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>when you make a game so terrible they close your entire studio

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>when you make a game so terrible they close your entire studio and cancel all future games in the series

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>when that franchise dies 3 entries late
did they really close down bioware?

im getting meme'd aren't i?
No, Bioware Montreal, up until now, was just a support studio.
They gave them ME Andromeda, it underperformed, and now it's back to being a support studio.

They closed down Bioware Montreal

Hahahahaha take that faggots.
They have Star Wars, nobody at EA cares about Mass Effect.
>When your game still sells millions but EA is your publisher

Feels weird to know EA actually closed down a studio who made a bad game
Goddamn it, I loved Andromeda.
Did anyone else do 3 playthroughs, and in the 3 of them you romanced Liam every time?
Sara reminded me of my childhood crush too, btw.
Montreal got heavily downsized, some devs were relocated, some allegedly fired, and the studio is back to doing bitch work for others.
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Why did you abandon us Shepard?
>tfw legitimately liked the story, especially during the end, especially crash landing on Meridian

Yeah first 4-6 hours are a literal crawl but god damn the end got me hooked for a sequel. Now that's pretty much never happening
Bioware wrote themselves into a corner with 3.
There is actually nowhere they could take Shepard's story without retcons or just making a prequel, one of which would feel like a pretty big "fuck you" and the other would be pretty short and boring.
Star wars is sjw shit.

There are no strong wimmen irl.


Fake faggot.
White men simply can't compete against the power of monstruous, delicious, beautiful big black cocks.
So you're fine with playing 4 slightly different flavors of nice guy bitch boy?
EA don't give a fuck about the game being shit. The development process was a nightmare and Bioware's other teams were required to step in and help bail out Montreal in order to get the game finished at all. The decision to relegate them back to a support studio was taken before the game even shipped. All the new hires brought in to bulk up the team were shown the door once the game went gold. The poo in loo who hates white people was talking on Twitter about how he's now an independent developer after being let go before it came out.
>real life
Why would real life matter when writing stories?
Real life, human history in general, is not interesting at all.
What I wonder is why is he fine playing in a universe that's basically cheap, bootleg Star Trek.
>human history is not interesting at all

Fiction still requires suspension of disbelief. Anyway this bombed game isn't fiction but propaganda.

They could have done this (donut steel)

>The reapers begin invading full force at end of mE2 or beginning of ME3
>Shepard and his hit squad spend the game making desperate hit and run attacks against the reapers and their forces
>the only point of the hit and run attacks is to buy time for the completion of a fleet of worldships
>at the end of the game, a winning ending would see Shepard seeing the worldships launch to a new galaxy, thereby perfecting setting up the transition to ME:A
>the ending would have Shepard and crew dying in a heroic last stand
Andromeda sucked. I refused to spend money on it and just watched videos on it. What do you see in it?
Why would it be so hard to just pick a fucking canon ending to 3 and go from there. Prequels are fucking cancer.

Other Devs pick canon ending all the fucking time.
>it's a "I never played it but Andromeda fucking sucks lmao" thread
Eh, i don't care about rip-offs or downright plagiarism, everyone is taking inspiration from somewhere. Some more, others less. It's what you do with it, that matters and Bioware have been writing themselves into corners time and again forcing them to retcon major parts of the lore.
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Why not set the game 100 years in the future to justify the new fancy technology?
>Fiction still requires suspension of disbelief
No, it doesn't.
>i don't care about rip-offs or downright plagiarism, everyone is taking inspiration from somewhere
When that inspiration is all you have, you have failed.
Mass Effect has been a failure of a franchise since it's conception.

