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How Good / Bad can it be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WS dL302C1Y

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How Good / Bad can it be

Pretty bad.
The only remotely good show was Stranger Things, and I only say that because I'm a huge nostalgiafag. If I weren't, I'd probably not even look in the direction of that show.
It's going to have a low budget and from a company with a history for social justice.

How the fuck do you think it's going to be?
Fuck that shit.
>The Witcher stories follow an unconventional family that comes together to fight for truth in a dangerous world.
It's going to be this bad.
na bank to spierdolą trzymajcie mnie za słowo
So a diverse family with elves and dwarfs and they are niggers and gays
>That clickbait thumbnail
Off to a great start
>fucking NETFLIX
>Sapkowski will serve as a creative consultant on the series.
How bad can it be?

>The characters are original, funny and constantly surprising and we can’t wait to bring them to life at Netflix, the perfect home for innovative storytelling.

is this real?

thats a fucking trailer made before the game came out that preluded to the DLC, you wont find bruxas until you go to blood and wine.
It's real, but I'm not sure why OP posted that trailer with the thread.
that trailer probably costed more money than the seasonal budgetthe netflix witcher will have
awww shit youre right,

in b4 geralt is a nigger like L
Apparently Tomasz Bagiński (the guy behind Witcher cinematics) is going to direct at least some of the episodes
>Nigger like L
Wait what
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Which part of the Witcher saga would make the best TV show?

>Geralt's adventures through Polish folklore (each episode is an adaptation of one of the short stories)
>Geralt and Yennefer train Ciri to be a badass
>Geralt and friends wander the desert for 40 years while Ciri becomes a lesbian pirate
>Geralt's adventures through Polish folklore (each episode is an adaptation of one of the short stories)

The books certainly get a lot worse when the saga begins
>at least some
Yeah he doesn't give a shit, and neither should you. Western television is trash,.
L from Death Note, hes black in the Netlfix adaptation. Prepare for bisexual Geralt and black Triss.
>Sapkowski involved
Probably pretty terrible. The short stories were excellent, the later books got worse by each iteration.
Unlikely. Knowing Netflix, they're liable to spend at least several dozen million dolaroos on the series.

>The books certainly get a lot worse when the saga begins

Eh, they meander, but I like Geralt's band of weirdos.
Daredevil and the Frank Underwood show were pretty fun.
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First time hearing about this, holy shit
>good show was Stranger Things
who liked that show? no, really, why?
I don't understand.

Holy shit and one of the concepts from the books was the family (Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri), a strong family of whites showing love and caring, they are going to censore that really hard.
So why can't we get a Witcher show that looks like that trailer?

Fuck live action, I'd watch a whole movie/series that looked like that.
I dunno but endless complaining before a single detail is released is all we'll have for discussion here so fuck if I care
that would cost more than Poland's GDP anon
tbqh this video was fucking bad
>Geralt moves to Kovir with Triss, Ciri becomes empress of Vizima, Lambert and Keira travel or whatever
>It's a shitty slice of life sitcom
>Most of the jokes are at Yen's expense
>Ciri invites them all to nu-Vizima for an episode to meet her dyke elf trans gf
>Dandelion gets turned down by every girl, Priscilla is retconned

Screencap this post. It'll happen.
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After my all time favorite show "Dear White People", I think its going to be fantastic!
its netflix, the producers of : dear white people,
amy schumer trash comedy, nigger L >>377293561

so yeah we can complain.

ive only ever seen the office and park and rec when it comes to american tv.
we need anime done by madhouse for that, first book is ideal for anime series
I always liked the cynical polish take on popular myths and fairytales.

The beauty and the beast story was pretty good.
im pretty sure dandelion is not going to show up. hes too much of a man for american audiences accordign to netflix. if he shows up hell be gay just watch.
>Yennefer teaching Ciri about how to be femenine

WHY CAN´T THIS SERIES BE ON HBO, it´s going to be shit because of propaganda.
It's not gonna be about your games and you will not see any correlations in design.
How much do these trailers cost?

Is it really that expensive?

What the fuck does anime have to do with anything?
also they made
house of card, better call saul, 13 reason why, bloodline, and something I forget that was also decent enough

1 bad show vs 10 decent shows
they are such a shit company, right?

