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The Surge is not a Darksouls game. In the same way how C&C

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The Surge is not a Darksouls game.

In the same way how C&C is not a Statecraft game.
Or how SMT is not Pokemon.
And Unreal is not Quake.

So here is a challenge.

Explain why you don't like it wo comparing it to dark souls.

Because pretty much all complaints iv seen so far are how its not exactly like dark souls.
not comparing games to similar entries in the genre is a quick way to fuck yourself over when you're explaining the game to another person

on that token, your character plays slower and hits look less effective visually than any other modern action rpg i like, including fucking monster hunter

this game has not enticed my dollar. don't challenge people to talk themselves out of buying it, just shill it to them like a normal marketer
it really isnt a soulsgame
it's short :(
i wish everyone was enlightened like me and just knew it was a bad game by instinct
Surge was mismarketed. I think this game would appeal to the cawadoody crowd more than the weeaboo crowd.
>The Surge is not a Darksouls game.
This. I pirated the game and I don't like it, too fucking boring but god damn people just need to stop comparing it to souls when it's nothing like it. In an earlier thread someone said that Souls was the game that added lock-on, difficulty, and map shortcuts into one bundle and I honest to god believe everyone comparing it to souls because of this is underaged as fuck.
95% of its mechanics and features are ripped straight out of souls. it's a fucking clone.

when did /v/ get so fucking stupid? is it post-tortanic? post-gamergate?
It's a souls clone you fucks
>souls invented lock-on
>souls invented hard hitting enemies
>souls invented inventory
>souls invented leveling up
>souls invented map short cuts
>souls invented healing items
>souls invented equipping items
>souls invented bosses
>souls invented video games
dumb fuck, the only thing I see that might be a rip off to souls is getting your scraps/exp/soul back from your dead location but even then I'm not sure if souls invented that.
It's LITERALLY a souls clone. And everyone disagreeing is a soulsdrone fucktard.
The aesthetic is boring and the combat doesn't look fun. Why is it so melee focused? It's dumb. You're dumb.
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>the surge is not a dark souls game
>but bloodborne is

this board is a fucking joke i swear
>hurr if I break it down to its most basic elements and isolate them from each other it's like nothing is new
it's the combination, arraying and interaction of these elements that make up the final product and THAT'S what deck13 is reproducing.

you are so fucking dumb holy shit.

I am a soulsdrone fucktard and I think surge is great. it IS a fucking clone and that's a good thing.

just like so many classic shooters are straight up doom clones, called doom-likes at the time. some games are good enough to spawn entire new genres.
souls is not the first game to have those in combination either you stupid piece of underaged shit. please kill yourself.
>hurr its a souls clone
>has quicksave/load on pc
name one
So can anyone list pros and cons of this game?
now name one popular enough to become synonymous to its own genre, like WoW or kleenex

if you deny WoW clones exist i'm gonna call the cops because you are too retarded to walk among other citizens
>The Surge is not a Darksouls game
It isn't, but it is a Souls clone and any comparisons are completely justified.

I'm enjoying the game but you're fucking delusional if you don't see the similarities.
>moving le goalposts cause you were proven wrong within seconds
No thanks faggot, there are much more though. Learn how to google or stop being an underaged fuck.
looks nice
neat mechanics
small amount of bosses.
Leveling doesnt increase stats.
>first post answers the question
>nobody even glances at it
>retards going "it's a souls clone...kek" or "no it's not lmaowtfbbq" are 99% of the thread's replies
>not pokemon
But it is
You don't need to reply to every post you read anon, this isn't fucking Reddit, (You)s are not upvotes.
>Trying to explain what DaS is
>It's like Zelda OoT but dying is a gimmick.
There, Souls are ZeldaOcarinaofatime-esque
wasn't that anon, just corrected his challenge

the game that makes it into the mainstream is the one with clones, period. WoW clones, metroodvanias, CoD killers, and souls clones. prove me wrong.
Yeah they are, or else OP wouldn't have bothered.
>the game that makes it into the mainstream is the one with clones, period. WoW clones, metroodvanias, CoD killers, and souls clones. prove me wrong.
Which is why people call first person shooters Doom clones. Oh wait, they don't any more.
Kill yourself you fucking moron
>severance was made years before souls was even a concept
>it's the clone because souls is popular
not even gonna reply properly, end yourself
the mainstream changes my dude
make the surge 2 a hit and maybe we'll stop comparing it to its betters
i'll toss you an easy bone, then
name a good MMO that came out before WoW and tell me why WoW is the standard setter instead
>mainstream changes my dude
Yeah. It takes them a long time to realize that calling something a clone of a popular game due to some similarities is fucking retarded.
It had Warcraft in the name
calling something a clone of an already successful work for trying to literally copy the formula for free money is a valid accusation and, since you knew Doom had clones, has been a valid accusation since the beginning.

there were literally atari competitors trying to "make" new games by putting a themed cover on the TV and running pong. are those not clones?

let go of your anger and quit making bait OPs
fucking this. i've had this "trait" since i was younger with SNES and N64/PS1

no matter what anyone tells you, you aren't wrong
incorrect, you have a free retry
That ending was fucking stupid. At least the final boss was ok, but if you ever played Lord of the Fallen's DLC I'd have 0 hope for The Surge's DLC
Doesnt involve picking stuff up from your corpse after you die. It also consists of a set of levels rather than one world you explore. You dont customize your character in any way besides picking one at the start and then changing weapons. I bet you knew all that but still banked on the fact that nobody actually played Severance, they just namedrop it.
I bought it and I'm enjoying it.
Well no shit you dumb niggers, if you write a game off and never play it you'll never challenge your perception of the game.

I have a pretty good sense about this shit too but I've picked up games I wasn't interested in before and been completely blown away. More importantly I'm not going to sit here and pat myself on the back for being closed minded.
>Doesnt involve picking stuff up from your corpse after you die
I know, I mentioned that it's probably the most unique mechanic that souls invented.
>set of levels rather than explore
No different than fast traveling in souls or taking an elevator to a new part of the world (basically a loading screen).
>character customization
Who cares? Souls didn't invent that and it's a rather small point in the comparison I'm making.
So you had to grasp at 2 small straws in order to try and be superior thinking that any action rpg type game is a souls clone, congrats.
If its in the same genre thats already set a standard then surely its fair to judge against thge top standard
The Surge is hot garbo, fagola
Bad designs.
Clunky looking gear and weaponry.
Horrible, unfitting theme for the playstyle it sought out.
Bad company handling.
kek balance
"Nobody liked a preset main character last time. Let's do it again!"

It just aint my thing.
>you aren't challenging your perception of a game when everything but haven and hearth has nearly a full deconstruction on every single aspect of the game on youtube
>you HAVE to BUY it and play it or you're RONG
value your money more, anon. if a game can't sell itself to you from its promotional material or your friends, you would be right in giving it a miss.
Well those two dumbasses were off on some tangent about how they have a special spider sense for bad games that never fails them. Kinda different than being able to look at this developers track record with derivative garbage and assume from all the available facts that this is more derivative garbage.
stop trying to justify your purchases, man. it's completely okay to spend money on games. you just get suckered into them
>>souls invented lock-on
you sure are newfag underage af
>Leveling doesnt increase stats.
Some implants scale with your core power.
Souls invented video games, dipshit. Holy shit git gud
This game looks awful and I won't be buying it based on the developer, gameplay, screenshots etc.

