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Why does Nanako like big bro so much?

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Why does Nanako like big bro so much?
Because he's a Mary-Sue and every girl wants him.
She will marry him.
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she's a little girl that spends most of her time alone, because her mother is dead and her father is japanese
He's the only positive person that she has in her life right now.
Who's the titcow?
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Kanami, Member of the Meat Brigade
Why though? He's quite ugly for a protag
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Get out of here, Kanamin, the best idol is here.
Because he's the player avatar.
But usually you make your protag good looking. Like p3 or p5 did
p3 looks like a faggy emo loser. p4 got it right
>p3 looks like a faggy emo loser
Tell that to my dick
>Ashly Burch
(Yu) is literally Chad-kun
Every day's great with your penis
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he is pretty pimp
Because he makes every day great with his dick
As a harem-protag (level with me here) he's quite possibly one of the ugliest.
Because everydays great with your cock.
he is one of the only harem protags that doesn't look like a 12 year old
Let me tell you you're sounding extremely ignorant atm
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this thread is lacking on best girl.
He actually has a personality in the anime and has a more recognizable design than generic black/brown short hair harem protag.
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I thought I was the only risefag left
For what, not liking what you like? Show some counter-examples if you are such a perfect objective rationalist.
I played Dancing All Night really recently
That story was awful but honestly the gameplay is really tight.
I know literally nothing about Miku games but I assume they're better versions of the same game.
Shame I'll never play them since I just have no interest in the music in them
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Indeed it is.
Okay. But that is very much the norm. Can't beat Kazamatsuri Bond, a 27 year old agent of U.N. Special Ops (UNSO).

because all onisans belong with their imoutos
patrician taste anon
Now were talking
>This cow-titted whore gives of little sister vibes that make people want to protect her
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>Anon thinks that this Chad ziodynecock wouldn't have bitches on his dick left and right.
Is it his height? He's basically just a kanji reskin
yes Kanji is 183-185 and Yu is 180.
6'0-6'1 and 5'11 in burger numbers.
translation please...
Literally manlet tier.
He's almost a Gary students. For most of the game he's Mr Literally perfection, but he can't keep it in his pants and dates several girls at once. That's his one flaw, lack of monogamy.
>implying that's a flaw
did you even play persona 4? i dont think its to complicated to figure out. nanako is left alone to fend for herself a lot. you as the protag support her more than her dad does and essentially are her parent for a lot stuff.
I'm only sad I missed out on Kanami's rack in this game
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the best
>MC has a lolita complex but father is a policeman
>can't do lewd things to his beloved little sister

what should he do?
>he doesn't wanna marry Brotag
Lol. What a gay.
Chie is cute! CUTE!
not in japan
in japan he's huge
Kiss on forehead, kiss on nose, kiss on ear, kiss on lips

Dojima beat the shit out of Yu for being a pedophile
average male height in Japan is 170.7 cm (5 ft 7 in)
he's also like 3rd tallest character in the series
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too lewd
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He's a tall, confident, good looking transfer student from the city, of course people are gonna find him interesting and want to check him out. Yosuke was popular for a few weeks when he transferred too, before he messed up.

Joker is literally the same, the only reason anyone treats him different is because of his conviction. Anyone who overlooks that is interested in him.

Minato is the only exception, because he was a silent, apathetic wierdo that ran with his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes glued to the ground. It's no surprise it took people time to warm up to them, he carries himself like a fedora tier autismo
>Decent amount of personality for a silent protag

He's pretty fucking up there brosef
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I'm so glad I don't live in Japan.
>Father is away 99% of the time, so would be simple to do whatever he wanted
>Still doesn't since she's too young to consent and loves her too much for that
You're not wrong about Minato.
Junpei befriends him by simple virtue of wanting to show the new kid the ropes and not let him feel alone.
Yukari pretty much latches onto him because of her daddy issues and thinks that means she can relate to the quiet orphan.
The homeroom teacher takes an interest in Minato that at first translates to wanting to be his mommy because she knows he's an orphan, she then gets the hots for him but keeps everything secret except for when talking to a random on the internet.
I have no idea how Kenji became a friend, but he was an early S.Link.
Pretty much everyone else either only talks to Minato because of his Persona power or because he ended up having to meet them and speak to them. He is by far the least social protag, which is terribly ironic since P3 was the first game to feature SOCIAL Links.
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how about some headpats then
Nanako makes me think I'd be a good dad, I made all the right choices without a guide.
Usually it would be because he is the MC so its expected but if you think about it her Dad is always ausent, and the MC is usually in the house spending time with her.