*except for the made up shit


Serve bioware right

Here's the timeline

>woah, the Qc provincial gov give some delicious incentives for videogame stuff
>let's invest there, recruit straight out of college tards, diversity hires like fuckign curry thunder because the province is mostly tapped out on talent due to ubisoft, warner bros and ea
>Let's give what was basically the EA mobile division + rejects one of our best franchise

Bioware incompetence and lack of foresight is hilarious
Should have made it more violet, no Cringe lol I'm so awkward humor,and made ALL the characters sexy. Feminazis don't play videogames anyway.
The ability to romance strong black men.
Well then it's not the entire studio then is it?
Have three different versions of ME: Andromeda Pokemon-style, based on each of the endings.
It actually fucking does.
Bioware Edmonton, the ones that have made ME1-3 and all Dragon Age games, are still intact.
No, up until now, all what Bioware Montreal did was make DLCs for some Bioware games and help with DA:I's development.
Has that Manveer Heir faggot killed himself yet
Then don't get my fucking dick hard for nothing
they probably kept the few talented guy they had. they were ea mobile before so there ha dto be a few people there who knew how to code a little bit, at least
Fuck off, only people who loved this shit game like you are cucks.
No it doesn't, stupid crap happens in all fictional stories.
The concept of the Force is mind-blowingly retarded, yet people ate up Star Wars.
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>Why would real life matter when writing stories?
>Real life, human history in general, is not interesting at all.

That is so incredibly stupid what you just said. Even people with no literary education can tell the difference between "authentic" human drama, and contrived wish-fulfillment Mary Sue bullshit. The latter just comes across as indulgent, and most people tire of it very quickly.
Still a slap in the face for edmonton, boyo.
The story was fine.

But the game was so underwhelming. It was a drag to get through anything, and most of the side quests feel like nothing fucking paid off.

There was no difference between helping this person vs helping that person, except for the ending.

It's a 5/10 at best.
>can tell the difference between "authentic" human drama,
Then make the main character an alien.

And no, human history is not interesting, if I wrote stories the last thing I would do is make them similar to this existence.
Force is the rules. Retard.

How do you explain a mary sue can do it all but not stronger males while weaker women can't either?

Muh strong tomboy wimmen.

The perfect ending would be Shepard and all of the united worlds fight the reapers onslaught. It would be a futile effort, however. Humanity extinct, genocided, the salarians next, turians, asari... all of the major races are on the brink of extinction as this war lasts for years.

Shepard's last ditch effort is to take down multiple galaxies through means of the mass relays, obliterating all worlds, survivors, and the reapers all at once in a blaze of glory. He'd turn the entire Alliance sector of space into dark space to stop the cycle once and for all.
Of course, anyone with any talent left after DA:O and ME2.

>implying Star Trek isn't just cheap, bootleg Star Wars.
For what?
They had nothing to do with it, only one person of Edmonton worked on ME:A, which is Mac Walters, and he already got beaten to death for ME3.
Nobody with any talent has ever stepped on Bioware.
No, reddit, Mass Effect 2: The Sidequest is not a good game.
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>mfw I actually like it but realized it didn't have a real focused vision

I liked a lot of what they did though. It was a fun game. I'm surprised it came out as good as it did from some no-name mash up of groups that Bioware Montreal was. I fucking enjoyed it but I loved the mako shit and exploration from ME1. Like a kid in a candy store with this title.
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>no, human history is not interesting, if I wrote stories the last thing I would do is make them similar to this existence.

...which explains a lot why you're not a successful professional author. Carry on.
Force is nothing, nothing but cringeworthy magic.
Is not believable.

>How do you explain a mary sue can do it all but not stronger males while weaker women can't either?
Because it's fiction, not real life.
How do you explain that ships can travel faster than light?
It's literally impossible.
It also explains why no media is capable of putting out decent stories anymore, and why talentless hacks obviously limit themselves to what surrounds them.
you're assuming they were immediately planning on a sequel, it's quite clear that ME3 was designed as a clear end to the trilogy, and in a way the franchise. Problem is there was no way EA could let such a lucrative franchise peacefully die so they jury rigged a "sequel" barely related to the original trilogy
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Back up.
It's also why Mass Effect is nothing but garbage.

