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Does anyone else have friends who unironically believe that Skyrim

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Does anyone else have friends who unironically believe that Skyrim is unequivocally the greatest game of all time.
I know a girl who has a clavicle tattoo of the Ethereal th'uum, yet doesn't play vidya at all.
One of my friends who has never even played any other ES games thinks its a monumental achievement.

Is there anything worse and or more shit taste than Skyrim; it is truly only for retarded normies women?
i've got to say that skyrim is the greatest game for roleplaying in a northern climate

i definitely didn't play it for the gameplay
>i've got to say that skyrim is the greatest game for roleplaying in a northern climate
>i definitely didn't play it for the gameplay
This. It's got the environment that I love. I guess living in northern Scotland gave me a love for massive glens and cragged mountains.
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>tfw graduating valedictorian next week
>tfw favorite games are PUBG, skyrim, mass effect and far cry

No, it's a genuinely good game and you are not to intelligent for it. Everyone here are just retarded edgy contrarians.
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Is hating Skyrim a thing still?
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I like Skyrim quite a lot but I think it's one of the most overrated games ever.
People who don't play much vidya or don't really know what makes a good RPG seem to love it to death, because they were the target audience of the game.
Not friends like that, but i believe it myself.
>tfw not baiting
>tfw those are unironically some of my favorite games (i am not referring to the new mass effect)
>tfw also play league but am absolute shit at it
Yes, a "friend" of mine and he hasn't finished it, he didn't even complete the Unrelenting Force shout, but hey, he played it.
All I know is I lost hundreds, if not thousands of hours on this game. As criteria for what makes a game good or not, I'd say that's pretty valid.
Skyrim is pretty cool desu, only jaded autists can call a game shit after they put in 250 hours into it while also claiming it's boring. Literally any game is boring after 250 hours
I have a friend that was hyped as fuck for Skyrim and couldn't talk about anything else until the game came out
She was pretty disappointed, I don't think she ever finished it
>Critical acclaim
>10th best selling game of all time
>Some of the most beloved and also popular game devs in Japan were asked what is the most influential game to them, they all said Skyrim

The game has acclaim, sales, and influence. It's literally The Beatles of video gaming.
Areas are really fucking wide but content is too fucking shallow.
Mile wide, inch deep.
>Is there anything worse and or more shit taste than Skyrim

It will be for years to come.
No, I don't hate the game though as it's useful as a contrived normie detector.
I think it's reputation as a "shallow ocean" on /v/ makes no sense. /v/ will talk about the features that it doesn't have that le deep game Morrowind did, but not realize that Skyrim has that many more features that made it to the game. There is still no other game with a feeling of an actual living world that allows you to go around it and do whatever you want.

Not GTA those games don't go as deep into the world building.

Not any other Elder Scrolls game because the earlier games relied too much on abstractions like typical pre-Skyrim RPGs.
Ive never understood this contrarian point of view. If you did not experience the golden age of RPG's, im not surprised at all that you'd find skyrim a great game. Its simply a question of standards, when i play skyrim i obviously compare it to games that are vastly superior in all aspects except graphics, which obviously means that i find skyrim very mediocre game. I think i have 50ish hours in pirated skyrim and 42h of in enderal in steam. Enderal atleast held better up to my standards made the game worth buying.
All the golden age games are boring as fuck compared to Skyrim though because shit actually happens in Skyrim instead of having a ton of abstractions represent everything.
>There is still no other game with a feeling of an actual living world that allows you to go around it and do whatever you want.

You what
Skyrim is a great game, only /v/ contrarian overweight edgy hypster shitheads say it's shit

bunch of trendy nu males
Because it shows the worst thing about open world games. "Hey you wanna go there? Then go there!" Then you get there and nothing.
>Garbage combat, even magic is absolutely boring and sometimes useless
>Reskins enemies like crazy. Pretty much 80% of the things you fight use the same humanoid skeleton
>Quests amount to nothing
Fuck, even the mods that are putting the game on life support shows how many things they fucked up. Go ahead, try to refute it. Let's try to be civil about this.
Soundtrack and nature in the game is maximum comfy.

Gameplay isn't that great but is vastly improved with mods(more magic abilities and improved stealth mechanics)

I put more hours into it than Oblivion, but I could say the same thing about NV to FO3.
Fucking Gothic 2 had a more livid world than Skyrim
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I'm trying to think about it and few games come to mind.

