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ITT: unironically post the greatest video game you've ever

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Thread replies: 321
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ITT: unironically post the greatest video game you've ever played in your life.

Pic related
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none of them
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You anons are alright.
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Great game
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Not even the best Zelda game
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it is.

But yes, you're correct. As WW is the best Zeldaw game.
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Nothing has ever come close to playing OOT for the first time.
>you lived to see the release of the pinnacle of man-made entertainment

Feels good bros.
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Almost 20 years later and this is still the best. Fight me.
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Posting the best version of the greatest game I ever played.
>Nothing has ever come close to playing OOT for the first time.
Playing a superior game in the series.
Keep your linear trash dungeons.
Not when Links Awakening exists.

Oldfags can argue that OoT/MM aren't the best Zelda games but holy shit at least OoT is probably the best game I've ever played.
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Mah nigga
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Why do niggers have such generic taste?
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Worth every penny

i actually bought this for 50 dollars
Interesting that OoT is STILL getting such a response 20 years on. I'm sure the clueless /v/ kiddies will be along soon to try and shit on it.

>b-but mah graficks!
i remember this game being boring
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>that exploration
>that challenge
>those boss fights
>those weapons/items
>that soundtrack
>that luminoth lore

so good
majoras mask is slightly better
GCN version is the best. The game wasn't meant to be played with widescreen, and the motion controls are too OP. You can perfect the gallery games in a matter of plays. It takes all the challenge out.
It's not about making a game challenging. It's just the way RE4 was meant to be played. Also, the PS2 additions all suck, including Separate Ways.

Finally, only the GCN version has analog triggers for your gun. Feels good on a horror game. Pressing a button to take out your gun is an immersion-breaker.
The Cliffhanger that will never be answered...
>STILL getting such a response 20 years on
It's been the same people for 20 years
Has nothing to do with graphics, it just hasn't held up well compared to other titles within the same series. There are 2D zeldas that are better than OoT, so graphics mean shit.
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Yes, I'm that faggot.
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>Metroid Prime for toddlers
You mean the "post the most overrated game in /v/ history" thread?
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this dude knows his shit
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>it's a post games that are older than 10 years olds so you don't seem underage episode
Woah blast from the past i remember i had this on the xbox HEUG
never actually finished this. torvus bog, well, BOGS me down.
been meaning to replay the first though.
I didn't grow up with any Zelda games as a kid, I've only played 1, 2, LttP, OoT, and MM as an alledged adult, and OoT was inferior even to MM imo. LttP is my favorite but I'm open to WW changing my mind
This is how it actually looked for me 20 years ago.
Yes and no. Majora's Mask has a better story, item quests, and world. OoT has better bosses and dungeons.
Game goes from a 10/10 to a 7/10 after Madarame.
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it's a tossup between pic related and mother 3 desu
Nah he just has autism.
MP is definitely better than the sequels but the overworld was fine in MP2. The areas you summed up with dots are pretty big.
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Wasted 600+ hours.
Wii version is more fun. That's all. Also RE4 isn't a horror game so I'm not sure why you bring it up?
>OoT dungeons
How retarded are you? Every dungeon in OoT is a straight line except the Water Temple, the Shadow Temple is the worst Zelda temple ever because of how linear it is.
The dungeons in MM actually ask that you pay attention to the dungeon as a whole rather than just linearly gating you behind a bunch of independent puzzles.
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Chrono Trigger is the best RPG of all time.
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>"hey, have you played Gmod?"
>"what do you do in it?"
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it's fun. vice city is a close second
Never said they were good. Said they were better. All that text all because you can't read properly.
I think that image is more criticizing how the areas are connected rather than how big each of them are
I liked 3.
>Said they were better.
Which is objectively wrong unless you prefer toddler tier linear trash.
>highly focused on puzzles
>incredibly linear, go here do this gameplay
>a game breaking glitch that everyone seems to forget in the water temple
>loose and laggy combat controls
If you went and played this now and viewed with a critical lense, the flaws become quite clear.
Not a bad game, but far from 10/10
probably a 8 or 9/10, though
it is. action horror.

the past REs weren't true survival horror anyway so not sure why you bring it up.

