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>Dude this unappealing, $1 indie game that I only played for

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>Dude this unappealing, $1 indie game that I only played for 30 minutes tops is very refreshing and way better than actual quality video games

Why would he say this?
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A dollar for one hour of fat-free interesting gameplay is better thrn $60 for eight hours of boring generic padded garbage.
I don't get why fat people don't just drink diet soda/drinks.

It seems like most fat people get at least a third of their calories from drinks, which is fucking pointless.
Is Crendor still a hack?
What game? A little context would be nice, I don't watch youtubers.
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Diet stuff is still awful for you.

Better not to drink sugar at all.

...yet fatties gonna fat, one supposes.
nah, you're just a fat fuck and you were rightly called out for stuffing your fridge full of shit.
Yep. I got up to 220, started drinking diet soda and made no other changes, and 7 months later I am down to 170.

I can say from experience, the answer is literally just they don't like the taste, dude. They're trading their whole quality of life for coke because diet coke kinda tastes bad. It's a spiral of increasing depression and apathy. A tasty sugary drink is sometimes the only good thing to look forward to all day when you're a loser blob.
My aunt drinks diet coke and shes still fucking massive
Total Biscuit I know you read these threads I just wanted to say I love you.
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>tfw have biscuit-nips
Maybe he should direct some of his autism towards getting a better body.

how about you just stop drinking soda of any kind, you fucking lard ass?
diet pop tastes like shit.
would rather drink water
lol, man up, pussy
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I hit 350+

It's not the food(yes i know it's the food), it's the apathy. The only thing you have is eating and distracting yourself from your own misery. When you wake up you just wish you could go back to sleep.

Finally shedding weight fast now, keto shit works if you don't puss out.
didnt he die of ass cancer or some shit
A lot of people use diet soda as an excuse to eat more, i.e. it's OK for me to eat a large fry instead of a small or none at all because I got a Diet Coke instead of a regular Coke. Substituting diet soda for regular soda with no other changes is a perfectly valid method of losing weight. Avoid using the nirvana fallacy
If you're going to drink something that tastes like shit you may as well fucking drink water. If you drink water for every meal for 2-3 weeks you won't even care about soda anymore.

Also, diet drinks are shit for you as well.
So if he isn't eating like shit then why is he fat? His comment makes no damn sense. This guy is fucking retarded.
Why do you eat food instead of just drinking nutrition supplements to cover all your body's needs? Because we're human fucking beings who like to enjoy ourselves, retard.

I like carbonated drinks. It's cool to be able to enjoy them without being a fat piece of shit.
I seem to remember a speedrunner who did exactly that and fucked up his jaw muscles from the neglect.

how grotesque does your body look at 170 with all that lose skin hanging on it now? I hope drinking gallons of fucking soda each day for years was worth it.

guess what I enjoy? being fit and nutting inside dime-pieces on the regular.
I'm sure you have a body that makes girls mire at you, celibate.
>A tasty sugary drink is sometimes the only good thing to look forward to all day when you're a loser blob.
Hey now, I'm 5'11" and 170, but this still applies to me quite often.
Just how big do you think someone who weighs 220 is? I have no excess skin.

Oh, I get it. 220 would be absolutely massive for someone your height. Don't worry little guy, you totally pull off 5'8" on your wee little tippy toes, lol.

Mire this dick, fuckboy.
Keep jacking it to other people having sex, cuckold.
I got fat because I was drinking like 20 beers a night. I stopped and have dropped from 260 to 220 by literally just sitting on my ass and not drinking my calories. Granted, at one time I was in Olympic shape and I have a lot more muscle mass than someone who has been a fat slob their whole life, but still the hilarity of how easy it is to lose weight is not lost on me when I see fatties bitching about it.

To be honest, I don't hate or judge someone for being fat, I judge them when they don't want to be fat but just make excuses, or try to argue that fat is healthy or attractive. Fuck those guys, lazy fatasses that they are.
A lot of people who've never been fat grossly overestimate how much food fat people consume. The vast majority of time, they've been eating just over their limit for a long time.

When fat people say "Why am I fat? I don't even eat that much", it's semi-true. That's why so many people blame an overactive thyroid or their metabolism.
>tfw I prefer the taste of diet pepsi

I'd be so fat if I didn't, thank you god for making my mother a perinnial "fat woman in a constant uncertain state of on/off a diet that nevertheless always drinks diet"
I'm sure you felt very empowered by posting that, at 2 AM on a website for Japanese animes.

lmaoing at ur life you tryhard kiddo. Enjoy your platform shoes.
It's entertaining to watch your defense mechanisms kick in.
>35 replies to a thread made by a bot

damn what a little bitch
Surprised you can see them from all the way down there.

i dont think a lot of them realize that if you can manage to go a week or two without pop that you lose the cravings for it. it seems impossible to quit when youre not used to drinking water
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Good for you anon, keep at it.
*pats ur little head*
*has to bend over to reach it*

It's okay, little buddy. Don't hurt yourself.
>Some people will never be able to perform a Dragon Punch motion

Why would he say this?

>there are people that will refuse to play a game over 30 fucking frames
>tfw was 6"3
>tfw 230 lbs off high school football team
>tfw haven't exercise since
>tfw still eat the same amount as when I played sport
>tfw 260 lbs now
I gain weight so fast I have stretch mark on my stomach
>The vast majority of time, they've been eating just over their limit for a long time.
That's not how getting fat works retard. If you regularly eat 500kj over the recommended amount every day your not gonna balloon to 300kg you're probably going to plateau at around 80kg because the body literally requires energy to keep fat.
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