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Now that the dust has settled Is it actually a good game?

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Now that the dust has settled

Is it actually a good game?
It's literally husbando and waifu game. so yes
It's okay. Has some interesting concepts but the execution is lacking in many places. Definitely not the best game of all time, anyone who says that is a moron trying to be part of a "phenomenon".
You can tell after a few moments of gameplay, that the movement system is extremely well executed.
Anything you get after that(bombs, wood chopping, gliding, stasis, horse, climbing gear, stamina upgrades, etc) is just a massive upgrade.

And lets be honest: 3D games generally have very crap movement systems, so its very refreshing to see a game with a good movement system.
It's unironically the best Zelda and the best open world game.

It's got a very lively open world. The environments are gorgeous and the wildlife adds a lot of character. The physics engine is very polished-- if you leverage the physics you can accomplish some incredible feats that would normally be relegated to QTEs in other games. The shrine puzzles are great and the dungeons are very well designed, if a bit short. The cohesive design inside and out is a master stroke. The music in the dungeons and especially the towns is phenomenal. There's no handholding or forced tutorial garbage, you can go anywhere and do anything at any point.

I guarantee that people will look back on this game in 20 years the way we look back at OOT now: neither game is the first in its genre, but both games raise the bar considerably and break new ground in ways that other games will strive to emulate for decades to come.

The graphics could use some improvement, but honestly it's just because the Switch is an underpowered piece of shit. The game is a masterpiece.
6/10 by normal game standard, add extra point if you're zelda fans.
it's the seinfeld of open world games
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Hi op.

Yeah, it's good. Fun gameplay but the story is garbage and for a long ass game that's hard to ignore. Overall, definitely not as good as Majora's Mask nor as groundbreaking as OoT was when that came out but a decent time-sink.
it's a fantastic game
Like basically anything. It's by no means perfect.
But it's probably my favourite game. Possibly ever. At the very least in recent memory.
Yeah. I was actually surprised by how solid the game actually is as a platformer. Good platforming was not what I was expecting from a 3D Zelda game. But it's pretty great at it.
It's a great game, but definitly not perfect.
Pretty much GOTY of 2017

Also best open world game in years
>I guarantee that people will look back on this game in 20 years the way we look back at OOT now: neither game is the first in its genre, but both games raise the bar considerably and break new ground in ways that other games will strive to emulate for decades to come.


You're fucking delusional if you think every game from here on out is going to STRIVE to emulate BotW for decades to come. You think Cyberpunk is going to be threatened by Zelda? Xenoblade 2 is already raising the bar once again. Fucking hell man, Zelda fanboys are the worst. People are already moving on to the next best thing after Zelda. It's an okay game. That's it. It's not gonna be remember as a historical moment in gaming because you can push a fucking boulder about. Seriously man, chill out about fucking BotW. It'll be remembered for it physics engine and that's all. It won't be remembered for "raising the bar and evolving the industry and revolutionising videogames" or whatever shit Zelda cucks like to think. Jesus Christ.
>xenoblade 2
>raising the bar
For what
l'm pretty sure botw traversal mechanics will have a big impact on open world games
Anyone have the quote from the Nintendo Everything guy or whatever? He was in a chat with mushmouth from GameXplain.
>You think Cyberpunk is going to be threatened by Zelda?
By Zelda or BotW specifically?
BotW will probably already have sold most of its copies by the time we actually get Cyberpunk so it wouldn't be competing all that much with other products any more.

There is also the detail that Zelda is a fantasy game and Cyberpunk is a science fiction cyberpunk game. While there is overlap they appeal to different audiences to begin with.
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I think it's to open world games what Ocarina of Time was to 3D games; It's going to change the way all developers approach and think about the open world..

Also, similarly to OoT, it did a lot of things right but at the same time has tons of room for improvement, so people will look back on it as the greatest game ever made, even when it's not.
Why does it seem like every trailer and promotional piece of artwork for BOTW only shows the grassy areas when those are the ugliest areas in the game?
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Great game, especially considering what a drastic change it was for the franchise.
There were so many things that could have gotten wrong (and some did) but I honestly expected a western Open world meme formula slapped on a Zelda game.
Huge risk, but high reward in the end.

Agreed. With the minds of a thousand people it's only natural that someone will find a better solution or some oversights however, like Chrono Trigger, they aren't flaws that ruin the game for you
It's just that, just good.

Everything else is snatched on by its namesake.
It does a lot of things Skyrim does but 1000% better.
>get master sword
>it kinda sucks
I like it. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be so open.
Yes it is

Take away the Zelda branding, what do you get? A great fucking game still
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