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>After two directs Nintendo hasn't convinced a single

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>After two directs Nintendo hasn't convinced a single person that Arms isn't just a $60 version of Wii Sports Boxing
This is pretty obviously a $20 eShop title that they tried to turn into a full game once they realized their lineup was non-existent.

Nintenkiddies will defend it and pay full price.
>after countless worthless posts OP still hasn't killed himself
>if I repeat the same shitposting enough times maybe it will become true
100k ceiling
yeah, i don't really see the appeal of ARMS in the slightest
Looks like the drones are out in full force today. Keep trying to convince yourselves that the Switch won't flop.
Someone get the dicks and crows ready.
Can someone seriously explain this to me? It all seems like forced hype.
i'm not even commenting on that nor do I want to see the Switch fail. ARMS just doesn't look fun. I can't tell who the market is for it
Nintenboys excited that their console will now have 2 games instead of 1.
I agree, guarantee ARMS won't even sell 300k world wide
Just like splatoon. History repeats itself

>1 mode at release
>5 maps that rotate so you can't even choose

So it'll outsell Bloodbourne?
sonyshills on suicide watch
yes because the Wii U 2.0 - i mean the Switch has literally no other games. Sonybros have choice of hundreds of exclusives and multiplats. Nintendo kids have zelda (not even exclusive LMFAO) and wii sports boxing
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>>1 mode at release
>>5 maps that rotate so you can't even choose

>he didnt watch the direct

nice shitposting
>I agree, guarantee Splatoon won't even sell 300k world wide
This was also said.
>he didn't play shittoon

HAHAHAHAHA the state of Wii U 2.0 owners
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>hundreds of exclusives
I don't see how people don't understand the appeal of this game
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>ARMS at launch
>10 characters
>10 stages
>5 modes

How does it feel to be wrong?
Can't wait to see your face when it sells 2+ million copies.
>I as a nintenbro don't see how sane people don't understand the appeal of this game.

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Hey Sonybros, how's that big tentpole movie that Sony staked a large portion of its assets on going for you?
Nintendo children in charge of reading comprehension. Sad!

>10 pallet swaps
>10 cosmetic backgrounds
>5 variations of wii sports boxing
Name a better fighting game with more characters, more maps, more modes, and more variables to dictate how you play
I can see the game being fun, but it doesn't look like something worth $60. You can find games of similar scope and appeal for $20 or less on other platforms.
>Console of choice getting more games isn't something to be happy about
What the fuck is wrong with you console-warring niggers?
>It's a "I hate everything" thread
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pretty good

super smash bros
It's gonna be the next splatoon whether you like it or not.
If you meant all games you should have just said games, by saying x and y like that you make it sound like two separate categories.
Fox v meta knight v ike on final destination 3 man stock no items

Yea man TONS of variety there
Woah.. so you're saying a console that's been out 3 and a half years has more games than a console that's been out for 2 and a half months? Amazing... so this is the power of.. Sonyfag logic..
>extend arm
>retract arm

Whoa, all that variety.
>I looked at the box art then made an opinion: the post
it reminds me of Cyber Sled except without the cool cockpit controls, and after 20 years they somehow made the gameplay worse
Mods, I do believe this post needs to be deleted.
You don't have to play like that you know.

Also, its 1v1 3stocks retard
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Try 'outselling bloodborne'
>I didn't look at gameplay and just imagine how perfect a game I know nothing of will be just to justify my purchase of a console with no games
But I can still go right now to my Wii U and find people playing, in fact I did that yesterday.
Tbqh I've been following the game since launch and that's pretty much all it is.

>tfw cynical but not as cynical as people like OP who hate fun video games
>woooow a game about boxing lets you do everything you can do in boxing pshhhhh shit game!
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>hundreds of exclusives
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>a grown adult posted this unironically
Try "outselling Uncharted 4" ;)

le original ironic meme shitposting

Also, you just described every fighting game.
>after two directs Nintendo hasn't convinced ME
fixed it for you.

