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>enters STVietnam >It Ain't Me starts playing

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>enters STVietnam
>It Ain't Me starts playing
Share war stories.
I miss when ganking was an actual thing to do instead of making people so mad they complain on the forums.
>"It Ain't Me"

Holy fuck you kids are young, don't even know the name of the song.

>Go into stv for the first time as a gnome mage
>Find the hunter's cap at the northern end
>Talk to quest givers
>Level ?? Undead Rogue
>Fucks my shit up
That's pretty much it, I always hated pvp and never made a character on a pvp server ever again. All it did was slow my leveling and exploring.
It added to my experience more positively than negatively, especially when you got a whole raid group together and destroyed Tarren Mill for a half hour.
>Holy fuck you kids are young, don't even know the name of the song.

holy fuck you're such a newfag, don't even know the meme
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>be 42 lvl destro warlock
>you learned new spell: Death Coil
>everything in sight dies from magical combo of Death Coil > SB > Immolate > Conflagrate > Shadowburn
>playing MoP
>leveled a horde rogue alt specifically on a 95% alliance 5% horde server
>when I hit level 40, I started ganking in STV
>with cheat death, vanish, sprint, rocket boots and so on I manage to gank lowbies with my level 40 rogue even with level 90 alliance trying to hunt me
>feeling like a fucking ninja
>occasionally go away and get a few levels and get back a bit stronger each time
>by the time I got to max level I was a ghost, no one could touch me
>there was a talent called subterfuge before blizzard fucked up the classes with ability pruning that let you remain in stealth for 3 seconds after attacking
>started killing people from behind trees with throwing weapons and engineering missiles and restealth out of line of sight so they never even saw me
>lots of angry whispers accusing me of cheating
>I even made a level 1 alliance alt on that server and ran to STV on level 1 just so I could read the general chat bitching on alliance side
I also used to gank on level 60, but the pandaria rogue toolkit was just too perfect for this. I had a lot more fun there.
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>Cataclysm fucked up vanilla and will never go away
>lvling draenei fury warrior
>lvl ?? ud lock shows up
>attacks me
>i die
>i go back for more
>repeat 2 more times
>this time different
>all my procs happen and don't miss
>i beat the shit out of him
>run like fuck before more high lvl horde show up
always good times in stv
I was casually ganking in Hellfire Peninsula once and there was this night elf girl with the "I'm better than you" attitude. Basically as soon as I started ganking her she didn't even try to fight back, just stood still and did /laugh, /pity and so on at me. This pissed me off so I corpse camped her for an hour until she logged off.
Added her to friend list on an alliance alt and started following her just out of spite. I ganked her in several different zones, for the next couple of days she could only level in instances since I kept following her.

The pinnacle of my art of ganking was when I noticed that she was in Blasted Lands for some reason. No one levels in Blasted Lands. So I went there to check, and found her in the alliance castle, Nethergarde Keep. With like 15 of her guildies in the main hall. They were having their cute little RP guild meeting. So I went and killed her in front of her entire guild, vanished and got away with it. All of them were chasing me around the castle, it was glorious. While they were looking for me I went back and killed her once more.

Then I started getting angry whispers from her white knight guildmates, including her self-proclaimed internet boyfriend. They were threatening me with reporting to GM and getting me banned, the usual stuff. In the end she stopped logging on and never seen her again.
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Why do people play on PvP servers if they can't stand getting ganked?
>tfw finding the way to jump into the hidden uninstanced version of zg
I still don't know why that was there, I don't think any flight paths went over it and you could barely see through the door.
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>it's been longer from Cata to now than it was Vanilla to Cata
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>most of the people playing now have no idea what the pre-cata world was like and will probably only ever know about it through stories

Vanilla development was quite messy, it was probably an outdoor area converted to an instance later.
We really did live a legend, anons.
Good riddance. The new quests are a lot more fun than "go to 7 different zones for 2000 xp quest chain"
As much as I dislike collect 10 bear asses I also dislike heavily scripted "cinematic" quests where you're basically just along for the ride like the entirety of the Worgen and Goblin starting zones.

Senator's son detected.
>This pissed me off

Holy fuck I used to do the same thing hoping it would piss you guys off. Glad to know it worked :)
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if STV is like federal prison then this is the showers.
I always thought they were fun and a good change of pace. But that's just some vet with 10+ alts that got tired of the same shitty starter zone quests.

