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>Paid Online >Need to use Smartphone for voice chat and

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>Paid Online
>Need to use Smartphone for voice chat and perhaps matchmaking

What the fuck are they thinking?
>Paid Online
They haven't even announced what they'll be offering and it will be $20 a year for it.

>Need to use Smartphone for voice chat and perhaps matchmaking
This is outright false.

What a bad troll.
The smartphone is only used to show lobbies. Everything else is purely switch
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v is and will foreverally be tied up in rage over the Switch

lolling it
>nintendo is so shitty, saying facts is considered trolling
>They haven't even announced what they'll be offering
They did
All you get is a 20 year old game rom that you can play for just one month
>what they're offering
Not OP but this literally doesn't matter to me. Paying for online in any way or capacity is stupid and unnecessary. I am buying a switch but mostly because it's portable and has games I'm interested in. If the switch wasn't portable, the paid online might have actually turned me off completely
Same reason why I never even thought about getting a Sony or MS console either
get a job
>Need to use Smartphone for voice chat
>what the fuck were they thinking?

That people are using Skype ans Discord fo vc anyway
>a year
no I'm pretty sure it's because your poor
>>Need to use Smartphone for voice chat and perhaps matchmaking

That was literally never said. You CAN use your smartphone for it, you don't need to.
Still $20 too much
Online service should be free, I already am paying for my internet connection

Just because you have money doesn't mean you should be spending it on dumb things
I get it. It's cheap. That doesn't matter to me. It's a principle thing. I just won't pay it. If enough people stood against it like I am, maybe nintendo would change their minds
but now i can only afford to get one scoop of ice cream

just because you don't have money doesn't mean disposable income doesn't exist
>can't afford $20 a year
Wew lad, diet of only ramen and kraft for Thanksgiving?
>a principle thing

lol i wonder who could be behind this post? haha
>if you don't want to spend money on something that should be free you're poor!
I mean, you aren't gonna convince me to pay for online but why do you guys actually want to pay for online? Fuck's sake it was free not too long ago
So is mapmaking for the inevitable Etrian Odyssey on Switch also going to be on smartphones?
If you act like a poorfag expect to get called out.

It's like yeah, we get it an inconvenience, but really? I mean i don't make a lot and i'm still able to pay for an entire year of it in less than half a day of work...
Hey since you have so much disposable income can you toss me a few hundred? You seem to like throwing it away, so toss some my way broham.
It's the new standard for online (console) gaming. It won't ever go away and I'm not going to try to fight it. I have plenty of throwaway cash so $20 isn't really a huge deal to me. I still wish that it wasn't this way
>it was free not too long ago

not really, sweetheart.
yeah sure but that money could have been spent on something else. The point is the cost shouldn't exist
$20 a year is not "a lot" of disposable income, child

and yeah i could, but that doesn't mean i will lol
The point is that even if it was $1 every 5 years it would still be stupid

You should not have to pay for online, period
are you meming me?

also thanks, I needed that compliment. Been a hard day
>should be free
>stores don't have fee's they have to pay to stay open

The price is literally to keep the eShop and Nintendo servers running. If everyone decided not to get Nindo+gold then they would just stop making online games because people don't care about online multiplayer and upcharge digital purchases to be on par with physical
>yeah sure but that money could have been spent on something else.
>that means it should be free


yes because you could have bought another game with that cash
no you're just a moron
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>its a /v/ doesn't understand business thread
People have been asking for good online servers for years, said servers aren't free.
>same pathetic excuses Sonybros made
Kill yourselves.

Especially when console online is garbage and often p2p
really? I am just dumbfounded by this post

because you're an idiot lol
i say again, what?

My $60 sub nets me two games per month duuuuuude
Then what, should every single PC game with online ask for a monthly fee to keep their servers online, too?
you think the servers magically pay for themselves? That XBL and PSN just organically come together and organize?

You're an idiot
It's fucking retarded.

