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So, why despite being a better console Mega Drive/Genesis

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So, why despite being a better console Mega Drive/Genesis lost against SNES?
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Better games
because shit marketing
Come on
Genesis had shit like Rock'n'Roll racing, Phantasy Star, Mega lo Mania and Jurassic Park games
none of that statement is true

While the Genesis was still being supported, it had nearly 60% of the market in the US.
Also, the Genesis is weaker in nearly every way except performance (which isn't sufficiently high to offset the more advanced video hardware and easier to work with sound hardware in the SNES).
The SNES came out later and had better first party support.
haha, nice try nintenkiddy, but everyone know that the Genesis had BLAST PROCESSING, meanwhile the super nintendidn't.
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SNES only had the best catalog ever.
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>Bus tour with Sumipe for people who won the lottery
>Bus tour includes BBQ and strawberry-picking
>tfw you will never pick strawberries with Sumipe while singing Soviet-era songs at a strawberry farm
>it had nearly 60% of the market in the US.
And by the end of life cycle it was 17m genesis against 23m snes in the NA
SoJ was fucking retarded, that's why.
The only hardware advantages the Genesis had was that it had more ram than the SNES (Sonic could not run on the SNES and maintain the consistency that the Genesis had) and that it's audio chip was superior for certain styles of music.
whats the point of penises on girls?
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they're better than male penises

Partly true. This was during the era when Nintendo had pretty strict exclusivity agreements with third party developers.

The SNES did have better sound capability than the Genesis and a larger color palette.
jav code?
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Because Sega made pretty stupid decisions like not pushing enough the Sega CD when the capabilities of that add-on were enough to surpass the SNES.
The Genesis retained a larger market share than the SNES in America throughout their lifetimes.
>Genesis rock and roll racing
There are some times where the genesis sound chip can actually beat the snes sound chip (see thunderforce), but rock & roll racing is not one.
Earthworm Jim is one of the best examples.
Genesis/Mega Drive
Sega/Mega CD
Thunderforce 4 was the only good thunderforce.
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>you will never see either of these companies at their peak again

it didn't have the games
>better console
it wasnt though, snes had better specs and a better lineup
Is it a new meme?
most of /v/ unironically believes the genesis only had sonic and sports games.
>SNES won

So we're just pretending Europe doesn't exist?
Well what did it have? Off the top of my head all I can think of is Phantasy Star, Gunstar Heroes, Toejam & Earl, Bonanza Bros, and uncensored Mortal Kombat
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The soundchip's the same thing the arcades were using at the time iirc so of course it beats snes and its low quality samples it's just that western devs sucked at using it
Forgot about Ristar. That's a great game.
Super Nintendo definitely had more JRPGs than Genesis. Genesis had more everything else.
No, but acknowledging they were irrelevant compared to USA and Japan.
Contra Hard Corps, CV Bloodlines, Ghouls n Ghosts, Streets of Rage series, Shinobi and a whole bunch of other games along with some good arcade ports
Not all yamaha FM sound chips are born the same.
The one on the genesis is a very primitive if compared to the popular one on the arcades, also it don't have a dedicated PCM audio chip as the arcades had.
But it does output a cleaner audio than the snes if the snes is using tiny ass samples, as happened a lot of times.
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the king of FUCKING pop prefered the genesis over the super nintendo
Snes had more good platforming games as well.
Mainly due to marketing i believe. Nintendo just played it safe with basic shit like "you'll love this game". While Sega went full edgelord with ads that basically read as "if you don't like this you're a pussy". Only children fell for the Sega ads. Not saying the Genesis didn't have good shit: I still play Genesis Shadowrun on a regular basis. But they WAY too far with the whole "we're radical, Nintendo is gay" bullshit. It was like modern politics. More interested in mud slinging than simply telling your merits.
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but the marketing worked?
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If you add the Sega CD to the equation:
Keio Flying Squadron
Popful Mail
Earthworm Jim Special Edition
It's a bit complex question.
During the sega genesis actual lifetime, it outsold the super nintendo, but as sega left the race early, snes passed it.
If sega just kept the sega genesis alive or let's say two more years instead of doing all those fuck ups they did, they would probably had won against the snes to the end and not crashed and burned to the ground like they did
It didn't. 16 bit was a close fight, but Nintendo won in the end. Key franchises like mario, Zelda and final fantasy helped immensely. Let's face it: only autists have ever given a shit about Sonic.
>It didn't.
prove it.
Shinning force, Granada, Rocket Knight adventures, Herzog Zwei, Landstalker...
so you can grip it and stroke it to climax as you are fucking her
Sega Saturn was too obscure. A lot of the great games never left the shores of JP or at the very least made it to NA but not EU. Dreamcast just didn't have much of a line up at all. I don't know how but Sega just dropped the ball after the Mega Drive.
>and not crashed and burned to the ground like they did