Again, you were arguing that you have some special sixth sense for bad games because it's never failed you. How could it fail you if you decide the game is garbage based on your mutant powers of intuition and never play it?
Basically every good post in this thread in one sentence. Crying about an action rpg being compared to the most popular one available is fruitless.
OP asking people to defend their sentiments with a handicap, rather than trying to explain in any capacity why his are better, is a garbage idea.
More garbage than this game.
>it's scifi therefore it's not a souls clone, the argument
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do you understand the stark differences between The Surge and souls games?

The differences between Bloodborne and Souls games are meagre in comparison
hey deck13, don't send your interns here for marketing, okay?
Yeah the way they worded it makes it sound like they only have to see the cover.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt here because I didn't drink my piss in the afternoon thinking I had just made lemonade in the toilet.
>Unreal is not Quake

>game A comes out
>becomes popular
>game B gets released with a lot of similarities to game A
>it is called a game A clone because of this

That's it. That's the only reason things get called clones of other things, because the most recent and well known example is the basis for what comes after it. And when Game A has a franchise with a now apparent formula, things with the same or similar formula will definitely, undoubtedly, be considered clones of it.
well if you could bother to explain them instead of going off and bitching about DUH SOULSFAGS at 90 mph that'd be great

all the gameplay i've seen says it tries the meat of the souls formula but worse, like LotF does. not gonna bother to seek out its nuances.
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because i'm not a shit-eating faggot who falls for companies' ploys, retard. get some general sense in you
he gets me
Good lord you're a fucking moron.
Dark Souls and all it's mangled copy-cat offspring are shit.
Shit combat
>Explain why you don't like it wo comparing it to dark souls.

the game is marketed as a Souls like, the complaints are legit.
Shut the fuck up you retarded cocksucker

You don't get to just steal everything from another series repaint it and call it your own. Glad this shit isn't gonna sell a dozen copies
Watched a stream and some dude beat it in one day. With farming
Really made me meh
Yeah they don't anymore because the genre of first person shooters has very little to do with Doom now. But you're fucking lying if you're going to go ahead and say Depth Dwellers entire existence is anything except to be a clone of Doom.
Is there some kind of homeward bone in this game? I got stuck in some small area and it's impossible to get out.
Pokemon ripped off SMT, actually
That's been around at least since Diablo. So before any of you were born.
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>Old enough to recall the internet fighting over if X or Y was a Doom clone
>mfw seeing kiddies do it again with Souls
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The one bonfire per area is fucking stupid because it restricts the level design to:
>explore ground level then loop around back to bonfire
>explore above ground level 1 then loop back to bonfire
>explore underground level then loop back to bonfire
>explore above ground level 2 then loop back to bonfire
>explore last area and fight the boss

Now you might say that making shortcuts back to the bonfire is 'smart', and I agree if used sparingly, but it feels boring when you experience it multiple times per zone. It doesn't help that everything is either industrial or industrial ruins.
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Has anyone else been getting this strange, bright-blue glow effect on some of the particles?
Update your AMD driver to the latest one.
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What is the best weapon type and why is it single rigs?
you won shill dude i'm downloading it right now
>recommended RAM: 16GB
Are devs getting lazy or is that considered reasonable these days? Even The Witcher III didn't have this high recommended specs.
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>if you write a game off and never play it you'll never challenge your perception of the game.
I wish I had done this with Lords of the Fallen and actually looked at reviews before wasting 60 fucking dollaroonies in such a horrible fucking game.
I've watched gameplay of this and it looks the exact same, down to the ripped out animations. Aside from very few minor improvements, the game looks exactly like LotF, and has even worse level design somehow. Not to mention how it's literally artificial difficulty, where enemies do like half of your health in a single hit, and armor doesn't matter.
I'm so sick of people trying to shill this game and convince people that it's actually really good when it's really not. LotF made Dark Souls 2 look like a fucking masterpiece in comparison, and this is no different.
No coop no invasions no buy.
Fuck off.
Because Dark Souls' gameplay isnt really that great anyway, but it makes up for it with great level design and extra fluff.
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Keep crying. You'll get over your disorder eventually
DEX > STR in this game. You can stagger enemies with the fastest/lightest weapon (twin rigged). And stability isn't worth it on the heavier exo-suits because you don't want to be taking any hits in the first place since defense barely matters when you die in 2-3 hits either way.
Very unappealing environments, exo skeletons are the gayest and by far the ugliest future armor ever invented and the main character could've been an interesting robot but instead we get an angry cripple. Also lmao five bosses.
>Explain why you don't like it wo comparing it to dark souls.

It's western. The west has never made a good game. Japan is the only country that makes good games.
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>the death screen is just black with big red "you died" words in the middle

Holy shit they couldn't even be bothered to come up with anything else? Maybe some kind of quick shutdown sequence or weird graphical effects or something? Anything?
The MC is not a cyborg. His eyes are working normally, he was just paraplegic.
>housemate says he wants to buy a game for the WiiU
>look it up
>it's mario party-esque shovelware wagglan trash
>plead with him not to buy it
>screw you anon don't tell me what to do with my money
>buys it
>forces me into playing it with him and some friends to try it out
>it's exactly what I told him
>he realizes this after a couple nights and never plays it again

sometimes it's good to listen to your bullshit meter
It's not like flashing no vital signs over the eyes of a man with no vital signs makes anymore sense
I miss when main characters exploded if they died
Fuck that's even lamer than I thought. They could have expanded gameplay options with a full cyberkinetics upgrade system. Upgraded targeting that can locate enemy weakspots, new combo unlocks by upgrading the frame and joints of your suit, etc. But that would have taken time and energy so fuck it I guess.
>Souls-like =/= Dark Souls
>Metriodvania =/= Metroid or Castlevania
There are implants that get embedded into your skull so I don't know what he's talking about
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>The Surge is not a Darksouls game
>Explain why you don't like it
It is the same type of game, though, and I do like it.
Also, fuck you.
They have implants that you slot into your exo-suit to do stuff like more health, more stamina, more energy, see enemy health bars, gain % health when using a finisher, etc. Leveling up gives you more slots at set levels.
Pokemon is SMT, not the other way around, Atlus was years ahead you fucking retard.
>Upgraded targeting that can locate enemy weakspots
But you can do that from the start. Unarmored and armored.

>new combo unlocks
No, no, no. It can't even handle the combos it already has.