>There was no difference between helping this person vs helping that person

Literally ME1, ME2, and ME3. Not defending ME:A on this but still.
>google Mass Effect Andromeda evil playthrough
>google Dragon Age Inquisition evil playthrough
>google Fallout 4 evil playthrough
>pages after pages of people complaining you can't be an asshole in any of them
Only reason i'm playing AAA RPGs for is no longer in AAA RPGs. What do i do?
>No, reddit, Mass Effect 2: The Sidequest is not a good game.


ME2 was great. Yeah it simplified too much but the writing was still there for the most part.

>stepped on Bioware
What does that mean?
No Bioware game has any choice that matters.
But then again, this place is full of redditors who unironically think only Andromeda sucks, and unironically defend ME1 and 2.
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Mass Effect should have stopped at 1. That game was glorious and semi perfect in it's own imperfect way, i can't even get myself to go decently far into 2. I was hoping for Andromeda to be the Mass Effect 1 part 2 i wanted some of the first trailers of last year released, but as more and more came out i got more and more disappointed.
Is assimilating and subsequently destroying Bioware the first good thing EA has done? Are they just Chaotic Neutral?
>ME2 was great
Oh yeah, the removal of all RPG elements, making the game about solving the daddy issues of these depthless walking archetypes and this Collector crap that's pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and didn't advanced the plot anything is great.
Oh boy, the game ended just like ME1, the writing is absolutely mind-blowing, I mean, I can hear Shakespeare bite his nails of intrigue everytime Miranda spouts 'MUH SISTAH'.
> That game was glorious and semi perfect in it's own imperfect way
Oh yeah, a game that relies on every single cliche in the book, with team mates that are nothing but walking encyclopedias for their boring and unoriginal species, a game that throws AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS 5 minutes into it and that consists mostly of four, completely linear missions was so glorious.
Only thing Bioware has ever done is bring the RPG genre down with every game they shat out.
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>It also explains why no media is capable of putting out decent stories anymore, and why talentless hacks obviously limit themselves to what surrounds them.

I don't disagree that there a lot of hacks claiming to be authors. But there is a lot to be said for 'grounding' your story in RL history -- eg. Game Of Thrones was based on a lot of medieval European history, and the audience connected with that.

"Truth is stranger than fiction", remember?

They're not actual RPGs anymore. They're exploration simulators and fantasy simulators.

I would have loved a situation in Mass Effect Andromeda where I could simply genocide the fucking Kett. Right then and there. At some point. That would have created some actual fun and thought. Nope. Kett bad guy is bad guy and he's a dick and we have to kill him.

Give me a choice. Make me feel like an asshole later or a great planner. Do something! The game had so much content but yet so little progress.
And Game of Thrones is garbage.
Your point?
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>And Game of Thrones is garbage.
>Your point?

No, just... no.
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>glorified edgy family drama on slightly grittier LOTR copy
Is there any SFM porn of Sara yet? I wanna jerk it to that downie bubble butt.
>Oh yeah,
>Oh yeah,

Why are you here?

ME1 wasn't that great though. It was a Star Trek cliche 101 handbook right down to Saren.
To laugh at everyone who unironically thinks there's a point where this franchise wasn't trash.
>if you close your enemy's studio, they win
guess who's getting the last laugh?
They wrote themselves into a corner with 1, as soon as they introduced Sovereign. The Reapers are what really ruined Mass Effect.

reddit leave
It's okay, man. I know life can be hard some times.
It is, but seeing people in worse situations, such as you, makes it easier.
>>glorified edgy family drama on slightly grittier LOTR copy

Next you'll be whinging about The Wire for betraying the sanctity of the three-act structure. Get fucked.
They could have gotten around that by not making the focus of the entire series be entirely around the Reapers and Shepard, but that's what happened.
And if you remove the Reapers, you have nothing.
That's the problem with Mass Effect.
It's completely about AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS.
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Back to your reddit general in /tv/, /got/ard.
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Yea it does. The made up shit still needs to make sense with-in the context of it's own universe.
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>replying to your own post

I think they had some plan with dark energy but they threw it out in Mass Effect 3.

