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>Switch outpacing the PS4 >disgaea port selling better

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>Switch outpacing the PS4
>disgaea port selling better than the PS4 version
>exclusives like MK8D and BotW being top sellers for weeks

Is there anything that can stop Nintendo at this point? They're on a roll.

The thread
That list could be longer.

It's not even out, faggot.
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switch is a port machine with zero wortwhile games
please delete this
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>$70 for a normal controller for a toy tablet with no games
wii U Port
>MK 8
wii U Port
>Just dance

where's the games Switch?
>>Switch outpacing the PS4
>>disgaea port selling better than the PS4 version
>>exclusives like MK8D and BotW being top sellers for weeks
Wrong, even if you were right, you're talking about ports here
Arms is shovelware thou
Does it sell better than PS4 at launch?
Also requesting this data
splatoon did nothing for shooters besides make it even more casual friendly. shooters are still incredibly popular, but /v/ will never admit that because they hate any game involved in esports.
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This is all I have, this was before Mario Kart Deluxe was released.
Fire Emblem Heroes isn't good though.
It's another dime a dozen gapcha game, of which you can find millions on either of the app stores.
The combat is the barest of bones.

/v/ just likes it because lots of people here fall for waifu bait.
Disgaea is only selling so well because they got fuck all else to play on their switch
So PS4 outsold it at launch yeah?
They are definitely doing better than they did with the Wii U, but Nintendo has always made solid, fun games and it will continue to. It still won't compete with the quality of OC, though, and PS4 is subjectively the best dedicated console at the moment.
PC* not "OC"
I honestly don't know but I think you can hardly compare their launches. Switch was released on March while the PS4 on Holidays season (except on Japan in which was released on February).

PS4 Sold about 1 Million in it's first day in holiday season, Switch has about 2.7 Millions units for March.
>everything I don't like is a shill!

Kill yourself
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>Xenoblade Chronicles was great all around
>Xenoblade Chronicles X had an ugly as fuck artstyle and a retarded story
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a fucking 12 year old for a protagonist and the characters look stripped out of Tales of Berseria/Sword Art Online
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>Better than Final Fantasy and Persona
You fucking wish, dude.
>Dominated and innovated fighting game genre
>as if creating Meleefags was a good thing
>A game thats not even out yet
>Innovated the Genre
Nigga for all you know, the game is garbage.
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Yeah, but luckily nintendo already has a series that beat FF and Persona before either of them even existed.
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And more blunders
Also Xenoblade 2 will be Japan only, it won't get a release in the west

Witcher 3 is better
>Splatoon 2
Kek, go play some real shooters like Titanfall 2
Overpriced tech demo, just like 1,2 switch. Wii sports boxing is better
>Smash bros
An overrated piece of shit
>Fire emblem heroes
Kek, mobile games are always Shit
Shit combat system, only a weeaboo would think it's better than Persona 5
Holy shit this is some fucking autism here and I'm a PCfat
Grr, your post has made me, a Nintendo fan, angry!
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I don't have autism. I'm just trying to tell you guys that the Ps4 and vita is a much better deal. It's my duty to inform the general consumer that the ps4 is the ultimate choice for vidya
ARMS wont do well. Not a household name.
Was Xenoblade 1 developed when monolith was independant or third party?
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This, also arms is just an overpriced tech demo
>1,2 switch
Why is Nintendo getting away with this!!
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>He thinks mainline SMT is better than Persona
Oh yeah, in fact, mainline is so good that's its stuck on portable consoles, while the "Spin-off" gets home console releases.
Also Nintendo doesn't own SMT
The PS4 sold 4 million in its first month. The Switch sold 2 million.
And the Ps4 didn't come out in Japan until much later.
>disgaea port selling better than the PS4 version
>literally only game on the system
>it sells
>more popular = better
That's not how it works, and i'd rather play the real game instead of a dumbed down dating sim version that while still decent, still doesn't come close.

I never said they own the series, just that most of the games are on nintendo consoles compared to FF and Persona which are primarily on sony consoles.
Switch also had a game on launch while PS4 did not. Thought looking at people that hardly matters.

Honestly PS4 only became worth it this year, for longest time it was just a Bloodborne machine for me with few PS+ games.
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Cinematic experience. I fail to see how it did anythin good.

Console shooter. By default just as cancerous as Halo and COD.

No thank you. Speaks for itself.

>ever defending a mobile game
Stopped reading there.

Another cinematic experience.

would you care to tell me why I should like any of these games, let alone consider them genre-defining?
>Zelda is a cinematic experience
Found the retard
It has 20 minutes of story the entire game and they're shit from start to finish.
It does have a very cinematic framerate, though.

