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So many questions. Is Earth destroyed? What are the Typhon?

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So many questions.

Is Earth destroyed?
What are the Typhon?
Where did they come from?
Earth's conquered by the Typhon
Typhon are aliens that literally eat consciousness.
Far away in space. From one of the notes, mimics may have hidden as meteors to travel vast distances until something triggers them. In this case, a soviet satellite.
So many questions.

Why do people play this game?
Why are people this retarded?
How is Arkane not bankrupt?
It's a good game. It sucks that they took the Prey name but that was Beth's fault, not Arkane.
>I haven't played it the post
kill yourself
Well I would hope so because that would make me as retarded as you.
Is hardcore mode that makes use of status effects and O2 still in the works?

I'm dissapointed playtesters ruined everything
Oh just off yourself already you miserable fuck.
>is Earth destroyed?
No, but everything on it is
>What are the Typhon?
Hivemind aliens.
>Where did they come from
Outer space
Where are you getting that from?
They seem to be completely seperate from each other.
im not sure but i do know there are references to healing items for bleeding, burn, concussion, and cripple but they dont spawn anything if you try to force the game to spawn them.
If you save Igwe he talks with January and notes that Coral looks suspiciously like a nervous system

Coral is like the Typhoid establishing a telephone grid
Ah so it's not a hivemind in the same sense that they're all being controlled but in a sense that they're all connected and can communicate with each other over great differences?
which was the whole point of the coral in the game as well right? To coomunicate and reach out to the larger typhon that comes at the end?

Also they apparently have teleporting powers

>They seem to be completely seperate from each other

> a single mimic can split in 4 mimics after killing a single human
> Typhons like the Weaver can spawn Cystoids and even a Telepath
Legitimately the only fun part in the entire fucking game.

That's how bad this game is.
What i mean is they aren't all being controlled by a singular entity.
They're all seperate Typhon that can pro-create on the fly or summon in allies through, as this anon >>377575227 says the coral.

It would appear that this communication is why the original invasion was only 1 typhon, which could multiple itself and then i'd assume summon help.

How they fuck do they even copy themselves, that's never explained.
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>look mom! I'm trolling on the interwebz! lmao ebin!

Something something neck.
So a single mimic floating in space can literally fuck up an entire planet? That's mad.

Any idea where the giant typhon came from?
Seemed to entire though a portal or some shit
I liked the game but the ending was disappointing. It basically made the entire game meaningless
Except everything you did actually happened. the simulation was based on memories of actual events.
>I only read about System Shock 2 but I played the Bioshock games the post
commit suicide
don't think its explained it only appears because the coral called it when it felt threatened when you were going to blow shit up
Grow the fuck up
Well the mimics are able to swap places with objects from other dimensions with slower time progression, so maybe the giant uses something like that. So long as it knows where to go, it can hop into a 'smaller dimension, travel a small distance and pop out many systems away.

it's amazing how much having an inventory system does for the game. needing to manage my resources gave a good bit more incentive to invest in skills that would let me kill more efficiently. bioshock removing all of that REALLY hurt what could have been amazing.
You're wrong.
It plays altot more like System Shock 2. What are you even on about.
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>The Polito form is dead
>Where did they come from?
did you miss giant wormhole at the end of the game?
How do people not find this game boring as shit? I play maybe an hour and half and uninstalled it.
goty contender for me took me about 35 hours
You thought this was a fast-paced action shooter or some shit? Do people not research games anymore, and who makes them, and the kind of games they make?
you are easily amused
Not at all, I mainly play FFIV so I'm used to every thing being a fucking grind but this just seems like another generic FPS but IN SPACE.
Game doesn't appeal to you champ.
Is it me, or has hacking been improved in the last update? Even level 4 locks are actually doable now
Is that why the game was so easy? played on hard and didn't even use any powers but was still fucking rolling in healthpacks and ammo.
I've never had any issue hacking anything at any level, it's super easy and always has been.
they're were a few funny parts
I found level 2 to actually be the hardest one, 3 and 4 were cakewalks.
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But you are aware of the kind of games Arkane makes, right? And the kind of games they're heavily influenced by?
Honestly mate do your research like other anons are telling you'.
Why buy a game without knowing what you're getting into. Its a really enjoyable game from a gameplay perspective.
>35 hours
How? I finished all endings and quests (except treasure hunt) on hard using no typhon mods, took only 17 hours.
Not that guy, but I like exploring every single place, going around the station fixing and repairing things, restoring systems and doing everything I possibly can do. Why people just try to rush through just following markers and not even getting into the narrative and the whole thing is beyond me.
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Anyone else find the game a bit too hard? Sure call me a baby or whatever, but I personally felt the game was just a little too difficult at times.
Coming back from the Crew Deck for instance made me want to die.
>12313213 corrupted operators
>10 greater mimics
>5 volatile phantoms
>10 turrets attuned to my sensitive little boy body
By the time I managed to make it through I had like 2 medkits left at 50 HP and no ammo
I walked into Deep Storage, saw a Technopath, and just closed the game.
Am I bad?