Then EA Montreal tried to throw it back in with Mass Effect Andromeda and then they just never spoke of it again. What the FUCK? It's everywhere and then not explained. It's an actual fucking tangible thing that damages you and your ships but they don't mention it in an exploratory way.

I say this as someone that played nearly the whole of the game and all it's sidequests. They say jack shit about it for the most part.
And the Mass Effect universe is completely fucking retarded, so it fits.
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choices mattered in dragon age origins. endings and state of in-game universe were heavily affected by the choices you make. That was all thrown out the window in the sequels of course.
Meh, I wouldn't say the holocaust is riveting or anything.
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>And if you remove the Reapers, you have nothing.
>That's the problem with Mass Effect.
>It's completely about AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS.

So fucking what? The pacing of narrative delivery in #1 was spot on, and even the jaded Sci-Fi fan in me was looking forward to what was around the corner.

Boiling shit down to a phrase isn't the alpha and omega of "insight" when comes to games, especially sprawling RPGs like Mass Effect.
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>Back to your reddit general in /tv/, /got/ard.

>The pacing of narrative delivery in #1 was spot on

>okay guys, we are going to introd-WOAH DUDE, FUCKING REAPER, LOOK AT THIS SHIT
>okay, this Spectre, who is supposed to be a badass guy, is one of the bad guys
>we need proof
>okay, so now I expect about 5 hours of gameplay before I find proof, and that'll be the end of the first act, while they show me things of this universe
>it's actually just a 10 minute quest
>it's completely pointless
>wtf we love you now, here, have the Spectre status, go team, Shepard

This is proper pacing according to you?
As expected from a redditor who unironically thinks GoT is good.
I recommend you play Mafia 3 after Mass Effect Andromeda, you'll love them both.
Because writing a cohesive, consistent narrative with some degree of openness is HARD, and most fuckers will buy anything with the name Bioware on it.
Why does that loli have such a curvaceous cheek
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>This is proper pacing according to you?

That post is nothing but word salad to me

>As expected from a redditor who unironically thinks GoT is good.
>I recommend you play Mafia 3 after Mass Effect Andromeda, you'll love them both.

No, I'll love Mafia 3 because I loved Mafias 1 and 2. But keep flailing, scrub.
>That post is nothing but word salad to me
So you have zero arguments to defend Mass Effect.
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>I'll love Mafia 3 because I loved Mafias 1 and 2
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>>That post is nothing but word salad to me
>So you have zero arguments to defend Mass Effect.

You're not here to argue in good faith, so I won't waste time taking you seriously
You mean i'm not here to argue that this garbage franchise is not garbage?
You are only allowed to like crap in here to engage in conversations?
Maybe a hugbox like reddit would be better for you.

Or maybe you are just moving goalposts because you have no arguments.
Could be both, but I don't care, good to see you have no actual reply.
>when you force your developers to reach a deadline and get mad when the game's not ready

when games are treated like businesses it always turns to shit
That might explain the bugs, but the anatomy? That's pure artistic skill, how about shit animations, once again skill.
Stop trying to make excuses for a highly budgeted game having incompetent low skilled people.
>when games are treated as businesses

They are a fucking business, you retard. A studio that can't meet deadlines is incompetent.
That's the problem, Bioware has never had talent.
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Why did everyone even like this shit franchise anyway? Everything that could have made it good got shitcanned and replaced with horribly bland and boring shit to both cut cost and gain the attention of retarded normies who hate the idea of aliens not that Star trek human garbage.
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>You mean i'm not here to argue that this garbage franchise is not garbage?
>You are only allowed to like crap in here to engage in conversations?
>Maybe a hugbox like reddit would be better for you.

