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https://twitter.com/ARMS_Cobutter/s tatus/866125916790902784

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Thread replies: 148
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This game is not even out and the fanbase is already fucking cringe
>When everyone moved on to LE XD THIICCCC but you're still rooting for best girl

Don't take it the wrong way, I love me some ass, but I said I would main Min Min and I'm sticking to it.
Someone, translate the moon runes
Etika spotted
Don't know what the first part is but the second part is (I can't lose to Twintelle...!)
I don't speak nip.
Is there a loli? whos the loli
She's just saying that she won't lose to Twintelle.
Gas all weebs
Le THICC ass man meme lmao! xD

this is the fanbase in a nutshell
You've JUST worked out that Nintendo fans are cringeworthy?
>Kuru rin, ya a~tsu(I can't lose to twintelle!)

She's butthurt about Twintelle while she sings
your joking right?
>Nigger Guile
wew lad

Not me, I've just been hooked on these legs

It's something along these lines:
>(Frustrated grumble) I'll never be second best to Twintelle!
minmin still wins
It's almost impressive honestly.
I don't think Splatoon was much better though.

Congrats, fagets, your attempt at shilling this game hardcore has now made the fanbase insufferable before the game is even out.
Sounds like a personal problem
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>it's only bad if nintendo fans do it!
Nobody even mentioned Nintendo but thanks for playing the victim
You wouldn't need my posts to help fuel your made up narratives, anyway.
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Better than tumblr-heavy Overwatch fans.
I'm not gay but there's something about DNA man that just gets my motor running
Did this guy work on Skullgirls?

You should have been here when Overwatch debuted.
>le cringe meem -XD

Trying to hard redditor
he's the guy who created it
That's every Nintendo fanbase.
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It's not even a contest.
Wonder what here feet and ass smell like
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>Somebody makes a wojack edit


The more butthurt you are about the game, the more popular it's going to be
Stay mad faggot
>dude your just fucking mad XD
not an argument
What do you expect from reddit toddlers
Arms is reddit toddler shit

Fucking cringe fuel toddlers will circlejerk any shitty wagglan game into oblivion they're so desperate for games for their leapfrog tablet
It's also true
Can't wait for NoA to censor it and cuck the SJWtoddlers

Then they'll pretend they never cared or say "the censored one is hotter XD"

Fucking toddlers need to die they've destroyed this place
Well it's right
Case in point >>377575676
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>It's another group of anons get pissed off we are actually talking about vidya episode.
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>tfw no one else likes your armsfu so you can have her all to yourself
Lol mad as fuck
The Switch is region free so that wouldn't matter.
Enjoy your censored SJW niggershit game from a toddler company woth a literal nigger president

You're the laughing stock of /v/
Ummm anon I like her too
Can we share??
She not even thicc, just has a big ass.
It's not even a group, since the anon isn't even attempting to hide his samefagging.
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>hahaha it's okay man the tight pants are way sexier than panties anyway

I want to genuinely strangle the life out of these people

>Some fucking autistic loser I was arguing with in another thread who didn't understand that uncle Kimmy twitter joke about the butts
>"They're just pants I don't get it"
Nah, that would be Death Stranding fags

Shut up nigger. Why did you cancel tonight's stream?
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Mad as fuck lol, until you are literally making shit up in your head
Is this the power of sonybros?
>"the censored one is hotter XD"

But that's true sometimes.
That is true though, why are you sperging out? Panties are vanilla as fuck, tight pants is where it's at
Yeah, you can watch as I fuck the ever living shit out of her.
You just realized?
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>cool ribbon girl
>vs. french lardass slut
Yawn. Done with the waifu cringe honestly. It's like I've actually had enough with the waifufagging, i'm honestly full on it.
Ribbon girl is not for sexual!
I like how you skipped over my post you dumb fag.
>big ass
which means her ass is thicc, keep up.
Same. Hope the game bombs so this shit can stop clogging up the catalog.
Anon ribbon girl is the slut.
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Also thanks for the bump ;3
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It was the same with splatoon

That's how nin-toddlers roll.
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Mad as fuck

More like the same for everything with hot girls
Just look at persona, it's just as bad
But I guess a faggot like you wouldn't understand
I've always wondered what's up with Nintenqueers and these big-ass screencap compilations that reek of autism.

Never seen anybody else doing this shit
nice image does it come in human size?
>never seen anyone else do this shit
Remember the Wii U will succeed compilation? Oh right you don't, sonybro

Also you sound butthurt, wonder why? ;)

What a little bitch you are.
going gaga over a nigress is especially retarded
>Also you sound butthurt, wonder why? ;)
It's called projecting
Cringe isn't exclusive to just one fanbase anon
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what a little faggot you are. Hit s bit too close to home?
Fuck off Etika
Yeah, you are projecting hard

Stay mad. Meanwhile your bumps are keeping this thread alive, helping promote the game
A thread died for this.
I hope you're not being paid for this shitty damage control.
Do you know why we stopped the CAR?
Switch is region-free. If people are that dedicated to it, they'll just import.
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>damage control!
Who's damage controlling here anon?

