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>10 years later >Makes System Shock 2 look like a steaming

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>10 years later
>Makes System Shock 2 look like a steaming pile of crap
>Makes Prey look like an abortion
>Still the best game in the sub-genre

How did Levine do it?
One trick pony magic
Still worse than the original System Shock
He's right you know. SS1 is the best game in the series + successors.
>being this much of a mouthbreathing pleb
Tell me more about how much of a masterpiece babby's first dystopian FPS is.
>its the first so its the best
(You) too

This. Levine was never good, Infinite more than proves that. After playing infinite it makes bioshock seem like an accident that it was good.

>makes system shock 2 look like a steaming pile of crap

stop posting please
>it's the most complete, innovative, well written and designed so it's the best
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Can't believe he managed to outdo himself with Infinite.

This isn't bait, I seriously think Infinite is the best in the series. Burial at Sea is a 10/10 experience.
I'm glad you said this wasn't bait, because it sure looks like it.

BaS is fine but everything else is hot shit.

I just want a Bioshock RPG ;_;
>complete, innovative, well written and designed
Not even.

Infinite is a good game, but not as good as people say it is.

SS1 was really first of its kind, but the thing that holds up so well with SS1 is how the gunplay turns into this freeaim corridor breach and clear rainbow six fest in a sci-fi setting.

Going prone and firing your emp bazooka down halls into groups of battledroids really activates your fucking almonds and serves them with a silver plate of scones.
If it wasn't bad enough that Infinite was a pile of garbage, he had to go back and shit all over the other games and Rapture with that infinite lighthouse and shoving Elizabeth into Rapture.

Bioshock was a fluke and Infinite was Levine's ego in full swing.

People with actual talent can move on gracefully from a success.
I cannot find a flaw.
Does any one else think the new Prey feels like a shit version of Deus Ex rather than Bioshock?
wait what in the fucking world makes bioshock fans think the gameplay is so deep?

the story maybe, but from what i played jesus fuck the gameplay is about as mindless as CoD
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Never go full lucas.
This is a really high quality troll thread.
I see now that Bioshock threads are training grounds to perfect the art.
Teach me your skills, I want to learn.
Why was Fontaine's whole plan for taking the city based on Jack being able to navigate rapture without getting shot by a splicer or just mauled by a big daddy? Seriously, Jack has no special mutations or abilities that make him more likely to survive than the average shmuck outside of the security systems mostly ignoring him. Fontaine still considered him being able to get past all the crazy shit in rapture a safe bet? Also, why did he program Jack to get to the lighthouse by hijacking a fucking plane? He couldn't have just had him rent a boat or something?
What is the sub genre called? Shock-like?
honestly prey was alright. better than infinite at least

That cigarette stand is hexagonal as fuck.
Its the definition of wasted potential. The gameplay and story were both terrible.

What a waste of a potentially great setting. I want the game that was promised at e3 when Stephen Russell was Booker and it was obvious that Comstock wasn't the big bad or Booker.
Remember when Levine got butthurt because people made porn of his fapbait daughteru? How much of a pretentious aasshole can a guy be
The plane scene never happened
such a deep story wow rly mad me thingnk

Plasmid/wrench and crossbow runs are fun. But the replayability is shit.

he was hoping Ryan wouldn't take notice of the guy just walking past all his defenses and going where he pleased.
>slow streamlined "atmospheric" piece of shit
Just say you liked Infinite, people will lose their minds.
The same reason why Levine thinks he's a genius writer, there's a bunch of shit in there they don't understand and it makes them feel superior

Why the fuck do people say this? I'm 19 and when I tried to play it it was an outdated piece of shit compared to bioshock, The controls were archaic and clunky too. There's a reason people are remaking it
>he never tried the mouselook mod
>he couldn't git gud
>clearly it's the game's fault
Ladies and gentlemen, your average bioshock fan
>Goes back to playing overwatch

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>There are people who unironically think BioShock is good, let alone better than System Shock 1+2 or Prey
I played BioShock all the way through for the first time (I had previously played it on Xbox 360 something like 8 years ago about half way through and got bored) right after finishing Prey and BioShock completely failed to capture my attention, it was a grind to even finish it. Some of the scenery looks nice (windows everywhere showing you that you're underwater, mainly) but the level design is boring and uninteresting as fuck, the RPG elements are barebones and even less than that of System Shock 1 and the PC version being an almost unplayable console port (both original & remaster have huge mouse accel issues that aren't easily fixed).