Though of course in the real world Nanako would have a boyfriend in school like a normal girl.
>which is terribly ironic since P3 was the first game to feature SOCIAL Links
it's not ironic, it's intentional. social links were devised to be character development where the antisocial weirdo ends up sacrificing himself because of the bonds he made making him realize that the world is actually cool and worth protecting

this is why as the game progresses you get less "man this sucks" esque responses
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Fuck off Persona 4s time is over

Make way for the new hotness
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>p3 protag is totally an emo
>p5 protag is a fucking nerd
>p4 protag is total bro and pussy magnet, tallest most attractive and stylish of them all, the guy has charisma.

Is it really that hard to comprehend?
or do you simply have shit taste?
Part of Minato's base character is that he's kind of a shut-in and needs to open up. One of the earliest lines in the game is how he can't cover his ears and avoid the world anymore.

He's definitely the least social at the start but there's good reasons for it and he ends up with just as many friends as any other Protag.
Sorry but just because the other two don't fit your preference doesn't suddenly make the p4 protag a good example of attractive tall main character. This has genuinely nothing to do with taste.
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Really? There are people that think P5 guy somehow looks better than Yu?

Hopefully you guys know you are in the absolutely tiny minority, right?
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k nigga, is not like you're being based or something.
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back at you, cakeboy. You prefering small fuckboys means nothing. He is canonicaly handsome, even random NPCs point that out.
Never FUCKING mind I read that as the P5 protagonist.
>even random NPCs point that out.
I don't even know how to respond to this. What does bad writing have to do with him not being a good looking protagonist? Play more games.
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You are so triggered you can't even make a coherent argument anymore.

You're stating that he's ugly and yet fail to explain why, yet when someone comes with an actual argument you dismiss it with your broken logic.
anon you do realize that him not being good looking is only your own opinion, right
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Man Joker is handsome as fuck though.

Put him in his summer clothes and solo a battle with him, he's goddamn charming. He definitely competes with Yu for top dog lead.
He looks like a scruffy dog.
you're quite ugly yourself
Are you trying to imply that scruffy dogs don't make you want to muss up their fur even more?
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>stylish of them all,
Joker is easily the most /fa/ persona MC.
That look hasn't been popular for at least half a decade my dude.
I wonder what "canon" personality Joker will have for the inevitable crossover with Yu.
Better shave my dog then.
Nah, man. Curly hair and unkempt styles are making a comeback after a solid ten years of straightened emo crap.
Anecdotal evidence but my female friends all think he's the hottest of the mcs.
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Cheeky cunt with the some silent mc autism.
What did she mean by this
>wearing a sport coat over a v-neck t-shirt.
Is that really /fa/ on this day and age?
they really hit rock bottom huh...
Your roastie friends didn't even play persona 4 anon
I did and I'd fuck Joker over Yu any day of the week.
Where's the Nanako nsfw
At the FBI and CIA you sick cunt.
>implying Yu would ever fuck your fatass
you wish.
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Old enough for kisses.
the hell are you doin to my daughter?
How the heck is 180 cm manlet tier? that's like what, 5'11? thats a pretty standard male height in Western countries.
because nanako is the killer
It's just a dumb meme about how any male below 6 feet tall is a manlet
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It is a /fit/ meme.
>all these puny mortals below 10 feet
Do your women even see you all the way down there?
Why's Kanami look like such a fucking fat nerd?
Because she is a fat nerd. It's just that the fat collects in her chest instead of her midsection.
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Considering that smile he always has and how he seems to have way more snarky responses than the other protagonists he's probably a real cheeky guy who loves stealing shit.
>tfw find chie's design pretty cute but just don't care for her VA
Best girl
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Do you think they actually got married when he was older?

He was already with 7 (8 with golden) other girls, so adding one more doesn't seem too much to ask.
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Absolute Madman.

