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Listen up, /v/. I need one JRPG with riveting story, fun combat

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Listen up, /v/. I need one JRPG with riveting story, fun combat system, and great characters. Get on with it!
Sir I would like a refund. I am trying to eat my meal but an untalented British hack keeps screaming obscenities and sperging out like an autistic man child, and it is ruining my meal.
Chef, I've prepared Lost Odyssey for you!
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A classic coming right up!
The Trails series.

The Sky games have the weaker combat system but better characters. The Cold Steel games have the better combat system but weaker characters
literally does not have any of the things OP asked for. I realize that nintendo has not had any good JRPGs since the SNES era but that doesn't mean you should be trying to pass off garbage as good
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I'll have to respectfully disagree with your opinion, because it is shit and consequently you are also shit.
Christ imagine having this level of shit taste
>the sky games have weaker combat
Tell that to the 3rd
I'll admit that FC and SC do have weaker combat than Sen, but orbment building in the whole trilogy is a lot more fun
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I might be biased towards this.
Are these actually good? I see threads like every other day but I could use something coming off P5. Where to start/best format?
lol what? Nintendo objectively has no had any good JRPGs on any of their systems in well over a decade. Nintendo doesn't even like RPGs or the people who play them. Nintendo is a company that makes toys for children and families these days because they abandoned the JRPG market many many years ago.

If you want a JRPG then you should be looking at Sony consoles and PC. Certainly not Nintendo by any stretch of the imagination unless you like chibi shit and kiddy shit.
Ramsey is part of why I hate "professional chefs"
If you're someone who absolutely needs the "newest" thing then you should start with Cold Steel because those folks tend to complain that Sky is a little more dated.

If you're someone who wants an excellent story RPG experience above all else then you start with Trails in the Sky FC
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prove me wrong
what's wrong with him?
Do I need to know anything else or can I just pick this up on steam and have no connection to the previous games?
Trails in the Sky FC on steam is the very beginning of the Trails series if that's what you're asking about. There are no games before that in the Trails series specifically.

The canonical storyline goes in this order

Trails in the Sky FC
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky 3rd

Trails to Zero - no english release yet
Trails to Azure - no english release yet

Trails of Cold Steel
Trails of Cold Steel 2
Trails of Cold Steel 3 - in development in Japan

That's the whole Trails story so far
Stuck up dipshit with a painters brain instead of a cooks. He is more concerned with making a plate look appealing for a picture than making it a good meal people enjoy. He's the stereotype of the haughty chef who charges 700 dollars for his garnished up little porcelain plate with a slice of salmon on it. He also bitches at people for making food traditionally instead of his coastal elite styles. Dude bitches about grease on pizza, a dish that traditionally has a FUCK ton of grease especially if done in sicilian style. He's an idiot who thinks his personal rich guy tastes are objectively what everyone loves. If you want a guy who actually knows some shit about food and doesn't cry when it isn't prepared to his personal tastes, try Guy fierri or Anthony bourdain.
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>Speaks into camera
Theres no way the chef can be any thing less than impressed by this dish. Its a timeless classic, how could he find any faults in it?
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>he never played SMRPG
>he never player M&L
>he never played Paper Mario
Grandia is a pretty good game, but for the kiddos on /v/ it might be too old.

Half the people on this board think modern games look like "PS1 graphics" so I can't imagine how they will respond to seeing ACTUAL ps1 graphics
>Nintendo objectively has no had any good JRPGs on any of their systems in well over a decade.

Etrian Oddyssey and both SMT IV are good. #FE is decent. It just has less than Somy consoles
They're talking about Super Mario RPG, you retard.
I don't know why you're on this Nintendo rant now. SMRPG wasn't even done by Nintendo.
Then do tell, is there an actual reason SMRPG sucks or are you just turning this into another console war debate?
Only on American TV. Stop watching American TV shows
It's not that it SUCKS per se, but the game doesn't really bring anything noteworthy to the table. It certainly doesn't have an interesting story, characters, or gameplay. It's basically just an RPG for mario fans, which is not really what OP was asking for.
Compared to the competition Nintendo doesn't put out a whole lot of jrpgs, but still there's quality series like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles, Baten Kaitos on their home consoles since the SNES era, and they a shitton of other jrpgs licensed for their handhelds, especially DS and 3DS.
Radiant Historia

Don't ever test /v/'s stupidity level, specially so close to summer. It's a deeper hole than you might think.
Entire Etrian Odyssey series
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey
Fire Emblem Conquest
best mario rpg that never got a sequel and instead we were forced with paper mario TRASH
He really does have that gauty rich asshole perspective of food. I mean who the fuck would complain about "portion size" with it being too big?
I played the first one and found it pretty "eh".