Arkane are vastly superior at making these sorts of games (see: Arx Fatalis as the successor to the Ultima Underworld series for example) and to me they've delivered with Prey. I don't give a fuck that Prey is called Prey etc. and I haven't played the original game, it wouldn't matter what name they gave it because it's actually a good game, unlike BioShock.
So how is prey? I've had the ending spoiled for me and I dislike those kinds of endings a lot is it still worth it? No memes please
This is fucking great bait.

The age thing is a nice touch
Bioshock was complete shit. System Shock 2 was at least somewhat enjoyable, although still a very poorly made game.
Infinite is a genuinely good game though.
>use cryengine
>game runs and looks worse than crysis 2
>cryengine is one of the most optimzed engines next to unigine and idtech

you have to purposefully try to fuck up so bad.
we arent even talking about large areas here. rooms are tiny.
if theyd bothered with occlusion culling the game would run on fucking early 2000s hardware.
Lol no
fugg i thought this was a prey thread
god damn it
> I'm 19

Pretty obvious
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The controls work in the game's favor in the same way that resident evil's do. There's also a mouselook mod pleb.
>im 19
get your eyes checked m8
Show me a more seminal game than System Shock 1
The only thing shit is your opinion, buddy.
Sorry about your shit taste.

Even Reddit knows Bioshock Infinite is the best of the "Shock" series.

Maybe you just haven't played it?
>it's a "pretend that Prey is a good game" episode
Glad to see /v/ doesn't get baited by these threads

Lets start a Gothic thread!
But I did, Infinite is a shit game.
If you like that sort of game then I'd say give it a go.

I'm enjlying it a lot. It's leagues ahead of Bioshock in pretty much every way except I personally liked the over the top insanity of Rapture and its inhabitants. That's about it though, make of that what you will.
>It's a 'pretend that Infinite is a bad game' episode'
The game journos today are calling it "immersive sim" or some garbage, but since the 90's/early 2000's with Ultima Underworld, System Shock 1 & 2, Deus Ex, Arx Fatalis, etc. they've always been referred to as first person action rpg hybrids.

>Jack has no special mutations or abilities that make him more likely to survive than the average shmuck outside of the security systems mostly ignoring him.

This is wrong, Jack was created as a special type of splicer, one which had the invulnerability little sisters had but could also be directly mind controlled like a Big Daddy while being able to "blend in" to normal society. As a result of this, Jack is able enter Rapture after most of the civil war has already happened, allowing him to poke through the remains and kill Ryan while uploading Fontaine's key (which he was given before the game began) into the city computer.

>Also, why did he program Jack to get to the lighthouse by hijacking a fucking plane? He couldn't have just had him rent a boat or something?

He was afraid Ryan would sink anything that would get too close. Although he could have rented a floatplane. but airplane rental is expensive compared to just shooting a pilot and hijacking an airliner (especially when Jack, being a special type of splicer, is capable of surviving the crash in the first place).
>it's a pretend infinite is anything but dogshit to get (you)s
I grew up with "modern games" will System Shock just be a tedious mess or is it still something that shines?
the ending actually kind of works for it since the entire theme of the game revolves around it instead of being just a cheap twist. ( the game itself is great anyway and your knowledge of the story shouldn't have much of an impact on the experience)
Gonna need a citation on him having little sister invulnerability, but the part about the plane makes sense thanks.
Why do you guys enjoy playing these archaic and boring games? It is an e-peen thing? Or its like an inside joke where nobody really played it but we pretend we did a fucking loved it