The quests aren't that bad the first or second time around, but only newfags would have had to do them more than a couple times at most. All the vets had a ton of alts waaaaay before Cata. You sound like a Catababy.
>trying to get tame this rare mob in the barrens for my dwarf hunter
>some hordeshitter ganks me and corpse camps me for 2 hours
>manage to respawn a little closer to ratchet every time
>he's stronger than the golbin guards so he keeps killing me even there
>go online to complain about it
>some guy literally argues that the only way to "win" pvp is by griefing your opponents so hard they quit the game
yeah yeah git gud, but that's still dumb as shit
You are a good man.
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>be human mage
>finally get my first mount
>ride it north from booty bay
>pass an undead warrior almost dead
>eh fuck it I'll be nice today
>go up north to try and finish up some quests that involve killing those tribal niggers
>almost dead, eating some comfy ass conjured bread and healing up
>suddenly it's that fucking undead warrior looking for an easy kill
>start doing all of my spells to get away/buy me more time
>frost nova, that iceberg one, another one fuck I don't remember
>finally freeze him long enough so I can summon my horse and get away
>aww yiss I'm gonna make it
>wait no what the fuck
>lvl ?? orc out of nowhere
>he roots me in place and I lose my only way of escape
>I just stare at him as the undead warrior saunters up and gets the kill

and that's when I learned to never be nice again. Fuck everything.
There's a difference between grouping up with other people questing in the zone to go fuck up some Alliance or Horde, and coming in at max level with seven other people to spend the whole day killing the same guy half your level over and over.
There was one day I camped this poor lowbie so hard I must have killed him 20 times

I think vanilla WoW is what made me into the asshole I am today
Literally just walk away from the PC nigga. How the fuck you gonna get bullied like that? Typical Alliance masochist faggotry.
I don't like them because your skill as a player really isn't taken into account at all. Also the ones in starting zones are especially obnoxious because you have to go through them every single time you make a new character of that race.
>I don't like them because your skill as a player really isn't taken into account at all

Name a single quest in wow that takes player skill into account
Pretty much every quest back when mobs didn't die in two hits and pulling a whole group meant you were fucked.
obviously by being autistic enough to keep respawning until he got bored I was the real "winner"
>Also the ones in starting zones are especially obnoxious because you have to go through them every single time you make a new character of that race.

Why would you be making that many alts to begin with? Shouldn't be doing that shit more than once or twice if you were a vet player. Also who gives a single god damn fuck about player skill while LEVELING? 90% of the retards won't even set foot in my raid group so who gives a fuck if little Johnny wants to get to level 60, he'll quit when he realizes how archaic all the BC leveling is anyway.

Unless you are healing its not skill its just not being braindead
Ah yes, ganking. The favorite pastime of a true bipolar gentleman.
Depending on whether you meet me in a dungeon as an ally, or in STV as an enemy, I can either be your best friend or your biggest nightmare.
stv isn't that bad when you're a rogue that knows what you're doing
>running through the zone on the main road
>60 horde character pops up mounted coming from the other direction
>they reach me and dismount
>i'm already ready
>blind them. sprint away. then stealth
>or alternatively, vanish, sprint, then run straight through them before the vanish wears off. they dont know which way i went.
>watch them from a nearby hill as they run around trying to catch me with aoe, before giving up and remounting
You are playing the "im a vet" card a little too hard to be believable. Maybe WoW was your first MMO? Difficult adventures used to be the fun of MMO genre, not lol 10 man 25 man raids and gear treadmill
>go stv
>happy as fuck
>spend the next 50 mins getting camped
>no longer happy
>every single hope I had lost, lost one extra little bit of hope I didn't know I had
Back in the day I made my mom buy me a second account and pay for another subscription so I could make an alliance rogue and hunt down my guild mates to kill them
>ever difficult

Yeah Catababy confirmed
Weren't you just saying that anyone who had more than one or two alts wasn't a vet?
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Underrated post

>resto druid in early vanilla
>literally defenseless except that I could escape really well with cheetah and seal form
>pre diminishing returns in pvp
>constantly getting chased by alliance on their mounts
>run away in cheetah form and lure them into the water
>start diving
>they go under the surface to kill me
>start spamming root on them while occasionally switching to seal form to make sure I don't drown
>they can't escape
>they end up drowning
Shit was the best. I remember constantly rooting alliance close to town until the guards kill them too.
>doing the Nesingwary quest was essentially the same as the Belfry Luna/Sol towers

Wasn't STV litterly the only place to quest at 30?