The thing is, if there aren't enough games on the system no one will fucking buy the thing let alone pay for online.
I have a Switch purely because my sister is a retard and bought two so basically gave me one for half the price.
But the only game I have is Zelda as that's the only game. Arms and Splatoon 2 are coming I know - but I had Splatoon on Wii U, and even with about 6 different friends owning it, they'd just bring their Wii U round and play 'locally online' anyway. We wouldn't get online and play. The one time we actually did we used Discord or Skype or whatever program I was using back then to chat anyway.
The smartphone chat app doesn't really affect me as that's what I'd probably use regardless, and I know that's what many people will do too.

But Nintendo better start getting some decent multiplayer titles going that will actually warrant a fucking online service fee or otherwise they're going to lose profits super fast.
What are game sales?
not an argument?
I know you guys probably aren't shills but this kind of mindset is why people believe everyone on /v/ is a shill. I know I probably won't change your minds but jesus christ, guys. Servers don't cost a zillion dollars a second to maintain. Even if they did, Nintendo had been doing it until recently so that proves they don't need our cash for servers to run. The service will not get better. Paying for online never was and never will be justifiable. There are too many other solutions

anyway, abandon thread/ final you and all that
PC games with large server costs (MMOs) are almost always sub based for a reason.
The money made from game sales funds the game servers
I have about 15 games for mine :3

be nice to your sister
Now count only the exclusives
>Nintendo had been doing it until recently so that proves they don't need our cash for servers to run
You mean the Nintendo servers that have been the butt of jokes for over a decade now?

They aren't free either. Nobody's defending paid online here, just laughing at poorfags
>paid online
>said online wont be wasted in something as shit and cancerous as voice chat
Nintendo truly is the guiding light in the darkness
And they'll continue to use those programs that they can already use for free.
>hurr exclusives don't count

good thing i didn't get a piipoo haha
>20$ a year
you find 20$ laying around in the street at least once a year
More like only exclusives count
When is Nintendo going to show that any part of their online infrastructure has improved from the Wii U(which had free online)?
I know right?

What kind of shitter plays games online?
I for one am glad they're making it obtuse for these degenerates.
>because any MMO doesn't already do this

anyway, name literally ONE(1) console as portable as the switch, ill wait :)
Any handheld
The Vita
When they get the money, hopefully.
>said servers aren't free.
as long as they dont got full sony
>Start to charge for online
>kept the same shit servers
>100% profit from the paywall
and people wonder why internet and services makes up 50% of PS division revenues, the other 50% is split between hardware and Software
now theres a mene you don't see much these days
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>mfw have $100,000 spare and refuse to feed the paid online kike because I'm not a retarded 12 year old and am aware of the consequences

none are as powerful with as big a screen, NEXT!
They should be showing that their service is worth paying for during the trial period. Every online game so far has been peer to peer, and you still have to trade friend codes instead of just giving out a simple username.
They have games tho
I don't know what's more pathetic, Nintendo following cancerous business practices like paid online or that the same people who were shitting on it back then are now defending it.

The 2nd crash can't come soon enough
Spla2oon will be worth it
Any tablet.
That are also on the ps4
so does the switch tho. better games even

but, uh, keep moving those goals i guess :P

Nice try, but no
I think the smartphone app is a good idea. Much better than having to plug something into the controllers that could get in the way of the more waggly configurations or an expensive first party wireless thingy.
>Any tablet.
>twice or tripple the times
>no ventilation
>30 seconds battery life
>glass screen to it wont survive the slightest drop
have fun anon
It runs at half the tickrate of the original, still runs on peer to peer, and there has been aboslutely 0 word on any sort of regional matchmaking.
>decent multiplayer
I already bought a Switch for Splatoon 2 and know plenty of people that did the same. So it's already worth it for that.
Now have Arms, indies, and a MK8 with a user base. All in a portable. I think Nintendo will do fine
The day online becomes paid all the servers will become empty as fuck, I bet on that

it will be fine
>It runs at half the tickrate of the original
>Measured during a test fire
what is your point?
Even if you didn't have to use their smartphone app for vc people would still use Discord. It's way more convenient for party chat
If you use the Switch as a main console I understand.
But for instance I have a PS4, a Switch and my PC.
Any game I can get on PC via Steam, GOG or any other service (Hell even physical PC) i'm going that route for it for pure convenience and having available to me without any extra effort.
Being portable doesn't bother me as I am 30 years old and don't need to take my games with me every where.

