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How would the story change if you played as Femprotag? Or would

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How would the story change if you played as Femprotag? Or would you change it at all?
She looks boring. Like the generic first love or a generic yuri love interest. The game would flop.
I guess the beginning would have to be different. Like the protag getting molested my Kamoshida. Also Ann would make more sense as a first party member. Just protag and Ryuji would be kind of weird
She gets sexually assulted by pretty much everyone.
FemMC from P3P was a mistake. There is a reason P4G didn't have one nor was 3's recognized in the movies or fighting games.
Kamoshida would be more rapey early on, especially when she's trapped in the palace at the start
A lot of the s link interactions would be different
Everything with Shido would likely be completely different
P5 doesn't need a FeMC and you're an autistic manchild for even complaining
>instead of Kamoshida spreading around your record he tries to blackmail you into obeying him
>reputation is similar to Ann's as a consequence instead of that of a violent delinquent
>Kawakami is immediately more sympathetic to you
>Yusuke is fine with you modeling or Ann
>Ryuji, Yusuke, are romantic options. One of the girls gets Yuri route, probably Makoto or Chihaya. Several waifu confidants are replaced with male counterparts
>based Sojiro is the same as always
>Shinya gets a crush on you and it's kind of cute but there's no romance
>Mishima too but he's not a romantic option because he's pathetic and that'd just be lame

Other than that it would mostly just be minor dialogue changes like say Tsuda assuming you are Iwai's woman...
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>OP's post
>in any way a complaint
Considering how P3 handled it, would be pretty good.
MFW dating best boy of the month, only to be gone for ever
Unnecessary and with the influx of cocky females in other media we don't need another one. Not to mention a complete waste of resources that could be better spent on beefing up existing content.
The entire opening would have to be different, as well as the scenes leading into Sae's interrogation since I can't see the West especially being ok with a girl getting beaten and drugged like that
This is good. Arsene would probably stay male or he could swap too.

romancing Yusuke and Iwai every playthrough
That's not how personas based on real (fictional) material work
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>cuck everyone
>Sojiro: the cat too?!
True. The Akechi moments would also change as well. Maybe if you chose selections carefully the final moment between you two would be much more heartfelt.
Oh right, the cat. Eh go for a romance.

I think Akechi you could get away with not changing anything based on gender with him and it'd still work. Not saying they couldn't do something interesting with it but I don't think they necessarily need to be different.
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Purse Owner protags are supposed to be boring looking because they're a blank slate. P5's MC would look like a boring ass generic nerd if he wasn't so damn cocky and smug looking in dungeons
They will pretty much rewrite a good chunk or a majority of the game of the game. The whole got hit by false charges of assault plot point would need to be reworked into something else.
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Would she still be voiced by FukuJun?
>entire game happens because you try and stop battery and get arrested for assault
You'd just get blackmailed and raped instead
I hope we get this if we end up getting a Persona 5 Golden, but with all the DLC coming out I feel like we will get some shitty game of the year edition.
I meant like when he's about to shoot you he could say "I wish it didn't have to come to this" or something. When he goes out on the boat she'd put her hand on the wall and a single tear would go down when the gun shots go off. Something corny like that or he could just be the pancake dick he is.
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>People would think she's a Sukeban and treat her as such
>Kamoshida would be trying to get in her pants
>Akechi romance would lead to you being able to save him, possibly with his own Palace
>Tora and Sojiro are sure no goes but every other guy is on the table
>Kawakami might end up replaced with a male teacher moonlighting as a host

What would a good persona for her be though? Arsene doesn't quite fit a woman.


I'd like for her to be voiced by Nana. Gives her both grace and power.
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I don't see why not
Annie Oakley
Bonnie and Clyde
Yes. That nigga was perfect as that trap from Ixion Saga

You get raped by Shido and immediately enter his palace solo and don't make it.
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Of course.
You can choose to model for Yusuke and it'd be choose the correct answer to progress forward. The van cutscene would have you in the middle between Makoto & Ann. Her yukata would be the same pattern as the school pants for some reason. An extra cutscene of Morgana would happen of him sitting on your chest when your about to go to sleep and you throw him across the room. You would be captured and sent to another room to be "tortured" by Kamoshida, escape save Morgana and then rescue Ryuji.
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There would be no Kawakami link, she would need to be replaced with something else.
There would be some changes to account for an a potential romantic S-Link. Such as maybe it's implied that she and Goro fuck two days before his betrayal and he frequently tries to get her to stop being a phantom thief.

And her responses to his death would be emotional.
Looking pretty good.
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>Mona's thirst is redirected at you the entire game
And it would be known she is carrying his baby.
Sounds lame as hell and involves a character rewrite for Akechi. He deeply resents you to the point it's almost an obsession. That could be spun as his obsession leading to a twisted desire but making it a "Akechi is torn by love" kind of deal would shit on the inner torment and hatred he reveals.
>Delicious yuri with Tae

Yes please
Who would her Persona be?

I gotta be honest, I just want to fuck Goro even if it damages the story.
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Would make an interesting twist desu
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>yuri S Links
>dominate all the older women
>Fuck the fucking fuck out of Ryuji

That's about it
>implying Makoto isn't the straightest mofo this side of YHYV
Futaba would be the yuri option, also maybe Tae or Ohya (drunk, likes to experiment)
what's wrong with a FeMC? the game is all about self-insertion and the series has a substantial female fanbase too. I don't see the problem.
>character rewrite
You do know that Akechi does like being around Joker, right? He just chose to betray Joker, despite that.