All the RPGs that I really like suffer from a "dead" and "static" world. Even my favorite RPG, New Vegas, feels incredibly static in comparison to Skyrim.

I played many hours of Skyrim and it seemed that there was always something going on somewhere.
Compare roving caravans in New Vegas to all the traders, raiders, civilians, etc walking the roads of Skyrim usually with unique dialogue or things to do with.
Some quests are given to you in such a natural and organic manner in Skyrim that other RPG games completely lack.

Yes the combat is extremely shallow, magic is not very good, alchemy is a joke, crafting in general is bad and annoying, there's less armor slots for your character, etc.
But the worldbuilding aspect of the game is great.
Think of the Falmer caves that connect to Dwemer caves/dungeons that many connect back into Blackreach.

How many games have that?
I don't understand why Bethesda insists on making you, the main character, silent.
It's much harder to give the player an immersive experience if he/she can't identify to it's character.
IMO the next Elder Scrolls should really try to improve on that.
shit bait
Yeah because voiced protag in Fallout 4 worked so well.
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>entire map is a static void of endless recycled textures
>like 4 voice actors for each gender and awkward dialogue
>shitty 2004 era realtime rpg combat with awkward, inonsistent pacing, hitboxes and a complete and utter lack of hit feedback. easily the worst thing about the game
>no thought put into balance whatsoever, can literally kite anything to death
>90% of "spells" are different colored lazur beems

The only reason this game was relevant was because of a successful social marketing campaign, with autists keeping it afloat with mods after. The game itself is a complete pile of shit, even worse is other companies mistaking what made it successful and now actively trying to emulate it, BOTW is a perfect example of this. No game has done more damage to the WRPG genre since...well, Oblivion.
its for normies and waifu fags
how many hours have you logged anon?
There isn't. The amount of work put into NPC behavior in this game is fantastic.

>Then you get there and nothing.
No then you get there and do the damn quest. Far more intuitive quests than "muh glory RPGs" like Morrowind where every quest was braindead outside of asking directions.

>Garbage combat, even magic is absolutely boring and sometimes useless
It serves its purpose well. Having a moveset that gradually changes with little mechanics about each weapon combat style changing bit by bit per perk gives it a lot more depth than most other RPGs, which, again, spend more time on abstraction numbers.

>Reskins enemies like crazy.
Outside of certain dragons, what else do you fight that's exactly the same as before but with a reskin?

>Pretty much 80% of the things you fight use the same humanoid skeleton
This is just not true unless the player happens to only clear Draugr filled dungeons and count that as the game only.

>Quests amount to nothing
Pretty sure you actually gain more unique items from quests in Skyrim than Morrowind for sure and maybe Oblivion as well. It's the one game that made sure that unique items weren't in some hidden cabin in the middle of nowhere, but rather made quests important.

No it did not. It didn't even have a fraction of the amount of work put into stuff like NPC pathing, schedules and activities.
IDK because I never played Fallout 4. But it worked pretty well in Arx Fatalis.
>generation Z in charge of having patience to read 4 sentences
As i said, ultimately i did buy Skyrim in order to play Enderal. Enderal actually had something more going for it than graphics. The story, writing and worldbuilding were all better than in skyrim. Im not a contrarian that only likes older games because of nostalgia, i like games that are not shit and have actually some content worth playing.
>No it did not. It didn't even have a fraction of the amount of work put into stuff like NPC pathing, schedules and activities.
Have you ever played gothic 2

This shit came out in 06, there is literally no excuse for skyrim's combat being as shitty as it is
I am not even comparing it to anything, I am judging it as an "RPG". You are Dovahkin, Dragonborn, yet everyone hollers at you to suck their dick. The combat sucks because stuff like Dark Messiah exists and that first person melee combat can be viable. Quests are literally, "Hey go here, enter this dungeon and exit to the other side." If you're luck, a "puzzle" will be there to spice things up. The quests are way too simple.
Oh, and i forgot to mention that level design in Enderal was amazing, no matter what you compare it to.
Please tell me you don't mean a high school.
>entire map is a static void of endless recycled textures
That would be where you're wrong, the world is actually beautiful.
>like 4 voice actors
A bit exagerated but still true.
> and awkward dialogue
>shitty 2004 era realtime rpg combat with awkward, inonsistent pacing, hitboxes and a complete and utter lack of hit feedback. easily the worst thing about the game
The combat is nothing fantastic, I'll admit, but it's ok. The ranged combat felt good desu, hunting deers, slow motions with camera panning around your arrows felt good too.
>no thought put into balance whatsoever, can literally kite anything to death
>90% of "spells" are different colored lazur beems