Best part about Uncharted 4 is you can watch all the cutscenes on YouTube and get the same experience.
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Jesus fuck.

I too don't understand, maybe we should force people to put on the Nintendo shades and maybe then they'll learn.


Mortal Kombat X
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To bad switch can't access youtube.
Best part about Splatoon is .......
You can not like a game and still realize it's appeal
Yeah, I like to use my console to play games, not watch movies
>new console outsells old consoles for a couple months
Wew you really showed us
Smash Bros. for Wii U.

The only good Nintendo fighting game. But hey maybe someone can find some enjoyment by waggling their arms around in their living room like a retard

Maybe that's for you.
the gameplay, were you supposed to be making a joke here?
No, I left that up to your mom.
If you don't like it don't use it.
From what i have seen the franchise deserves a spot in Smash for sure
>your mom jokes
Pack it up lads, OP is literally 12

Sonybros don't know what gameplay is. They've gotten too used to having their games filled with story only.

Old Sony was a lot better. I noticed how TLoU and Uncharted threads never talk about the gameplay, just the story.
B-brother? Is that you?
I don't like ARMS. When had my Wii U I thought Splatoon looked dumb, and guess what? I didn't buy Splatoon. It's looking like the same thing here. I applaud Nintendo for putting out new properties, but I couldn't care less about e-sport type games.

>Th-the Switch is g-gonna stop s-selling any day n-now guys!

Every time
>already down to only 280k in its second month

Name 5.
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Nintenbros are the market.

I've literally seen people shill so hard for this game I'm actually hoping they're getting paid by Nintendo
Dragonball Z Kinect
PowerUP Heroes - Power Up Your Avatar
Star Wars - Lightsabers, Ho!
Kinect Sports (Boxing) - Punch Your Friends' Lights Out!
Fighters Uncaged - Kick Some Animated Butt!
I can find people shooting up heroin right now, you got a point?

>Still the best selling console in the US

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Wii U was best selling console in the US the first couple months of release.

And now Nintendo's abandoned it after only 3.5 years because it only sold 13 million.

PS4 has sold 45 million in that same timeframe.

nintenbros shilling this shovelware that will score worse than 1 2 Switch
Similar sales to the Wii u. I tell you what's up kiddo, 14 million people out of 7 billion have been brainwashed by Nintendo. Once these morons have brought it, guess what, it'll flop the same way.

>b-but the Wii sold hundreds of millions.

No. The Wii sold those to gullible sheep who have no brain. The apple smartphone came along and FUCKED with Nintendo. The human race is stupid, but only to a point, splitting the market between apple and Nintendo is bad for Nintendo.
Kill yourself for making a shit analogy
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And it'll sell worse than any CoD or battlefield
>Everytime Nintendo gets laughed at the thread turns into nintenchumps trashing sony

PCbros are laughing at you too.
A better experience, as my arsehole doesn't feel sore from giving Naughty Dog my money
over the fucking line
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Well, I can play CoD and Battlefield too on my nintendo conso-

Oh wait,..

>comparing holiday season to March/April

Also, Wii U was supported with first party software up until March of this year

When was the last major first party game for the Vita?
Well, the fighters do vary quite a bit, plus there are all the gloves. About the stages they actually showed stage mechanics during gameplay, like Mummy's stage having the trampoline thing when you break the floor, multiple stages with breakable environment or the stage with fucking Twilight Princess spinners. And the modes do change gameplay, a lot.
>s0nyggers have stopped as low as to resort to using fucking CoD as a tease
You sound quite desperate, hey guess what? I bet PS4 doesn't have candy crush! oooooh I bet you're real mad now!
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>Maybe If I keep spamming it, it'll come true, despite video proof making me look stupid
No, it's a good analogy, it shows just because someone is doing something, doesn't mean it should be done.