You can call it garbage all you want, that don't make it so.

And you can cry "reddit" all you want, you're the only douche here who thinks that means anything. LERN2MARKETING
ME Andromeda isn't a result of being rushed, it's a result of incompetence and the developers political opinions getting in the way of making a good game
So your last argument is
Hey, you are the one who talking about pacing and now it's moving goalposts at 200 miles per hour.
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>ME Andromeda isn't a result of being rushed, it's a result of incompetence and the developers political opinions getting in the way of making a good game

In other words, typical AAA clusterfuck
That's why every attempt at pushing any kind of ideology, politics or anything should be attacked, mocked and censored.
All these political drones need to be taught a lesson.
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cry moar, scrub
>posting random attention whores
Opinion discarded.
I don't see how you expect anyone to take you seriously when your only argument is
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tell me moar
fuck you. video games are supposed to be about fun
Why would I cry?
You are the one desperate to defend this massive, laughable joke of a franchise that, fortunately, it's dead now.
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Spectre adventures and sticking your nose in intergalactic politics would be great. Hunting down Saren on its own is a great concept; stopping the Collectors on its own is a great concept.

The great thing about ME, the thing that people fell in love with, is the setting. The aliums, the history, the tech, it really breathed. Has a really tangible ethos you feel like you can pull from. Doing stuff in that world other than fight le ancient evil is a great premise for a game.
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>Why would I cry?
>You are the one desperate to defend this massive, laughable joke of a franchise that, fortunately, it's dead now.

mad nerd is mad
He took it seriously, for a time he tried to provide arguments, then he just started spamming random pictures in an attempt to have the last word.
Delicious, altogether, both the reaction of ME fanboys, and the demise of this worthless franchise.
back to redit with you
Video games are supposed to be fun to play, they're made for financial reasons though.
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>back to redit with you

you first
>haha u le mad
This is considered am argument by the average Mass Effect apologist.
Why is it worthless though? I feel like I see you in every ME thread, and your only argument is
>I don't like it.
I haven't seen a single SFM scene from the cast of Andromeda it's kind of amazing really.
Is this guy being ironic or is he genuinely a brainwashed idiot?
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>When you exaggerate and skew a game and developer's flaws to fit your narrative but it's just EA being fucking EA.

Really gets the gangloins going.
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>He took it seriously, for a time he tried to provide arguments, then he just started spamming random pictures in an attempt to have the last word.
>Delicious, altogether, both the reaction of ME fanboys, and the demise of this worthless franchise.

cry moar plz
>defending andromeda
>being delusional
>being this spooked by /pol/

game was shit, it sold like shit and EA is doing what EA Did countless times before.
That's actually just dumb as shit
>these reapers keep killing sentients
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>devs say they need three months to polish the game for it to be suitable for release
>some asshole exec tells the pixel pushers to release on time
>gamers bitch about shitty animations that are fixed after three months of patches
>game nonetheless underperforms and the pixel pushers are fired, not the exec
There ain't no justice in the world, I tells ya.
>being this simple minded
>things just happen there aren't reasons for it
>don't look into it man lol
Most reddit shit I've seen here in a long time.
they should have told them the game was literally unplayable at its state because while it was "playable" a lie to those fuckers coulda bought them some time.
Why would I?
Mass Effect is dead and the only arguments offered by the assblasted fanboys like you is 'u mad'
Which I would consider empty shitposting, but you actually tried offering arguments once, so this is shitposting caused by asshurt, which makes it even more delicious.

It fails at being an RPG, the gameplay, at it's best, is bootleg Gears of War, the universe is composed exclusively of cliches used by other franchises, this set of cliches orbit completely around one big, fat ANCIENT EVIL cliche.
Also, obnoxious focus on uninteresting characters.