Which will be great, since I loved Yu's personality and I think they'll gel really well.
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that popped collar transcends the universe
No, but that didn't stop Nanako from nursing a brother complex for the rest of her life, even after she moved on and got married to another guy.

Arrogant and charming, but secretly frustrated with the world and afraid of betrayal.
God Persona 4 was so shit
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why did he fuck the cat thing so much?
I wonder what Joker's "canon" name is going to be. None of the other Persona spinoffs have used the manga names, so I'm certain he won't be named Akira Kurusu.
As Joker he's definitely a lot more flippant and a huge show off.

In day to day life, I think he's a lot more subdued and quiet like Minato and Yu were. The big difference then is why he chooses to say stuff when he doesn't have to. Minato did because he was slowly coming out of his shell and getting to understand people in general. Yu would usually speak up to be a bro to almost anybody who needed one.

In my mind at least, Akira's almost like a comedian. He's quiet, observant, and always ready with a really harsh sense of humor to hide his anger/frustration.

Then again, my PS4 shit the bed before I could get through the third palace and it's been weeks since I've played it so it wouldn't surprise me if I was 100% wrong.
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>ctrl+f Yukiko
>nothing shows up
Niggers, all of you.

Shut up, she is now in SMT
Sasuga hamburgerler poster.
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Kanami is worst girl, she ruins my group shots.
Christmas Cake Yukiko will be in Strange Journey, all is well.
lawson's outfits>>>>velvet room outfits
built for sex
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>Not P1/2 outfits
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I don't understand, isn't the dancing game supposed to take place AFTER Golden's ending? Why do everyone's appearance regressed back to pre-epilogue?
Amusingly enough, they forgot about Nanako. The rest of the cast got plot excuses and new outfits, but they forgot that Nanako had her Golden design.
What are their excuses? I'm pretty bothered that even their hairstyle got changed back instead of getting new outfits.
It was pretty pathetic, something like "Rise made these costume designs and we followed them", which included Kanji's hair.
the same reason everyone had their initial persona in P4U, so secondaries that never saw that content won't get confused.
Because he was pretty much the only person that started paying attention to her after her mother died.
I thought that was because arcsys forgot they had second forms
that seems unlikely. i think they wanted to implement multiple personas and couldn't afford to, since all the P4 characters have lines for summoning their ultimate personas and all the P3 characters have lines for summoning their initial personas.
>p5 protag is a fucking nerd
Maybe yours was.
Mine joker was a smug cunt all the way
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a cunt
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A qt
tfw Joker hardly had any internal monologue because that fucking cat ALWAYS SPEAKS FOR HIM
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Joker is the cutest Persona hero!
Please don't such lewd things but I agree
ur mums

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everyday young life junesu
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Wow, his portrait changed completely since PV01, and only his.
Who the fuck is the slut with the retarded hair accessory?
Yu is for basic bitches note how all his women are of a subpar quality to everyone else's.
I wasn't aware. Thank you.
How's your shitty heart up there?
>You're not wrong about Minato
What? But he is?
"Maya" straight up says she finds Minato "silent but kinda mature and cool", in the answer when Junpeis flashback his classmates remark how girls might go for that "dark side of his".
Also Ryuji is literally door-kun but openly thirsts after every girl and he's got bitched all over him never got how he was supposed to be popular though. His fashion sense is really fucking chuuni and he's a manlet.
I feel like he'd get laughed at and told to go back to grade school irl

He's an emo prettyboy so he hasn't got universal pull but as this mysterious cool transfer student plenty of people find him their "type"
It's not a meme though. 180cm is manlet tier. Now it all depends on how you actually look regardless of height. You can still look unmanly at 200cm. But I do not think 180cm is tall at all.

5ft 8inches?
I think he was literally given the power to attract social bonds.
Also Yu is the protagonist I would fuck the most. Though I haven't played P5.
not selfinserting as Yu and cucking Kanji and Yosuke in one evening
I like his first one desu
Narukami is literally JYB thus he is best MC

The answer was full of retcons so I barely even consider it honestly, I can't even remember the scene you're talking about. But either way, one lonely/desperate woman being attracted to him doesn't change that he's presented as an apathetic, aloof wierdo. His whole thing was that he didn't care if he died. I mean, you even agree when you say he looks ridiculous.
Those are triplets
Glorious tomboy with spats
What is she saying?
the pleasure of being cummed inside
anything under 210cm is manlet and should kill themselves

this includes animals as well as humans.
It is. Go outside. No one outside of 4chan considers 180cm short.
>ad populum
Again. I don't really care. You and others can delude themselves into thinking whatever they want about their height. It doesn't matter to me.
Pretty much. They shouldn't kill themselves, though, they should let me kill them without aitistic screaming, I hate autistic screaming.
Considering comparisons of height are relative, ad populum is all that matters.