Prey is a 70s space station, Bioshock is a 40s space station. That's it.
It shines on its soundtrack alone, level design, game pacing, flow, writing it's all amazing, going kamikaze with the laser rapier and the roller skates is some of the most fun I've had with video games, and I played this game for the first time this same year so no nostalgia going on, it's amazing, try the enhanced edition, fuck using hotkeys to look up or down.
>how you know /v/ is aids these days
>when people are trying to shit on System Shock 1 & 2, ignoring Prey's contribution to the genre simply based on its name and thinking the BioShock series is anything but System Shock 2's plot recycled and watered down for the 13 year old Xbox 360 console gamers of 2007
I want reddit to leave.
>I cannot find a flaw.
She smokes and would start looking like a prune after 10 years.
BioShock is brain dead simple and sucks compared to both those

It's not like everything you did was pointless, they're all banking on you doing the right thing.
>you dislike slow boring thing, that means you like slow boring thing
i played a bioshock demo when i was like 15 on xbox and thought the atmosphere and shit was really cool but ended up getting the sense that it was totally boring and still never even played it even though i got the remaster on steam for like $1.50
way more engaging than the average modern open world crap
im playing the game at 1440p on ultra and ive literally never seen the fps drop below 60 in 10 hours
does the enhanced version have mouse look like modern games?
Or is it as clunky as it looks
I just stopped doing drugs and life is hard so I need to distract myself, but I get frustrated atm
>It works

I generally don't like posting wikia links (as the site is filled with autists and fanboys) but here you go:



>It is amazing to watch the effect of ADAM on their small bodies. Their own cells, replaced by the new stems the instant they are damaged. These children are practically invulnerable. It is a shame you could not do the same thing to an adult. There would be quite a market for a man you could not kill.

Additionally Levine "justified" the Vita-chambers ingame, they're effectively cloning chambers for Jack and Ryan.

Enhanced edition has mouselook toggle with E, it turns the game into something else, I tried the original game several times but found the layout unbearably clunky, like a 90's flight simulator sort of clunky, but EE improves the experience tenfold for those accustomed to a regular wasd layout.
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I'll give it a shot seems up my alley.
Rarely are cyber punk games good imo.

My favorite game is EYE and this seems like itll be up my alley.
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>archaic and boring

Do you just hate depth and mechanics that reward decision-making?

Fuck you, dude.

Bioshock is literally SS2 but with half the things that make it good cut out (inventory system, for example)
Enhanced has mouselook, still holds up today imo. I never played it before Enhanced came out (didn't know about the mouselook mod and when I tried to play it the controls turned me off), but I got Enhanced when it came out and it was a lot of fun and captivated me until I finished it. Beats out System Shock 2 for me in terms of polish and enjoyability. While SS2 is plagued with shit like maintenance/repairing/weapon jams, totally unbalanced stats and weapons (tons of useless shit, some brokenly overpowered shit) System Shock 1 avoids all of this by being an FPS+Metroidvania style game (came out the same year as Super Metroid funnily enough) and not an FPS with knockoff RPG elements.

That said, System Shock 2 is still way better than BioShock but I would probably tie it with Prey because of how polished Prey is. System Shock 2 completely falls apart towards the end of the game and the problems with it I mentioned before really impact the enjoyment value of it for me.
>Metroidvania style game
This might actually be a turn off for me.

How complex is the level design in terms of re-visitation and back tracking?
The levels are essentially mazes, see
I might be too casual to play this, no joke.

I needed a guide to fucking get anywhere in games like Golden Sun, so a real game is probably gonna give me an aneurysm.
>in a world with magical vigors
In reference to what this guy said: >>377580821
Yes, the levels are technically mazelike if you're looking at it on a map, but in my first playthrough I never once actually got lost. Maybe it's because I'm used to these sort of games but I felt while playing through the whole game that the individual rooms were decorated or textured well enough (and most importantly they had a lot of texture variety) to give me a good indication of knowing where I am and where I was going throughout.