>story that surpasses the boundaries of traditional video game stories
>music that compliments each scene perfectly and enough to make any grown man cry by how powerful it is when synced to the cutscenes
>refined gameplay that echoes what the potential of the stealth genre, hasn't been surpassed since
Well anon I don't know what to tell you. I play JRPGs exclusively so I never buy nintendo consoles to begin with. If they have a few games that go on their systems then I surely have never played them, and most likely never will, because Nintendo consoles are not for fans of JRPGs.

If Nintendo wants to stop being a children's toy and start attracting JRPG fans then maybe I will consider future consoles, but as of right now that is not their market.
Zelda series
EO and SMT are some of the best JRPGs there are. The Fire Emblem-series is also amazing, although Awakening and FE Birthright were shit. Conquest and Echoes were both great. No, the Nintendo consoles aren't JRPG-machines, but they have a select JRPGs of amazing quality. Nocturne is available on the PS2 and PSN store, so you could try that if you want to get into SMT, or just emulate EO3.
Shin Megami Tensei 4, chef!

Maybe "riveting story" is a bit much, but I thought it was interesting.
It is though
>japanese game
>roleplay as venom snake who is roleplaying as big boss
I will most likely pass. These are handheld games, so the quality is likely to be much lower than you seem to think, especially given the fact that you are a nintendo fan which almost guarantees you don't have much experience with the JRPG genre outside of the select few games on your DS or whatever. I also checked google images regarding EO and the quality does not look promising.
>These are handheld games, so the quality is likely to be much lower than you seem to think
Only EO is handheld, and you're still wrong. EO is great. The gameplay and dungeon crawling are both excellent. You haven't played either series, which is your loss, so I don't see why you're trying to judge them.
Pick one.
EO's some of the best dungeon crawlers there are

SMT is SMT. Fun and punishing gameplay, fun party building and customization. IV is considerably the weakest but SJ and IV Apocalypse ate great. If you have played Persona then the gameplay changes from P4 to P5 is Atlus realizing it's better that they actually put in SMT mechanics like recruitment and mid-battle swap instead of half-assing it. Their only faults is their lack of a traditional party, which might be a turn off for traditional JRPG fans

Fire Emblem Conquest and Devil Survivor Overclocked are considerably the best SRPGs recently
How someone can say that they love JRPGs and not own a DS/3DS baffles me, really. The best modern JRPGs have been on the DS, imo
geez man that's some high quality delusion
Name your favorite JRPGs from the last decade, then
>claim modern Nintendo doesn't have any good JRPG titles
>refuse to even consider any suggestions which challenge your view
>assume a game is bad based solely on what console it is on
>call other deluded for having opinions you are in no position to evaluate
Is fanboyism a mental disease?
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Funny you say that considering you're the one claiming the only 3 JRPGs on your favorite consoles are somehow "TOTALLY THE BEST JRPGS EVER GUISE" have you even played any other JRPGs in the last 10 years outside the handheld crap on the DS?
>The best modern JRPGs have been on the DS, imo
Is what I said and nothing else, two of which are EO3 and SMT Strange Journey. You can't call these games crap if you haven't even touched either series.

I asked you first, what are your favorite JRPGs from the last decade?
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Greatest love story ever told
You mean best square RPG with a coat of Mario paint on top of it to try to fool you into thinking it's a Mario game while it doesn't feel like one at all.
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Gotcha covered, chief.
Fuck, I still haven't finished that. 50 hours in.
The World Ends With You is pretty good.
What is handheld's limit? Graphics and performance? When JRPGs are mostly turn-based and a lot of classic JRPGs are from the PS1 and even SNES era?
Don't respond to the autist
Non Americans who are not fatties
Brave Fencer Musashi has fun combat and the other 2 are subpar
Devil Survivor 2. Fuck you, I liked the story better than 1's, even if only because the pacing was better, whereas in 1 they have one Bel then 2 full days of none, and a day with 3 Bels.
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muh nigga. Think the redesigns might ruin it though.
Radiant Historia, Grandia II, Vagrant Story, Suikoden II, Panzer Dragoon Saga, SMT Digital Devil Saga, Terranigma, Shadow Hearts 1-2, Baten Kaitos.

Lucienne's Quest if you really want something off the beaten path, don't think I've ever seen it in /v/.
His resturaunts aren't much different
People who consider food art instead of sustenance. They think having really small portions and charging 400 dollars makes it art.
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>says nintendo hasn't had a good jrpg in over a decade
>has never played a jrpg on a nintendo console
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Here you go sir. Fantasy World War JRPG.