Leveling really was pretty difficult if you played on the big PVP servers like Blackrock, Illidan, etc in vanilla wow

There was really no way to escape being camped. You had to either deal with it and hope they get bored or corpse hop your way to town and go somewhere else. You couldnt really level just doing dungeons because getting a group was a pain and the exp was shit
I know you could go to loch and still level/quest at 30. I think you could in the area south of loch as well, whose name escapes me
At no point in WoW's lifetime has leveling ever been difficult. Complaining about the new race starting areas is only something Catababies complain about.
Oh and I think the wetlands too?
arathi highlands a bit, also desolace.
I dunno I played Horde on Illidan since early BC and never really thought that much about getting ganked. If I got killed a couple of times I would just stop playing for a little while and come back later.

Yeah it was a great experience for newer players and expanded the PvP aspect of the game but it was never that much of a hindrance to people leveling, even then just spam trade chat for some Blood Legion players and they would come running.
>You couldnt really level just doing dungeons because getting a group was a pain and the exp was shit
And back then you couldn't just teleport to instance to escape getting camped.
>Be me, low-level alliance character
>in Stormwind
>Stormwind gets raided by Horde
>All the Alliance folkd getting fucking slaughtered while they aim to take on the king
>I'm outside the tailoring shop
>Hordies run by and see me
>I'm panicking
>/dance after an unreasonably tense moment
>They dance with me for a few seconds and keep going

The things that bring people together.
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>your palms are now sweating manually
>60 Orc warrior, BWL geared at the time, DTC
>headed for weekly ZG clear
>see ally raid by entrance to ZG
>Mexican standoff, theyre hesitant to attack cause at the time we were a top 3 guild on the server and had a ton of geared DPS.
>suddenly flanked by another ally raid that was headed in and stumbled into it
>both ally raids engage now that they have a 2:1 advantage
>infernals, doomguards, fearbombs, arcane bombs everywhere
>we start flagging a bit as its 2:1 odds
>another fucking horde raid shows up and flanks the ally raid behind us
>over he next 10 minutes 5 more raids trickle into the area and suddenly ZG is a literal warzone as the Horde and Ally raids spill out into the hills around ZG fighting eachother
>absolute mayhem everywhere, noobs in genchat screaming to avoid ZG area at all costs due to fucking armageddon
>the entire zone erupts in open warfare as guilds start calling reinforcements and hundreds of people start pouring in via Gromgol and the north ally FP whose name I forget
>everyone forgets about ZG
>for the next 4 hours its literally STVietnam
>gromgol destroyed
>ally FP destroyed
>literal carpet of bones covering the north half of the zone

I miss vanilla WPVP so fucking much.
You can't say leveling was never difficult in the same breath that you say no vets had more than one or two alts.
>Complaining about the new race starting areas is only something Catababies complain about.
Have you ever made a Goblin or Worgen? Have you ever tried to make another? It's the most tedious bullshit ever having to go through all of these long, scripted quests that you know every beat of over and over every time you want to make a new character of the race you like.
The way to deal with gankers back then was to ask for help in WorldDefense or have a guildie broadcast in Trade. There are usually raiders/anti-gankers bored enough to respond. That's usually how the TM vs SS or STV skirmishes start.
Something like that happened to me up in...fuck. The alliance part where the tauren mill is. Anyway I was running around in my weak loser hunter character and I run into a level ?? ud. We just kinda freeze in front of each other until I did /dance. then he laughed, pet my tiger, and left. It was really surreal and tense
Yeah but then you spend hours whining about being camped and waiting for heroes to come to your aid and then fighting back and while all this is happening youre not getting any EXP

>Decide to run dungeons because you're tired of being camped
>Form a group and head to instance
>Get camped outside the instance
>People in the group get tired of being camped and leave to quest instead

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14 year old me chased down by lvl 60 druid while trying to level my first lvl 30 character in STV. I remember being killed so many times that he made me cry out of frustration.