But it's cool man, if you wanna shoot up heroin and play Wii u, it's your life
what a fucking night.
No, but you seem to be. Maybe you should take a break and go back to playing games on your switch. Oh wait...
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>comparing an experiment to the company's flagship console
Kek. Keep reaching Nintenboy.
I'm glad I was here to see this

>Pretending ponies weren't praising the Vita as the "3DS killer" before it flopped

Stay mad pony
Doesn't even mentions Sony.

Why are you so autistic? I genuinely want to know.
Watch the direct then read this post again and be embarrassed at yourself
>implying nintendo hasn't abandoned the 3DS
how will ponies ever recover?
>When bloodborne came out
>Other choice of games on ps4

Top kek m8 cheers for that bit o' banter
You can just use the buttons
Woah you throw a punch in real life to throw a punch in the game so realistic xD
Still Nintendo's worst selling handheld to date, being out paced by the PS4 regardless of being released two years earlier with a price drop.

Vita outsold the Wii U.

Might I recommend you the noose to commit suicide, drone?
>Wii U was supported with first party software up until March of this year
Star Fox and Color Splash do not count as support
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Why does neo-/v/ get mad when people have fun with Nintendo games? Is it because the majority of them are older gamers who started gaming with the NES, and they started with their dad's Xbox? Is it because they prefer games that play like movies?
>Woah you press a trigger in real life to shoot a gun in the game so realistic xD
>he didn't play this apparently shit game, how pathetic!

Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario Color Splash are quality Nintendo titles. They are why I am so excited for ARMS.
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>Sonybros are this delusional
>Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario Color Splash are quality Nintendo titles.
Fuck off
Because you're more obnoxious than Sonybros.

>Is it because the majority of them are older gamers who started gaming with the NES, and they started with their dad's Xbox?
What are you even trying to say here
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Saving this thread for when ARMS sells more than Bloodborne 2
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Don't try to find reason, they still will stay ignorant just because of some childish imaginary console war nonsense, most likely indulged by underaged teens and insecure people.
>B-B-B-BUT FIFA and Cod!

Pathetic m8
thats Disney now, you mong

Teenagers and young adults are the majority of console war participants. I've owned Sony and Nintendo consoles throughout my life (back when Sony was good), but Sonybros are always the ones trying to start fires.
Only people should like arms are cancer babies who grew up with the Wii.
I'm cynical, but its crazy. ARMS will easily sell 1 million on the backs of Nintendo fans alone. Going any less is ridiculous.
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>b-but Sony!
Erry time.
When did he bring up sony?

Personally I'm just waiting for the salt from ass blasted ponies this holiday season
>reskin of awakening
>"new game"

I know Nintenbabbies are used to retreads instead of new games, but this is a new low.
Because there's not anymore to buy, you gibbering baboon
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Why does neo-/v/ get happy when people have fun with Nintendo games? Is it because the majority of them are older gamers who started gaming with the NES, and they started with their mom's Wii? Is it because they prefer games that are aimed at babies?
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I dont know whats caused me to blow a bigger load, the asses in ARMS or the salt these fucking Sony Roaches spread all over these threads.
>telling facts
every time
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>Oh oh, my brown THICC waifu

>Look how FUN this game looks. It's so innovative. How come other companies can't make completely original games like Nintendo?

>Nintendo saved ANOTHER genre. Fighting games are saved!

>Nintendo always wins!

Like, the same shit you preach to about ponies just don't apply to the obnoxious base that is Nintendo. You can't go around saying one fandom is cancer just to turn around and be that cancer.

This applies to all brand loyalist, but especially Nintendo fans.
>different arms do different things
>elemental matchups
>jumping around the arena
>local multiplayer minigames
I bit, nice bait OP
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Here's what I predict.