Nintendo are just, as usual, out of touch with their main demographic for the Switch which is 20-30 year olds. There was a survey done on who bought the Switch.

Also my sister is 38 I'm sure she can handle a bit of bullying by now.
yeah, see how much people dont pay PS+ and XBOG
I swear to god if Bayonetta 3 will be a switch exclusive I'll fucking r someone
>Being portable doesn't bother me as I am 30 years old and don't need to take my games with me every where.

okay then. Maybe when you grow up you'll realize not everyone is exactly like you.
No, you are a 35yo guy with a job and no friends. So has no need for multiplayer titles
God get laid you retard.
highly unlikely unless pre-existing clauses in B2 contract, but god I want it to be real just to see internet meltdown again
>not Spla2n

Ya blew it
>same people who were shitting on it back then are now defending it.
>/v/ is one person
The people defending it now are the people who were defending it then
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the switch must be a fucking great console. people keep spreading blatant lies about it, so there must not be any actual legitimate complaints
There's been no news about it either but Platinum teased some 3 in their youtube videos
Maybe it was 3 pc releases inc b2 but who the fuck knoes
I'm 20 ;)

Only play on PeeCee because of the jewish online scam
>regional matchmaking becomes a thing
>matches outside japan now take 5 mins to find
>ranked is unplayable because half the playerbase is shit and the other half is spread between ranks

I would really like people to stop pushing this. Just get better internet. Or git gud cause the lag isn't killing you
>i-it's just a beta
>the jewish online scam

what, Steam?
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Good replies, lads - really disproved my points. :^)
what points?
Exactly, yes
>i never see the lag so it doesn't happen ;3
Internet speed has nearly nothing to do with anything. It's all about ping, which you can't do anything about when playing people on the opposite side of the planet. In a game where every weapon fires a slow projectile, and hit detection is client-side. Looking forward to this glitch not being fixed, either.
Regardless of the negatives on steam, it (and its clones like origin) provide the best service at the best price (free).
>really disproved my points
Oh the ones where you stated your opinion on why you don't need portable or your baseless assumption on Nintendo's target demographic?

Cause there's no rebuttal to nontruths
This isn't the 90s. Server costs are fuck all these days.
They do it because they can, because they see an opportunity to make some extra dimes, not because they have too offset costs.
Go back and read the chain of the replies, I ain't repeating myself or spoon feeding you nigga
This. If it was really that big of an issue, the Wii U and 3DS would have paid online by now.
>Server costs are fuck all these days.
they're not free dude. And server costs is not the entirety of the cost of running a service like Live, please think a bit harder before posting next time.

lol rekt. Your entire "argument" revolves around your personal opinion.
It isn't at all.

>psn pure shit
>nintendo requires you to get your fucking phone out
>xbox live gets closest, but even that is less "versatile"
PSN is shit sure, but that doesn't excuse steam.
Servers cost jack shit you corporate cock sucker. There are no online fees for PC and the games have better online with dedicated servers. Enjoy paying a fee to use your own internet console peasant
>i never see the lag so it doesn't happen ;3
>translates from lag didn't kill you

You died because you were out of position and unaware of your surroundings
So again, git gud
Name something better then. Steam (and origin/other clones) are the best things available.
>and yeah I could but that doesn't mean I will lol