>forced waggle
OoT has better dungeons and bosses compared to MM.
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I intend to play it on my deathbed
shit driving mechanics. i expected more of Rockstar after GTA III
Bosses, yes.
Dungeons, no. Linear shitfests like the Forest, Fire and Shadow Temple are not good and an insult to the dungeon design of ALttP and LA.
literally the worst game I have ever bought.
WW is easily one of the worst zeldas

millenials go away
how can it be for toddlers when its more challenging in everyway?

MP2 is slower paced than MP1, but I personally like it more for that reason. I feel like it adds to the atmosphere on the game
I brought it up because you brought it up. Read mah nigga.
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It's almost like people who actually played the game know how good it is.
>weren't true survival horror
>The series literally coined the term
What did he mean by this?
The dungeons in OoT are better than the dungeons in MM. Never said they were best in the series, just better than MM.
Artificial difficulty ≠ more challenging
LttP is GOAT and I am 100% aware that my nostalgia goggles are on tight.
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To be honest
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Best 10 dollars I've ever spent at GameStop.
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I would NEVER EVER tell someone to buy a console for one game, but this is the one exception.
you know no one takes "artifical difficulty" seriously right? Git gud
>RE4 isn't a horror game
You know a game doesn't have to be scary to be considered Horror. It has plenty of the typical themes and elements, and the atmosphere, especially in the initial levels (and later on with Regenerators) are very in line with the 'Horror" label.
*blocks your path*
some of the environments in 2 were really amazing. maybe I'll give it another go. it's only a couple bucks on amazon.
Except they aren't since MM's aren't straight lines and are based around a hub with a lot more backtracking and asks more of the player in terms of using the structure of the dungeon to progress such as Snowpeak and Stone Tower.
the best area is after torvus, if that means anything
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>one thumbstick
>second thumbstick with autism
GC controller is aids and I don't care that 99% of you will disagree with me.
Would you like to buy a powerplay membership for just 9.99? You can also insure your game disc for just an extra dollar!
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>Spider Guardian
>Not artificial difficulty

>Echoesfags are this delusional
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you tried
ya, you can beat that entire fight without getting hit once

git gud
my fucking nigga
Stone Temple was the only good dungeon and that is on par with the Spirit Temple in OoT.
I've played it, but I'm really tired of people hyping it up to be a godsend video game.
Aside from REmake and Zero, no RE game is about ammo conservation and inventory management. RE2 and 3 are just as much shooting games as RE4, just with prerendered camera angles and bad voice acting and dialogue.

if anything 4 is actually the scariest in the series.
It is a godsend video game though.
>Temple that requires backtracking, looping back on itself and using all the items as well as having shifting room structures
>Temple that contains of two linear sections of independent puzzles
Last (You) you're getting, OoT's dungeons are trash and MM's are far better.
>GCN version is the best. The game wasn't meant to be played with widescreen, and the motion controls are too OP

You retard. You faggot. Wii version has GOAT controls (wiimote+nunchuk) but if you want to be that guy, you can literally use your gamecube controller, or a classic controller if you prefer a PS2 style controller.
That, plus it has all of the additions from the PS2 version.

Eat shit faggot. Wii version is still the best.
Pokemon Red
Wii version doesn't have damage reduction on Leon's armor, doesn't have real time cutscenes, doesn't have the GCN fog or hair effects, doesn't have the original Semi-Auto Sniper.
>The game wasn't meant to be played with widescreen
Wait wasn't the game on force widescreen originally? i remember being pissed off at the black bars back in the day.
The OoT experience was subjective and part of what made it so great was playing it before all the stuff that learned from it. In 1998 that game was straight up "blow your fucking mind" territory. At this point the only truly great 3D games(not including early FPS like Doom and Wolfenstein they aren't the same) were racing games and SM64(I don't like Banjo fite me). Zelda was a fucking mind blow nothing matched it's quality of presentation or had it's breadth of unique and memorable locations. It's OST is legendary as well. Ask anyone who played the game as a kid and they can probably hum tons of different tunes from it. Yes Half-Life had just released as well but way more people who are in the age group that would browse 4chan had an N64 as a kid than had a computer that could run Half-Life on release.