but during that process they made the dreamcast aka the greatest console of all time...
>Dreamcast just didn't have much of a line up at all

dreamcast had the greatest launch line up in terms of games
Sega left the console industry. What other proof do you need fucktard?
If it was so much better why did every game ported to both systems look and sound better on SNES?
>sega leaving the console market was because of their marketing campaign with the genesis

how fucking stupid are you?
How do I get a Japanese gf, /v/?
Dreamcast would exist in ALL the timelines.
You see, sega is not a company that likes doing their custom chips, instead looking for the best possible combination of off the shelf components, and the dreamcast components are the PERFECT combination of off the shelf components, like an exodia or something.
The perfect cheapass CPU to drive a fuckload of triangles per second due its SIMD capabilities, the perfect cheapass GPU to push a fuckload of triangles per second as long you mind the tile thing, the perfect ARM to drive the audio and so forth.

If there is a console that would work as a 3DO (as in an console standard everyone can manufacture), dreamcast would be this console.
There's more to a line up than the initial one. I'm talking about the long term line up which Dreamcast never had.
Don't bother.
Lower your standards
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Be 6' 9''
learn japanese and don't browse /v/
Read: don't be a weirdo
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You need to know a Japanese girl who likes you and wants a relationship
Never played this myself, but from what I've seen on youtube this looks like the lamest rhythm game ever. Why did anybody care about it?
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>Go to Japan to work at some CG company
>The only girls who are interested are fucking Flips in disguise

Fucking assholes are taking advantage of the fact that I can't tell one pair of slanted eyes from another.
Um, okay. I don't know how the best typing game ever relates, but whatever.
How fucking stupid are you that you think bankruptcy isn't a loss?
I really hate people like you.
Congratulations fucktard. Want a cookie?
pump and dump
Not the guy you've been talking to, but you're a fucking retard. The genesis didn't cause them to become bankrupt.
Speaking as an oldfag who grew with that generation: they're both great. I wouldn't want to be without either.
Yeah, the 32x and Sega CD didn't hurt them at all...
Anybody else remember Rolo to the Rescue? I loved that game.
Not when they had Sega channel
Which was used by what 5% of the users? When Sega channel was active the majority of people didn't even have modems on their PC.
Sega's bankruptcy was caused by the Saturn's failure to sell in America and Dreamcast sales not meeting their expectations. It has nothing to do with the Genesis or its peripherals.
not many of you are mentioning that SNES had a drastically higher color count, and a much better sound chip

maybe it doesn't seem that different now? It was huge at the time.

the snes version of SF2 was nearly arcade perfect, the genesis version was clearly inferior, and this was true for everything, there is no way to compare the fidelity of phantasy star to final fantasy, it's night and day, especially at the time
And you really think that the Genesis customers weren't pissed by the immediate lack of support when they they launched the 32x, etc. And that had zero impact on Saturn reception? You're fucking retarded if you think they have no correlation.
>SNES colors

Shit, that brings back memories.
So they can climax twice as they get fucked by another girl with a penis.
>Girls with penises

Goddamn you fuckers need to go get laid.
You sound rather autistic.
By girls with penises, am I right?
Says the guy that's so sexually frustrated he faps to men in wigs.
You're projecting quite a lot.
Be white
he also preferred fucking young boys
Because Sega consoles were always shit.
It IS the patrician's choice.
Why are Japanese girls so disgusting that they think they just shit on the floor whenever they want?
Mega Drvive and dreamcast were great
Sega channel was through a cable wire, not an phone line you fucking retard
How do you confuse the two? Japs are far more reserved than flips, that's the biggest give away.

Also, good on you because you should never date a flip.
Ecco the dolphin
One of the few games that actually did timetraveling right instead of pandering "it can can fix all your problems" style(steins;gate,madoka)
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>While Sega went full edgelord with ads that basically read as "if you don't like this you're a pussy"
>"we're radical, Nintendo is gay" bullshit.