No chance you're over 15
With how fast the TTK is, it's entirely possible for someone to pop out of ink and kill you before you are able to react at all. Also, if their screen says I'm not in cover even though mine does, I'm not in cover and can die.
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>paid online
>on a handheld
Never underestimate corporate fanboyism. It happened to sonybros who were shitting on Xbox's paid online and then defended it after it was implemented on the PS4. Same thing is happening with nintenbros now
>MMO's don't have paywalls
>Online stores don't run ads for server costs

k thx
psn is still shit. paying for it didn't make them better.
>baseless assumption
Here you go, around half their usage is adults between 25-34.
Very high probability of them having jobs, partners, wives etc.
I just gave you my opinion and spin on shit. MY personal account is that I don't need to have my games portable and any game on Switch that's also on other platforms EG Wonderboy remake, I won;t bother getting on Switch. For everything else, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart and Splatoon I'll obviously use the Switch for - but do I want to spend money on their online service? Not really as I have plenty of online multiplayer.

My main point was there will be a lot of other people like me with the same hang ups, and I think Nintendo are just going to screw up with this.
I mean you just have to look at stuff like Steam and Youtube.

>they're not free dude. And server costs is not the entirety of the cost of running a service like Live, please think a bit harder before posting next time.
Services have been running fine without subscription costs since fucking forever. Now that it's cheaper than ever to host content it's not out of necessity they are doing it. It's out of pure good old corporate greed.
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>phone dies while trying to play handheld online
The personal opinion was the after thought, the main point is there are better platforms where I don't have to pay an online fee to play said games, just the cost of the game. Bar Nintendo's very, very few exclusives currently.
The TTK only gets its use if you have turf control so if you are maintaining map then you can stop it before it does anything.
And if you are out of cover on their screen then at some point you were out of cover
And for consoles, you have to pay for the privilege to see those ads.
I hate the idea of this too but that's not how it works you idiot.

just a few, not necessarily better, but steam really isn't all that great
Steam and Youtube are not evidence of server costs being less.
Am I supposed to shoot through walls like the slant-eyed gooks do too?
how do you figure

>Services have been running fine without subscription costs since fucking forever.
what? this isn't an argument. Define "fine".
>/v/ is one person
So you're telling me that it's impossible for 360 users to switch over to ps4? Especially after the Xbone's launch
Live isn't as "open" but is easily the best out of the console options. Those others are just various PC platforms which are similar to steam
Wii U and Switch online experiences are practically identical, except one doesn't cost money.
less portable platforms.

You're the one saying others shouldn't get the thing, don't get pissy when someone tells you to bug off
Switch is free until Fall.
Fine really counts as operational and steady for the majority of the user base. Most of those listed in thread have been. Just because 'Johnny shit internet' hasn't had a good experience doesn't mean the service is garbage
steam isn't open either

Switch online doesn't cost anything either...
And they haven't given a single reason to make the paid online seem worthwhile.
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How fucking poor are you that you can't afford to pay $20 a year?

They are literally offering a better online service for ONLY 20 bucks.

Go play Smash 4 online on Wii U and tell me free online is good. I dare you

and don't forget usage has shot up since the 90s and 00s too

>muh principles
Point out one place I said people shouldn't get a Switch, I've got one and love it.
Not everyone on here is a fanboy mate.
I'm just very able to point out flaws in the things I like. I'm just discussing why I think the online fee is a bit silly and why it's not worth it.
I haven't once flung an insult or told anyone get out. This is why people call /v/ the worst board. I'm starting to see why. Everyone thinks they're being put into an argument or being belittled by their choices. I don't give a shit what you think if you start resorting to that kind of argument and will stand steady with my arguments/opinions.

Man up.
Nintendo has made no explicit promise or even outlined how they're going to improve the servers, just charge for playing online.
Why else would you feel the need to broadcast your capacity to send someone a few hundred dollars?
How much of a fanboy are you that you defend having to pay for your internet twice?