Still probably not easy at all if you're not used to that type of game, I had played games like Arx Fatalis, System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Thief 1 & 2, etc. a lot before even touching SS1 Enhanced Edition.
There's an automap aug you get as soon as you start and can assign to the left or right corner of the screen to help you navigate, you can also select and tag places in the actual map, try it, it's just a floor at a time.
>unironically taking Reddit's opinions
epic farting Reddit mlayd
It's not that hard to play. Difficulty or even complexity isn't why people play System Shock, which makes Bioshock's tearing out of anything remotely complex a goddamn slap in the face.

Plus you can set down notes on the map in SS1 and see them in meatspace, that's always fun.
>try it
I guess that is the only way to know if I will enjoy it.
I just dont wanna feel like a big baby bitch.
I have Arx Fatalis and Deus Ex, but I never beat either of them. However I can get far into Deus Ex without a guide, its just a bit dated for me.
Arx Fatalis I tried to like but now im starting to think maybe real vidya isnt for me.
Ill just have to play it.

Also should I revisit Arx Fatalis, I hear a lot of people love it.
arx fatlis is more novel than it is good
it has a lot of mechanics that were really cool for the time, baking pies, brewing potions, casting with runes

but it's really just an average game outside of that
Good story, good setting, shit gameplay.
Gets bulletspongey pretty quickly. The plasmids are fucking useless and do no damage to the enemies.
>Infinite is a game, but not as good as people say it is.
...is what you should have said.
>Good story
Mediocre story, especially since it does _nothing_ with the twist which actually is one, unlike the other "BEEG TWEEST" in gaming, KotoR.
epic farting reddit my friend
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bioshock is casu-
>bullet sponges
>good game design
thats why i really hated bioshock infinite too. everything took way too many hits to die and it wasn't "difficult" in any way
KotOR's twist isn't even that great and it's foreshadowed to fuck. KotOR2's is much better.
>Everything should die in under 10 seconds

LOL fucking casual

>The plasmids are fucking useless and do no damage to the enemies.

They did, you weren't using them right. Electrobolt and Ice stuns them for wrench attacks, fire is used as a damage multiplier for regular weapons, and telekinesis is when you just want to kill everything (especially big daddies). Geyser traps make existing traps (from the crossbow and grenade launcher) more effective as well.

However, Bioshock fails in that it doesn't give the player nearly enough instances to play around. Half the game is acquiring abilities. Some sort of rougelike mode would have been really nice, hence why they added the protectors trials and multiplayer to Bioshock 2.
Garbage game.
>The game journos today are calling it "immersive sim"
Warren spector invented that buzzword.
On one hand, I like the setting and story better for Bioshock (Although for actual atmosphere, SS2 is better).

On the other, I hate how dumbed down the game is compared to System Shock 2. I am not saying SS2 is perfect and didn't have design issues that needed fixing, but it felt like a step in the wrong direction from a gameplay point of view.
>It takes minutes two die and it's pretty much the same fight every time but with more hp
Garbage game design desu
BioShock coulda been cool if it was that setting/story in a totally different game, basically.

Imagine that, really. If the level design in BioShock wasn't totally linear and the game had actual RPG elements, inventory tetris and the like.

As it is though it just reeks of Xbox 360 whenever I play it, reminds me way more of games like Invisible War than it does Deus Ex 1, for example. It came out in that really awful era of console gaming where every concept had to be taken from PC and boiled down into its most basic form with no complexity to it and put on console so the tweens can play it and feel smart.
>but it felt like a step in the wrong direction from a gameplay point of view.
Nothing felt focused or well implemented and most builds feel the same. Also fuck hacking.
>hackeable objects every two steps
>long shitty minigame to clear them
>there's no reason in choosing not hacking them since the only drawbacks are wasting time or activating an alarm (which will rarely happen)compared to the rewards turning the pacing into shit if you decide to play optimally
Let's not forget that even with boss pipemania skills the game likes to throw literally impossible to solve puzzles at you that require the hacking upgrades to even complete let alone make it easier (for example a whole wall of alarm/explosive pipes between the start and end).
Hacking felt like routine instead of making you feel like a hacker using the city's defenses to your advantage.
But that's wrong. The combat was honestly ass, the level design was decent at best, the story took an absolute nosedive at the end.