>runs at 30 FPS
>no hard mode included because it's "too videogamey" and would "ruin Aonuma's artistic vision"
>universally praised by game journos who are known to hate good games

Just saying.
I rest my case.
>no hard mode included because it's "too videogamey" and would "ruin Aonuma's artistic vision"

No, they didn't include it so they could sell it as DLC.
I bought the switch over a PS4, and even I know you're being a fucking retard.

Wew lads! We have an idiot. I'm not even trying to talk to someone so stupid, but it's probably bait anyway.
>switch is a port machine
>he says that while posting a bunch of ports in his own picture
what did he mean by this?

>30 FPS isn't cinematic

Whatever you say sony.
>I don't have autism.

Sure you don't

>That's not how it works,
Sure, more popular doesn't automatically mean better, but its a good indicator.
>i'd rather play the real game instead of a dumbed down dating sim version
Like I said, Persona IS the real game.
More complicated ≠ More "real"
>just that most of the games are on nintendo consoles
If we only count numbered game then yes, Nintendo has one more SMT game than Sony. But if we count stuff like DDS and Raidou, there's way more on Playstation
Why are Personafags so obnoxious?
If we are completly accurate, 24 FPS would be standard in the movie industry and therefore condsidered "cinematic"
Like everything there is wrong. Im not even going to try, cant fix this autism
Yeah it's autism.

This isn't the movie industry.
You have no idea what cinematic means then.
And if you talk about pseudo cinematic, that would imply tons of cutscenes and important story moments.

You are wrong either way. Just try.
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If you count ALL the megami tensei games (obviously not counting persona), you end up with much more on nintendo than on playstation.

>More complicated ≠ More "real"
If a game has a lot of depth and strategy, and then a spinoff game is made that takes the basis of those mechanics but simplifies them, then how is that spinoff the real game?

Strictly speaking; why would I play Persona over SMT if I don't care about the waifus or the high school setting of Persona? It would simply be a downgrade that trades in substance for style, I would be better off playing SMT and then any visual novel with better waifus like Tsukihime.
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you faggots could just play both instead of being elitist shitheads
Nah, persona is garbage
I do in fact play both actually, but I can still see how SMT is the superior series when you don't count Personas being more accessible and having a bigger audience due to its themes as a plus.
How are people not bored of mario kart yet? I swear to god half the tracks are the same ones we've been getting since the SNES. Not even Polyphony is this jewish.

hey, games like Gone Home were cinematic, and they barely had a single cutscene. What matters is that they threw out the gameplay just for the sake of graphics or storytelling. And if a game isn't at 60 FPS, then yeah.
How can I shill for Nintendo?
Seems like a good side job.
>If you count ALL the megami tensei games
Yeah sure, I guess if you count shit like Jack Bros that technically correct
>If a game has a lot of depth and strategy, and then a spinoff game is made that takes the basis of those mechanics but simplifies them, then how is that spinoff the real game?
You seem to be under the impression that simplifying things makes them worse. There's no real way to argue against this, because it's your personal opinion. In my opinion, streamlining features makes the game more enjoyable and feel more polished.
>why would I play Persona over SMT if I don't care about the waifus or the high school setting of Persona?
>Why would I play the game if I've already decided I don't like half the game
Because other than that it's pretty much the same shit. SMT is literally just Persona without Time management and Social Links.
>It would simply be a downgrade that trades in substance for style
Again it is only your opinion that it loses substance.
>Still responding to ACfag
Why don't you take an actual look at the megami tensei game list?

When the streamlining removes depth, strategy and ultimately challenge it does hurt the experience for people who liked those aspects of the original games. So for me I prefer them due to that but others might not have liked the complexity and prefer persona due to that (like I said in >>377242604)

It's definitely not just the same shit at all in how the experience plays out even when ignoring the time management and social links simply due to the difference in structure between the two games.

Same as I said above.
>switch outpacing ps4
its the new kid in town, what do you expect?
>disgaea port is selling than ps4
cause portable is where disgaea's meant to be
>exclusives like MK8D and Z:BotW being top sellers for weeks
its the only games on the switch what do you expect? + may is literally a drought of vidya right now
What is this image even trying to get across?
Also where are you where the Switch is $470? It's only $300
FEH is mobage done right.
I've never seen /v/ more infested with shills than since the Switch released

Overwatch wasn't this bad
overwatch was worse, it was so bad it was the first time I had ever used a filter. Op is obviously shit posting.
>It's not even out, faggot.