>so fuck it
Fuck you.
I can't find it, are you sure there's one?
>see enemy health bars

This being an implant on not default is one of the few peeves I have with this game.
Probably because Nier Automata did it.
You are fucking retarded
Anyone know what the "hardcore" kill for the final boss is yet? I want me them blades of the gestalt.
What's the plot of this game?
nanomachines, son.
It's a lazy game. I'm in the second area, where I've been up to the boss. So far there's no plot to speak of, and no lore too.
The gear I sport is the lynx set, and the only alternative I've seen is the rhino set. These two are the basic gear sets, and there's no reason to mix them together. I got a few weapons, but it's the basic ones, and the proficiency system doesn't encourage me to use anything else than my trusty one-handed saw blade. I've seen no alternatives, nothing that I could craft, no rare components to make anything different, no special things to unlock somehow.
The drone's only real use I've seen for now is making sure you fight enemies one by one. Couldn't even give me an implant to make it do something else since that's apparently a thing in the game ?
The combat system is great in itself, but there's no reason to use it fully because you only encounter a few enemy types, and right now I can just kill all the humans by spamming regular attacks. I haven't tried to kill the robots after getting rekt by them but I'm making enough scraps on my own to not be concerned by fighting everything in my path.
The shortcuts are fine and unlocking them feels good, but the level design is bland and repetitive, and sometimes doesn't make sense.

It could be a decent action game, but it doesn't try to be one. It's like the developers don't want the players to have fun. Or that they try to ride the souls train by marketing The Surge as being in the same style when it's in fact a piss-poor copy of the formula.
Stability affects your blocking ability too. With highest stability, I could block heavy weapons and counter easily. Some attacks are always unblockable though.

>the duck+counter stun works on all robots
Makes them easy to kill
A clone of Black Ops III. Computer virus turning people insane.
There are multiple upgrades for the drone. I found shield, cyro slow, ram (which knocks over any enemy in the game) and the standard laser
>spamming r1 beats everything
>robots are cheap because r1 spam doesnt work
Kek. R1 isnt your "fast" strike, its one of your slowest attacks.
Are you saying it's not?
No character creation.
No multi-player.
Woah. If you press start while during a slow mo kill it pauses the game and gives you camera controls.
That would be neat if my character didn't look ugly as fuck.
What's the best weapon type to focus on? I know it's going to be a quick weapon but I don't know which. I've just been sticking with the sword/saw right now.
It's Deck 13, those dudes only make cheap shovelware.
Get yourself some MG or proteus gear. I like how they look.

I fell into a nice comfortable zone with heavy single rigged weapons like the pax blade and legionnaire. Lots of staggering power and energy gain without the shitty downsides a hammer has.
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Grab the Firebug Throttle 2.0 by destroying all of the second boss's arms and never look back.
Going staff on my build, seem pretty fun, gonna switch to light gear also, heavy build fucking sucks
I've been playing a few hours, and I've come to realize that I'm not sure how to dismember legs so I can get leg armor. I can't target legs, so how do I remove them to get new leg armor?
You can always target the human's head and limbs, keep scrolling. You need to build up enough energy and do sufficient damage to that limb as well.
I don't know why people are saying the big weaps suck, the hammer I found is pretty good
That swing time is cripplingly bad for me since you can't build to take hits and can't heal when attacking. The damage isn't even that good compared to a heavy single rigged weapon. The higher energy gain and impact is not worth it imo. Better off with a pax/legionary if you are going heavier weapons.
Use your dash attack to open up enemies, hit a weakpoint to stagger them then target areas you want to break while they stumble. Hitting only one limb in a combo is counter-intuitive
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>Tell people it's going to be terrible
>No one listens to me
>It's terrible
>People crying that it's terrible
40 hours in, its pretty good. Its better than a played out sequel.
>thinks his taste is a "trait"
>thinks his "trait" is something that is objective that can and should be passed on to everyone
Retard alert.
Few bosses
No magic
No armor that doesn't look like junk until NG+
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Literally The Surge "armor set"
Have you seen the shit people will swallow nowadays?
Do you get special items for killing bosses in particular ways like LOTF?
The story is trash, the art direction is awful and the combat is repetetive.

There is no character creation but a fixed protagonist and he has the charisma of a moldy potato. Actually, that goes for every character in this game.

The combat gets old really fast.
Fighting humans is fun at first but once you've seen the basic weapon types there's nothing really new.
Robots are just trash because they only have one hitbox.
Bosses are just damage sponges and their attacks are easy to avoid.

After you enter main complex the repetition starts to really sink in. There is little actual variety in the locations and there's many cramped spaces which makes fighting tedious.
It doesn't make the combat more intense, it just makes you fight against the camera.

The finishing moves are basically just quick-time events like in Deus Ex. Basically press E to execute. It's really awkward having to hold the execution button down for a second.

There's an option to display lore text ingame but it's literally just additonal text like "this is an imergency exit" when you walk close to a door. That's how bland this game is.

There's just nothing that engages you in terms of story, atmosphere, characters or background.
It almost feels like playing a tech demo.

It looks like they've learned nothing after Lords of the Fallen.

I played for around 5 hours, uninstalled and refunded it.
/pol/ really is invading, just keeps getting worse and worse
Well, except for the fact that the developers literally said they wanted to make a game like dark souls, and they already tried before with Lords of the fallen.
And I'm sure they'll try a third time.
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>tfw have this trait too
What do you get if you dont cut off all the legs off firebug?
How can you refund when you played for 5 hours?
>try to cut off all the firebug legs for his special weapon
>it dies before I can do that

Fuck. Guess I'm not getting that weapon ever. So whats a good weapon to use? I found this red glowing energy weapon thing I've been using for a while.
I'm running it with 8 and I get no performance issues on maxed settings.
Doing the hardcore kill nets you the v2 of the boss weapon which just means it's undamaged and has a special effect like a shockwave for PAX vertical heavy and fire damage at the end of combos for Firebug.
That's a bad comparison. Souls games are unique in their approach to storytelling, atmosphere, and combat. They're in their own category. Starcraft is not, it's an RTS.
i just think a sci fi game with melee weapons is silly
Wheres this guys fucking drugs? tired of hearing him bitch
Bloodborne is made by the people who made Dark Souls, you know that right?
Definitely not in the 2nd area. Might be in the 3rd since it's biolabs.
I've played it for about an hour so far, no major complaints yet.

I've completed demon's souls but never tried the dark souls trilogy or bloodborne. Or nioh, or lords of the fallen. Not aware of any other games that might fit the same vague subgenre.
I wish Souls games had that homing baseball slide slash that you can do from 20+ feet away with single rigged weapons.
Why do people look so highly upon Quake? Is it just because of the bunny hopping? I mean I'm sure it was great in multiplayer but the single player is inferior to Doom because the stages and enemies are dead boring. The bunny hopping makes the stages slightly less boring but they weren't designed around it so it isn't even always useful. Quake II is the better singleplayer game in my eyes because while they removed the bunnyhopping(and the melee weapon those FUCKING IDIOTS) it ends up being more solid mostly because it rips off doom even harder than Quake did. It's literally just a really ugly Doom with different weapons and 3D graphics, and I'm okay with that.
I wish souls had absolutely no fall damage when you attack off a ledge so i can just speedrun through the game like fucking sonic.
>enemies have grenade launchers and flamethrowers
>can't get those

Well, that sucks balls. Game's pretty good otherwise once you learn that enemies are all essentially minibosses in this game because they can all 1-3 shot you. Does anyone know how to tell what a full armor set bonus does though? I see the icon for it on my screen but no way to check as to what it actually does.