Months pass and my warrior is lvl 60. Leveling a lvl 30 alt warlock in stv. Ganked by a lvl 60 hunter. Get on my lvl 60 warrior, fly over to stv, kill and camp my ganker until he logs off. My thirst for revenge on the alliance will never be quenched.
>Have you ever made a Goblin or Worgen? Have you ever tried to make another? It's the most tedious bullshit ever having to go through all of these long, scripted quests that you know every beat of over and over every time you want to make a new character of the race you like.

I've only made one of each race to experience the lore aspect. I don't really make new characters, why would I if I have an alt of every class already? If I want a different race I just pay for the race change. Pretty much every alt I have now was leveled during the BC or Wrath era. I started in Vanilla as a Warrior, arguably the worst leveling class at the time unless you camped the AH for the best gear for your level. Obviously I didn't make a Paladin until BC since I played Horde.

Like I said. There's no reason to make that many new alts unless you are a masochist or newfag.
I googled the song, it's some pop garbage. Immediately regret it.
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>If I want a different race I just pay for the race change.
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>playing on Elysium-PVP
>claw my way through all the ganking and reach 60
>finally, now it's my turn to be on top
>hit the town and start prowling for lowbies
>spot one
>make sure they notice me
>make a B line directly for them on my mount
>I can see the fear in their eyes
>maybe they start running in a vain attempt to get away, maybe they just stand there and accept their fate
>get within range
>move onto my next victim
Hell yeah dude. Fuck leveling another character.

>Time is money friend!

And my time is worth a shit ton.
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>I just pay for the race change.
>do the same thing
>walk up to another player on a mount, do a /hug
>walk away
>enter stealth
>go back and kill them
>spam /spit
>poorfag that makes literal pennies every hour and would rather level a whole new character than pay out for a different race

Wow didn't think I would be on the same board with such poorfags.
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Like basicaly every generation living in 20th century.
World is changing so fast every generation has a legends to tell how the world looked like when they were young.
There are still people who lived and remember WW2 and at the same time there are people born who never experienced a world without cellphones, tablets and internet everywhere...

In vidya world anyone who is 30+- and had a computer or consoles as a kid and up to today really did and still lives a legend. They witnessed practically the whole story when games got popular, from 286 to todays VR. They played the first multiplayer game types, be it splitscreen, dialup, lan-parties with sleepovers.

Scaling down to only WoW anyone who played from start is a legend. You witnessed it all, from the very begining and WoW is THE MMO that will be remembered a long time as something that defined genre of modern MMOs.

MMOs are designed from the ground up to waste your time and to be as time-consuming as possible, clearly you do not value your time or you would be playing something else.
>Warlocks in Legion

Feels so fucking bad.
I've always reacted in a similar way to ganking. Why waste your time trying to fight a hopeless fight? Just let the ganker do his shit then move on when he's done.

I've actually never understood the point of ganking people. You don't gain anything from it, and there certainly isn't any challenge to it. You're just wasting the time of everyone involved.
Guilds on PvP servers generally had further progression so that attracted a lot of people that just want to PvE. Also, before there were designated Oceanic/Latino realms, these communities would just choose 3~4 servers to gather in, and there's not much of a choice if all of them are PvP servers.

Anyway, rolling on PvP servers for PvP is sort of like rolling on RP servers for RPing...most people don't actually do that. By TBC, there were major faction imbalances throughout all servers anyway, everyone just rolled the same faction making them essentially PvE realms where you see an occasionally hordie or gnome to kill.
>buying race changes instead of full character boosts
>calling other people poor

>It Ain't Me starts playing
>Not run through the jungle

I used to play on RP-PvP servers for like 7 years. I loved it, I was mainly a raider but I could always find PVP or RP when I felt like doing it. I miss that server so much, but my officers blamed having a hard time recruiting on the server being RP, and then made us all transfer to a PvE server. I went with the guild because I played with those guys for 6 years. Of course recruiting was just as shit.
>level 7 belf pally in bc
>belf city being raided
>big pack of ally end in pally area
>im all alone and all of the are laughing at me
>they use itmes that dont kill me but stun and slow in me
>kill nelf leader and go away after laughing at me again
>write down all of there names
>get to 70 finally
>hunt down each and everyone and kill them after laughing at them
Old wow was cool
>finally get to 60
>full character boosts
>Something that existed before WoD