There have been streams and it looks hype as fuck. I would not be surprised if this was a main game at EVO next year along with Melee and Sm4sh.
>Superbeat Xonic coming to PS4
Neat, why didn't I see any threads about this here?
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>>Switch outpacing the PS4
PS4 managed to sell 2.1M units from November 15, 2013 to December 3, 2013, 18 days after release in America and 4 days after release in Europe
By contrast, the Switch sold roughly 2.7M from March 3, 2017 to March 31, 2017 in NA, Europe and Japan, excluding Japan's 500k since PS4 had several months until it's Japan release leaving roughly 2.2M in about 28 days
That's not outpacing the PS4, especially since a month later, PS4 sales doubled to 4.2M by December 28, while Switch sales have stopped dead in their tracks due to selling out
This summer's next batch will determine if the Switch can keep pace with the PS4 or not
>breathed new life into the shooting genre
yeah that's why everyone copied it and it had a really huge playerbase that wasn't just the same half a dozen gooks you'd play against match after match

Zelda isnt cinematic at all you mong

If you can compare splatoon to the likes of COD you can compare splatoon to any and every game with a shooting mechanic in it. Which makes you sound silly
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>New console is barely outselling a 4 year old console
>Persona 5 (on PS4) best seller by far (6 out of 10 games in the top 10 best sellers are PS4 version)
>Sony PS4 still has the best launch of any other console

You literally CAN'T, stop Sony
>overwatch wasn't this bad

Holy fucking shit fuck off you fucking shill. Why is /v/ filled with so many shills?
Monolith has been Nintendo first-party for 8 years.
What is Nintendo's secret? How do they do it?
even then it's a shit hard mode
>people forgetting Kirby is going to save fighting games as well
>3DS exclusive
lol, good luck with that
The only reliable sources are NPD, media create, and Nintendo fiscal reports
Vgcgarts guesses
>gosh! How are you not bored of this once per gen release!
>plays multiplat open world action with RPG elements #288410
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there's also that one GAF thread that lists all of Nintendo's million sellers and internal stuff without VGchartz data.

but then, it's a super convenient thread at a cancerous web forum, so /v/ will heavily fearmonger about the thread's credibility by its location

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You must have missed the Pokemon Go threads last summer.
That shit had daily threads here.
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I still can't believe it.
This is sad. What drives someone to do this almost everyday?
its just hype just wait until everyone and the thirdparties forget about the wiiu 2 and get one on sale for 100$ get pirated before they release smash and the price go up again and the console will be dead in 2 years.
or you can buy from japan at half price...
dont forget splaton 2 which is also a wiiu port
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this girl was caught playing Pokemon GO in class and had to be escorted out
I wasn't a big enough of a retard to buy a Wii U.
Here's hoping they port Wonderful 101 and Bayo 2 to Switch.
Disgaea 5 Complete is a port
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a port
Dragon Quest X is a port
Dragon Quest XI is a port
Dragon Quest Heroes is a port
Dragon Quest Heroes II is a port
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a port
Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star is a port
Hollow Knight is a port
I Am Setsuna is a port
All the The King of Fighters are ports
Lego City Undercover is a port
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence is a port
Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi is a multiplat
One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition is a port
Payday 2 is a port
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII is a port
and... I got tired.

I'm not saying that Switch has no games. I'm not like those retraded nintenbros that says "PS4/PS Vita/Xbox One has no games xDDD". But for the love of god, don't pretend that Switch is a godsend without ports and with more exclusive games.
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blizzard's Pajeets are way more obvious and there are way more of them tbqh
>BotW is a port of an older console, therefore it doesn't count as a game
>HOWEVER P5 and TLOU both count as exclusives
Love this meme.

ARMS doesnt look that interesting.
It looks to me like another pokken
buy a wii u
hack it
its good the console, like a dreamcast 2.0
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This isn't your everyday autism. This is advanced autism
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>same image used twice since the post in this thread
slap Ben Garrison's head on that cop, and that .webm's perfect.
As of right now it's just Super Bomberman R and (in a few weeks) Arms in terms of "exclusives". It's pretty pathetic but they are courting the people who didn't buy a Wii U right now by porting part of its library. The people who bought the Wii U are the diehard fanboys who will buy the Switch no matter what.

The rest of the lineup for this year is looking good though. Super Mario Odyseey, Yooka Laylee, SMT5, Splatoon 2, and a few more releases will get us half way to a decent library. We're still two months into the launch, so don't expect much. If it's still this bad going into quarter 4 of this year, THEN you can buy some Sony shares.
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Besides Zelda, what does the switch have right now or in the foreseeable future? It looks neat but I'd not get one just for Zelda, which I can get on my Wii U anyway.
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