The only one I figured out so far was the elite hazmat armor lets you walk through poison gas without dying.
>enemies are all essentially minibosses in this game because they can all 1-3 shot you
That's called artificial difficulty.

You can find what a set bonus does in the Specs tab.
It's in the greenhouse areas. I think you need the drone core but I can't remember.

Shit, he ran off in my game, guess if you don't find his drugs he fucks off once you get to a certain point.
Don't sweat it. You don't get anything great out of the deal anyway.
Yeah souls games control better, more precise and doesn't rely entirely on blindsided ambushes for difficulty.
In an interview the lead director said that at first they considered making it an indian fantasy setting but came to the conclusion they know too little about indian mythology.

What a joke of a company.
Literally just throwing out random ideas with souls-gameplay shoved into it.

I'm pretty sure their design discussion went like this:

>What do we do?
>Future souls with robots
>Fallout 4 had this cool power suit you could customize
>cool, what else?
>lets make it an exeskeleton like in Elysium that goes into the flesh through clothing for no reason
>nice nice
>in dead space you need to cut of your enemies limbs
>go on
>in dark souls cutting off tails gives you weapons
>what about the story?
>some shit about terrorists and evil companies destroying the environment
The only person that actually rewards you for helping them the first time is that black guy that you needed to juice. Fucking shitty NPCs.
>lets make it an exeskeleton like in Elysium that goes into the flesh through clothing for no reason
I'm surprised they don't eventually die from infection.
Or contract tetanus from getting hit with rusty shit all day.

What do you get if you find it?
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>reach level 2
>get my shitty drone
>get Dave and Hobbs
>meet two nice gentlemen with fancy armor and staves
>killed in two hits

>decide to avoid those two and head to recycling
>hammer bros can shoot things at you
>you can't shoot things at them
>double pokes around every god damn corner
>double pokes who do tremendous amounts of damage
>when you yourself can't do dick with their weapons


Block the twin rigged weapons. It completely fucks their day.
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I was convinced blocking was completely worthless in this game, but I'll try that; thanks.
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Has anyone here managed to kill the third boss without destroying the limbs? What's the difference between the normal Spitfire Rod and the 2.0 version you get from the Hardcore kill?

Blocking actually fucks up a lot of enemies. Staff guys (not their low sweep move though), one handed weapon guys, twin rig guys, all get fucked pretty hard by blocking. Dunno about hammer or huge weapon guys though, never tried it on them.
it didnt answer the question since its just full of blatant lies
I'm using PAX 2.0 which hits like a damn truck, so this'll be good I wager.
So Proficiency. What exactly does it do?

Yeah, a lot of people are using the regular PAX. But honestly all of the weapons seem alright so far.
PAX 2.0 is the one you get for not cheesing him with missles; I'm really liking the slower weapons and the basic piston.
>at the 4th map
>still rolling with that 1h chainsaw sword

i mean, the other weapons just seem worse
anyone else have shit performance on PC?
i7-6700 and gtx 1070 and the only setting I can play on Very High is Textures. the rest need to be set to High and I still get stutters even then
6700k + 1070 here

its on max settings for me with 1.5DSR from 1080p and only dropped once to like 55fps in the biolabs area with tons of smoke or what on the 3rd map
>Leveling doesn't increase stats.

Isn't that actually awesome though? One of the biggest issues with Souls is how grindable it is.
That's way more accurate than you're implying. Souls is hugely Zelda inspired and people acting like the series have barely anything in common don't know what they are talking about.
Just tried it and it's sluggish as shit. I don't think it's going to wow anyone.
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Anyone else had problems with the game detecting their controller? For some reason it wont let me switch to gamepad mode.
like everything on max? and all settings turned on? I'm wondering if there's a setting I'm supposed to turn off because it eats FPS.
did you buy it or pirate?

You mean when the game loads? Yeah, there's an issue where if it detects M+KB first it won't detect the controller. Just mash buttons as the game is first loading and it should work.
You can turn down volumetric lightning as that hits your frames hard.
"Souls clone" is very much a meaningful term since Souls pioneered a very specific set of conventions that other games are deliberately taking after.

>Acton adventure game with RPG elements
>Focuses on 3rd person combat with lock-on
>Has an 'always on' system where you can't pause and instead the game is a stream of continuous, otherwise unbroken action punctuated by rest/reset/level-up points (which is the key element that allows a game to be Souls-like as the other things after this rely on it and each other to work and make sense)
>Game saves automatically and continuously, with the expectation that the player is working with a single file and that every action and decision the make has (semi)-permanent consequences that won't be save-scummed
>Death results not in a reload, but partially restores the environment of threats and otherwise has your actions and what you have collected continue through death, leaving a mark where you died to incentivize you to actually return to where you failed to restore the exp that you otherwise lose temporally.
>Has integrated "multiplayer on top on single player", allowing messages, invasions and co-operative play without a special multiplayer mode separate from the main game.

This is unique and constitutes meaningful sub-genre.
Level them and their proficiency up?

Of course the thing that has been upgraded is going to be better than something you find later, lmao.
So is there any in-game reason for your character dying and resurrecting and having to go collect their scrap?
I'd also add the heavy focus on managing your stamina, which both drains and refills relatively quickly, but running out of it can doom you in an instant.
Lol no, they didn't think that deeply about it. It's just what Souls does so they do it too
A drone carries your body back to the repair station, but it can't carry the scrap because it's too heavy.
I tried to give this a chance but its fucking terrible.

I can't believe it. Deck 13 are a bunch of hacks who couldn't make a good game to save their lives.
Something off with your PC. 1070 and i5 4570 here and it runs at 60 fps at all times in 1080p and every setting on very high including the volumetric lighting.
yes everything on max
legit version
Am I missing something or do they really only give you one leg and one arm at the beginning?
Japan love their "catching things and use them to fight" games. SMT predate pokemon too

SMT protags are usually the strongest unit though, not the demons
shieet could a bad hdd cause this shit? I'm noticing very slow boot times recently and programs open real slow like chrome for example.
Can you find maddy the second time? If so where at. Hope she's alive.
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The drone at the beginning of the game is dragging you to disposal, not to a repair station. >>377253945 shows that your exo-suit reports no vital signs, meaning you're dead because you're just a disabled man strapped with a suit made of metal. There is no "repairing".
i dont know man
i havent played a game running from my HDD for like 3 years now
That's how it is, you gotta cut off parts for the rest.
>Twin rigs
Acceptable, but needlessly flashy. Not as good as you think they are.
Shit moveset, basically pointless.
>One handed
If you like twin rigs but hate dealing damage
>Heavy duty
Passable, but too slow for most situations.
>Single rigs
Perfectly blend of speed and power without any noticeable weakness. The only choice for any upstanding citizen.

Attack real fast
>Every other Rig
LMAO get out.
>every other rig

See, I was about lynx fan too. I didn't think the gorgon set bonus was very impressive compared to attack speed but after using it for a while I can safely say it's a fucking awesome set. As far as I'm concerned it's lynx early game then gorgon for the rest.
The suit that gives you elemental resist is decent for some areas.