>it'll sell alot because muh waifus
>gameplay will be terrible
>no singleplayer since that means they wouldn't have to pay for nintendo's shoddy online
>people will unironically jerk off over yet another esport

I wil never consider a game good unless it has a solid singleplayer, or it's free to play. If you think I'm paying 60 bucks for terrible online service, you've got another thing coming.
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>lmao 3DS is dead
>"it just got a game yesterday"

>moving the goal posts this hard

You could always play that first party Vita game that came out recently, like um...

Are you seriously getting triggered over shitposting? I don't think you've been in 4chan long enough.
every mode in the game is single player, you blind faggot

It's like you have a mouth full of nygger cock there.
literally better than GodHand lmao
spotted another one. this next one is for you, friend.
No thanks, have fun with zelda and springy arms while I play Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, and the 100s of other great games only playable on the PlayStation 4.
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Not good enough. It has to have a solid singleplayer. I'm talking difficulty modes, boss levels, unique designed arenas, AND it can't be praised by game journalists. if Jim Sterling likes your game, then you've made a bad game, for example.

Only ps4 game worth caring about was Ace Combat 7.


lmao, thats highly specific. Do you only play Touhou games?
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>ignoring the hundreds of 9/10 and 10/10 exclusives on the PS4
>durr ps4 has no gaem

Nintenbabblers are really stretching to find something to shit on.
"I don't like it so it doesn't count"
>enjoy this new game a highest scored game of the year while I play dead game, watch a movie and play far cry primal!
>there are fucking waifu threads over this game

You don't need further proof that Nintendo fans are mentally ill
>responds to five people in one post and posts crying wojak
>not the mad one
lmao, respond to me in your next post where you post I am silly strawman and respond to 20 people and then claim you're not mad
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Sure, I'm just going to go play some more of pic related

Have fun with the "best PS4 game", you know the game that was outsold by Splatoon, which /v/ said was going to flop?

I'll be looking forward to your damage control this Christmas!
>"100 of other games ONLY playable on the PlayStation 4"
*cough* Persona 5 *cough Nier Automata *cough* Gravity Rush 2 *cough*
Jesus, my dick can feel the mad you're exuding. Its nice and plump
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>this new highest scored game of the year that is best played on PC
>*also playable at silky smooth 20fps 720p on switch and wiiu

I don't play overrated AAA games and esports.
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The only games that look interesting on the PS4 is Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, and the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy but I already played it back when Sony was all about having fun, that's it.
>tfw I never got Punch-Out!! thinking it was just a $60 version of Wii Sports Boxing
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all PS4 games can be played on PC now, retard. Officially. Why do I need a PS4?
Looks good to me.
>"Please buy an entire console for 1 game which is already on an older console too"
nintenboys don't even realize how far they've cucked themselves
This. When a game starts to have threads dedicated to the retarded little Muppets they call waifus, you know you're getting yourself into a seriously Undertale-tier shit of a fandom.

All easternshit is guilty of this. It's why we dropped it while anticipating the inevitable iceberg crashing into Japan.
Man it must suck only have one console
what's up persona
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BOTW got more 10s tho, so I can happily press the button and feel no guilt.
Come back when Bloodborne gets added to PS Now. Fun fact: never ever
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ninpoodles are the biggest sheeple in gaming lolz. so mad

bro this is the same sheeple that defend casual japcbro games. ignore them
>implying persona is the only ps4 game worth buying
back to /a/ you go
literally said highest score game OF THE YEAR
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Persona 5 Take (You)r Heart Premium Edition is the main reason I own a ps4, fight me faggot
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>one focuses entirely on story
>the other focuses entirely on gameplay, as games are supposed to

It's a shit game but it's not a reskin of Awakening. It's a remake of the worst game in the series besides Awakening. Get it right.
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Oh lawdy, my heart belongs to Min-Min... but god damn...
I mean, The Last of Us is a great game, the difference is, The Last of Us is a great game for people who like an awesome story while BoTW is a great game for people who want amazing open world.
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sorry if it doesn't have the waifushit supports that make your dick hard, not everyone can get mad pussy by stealing hearts
S0nyponies destroyed
>one is aimed at adults
>other is aimed at children

Really makes those marios wahoo

So why are you saying that the Ps3 and Ps4 have no games if TLOU is one of the highest rated games of all time, only beaten out by BOTW?
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>being so insecure about your maturity that you play M rated games exclusively to feel like a big boy

When you grow up, you'll move out of this phase.
Are Nintendo fans shilling it because they think it looks fun or just because they need to push their next game on the Switch?