Wow you kids really are all newfags.
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>60 druid in vanilla
>barely any druids about due to how unorthodox the class is
>big druid patch with moonkin announced
>see tons of people on the forum declare their intent to reroll
>spend the next month camping tauren druids in Moonglade in my downtime, right where the spirit bear is for druids to learn bear form
>eventually a 60 tauren druid joins me and kills all the night elf lowbies
>together we staved off the bandwagon rerollers on our server

I know you're out there somewhere, brother. It was an honor serving alongside you.
>he didn't pay chinese to power level for him or buy fully leveled characters on ebay
Get off my board poorfag.
>be famous warlock on my server
>not for any particular skill, but just socially known as a cool guy that might be a gal
>do world pvp, gank alot, but also fish
>gank ruthlessly/genuine psychopathic camping behavior, but never ever gank anyone with a fishing pole or fishing
>achievements come out, special rare fish that are 1 in a 1000 catch in capital cities
>charge into ironforge alone, evade guards, soulstone, get to fishing pool in cave
>while fishing in the belly of the beast, absolutely no one fucks with me
>am seen, and not molested in any way, get friendly emotes as I'm recognized
>two horde rogues come at seperate times to fish, are ganked, send me hate tells womdering why they're getting ganked and I'm untouched
>catch the rare fish and wield it as a visible trophy after maybe 200 casts
>getting cheers and congrats from people who cant even speak to me, and could destroy me for a half hour or more if they wished

Felt pretty amazing. Truly social experience, its why I still play
Do you ever play games where the player is more powerful than the enemies? ARPGs? FPS games where you pop 10 AI soldiers with headshots in a few seconds?
It's just fun to kill things, even more so if there's a human on the other side.

Honestly for me it was a stealth game simulator. The best part was when 3-5 max level player showed up and I kept killing their lowbie friend that was standing next to them and then I escaped. I saw it as a challenge for killing that lowbie no matter how many players try to defend him, and then escape, denying their kill.
Why were you pvp flagged in a horde capital on level 7?
I used to always swim down the river for the first part of the trek, as on my server the PVP ganking seemed to gravitate towards the entrance of STV (as well as outside of Booty Bay and outside of the Gurubashi Arena).

After that I'd try to make it through staying off the main road, but there was a group of Troll casters and some high level gorillas that I'd always aggro and have to use Feign Death to try and ellude.

STV was a major part of the WoW experience for me, having to run through it constantly to get on the boat at Booty Bay, going from these scary runs, to eventually reaching Level 60 and no longer having to worry about the mobs in the jungle and actually getting involved in the ganking and counter-ganking.
Wow you actually paid that little for leveling services? Damn I just paid my neighbor's kid to level my character for me instead. Fuck those slanty-eyed fucks; I would rather pay an actual white kid to level my characters for a premium. Never speak to me again. I bet you even get wetbacks to do your landscaping also.

Wow you guys really are the poorest of the poor.
Most of all, I prefer a fair challenge. I also don't like to waste anyone else's time, which ganking most certainly does.

I enjoy PvP, but I've never enjoyed ganking, neither doing it or having it done to me.
Nice made up story
I only ever ganked people near my level because I had more fun with an even fight that I could potentially lose than just cutting down defenseless lowbies.
I wanted to be?
Whenever I entered STV from the north I'd always just climb the hills next to the main road so it was harder to be seen and I didn't have to go through the entrance. It was pretty fun finding ways to evade gankers
What complete nonsense. You faggots are insane.
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I vaguely remember in vanilla or TBC, going to STV and finding some guy in a cave on the southern coast and buying some kind of tiger mount, but it was on my banned account and I made a new one in WotLK
The challenge comes when the max level guys arrive. It's not so easy to dance around multiple people spamming stuns, dots and bleeds on you.
For an extra challenge you can try separating and killing them one by one. I did that too, when I saw a chance I fought the max level people.