But what you're looking for is more located in fighting centered games like Dark Souls, Street fighter or MMORPG. The Elder Scrolls should be an immersive RPG like Arx Fatalis, focusing more on interesting events / choices / quests / character depth and interactions than combat.
no, but I think Skyrim is absolutely amazing. it has so much content. it might even deserve that hight metacritic score.

and I played Daggerfall, finished MW with add-ons completely and finished Oblivion + add.ons as well and I like Skyrim best because I really prefer the atmosphere and the much better engine/mechanics. Narrative for the main quest thing could have been far better.
exactly my point. /v/ is being retarded as usual. can we declare that Skyrim is the patrician choice now? maybe I'm a genius as well.
>generation Z in charge of having patience to read 4 sentences
Why would I want my actions to be described with 4 sentences in a goddamn VIDEO GAME? Why not just show the action itself instead of telling?

>Have you ever played gothic 2
Have you ever played Skyrim? NPC schedules are far more dynamic and versatile compared to primitive ass Gothic 2.

>You are Dovahkin, Dragonborn, yet everyone hollers at you to suck their dick.
You make it sound like the player character's forced by the NPCs. Just because you are claimed to be some kind of chosen one doesn't mean others instantly suck your dick. After you become a Jarl or w/e, usually even the guards are sucking your dick.

>he combat sucks because stuff like Dark Messiah exists
Terrible example since Dark Messiah doesn't have the same RPG-like intricacies added to combat that Skyrim does through its skill/perks system. Dark Messiah feels more like Heretic than it does a M&M game or an actual RPG.

>Quests are literally, "Hey go here, enter this dungeon and exit to the other side." If you're luck, a "puzzle" will be there to spice things up. The quests are way too simple.
The vast majority of the Daedric Quests aren't this. Nor Thieves Guild. Nor DB. Really any set of quests that aren't Companions, Winterhold, a couple main quests, and radiants aren't this at all.
>Why would I want my actions to be described with 4 sentences in a goddamn VIDEO GAME? Why not just show the action itself instead of telling?
I was referring to my original post where i stated that i did enjoy Enderal at the end. Holy shit you really are dense as a stone or just baiting extremely hard.
Skyrim is not a roleplaying game, it's a sandbox action game in a quasi-medieval viking setting. In order to qualify as a roleplaying game, your character's build would need to affect the way they can interact with the world, and the way the world interacts with your character. But in Skyrim you can become leader of the mage's guild without ever casting a single spell because there are no character attributes, and skills are just a very loose implication of a character's combat style and not much more.
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>the combat is an awkward unresponsive mess because of all the ADVANSED FEETCHURES and DICE ROLLING under the hood and not because of the fact that bethesda is too lazy to switch from the same gamebryo kit they've been using for 10 years now

I don't know man, the game also just got ranked #1 RPG in game informers latest magazine. Behind chrono trigger, FFVII, diablo 2, and others.

I like Skyrim, it's definitely a good time, but I don't think it has as much artistic merit and lasting influence to be at that spot. I think it's slightly overrated but then again this is just my opinion. It hasn't evoked as much out of me as many other classics have though that's for damn sure, the main quest line ending was a bit underwhelming and after a while you realized every dungeon was relatively the same. People only play the game for 200 hours because it never fucking ends and it's relatively easy to play. Nobody is playing it for that long because it's just that good.
Skyrim is decent masturbation aid with mods.
>american graduation

omg you guys are funny
totalbiscuit amirite?? XDDD

This phrase could be used to describe any RPG. It's not profound, stop using it.
>The Elder Scrolls should be an immersive RPG like Arx Fatalis, focusing more on interesting events / choices / quests / character depth and interactions than combat.