Did you know that you can favourite weapons and then swap between them? G is the default hotkey, you favourite weapons in the equipment menu.
OK who's beaten it?

How long must I suffer? I've gotten to the first boss (PAX Robot?) and died to it twice.

too bad the gorgon set is ugly as shit. I'm actually playing with no armor on because I find them either too bulky or just plain goddamn uggo. I make up for it by having 8 of those +hp implants equpped.
The ride never ends my friend. But honestly once you get pax's weapon it's not as frustrating aside from bosses. Don't forget to not let his missiles hit him for the v2 weapon. Make sure your using a full lynx set for that sweet attack speed bonus, armor is worthless and early heavy rigs are hot garbage
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The first boss is complete bullshit, I had two encounters where it after it went down my attacks would just go through its hitbox.

Buggy shit, least the other bosses work.
Great, cause I picked Rhino.

I shouldn't be surprised that they switched it up, since Armor was OP as fuck in Lords of the Fallen.

>don't let his missiles hit him

So how the fuck are you supposed to damage him?
Downloading it now.
If it were a Souls game, where would it rank on the hierarchy? Is it at least better than DS2?
Here's what I think so far fags:

The first level is very well designed

Still going through the second one, but it's great so far with neat characters and quests

I'm really digging how the game actually grows the souls formula, by adding a lot of new mechanics

It's very good

What I also like is that this is more like dark souls 1 in design than dark souls 2 or 3

Can someone explain what exactly makes this game any worse than the souls games?
Except for the less interesting world of course
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>Turn corner.
Once you destroy all the armour covering his legs and he does the stomping move, attack his other leg to knock him off balance.
I'm sure it's better than all of them in some aspects

Dark souls 1 is a classic game but broken, dark souls 2 is bad while dark souls 3 made me feel nothing

Such a letdown

Surge ain't a classic like dark souls 1, but it's definitely not a bad souls game
Neither was doom and they were still all doom clones. Popular wins over correct all most of the time.
Get the orange bar full, then when he's trying to stomp you while under him hit the leg he's standing on to topple him. And yeah, the rhino is absolutely horrible and even the set bonus is crap. Cut off a lynx set from those zombos as soon as you can and build it.
You know SMT existed before pokemon right? You should be saying that Pokemon is not a SMT game.
It's not that good, buddy. LotF --- Surge ----------- Souls. Only the combat is decent, everything else is bland and boring.
Fucking rekt
Also doesn't involve invasions/networked co op.
So was Enchanted Arms.

>Can someone explain what exactly makes this game any worse than the souls games?
>Except for the less interesting world of course
>Can someone explain what makes it worse except for the reason its worse
Its also five hours long with only a handful of weapons and rigs, none of which are better than shit you get from the first level.

Hit his legs until he topples to the ground. Then go around behind him and destroy the module on his back.
My complaint is that it's like dark souls, and I think dark souls is shit.
>Get to the dark area
>Lights don't do shit because they just point straight into the ground

The game has a severe lack of interesting items. Every item you get is for crafting a piece of armor or upgrading your stuff. There is no magic oil that you can drink to make you temporarily faster or temporarily increase your damage or anything cool like that. The enemies drop very specific stuff and the drop rate is always 100%
What quests?
>Temporary buffs

I never use that garbage anyway.

>There is no magic oil that you can drink to make you temporarily faster or temporarily increase your damage or anything cool like that.

Uh, what? There are several implants that apply physical or elemental damage buffs to your weapon in exchange for energy.
It's not 5 hours long the fuck are you on about

>with only a handful of weapons and rigs, none of which are better than shit you get from the first level.

So like any other dark souls game?

Magic is retarded in dark souls, it's simply broken and a waste time cuz it breaks the game
You're right about the items, but it's not like anyone uses that shit in dark souls altho it's cool.
I like the way you make your build
It's actually different from dark souls, which is nice and you can add buffs to your weapons
Actually one of the first things you get is a damage buff
Did you play the game anon?
I know absolutely nothing about this game besides the fact that there are several people on /v/ constantly claiming it's not a Dark Souls clone.

Which leads me to believe it might be a Dark Souls clone.
Even the devs openly admit it's supposed to be a soulslike game
>So like any other dark souls game?
Go fuck yourself.

>Dark Souls
>Large selection of weapon types
>Every weapon has different scaling, or base damage for different builds
>Each weapon group has weapons with different movesets
>Weapons with unique effects such as toxic, elemental damage or special attacks

>The Surge
>There are five weapon types
>Five boss weapons
>Every weapon has the same moveset within its type
>About two or three weapons in each group
>Each weapon is a flat, brainless upgrade
Dark souls has the same thing, like 5 weapon types and then a hundred reskins of that same moveset

What the fuck are you on about you dumb bastard
You don't have to be so mad when your game is shit.
Are you shaking anon?
How do I increase number of heals?

I don't want a lords of teh fallen situation where I missed them all and go through life with 3 potions.
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>like 5 weapon types and then a hundred reskins of that same moveset
Funny looking 5.
You can equip multiple of the same implants. You should've found the 2nd instant heal implant before the 1st boss.
Idk, most weapons just feel the same in dark souls besides the obvious very slow, normal and very fast ones

I never liked the weapon variety in dark souls, bloodborne did this so much better I loved it

I don't mind how the surge does it, at least it doesn't pretend like it has huge weapon moveset variety

Just find another heal implant thing and shove it in
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>Called out on his bullshit
>Idk most weapons feel the same
>I.. I didn't even like the weapon variety
Okay cupcake.
>shitpost abot the game because you don't like it
>no one listens to you
>now some people are enjoying the game and discussing it
>now you're shitposting because you don't want people liking things that you don't like

grinding doesn't really do shit in dark souls though, if you grind hard enough you'll die in 4 hits instead of 3 or get 4 rolls instead of 3

maybe I'm just too used to games where grinding is the difference between literally doing chip damage and one shooting the hardest non-boss enemies
>not being able to handle basic human communication
Amazing how a few simple sentences can shatter simple minds

Yea I always just level a bit of hp/stamina in souls and then the rest I put in damage
It's even more ridiculous in bloodborne where things not only do a ton of damage but also have long chains of attacks
Dark Souls also has soft and hard caps so you steamroll everything.
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>Amazing how a few simple sentences can shatter simple minds
All The Surge does is make me pine for a GOOD souls style sci-fi.

The only thing good about Surge is the animations, sounds and the design of the rigs/weapons.

Game itself is short, and shallow.
>Game itself is short, and shallow.

So like all the other souls games then?
More like industrial
They might as well be.
>just found out I can backstab
What a mysterious game.

I still can't believe there is a quick save

>same gameplay mechanics as every souls game ever made
>it's not a souls game

Mcfucking kill yourself.
How much money the devs used it to test their game and forgot to disable it for release because there's no option for it in the keybinds menu.
No, even DS2 is way better than this.
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>Say that there's little to no story whatsoever, and the "lore" is laughable
>Someone says that I just can't comprehend the story and trying to say that someone like Dark Souls is mainly all fan-canon anyway
Is there any armor other than the garbage man suit?
How do I respawn bosses? I want to get Pax's super weapon until I find a decent twin rig so I can decide what I'm focusing on.