Also how the fuck do you reliably kill those things? My shotgun does a solid 1/20th of their HP and the psychic blast I usually use does fuckin' nothing.
That's the thing, I wasn't speedrunning. Naturally found all members on the crew manifest except 10 or so, which basically means you explored every nook and cranny.
There's exploring the environment and then there's wandering aimlessly in places you've already been.
I kept wondering why Transtar had not created an AI to help manage the entire station, although I guess the "AIs" Morgan created count. I just wonder if they're gonna set Prey 2, or whatever they end up calling it, aboard an FTL starship controlled by an AI and being overrun by a hivemind extraterrestrial form, and they hire Stephen Russell to do voicework like they did for Dishonored 2

>tfw installing all the movement mods and speed upgrades

holy shit fuckin Doom mode

Stephen Russell is already in the game.

>10 turrets attuned to my sensitive little boy body

ITT Typhon-infested fag
Enjoy not being able to turn into a coffee cup.
You'll never be able to turn into a dildo and fuck a girl while somehow injecting psi hypos into yourself to keep it going.
Holy shit
Do you think turning into like a pill or something and then someone swallowing you would be an effective way to kill someone cause you'd be able to change back inside of them?

You can take like, maybe one or two abilities before the turrets target you. I took only Mimic out of the abilities. I had like 80 hypos at the end cause I only used psi to explore.
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>You'll never be able to turn into a dildo and fuck a girl

that would be so fun.
Technopaths only fucked me up in the G.U.T.S., where its psi blast is undodgeable and homes in on your trajectory in zero-g. All the others can be solved by mobility II, combat reflexes III, and a fully upgraded shotgun.
I know, I just want him to return to 2, maybe even do multiple voices like he did in the Thief games
The typhon are the reason space is black, they're literally everywhere in deep space.
But I have no ammo. I'm just stuck in the intro part of Deep Storage with basically fucking nothing and a Technopath trained at the door. I do have a lot of psi hypos, but it feels like a waste to just nuke the thing to death
Yeah, but you can just turn into shit. I can turn into shit AND explode things with my mind AND I can hypnotize people AND I can create distractions.
It's a shame this game wasn't better. There are hints of something pretty great below the surface, but ultimately the combat is boring console shit, the story shits the bed at the final hour, and the game gives you so many resources that you never feel even slightly in danger.

Consoles and playtesters ruined what could have been an alright SS2 sequel. Instead, it's just another Bioshock game, but with a weaker story and world building.
Arkane wanted to call it Typhon, but Jewthesda had other ideas

That song is terrible. The opening song with the helicopter ride is actually pretty good.