According to the same vaunted game journos that you blindly support, games shouldn't be about gameplay. Story is more important.
Looks cool, but i'm not sold on the lack of single player, unless the grand prix actually does have a story.
because they don't give a shit about art, persona 5 is literally the only reason to own a ps4 if you don't have a shit pc
How many Nintendo babies will start crying when Sony fags start spamming post E3 threads?
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Actually the opposite side friendo. I'm one of those faggots that cares about gameplay. My favorite games in the series are FE3/5/10. FE2 is fucking awful and the only games in the series that are worse are Awakening and Revelation.

I do want to pick up Persona 5 some time though because I'm not a child who's obsessed with brand loyalty.

>game gets a major news dump


Broken clock etc
>being so childish, you cannot comprehend why people don't like to play children's games anymore with zero depth in themes, characters, stories, and everything interesting to adults

You will never grow up and might as well kill yourself.
qhen he said he was playing the highest rated game this year, you posted an image comparing it with a game NOT from this year
Your word isn't law, anon.
It looked neat at first but it's so forced and easily the most shilled game on /v/ at the moment

I mean for fuck sake someone makes a thread every time they tweet about the game
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Nintendo fans shilling it because it makes you shit your pants with anger someone is looking forward to a videogame.
How many bags of dicks and crows this time?

But if those games were bad, their game scores and metacritic would reflect that.\


>Broken clock etc

No nigger, I can't comprehend why people like you come on /v/, a place about video games, to complain about video games that focus a ton on gameplay. And no, you're not a deep mature person for playing games for the story and characters, because in the end you're still playing a video game. Open your palette a bit more and maybe you'll be able to enjoy more video games.
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Pic related is what I think of Nintendo fans who haven't grown out of the 90's yet. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about liking Nintendo, yet when you begin to wear it on your sleeve like this it starts to get questionable after a point.
Put me in the screenshot! Love u xhagi~~
That's pretty embarrassing. I think the game looks shit because it looks like a party game wth zero depth that's worth $10, I couldn't care less why people like it.
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>Doesnt care
>has been in this thread before to tell us how he doesnt care
sure, friend.

>people enjoy a Nintendo game

With this mentality you'll never be an idort, just the type of sad fanboy that you hate so much.
>le you le care enough to le respond le meme
upvoted, fucking kill yourself you fag
woah, you sure showed him

What does it care if it's not from this year? Why would you praise anything based on journalists?
Right over your head, huh?
>*picks up phone*
>"Yeah, crimestoppers?"
>"I'd like to report a crime because I just witnessed a fucking murder"
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Stop trying to rationalize your love for extremely casual games with zero depth and challenge that are literally, LITERALLY designed for 10 year old Japanese children. I'm not saying you can't like childish games just stop trying to shame other for for not exhibiting your own mental disorder of manchildism
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>I think

You thinking, is a terrible thing
you sound poor or dependent, homie

You're trying really hard to fit into the /v/ stereotype.