It's extra satisfying when the big brother arrives and gets camped right next to his lowbie friend.
/v/, tell me about undead rogues
Why would his story be anymore made up then anyone elses in this thread
>This one time I was really awesome
>Things that never happened
This is what made pvp servers fun for me, just the aspect of not knowing whats coming up and prepairing. Iremember redridge was hell and fun at the same time because of that
They do it from behind.
>he doesn't have all of his landscapers imported directly from China
Absolutely disgusting, I can't believe we post of the same website.
Because you arent pvp flagged in a starting area even on a pvp realm, especially if you're level 7 and have no reason to take it off
I have a big love/hate relationship with RR and STV. They were either super fucking fun or soul crushingly shitty with how much ganking you got
I suppose, but it's still a huge waste of time for everyone involved, and all you're really accomplishing is making someone else upset. It's alright for you to enjoy that, but I never saw the appeal myself.

Also, that's a very roundabout way of getting to fight people on the same level when you could just go and fight them as is.
What if WoW was a perfect VR game and you could do anything?
Would you go on a """"""low level""""" raping spree on your rogue? Would you capture and torture members of the other faction?
>trusting the rice Jew

God damn what a disgrace. I import all my landscapers from Sweden and Germany and always make sure they are screened so only true Ayrans are allowed to touch my gardens.

Get off my board you peasant.
I can answer this, you get autoflagged for no good reason taking a portal from one place to another, like shattrath or dalaran to Stormwind to visit the AH

t. A rogue with wrist rockets that one shot ally lowbies running to the AH so much I got name reported 3 times
>level 50 something paladin in vanilla doing Sunken Temple
>All stats shield drops
>I roll need
>Warrior rolls need
>I win and warrior gets very mad at me for rolling on this +all stats shield
>We argue, hate eachother by the end of the run
>Flash forward a year or two later to BC
>join random raiding guild to do kara
>Offtank warrior has a strangely familiar name
>He remembers the shield
>We laugh it off and ended up splintering that guild into a fairly successful guild
That's kind of pathetic to be honest
>rice jew
The Chinese are noble, dependable workers who we generously tricked into building railroads.
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>ywn twink get those retardedly rare cloth pants for your lvl 49 twink from zul'farrak
>ywn become neutral with the quest in 1k needles and camp your own auctioneers again
>ywn see Naxx as god intended
>ywn see the gates to AQ open in the middle of the night again, followed by all of the crying on the realm forums
>ywn watch Noggaholic the movie and feel like a god for getting under Stormwind or going into the Caverns of Time
>ywn dutifully spread the plague throughout orgrimmar again
>ywn banter with the gnome rogue that always camps Crossroads in leetspeak yells again
>ywn spend so long in gnomeregan that you can lead an expedition through it in your sleep again
>ywn sneak into brd to get your own barman shanker and attune yourself to molten core again
>ywn summon people to a horrible death which causes their spirit to spawn in westfall again
>ywn masturbate to porn maps in wc3 again
>ywn play police and team up with the drug lord to make all of the civilians miserable and btfo the mafia
>ywn deny your whole base flawlessly as the titan comes knocking at your door
>ywn see the entire lobby be dota games again
>ywn make another dank base in DoBRP again only to have you game be full of special snowflake wanderer faggots
>ywn play the ladder just for an icon again
>ywn lose yourself in Blizzard games because they are all shit now
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>Back in BC
>Leveling a blelf pally
>Night elf druid ganks me in cat form fucking teabags me
>Won't go away
>Log out and switch to my warlock main
>Summon the Felhunter and turn on Paranoia
>Find him fucking around in stealth
>Fear, Curse of Exhaustion, Corruption, Siphon Life
>Dies like a bitch
>Camp him for a good 30 minutes until he stops coming back to his corpse
Holy shit I did that so much.
I camped on top of a building in Stormwind and killed lowbies with engineering missiles. On the inevitable guard aggro I used a glider and just flied into the Stockades to drop aggro.
>not just sitting in goldshire fucking space goats
I'd just erp with futa draenai
kek, silver spoon in hand detected
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>belf paladin gets ganked
>proceeds to bitch out and has to get his 70 because he's too bad at the game to actually fight back

Yep, sounds like a blood elf paladin to me
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and a lighter in the other
But people always complained on the forums about ganking. Threads about Tarren Mill v South Shore were epic, brah.
Horde had options, Alliance didn't. There was almost nothing for them to do in the Badlands (south of Loch Modan) whereas the Horde had an entire quest hub for around 35-40 in addition to the neutral quests.
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>All those hours wasted on stupid ass maps like DONT MOVE YOUR TAUREN
>All those hours gone trying to herd the collective stupidity of 40 people by summoning them with two people and a warlock via the walljump under stormwind exploit.