Overall, it's an average RPG that doesn't stand out in any way whatsoever aside from having a hilariously broken 4th entry and the 3rd having an ending so fucking bad that after 5 years people still believe in a theory that said that everything was just a dream.
So did you like your time at Bioware Montreal? Are you still mad that you got canned? That's what it sounds like.
You should show him the way out and then both of you can fuck off never to return.
>It fails at being an RPG
>It's an Average RPG
Make up your mind.
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>being this schitzo
>that file name
LOL, I avoid reddit and redditors, they are obnoxious morons, the very way they think because of the rating system pollutes, their intelligence, so no, go back and stay there.
No, sorry, meant that it's an average game, as in, a 5/10, a game that stands out in no way
In the RPG aspect it's fucking horrible.
>zombie and star wars tattoo
Jesus christ, she may as well carve the image of a babies face above her vagina
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>when your entire dev team is sjw hambeast roasties and brown people and they make a game so terrible they close your entire studio and cancel all future games in the series
fixed it for you
The fuck does /pol/ have to do with it?
See, this is why no one takes anyone on /v/ seriously. Because everyone just overexaggerates every criticism they have with the game.
I don't see what's so horrible about ME's roleplaying, and you haven't gone into depth about it either. It's just surface level criticisms of
>This is bad
>I don't like this
>This is also bad
Hillary is cute. CUTE!
Its simple.They hired shitty people to work at bioware for political reasons.
his language. who the fuck uses narrative when not discussing a story of something? he's talking like it's a massive conspiracy by gamers the game flopped.
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>diversity hires
Why do people keep insisting that shit?
Because /v/ wants to blame SJWs for everything.
>upgrading your character is mostly 1% more damage/defense
>if you want to be a good guy, choose upper right
>if you want to be a dick, choose lower right
>choose left up and left down to be maximum good guy or maximum dick
>the inventory system ends up being a clutch where you are reorganizing your inventory and your squad mates' for 10 minutes everytime you get a new piece of armor or weapon
>side quests don't pay shit
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I miss the days of shaved headed white male protagonists
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>when your entire dev team is sjw hambeast roasties and brown people
Pic related is Bioware Montreal.
But yes anon, white people can't do no good, despite the fact that the entire American industry and the vast majority of European one is simply incapable of doing anything but microtransaction ridden casual multiplayer turds and open world games with the same boring sutructure.
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Anyone that has beliefs that go against my extremely radical leftist ideology is just a racist, white, nazi that should get out of my safe space.
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Why is this frog pajeet so obsessed with white people? Why can't people just keep their racist opinions to themselves and not post them all over social media for the internet to keep forever? Why not just be a fucking professional/adult and take your work seriously?
See what happens when you expand on your points?
People actually have more to discuss rather than just yelling obscenities at each other.

>upgrading your character is mostly 1% more damage/defense
Fair. They improve this later in the series, though, by diversifying the power upgrades

>>if you want to be a good guy, choose upper right
>>if you want to be a dick, choose lower right
>>choose left up and left down to be maximum good guy or maximum dick

I get what you're saying, I don't like the P/R system all that much, but giving the player at least a pretty clear idea of what their character is going to be saying is nice. Just removing the points would improve the game, or using the console to set your points to max.

>>the inventory system ends up being a clutch
I don't know what you mean by this

>>reorganizing your inventory and your squad mates' for 10 minutes everytime you get a new piece of armor or weapon
Yeah, this is something that should have been improved upon in a sequel

>>side quests don't pay shit
I wasn't aware sidequests' only value was the moeny you get afterwards
Oh wow how many of you thread searching omnipresent autists does /v/ have nowadays? There's you, there's ponyfag, there's ACfag, there's those guys that obsessively make sony shitposting threads, how do you continue on with your life without killing yourselves? Even I have more to live for than "I make the same post in every thread every time a thread is made".
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>giant tattoos on upper thigh
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>>>377264853 (You)
>>>377265541 (You)
>>>377265851 (You)
>>>377266405 (You)
>Most reddit shit I've seen here in a long time.

