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>"Realistic Suppression system!" >if a single

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>"Realistic Suppression system!"
>if a single bullet hits 50 meters away near your soldier his vision goes into 1920s silent film black and white and your focus blurs down to a roughly 800x600 resolution
>if a single bomb or rocket goes off within 15 miles of your soldier he has a a massive seizure and shakes his arms around wildly like a maniac on PCP
It's amazing watching casual low-TTK shooters try to one-up each other on how casual they can be

Ironsights that take a year to deploy into (to punish any kind of aggression and make sitting still looking at a chokepoint the only way to play), one bodyshot kills from full-auto (so little timmy can miss 14 of his 15 shots and still win before his enemy turns around)

And now they're rewarding MISSING shots, and calling it 'suppression'. Pretty soon you'll just press a button when the enemy comes on the screen and your character will automatically shoot him for you.
I understand that suppression is a necessary gameplay mechanic for a lot of shooters, but there has to be an inbetween other than arcadey Call of Duty and hyper overpowering Red Orchestra 2.
this game is like a half assed attempt of a making a more """"realistic"""" battlefield
its awful, i dont know why it gets so much praise here
It's called Red Orchestra 1.
Insurgency does it pretty well I think
>Pretty soon you'll just press a button when the enemy comes on the screen and your character will automatically shoot him for you.

the closest thing to this would be titanfall or overwatch where you get an ult or mech over and over again just for sitting around playing the game
Titanfall has a gun where you just shoot with an enemy on screen and it automatically locks on for you.
Woman, when you exaggerate like this, it's hard to take anything you say seriously. Calm down and stop being so hysterical.

It's like you've never played Red Orchestra before.
I remember when people used to try and defend suppression in BF3.

soldier 76's ult makes his gun lock on too
That's why you need friendly fire.
have you considered the fact that maybe shooters that emphasize realism aren't for you
Have you ever been shot at?
>suppression effect in video games

Suppression isn't really needed. Battlefield shows this with pre-Suppression era and post-Suppression era.

RO2's suppression is fucking ridic. There's no reason being half a map away from artillery automatically puts you into horrible suppression. If the artillary was RIGHT on you, yeah I could understand the soldier freaking the fuck out and having issues staying calm. But 500 meters away? REALLY?
500 meters away causes very very mild effects. In real life you would feel the concussion.

Sure. But the game EASILY throws so much suppression at you constantly due to the battles going on that it's like "Jesus Christ, how the FUCK do they expect you to aim?"
The enemy feels it too.
It's supposed to simulate battle stress and make team work more important then individual aiming skill. Generally a squad that's been pinned down needs help.
> and make team work more important then individual aiming skill.

Too bad it doesn't and just makes my "individual aiming skill" more frustrating. I have NEVER seen a team in RO2 flank to get an enemy commander since both sides are going to be spamming artillery across the map to take out 20 folks or more during the waves.

This is what I'm getting at: Suppression as a mechanic is fine, but there are certain limits to it to where it hinders the game and makes the game "unfun" to try to deal with.

RS2 has this issue in spades in it's current beta where if you so much as place the mark for artillery dropping within 50 meters of objective, you can be damn sure you'll take out 80% of the objective instead of like 20% for putting it behind enemy lines. Throw in that you're not helping your team that is on the point capping (when the suppression shouldn't be affecting them that badly game-wise) it just hinders.
>"Jesus Christ, how the FUCK do they expect you to aim?"
fire superiority, not a complicated idea
also, get into a position where the enemy isn't shooting at you, once again not very complicated
it's almost like artillery is some sort of area-denial tool
>being able to return 100% accurate and unaffected when getting shot at

You all overestimate your bravery in the face of bullets.
The idea that infantry will not shoot back when taking sustained fire is critical to all modern infantry tactics

You can't simulate a fear of death in video games, so you have to do shit like this, it's not unreasonable
This. Fuck so many idiots don't understand why suppression is a thing.

99% of all shots fired in modern war is for suppression purposes. 12 year old CoD kids thing they could just stand in front of a wave of bullets and return shots, when in reality every single bullet that lands in your vicinity could have ended your fucking life.
>Rising Storm 2 open beta comes out
>/v/ can't handle it and complains, showing how casual they are in the process
this never even happens you autismo

stop crying about how bad you are at this game, shitter. Go to battlefield or cod

fucking casual subhumanoids
>150mm 100 lb shell explodes nearby
>character is affected by blast or overpressure or spalling or shrapnel

This is unrealistic somehow?
>what is an abstraction

Autists I swear
Hows it feel to know ur shit MUh realism game will fall into unknown obscurity a month after its released?

ro1/dh was the best red orhestra and tripwire shills are forever Stockholm syndromes cause of kf2 and ro2 ro2 was a failed abortion when it came out and is now rs2 is a lil better but the maps are stale as fuck and the weapons feel like shit.
>fall into unknown obscurity

You mean like how RO2/RS had multiple full servers 24/7 years after release?
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>fall into unknown obscurity a month after its released?
I mean RO2 fell into unknown obscurity until Rising Storm so it won't be any different for this game why are you so assravaged?
And RO2 still has a few populated servers, so it's not a big deal
You mean the ones who are like 60 percent bots and only had people on at night cause literally no one wanted to bother with that unoptimized trash?