>I haven't played the games but I'll tell you they have zero depth and challenge

This is how I know you're 17 - 19 years old.
do you have to be autistic to be hyped for arms and splatoon? they look like eshop kiddy games
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I like them all. You just don't see me expressing autism all over the place.
>centrist cuckoldry
>literally able to play any game we want
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>All idorts are just Ninteniggers in disguise
Wew lad
>console is out for 3 months
>has a minuscule amount of games
wow what a shocker
But that's on ps3
Nothing new that has come out of Nintendo HQ has had depth of challenge for the last 7 or so years besides the FE series. You can't blame me for watching the footage and coming to the same conclusion. I just wanted to know why the front page was being spammed and if it was because people unrionically thought this game looked good or if they were shilling it because they feel they have to shill Nintendos next move. AsI said nothing wrong with liking childish things, you just should be self aware about it and don't fully immerse yourself into fantasy land because that's bad
That's called punching. It is in every fighting game.
Literally raped and left in a pool of genital fluids

Again, your only argument is it's bad because it looks childish, but that would mean an overwhelming amount of people around the globe are manchildren. Do you really think this i the case? Is it hard to believe people enjoy things because they're fun? You seem to think a game like ARMS is comparable to Telitubbies when it comes to the target audience. Nintendo games are built for all audiences to enjoy. Stop acting like you're some super sophisticated and mature adult when you're over here in 4chan shitposting about video games.
these people need hadouken in all their fighting games in order for it to be legit.

which if thats the case, just put on a bird ARM
>ACfag "association fallacy doesn't exist" calling anything else a fallacy
he speaks the truth, logic only exists to mislead
>>Again, your only argument is it's bad because it looks childish

Stopped reading there. Allow me to reiterate >''Nothing new that has come out of Nintendo HQ has had depth of challenge for the last 7 or so years besides the FE series''

DKTF was another outlier but the majority of Nintendos first party content has been total casual stuff despite being lauded as actual games and not cinematic movies, have about the same level of challenge, mechanical variety and simplicity those very cinematic games offer and I consider those type of games a occasional guilty pleasure where as they make up if not 90% of Nintendos FP offering.

I grew out of Nintendo games very recently and I want games with depth, I don't care what form it comes in weather it's colorful or childish looking or not. I think I am a reasonable individual and can reasonably assess that ARMS is a party shovelware game with the depth of a fingernail focused tested for a market of extremely young players and that liking a game of this nature is fine but one must accept that he is a casual who likes casual games with casual content. I'll admit I like Uncharted but I mostly enjoy games like Nioh, City Skylines and ARMA.

Just accept that you like shalloe/easy/casual games designed for 5 year old Japanese boys and be done with it. It's not hard.
Don't bother bro, he's just another cringe manchild shilling reddit games just like the rest of nintendoodies.
stop samefagging, bro, we can see the IPs
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Stop calling samefag where no samefag has taken place.
anybody can html edit
You know that r*ddit boogeyman posting is a bannable offensive, right?

I grew out of Nintendo games very recently and I want games with depth, I don't care what form it comes in weather it's colorful or childish looking or not. I think I am a reasonable individual and can reasonably assess that ARMS is a party shovelware game with the depth of a fingernail focused tested for a market of extremely young players and that liking a game of this nature is fine but one must accept that he is a casual who likes casual games with casual content.

Bold words to say for a game that hasn't been released, and for something you haven't played.

> I'll admit I like Uncharted

Yeah, easy to tell.

> but I mostly enjoy games like Nioh, City Skylines and ARMA

Same, difference is I'm not a stuck up 2mature4u idiot.

>Just accept that you like shalloe/easy/casual games designed for 5 year old Japanese boys and be done with it. It's not hard.

I accept that I enjoy playing video games Anon.
Did you really install some gay ricer shit to make this place look more like Reddit?

>anon implies that game journalists are always right, letting people know that he shills for Jim Sterling

This is just pathetic.
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That's exactly what I implied, yep. I hope you get help someday so you can finally go away, you fucking loon.