hey FUCKHEAD, stop namedropping your employer
Enjoy Fallout 4 then, according to wikipedia, Todd is white.
I pray they did this for the absurd sjw cancer pandering and lack of true renegade decisions, but it was likely only due to the pathetic animations.
>mostly white men
>one is actually wearing a fucking fedora
This is too good.
canadians arent human
I kinda like it. It's like a woman wearing a sign that says, "I am very insecure, please have sex with me so I can feel validated by a surrogate father-figure".
>OP weaves a story from their OWN perspective.
>"B-but it's not a narrative."
>It's actually a narrative.
We get it, you're stupid. Thank you for going above and beyond to prove it though.
No, it's because it didn't sell as expected.
You think EA, the one that launched BF3 and 4 in those states, gives a single fuck about the quality of their games?
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/pol/ got him fired
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>See, this is why no one takes anyone on /v/ seriously. Because everyone just overexaggerates every criticism they have with the game.

Yeah, wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with this board being lousy with 'marketing people' barely hanging onto their sanity
His incompetence running his team and creating a game got him fired you dolt. Next time post a frog so it matched your idiocy.
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Lost my virginity with some emo girl.
Came with the force of a thousand suns when she started calling me daddy.
>People will still defend the pile of garbage
love it
No it didn't.
He was set to leave to some indie studio before he left Bioware.
Hell, he left the studio months before Andromeda came out.
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All I want for a sequel is an anal sex simulator with Jack is that to much to ask?
What's wrong with playing space cop?
canadians arent human
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I want to have hard, violent sex with her.
>french canadians aren't human

French canadians are literally the worst people I've ever met.
It's a shame they removed the dark energy plot they were seemingly building up.

>FLT increases build up of dark energy
>dark energy causes stars to go super nova
>reapers (or their creators) decide to 'harvest' advanced civilisations to preserve them but also give the galaxy time to relax from dark energy build up

It's not amazing but it's better than the "we created an AI despite seeing how AI always rebelled. Then, guess what, our AI rebelled" abomination we got. They also had a lot of cool things they were hinting at in Mass Effect 1 like the beings of light etc. that never saw the light of day again (except for the Leviathan of Dis). I'm also really annoyed about the Prothean design retcon.
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I know it's so fucking hilarious, when will these retards learn.
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I'm sure that to sheep other sheep look different. But to the rest of the world, you're all just Canadians.
>brown people
LOL, 80 percent of the staff is white male, 90 percent is white.
You dumb faggot, you want to place the failure of this game on anyone, it would clearly be white men.
Fucking dumbass.
It's actually more complicated.
It's based on the heat death of the universe, that says that one day, all stars will be gone, no galaxies, no planets, nothing, just an empty, cold vacuum, and this is caused by dark energy expanding the universe.
There's no way to turn entropy back, so they were delaying it as much as possible to try to find some way to fix this, to stop the universe from dying, so they wiped out races the moment they got into their space age to prevent them from making the universe die even faster.
>crafting a narrative because you can't craft an argument.
>follow it up with an insult and make yourself in turn seem smart

you sjews are all samey. life doesn't play out like a comedy central skit.
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>white men
The Tattoos are fake you fucking idiots, and every single one you see is just promotional work its literally tattoo promo work in soft porn.
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>lets bring the Krogan, a completely infertile species, to a colonisation project
>interesting setting where humans are basically intergalactic refugees, having to vie amongst the other Milky Way races and the existing local residents for a prime real estate to best secure the future of the species?
>racial conflict? friends-turned-competitors? actual drama? actual moral decisions?
>nah man, here's an evil race, a good race and an ancient evil
>btw the strip club is replaced by a poetry jam centre, fucking het scum
This shit was doomed to die, I'm just glad the animation was so obviously terrible that even normies latched onto the hatewagon
>There's no way to turn entropy back
I see someone hasn't read Asimov's The Last Question.
Yeah, by putting every single human connected to a supercomputer and transforming the combined consciousness of all humans into God.
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>I want to have hard, violent sex with her.