85% likely
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>game doesn't explain your can do a dodge move by blocking and pressing right thumbstick up or down
>game doesn't explain you can quick save
>game doesn't explain you can charge some attacks
>game doesn't explain you can backstab
There's a pots and pans android suit in there too.
Have we played the same game?

>neat characters and quests
What the fuck?

The only thing this game has going for it is the the dismemberment system and that gets really stale really quickly.

There is literally nothing that shakes up the repetetive gameplay or makes the game interesting in any way.
Gotta restart the game and learn to use the quick save/load if you want v2.0 boss weapons.
The fuck is this hideous shit?
Can you post it?
>game doesn't explain your can do a dodge move by blocking and pressing right thumbstick up or down
Yes it does, during the second level, but its easy to miss.

HAHAHA what the fuck. The game has a quicksave? I'll just pretend I never learned about that, or it would remove any tension. Who the fuck puts a Quicksave into a souls game?
Same can be said for souls, but you fags all suck that off
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Hey guys, check out my cosplay for The Surge
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>Trying to kill Big Sister without destroying any of her support arms first.

Holy fuck what an annoying boss. Electric floor bullshit, massive charge that knocks you back with very little windup time, narrow windows to actually hit the core safely. What a nuisance.


Secret armor based on a Golden Age Iron Man expy from an in-universe comic book that the main character seems to be a fan of.
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Leave Japan for us
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>No one talked about Lords of the Fallen because it had Denuvo
>The Surge doesn't have Denuvo but barely anyone's talking about it
>In a month all discussion for this game will be dead and people will have forgotten it even existed, much like Horizon Zero Dawn
Can you repeat that in english?
>people don't give a fuck about shovelware
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>Secret armor based on a Golden Age Iron Man expy from an in-universe comic book that the main character seems to be a fan of.
>google Golden Age Iron Man
What the fuck? are all armor this fucking ugly like this?
Thats a pretty fair score. Its better than Lords of the Fallen but still pretty forgetable.

They really need to work on adding more depth to their games. The core is fine but the lack of rpg elements and world building makes Surge pretty dull.

>In a month discussion of a game with no real replay value, limited build options and zero interesting story to talk about will be over
What is your point?
>Say that there's barely a semblance of an actual story
>Shills/Retards try and convince me that I just can't comprehend the story
Nothing better than those crap?
Is that seriously it? I saw somebody say you could respawn bosses.
>no character creator
>set a default character
>but the game has barely any story
So basically, they are lazy as shit?
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>German programmers make Japanese programmers look like amateurs
>get so butthurt you start wishing their product fails
Is the dev going to throw a bitch fit again here like he did with Lords of the Fallen?
>The devs behind LotF
>Not the amateurs
dumb frogposter
That's the only suit that covers all of warren and it seems to be a Easter egg. Everything else is going to look angular and only partial covering. Unless there's more on ng+ anyway.

Speaking of ng+ I've got another shot at pax V2 there right?

Oh also the trick to getting the special weapon from the final boss is to cut the left arm off.
He already is
>the surge
Enjoy your trash man suit with garbage strapped on.
You forgot
>no armor
>armor are literally garbage strapped on your body
What a fucking garbage.
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>100 Damage Twin weapon.

Holy fuck.

Let me guess, enemies on NG+ are so HP bloated that it doesn't even matter.
>b-b-but dark souls too
That's not an argument.
And it's also wrong.

I could understand if you said that you didn't like Dark Souls' tone or the vague story or whatever
but Dark Souls had a lot of thought put into the world and it's fun to explore.
The Surge literally has no proper story or characters.

The lore hints you can enable in the options are literally stuff like "this is a service elevator" when you highlight the elevator that is labled as elevator.

Characters that you save, that actually hang out at your "bonfire" have nothing to say except "I have no clue whats going on".

The Surge feels like it was designed by 12 year olds.
Ok then, Dark Souls and the Surge are Severance clones

What now

Anon, we get the meme, no need to repeat it in literally every single one of your posts.
>all the souls streamers enjoying it - oro the cuck
>top speedrunners already routing
>steam reviews mostly positive
Everyone saying its bad are shitposting retards whose only joy in life is berating video games on /v/. The bottom of the barrel human waste.
It not meme if it true, le trash man
>tfw instincts tell me every game is shit
>tfw I have no face, just like there are no good games
This. I bet 90% of them haven't even played it. Literal worthless opinions.
>steam reviews mostly positive
Like every moeshit VN on steam right
>"In the same way how C&C is not a Statecraft game."

Surely you meant "how Starcraft is not a Dune 2 game"?
I'm german and even I think this studio and its games are a dumpster fire.

>I'm german

Prove it.

This sounds like comedy gold if it actually happened.

>the Surge
>you don't have to surge anything
Why not just name it The Trash Man since it's the only thing you wearing in this game?
Nice strawman, but this is an entirely different genre with an entirely different fanbase. The fanbase of this genre are reviewing it mostly positively, therefore we can conclude it's good.
sieg heil
Hey come on now, give them a little credit dumpster fires provide vital warmth to homeless during winter
lmao rekted xD
>The fanbase of this genre
Like who?
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so i beat this game and it left me with nothing but questions

what IS project utopia? are they just causing an extinction level event and turning everyone into weird geodude monsters???

where was Jo's final encounter? what does she give you?

what caused "The Surge"?? i couldn't find anything, or any hints about what even started the entire shitstorm. was Creo just naturally decaying and falling to shit by the time you arrived? game seems to hint otherwise

are the guys in the starting area/every area "zombies"?? it's really difficult to tell which human enemies are 'sentient' or not, since you run into "normal dude" security guys later on who are just as animalistic aggressive as the shitty dumb "zombie" guys

what makes the main character 'respawn'?? what's the 'respawn' mechanic for other enemies? there's no 3d printing out people or whatever, how's the fucker keep coming back
>The fanbase of this genre
>Like who?
The people who are fans of the genre moron.
>Thinking the devs actually had story or lore to go along with their game
You're way too hopeful
>bootleg dark soul
>no customization
>no armors
>few weapons
>scifi industrial setting with no guns or any interesting weapons
What the points?
>Implying anyone knows what the fuck that is
Sure its not that old but its still too old for these kids, anon.
>The people who are fans of the genre moron.
All i seen are people shitting on this turd
Only retards think "soulslike" is an actual genre.
It's literally just a term youtubers have come up with as clickbait.
Games trash. Wrote my review on metacritic, search Kaioh
I guess you didn't see 80% of the steam reviews then.

As usual, the minority are the most vocal.

>im 14 and my opinion is fucking superior
Kill yourself.
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Its a perfectly fine term for an action game with punishing gameplay, you autist. Stop trying to find endless things to hate on.
Why are people using swords in a futuristic setting?