You don't actually know the slogan and are projecting
>Be me 3 years ago
>Live in Michigan, brother lives in louisiana
>Brother is moving and needs some help
>Drive down to help him
>Stop at a rest stop in Indiana to take a piss
>Whole bus of Japanese tourists stop at rest area
>Take my piss while surrounded by Japs speaking jap.
>Zip up, flush, turn around, greeted by a 40+ year old man standing in a stall with the door wide open, pants around ankles, brown eye covered with fresh shit winking at me.
>Three other Japs having an obviously casual conversation with the public shitter.
>Me and one other white guy look at each other, shake our heads and walk out

I don't give a fuck how fat and lazy and stupid many Americans are, Japs are complete fucking degenerates.
You are profoundly retarded.
You originally said Sega lost to Nintendo in the 16 bit wars, but it had a bigger market share in the west than the SNES for multiple years. Their "edgy" marketing did work, no doubt about it. Sega leaving the console market ten years later is completely unrelated to the Genesis' successful marketing campaign.
Genesis had more platformers of note than Super Nintendo.
Sega left because Nintendo and his pals fucked Sega in the ass so hard that he had an anal prolapse and could never walk again.
He also allegedly dropped out of doing the music for a Sonic game because the system's sound was so bad.
Because you're an idiot
>uncensored Mortal Kombat
I still prefer the SNES version. And if you had a Game Genie it barely mattered.
I didn't say they lost during the 16 bit wars, I said they lost. And if you think their anticonsumer practices at the end of the 16 bit era had nothing to do with Saturn's failure to launch in the US....
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Sega dropped him from the credits when the kiddie diddling scandal broke out. His tracks still exist in Sonic 3.
Why the fuck would you need a game genie? A simple cheat code unlocked all the blood.
>SNES has better specs

People keep repeating it in this thread but it's WRONG

-Genesis has higher "normal" resolution (320x224) vs SNES (256x224)
-Genesis CPU is, depending on the task, at its worst 25% faster than the SNES CPU, and at its best 500% faster than the SNES CPU
-Genesis has a fully programmable second CPU as well
-Genesis RAM is twice as fast as SNES RAM (5 MB/s vs 2.5 MB/s)
-Genesis VRAM is slightly faster (though shitloads faster in practice because sprites with fewer colors put less strain on VRAM)
-Genesis has more sound channels 6 Yamaha FM + 4 TI PSG vs 8 PCM on SNES
-Genesis graphics chip (VDP) supports a larger number of sprite formats which means graphics are more easily compressable
-The background engine in Genesis VDP lets sprites row scroll with more independence than SNES PPU

More colors and support for pseudo-transparency is the only thing SNES has going for it. Sampled PCM music is shit when it has to be stored in 64 KB of sound RAM. Mode 7 is a gimmick and the Genesis can reproduce it in software - and the Genesis can also do sprite scaling/rotation which the SNES can't do since its CPU is too slow.

Anyway to answer your question OP, the Genesis outsold the SNES worldwide if you exclude Japan. SNES beat the Genesis/Mega Drive in Japan by an enormous margin. This was mostly due to Nintendo's illegal monopolistic practices where Yamauchi would threaten businesses with the Yakuza if they stocked Sega products.
You implied the Genesis' marketing didn't work and lost to the SNES because Sega stopped making hardware, even though that was years after the Genesis' lifetime.
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Fascinating yet weird. Here, take this coin.
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One of my first dungeon crawlers
Even so, it wasn't like today where you can just look up the cheat online. The only way you could unlock the blood is if you had a friend who knew the code.
Huh, funny that Sega would be the ones to publish the Yakuza video games.
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>know jap girl
>she calls herself "tourist cum dumpster"
What's wrong with it?
Sex is fun
The internets been prevalent since 91. Just because your family didn't have it doesn't mean others didn't have easy access. And yes, even then the web a billion Vidya sites with cheat codes.
>point 1
>point 2
You're talking about multiply instructions on your 500% thing right? because while the 68c16 didn't supported it and you had to software emulation and its indeed slow, the snes GPU actually offered a very quick multiplication registers that probably used the same circuitry as the mode 7.
>point 3
Both systems had those, with an 6502 compatible driving the snes sound system, while the Z80 drives the yamaha/PCM/PSG
>point 4
Didn't mattered that much due both CPUs being unable to max out that unless using DMA transfers, which makes in practice just slightly faster loadtimes (!) on the genesis
>point 5
The VRAM speed don't actually make those systems drop frame, in both systems, you always get 60 frames per second unless you fuck up with the CPU, no matter what you do (but this is in part why the genesis draws at 320x224, with the other thing being the higher PPU clock)
>point 6
The PSG sounds like shit, as in inferior to the NES shit, so you didn't wanted to use it that much, which is why the best music on the genesis (Time trax intro) don't touch it.
>point 8
It's just a sprite reordering question rather than actual ROM size, but as with the main and VRAM memory, it adds a bit more of loadtime
>point 9
That's something i didn't seem exacly, so no opinion on this one.