That's not real life Gordon Ramsay, that's tv show Gordon Ramsay and everything you've described is nothing like he is. In real life he's a generally calm but blunt genuine person. What you see mostly on tv shows where he's flipping out on shows like Hell's Kitchen is like multiple chefs fucking up like 20 times over the course of half an hour to an hour for one dish. You think he comes from

>He also bitches at people for making food traditionally instead of his coastal elite styles.

I think you are highly mistake and in fact in his Kitchen/Hotel Nightmares he emphasizes a return to a proper traditional style of cooking for the establishment in question. Be it French, Italian, Soul Food, Seafood, Country style home cooking etc.

>Dude bitches about grease on pizza, a dish that traditionally has a FUCK ton of grease especially if done in sicilian style.

Actually a traditionally done proper Italian Sicilian style pizza should not have a "FUCK ton" of grease on it if you use proper mozzarella(proper mozzarella should be white and not yellow) and contains very low fat content and not the pseudo-mozzarella that they commonly use in American pizza places(fun fact, American cheese being mostly processed cheese cannot legally be classified and marketed as cheese in many places including the US.) This coupled with the fact that in fact sometimes a Sicilian style Pizza can even not use any Cheese at all.

The only thing similar to an Italian and American style Sicilian pizza these days is technique, method and equipment. Ingredients ranging from the type of dough(American places tend to rub oil into the dough as opposed to Italy) to topping contents and amount. This isn't meant to be a detraction from American style pizzas because recipes and tastes have to change for your local customers. If you actually know and find an authentic Italian Pizzeria that still makes Pizzas the "old ways" then you have a gem of an establishment on your hands.
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Trails games are great, but there's a chunk of people who don't like them because they're extremely text-heavy, and they have a really bad habit of introducing things but never explaining things until later installments just to hook you into buying the next game.

They're seven games (soon to be 8), comprised of two trilogies and a duology, with each of the trilogies and the duology starring different characters but in the same overall world and time period. The stories overlap with eachother but you can start with whatever's the first game in one of the subseries without feeling lost.

One of the biggest turn-offs is just how text-heavy they are. Each individual game on its own has more text than the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, and there's plenty of moments where you just spend an upwards of multiple hours just talking and having things explained to you instead of actually fighting.
You are looking for
>Final fantasy tactics
>Lunar 1 and 2
>Star ocean 2
>No no kuni

/v/eogaf will scream and shit themselves over the implication but it is legit the best RPG to come out in the last three generations
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I've got it right here Gordo.
Bravely Default tbqh
Shin Megami Tensei series
Nier: Automata
Doesn't meet any of the criteria.
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>Are these actually good?
>bravely default doesn't have good combat
literally generic jrpg #23495, now with microtransactions
Shit taste my man
It doesn't. It's bog standard turn-based with an inferior FFV job system and one added mechanic (Brave/Default system) that makes it even more piss easy to abuse than even the piss easiest of FF games. Being able to fast forward the garbage combat was the only good part. But it appeals to the absolute lowest common denominator of turbo weeb plebs, just like the hackneyed writing, painfully obvious plot "twists," tropey characters, awful dialogue and gross chibi art.

>"But good music!"

Yup. And nothing else.
>fun combat system

Can't do it chef, sorry
Generic is all it needed to be for its target audience. They'll praise anything that drops out of Japan's asshole, regardless of quality. It's shameless nostalgia pandering of the worst kind, and it isn't even good at that.
Nice bait, have a (You) on the house.
>It certainly doesn't have an interesting story, characters, or gameplay.

It has all of those. Great world with unique locals, great story with great characters and great characterizations, featuring growth and dramatic revelations, with tons of emotional touches. The game is filled with exciting twists and events like its spiritual siblings, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VII.

I've been playing for 200 hours and still haven't beaten all of the arena fights for the platinum. FFS Tri-Ace, I cleared Neverland.
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>all these entry level jrpg games

Real game coming through
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>calls other people entry level
>posts an RPG-lite
i don't think you've ever enjoyed a game in your life

you don't seem like the kind of person who would allow yourself to
Rekt XD
Came here to post this
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Quite literally the only right answer.
Man /v/ has really gone to shit if this meme doesn't even get the fun responses anymore.
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>Super Mario RPG
Yes, it's a forgotten Squaresoft Masterpieceā„¢ and definitely has the Sakaguchi touch.

Probably the best RPG from the Golden Age of RPGs of SNES or PS1.
OP asked for GAMEPLAY, not a VN
Nope, one of the most overrated series of games on /v/ at the moment
>IV is considerably the weakest
Try playing SMT I someday.
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