Dont care, its gone now, ill never be happy again.
WoW music is still godly.
Man all this modern interest in classic WoW servers is nice but unfortunately the #1 reason why WoW was amazing can never emulated. The community. Shit like this is what im talking about >>377656185
That shit just doesn't happen now because all the games secrets are known inside out and all people care about now are just minmaxing everything. Vanilla was a one of a kind experience that you just had to be there for. If your first time playing classic wow was a private server then you really missed the boat.
Well, there was Desolace.
Did Dustwallow Marsh have quests for ally or was that a BC thing
dustwallow has damn near nothing in vanilla for allies.
dustwallow had a few quests for alliance, though I don't think a lot of those were from the actual area. I think most of them were the "go to dustwallow" type
Dustwallow had no cohesive questing for anyone until BC revamped it. Horde got to make a stop there for free experience from the burned inn though.
That was a BC/Wrath thing
Stopped reading there.
oh nice, I'll continue to do shit like /laugh and /dance and other condescending emotes while standing perfectly still when people gank me then

It's a little pinch of denial and I don't even need to type since I can just scroll wheel up to my action bar that has those emotes in seperate macros and just press a bind
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i've seen you post this in multiple threads over multiple weeks you sad fuck, i know it was fun bro but holy fuck, its a just game
But he said he had it on, why would he need a reason to do something he wanted too?
Just because your a pussy ass bitch does not mean evetyone else is anon
I remember a short period on my server, where again, the geared raiders were bored and decided to camp and kill Rexxar just to piss off the horde.
>Shit like this is what im talking about >>377656185
>That shit just doesn't happen now because all the games secrets are known inside out and all people care about now are just minmaxing everything.
I play on ElysiumPVP and that kind of shit happens daily. Not at that scale, usually, but it's not rare to find a group of horde raiding Menethil or harassing Darkshire, or vice versa with the alliance fucking with horde towns, and having a group of friendly 60's show up to push them back. And shit, earlier today the Horde launched a massive raid on Stormwind that ended up crashing the server for a good 20-30 minutes because it was so big.

If you're looking for that kind of spontaneous world PVP, it's still there.

Also, I largely played on PvE servers back then, so world PVP was never a significant part of my nostalgia. Most of my favorite memories come from grouping up for quests and dungeons and just making friends with the people I met along the way, which again is something that I'm still finding on these types of private servers because vanilla WoW was just built in a way that encouraged that kind of stuff.
I didn't actively seek out wPvP back in vanilla, it died down with the introduction of honor and BGs anyway. However, I usually stay around for skirmishes in neutral towns. On one hand you're ganking, on the other hand you're trying to avoid getting killed by the guards. Sometimes you're baiting lowbies to get themselves a repair bill. Most of the arsenal town guards have now are reactions of town-ganker tactics.
>Gankers used stealth, guards get anti-stealth
>Gankers climbed to rooftops and evade-bugged guards, guards get ranged attacks and knockbacks
>Gankers hit fast and ran quick, guards get snares and roots
hi grandpa
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>leveling shadow priest
>tier 2 rogue parked nearby
>help some retards on opposite faction complete one of the named animal quests instead of trying to ninja it from an entire group
>Waiting around, one of them challenges me to a duel
>Accept and start beating the shit out of him
>I guess he had a macro or something because he instantly forfeited and flagged for PVP
>hit him so I'm flagged
>Level 60 warlock instantly kills me and they all spit on my corpse
>Real pissed now
>Log into Rogue, come back and camp all of them for the next half hour. Let them run and kill them with Snake gun, snake bow, or lol throwing knives
>Warlock gets super mad, makes a character on my faction and starts telling me how he's going to get his tier 3 hunter or some other retarded threat that made no sense
>Continue to camp them all for another half an hour

All you have to do is not be a retarded nigger.
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