And it doesn't even show up that greatly in that department ever, for these types of games I still feel extremely restricted in the making choices department. For instance when you first meet that resistance bitch in the tavern and she's really weighing down on you, in a bargain where she expects to just flat out win, I wanted to tell her to fuck off, but you're just forced into submitting to someone you had just met. Just one example.
>Terrible example since Dark Messiah doesn't have the same RPG-like intricacies added to combat that Skyrim does through its skill/perks system
And there's my stop.
This entire post is bullshit, and what they say is the truth.
>install ENB and other graphics mods
>have lots of fun taking perfect screenshots like a photographer than fapping

Sure. But when you can use the same phrase to describe every rpg ever, it's not really something that should be used to suggest Skyrim is a bad game - it's a problem all games have. AI will never be as radiant as an actual human being. zzzz
Literally the only legitimately good thing that came from this game. It's a glorified 3D sexville 10.0
All these fucking contratard faggots who still think that Skyrim is bad because it got popular and people love it
This desu

The game came out years ago and I have still yet to play a more lore-focused rpg
Not close to the greatest game ever and had lots of faults, but I did enjoy it a lot. Its one of those games where you just fuck off in a random direction and start discovering. I like that.
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>"These fucking contrarians I tell you."
>*Is given multiple reasons why it's bad.*
>"These fucking contrarians I tell you."
Okay then Todd.
>On launch: 7/10
>After mods: (turning it into an h-game) 10/10
It still has one of the biggest modder and playerbase despite being 6 fucking years old, faggots who say its a bad game is simply wrong
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It's casualized to fuck compared to older entries in the series but I still put close to 2k hours since it first released. It's still a good game despite its flaws but of course this shitty contrarian board will hate cause it's popular and has a shit fanbase. I started playing TES since Morrowind back in the day and found Oblivion to be the weakest (still loved it).
Addicting doesn't mean good.

Popular doesn't mean good.
You saying it's bad doesn't mean it's bad.
What the fuck? That's it, I'm out of here.

when Skyrim stops being bad maybe then people will stop hating it
Downloading Enderal now after 3 years of not playing Skyrim. Should I get any mods?
>nothing that makes a game good means that its good!

Fucking faggot
It's really interesting how I never said it's bad.
Bye, see you on Leddit!
Skyrim is great, contratard faggots will always be contratard faggots
I'm not going to say it's good at all for it's gameplay or even it's story but,it is one of the best waifu machines out there. I also don't ever even play it anymore, I just like installing a shit ton of mods and then fixing it for hours on end.
Seriously? Popular and time-consuming? How the fuck does that make something good? Angry Birds you fucking idiot. All it takes is one counter-example to prove a point.
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>that era on youtube where minecraft's and skyrim's peaks as memegames intersected.
>contrarians am i right? XD
I have already stated 3 times: Enderal is a good game using Skyrims engine, Skyrim is VERY mediocre game using Skyrims engine. Enderal was released in mid 2016, Skyrim was released in late 2011. This makes me contrarian exactly how?
Angry Birds is a good mobile game so your pont is retarded
Skyrimfags confirmed to be normalfags. Case closed.
TES makes me sad
Despite Skyrim being shit, I do belive that TES is the best fantasy setting created as an RPG
The setting deserves more and better games

you do realize that making something addictive in terms of dopamine is basically just a formula right?

literally every phone game does it
also slot machines

your animal brain just inherently loves certain things and that can be easily exploited to no end if one so chooses
something being addictive really has absolutely nothing to do with its value in any other regard
Fuck you are retarded, like all of you contratard faggots are
"Good mobile game" doesn't mean something is good. That's like using "it's a kid's movie" as an excuse for poor quality. Enchanting the minds of brain dead idiots doesn't mean it is a quality piece of interactive media. I'm not saying this about Skyrim, just beckoning some better arguments.
Skyrim was closer to a theme park than a living world
>literally everythings has to be a masterpiece, even retarded mobile games or kid's movies
Yeah, kids tend to be brain dead idiots, and it seems like you didn't grow out of it you dumb nigger.
any good stealth mods for special edition?