Even though Akechi chooses to betray Joker, he still likes him, making you capable of being able to romance Akechi but not changing the plot with him, isn't causing a character rewrite.
Just when I thought they couldnt make him any more annoying
I... Can't come up with a good reason actually.

There must be some reason they don't do it. Focus groups and all that.

I feel like Himiko would be a great fit.
There is a HUGE problem with Joker FeMC.
Look at

It would be terribly painful to have the the best female design in the whole fucking series and than not have her be date-able.
Makoto literally has 0 experience either way. I bet if femc pursued her aggressively she'd go with it. Tbh Hifumi would probably fall the same way as well.

Ohya I don't really get, but I can see Tae happening.
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I want this
>Twin shotas as your wardens

Or they could just say fuck it and make Theo bound to every FeMC.
>Not romancing tora
Let me have my japanese bernie sanders husbando

He just got his career back; don't destroy it again. Although he is LOADSAMONEY in confidant form.
She'd have no kindness? What?

Delicateness. She'd basically be blunt and clumsy.
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>tfw makoto is made the canon love interest for femc

nah, I'm pretty sure the default would be Ryuji. Maybe Mishima.
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Hatefuck is the bestfuck
>Akechi romance
Oh fuck no
He's already extremely pathetic with his daddy issues alone. Tossing a boner for fem Joker in as well would just be embarrassing
I wanna marry her

You could be what unfucks him though. He'd realize what a tool he's been for daddy's love and get his ultimate Persona.
I'd take having fem Joker fuck anyone else, except maybe Mona because he's just terrible
He'd be romanceable but the Phantom Thieves obsession would be sidelined by him sperging out over having a girl actually maintain contact with him and thinking you're dating the whole time and getting super serious, only to realize you don't see him that way and deciding to be your friend instead of trying to get into your pants.

Then you can confess anyway and make him flip shit.
I want FemJoker to cuck Mishima
>The van cutscene would have you in the middle between Makoto & Ann
Makoto is driving and Ann is in the passenger seat, there's no place for anyone to go between them
>Adding more sex hair in the game.

Goddamn it, now I need a pic of Mishima losing his literal spaghetti.


Then an alternative where Fem-Joker has sweat through her shirt. Ryuji's doing his damndest not to stare directly at 'em while Yusuke's more interested in the aesthetics of her bra.
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Pls no bully

>Not wanting to be the Snacks to Mishima's Moot
Would Femprotag be a slut?
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I would totally fuck Akechi no questions asked if you could play as femjoker
Only if you get to romance Sojiro and it ends with him acting like the dad at the end of the Maiko S-Link in P3P.
Only if you played her as one. Joker is perfectly capable of being a manwhore.

Okay that's actually pretty good.
>Him being super awkward when you first confront him about Kamoshida because a hot chick is talking to him
>Can try and act seductive or charming to get him to spill the beans and watch him start sweating
>Spazzing out when you exchange numbers
Do you think she would be ostracized from her peers like Joker was? Do you think the game could start the same way it did?

I don't get how they couldn't have added a female protagonist to P4 but for P5 their excuse actually makes some sense.
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They couldn't do it for 4 due to the nature of Izanagi and Izanami.

5 however doesn't have that constraint. Violent high school girls are nothing new for Japan.
Can I still date Kawakami? She seems like she might go both ways.

>I'm a man you're a woman
doesn't work anymore, though.
maybe instead of Ryuji you partner up with Ann first? They would probably get along.
Yea you just have Kamoshida try and blackmail you while Mishima spreads rumours you are with him instead of your criminal record being revealed. Kawakami would need a bit of a rewrite but you wouldn't have to change too much for that specific part.
As annoying as that would be it would make a lot more sense for him to be attracted to the trickster than just some girl
Unless he likes Ann because of the hair or something
>high enough charm lets you convince him not to railroad you to bed
He takes one look at her and is hopelessly in love. She's a half and a model so she's a foreign beauty in the context of Japanese games. Mona just likes white girls and JP media likes it when the "white girl" is actually a half even though she looks completely caucasian.
Isn't the only reason why Mona has a crush on Ann is becaus his arcana is the magician and magicians always have some sort of hopeless or tragic love that never gets fullfilled.
Was it ever implied that chidorita still lives in p4A?
I thought is was because she had the cat outfit
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I would like it if during Ann's S.Link, she and FemJoker could go visit Shiho at the hospital.
>Kawakami plays out mostly the same
>ends in both her and femJoker dressed as maids
Chidorita lives.
Also this is implying Morgana wasn't shoved to Magician after Hifumi's plot got cut and 4 arcana got shuffled.
I think it is just magician think.
>junpei and chidori dying
>Kenji and his delusional crush on that teacher of his
>Yosuke and Saki
I am not sure why atlus made it a thing, but it seems to be a theme.
Tell that to Orpheus not being renamed eurydice
P6 will have personas based on american presidents
Current political memery aside, I could dig it.
>Truman is Judgement
>LBJ is Temperance
>Taylor is Death
>Harrison is Lovers
>fem MC
>date pancake king
>get social link to max
>change the ending where goro confesses his role early and get slightly different cutscenes

just like in Persona 3 you could romance punk-boy and if you got max relationship he survives being shot by jesus
>not Clinton
best boy is dead boy

Drugs were gonna get him if the bullet didn't
That thief outfit is too daring. One strong gust of wind and she'd be flashing everybody!
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