Also the 64KB of sample ram are quite enough to make a very good sounding music, as the samples are compressed in ADPCM and can be filtered the hell and back to sound good.
But this is only valid as long you're doing a single song in those 64KB, instead of the whole fucking soundtrack as many, many games do.
>And yes, even then the web a billion Vidya sites with cheat codes
AOL was not the web.
because nintendo wins everytime
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Please stop, I was able to curb my yellow fever a few years ago and haven't been obsessed since. I hate looking at these, it makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me angry, it's not fair.

I don't like being constantly reminded of the things I'll never have.
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>All the modest girls look like they've beaten across the face with wooden planks
>All the hardcore sluts are literal 12/10's and have enough STD's to wipe out the entire Ugandan population.

It was much more than aol dumbfuck. Just because Facebook didn't exist doesnt mean the web didn't.
>You're talking about multiply instructions on your 500% thing right?
Talking more about pseudo-SIMD operations where the CPU has to operate across multiple values in several registers. A use for this would be vertex style operations for software 3D.

The 68000 not only has way more registers than the 68c16, but it also has wider registers. On top of that, the 68000 has support for wide 32-bit instructions. It'll take the 68c16 multiple instructions to achieve the same result as the 68000, or more memory access. To be honest the 500% speed advantage on the 68000 is probably conservative, it might be 1000% in practice.

Of course, that's a very specific situation. There are other situations where the 68c16 will do comparatively well.

>the snes GPU actually offered a very quick multiplication registers
Actually that was the SNES CPU. It wasn't a standed 68c16 it had slightly enhanced multiplication registers. The SNES GPU on the other hand has the Mode 7 matrix algorithm baked into it - it's completely unprogrammable and cannot be used for anything else.

>With an 6502 compatible driving the snes sound system
The CPU controller in the Sony SMP is unprogrammable. It functions more like a fixed unit.

> both CPUs being unable to max out that unless using DMA transfers
Just because you can't max it out doesn't mean the Genesis speed advantage were there. It would be truly if the console was more bottlenecked than SNES, but it wasn't.

>The VRAM speed don't actually make those systems drop frame, in both systems, you always get 60 frames per second
If VRAM is overwhelmed frames will be repeated. It's the same for any system. Faster VRAM means more unique/larger sprites.

>PSG sounds like shit
It's highly effective for backing tracks and adds more depth to the music. See Streets of Rage 2. Most developers couldn't be arsed using it.

>It's just a sprite reordering question
Nope, Genesis VDP supports chunky sprite, while SNES PPU does bitplanes only.
>Genesis can also do sprite scaling/rotation which the SNES can't do since its CPU is too slow.
Completely false.
The SNES has mode 7 for that while the Genesis didn't and used several sprites to simulate the effect of scaling, but nothing could be done to simulate rotation.
The Sega CD, on the other hand, had such capabilty (limiting the resolution to 256x224, it can't be done at 320x224) and that's why some games can do "mode 7", like the title screen (see the clouds) and special stages of Sonic CD and the driving stages of Batman Returns CD to name a pair.
>The CPU controller in the Sony SMP is unprogrammable. It functions more like a fixed unit.
It has its own opcodes and you actually upload a program to it. It comes in with a "boot rom", but you generally only use it to upload your own program to the memory and disable it, so you can do things like accepting commands from the game to play specific sound effects etc..
But probably the Z80 might be more useful as the snes CPU can't access the SPC memory directly.
>If VRAM is overwhelmed frames will be repeated. It's the same for any system. Faster VRAM means more unique/larger sprites.
Thinking a bit here, that's a bit of an annoying discussion.
The drawing itself is always instant, but copying the data to the VRAM can indeed bottleneck the system sprite count, specially because you can only do it while on vblank (which is the main reason why snes can't into more than 20 FPS on super FX games).

>It's highly effective for backing tracks and adds more depth to the music. See Streets of Rage 2. Most developers couldn't be arsed using it.
It's still not a fair comparison with pure PCM channels.
>The SNES has mode 7 for that while the Genesis didn't
Incorrect. Mode 7 only allows for background scaling/rotation. Not sprites.

Sprites have to be scaled/rotated in software on both consoles. However, the Genesis end of software is so much faster it's no contest.

