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>game lets you customize your appearance How big does /v/

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Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 54

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>game lets you customize your appearance
How big does /v/ make their characters?
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heres some of mine.
Depends on the game. If there's latex like attire, then usually a full on dominatrix, because I'm a faggot like that.
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They could be somewhat thiccer, anon.
the nose knows
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Jesus Christ, what game is that?
Haunting Ground aka Demento
Old style Resident Evil spinoff kinda like Onimusha
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>that God Eater outfit
Good shit.
holy fuck I just had major deja vu like I've seen this all before fuck
In an S&M relationship, the submissive one is the one in control.
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monitoring this thread
Most games, xcom especially, I try to hit the more gritty industrial look. Tons of angles, flat metals, cooling fans, matte colors, etc.

That said, 9/10 games make the late-game armor/designs sleek and shiney, so I normally get fucked.
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Its always either some cute girl or myself unless the game allows a whole group of people and I make a bunch of freaks.
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What are you monitoring?
Those are some big guys
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>He makes his character look silly and unrealistic instead of their own interpretation of their self in the game's setting

Instead pleb.

>depends on whatever I am trying to roleplay


>smallest possible due to potential advantage in being a harder target


>as big as possible if stat difference is a thing(can't remember which game I did this in, would appreciate if somebody reminded me)
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I miss having fun in Vindictus.
Thats one weak butt
Animu girl with white hair and blue eyes, what game and does it have full character customization?
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Roughly 20m
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This is the gayest thread I've seen in some time
I like to just make my characters look as close to me as possible. Sometimes I make my characters look like my brothers, and in games like XCom I like to build a team of my IRL friends.
sometimes I'll make a character with mixed traits of myself and my wife to play as our child. It's how I cope with the stillbirth
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If only every game allowed me to make them this tall.
>Nudist Beach forgets their DTR
I would fuck that Arisen.
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I try to make my character a nigress if possible.
Is that ever gonna get a gay mode?
gf thinks he looks like a plague mask. she's learning to spot the juden well.
i usually make something a bit funny, but 90% of the time, i just make something that looks alright, and a characters "look" comes from their stories and gear (if theres vanity shit)

if its a male, its usually shorter and wider like a dwarf, and if its male, its usually tall and slightly buff, like an amazon

seeing all these pictures in the thread really makes me wish i took screenshots of old stuff like mmo characters so i could actually remember their looks
Big, black, ugly, and then I name her Beyoncé

oh my fuck

thats pretty funny>>377573340
I like making goofy characters with some restrictions depending on their character. So not anything like some monstrosity, but some goofy somewhat unrealistic dude.
Warrior types like tanks = big burly motherfucker with a shaved head and a beard

Rogues, thieves, assassins = slender girl with a stoneface

Mages = qt3.14 with boobs big enough to be big but not out-of-place in the world
This is pretty much my exact formula as well.
They've been recycling the same animations for over 8 years, it just aint gonna happen
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What mod is the bodyslider I haven't played it in awhile and I need it.
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>who else /defaultcharacter/?
God Eater 2.
those nipples are wayy too low
Have you never seen a muscular guy in real life?
not really
This some gay experience simulator?
>mfw I did the same thing
beat the boss on the first try, shows him not to mess with the chosen

W-what game, OP?
how dare you question the fucking expert. repent of your sins
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Are they?
I generally make a big nazi dude
>dad walks in
dats raycis
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>they walk away
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Could he take all of them on?
What does the female equivalent look like? Can you make an amazon?
Oh look, a tranny
Loli is degenerate
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Reddit is the next door.
What a bunch of jabronis
>you don't like my fetish
Reminder that telling someone to go back is not an argument
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>female operators
What game is this
Asking for me
>self inserting
I just prefer to making a decent looking person
I'm always the skinny twink
I prefer men with slim bodies to be me
and also to be my in-game bfs if possible
but I wouldn't mind making a bulky guy to be my partner, my penis can react to that too
so please, game name?