It set a standard for presentation that took forever to match. Anyone who wasn't fortunate enough to play System Shock 2 didn't see something that was as well presented(and was fully 3d) until Halo:CE.
>Aside from REmake and Zero, no RE game is about ammo conservation and inventory management.
I have to disagree because I think if you manage to find people who have never played the tank control era games and randomly let them play any of them for the first time they will all have equal trouble their first play-through with ammo and item management. But if you have played one game you already know how things go for the others, but that doesn't mean in a vacuum they aren't still survival horror games.
>doesn't have real time cutscenes

It does have this. I don't know about the other stuff.
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Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, Link to the Past, Link between Worlds, Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess, and even Link's Awakening were better than Ocarina of Time.
>Wii version doesn't have damage reduction on Leon's armor

You autist.
>doesn't have real time cutscenes

Yes it does. You haven't fucking played it faggot. And even if it didn't, it wouldn't matter. >>377253327
>doesn't have the GCN fog or hair effects, doesn't have the original Semi-Auto Sniper.

I get it, you never played the Wii version. It's okay. But stop spreading lies you huge faggot
>Wii version doesn't have damage reduction on Leon's armor, doesn't have real time cutscenes, doesn't have the GCN fog or hair effects, doesn't have the original Semi-Auto Sniper.
All this is untrue besides the ps2 ported stuff like Seperate Ways that retains the pre rendered fmvs from that version.
RE1 MAYBE, but in RE1 the zombies all have a preset amount of health and the dogs can be hitstunned by anything, and that's MOST of the game.

RE2 you can run n' gun the entire way through, same with 3.

>those reasons

Kill yourself. It has real time cutscenes, and it has more content, best controls, and most control types.

You're just being difficult for no reason. Literally nobody thinks the GC version is better except you.
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All of you have excellent taste.

Personally I'd probably go with pic related. I always want to replay it even after completing it multiple times.

My nigga, dedicated snow day game when my friend and I were younger.
>Wind Waker
>muh ocean
>muh fishing for triforce
>muh even more linear and uninspired dungeons

>Twilight Princess
>literally an edgy knockoff of OoT

>not even going to explain just fuck off

I'd entertain arguments for ALttP/LA/MM, but you are a joke of a human being for putting TP or WW above OoT, and putting BotW is bait.
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I gotta do it, I gotta be that guy.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I know Sonic is a meme now but if there was one game you had to play until you die it would be this.
you wanna know what

this WAS a good game
The original Semi-Auto sniper on the Gamecube version had a much, MUCH faster fire rate, it was nerfed in all post GCN releases.

Also, Wii version uses the garbage reworked PS2 AI where the standard farmer Ganados are all projectile-happy, 80% or so of enemies who have a throwable weapon will throw them, also they try to flank around you more.
WW is far better than OoT by virtue of better item integration, something done very well in the 2D games that OoT decided to throw away.
Can you back up those statements with videos at least?
If i have sonic 3 without knuckles is it still worth playing?
>The original Semi-Auto sniper on the Gamecube version had a much, MUCH faster fire rate, it was nerfed in all post GCN releases.

So in one post you complain that the Wii version is easier because of the controls, even though you didn't know there were more control types(because you're a dumb faggot)

And now you're saying it's worse because they made a weapon worse?

Fucking grasping at straws. Just stop posting you hypocritical, dumb faggot
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Replay every few months to this day.
Maybe i'll have to play through RE 2 again and refresh my memory, but again knowledge of the game makes shit so much easier. I could load up a RE1 right now and beat the game in sub 5 hours and end the game with a surplus of ammo, killing a majority of the enemies in game. I really don't think that its a very good metric to deem something survival horror. By that metric no silent hill game is survival horror for the same reasons because Melee is OP.
>80% or so of enemies who have a throwable weapon will throw them

Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself more with every post.
>Wii version uses the garbage reworked PS2 AI where the standard farmer Ganados are all projectile-happy, 80% or so of enemies who have a throwable weapon will throw them, also they try to flank around you more.

