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>tfw 2017 was over before it began Now that RDR2 has been

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>tfw 2017 was over before it began
Now that RDR2 has been delayed, are you ready to select this year's GOTY? Only thing left that might be a contender this year is Mario Odyssey and it'll probably be delayed too.

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You were saying? Also Persona 5 is 2016.

If we're counting localizations than Ys VIII shits on most of those games, too.
Sorry I can't keep up with every obscure weebshit game
>no Yakuza 0 option
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What game
I doubt anything will top Automata this year for me, but TWWH2 could very well beat everything else on the list for me, though I don't expect a strategy title to stand any actual chance of winning anything in fucking 2017.
Vanquish. It's getting released on PC on Thursday
Crackdown 3 could be good
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>leave 2017 to me
Localization year is canon unless the game never left Nippon

Fuck off.
cool you fit in now
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I'm a falcom fanboy but there's no way Sen 3 is going to be better. 1 and 2 were already a pretty damn big step back. The writing is noticeably worse in general. The only thing it really has is gameplay, and I definitely give gameplay to something like Zelda over it.

Unless we count localization years then it's either 8 or P5, but I don't think we will.
>nobody remembers NiOh anymore

Holy shit, how does a fanbase die this fast?
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Pic and INjustice 2 so far
spot the newfag.
>Ys and Persona
overrated as fuck, Platinum's most overrated game period.
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Only correct answer
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Ys VIII makes me believe. If nothing else it'll be OST of the year.
I really hope it's Prey. I haven't even played the game I just love seeing weebs cry.
prey > yakuza > nioh > others
Meant for >>377755391
It's certainly a good game, and will hopefully get some respect for (hopefully) a month before people turn on it like everything else here.
>shitting on anything
I hate the modern JRPG fanbase, you're always trying to find new ways to circlejerk over your "superior" taste.
>Persona rocks!
>N-nevermind, SMT > Personashit!
>That was just a joke, I'm a Nepmissile!
So far it's Persona 5 and Nioh.

Resident Evil 7 was good but that's all it was, good. Alien Isolation came out this gen and is a far superior survival horror game.

I only played the demo for NieR Automata but I fucking hated that demo so much that I doubt I would think anything better of the real game.

Prey doesn't have enough ammo and is too much about smacking things with a wrench. Aside from that there's something off about the game that I just can't put my finger on, I love the sound design and visuals, and from a gameplay standpoint it seems well crafted, there's just something about it that doesn't hold my attention.

Horizon is visually gorgeous and has a neat world, but the combat is sadly way clunkier than I thought it would be.

Zelda was actually good enough to where I beat it, which is much more than I can say for Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, but Breath of the Wild is still an incredibly flawed experience and for me has absolutely zero replay value, I don't think I'll ever bother playing it again in my lifetime.
Hollow Knight is my personal pick so far, but let's be realistic, a 2D indie game isn't winning any awards
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>forming your opinion based on somebody else
>Nier Automata
>played all for free at max settings on my PC

Feels good.
I don't know why I keep coming to this place, it just keeps getting progressively worse and worse. I wish there was a good place on the western internet to talk about imports.
Anyone that honestly thinks Neptunia is a good franchise deserves to be shot.
It was never good, we don't give a fuck about Gravity Rush 2 or Yakuza 0 either now that we have a real exclusive like Persona 5.
Nintendicksucker at least wait till this year's E3 before you write everything else off and already have your Diarrhea in the Wild GOTY winner shitposting.png collage ready.
What the fuck is Horizon doing there, no matter how much you meme this game, it will never be good and everyone knows that.
>before you write everything else off
Please tell me what's coming that I missed
I feel like all the big games of 2017 are already out
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>beat it
>enjoyed it
>easily top 5 GOTY right now