>They are literally offering a better online service for ONLY 20 bucks.
For a paid service you should get an amazing service, not one that is barely passable.
In the case of every online Switch game so far, there is no improvement. In some ways, it's worse.
>Offering a better online service
That's where you're wrong nintenshill. It's the same garbage service that nintendo has always provided.
They have said exactly nothing about the online system except that its going to cost money and you get a ROM every month.
so your entire point is just you don't like it?

Nice blogpost i guess
sony negroes detected
fuck off back to neogaf
A ROM rental. You don't get to keep it at the end of that month.
>pay for your internet twice
Underage detected. You arent paying for an internet connection, you're paying to access private servers
Nigger I just said paid online services like these are retarded. Why would I be a sonyfag? They are just as guilty of it.

shoo shoo
No shit. You don't say.
Nintendo has always stated that their target demo is everyone. This has always been a thing
https://youtu.be/lffXgSUZqFk?t=2m is one example

And if you are going to say that you opinion is a representation of a thought anyone can have then the same is on the opposite spectrum, There are people who have no problem with paying a small fee to play their games with there online friends(this thread is proof enough).
You can perceive it as that, and choose to disregard everything as a result.
Just let's not ignore that there are issues with the Switch. Giving shit a free pass has caused other things in gaming to turn sour. See: day one DLC and pre-orders.
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>tfw we live in a world where people will shell out 20 bucks a year to rent an emulated 30 year old ROM for a month
what? What does DLC and pre-orders have to do with the system proper?

You're just looking for reasons to be upset
well, also that whole online thing...yeah...
Rent an emulated 30-year-old ROM downloaded directly from a ROM hosting site.
You probably already do. Unless you're bad and can't get kills
I mean its too bad, but everyone else has accepted it. Had Nintendo maybe receieved support when they didnt go down that path, maybe things would be different now. But there is no widespread refusal of these services, and its foolish to not dip in now.
>(this thread is proof enough).
One person nickering with me on the opposite isn't proof at all.
In the same argument you used - the 34 unique posters of these 161 posts are insignificant if you consider there 34 people on the other side of the spectrum.
Then we come down to the point where we say "Well what's the point of talking about it then?"
Discussing things are just educated arguments and opinions anyway.

So i guess I've made my points and added my opinions along with them. I'm out.
>people shit on xbox and ps for online pay
>suddenly everyone wants to justify online pay on nintendo

Really makes me think
Free on Wii U.
Well I mean, in terms of actual "value" you get for paying, since the online service will be shit and would function just the same were it free.
what points?

YOU don't like it?

that's nice.
implying /v/ is one person

switch is most people's first nintendo console
but it's okay when sony does it!
yes that QUALITY WiiU online experience !!!
Exactly, I'm not saying I'll never pay the fee. My very first post I said the console would need more decent exclusives to get me to spend my money.

How are you so bad at following a flow of a conversation and points and sub-points? Jesus.
DLC and pre-orders are other examples of shit the industry brought in that isn't ideal for the consumer but we bought into it anyway, along with paid online services.
The funny thing is, I'm not upset at all.
You're just projecting that onto my posts to make you feel like you're having an argument.
Please calm down anon.
>stragglers think Nintendo wont shut down the Wii U servers as soon as this goes live
Yall dreaming.
Compared to the QUALITY Switch online experience? They're exactly the same. With the exact same games.
Again that's all you can say whilst refuting the sources and other stuff I've posted.
Keep fan-boying because I'm a giant idort and will be enjoying all the parts of every console and platform I choose to.
>the online service will be shit and would function just the same were it free.