Ah I completely forget about this flaw of the PS2/Wii versions all the time. I just remember it cut down the on-screen enemy count from like 20 to 8. I think I remember frowning at the burning truck mob scene because they don't even rush you. But I could be misremembering.
literally no reason to like this clunky dated garbage over 3.
>on /v/
>people are actually discussing videogames
what is going on
t. DMC3babby
probably the best experience ive had with a game
Why did you have to be so right, anon?
Alright so I recently got into cuhrayzee with Bayonetta and God Hand and both of those games were fucking awesome.
I picked up both DMC1 and DMC3, should I start with the first one and then go to 3 or is the first one just a relic at this point?
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For sure Sonic 3 is still good but you want the complete story.
I mean, I know where everything is at this point, but I can play this shit forever
One is a straight up dinosaur, if you've played Bayonetta you'll likely find it unplayable.

Play it later as a curiosity along with Rising Zan to see the genre's beginnings.
I mean, all of the first three DMC games are quite clunky and have aged more or less poorly. They're still great hack and slash games but you're basically the pot who is calling the kettle black.
DMC3 is the most polished game in the entire genre to this day, to call it clunky is to call action games in general clunky.
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I wouldn't post DMC1 as my GOAT if I thought it was shit. Still worth playing by all means, it's just more of a direct action game with great enemy design, and aggressive enemies like say NG, than how the series progressed to be more combo-heavy from 3 onward. Don't listen to fags who parrot "dated and clunky", they're just upset they can't play it like DMC3. It still has plenty of tools to switch the combat up.

Also best atmosphere by far.
my fuckin nigga
Do I need to play the previous two to enjoy Witcher 3?
Play Metroid Prime Trilogy then
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What type of character are you using?
no but you should at least try them
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not so fast
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Still no game that can rival its combat.
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These boys are the only correct ones in the thread
>WW best zelda
My nigga
Wii pointan controls were a gift from god, I don't care what anyone says. Best use out of the wii.
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Is Azel the best boss fight ever?
ya, the wiimote is great for aiming when it comes to consoles. Shame the waggling was dumb
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Wow damn, great argument against BOTW there.
Just like RE4, it's not as immersive an experience as the original controls. Pointing to switch modalities rather than using the C-stick for Samus' gun signs sucks. The ability to aim anywhere freely like in MP3 is nice but it doesn't make up for that and the lack of texture effects on the gun when charging, and the inability to get the hover boots early like in the non-Player's Version of Prime 1. I don't care about the water effects being missing though. Also I don't care about Prime 2 so I don't know what benefits the Wii version adds to that.
Mah nigga, Yuzo Koshiro is the best.
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>don't care about Prime 2
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Final Fantasy XV
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This is a very handy graph.

You're both right, but coming in a close second:
>Super Metroid
>Castlevania SotN
and what >>377249893 said

The only GoW I think should be up there with the best games of all time is the 1st. Beautifully crafted game from start to finish. The others.. meh. Especially #2.

I got mine for $40 because our ToysRus was already trying to clear all their Saturn stock when this came out.
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>Just like RE4, it's not as immersive an experience as the original controls.
While you are free to like whichever version of the game that you want I don't really understand this point. In one game you are a highly trained U.S. Government operative and the other you are a superhuman bounty hunter. How is not having tighter, more responsive controls more immersive?
>revived with the power of love

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>Castlevania SotN
Surprised this wasn't mentioned earlier, great game.
Probably the age old argument where muh clunky controls makes a game scurrier, not that RE4 was exactly clunky.
it actually works fine.
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>The only GoW I think should be up there with the best games of all time is the 1st. Beautifully crafted game from start to finish. The others.. meh. Especially #2.
Well, to each to their own. I think the first game hasn't aged that well compared to the later ones, and I really miss stuff like Golden Fleece and using a bow when replaying the first GoW. The third one looks great, plays smoothly, gives more tools for you to use in battle and has most of my favorite boss battles so I'm gonna go with that. Even though I think 3 > 2 > 1, the first game is still a solid 9/10 and all of them are infinitely better than the blunder that was Ascension.
did the combat differ a lot from 3? it seemed like you were more open in 1, but 3 shoved all your skills into "classes" and that put me off.
I would argue that the the controls in RE 1 - CV aren't clunky, but that is a different argument.
I tired it anon. I really did. But after the 20th time of being killed then having to back track aaaaaaall the way back just to get killed again, it just got to be too annoying to keep playing. Its rwlly not for me. Some of the best world and character design ive ever seen though.
There's no reason to play this over BT3 other than muh story.
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You're alright.
Can somebody explain why I find every Zelda underwhelming?
shit taste?
1's combat is more about the action-reaction dynamic of enemies, you have a small repertoire of moves but they get the job done. 3 is mostly about memorization of combos and muh freestylan on enemies with large health pools with the occasional dodge or royal guard, at least outside the boss battles.