I see nothing wrong with my opinion. For all the shit it gets, all the shit it does right gets written off as unimportant. 40 hr game to platinum, didn't overstay it's welcome, surprisingly good story in the latter half, varied combat (though easy to exploit). From a technical perspective, it's the most impressive game on there. Gotta appreciate the sheer effort that went into it. Unless you didn't play it. You should.
>From a technical perspective, it's the most impressive game on there

Not that guy but I keep hearing this for every Sony exclusive that comes out, specially Uncharted 4, played it a couple of days ago and it wasn't impressive at all, lots of jaggies, shit textures and the 30 fps show a fucking lot. I mean I think The Witcher 3 at max settings looks way more impressive. Not talking about the cutscenes btw.
>Mario Odyssey and it'll probably be delayed too.

>probably be delayed

I want this meme to end.

Mario Games don't get delayed.

Many other Nintendo games do, but Mario doesn't.
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I guess add Horizon to that list, except you won't see many jaggies or bad textures. The biggest complaint is the facial rigging during dialogue. But it's still miles ahead of 99% of its competitors (I mean not that Andromeda was suited to impress but it's still a competitor). I recommend trying it just to see what most people who played it see.
My personal GOTY is Persona 5, but the one that'll win the most awards will probably be Breath of the Wild.

Honorable mentions to Night in the Woods and Hollow Knight, though
Where's the option for Y0?
you seem very sensible
GOTY was already out in January
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oh yis>>377761698
I like the art style but the gameplay is shit
You listed issues for those other games but unironically think a rehash (P5) and a poorman's Ninja Gaiden (NiOh) are GOTY contenders?

What a dumb cunt
P5, mechanically, is the best SMT game so far, and they should bring over most of the mechanics in it to mainline.

Nioh is fun as hell and is by far the best Dark Souls game, don't know where you're getting this Ninja Gaiden idea from, it's Dark Souls+Onimusha only better than both.
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Zelda will be probably GOTY.
Not gonna wait to see if Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 (if it actually does come out in 2017) are any good?
There's no way Xeno 2 is 2017
>I only played the demo for NieR Automata

it's a really fun game but it's literally a PS2 title upscaled. if FF XV had a different name it would be celebrated - well at least after the 15 GB patch.
I just felt the combat in Nier wasn't any good, I actually preferred the way the first one played to Automata.

Beyond that the dialogue and story just seemed shitty. Maybe that demo was just an incredibly awful representation of the game but it just turned me off completely.
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Leave 2017 to me.
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fucking depressing state of gaming press to praise this game so highly
It's a shame because, by being overhyped in a console/pc war, it inevitably let some people down. It's a good game, but essentially a flawed but adequate Souls clone.
>one more
>better than press turn
trash-tier opinion
>0 gamebreaking bugs
>good world building
>fun gameplay
>good music
>decent mix of puzzles and combat
>very interactive world

objectively at least an 8/10.
GM mode will definitely make this goty
Baton Pass makes it more interesting imo, besides it's such a similar mechanic anyways.
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Persona? Marketing-wise maybe not, playerbase-wise it's still below 1 mil sales. Even Fire Emblem is doing better, and it's still selling lower than even Metroid or Banjo-Kazooie (as much as Ninty likes to pretend otherwise).

And I can guarantee only weebs even know what a Ys is.
Mario Odyssey will definitely be delayed. I'm certain they said it's coming out this year just so they can boast about how many big games they'll have for 2017.
The only reason I think it won't be delayed is because Mario games typically have holiday releases, and that would mean a delay until holidays 2018