so then what exactly are your factual objections with the switch other than feeling like you're too old for it
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As opposed to the QUALITY Switch online experience?
The online service being paid.
Have you been reading this thread or did you hop in to have a right old argument?
It*s Nintendo. There's your source.
The paid service hasn't started yet, dingus

what sources?
And they haven't said anything about the online being at all better than the Wii U, faggot.
oh is it fall already?
>bringing up points already made in the thread
Quality post
>The paid service hasn't started yet, dingus
Yeah, because then they are gonna press the big "make the online great again" button they have been holding out on us as soon as the money start raking in.
wow, you sure are smart

he has a point tho
you don't get out much, do you?
>Still getting new games in 2017
>Free online

Is the Vita the best console on the market?
>but it's just a beta they'll fix it
In its current state, the Switch online is not worth paying for at all.
If I didn't go out would probably be fired.
>it's in beta that means they're no longer working on it


good thing we aren't
let me guess, your that guy that stands on the side of the road and holds a sign all day?
Show any single bit of proof that it will be better.
>proprietary mem sticks
>shitty screen
>no first party support


show any proof that it won't?
Burden of proof is on you. You're the one saying it will be better. The shitty Switch online is all we know about, so there's no reason for me to believe it will get better.
in the absence of evidence the status quo is assumed, and nintendo have never had good online connectivity or features and have never improved anything in their entire fucking existence
>he has a point tho
No he doesn't, it's a shit argument that does more harm to the cause than good.
Actually bring up points that can matter please
I just don't use consoles for any kind of online activity. I have a PC for that.
>still getting new games in 2017
>Free online
Is the WiiU the best console on the market?
Nah. I work as a database manager/general office assistant for my countries high school admissions office.

I basically register school grades and applications most of the time.
Nintendo's online service is not worth $20 per year
I completely agree with you and will also have to buckle down and buy a switch for Splatoon, but good luck trying to convince hypocritical Nintendo fanboys. Until just recently these retards would shit all over sony and microsoft for the same exact cancer they're bending over and justifying now.
The real shit kicker is thanks to Splatoon 2's global testfire, all signs point to the online experience not only not improving over the Wii U's, but potentially being even worse.
It's pretty disheartening too see people not only willing to pay for a service that was until now free, but actually -defend- the notion when they get absolutely nothing out of the deal

I don't understand why consumers do this to themselves. If no one bought into it, then all three consoles would drop it
MK8 Deluxe has shitty online as well
>when they get absolutely nothing out of the deal
Except servers that don't suck for once.
Fanboys are retarded. More news at 11.
>servers that don't suck
I bet my left testicle most Nintendo games will still be P2P.
Except they haven't and there's evidence the online is currently worse than the Wii U's.

Don't all three console largely rely on p2p matchmaking though? I'm not entirely sure what you're even paying for
They all are so far. Servers are only used for matchmaking.
Its not fall yet.
you know what happens when you assume, right?
Don't know about PS4, but the majority of Xbox games run on dedicated servers. At least the games I have for it.
Fanboys are paying for the privilege of getting fucked in the ass by a company they adore.
but i have an xbone as well
If no one bought into it the the 3 consoles would just drop online multiplayer
Yeah, because they definitely don't want to make a good impression and show people it's worth paying for, right?

Doubtful, as then it would be lucrative to be the one console that offers online

Also PC games would still be online with no charge as well
Its not fall yet.
No but you shouldn't rule out fanboys either

Also why the fuck were some of my words filtered?
ok kiddo
So is the switch's online service going to be completely torn apart and revamped in fall? Because that's the only way I can see it improving in anyway that would make it even worth $5 a year
>he doesn't know
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>my face when I never fell for this jewish shit
At this point, after three shitty consoles in a row, I'm sick of Nintendo hardware. I wish they'd go 3rd party and put their games on PC.
who knows, man...
>25 dollars
>half a days work

Kek. More like an hour. Get a career
>takes an hour to make 25
Get a real job
Highly unlikely. Right now would be the best time to show that the online service is competent and worth paying for. The fact that it isn't is a really shitty sign.
Having online wouldn't make people want the console and it would still lead to online being paid anyway. Hence why Dreamcast and Xbox started off being paid

PC gaming isn't as widespread as console gaming so the whole industry would take a hit
If you want them to put their games on PC then you aren't sick of Nintendo
Don't worry give it time
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>Xbox had paid online for 11 years
>Playstation had paid online for 4 years
>once the Switch switches to a paid format, free online will no longer exist
>b-but it should be free despite all the competition!