They're both very different styles of combat. I don't know why people can't see this and appreciate the differences without resorting to superiority wankfests. Some people just judge an action game based on how well you can combo shit.
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Since RE4 was already posted, I'll post the game that contends with it for me. Dark Souls isn't perfect (the quality dips after Anor Londo ) but it has given me memories I will always treasure and is a game I can replay infinitely.
>did the combat differ a lot from 3?
Yeah, DMC1 has slower more methodical combat. Regular enemies are also more aggressive in 1 than in 3.

>it seemed like you were more open in 1,
Quite the opposite actually.

>but 3 shoved all your skills into "classes" and that put me off.
In DMC1, you had three different basic actions: jump, attack and shoot. DMC3 added a style system so that on top of those three basic actions you had one specialized action based on your currently equipped style.
Personal preference, no big deal.
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>the quality dips after Anor Londo
Understatement of the century.
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i would also post this fine piece right here as my #2. what a game.
Looked like that to me 20 days ago
one of the weakest castlevanias honestly family
I agree, dark souls is my favorite game of all time.
I'll take one (1) horrible boss in the second half if that means we get the greatest boss of all time at the end. The gwyn fight is amazing.
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This and Four Kings are the only things that I dread fighting. The former because it isn't even a boss; it's a stage with a health bar. Four Kings is bullshit because it's a dps race and you have to waste one of your ring slots so you can fight a mandatory boss.

They played a bunch of OoT songs as bumper music on NPR yesterday.
GodHand always fills me with Joy. It's a game that really is just as good as you are good at Playing it
I just saw some video and the only real thing I'd have a hard time going back to is the way you change weapons. but yeah, the slower more deliberate style is definitely better to me. something more than the souls games, but not so but not so button mashy as later entries. besides, most of those skills were just for show.
because they are. same with mario.

they're full of archaic design (1ups in smg, boss keys/small keys in zelda) and nintendo still thinks it's the 80s
is dmc 3 on pc even good or what?
kinda, if u use an unofficial patch
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>even top 10 in soulsborne bosses
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until the point where you don't have internet, can't download the fucking patch and FUCK THIS FUCKING RACING MISSION WHY IS THIS SHIT SO HARD

but with the patch, yeah, pretty gud game
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Games are meant to be challenging by definition, and are such tailored to a specific control. To change those controls is to change the very foundations of the way was meant to be played. That it is. "Tighter, more responsive controls" is sweet and innocent talk that only those whose hands have never known the ways of hardcore retro gaming can believe.

You are likely pampered and playing them beyond their time after other games have copied the conventions they introduced and done them worse. So you associate their failure with OoT when you see the primeval state of those conventions and so you think they're nothing special.
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It's fucking incredible.
>tfw being able to take my campy horror cheese everywhere with me
It's really a shame about that shitty-ass d-pad though.
Super Meat Boy. Something about that game's vastness of content really activates my autism.
This game was pretty cool, first time I beat the "original" Resident Evil.
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You're alright.
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>yfw you can rub Jill's breasts and ass, and she'll react accordingly
what did OOT influence exactly?
lock on exists because of OoT
Mega Man did it before OoT though.
also, OOT didn't invent z-targeting.
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Fourth favorite DS game overall and I'd recommend it to literally anyone, I was always incredibly sad they never made a second one.
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I still play this game every year. Combat is simple but so gratifying. I recently played Terranigma and will probably keep playing that game from now on too.
>what did OoT influence exactly?
>the reason why every 3rd person action game has lock on
which one? I thought legends only had auto aim
Nah it had lock on, the biggest difference was that you couldn't move and it's a pretty big difference but alas Mega Man did do lock on before.