Hope you aren't paid to bump this thread!
>helping promote the game
You either a paid shill or mentally ill.
Many sperm died for you
Why do you do this?
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>mentally ill!
Projection game is sure strong anon. Thanks for the bump anyway!
To piss (You) off. Guess it worked!
;3 ;) LOL
He's spamming stock image reactions too. Actual marketer, most likely,
I'm not mad, I just think you're making yourself look dumb.
Where were you touched?
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No, you are the marketer
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Who cares what I make of myself on 4chan?
Also some poeple are mad, judging by the (You)s I'm farming

This is great and I'm not even interested in ARMS that much
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Nobody cared about this game until a THICC brown qt in a mask appeared.
china-butt is mine
>those filenames
Why do you think, phoneposting cancer.
>people hyping up this game
>will be for fun like a day
>after a week no one will care except for the porn
The same thing happened to Pokken Tournament. Releasing strictly multiplayer fotm games is a terrible idea
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U mad? ;)
Bye sweeties! I had fun shitposting here, see you next time! ;)
>can't even read hiragana
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Shut up faggot.
I can't believe people legitimately thought Splatoon would flop after the fucking influx of Squid girl fanart when the game was announced at E3.
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Cmon now son.
No that's Nier you're thinking of.
Bess pls
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The thing they're doing like Splatoon (giving out free content and updates over time) will help it unlike Pokken though.
Does anyone still have reason to believe this game won't sell at least decently?

>seeing regular pre-release tournament events where general public can go hands on in Japan
>2 weekends-worth of global testfires to allow any and all Switch users to go hands on with the game
>hosting an open-to-the-public tournament at their E3 booth
>launching on the Friday E3 ends which will give all those who watched and played at the tournament incentive to pick it up
>no major competition for sales on day of release

Feels like Nintendo is handling the marketing of the is IP really well.
You fucking new generation folk probably cringe at the sight of your own reflection

grow a fucking pair
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there's a single reason
>I don't like the game therefore nobody else should like it and it should fail
It will do fine, won't be a Splatoon tier big hit but it will do a couple of million
Fuck this meme game
Christ you sound like my fucking grandad
I'd like to deny this, but it's true and it annoys me. Half the people on this bandwagon won't even give a shit about the game after a month. They'll just move onto the next vidya ass.
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Here's your (you), buddy! Hope you have this summer!
>saying something is "cringe"
This is the number one thing that made me realize I'm becoming an old fuck. I goddamn hate that saying this is the norm instead of saying that something MAKES you cringe. The English language dies more and more every fucking day.
wii boxing 2

not a fighting game
it's not a young thing, it's a reddit thing
My 16 year old niece says it constantly and doesn't know what reddit is.

She says "YASSS" "CRINGE" and "FAIL" aloud on a regular basis and every time it shaves off a year of my life.
well as you know these things tend to fall far from the tree and just start to sprout up everywhere else. if it gets popular on reddit, it gets popular everywhere
Fail is a fucking relic these days though. does she check into fucking 9gag?
It wouldn't surprise me but not that I know of. She's rarely on the internet. Must be high school fuckers.
>hurr durr dumb fag notice me senpai

It's not region free, it's up to the developers stupid fucking shitentard
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>Fail is a fucking relic these days though
>2007 was 10 years ago

Where does the time go, bros
No one cared what ARMS was until she put on the mask.
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>being this mad at a successful new IP
>le nigger maymay XDdD look mommy i posted it again

The president of Shitendo is literally a nigger
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Can't care about Reggie being black if you aren't racist :^)
So another typical Nintoddlecuck SJW

Fuck off neofag go suck Reggie's BBC
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Ahhhhh, the delicious tears of the self-hating roach..
This game looks like shit lmao, stick to flicking your wrists and shooting the floor faggots
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>Ribbon girl will always be a freak with stretchy arms and fabric hair while Twintelle can just take the gloves off when she wants to do autograph signings.
I've cared since they revealed Minmin. Twintelle is great too, but only second best at best.
It's bad when any fanbase does this shit. People constantly screaming about 2B's and not even talking about the game itself 24/7 when Nier was new wasn't nice.
Being gay must suck
I don't give a shit about people talking about fanservice shit while talking about everything else. The problem is though most Nier threads I went in was just people going "le thicc robot ass".
So you're shitposting. You know that is against the rules right?
I think its due to the fact she has actual arms as opposed to everyone else the only other character with actual arms is mechanica
>won't even give a shit about the game after a month.

Not if the promised regular and free updates are anything to go by.
Clearly you haven't seen the new spring man art that shows they can retract the arms to use them like a regular functioning human being.

They have normal hands when they take off the arms too
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