I think she'd beat you to it.
>>lets bring the Krogan, a completely infertile species, to a colonisation project
Didn't you hear? They fixed the genophage in stasis
When your sidequests are so poorly designed with flat characters and no real reason to do them, yeah, the money is pretty important. ME has a habit of making the most banal sidequests you could do in a game.
Let there be Light.
That was an asspull.
Not really. Asimov has always married religious themes with his science fiction. The Last Trump, Hell Fire, etc.
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>Gets backed into a corner.
>Ad-hominem time.
>>woah, the Qc provincial gov give some delicious incentives for videogame stuff

This right here. Thank you for the shitty games, Socialism.
>ignores own ad hominid
>suddenly declares himself victor

dude you are defending bioware and EA with a conspiracy theory thought up by some crazy anonymous and you think I'm the stupid one. you really don't sway anybody here anyway so go nuts.
god is just like my sega genesis, i'll just put myself onto a cartridge so i can be inside him
Isn't that technically rape?
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Not a problem if she raped me.
>Release patches to make the ugly characters even uglier

Good use of time, Bioware.
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Go back and read the first post again, dildo. I'm attacking EA.
ME3 Jack is perfect
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!! STOP HAVING FUN THE WRONG WAY FUCKFUCK fuck Shit boy!!! AhhhhAaaahhhhaaaa FUCK OFF I HaTe mass EFFECT YO TWERPS!!!!
It's like Americans differetiating between Southerners and different types of hicks.
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>>>377270337 (You)
>Not a problem if she raped me.

Then your imagination falls short. But you could learn to live with it, I guess...
EA is always the villain but the context made me think you were shitting on gamers because they were responsible for not buying their game to save them from EA's clutches. but i read it again it could just imply the OP was the one responsible.

In the end, EA still profited from its release
Can I play ME3 without play 1 and 2?
I tried playing ME1 and the controls were SHIT
Is 2 better/
>Can I play ME3 without play 1 and 2?
you probably wouldn't understand what's going on

>I tried playing ME1 and the controls were SHIT
>Is 2 better/
Yes, 2 has way better controls, but I would still play through 1 if I were you. The story alone is worth it even if the controls are sloppy
>It's literally impossible.

For now until we discover more technology. The earth used to be the center of the unvierse scientifically.
>it has black people, some gay people, and a single tranny
Andromeda will continue, it will just be a longer wait and a different Bioware studio
How did Andromeda sell? From what I've heard, it probably isn't enough for them to risk making another.
I don't think you noticed but it has Mass Effect in the title

Series can hit rock bottom and people will still buy it because they like the franchise and the idea behind it
see >>377272317 2,5M, "at least" in Q4
It probably underperformed, but it wasn't a flop like some people want you to believe, but who knows what EA execs are thinking
Sauce on that image?
Was killing an extremely lucrative and beloved franchise worth that relatively paltry amount? Keep in mind that the $110m number there is compared to the $200m figure attributed to Mass Effect 3 in EA's 2012 Q4 report. ME3 also sold 3.5m copies during its month of release, whilst that says only 2.5m copies of Andromeda have been SHIPPED to date, not even sold.

"Sold in" is "shipped to retailers". If only 2.5m copies were shipped then it hasn't sold even close to that, given that it's not hard to find a copy at all.
>Implying over 99% of SJWs aren't paler than a slice of Wonder Bread
>who knows what EA execs are thinking

I think that them immediately downsizing the studio and turning it back into a small support team is a pretty good idea of what they're thinking. If they viewed Andromeda as a success, pre-production would already be underway on a sequel. You don't shelve a series as big as Mass Effect off the back of a success. You do it to give people time to forget that this game ever happened, before rebooting it again.
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