Ordinator makes the perks feel balanced and meaningful, but you can still walk straight towards someone without dropping stealth as soon as you get halfway decent stealth levels
>apparently bad game
>hundreds of hours blown on it

B-b-but people will say I haven't given it a chance? That's what you're gonna say? I'd believe this pathetic excuse if it wasn't for the fact that first of all the game can be completed in a tenth of the time /v/ autists play it for and secondly it becomes very apparent even before that that the game has offered you all there is to give.

perfect ad hominem response when confronted with an uncomfortable truth

but anyway the sad thing is Bethesda is still far from the worst when it comes to this manipulative sort of design that keeps people hooked
really Skyrim is the kind of game that will get boring fast if you just raise your mind out of its blind stupor for a minute or two to realize you're engaging in nothing but poorly written dialog and bland meaningless exploration all encompassed within the hollowed out shell of an RPG system
I mean FO4 is actually worse in every single regard but even beyond that you've got devs like Ubisoft and even plenty of indie devs engaging in even worse styles of design
>open the door Sarif, I command you
>kids are braindead idiots
I was being hyperbolic, but yes, children generally don't know quality.

> Good = Masterpiece

Look, I'm not denying there's a spectrum. All I'm saying is being popular and addicting aren't sufficient to something being good. If there is at least one thing that is both popular & addicting that is bad, then those arguments die.
It's a good game, but it's leaning dangerously close towards casual. Fallout 4 took a couple more steps towards casual and dropped off a fucking cliff in terms of quality.

Basically there's a cutoff point. If they simplify the next elder scrolls even further, then audience will call it out on its bullshit. Skyrim was just the right balance between casual and complex to attract all the normies. It's the same reason why Bioshock Infinite is so loved, even though it's the worst in the series.
>skyrim is the greatest game for roleplaying in a northern climate
Konung would like to have a word with you.
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Bethesda is dumbing down its RPGs so they get extra shekels, it's even more worrying if you look at how shitty Fallout 4 turned out, but even so you can still find some glimpses of good ideas and actual care. I only hope they get rid of Todd before they make a Call of Duty/Fallout crossover.
I just want something that more resembles classic fallout. FO1&2 had a fantastic action economy and reducing the AP to a stamina bar was a huge slap in the face to classic fallout fans
>classic fallout fans
The 3 people interested in a failed franchise until F3 came out and speshul kiddies needed to feel contrarian?
could you try that sentence again but without the retardation please? I can't tell what you're trying to say through the concentrated autism
Actually you need to cast exactly 1 spell to join the mages guild.
Checkmate atheist.
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Me too Anon, but just face the truth, the franchise is dead. New Vegas was just an spasm before definitive brain death.

I've been playing Wasteland 2 lately, but sadly it's not the same.
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All that means nothing if a game fails the most relevant of judgments, that of /v/irgin neckbeards.
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>*misses attack*
why morrocucks are so insecure skyrimbros?
All of those things can be attributed to the game's quality, but they don't create it. They're a decent clue to its quality, but it's worth looking at the things that actually make a good game: Rewarding/challenging gameplay, immersion, engaging or well-written story, aesthetic value (both visually and aurally), etc. The sales, the ratings, the popularity, all of these are products of what is essential to the game, but alone don't prove its worth.
One major issue with Skyrim is the lack of replayability. Many of the major quest lines are far too short to take a character to its full potential. To make up for that, there's nowhere near enough changes in difficulty for say, a barbarian character going through the Mage's College questline. Any character can do anything with ease.

I don't want a jack-of-all-trades character who's the hero of every citizen in the province, but outside of quests there too little of interest to actually do. There aren't many "random" areas to explore and experience content without it being tied to a quest. Usually a quest you can't do without beginning it first.

Every game of this style shares this issue, though. Even New Vegas. Quests make the game interesting, but there's only so many a dev team can make. And there's only so many times you can do them on different character before getting sick of them. The worlds and loot lend themselves to long playthroughs, but there's not enough engaging content to keep people coming back for more.
Workshop support is how I return when I want, I fart around looking for cool things to download.

Then I boot the game, look at the thing, and leave
Shit bait, rpgs need anything but anoyher Retard of Rivia shitty garbage character for edgy manchildren.
Pretty much every RPG except the Witcher 3 has a dead and lifeless world. In the case of Fallout 3/NV it's justified by being a fucking nuclear apocalyspe. Skyrim desperately needed a livelier world.
At the very least, it needed more/better cities and towns and less draugr caves.
Imagine you are just a kid and you fall in love with a cute, shy and smart girl. She is not the prettiest or the most popular, but you think she is perfect the way she is now and if she keeps improving herself she one day will be great.