Literally the only thing good about Bioshock is the setting, and I have to admit, it is a pretty fantastic setting, I really enjoyed the opening to Burial at Sea, although everything past the first 5 minutes was probably the stupidest and shittiest game I've ever played. Made Infinite look like a tour de force.
Everything was completely original.
Consider playing Bioshock 2, it's the same as the first aesthetic-wise, but has a better villain and combat. The only reason people say 1 is better than 2 is because 2 doesn't have the novelty of visiting Rapture for the first time
Does BioShock 2 improve on the total lack of "RPG elements" or give the game an actual inventory at all? Or is it largely the same as BioShock 1 in that regard.

It all just felt so shallow and watered down compared to playing Prey right before it (and my routine System Shock 1, System Shock 2 & Deus Ex runs every couple of years). It really surprised me how much worse it was than I remembered it being, and Prey surprised me with how much it had to it compared to those mid-00's dumbed down console games. It really did feel like some mega polished and shiny version of a late 90's/early 00's FPS RPG.
Also, is the level design better? As in, less linear? More areas joining together and not just being cut off by metro rides that can effectively teleport you everywhere? A little light backtracking even? BioShock 1 is completely devoid of this sort of stuff, it feels like you're just going from point A to point B (with a quest compass no less) with very little in the way of exploration or the "metroidvania" style level design that relies on later upgrades/codes/keys that the System Shock series is actually known for.
>>Makes System Shock 2 look like a steaming pile of crap

System Shock 2 wipes ass with Bioshock series and flushes it down the toilet.
I have nostalgia for the original System Shock and even I think you're wrong
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>Using bad ammo type against enemy

You had a grenade launcher, electric buckshot and AP pistol. This is like those shitty morrowind webms where the guy has shit stats or buffed the NPC in secret.
>I have shit taste
What a shocker
I mean, SS isn't a masterclass in its own right, but Bs is just flat shit.
Maybe my nostalgia just doesn't mask the possibility of improvement
He ripped off some books I haven't read, I assume.
System Shock>System Shock 2>Bioshock 2>Bioshock>Bioshock Infinite
the first half hour is rough
really fucking great game though
Hah, so true

Also Bioshock 2 is my fav, it got a lot of shit for being a rehash when it came out, but its clear its a better version of the first game.
Hows the remake of System Shock looking?

Last I saw it was getting made into a Shock 2 style game and everyone was mad
Burial at Sea was worse than base game Infinite.
I hope none of you faggots imply that BioShock is in any way better than SS games.
It feels way too similar for the first hours but at the end of the day it ends up being a better action title instead of a half assed thinking man's shooter.
I don't follow the project too closely but one of the latest updates was about the sound design of the original game. Looked like the guy had a decent idea of how it worked.

find me a better ending in vidya
I hope that means the soundtrack is going to be more like Shock 1 & Shock 2 (dnb/electro stuff) and less like the generic orchestral bullshit that they had in the trailers/demo.
Ye, i always found the unfinished half baked rpg mechanics didnt fit into the game. I hated the lack of inventory, a proper open rapture structure and the silent protagonist. Even Dead Space that came out around the same time was designed with more player control in mind.
Dead Space feels way more like a System Shock game than BioShock does, which is super weird. The upgrades/weapon modding/etc. in Dead Space 1 fits the game perfectly and doesn't feel tacked on like the plasmid upgrades and shit in BioShock do. I feel like the tonic upgrades in BioShock are literally only there to mimic the OS upgrades from System Shock 2, ADAM is meant to be your cyber modules, plasmids are your psi powers, etc.
america is in cultural decline thats why all the games from there are shit now
>Makes System Shock 2 look like a steaming pile of crap
System Shock is utter shite.
If you dont throw sticky grenades onto a red barrel and then use telekinesis to throw the barrel at a big daddy to 1 HKO it you are a fucktard
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