And how it still to this day has only like 6 NA servers the rest are german or british servers that are like 40 percent bots?

Then it fell into again and continues to do so no one wanting to deal with the borin linear gameplay see above for details autist.
There are 2-3 64 man servers without bots full in RO2 all times of the day man
> 2-3 servers
You tripwire shills have serious problems.
>fall into unknown obscurity a month after its released?
Like just about every shooter that isn't counter-strike?
>Can play the game on a full server any time of day
>Somehow this is a big problem

>for a 6 year old game
Why are people so assmad about the RO/RS games?
Devteam made some bad choices with RO2 and some people just can't let it go

Even thouse RS1/2 both fixed most of those issues
I dont know. They play them, fucking suck because they have high learning curves, and then shitpost about how bad of a game they are.

Meanwhile every RO game since the first one has maintained a small but dedicated playerbase that loves the game and has enough players to always find full servers.

For that reason i don't give a damn that /v/ hates this game. This open beta shows what happens when too many people play this shit.
I agree this is a problem..

Back in the day you had so much stuff lil communitys on steam now its just flavor of the month crap.
Cept thats not true its not actually full if its 80 percent bots.
Its called Stockholm syndrome
At least it's not as bad as Operation Flashpoint FFur. If anyone even starts shooting around the vicinity around you everyone in your grump hits the dirt and makes it impossible to aim.
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>Cept thats not true its not actually full if its 80 percent bots.

Sorry but you're retarded
I love suppression specially that one that happens even when you're inside a room or on the other side a wall.
>the games that are the most popular are the best ones
you children need to leave
>Me? Pffhh, I ain't afraid of a single bullet!
lies, I play RO2 every day and at best you have 1 server with players not even Marauders get full.
RO2 was unplayable because of this shit. Combine it with the shit color scheme (AKA lack of) and autistic powergamers turning off fog of war and it made for a miserable experience.
What kind of shitter dislike this in a Red Orchestra game?
I wonder if it's not the same who like MGS and shit.
Why does this franchise suddenly attract all kinds of casuals that can't play it?
I remember RO2 being heavily advertised and it didn't create any of these butthurt threads
Not OP but i like this game and MGS
Why the fuck do /v/ accuse random fan base in defend of another games? Usually unrelated one at that
DH is the best in the series but it's no more alive than the newer games
Why is there a suppression effect? You don't dump your ammo into the cover, you just slowly ping it to keep them down and from training their sight to return fire
>gameplay itself doesn't give you a feel of supression
Sound like you know what it feels like to get shot at and accurately return fire
Tell me how it's like, you jew loving faggot
Imma tell you that most veterans can confidentily say that your vision does not fade to b/w when getting shot at
Got shot on the shoulder once, I didn't even feel it until later.
>Imma tell you that most veterans can confidentily say
How can you say "confidentily" if you have no first hand experience.

Spell check is built into your browser, I am confident about that.
>if a single bullet hits 50 meters away near your soldier
More like 3 meters.
>>if a single bomb or rocket goes off within 15 miles of your soldier
More like 10 meters.
> he has a a massive seizure and shakes his arms around wildly like a maniac on PCP
Why are you making up stupid shit?
The suppression system is ass but at least shitpost properly.
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Told to shit post here so I meme post my webms so I get that mad revenue....wait that is how this works right?
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>knowing a new lover
Get out goyim, you and your friends deserve to get gas
Hitler should have finished all of you scum
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>Imma tell you that most veterans can confidentily say that your vision does not fade to b/w when getting shot at

With a such intelligence, you should make video games.
The game make it look like the Viet could have won the war if they just use double barrel shotgun instead of AK
Because that shit is powerful
>Because that shit is powerful
Mother fucking got one shotted from nearly 100m away once
like what
>get told
>get THIS mad
Well you see
Vietnam does have a well established hunter culture
And this time, they're hunting pigs
try 30
>get called out for being retarded
The shotgun is OP cause their damage model is fucking utterly stupid. Loving the game though, the maps are much fucking better than RO2 and most of RS.
Fuck off Jew, your Jewish tricks stop here
To be specific it was like 83m to the dome
american piggu must die
better than life
It is unreasonable, because it's shitty game design.