The entire western world is built around that height.
>Considering comparisons of height are relative
Considering anyone that thinks 180 isn't manlet tier is talking from a conflict of interest standpoint I daresay I very much do not care what you consider relative.
180 cm is 5'9. Absolutely manlet tier.
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Lets be honest, who wouldn't enslave Nanko's butt pussy with their meat machine. The girls too irresistible
It is, roughly. The tallest average in the world is in the Netherlands at 183cm (6ft in burger). Everywhere else it's below.
PC master race here, how is it going with the ps3 emulator?
Is it even possible to make an efficient emulator for a console that uses a Cell processor?
Catherine looks playable, P5 runs but it's not playable with that fps, DeS is barely playable.
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thanks, guess I should contribute to the thread also
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>he's still taller than me
Wait we are the tallest people in the world?
Remote play it then
>not Switch
I live in a dorm anon
No thanks, at least the vita has a few PS2 ports I'm interested in, the switch has nothing.
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Rest of the girls
Objectively wrong
I don't know, I find Yu's winter clothes to be more /fa/
And his midwinter school uniform is fantastic.
>Finish the game
>Want to fap to Ochimizu
>No porn of her whatsoever
>implying that isn't the best part
Anyone have that image of Chie dressed as Elizabeth with all her requests being her asking for steak?
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i would drink that sweat
Man, that's hot.
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I wish we could get another Persona game that understands that "the power of friendship" isn't the end all "win button" that the series started to gravitate towards in P3 (albeit handled much better see >>377771929 ). P2 was much more into the psychology of personality and the rare ability to understand another isn't intrinsically good or evil. Kind of reminds me of Deus Ex HR; augmentation was a small part of the original game but then it gets a sequel that takes the series in a different direction based on a complete misunderstanding of the original, and focuses a small, mostly expository plot device as the end all point, theme, and plot of the series.
P3MC: No obvious tells, impeccable poker face. He gives the least amount of shits about the outcome of the game so it's impossible to tell if he's bluffing or not. Half the time you wonder if he's a god of poker and the other half he seems to have no idea what he's doing. The most unpredictable player.
P4MC: Seems to play it safe at first But will surprise you with bold moves. He seems straight-faced but sometimes if you focus, you can tell if he's bluffing. Sometimes he seems like he's really confident, only to fold at the last minute.
>King of bluffs. Like the others, he seems quiet at first but suddenly he'll transform into the charismatic Joker and try to bring the game into his pace. Does he have the hand of God or is it just a jester's bluff?
The stakes are always too high and they already used the "You lose, time to reboot the world" card in IS. Doing it again would seem like a copout.
Preach brutha, playing through P2:IS on my PSP and am loving it.
Side note, it's the first persona game I've played but I've also got 3 and 4 on ps2
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I think it could be explored again while keeping the current setting and even tone. P5 had better presentation and execution in it's own presentation than P3 or P4 (although for P4 that's a really low bar), but at the same time the plot and the sum of it's parts are just as weak as ever. While I do prefer mainline SMT, in case anyone needs an excuse to invalidate my opinion, there you go my biggest problem with Persona 5 was that there is a large gap in strength between "what its story is" and "how they tell their story". Persona pretty much became the meat shield for normalfags, but it can still be better than it is while fulfilling that role.
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To be fair P5 didn't feel as though it was friendship that won the day, rather the power of the people. The game kinda made that obvious when the winning ticket to shoot God in the face and summon Christmas saving Satan was 100% belief in the Phantom Thieves, who represented humanity's rebellion against total order and peace.
This never gets old. Manly Tearslets, when will they learn?
>god tier

I see what you did there
Image source?
You know, if I were to judge the girls in terms of appearance, Marie would be on top of my list next to Naoto.
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