>Class: Thief

It's the little things
Custom maid 3d 2
>self inserting in poorly written modern role-playing games
Completely pointless since there is no immersion and no real choices.
>Old style Resident Evil spinoff kinda like Onimusha

I never played that game but the reason why is because it seemed to only be about running away from monsters, hiding, stealth

so the similarity with RE is small and I don't see at all how it's like Onimusha

or I am completely wrong and this game as combat and chopping enemies with swords?
disgusting fat cows.
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I model my characters after myself.
Ever seen big roided guys with gyno?
nah, if I can customize I will but I don't go in depth with it, like changing nose shape, jaw, eye spacing etc.

whenever I tried to in the past, I always completely fucked the character's face
wow you're ugly.
Depends. For example in Mass Effect I always use the default Shepard because he looks great. However in Andromeda I don't quite like the default brother so I used a custom one instead
>thinking a gay man is going to spend hundreds of hours making a female body model
>I model my characters after myself
>pink hair
>blonde again
if you keep painting your hair like that it will ruin it you know
In a few years we'll have an entire generation of retarded cosplayers going bald. It will be glorious.
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>implying gays can't have waifus
Gays have husbandos you faggot. Only lesbians would be able to have waifus, but since girls can't love girls they're not allowed to.
But anon. I'm gay and I have a waifu
she's just your imaginary friend then, not your imaginary wife
Is your waifu Link?
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>bisexuals don't exist

as big as possible, which leads to some strange situations like the man monsters you can make in dragons dogma, where I played as an Andre the Giant looking freak.
In a few years we'll have implants that look realer than hair so I'm not too concerned.
Most cosplayers wear wigs. No one worth a damn is using their real hair with their costumes.

If you're bisexual you can't call yourself "gay."
what armor is that? it fits the theme and looks really cool.
I either try to make my character look like my self as much as possible, or i make my character look like someone from another game or movie. Last guy i made on dark souls was pretty much a perfect hitler
Nothing screams unity like division.

So, hypothetically, should same gender bisexual couple be allowed to attend a fag parade?
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You're a man
can I achieve wulfmode natty?
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Not enough games have smug demons.
Playing Andromeda now and I'm using default because the character creator is a fucking joke. Why didn't they just use the one from Inquisition?
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Well well well what do we have here.
i'm the boss
>Playing an unfinished race
Did XCOM 2 always have a weight slider?

Also, I tend to go with medium guys and thick girls.
Could be thicker.

You live to take thick meaty qunari dick
Opinion discarded. Back to your shitty board.
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cute males all day erryday
>liefield makes xcom
It's a mod.
>breast customization
>biggest cup is D
>no form customization

no wonder video game crash is coming

Liefield's art is criticized because of their fucked up proportions not because he draws them too big.
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you should of seen when the gays hijacked a monstergirl thread

its a joke. like your life
This is the gayest shit I've seen all day.
And I live in Sweden.
Hi there. Welcome to the thread.
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pretty big
My first character in Dragon's Dogma was essentially a three meters tall not!Viking with dark-red hair, beard and facial tattoos. Also as muscular as possible.
What game is this?

For the love of god OP give sauce on mod

Google him.
Fucking hell that's good
thank you op!
I'm not the OP but thnx.
Robe of Prayers, Gauntlets/Leggings of Thorns.
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Is this a character from Battleborn?
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Big enough for you.
thats the least attractive thing i have ever seen
What are some games with really fun character customisation?

well looks like you're keeping with the gay theme in the thread. Sorcerers should always be female unless its a npc roleplay.

On another note, I wish I had the patience to make the dark souls 2 version of giant dad to post in here (getting the pharros mask is such hassle).
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I don't think so.
either a qt 3.14 or a stupid looking character if the character creator is shitty
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Could be, but no it's from a deader game.
>hahaha you're not a faggot what are you gay?

this shit was old 10 years ago, it was old 15 years ago, it was old 20 years ago, it's old now
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I always go out of my way to make my charecters ugly as fuck. You can make them pretty freakish on darksouls and even more so on demon's souls. Pic related is my charecter from bladestorm. The only one i have saved.
i played only 10 minutes of Inquisition because of how ugly my qunari character was
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>Rusted gold coin
>the NOSE
the little things make me kek
If we're talking normal RPGs, smol cute boy. If the options are more broad, I go as monstrous as possible. If there is anything I can do to approach a classic devil look, I go for it. If I can actually be an inhuman nightmare I'm ecstatic, but those games are pretty rare.

I didn't even know the game was that fucking invested in proper muscular gainz on the male characters.

That's actually pretty impressive
the red haired one looks like anzu lmao
dumb bitch
I always make grills.
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Then you're not gay you faggot, go fuck a woman or something.
>you're not gay you faggot
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the joke.gif
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.he literally looks like the guy in the "white men against trump" video, minus the beard
jacked manlets with big kike noses, always
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you can come out now anon,its the current year.
That 3D model is actually hot as fuck.
good taste
here's my dark magic man, I'm very proud of him
You forgot faith 8
Hello witty
Damn threads like always appear when iam at work.

Would post my waifu.
what game ?
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