Xeno 2 is definitely 2018 or beyond though
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Leave 2017 to me
>implying this isn't coming out in 2019
NiOh has a bunch of reused animations from Ninja Gaiden and it's by fucking Team Ninja. NiOh is Dark Souls but with good combat or lame Ninja Gaiden
to be fair every Ninja Gaiden since Black has been shitty Ninja Gaiden anyways.
NG2 was a solid 7.5, I'd even say NG3RE is a 6 and coming from vanilla NG3 is pretty good
Prey has been considerably better than all the Jap games so far
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Persona 5 was going to be GOTY until the Space ship dungeon, and then after the its all downhill (with small spike up at the end of casino)
>dating sim fags this desperate for their weeb waifu shitfest to be GOTY
NG2 was trash and I've played both the 360 and PS3 versions on all difficulties, they completely lost everything that made Black compelling and good, also cookieface tried so hard to make the game difficult to troll the playtesters he forgot to make it remotely fair or enjoyable like Black was.
>Prey doesn't have enough ammo and is too much about smacking things with a wrench.
Jesus Christ what an idiot.
I finished BotW and P5, and just started Automata. So far BotW is my favorite.

While BotW has some issues like lack of monster variety and short but fun dungeons, it compensates in so many other areas. The world is amazing, the amount of stuff you can do with physics is quite fun and exploring is entertaining.

P5 is a game that I wanted to love as much as I enjoyed playing other SMT games but it just felt underwhelming in many parts. Story-wise, villains after Madarame felt weak and teammates joined pretty late in the game; and gameplay-wise, I felt that dungeon design while an improvement most of the dungeons tended to drag in many parts either by adding annoying puzzles or backtracking. Also confidants break the game.

As for Automata, the combat is ok but is pretty well below other Platinum games combat. Also open world is a bit of a hassle to traverse early in the game. Also not much of a fan of the whole RPG elements such as leveling.
To be fair NG2 barely had and QA since it was rushed but I can see where you're coming from with it not being as memorable as NGB
>I actually preferred the way the first one played to Automata.

How ?

>>0 gamebreaking bugs
>>good world building
>>fun gameplay
>>good music
>>decent mix of puzzles and combat
>>very interactive world

Oh jesus for realz, you get to stay constantly one GENERATIOn behind, never try anything new and suddenly 0 bugs. fuck you NINTENDO is NOT EVEN competing on the same level.
Nioh is Dark Souls, minus good enemies or levels, but with better player-controlled gameplay
Something about the bullet hell onslaught the bosses posed, the chunkier more visceral feel to combat, the magic system.

Automata's combat just really felt like complete shit, it was like Legend of Korra tier when it comes to Platinum games.
It's going to be BoTW. It's not nearly as good as NieR or Persona 5 but those two don't have mainstream appeal so they don't stand a chance.
>Nioh is Dark Souls

everything is dark souls is literally the most retarded gaming meme ever. even based Pweds (views be upon him) made fun of that.
Is there really no other potential GOTY coming out this year
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>P5 is a game that I wanted to love as much as I enjoyed playing other SMT games but it just felt underwhelming in many parts.

Same for me. I've waited years, and held out for those last few months avoiding spoilers like the plague, only for the story to be bland and straightforward.

I loved the style and presentation for the first dozen of hours or two but once the formula of each month settled in, it made me wish just for a straight up plain SMT game, where I can at least control the player rather than thumb through hours of redundant text.

It's weird because the gameplay & presentation are better than ever, but it now it makes the railroading feel even worse than it was P4, even though both games were guilty of it.

Good game in the end, can't wait to see what they'll do with those HD demon models now.
>Automata's combat just really felt like complete shit
I know, Zelda had better combat. Fucking Sonynyggers.
Ace Combat 7 was delayed until 2018 so no.
No, Zelda already has been awarded it.
It depends on your tastes really, I didn't found P5 nor Nier as good as Zelda and I have yet to play Nioh and RE7.
>Zelda had better combat

I actually agree with this playing both very recently, at least in Zelda doing parries is hard and you can't just spam the evade button.
I had a feeling this would happen to me, the Persona formula gets really tired after one game and I know that a game like P5 which lasts like 90 hours is gonna feel formulaic and repetitive by half of it.
>Something about the bullet hell onslaught the bosses posed
In a game where you can block and gain i-frames after blockstun?