From what I've read from more reputable sources, what was being done under the Prey name before Arkane started handling it was not good in any way. And they could've totally made a completely new IP in the same way that Arkane made Dishonored, which was their sort of homage to Thief and Deus Ex, and it would've been Arkane's System Shock, which was the only series they're huge fans of that they hadn't really tackled yet. But Zenimax said Prey, and they had to use Prey.
Beat the game a few weeks ago, few protips:

>Melee focused stuff with your wrench will be your friend. Anything that has to do with slowdown, speed, health, and melee stuff is good to pick up early on.
>The recycler is your friend. Shotgun and Pistol ammo should be a priority, but also get neuromods once you can make them. Pick up everything you can and scavenge.
>Its sometimes is better just to run from fights and not take everything on unless you will be in a area for awhile.
>Try to save the shotgun for bigger enemies if you can, and take out the smaller ones with the wrench.
>I personally found grenades kinda useless, but they are great recycle material for ammo.
>So a single mimic floating in space can literally fuck up an entire planet?
Seems that way. All of the Typhon on the station came from a single mimic that ate a Russian spaceman. It replicated and then one of them turned into a weaver and everything sort of snowballed from there.
That sucks, since Typhon is a fairly decent name, and Prey was honestly not the best name to use for this sort of game (especially with its history).
>>>Melee focused stuff with your wrench will be your friend. Anything that has to do with slowdown, speed, health, and melee stuff is good to pick up early on.
Melee is trash, because the wrench is the only option and it's not remotely fun to use. Use it for standard mimics and in the early game.

>>The recycler is your friend. Shotgun and Pistol ammo should be a priority, but also get neuromods once you can make them. Pick up everything you can and scavenge.
This is just common sense.

>>Its sometimes is better just to run from fights and not take everything on unless you will be in a area for awhile.
There's no fight you should be running away from unless you're just running through an area or Dahl is around.

>>Try to save the shotgun for bigger enemies if you can, and take out the smaller ones with the wrench.
You can craft so much ammo that it barely matters. As long as you aren't retarded and trying to use the shotgun at medium to long range, you'll never run out.

>>I personally found grenades kinda useless, but they are great recycle material for ammo.
It's handy to have a few, but yeah, you can junk the majority of them.

The easiest way to trivialise the game is to get the Typhon mod that deals damage and disables an enemies psy powers. They're effectively harmless after that.
>Spend a few hours playing it
>All I'm doing is collecting things to recycle
Is there anything else to do really besides bashing headcrabs with a wrench?
Also, how do I increase my inventory space?
Typhon is an awful, awful name.

Prey was a really poor choice for the audience the devs were actually aiming for, which consists of people who have actually played the original. It's fine for your average console retard though, which is who the publishers were aiming for when they slapped on Denuvo.
>Gets bored and doesn't know what to do
>Can't even understand the basic game mechanics

Is this autism or do you just have a short attention span/short term memory?
How old are you?
I have Autism and ADHD, I'm also 5 years old
Do you actually want to see the end of the game and a resolution to the main plot threads or just explore the space station forever?
Game needed more enemy variety and the ending was extremely anti-climatic. Other than that, it was fun.

But I did not give a shit about any character. Started skipping audio logs.
Holy shit yes
I got out of crew quarters and fought off the infected operators, elite mimicks, and 2 electric phantoms back to back. Decided to take the lift back to lobby, and I'm greeted by a nightmare, those floating mind controlled things, and a bunch of different phantoms.
Game is still fun, but holy shit.
>enter one of the shill threads a week or two back
>they tell me the game has 11 enemy types
>half of them are reskins
>all of them are fought in an identical manner, until you power up a bit and the weaker versions start dying on the first hit
Man, this game blows. When I was out flying around the station for the first time, I ran into a couple of technopaths and got dominated. I thought, "hey, maybe the late game won't be so dull", but it turns out you can disable those big guys in a single hit, and then they just run away while you plink them to death with the pistol.

The mimics were a neat concept until they give you magic goggles you have no reason to not use.
I'm pretty hopeful for Prey 2. As I saw very well in DH2, they'll improve upon everything this game had to offer and introduced in the next game.
For a species made of goo, I too was hoping for a little more variety in shape but humanoid phantoms make sense in the context. Their attacks and weaknesses are at least very different.