If people aren't concerned about dying in the game it means that either the penalty for dying is not severe enough (or conversely, the reward for staying alive is not good enough), guns are not lethal enough or the enemy players have shit aim and should not be rewarded.
Without it people jusf snipe right back
Look at Ghost Recon 1 gameplay
Your unit get shot at by 20 different guys but you can easily pick them off because receiving fire is not modelled in the game
That would just be shit in a multiplater environment
Shotguns are devastating against unarmored human flesh, I don't see the problem.
The German Empire basically said "nerf this" when Americans with trench guns came over in WW1.
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>try marksman class
>it's like witnessing a Parkinson stroke

whoa, realism is fun...
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Shotgun isn't strong, no idea what you talkin about
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>Hi. I'm the idea guy!
At which part in the gmgame can I hear Fortunate Son, because I haven't heard it in game yet
>>the closest thing to this would be titanfall or overwatch where you get an ult or mech over and over again just for sitting around playing the game

If you've played titanfall you would know that it's easy as fuck to kill mechs if the pilot is retarded [autopilot mechs are also very retarded] and all that does is make the enemy team get their mechs faster or it helps them win the match faster

The mechs in that game aren't 'I win' buttons, the difference between winning and losing depends on who knows how to play the best regardless of whether they have a mech or not.
Once again, a problem of shitty game design either through bad map/objective design and/or not adding tools for dealing with entrenched positions like smoke and indirect fire weapons.
But there are smokes and indirect fire in the game
You didn't play the game at all you shitposter
You are a faggot, but I genuinely don't understand games where suppression slows you down. If I'm running and someone shoots at me I'm not slowing down I'm either running even faster or diving behind some cover as fast as I can
All you have to do is go to youtube and look it up.
It's a stupid mechanic, but it assumes panic freezes people up and makes them stand still so fucks with you.
So your Steve Jobs?
Nothing short of permadeath would prevent players from charging into enemy fire
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>This fucking thread
It's fine in most cases but penetration is retarded and flak jackets would severely dampen most kill shots. I don't think they plan to implant an armor system though.
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The delay on trip mines is insane, it can be clearly seen here. Its over a full second, no wonder it never kills.
>I don't think they plan to implant an armor system though
if they do they should add slugs
It's an improvised Grenade with a trip-wire, they can't exactly make it explode instantly without potentially blowing their faces up from tampering. Put them in Cover, most people are too dumb to see the incredibly obvious tripwires.
Slugs are already in, Buckshot's just more effective at the ranges you're usually fighting in.
goyim means non-jew you bandwagon antisemite
he said he know a jew lover, didn't indicate he's a jew
either way he and all of his blood related must be exterminate
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>being shit
lmao @ u

take notes from the highest K:D player in RO2 kidd
>this thirsty for (you)s but he forgot all the Americans are asleep right now

it's just a forum, don't be afraid
amirrican piggu shows up, i shoot them like i shoot rabbit
>all those fps where you can barely see what you are shooting at and the enemy is basically a dot in the distance

How do people identify anything
I just get shot and die without even being able to see the enemy
your dad couldn't even identify your mom pussy in between all that fat and he still managed to stick it in
You learn to git gud. It's a pretty steep learning curve but it's not complex once it clicks.

NO, shotgunners wounded Germans En Masse, condemning them to agonising, slow deaths of infection and gangrene. this was already against the agreed rules of how nations met and drew up 'rules' for how they would fight if such an eventuality occurred, and the 'allies' ignored the rules. that's why Germany went ''fuck this shit, fine, EAT MUSTARD GAS.'' and all sides went, ''well FINE THEN, be that way'' and ignored all the rules.
okay buddy but the kills/deaths for the actual Vietnam war don't really reflect that
>low ttk
>1 bodyshot kills
Where are my flashy objectives?
it's a joke, faggit
point is, the shotgun in this game is really fucking strong
>carrying about K/D ratio in a war
>If people aren't concerned about dying in the game it means that either the penalty for dying is not severe enough

I'm not sure it would be good game design to make the penalty so severe to compare to actually dying in real life.
The open beta is unplayable since nobody has a mic, nobody throws smokes and the commander keeps dropping napalm/arty on their own men
I unironically use a neon texture hack for enemy models
>"Your game is shit because its gonna fall into obscurity!"
>meanwhile DH and Ostfront are deader than the horse OP is beating
Did they nerf the shotguns in the latest update? I feel like their range is decreased
>game BSODs on purpose when you die
i'd still play it
>takes an eternity to lock on
It's not as broken as you think and unless you know how to go fast it barely approaches viable.
DH isn't the most active game, but it's still being updated and often has full servers on weekends
Once it ports Mare Nostrum content and has Western Europe, North African, Italian, and Eastern Front maps it'll be pretty hard to match
holy shit you made me remember why I love RO2
I'm not even good at the game, but the prime cause of suppression (MG) is easily countered by snipers or grenades most of the time. Artillery should cause heavy suppression and it's not like it lasts that long.
Most machinegunners in RO2/RS/RS2 will also stop firing and change positions if you manage to squeeze off a couple of shots to hit their cover
>if I don't have fun with it, you can't either
All it boils down to, really.

Which war are you talking about?
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