They should be using railguns or plasma cannons or some shit.
steam reviews are worthless what are you even talking about?
Utopia is new life based on nanomachines coupled with the cyborg zombie guys taking over earth that's been wiped clean of everything. So yeah it's extinction for the lols basicly.
I don't remember who jo was. The scrap lady? You just get the equalizer back at materials.
the utopia nanomachines caused the surge.
From what I gathered the "zombies" are husks animated by either the nanomachines or basicly feral workers who had their brains fried after the surge.
And finally the reapawning is because I honestly don't know, I chalk that one up to "videogames" myself.

But that could all be wrong. It's just what I've gathered.
It's not opinions dipshit
>no customization
>no armors
>few weapons
>scifi industrial setting with no guns or any interesting weapons
Defend this, turdface
So Ninja Gaiden is a Soulslike?
>People going on and on about how this is "Sci-Fi Souls"
>You're literally in a factory where all the environments look the exact same, so much so that it gets fucking exhausting
>It's more Industrial Souls than anything
In that case it would be called Diablo-like since Diablo did the corpse run before Dark Souls.
>Pirate it
>Try it out
>It's okay, nothing special and not as good as Dark Souls
>Consider buying

Nevermind. Feels like a 20 dollar game so far.
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Leave Japan to Deck 13!
Why they are worthless? Are "journalist" reviews better in your opinion?
>"What's the story like?"
This is a joke, right?
I'm dead serious unfortunately. It's the final boss, and what you see in the pause menu. Nanomachines son.
Kek. And I'd call even Nioh a lame rip-off.
>no customization
Oh no, now i can't roleplay.
>no armors
There are several armors.
>few weapons
More than bloodborne.
>scifi industrial setting with no guns or any interesting weapons
Go play an fps if you want ranged combat, this is a melee-centric game.
Please die.
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So why exactly do they install an exoskeleton over your clothes by drilling it into your skin? Seems like a retarded way to add some shock value when the exoskeleton looks like shit that we have now that you just strap into.
DmC is rated "Very Positive" on Steam, these faggots have no standards whatsoever
Because its a video game. What is it like to have autism?
Bitches, only user score on metaC is relevant and true. And its sayin this crap is 7.2
Deck 13 is literally just a studio of uncreative neo-hipsters that hired the lead designer of the Trove mmo as head designer for this.

This game is literally just pandering shovelware.
This, steam is full of dota kids with no taste or newfags
>Interested in buying it
>Currently playing Prey however
>Going to play Furi after that
>Then Bayonetta
>Then Vanquish will probably be out

Ittle be a few weeks before I get around to picking this game up. By then ittle probably be super cheap.
Because the developers watched Elysium and thought it was cool and edgy.

Too bad no one gives a shit about the protagonist Generic McBland.
Who is it even pandering to? This game feels so soulless, like it was made in a factory, which feels really fucking ironic.
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a-are you sure

>the utopia nanomachines caused the surge.

how? why? what does that accomplish for them?

why were there 'collective consciousness' at the end of the game? some generic 'upload out consciousness haha lol' singularity meme plot??

i just want to tie off the loose ends of this clusterfuck story so i can sweep it under the rug!! i honestly regret playing this fucking thing, it just left me digging for answers that don't exist
>armor is literally trash strapped on your body
Nice "armor" retard.
EU plebs and german gypsies
As memey as it sounds, it was literally all nanomachines from what I gather. The nanomachines gained sentience, caused the surge and basicly stole the minds of the brain linked employes to form a gestalt consciousness. I assume the surge was a byproduct of the mind stealing or the act itself.
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>$60 game
>5 bosses
Do you even realize how pathetic you are?
>$60 game
>being a consolefag
>start game as a wheelchair cripple
>immediately hand to hand combat veteran
>topple massive robots and armies of roided out soldiers and industrial workers
>middle of the game, wheelchair cripple defeats a giant robot and the CHIEF OF SECURITY in a duel to the death
>wheelchair cripple proceeds to then take on a fucking cyborg nanomachine alien army
>game ends with wheelchair cripple fighting what is essentially a giant, godlike being made of nanomachines

the game tries to keep an air of suspense or fright, but it doesn't fucking work when you're literally playing as DOOMGUY's cousin
its still the same shitty game on the PC, dumbass.
>>few weapons
>More than bloodborne.
>Bunch of shitty weapons that consist of pipes and other garbage found lying around
>This is somehow a good thing
Yeah, more weapons, but almost none of them are interesting or worth using.
All those tryhards that fell for the "playing dark souls makes you a hardcore gamer" marketing.

This is pretty obvious when you play the game.
The only challenging fights I had so far were because enemies rush you completely silent out of spots you cannot see or in locations that are crammed in which the camera gets into trouble.

And then there's damage sponge robot trashmobs that only have one hitbox and the bosses aren't much better.

Any time the game was hard it felt cheap.
I really liked this game up till after the boss that summons P.A.X Once you start fighting the security exclusively you learn quickly how lazy they got. Everything except you tracks like no tomorrow. It is still playable but loses much of its fun, difficulty had been an enjoyable curve till this part. I find myself getting bored but I do plan on finishing the game. I'm at 15 hours played.

>>The nanomachines gained sentience, caused the surge and basicly stole the minds of the brain linked employes to form a gestalt

alright, but what about the security detail employees who are basically still completely sane? did i miss something with those dudes or are they just kinda lost in the shitstorm and you're a huge fuckass who just murders them by the dozen for the sake of progressing through the fortress
>60 fps
>no load times
>the same
Fucking retard.

>Yeah, more weapons, but almost none of them are interesting or worth using.
I found several of them interesting and "worth" (whatever that means) using.

It's clear you're just aniother shitposting nigger who hasn't even played the game. Please die.
Oh look, the dev's here.
- clunky combat
- fked up and even worse than in DS2 hitboxes
- everyone 2 shots you in _any_ armor, sometimes even 1 shot, lol
- unpredictable robot bosses due to a bad design, clunkyness just making these fights harder than they should be
- bad enemy placement
- looooong levels, longer then they should be
- boring and repetitive "music"
Game's shit, admit it.
That bothered me too. I think the security detail was not hooked up to the same system or some shit because they are almost all essentially sane. And yeah, to them you are one of those berserking fuckheads ruining their day.
>Enemies/bosses can literally kill you in one or two hits, and there's no i-frames when on the ground, meaning you can get slammed and jammed in an instant
>Armor literally does not matter outside of set bonuses, there's no point in mixing sets, and heavier armor doesn't mitigate damage taken
It's surprising that this game can be even more artificial difficulty than Lords of the Fallen. That's an accomplishment.
>people still think they want more Dark Souls
Blows my mind. Are you all not as burned the fuck out on the games as I am? I wish Surge was less like a souls game, they should have gone a little more nuts with the concept.
Can anyone help me out real quick? I'm stuck after you find the security station. I got the shortcut am back to medbay unlocked and theres a hazardous area on the lowest level I found a new weapon at but I haven't seen anything to let me progress now.
The getting killed in 3 hits part didn't even bother me much. I used the Lynx set and the chainsword for pretty much the whole game and just sliced through any enemy and boss since their attacks are easy to avoid and I took the Bloodborne module (the one that gives you health re-gen for executions).

