. Played like 5 online matches and shelved it for good and haven't touched it since.
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I'm replaying Deus Ex, only played it once before
it's such a joy to play, it's almost depressing how much better than most games it is
I also have a soft spot for turn of the millennium era graphics on PC games
i just love when games give you a bunch of gadgets with a bunch of ways to complete the objective
I've never played any other Deus Ex game so I think now is as good a time as any to go through the rest including invisible war
I'm curious to see how bad it is for myself
Whenever someone asks me stuff like that, I go fully the other way and tell them I do it by divine favor, which not only pisses people off because I'm able to do something without practice, but also incredibly frustrates non-religious for insulating there's a higher power.

>Anon, where did you learn to program?
>Oh, I was just blessed with the ability to read code.

>Anon, you sure are good at computers!
>Yeah, I have an intuitive understanding of electronics and simply perceive how they work before I really lay my hands on them.

Things like that, just to remind the plebs of how worthless they are (And to maybe entice a few people to actually give a shit and try to learn something due to sheer anger.).
Breath of Fire
based on what happened with Crash I have a mustard seed sized glimmer of hope that it can make a satisfying comeback
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>mario will never die
Boy, do I sure wish it fucking would though
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I know it wasn't amazing but I loved Alan Wake
Pretty sure the sequel will never happen
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>we will never get a proper J&D4
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Club penguin ;_;
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>Steambot Chronicles
Literally the GOAT arcade racing franchise.

Eat a dick EA
when was this?
my sister used to play on club penguin back in the day and I remember her trying to tip the iceberg and telling her it'll never happen everyone was just lying

Also Prince of Persia
>Criterion was working on an spiritual successor to Burnout called Beyond Cars
>EA shut down the project to make more Star Wars

me cries
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They actually made it so you could tip the iceburg at some point, myself and some fags from here did it about a week before they took the servers offline.

I'm going to miss it.
>That one great game that's already fading into obscurity
I already feel for some niche 90s Windows games, I wonder wha's it like for people who grew up on Commodore.
>I wonder wha's it like for people who grew up on Commodore.

I actually played a Commodore in the early 90's even though it was before my time. I don't think they give too much of a fuck desu. Games were very different back then.
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This one hurts especially because of how MD ended
>we likely won't get another cyberpunk McCann soundtrack either
>Viewtiful Joe
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>Dark Cloud
>All those rumors about 3 every E3
Fuck you level 5
Yeah perhaps, I started on Atari 2600 and fully realize its games are only worth coming back to briefly as a history lesson.
> Medal of Honor
Dead Space. 1 & 2 are fucking amazing, even 3 isn't completely irredeemable shit. What a shame
I am truly sad to say... fpbp
Well yeah and the idea of games back then wasn't like it is now. In the 90's people started to see games more as a thing to be cherished and hyped for. Mid to later 90's gaming became more than just gameplay but also stories, lore, characters and sequels. Much less about arcadey gameplay that you put down after 10 minutes.

A lot of those old games can be played easily through emulators and even on the browser these days.

For me the first game I seriously started to get into a lot as a kid was Pokemon Red. I can't really imagine myself getting into those old games in the same way. They don't really lend themselves to the same type of fun. Not that they are bad they are just too different.
no one knows it, but I miss it too anon. maybe one day.
>shitting on compliments

Well you've got the autism down. Keep hammering at them keys.
Those franchises aside from F-Zero aren't dead, they just keep getting total shit sequels.
I can totally go back to NES though, even if I'm picking up some game for the first time in my life. DOS is a bit harder, UIs are usually way too shitty without a layer of nostalgia. Thank god for updates like System Shock mouselook.
Ergo, they might as well be dead in the eyes of the fans. Also remind me of the last time we got an Advance Wars game, because I sure don't remember one getting released since the DS.
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Half Life
>Mystical Ninja
Soul Reaver, and it's fucking great that it's dead because nobody could fuck it up.
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Consider my almonds activated.
I never understood why the dude always put his name on this series as if people would know who the hell he was.
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Blast Chamber
>Reboot planned for 2019.
Anon... I...
There was a PC Gamer interview with him when Alice first came out, where he said it was just because someone at the publisher thought he had a cool name.
that was literally for one game of his. Alice: Madness Returns doesn't have his name in it.
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Brothers in Arms
>can you handle snow, baker?
>how about a team fortress ripoff instead
still salty
what about 3rd birthday?
i doesn't even make sense, they have different studios.
hitman sold like shit
life is strange sold really good, a tv series coming out and has a huge fanbase. use your brain.

>tfw you think a Dark Cloud game would be perfect for the Wii U or 3DS and held out hope this long

I hate that they have a cash cow in Yokai Watch. I would kill for a new Dark Cloud on ANY console at this point.
>Trauma Center
That's hilarious
Explain what woman fucked over advance wars
And it's because the creator decided to turn her into his waifu.
Fuck waifu fags, you assholes ruin everything
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