Years of being here taught me to ignore those shitposts, and that they don't represent an entire fanbase. All sides do it.
>p-please d-delete this

>if you don't mindlessly lap up kotaku and gamespot reviews, then you're a "fucking loon"

I pray for the day that Hiroshimoot purges this site of advertisers and marketers.
stay mad fag
i guess at the end of the day, people just dont want to believe that nintendo fanboys would be that fucking stupid.
no way fag
If you can't admit you like casual games with no depth that's when you are a unfortunately a full blown manchild. I have offered you a easy path to redemption but you have ignored my offering, sadly.

If one is to take a liking toward games that have complex mechanics and a higher skill ceilings for example, that is sign of maturity in which in the eyes of you must be demonize. That is manchildism and is actually a bad thing that society considers an issue that needs to be fixed.
That's right, I'm a marketer. We're everywhere!

I kinda hope you are at least. Why would someone shill for Jim Sterling for free?
it's not marketing if you do it for free

there's a reason why actual gamers, such as myself, have grown out of nintendo and play actual mature games with depth and complexity, but that is something nintoodlies will never understand, heh

fucking squiggly springy "arms" ass shuit, what is this?
It is true, though. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it still doesn't look like it's worth $60.
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>actual gamers, such as myself
That's right, that's exactly what I'm doing. Even thought you were the only person to mention game journalists at all (let alone by name) ITT. You figured it out.
>no sticky
>only 4 spammy threads up about
Either the mods are finally doing their jobs or even die-hard toddlers are giving up on shovelware shit.
The game looks really fun and all of the characters and weapons look creative. The game is going to be a success.
>If you can't admit you like casual games with no depth that's when you are a unfortunately a full blown manchild.

>if you have the tastes of an adult or have matured in any way since you were 8 years old, you are a manchild

Jesus fucking christ. Can you image what these people who defend Nintendo LOOK like? I guess those pictures of the freaks lining up for Wii U's were for real, lmfao
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>casual games with no depth

Here's your problem, you never play the games yet you talk about them as if you know what their skill ceilings are. The only manchild here is you who's so obsessed over trying to look mature, yet spergs out over people enjoying Nintendo games.

>Even thought you were the only person to mention game journalists at all
Excuse me, who was the one who praised Zelda because of its high scores?
>Can you image what these people who defend Nintendo LOOK like?
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Haven't necessarily outgrown Nintendo, but >>377255024 sure reminds me why I stopped being so obsessed with the brand at one point.

I like most games and aren't picky about them. I like Mario just as much as I like Call of Duty, Uncharted, and Halo. They're all good shit I say.
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> you never play the games yet you talk about them

You don't really need to play arms to know tho
Some consolewarring retard, but the mere sight of Metacritic caused you to have your daily fit of insanity at the game journalist boogieman.
No sane adult has ever played these games because they don't own, or know anyone who owns, a recent Nintendo console. With that said it's abundantly obvious who these games are designed for.
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mfw this entire thread
Are you proud of being an obese diaper-wearing weirdo?
No I wont because I'm not buying that overpriced trash. Splatoon on the other hand I'd gladly defend to death.
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>someone blatantly brings up game scores and uses them as some kind of infallible measure of a game's quality
>someone else (IE me) calls them out

>No sane adult has ever played these games because they don't own, or know anyone who owns, a recent Nintendo console.

Gonna need a source on that.

>With that said it's abundantly obvious who these games are designed for.

All audiences. People who want to have fun playing a game. When are you going to grow out of your "I'm too mature for these games!" phase? How old even are you?
Hahahaha, you said it man. Rektendo gettin rekt as uisual, love it.