It's just how this game is set up.

It could actually have been a good game if they had actually put some effort and thought into it.

There's so much you could have done with this premise yet they decided to just be lazy.
Go back up after you charged the generator.
You can take the train to the next area.
They probably had a deadline. If they had a bigger team and budget they could make a quality game.
I can't figure out where you are with that description. What section of the factory are you? What bosses have you killed?
where are the guns? this game looks like shit, op.
None. Looks like I didn't realize I can take the train now. >>377283890, figured I had more of the area to explore.
So? prove me wrong then?
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>yet they decided to just be lazy.

>walk into room
>otherwise harmless zombie fuckass in the far corner immediately does a jump attack and takes off 70% of your health

>this keeps happening until literally the final level of the game

it got so bad i just stopped fighting normal enemies and just wheelie hopped everywhere due to the entire game just being nothing but shitty gotcha ambushes

they gave us such a fucking cool and intricate combat system, then shit all over it by making the entire thing pointless outside of dash-attack-dash-out hit n' run fuckery

it's even more depressing going into NG+.. the game becomes loaded with sweet ass 1v1 scenarios with genuinely challenging human enemies that block, dodge, jump/duck/combo etc. but FUCK playing through this shit heap a second time. all of that stuff could have been in the fucking main game, but it probably would have alienated all of the fucken normies because 2hard. they only want fake difficulty from 'trial and error' jump scare exploration

everything about this game enflames my ass, there's a genuinely good product buried beneath problems the size of african termite mounds
Ah. Yeah that guys got it, charge the power, kill pax, take the train. Starter areas not too big.
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>Apologetic Redditor cucks that argue on Twitch that this game isn't a complete fucking mess and a total load of shit
Well holy shit this is a horrible boss fight. Infant cancel attacks so I get stomped. It launched missiles right on top of itself and doesn't get hurt. I guess should start dodging INTO it to get past it's double swing?
They've been working on it since 2015.
There is no excuse.
Protip: don't let it hit itself with its missiles. You get a better weapon. Stick close and behind it as much as possible and whap the legs. When it's damaged enough and does stomps hit the leg it's standing on to topple it and deal damage to its front or rear panel.
Ah. Didn't expect to be able to topple it. Fuck those missiles though. Sprinting doesn't get me away so I HAVE to dodge.
It helps to have a full lynx set too if you don't already. Rhino is garbage.
Do yourself a favour and search the area with the green gas until you find the staff.

The staff and the chainsword are probably the best weapons simply because they're so fast.

Dual rigged is fast too but deals pathetic damage.
It's by the dudes that made lords of the fallen which I find to be low mid tier at best. This game looks like more of the same and they haven't really figured out action game animation yet.
No online or multiplayer. It wouldn't have to be deep, but single player exclusive games that resemble popular titles with multiplayer typically don't hold my attention.
Just beat it. Couldn't switch target fast enough when it did the stomp but I finally toppled it. Got the Imperator. Never found a staff. Got two Spectres, a hammer, chainsword, and butterfly.
Game is pretty fun idk whata you guys are talking about, def worth the 45$. Obv not as good as souls but it scratches the itch just fine and is a fun change of pace. Looking forward to seeing how ng+ changes it.
Did ya get the v2 from no missile hits?
Boss tips for later: break every leg off the firebug. Don't kill any welder arms on big sister. Cut the right arm off the black Cerberus. And cut the left arm off the final boss.
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I hate looking at male ass, why can't we have some exo booty like pic related.
Nah. But I assume I can upgrade it? And thanks for the tips.
No, you get a straight out better version, not a higher tier.
Nope. You get one shot at boss v2 weapons. They have special functions too, pax v2 gets a ground slam and firebug can shoot fire for example.
>Wanting to be a girl

>And cut the left arm off the final boss.

assuming you mean the human version of it? i never received any target prompts for its body, it just made me execute the whole thing as one unit
Well damn. I guess I'll go for it if I do a ng+ then. Thanks.
I haven't actualy been there myself yet, just got to the launch pad tonight. But what I've been reading yeah, you cut the left arm off the human form.
>wanting to be inside a dude

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>missed out on the best claw weapon

do they look cool...
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As "cool" as the other chrysalis weapons by the look. Ymmv
sorry for img, just yanked from fextra
This game looks so fucking bad holy shit
>bolted onto her tits

That's going to end well. There's a reason why CREO doesn't employ females...
>you have to play games to know if they're bad
>you shouldn't pirate games even if they're isn't a demo

But they employ at least three. And one of them has a rig and all. Diversity hires i bet.
The game is aesthetically displeasing, the design is horrendous. Also, is soulslike a genre now?
Why are you looking at male ass, faggot
>In the same way how C&C is not a Statecraft game.
>Or how SMT is not Pokemon.
>And Unreal is not Quake.
when did anybody ever say any of those things
>replay the hour I lost and beat PAX and get his weapon
>it's slow so shit, notice I haven't explored the upper walkways yet
>the locked door in the power plant didn't open when I turned the power on
Really trying my patience here.
why is this game so fucking SLOW? the backstep dodge movement is so good, it literally cries for a fast paced fluid combat
im picking up bloodborne and nioh next month but this game could have been so good
I use it with the lynx arms so the swing speed is decently fast

I think people just need to relearn timing and prediction, Dark Souls heavy weapons are faster than you would expect, but these actually feel like proper heavy weapons

If there's an armor set that gives you even more attack speed % that would make the swings even faster for the hammer, which already goes at a decent speed with just lynx arms

I like it just because it staggers the shit out of anything I smack with it
use claws
And that's the real price of Lords Of The Fallen™ before they tried to jew it for $50 as well. This game is $30 at best.
Yeah, you gotta backtrack to previous areas once you find the clearance ID for it or whatever.
You can stagger enemies with the twin blades just as well.
The staff is just lying around in the beginning area with the poison gas and the mining robot. To the right in a bush or one of the giant pipeline elements.
Can we all agree that The Surge does wheelchair gameplay better than Souls?
I have this instinct and I knew it was gonna be pretty good. I can tell a bad game from first teaser trailer and I'm never wrong. I knew No Man's Sky was going to suck, I was skeptical over Andromeda and I even know no one was gonna buy a WiiU. Work on your skill kid and stop letting personal feelings cloud youre judgement...
>second area begins
>everything kills you in one combo with health implants
Starting to think the quick save is there for a reason.

But why did they think this was okay?
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>quick save in a souls game

this can't be real

the whole point of the subgenre is that you have to live with the consequences of your actions, so no save scumming
Because a sci-fi Souls should have been a third person shooter.
wtf i hate reporting now
So how is it not a souls clone?
Apparently you can't since The Surge is pretty terrible.
the clunky animations and shitty feeling combat
only 5 bosses and not a single interesting one, the final one is especially bad
pretty simple
Hey guys. It has proper poise mechanics
Is it better than DS3 for that alone?
With how bullshit the enemy placement is, it actually serves a purpose to not make you drop the game after the half a dozen times it happens.
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