Thing that annoyed me was how phantoms and mimics never appear in space areas. One even followed me into zero-g and was knocked out.
>I too was hoping for a little more variety in shape but humanoid phantoms make sense in the context. Their attacks and weaknesses are at least very different.
Except they're not, at all, because all that differs is their psy powers, which you'll be disabling at the start of every fight. The only difference between regular phantoms and their colorful cousins is the health pool.
Playing on Nightmare and this same series of unfortunate events happened to me, even the Nightmare in the lobby, I sat there in the elevator, it screamed and I slammed the Life Support floor button lol.
I don't want to agree but I have to. They can list whatever they want as a "Weakness" but nothing stopped my psychoshock + shotgun to the cranium combo, even on nightmare.
This game is easy as shit. What? You just have to know how to prepare for a fight.
>finally get around to watching the expanse
>realize prey borrowed the concept of the aliens pretty hard from it

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So we're gonna play as Designated Typhon Remover on Earth in Prey 2, right?
I just finished a no-typhon-mods run on nightmare, using mostly the wrench, killing everything til I was done making neuromods... Didn't even upgrade a firearm until the golden pistol, and saved the q beam for nightmares and weavers/telepaths. Still had over 50 medkits by the end.

Game really needs to tone down on healing items. Never needed to so much as craft a one.
>You thought this was a fast-paced action shooter or some shit?

It is if you get the move speed upgrades.
I really liked it, took me 30 hours to beat. Don't know why people so happy about it flopping. Guess I've lost a little faith in /v/. Hope Arkane will be fine. This bethesdas no review copies and denuvo shit really sabotaging them good.
>slow pace spoopy alien game
>get mobility upgrades
>turns into doom
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Why do /v/ hate this game?
I thought it was good.
Didn't expect the ending tbqh

The game ran like a river and gameplay was good.
10 years and they abandon the whole thing

it will be another Prey with a different story
PREY is such a dumb name for this game.
They should have called it "The Talos Incident" or something.
You can also make it a decent stealth game by upgrading Sneak and climbing the pipes in the ceiling.
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I don't hate it, but I'm still upset about Prey 2.
because /v/ was 100% sure it would be an unplayable disaster, just like it was 100% sure Shillary would win
Easily the best FPS out this year and faithful spiritual sequel to Bioshock and System shock, unlike the CoD garbage Infinite turned out.

That kike Ken Lavine must be jealous as fuck knowing he got cucked out of making these games.
>near the end
>fucking jacked on ammo for everything
>ready for the big final boss fight
>nothing happens
that was like the only complaint i had
Lucky you, I was super fucked on everything after Dahl and his sexbots invasion. Bastards make your suit melt.
there's a thermal resist chip and just glooing the dispensers or leaving at least one in the broken state will stop them from respawning
I just mimiced the Operators and rekt everything.
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Why would anyone want to play this game?
It's a good E-Mail reading simulator I guess, but nothing else. Got bored 4 hours in and uninstalled.
Is the story good? Chris Avellone was apparently a part of it. Any signs of him being a part of it, or did they just use his name for commercial use?
What the FUCK was that ending?
When does this play? I finished the game and never heard it.
Damn commies.
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Yeah, it's good. You just need to not be a brainlet.

Alex was trying to see if he could make a Typhon empathetic to humans by injecting it (you) with mirror neurons and running it through simulations.
Earth is overrun with Typhon and Alex is looking to see if he can "teach" the Typhon to not be genocidal dickheads.
3 abilities.
Dishonored 2 fucking sucked though.
>le email memes
Nowhere near as frequent as even DEHR. Epic farting reddit, my friend.
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Sorry but there's room for only one mature and intellectual game in this industry.
So this one mind controlled guy in trauma center I feel like I've done a mistake by opening his cell because his head exploded and I really feel like he was part of some side quest?
>he was part of some side quest?
No, but you probably messed up a no human kill playthrough. Check Data->Stats to see if you have a human death counter.
>Jacked on ammo
Just me that was always low on ammo and never had more than 70 rounds in the pistol?
But those rounds went away when Dahl came with his fucking robots
So, do you think Morgan is dead or we will see him in the sequel?

Why did Morgan want to destroy the station if he developed military-grade Nullwave that can evaporate every alien? Is it because he wanted to destroy all the research data?

Did you guys kill all the AI operators in game? Do you think they are working against you? How much of a simulation was a lie? I was thinking that you were shown slightly different circumstances with the "help" of January, December, October etc.