>posting overly saccharine j""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""rpg"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #58692624277457-C

Kys nintendie

You can easily tell what kids discovered 4chan recently with these posts.
You mean the people who bought a cucktch?
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Rest in keks sonybros

Epic post my dude.
>Gonna need a source on that.
I'm not sure they release demographic data for the "manchild lunatic" audience. Talk to an ad firm.
Your idea of "calling them out" is going on your daily psychotic rant about journalists.
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Fucking savage

t. Gladium
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Yeah, there's no reasoning with a manchild like you. Unless you try the games yourself you'll continue to be a pretentious twat in 4chan. You do you babe.
Seriously though you're retarded if you pay more than $20 for this. To think some cuk is going to spend $60 for this party game is as funny as someone spending that amount for shovelware like Sea Of Thieves. You're getting robbed blind lmfao but I supposed these diseased manchild cucks need to let big daddy steal from their wallets and reward them by taking a fat shit in their mouths lol
>the state of nindownies

Anon we know how hard you got rekted but there's always another option:


holy fuckin shit this and >>377247578
make this shitty fucking thread worth it

Couldnt agree more brah
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Psychotic rants? I'm asking you to follow the rules of the board, which is that there's no advertising allowed. Is that so rough?


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Who win?

The IP count hasn't changed since that post. We can tell you're samefagging.
can't we stop console warring to appreciate the ammount of BTFO this thread has provided?

Yeah it was so epic LMFAO brb gonna screencap and post in reddit xDD
bruh why is this thread still up? Can't wait for the next janny apps
Holy shit, the Direct was fucking awesome. They're doing everything that went right about Splatoon, AGAIN
This thread is fucking cancer though, what the fuck.
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>he's this mad
best part is both that sides got btfo
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I wonder how many people actually care about this consolewar shit and how many are just shitposting for (you)'s
which one was you? >>377260551
no need to try and fit in, nobody knows

Both posts are retarded. Difference is, the next one didn't have one or two shitposters spamming replies to it.
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god damn son
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Spoon feed me on why /v/ is so obsessed with that site?

People act like here isn't the same thing as there. It's practically the same echo chamber reverberating back and forth, except we don't pretend to have etiquette.
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sonybros lose again
Look, you have to understand that different people like/are excited for different things.
fat ass

Reddit has a board dedicated to 4chan posts.

4chan doesn't have a board dedicated to reddit posts. Most of reddit kiddies are too afraid to visit, with the occasional "how do I post on 4chan" reddit threads.
>literally actually thinks this is better than reddit
holy shit I spend most of my time here and don't believe in this meme. You must be underage, the only thing this place has is sometimes different kinds of people

If you don't see the huge contrast between your average 4chan poster and your average Reddit poster, then I know you haven't been here very long. I'm 26, been browsing since I was 16. 10 years of this shit.
Why would anyone buy a SHITch? PS4 already has 15+ exclusives worth owning, and not to mention it has the best multiplats. If you want a handheld so badly just buy a Vita.
that's what i said. Sometimes different people. never been on reddit that much tho, i guess they seek more approval because of le upboats
but the core is the same one is not better than the other
Why do you go out of your way to do shit like this? What are you trying to prove?

I know I'm only feeding your autism, but fuck me.

>doesn't include the Sony shitposters

Gonna guess you're one of them.
Is there a better way to kill yourself other than hanging yourself wioth a noose? I don't have anything to hang the rope from. I have floor cleaning ditergents and stuff but I don't want to fail my suicide attempt and end up worse than I already am.
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you could always get two guillotines and a little girl to fuse with. worst case scenario is that you become Ardhanarishvara
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by covering yourself in poisons

or as the french say

la poisson
that poisson better be puffer fish
i understood the meme btw but still wanna kms
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Doesn't mention Sony.

Kindly fuck off. Fan boys of all kind are cancer.
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The only thing that's wrong is having the switch as your console of choice.
>peoplw excited for wagglan
Finally my time machine worked I'm back in 2006
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>splatoon sold over 4 million
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>has less players than Battleborn only 2 years after it's release

>"console" "shooters"
And BotW is on WiiU.
Well said
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I don't really understand the shitposting. I've never owned a console in my life and I think Arms looks pretty cool. I'm not going to buy a Switch for it but it looks like a fun game.
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What kind of no lifer plays the same game for more than a few months ever?
Thread posts: 347
Thread images: 88

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