>hes too much of a man

Because he likes pussy? He's a flamboyant wimp. A fucking poet for fucks sake.
because movies can't into fighting, that CGI works only because it's CGI
put an actor and a director from USA on it and it would be shit
>implying it won't retell the witcher/striga story again for the fourth time

Don´t worry he will be black so he can treat women as objects and burgers can relax seeing black fucking whites, just look how no one complains about how sexist rap is.
That's why they'll make women hate him, when he's there the episodes will consist of mostly him getting rejected in humiliating ways.
Are you on crazy pills what the fuck are you even talking about?
pretty much.

its not about them being bad, its the propaganda they like to push, that shit ruins things.
sign me up, it's a good story
probably will be the first one, also butcher thing for sure, and obviously how he meets yen
and season finally will be about cintra story

season 1 for you
that would hurt them more than anything.
These books are popular largely because of "our games"
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Just bullshit normies liking things because it's popular to like it. Just like starwars and marvel movies. No one actually likes that bullshit.
>its not about them being bad, its the propaganda they like to push, that shit ruins things.
have you seen this guy acting in Atlanta he is L
If Netflix can make shows like Stranger Things i'm sure this will be fine.
>its the propaganda they like to push

since when kids are as retarded as old people from 60s? it's same argument as rock music lyrics destroy lives or whatever
Rock music lyrics didn't take priority over the quality of the songs.
So not only you do not understand what true propaganda is you also have no idea what is rock music.
iron fist bad
The lyrics and the music came together to make something great. They didn't force shitty sounding lyrics just to push an unnecessary message into an established story. It's closer to the way rappers decide to record their own shit over other songs.
B-but muh Daredevil

I thought Jessica Jones was good too actually
Literally the opposite, only contrarians don't like it, it's a good show.
>implying you need good lyrics for a good song

I finished it and didn't like it. I don't get the hype behind it but I don't really hate it as well. Just assumed it was bullshit hype based on how I experienced it myself.

What did you like about it?
Are you fucking implying that anime is the only thing that gets "fighting" right? Holy fuck anon.
Not that guy but I agree with him.

It felt like one of those crappy made for TV steven king adaptations.
>Good sounding lyrics means the lyrics themselves are good

They have to sound good in the song, not be great on their own.
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If they go after the game shit. If they go after the books amazing.
Fun plot with likable characters that I care about and I like the 80's aesthetic. Yes nostalgia is a factor on why it's appealing but I think it succeeds in every way outside of that as well.

The performances were great too, also the sherif guy is the new hellboy, fun fact.
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>genre fiction
Oh look, Gothic fag woke up. Had a nice rest Gothic fag?
You can complete that quest without having to examine that spot, that webm doesn't show shit
>Nostalgia is a factor

Ah that explains why I didn't like it. I never liked those movies like jumanji, E.T. etc. Which this is probably a spiritual successor of.

he has a point tho
muh white genocide
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>not liking a show with lovecraft influence
ET yes, Jumanji no. This movie has nothing to do with Jumanji thematically but definitely does with ET.

It's pretty much a love letter to Spielberg and Stephen king with a 80's skin.
>it's just memes goyim
>Whitewashing can cause massive shitstorms
>Making white characters black or Muslim or whatever else gets praised.
white love is disgusting
No he hasn't. He never had.
no, you have to admit he has a point
It's just a shitty one
(He) never had a point.
Also, the games have much more salvageable stories than the books aka mediocre fantasy setting #3546 with added cuckold porn.
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he does though

not sure about that, m8
What point is that?
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the girl is like the girl from firestarter but the monsters and the other world feels like Bloodborne, Lovecraft stuff 2bh.
Thats not a point. Thats just a random statement. Where is the point?
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You got (You)s I'll give you that much.
can you even read?
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> than the books aka mediocre fantasy setting #3546 with added cuckold porn.
>how to spot /pol/
>get your lol on

every time
Not him but you posted a webm with gameplay. What does gameplay have to do with the show?
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that's not the point, sweetie
I see. the point was baiting it seems. Well congratulations.
What the fuck happened to this thread?
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Even the most retard knows about the propaganda, if you are european you should know about it.

In my country Government give welfare to minorities to have children, I know many blacks here that earn more money than people from my country working.

In schools they show transexuals to kids, 100% of the pictures are whites. They teach youngstard that having children is heteropatriarchy meanwhile they explain how nice is the maternity to minorities women.

If you are a Burger don´t worry, it will reach to you too. I refused to believe at first but my eyes can´t deceive me.

Today I saw more propaganda: posters in buses about a white woman with a White kid marrying a black man kek
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>types like reddit
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>gets BTFO

When did decent formatting become Reddit typing?
I genuinely can't tell if you're this retarded or just pretending
I actually believe that shitposters like that believe it. They don't simply pretend anymore.
>space every sentence
>decent formatting
the short stories, for sure
they'll deffo fuck about with it to reel in the normies though
Don't you know? Here on 4chan we only use walls of text without any formatting whatsoever.

I´m in mobile phone, I´m sorry your generation needs explanation for every little shit.
The short stories are the only thing about the books worth turning into a show though. Everything else is crap. Or they pick up what the games did. Which suited the setting much better and in execution was closer to the short stories.
It will be a series for an american audience

That already says it all

So... black Dandalion fucking women and no love messagge for the family thing?

The Ciri stuff is probably pretty tempting to a producer if you're looking for things an audience will relate to.
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Yeah, it means we might actually get a budget this time.
that sounds like fucking shit
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>he took the bait
Why randomly post TW3's trailer?
Are you implying there's anyone out there who would produce anything but garbage out of this?
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