Now imagine that as she grows up she makes friends with an asshole, Let's call him Todd Chad and he starts pushing her to change her behaviour and looks so she's more popular. He tells her to "not sound too smart because that makes guys uncomfortable" and "using makeup will make her more attractive".
She keeps obeying and eventually she turns into a shadow of her former self.
Time keeps passing and she is now the most popular girl in school, fucked everyone, even you.
However. Her grades dropped. She stoped talking like a reasonable human being, only communicating using memes, outdated references and clichés. Eventually drops her studies and moves with ToddChad.
Starts a life of prostitution and one day she catches an STD and dies in horrible agony yet silently because noone cares about her anymore.

That is what Bethesda does to franchises.
contrarian is not a magic word that dismisses an argument, on the contrary(HEH) it makes your opinion look week as you have to resort to copout name calling to defend it. But as a fan of skyrim you're obviously too stupid to realize this
>Pretty much every RPG except the Witcher 3 has a dead and lifeless world.
what is this meme. I swear its like witcher 3 fags never actually looked at its open world
I get the complaints about the combat and shit but how is the world bad?
The cities actually feel like people might live in them, as opposed to Skyrim's '6 huts and a mansion' approach.
It is whatever you want to believe Anon.
Be free!
Skyrim is the best TES game and it's shit.
Really makes you think
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>The ranged combat felt good desu
Jesus christ every normie I know plays le ebin stealthy archer xD.
This shows how shitty Bethesdas combat mechanics are. Don't get me started on F3 or NV. To dodge that shitty shooting I did always play those game as a dynamite throwing psycho with 10/10 in luck.
I hope Bethesda wont't recycle their engine AGAIN.
>Skyrim is the best TES game

You mean the worst.
Don't lump NV together with F3 dude. Due to the way greater variety of weapons and ammunition types it's inherently better and there's some genuinely great mods that vastly improve combat and shooting mechanics.
Is it just me or is Skyrim seriously underrated? People treat it like it's the worst thing ever when its just mediocre at worst.
>Don't lump NV together with F3 dude.
Sorry, I got mad.
This holy fuck THIS.
Stealth archery is not 'fun' by it's own account. It's only entertaining because
1. It's OP as balls.
2. Every other combat style is dogshit in a boot.
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Skyrim is a fucking masterpiece of a game. The base game is decent, the mods make it personal tailored perfection.

The one gripe is the continuous dumbing down on RP mechanics from past games.
I have normie friends at work who all think Skyrim is better than Morrowind. I throw up in my mouth every time.
>dumbed down

fucking underage graphics whore
What would happen if Bethesda announced that the next game will be set in Skyrim again?
Everything about Skyrim is mediocre to awful.
The only admittedly good thing about it is the structure of the game.

No other RPGs come as close to just being a lifesimulator in a fantasy world as the Elder Scrolls game do.

Skyrim is garbage, but it doesn't matter because nobody else makes games like it.
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>Recently bought Dragon's Dogma
>Friend comes out and calls it garbage
>Ask why
>"Because it's too much like Skyrim"
The world of Skyrim is pretty well made.
And I don't talk about the repetitive dungeons.
I talk about how they succeeded in implementing a whole country with its culture, story and people so well.
For roleplaying Skyrim is pretty much a 9/10. That's why people love to replay it dozens of times.
Yeah fuck the combat, but the quests are often nice and you can talk to literally 95% of NPCs, and every single one has it's one story to tell.
The game was really not bad. Of course not GOAT though.
People can bitch all they want but few other games have the exact same recipe as recent TES games that is

>first-person view with third person being optional
>customization character with both genders and many races
>large open world with lots of stuff thrown in it
>being set in an even bigger and diverse fantasy world
>highly modifiable, with lost of eye-candy mods

So no, not Witcher and not even Gothic/Elex have all of these.
>I know a girl who has a clavicle tattoo of the Ethereal th'uum, yet doesn't play vidya at all.
This so perfectly sums up the entirety of girls and SJWs in general in vidya.
Don't hit your head on your way to reddit
There are plenty of areas in new vegas and new things to find. I found the sewer area connecting to the thorn a while ago and it blew my mind
File: 4131451314351.png (297KB, 464x449px) Image search: [Google]
297KB, 464x449px
>waiting for toddposting
It's not good to constantly spam it and if you want it so badly you do it
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