I'm just curious. no need to get your jimmies rustled, bud.
same with re4. people confuse well made for being influential. in fact, most influential games aren't very well made, since they were the first to do them. no one talks about how amazing space wars is.
RE4 is influential though, for bad reasons. It killed the horror genre
Possibly, he should have been the final boss though.
Angra remains one of the worst final bosses in a video game, it's a shame too because the Azel fight is perfection.
I wouldn't say that, it just seems that way because Azel is so perfect, and then it's followed up by a boss that's just sort of mediocre. It's still a better boss fight than something like the final boss of Raidou 2 or the QTE boss fights in games like Shadow Of Mordor, if you want to count those.
One of the most disappointing games I've ever bought. I was unrealistically excited for this game. It was so unremarkable.
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Yeah I guess, just disappointing since Angra is one of the few bosses that isn't a humanoid so you can't launch him and get cuhrazyee on him and he doesn't require the amount of pure skill that Azel does.
The fight really is just getting up to him mashing Square and then dodging his heavily telegraphed moves, I mean it's not awful but he's probably the second worst boss behind Psycho Midget.
I'm not really sure what else I'd do with the concept of him either though.
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I don't know about objectively the greatest, but this is my favorite, which is kind of the same thing but not really.
Super Mario World.
It's a tie between this, REmake and ALttP for me desu senpai.
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I don't even think it was that bad. I played it last year for the first time and I thought it was alright, not the second coming of Christ but OK.
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>the title music
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Will we ever truly decide which one is better once and for all?

The answer is no
Hotline Miami
Killer shit. Killer soundtrack all around.

I hold both in such high regards. I loved prime and it was a close 1st.
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>YFW you first get to Phendrana Drifts
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I have had so much fun with this game. No matter what it always will be precious to me. Also the second one was kinda fun i guess
Haven't played RE4 in years. Every time I want to replay it I end up going through 6 instead. I don't know what's wrong with me.
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Ten years later and I'm still learning things about it.
>Watching all the possibilities you can do in missions
blows my fucking mind
Worst GTA. Fun game though.
I did actually play old GTA's a shit ton and enjoyed them, but this is the only one I can come back to and still have a shit ton of fun with.
Nozomi is top tier waifu
its so fucking slow after playing BL2 though. Like almost unplayable slow.
>wii version is better,
otherwise, sure, it's pretty good
I can never get around to playing this, the controls are just so clunky and disgusting compared to every other gta
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It is a bit of a letdown. The turning arc always bothered me.
They did fix it in the DLC's at least.
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pleb scrub
Thats actually what i liked about it, the second game killed the charm that the first one had. As nuts as the game was it was suprisingly fucking comfy
I don't know about best game but this and Opposing Force were damn good games.

t. someone who just played both for the first time this year.
this game has been in my steam library since like 2012 and I've never played it. Probably never will either. Doesn't look fun.
I have this game on GOG but I haven't played it yet

Give it to me straight, is it still playable or did it age like ass and I will hate it
then stay plebian. Company of heroes 1 is the greatest PC RTS ever made and it will probably never be dethroned.
first off they're adventure games, not actions games.

that perspective might help you appreciate the games better
How familiar are you with D&D mechanics?
Check it out if you ever make some friends.
I would say familiar, I know the game is in the same vein as pillars of eternity. I played the shit out of NWN2 but I know it's nothing like that
You're all very right and do not belong on /v/
Still my favorite game of all time
being angsty and depressed, this games was an incredible boon.

something about a lonesome and big world was actually comforting during that time of my life.
Then with the right mods you'll probably have a good time, party banter in it is top notch.
meh, IMO 3 was the best,
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You guys have 2 of my Top 3. This is the third.
I literally only think one area "dips" but my opinions are trash

always feels like a journey i dont mind taking again. Kreia feels like a genuine teacher with interesting wisdom.

pure pazaak
Felt like a weird pre alpha build of an FPS game. Something just felt off or unfinished about it. Awesome intro though.
lock on mostly, a technically "nonlinear" 3d world with reasons to go back, uuuuhhhhhhhhh shitty puzzles? and hand holding for stupid crap and open empty worlds with bad minigames
when I played it on ps3 I half expected a dev console to drop down
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i miss it, shame the sequel got rushed but i suppose it was better than being completely canceled.