>the chunkier more visceral feel to combat
The combat in Nier1 was barebone.

>the magic system.
You mean the same 3 spells everyone used?
>soraya saga and tetsuya takahashi will be at e3 this year
>nintendo will focus on 2017 games.
I wish Zelda had better combat, that was one of my biggest problems with the game aside from the shit progression.
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Ignore salty Cucktendo shitters, they probably don;t even know that gaming has already moved on without them.
From what I've played on this list

Persona 5 > Neo Autobots > Horizon Zero Dawn > Prey

If Mementos wasn't so goddamnn boring and a chore of a dungeon, I think I would've enjoyed myself alot more. It would've offered some fun dungeon crawling during the off-days, instead 1/2 days of a palace then a month of VN text.

In its current state its even worse than Tarturus from P3

I will never stop finding hilarious that sonybros think anyone but them cares about this game.
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>in its current state its even worse than tarturus
Let's not get crazy here friend
has there been any news about this at all?
At least in Tarturus, the enemies weren't wildly below the player's level. Tarturus also had mini-bosses found within the dungeon itself (not based of S-links like Mementos), so reaching a checkpoint is at least rewarding with a good boss fight.
It's baffling that the Mementos enemies are usually the weakest enemies from the palace that month.

Considering Mementos is only corridors, and Morgana car has less control than Joker in a palace, it might as well be isometric view at that point
>RDR got delayed
Was ready to buy PS4 for it
Thanks for saving my money, Rockstar
>Prey doesn't have enough ammo
There's this machine called a fucking Fabricator, use it.
Agreed, I hate mementos. I skipped most of the requests and just run past the enemies. Hearing Futaba say that it almost 50 something floors deep made me want to claw my eyes out

The items are useless and below your level along with the enemies. For some reason they're always a dungeon before you, meaning if you're on the sixth dungeon then Mementos will only have all the enemies from the fifth dungeon there, it's really stupid.
Nier is my goty atm.
Mementos is better than Tartarsauce for the sheer fact you can clear an entire section in 10 minutes by driving past every shadow. The battles in Mementos are definitely a lot easier but battling random mobs is not fun and never has been in a JRPG.
automata was deeply flawed, though still pretty good. I'm hoping ni no kuni 2 will come out this year but somehow I doubt it.
>Mementos is better than Tartarsauce for the sheer fact you can clear an entire section

But why would I want to be there anyway? There's nothing to gain from going there, you just are forced to in order to complete S-links and shit.

No wonder all I want to do is just drive past all these enemies that are 10 levels below me.
No one WANTS to be in mementos. Not even the protagonists like it but it's task that the heroes must do. You're in mementos because of the plot. You don't even have to go that often if you manage your time correctly.
the only thing it had going for it is that lots of people couldn't or wouldn't play it
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Does anyone have a game of the month template?

Preferably with room for runner up's.
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Will be delayed
Theres no way it won't be
>From a technical perspective, it's the most impressive game on there

Horizon isn't technically impressive, Zelda is, with all the weather effects and how they affect the gameplay and physics, how the fire works and expands, how electricity flows through metal objects, how the water works with only objects of higher density going under it. The game has tons of impressive mechanics and simulations all working together and interacting with each other that affect gameplay in awesome ways, that's technically impressive, Horizon just looks pretty.
they started work on it right after XCX, that's 3 years. There has never been a xeno game with a gap that big besides saga 3 --> blade and this is a direct sequel
XCX was delayed several times
And even if it will be out in Japan by the end of the year, western release will probably be delayed
Also, don't forget that this is Nintendo and Nintendo is retarded. They could operate on some stupid logic like
>"we gotta make a room for Mario Odyssey!"
and delay XC2 just because, even if the game is fully finished
>XCX was delayed several times

it was delayed once because it was rewritten 50% of the way in to be a gameplay focused game rather than story, XC2 is set
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