The WiiU's online was literally FUCKING shit, if paying $20 a year to make it even marginally better, I'm all for it. Nintendo of all companies doesn't give out anything for free, and if they do, it's turbo shit.
>>Paid online
"I-It's only bad when NINTENDO does it!2!1!1!!!"
>if paying $20 a year to make it even marginally better

to be fair, we don't know if this is yet the case, though on the other hand i haven't been having much issues with the online myself
>SNES and Genesis had paid online 23 years ago
>I'm sick of Nintendo hardware
Nintendo still makes great games. If I didn't care about them, I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered by them stooping to these new lows. I just no longer want to pay hundreds of dollars for a console I don't like just to have access to a handful of Nintendo games. Especially not with all the bullshit they've been pulling in the past few years.
Except the Switch's online is currently worse than the Wii U's. Compare Splatoon with Splatoon 2 and MK8 with MK8 Deluxe.
>paid online

this is my main genuine concern and will might kill the possibility of Monhun on switch.

Unless it's a really cheap yearly option, it's gonna chase a lot of people away.
nobody bought a WiiU
Still free at this moment :^)

Also you're probably playing against a bunch of people on shitty mobile hotspots, which is a legitimate thing to always be aware of since the Switch is portable.
Literally nobody is saying that you deflecting shill. Paying for online is cancer full stop, but they know they can get away with it because of people like you.

What happens when fall rolls around, they start charging and absolutely nothing is different? Are all the people defending the service's current state just going to pay for it anyway?
I'll probably be dead by then anyway so who gives a shit?
Of course they will. The only thing that will change is how they defend it.
Hell, even a lot of the people shitting on the service will pay for it as they don't have any other option if they want to get the most out of their games.
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Of course they will. Sony's online is just as shit as it was when it was free. Sony literally got hacked and credit card information was stolen, and people still pay.

Gen Z have no standards.
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Damn this thread is retarded. Is everyone here just trying to justify their purchase? I bought a switch and I know it's kinda shitty, but it's fun. The real poorfags have to justify every purchase.
Except they are, you fuckhead.
show me one reply where somebody is defending any consoles paid online
what delusional world do you live in?
>Paying for online is cancer full stop, but they know they can get away with it because of people like you.

You mean Sony and Xbox users who bent over and paved the way for this...?
I like it because it has good games that aren't already on my PC, like the other two consoles on the market.
you say the same thing about pc. For fucks sakes the most popular mmo jews you out of 15 dollars every month.
>can't even play an exclusive launch title without hiccups
Everybody who paid money for a Switch got bamboozled. It's sunk cost fallacy: the console.
Now you are paying to have the shit online service nintendo provides.
>no gamertag/psn name type system
>previous purchases DO NOT CROSS OVER
Are they planning to add a built in messaging system at all?

Not necessarily voice chat, but text chat like PSN/XBL have.
>everything is locked to your console, if it breaks tough shit
>friends codes boogieman
How hard is it to type in a few letters?
Probably not
Not like people would use it anyway
Holy shit I've never saw so many shills at once.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
>Yeah, I'll add you. Let me just boot up my console and navigate to my profile to find my friend code
>You mean you can't just add people by their username like the Wii U?
anon, cooking meth is not a real job
>problems people who never had a WiiU have
Literally everyone I have added I just got from their discord server. Heck most people have been doing this since they already use discord for vc anyway
good thing i didn't get a WiiU i guess..
>I just came in here to shitpost and be a massive fucking shill and didn't read the thread
Them too. Anybody who condones this or tries to defend is at fault.
whatever, commie
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