first half starts out strong then falls off a cliff into a boss rush.

likely never ever get a sequel due to it being exclusively made for western markets. (i find it interesting that japan never got the game originally)
why would you bother with the console version when a PC version exists with double the framerate, better textures, and mod support? huh? huh? huh??
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The intro actually got me into cage the elephant, good shit
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fight me
Its alright I guess
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I fluctuate between MGS3 and Dark Souls.
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Play BG1 first.
I didn't play them until a year ago and I'm already on my third play through. If you like old school BioWare RPGs (Kotor, Jade Empire, DA:O) then you'll have a blast with BG2.
How? The game controls like shit.

This could only make sense if you are at least partially blinded by nostalgia.
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Best 2D platformer ever made and best final boss track.
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>he's right
The second game controls just fine.
Left stick moves, right stick aims. Lock on for those who need it.

this game is F L A W L E S S
No no no, I'm much too busy now.
>How? The game controls like shit.

I dont see how
Right stick doesn't aim in MML2, it only zooms in and out.
I came on here expecting shitposting and shit tastes. But somehow we got a good thread here
It controls just fine once you get used to it.
Just because its not your traditional shooter controls doesn't make it bad.
gun porn, the game
You sure you got analog enabled on it?
Because I'm playing it right now and right analog controls the camera/aiming
Ugh,I can't pick one. Top, say 5 are MGS3, Resi Remake, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Streets Of Rage Remake, and Unreal Tournament 99.
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Great game for the time. Shit DLC though. *Glares at Moxxi*
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Movement on left stick, camera on right. You just need a dual analog controller and enable it in the menu.
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To be honest I never knew you could use analog in Legends 2, just saw your post and took a look at the manual where it stated that it zoomed the camera in and out in analog mode.
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God damn i love that game.

Posting second greatest ive ever played
Not really, but you can watch a video of around 20-30 minutes and get up to speed with "everything" that happened in the witcher universe. Only after I finished witcher 3 I started wanting to play witcher 1 and 2 just to have one more quest with Geralt. One more curse to lift, one more monster to slay.
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But OP you already did
Great game
This, I bought the game and played for 30 minutes tops and threw it away, some weeks after I picked it up and tried to beat it just out of spite and that's when the fun started.
>the running around thru shortcuts you opened along the way
>the slow and punishing combat
>sen's funhouse
>doing the frampt ending and hearing about this other snake in the DLC and being like "wat"
>actually researching about Kathe and doing the totally opposite ending that you have been so focused in doing first
>the hidden in plain sight lore

Most games make me feel alive once or twice but Dark Souls just took it to another level, too bad the sequels didn't live up to that legacy.
Played this nonstop with my little brothers, got really good with Sauske but my little bro was a god with Brock lee and Gara
The sequels don't live up to it, but Bloodborne definitely does. It's not as good, but the gameplay is better and it's got that interconnectedness that Dark Souls had. The new lore is also very good.
Lost Izalith is shit and I'll always take the shortcut in new playthroughs to avoid it. Every other area is perfectly fine if not amazing (Dukes archive). Admittedly the Tomb of the giants is a lot more pleasant with sunlight maggot than the skull lantern. I found O&S overrated in terms of difficulty and Seath and Nito pretty underrated. If you play blind Nito is a bitch. O&S is a much fairer fight.
>everyone tells me it's the greatest, so it must be
>contrarians say it's overrated, so it must be
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Anyone else really like this game?
yes but I liked 2 more
I remember really liking it, though I never got far. When I look back at it, I can't understand how they managed to make the game control that good, when it's such a weird concept.

I still feel like the concept is kind of wasted on a platformer, it could be so much more.
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I- I liked TOV more, but I agree with the rest of your sentiment.
too bad I own no consoles, it was a pain to properly play dark souls but at least I could play them
It sucks. I recently got a PS4 mainly because I needed to play it, and I knew that it wasn't the end of its colaboration with From.

Demon's Souls is supposedly pretty good too, though I've barely played it, if you have or can get a PS3.
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