Is it difficult to play with Typhon-only skills? I'm afraid that 100hp ain't going to cut it in Nightmare mode.

Which ending do you think is canon? Nullwave or Self-destruct?

And last, most important question: why did the ending felt so cut and botched? Just one cutscene and it ends on a clidfhanger.
>Dishonored 2 fucking sucked though.
Is it true?
>Why did Morgan want to destroy the station if he developed military-grade Nullwave that can evaporate every alien?

Because he forgot about it and constant memory wipes made him paranoid.
So that's why there are all these O2 packs flying around.
You don't have to read emails, if there's a code/password they get instantly added to your database.

It's like complaining DS1 is an item description reading sim.
Also explains some of the emails that say "There's extra O2 in so-and-so room". Shame they removed the mechanic.
We just don't know. Simulation was built on Morgan's memory, right? So this implies he didn't destroy the station. Why did January killed December?
>Which ending do you think is canon? Nullwave or Self-destruct?
This actually doesn't matter at all. Everything leads to the same event, Real ending is you slaughter everyone in the room or shake Alex hand.
>So this implies he didn't destroy the station.
One of the endings in the simulation is "Morgan" escaping via shuttlecraft after setting the self destruct timer. It's also more plausible that this was ineffective in destroying the Typhon and allowed it to infest Earth, as opposed to the nullwave which succeeded in killing them.
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Literally this.
We're Morgan but we've taken so many Typhon Neurmods that, Alex is looking for a way to both find a peace between huamsn and typhons but also brings his brother back / use him.

Notice at the end when he says (if you shake his hand) 'We'll do great things together again'.
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>Enemies look like Rorschach drawings
>Entire game is a simulation that tells you a great deal but doesn't give you the whole information just like a Rorschach test
>Typhon are black, dangerous, and seem to lack empathy

Typhon are a metaphor for black people, their slow destruction of civilization,
and our only chance is changing them, not us.

You heard it here first.
I'm kinda thinking dead. If you shake Alex's hand, yours becomes human like and he says something like "we'll shake things up, just like we used to"
Though it may just never be addressed. In the event of a sequel, if you shook hands you could be that phantom but if you killed them/didn't play it, then you could just be an alive Alex
different anon, but I've been curious. There's the achievement to use psychic powers on a mind controlled human. However, I was avoiding typhon talents, does he just pass out if you free him?
Even if you use nullwave to destroy them Earth however is still fucked.
ahhh the face that launched the SFM porn craze, we do owe her much
where did they go?
>Alex died
>I get to shake alex's hand

That's a pretty advanced operator model.
It really wasn't, even on Nightmare
for you, Alex was just fine when the game ended
>Where did they come from?
>Where did they go?
>Where did they come from, red-eye joe?
So that means simulation IS based off the events is false or partly anyways, alex shouldn't be there. So some shit isn't shown/happened differently in the games "reality"
>Where did they come from?
>Where did they go?
>Where did they come from, red-eye joe?

If It wasn't for for red-eye joy, I'd be a typhon a long-time-a-go
>So some shit isn't shown/happened differently in the games "reality"

I.E, as Alex always survives the events, no matter what the simulation version of the events unfolds as.
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Theres a fucking nightmare in the lobby what the fuck do I do?
Jump over the edge near the big window and hide under it until it's gone.
combo it with powers and shotgun to the face they might hard at first but they're a joke down the line not sure where you're at though
>Nightmare appears in Lobby
>lol fuck off
>run past him and get to my office
>build some ammo
>jaguar noise
>what the fuck
>turn around just in time to see that giant turd crawl through the door
>tfw it kills January
freeze him with the goo gun, preferably with the freeze effectiveness fully upgraded. then just leisurely spam psychoshock over and over, shooting a bit of goo every now and again to keep him permafrozen. also you should go to the water treatment facility asap, you can inject drugs into all the water from sinks, water fountains etc. which top up your psi points infinitely for no cost

after i figured this out, the nightmare was just another minor piss easy annoyance. seriously, spamming psi powers with free psi refills at any water point makes the entire game a huge joke
also with the ability to regen psi around the yellow coral stuff on top of that, mid to late game makes you too powerful
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