Genesis can also scale/rotate backgrounds in software, though not as fast as hardware Mode 7. But sprites? Clear win for Genesis
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>Shitting on floor
Are you talking about North Korea?
Nope, they were Japs.
Because the mega drive didn't have any 50 hour long jrpgs, and that's what was most popular at the time.
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I wonder how hard SNES could stomp genesis if nintendo made home console pokemon game back then
Phantasy star
Beyond Oasis
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>Want to desperately suppress the feeling of never having a cute Japanese gf
>Fucking Hiroshimoot bypassing ad blocker slaps ads asking me if I like asian girls

Comparing phantasy star to ff3, Chrono trigger, or super Mario RPG is just retarded. Yes, the Genesis had long jrpgs, but they were all shit.
>Mode 7 only allows for background scaling/rotation. Not sprites.
You are completely right, "sprite" rotation and scaling like the bosses on Super Mario World were done using the mode 7 layer as a sprite and thus only one sprite at a time could be rotated and scaled. Yoshi's Island can rotate and scale multiple sprites but only because uses the Super FX 2 chip and that's cheating.
The only 2 games I know that rotate and scale sprites without using mode 7 are Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean (this one had a special chip too, but only to decompress data, call it a winzip chip) and was dome without issues via software.
Wolfenstein 3D also did pseudo 3D without special chips, but I don't know much of what and how they did it.

>Genesis can also scale/rotate backgrounds in software
The only I know is Zero Tolerance and I'm still impressed of what they did.

>But sprites? Clear win for Genesis
Can you name a few games that do that?
Not arguing, I'm really curious.
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Don't bother she's a Gundam Seed fag. The absolute scum of the mecha community.
You mean he?
>4 inches off


Wolf 3D was the pure power of the CPU.
Which is why it ran at a really low resolution like 120x100.
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I wish, but sadly no you can see her roastie on her twitter.
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>people always talking about how the Genesis had a higher clockspeed than SNES
>yet they never mention that SNES has specifically designed chips for specific games that bumped the clock speed far beyond that of the Genesis
Because you could do the exact same with the Genesis.
oh ya? source
>yet they never mention that SNES has specifically designed chips for specific games that bumped the clock speed far beyond that of the Genesis
There are negative aspects to that approach too. It drove up the manufacturing cost (and thus, the retail price) of those cartridges.
Sure it drove up the price, but wouldn't the modular nature of these chips allow for developers to have the freedom to make the games they want?

Also I'm not familiar with many addon chips for the Genesis so I'd love to see some examples.
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No way back off and find your own twitterwhore. She doesn't have many followers and I intend to keep it that way. The less disgusting NEET eyes on her the better!
>Wolfenstein 3D also did pseudo 3D without special chips
The resolution is ridiculously low in that part. It's not far off something like 150x100.

>Can you name a few games that do that?
Road Rage. It's uses a combination of pre-scaled sprites and actual sprite scaling.

Kawasaki Superbike, and the FPS level from Toy Story are other examples. I think even Gunstar Heroes had some genuine sprite rotation and scaling. There are plenty of other examples if you look around the library.
*meant to write Road Rash, derp
>Also I'm not familiar with many addon chips for the Genesis
The SVP chip used for Virtua Racing was the only one.

It's significantly more powerful than the SuperFX2.

I kind of believe "but the SNES had add-on chips!" to be a bit of a cop out. I mean Sega sold you the full package when you first bought the console, while Nintendo expected you to buy addon chips with every game to augment the anemic basic machine?
Yeah but look at the mini generational leaps Nintendo was able to do by just adding a chip.
Unlike Sega that made you buy a CD addon, or a 32X to get some more power from the console you bought. So don't give me that full package bullshit when the Genesis needed addons to be a full console
I need to visit Japan
I haven't seen a statement this untrue in a while

The best looking Japanese girls are rarely ever virgins, sure, but most of them have had like 1 or 2 guys tops

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Don't. They are annoying, clingy and boring. There's no way I'm dating a japanese girl again.

Pics, you fuck



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>1 or 2 guys tops

We're done here.
is sumire pronounced like smile or like soo mee reh
>last photo
She really hates her life, isn't she?
>Yeah but look at the mini generational leaps Nintendo was able to do by just adding a chip.
Like what?

>Unlike Sega that made you buy a CD addon, or a 32X to get some more power from the console you bought
Those do a LOT more than any SNES addon.

Neither of them were designed for the purpose of competing with the SNES. The CD unit was made because the PC-Engine had one. 32X was made because of the impeding threat of 32-bit consoles like Jaguar and PS1.

What do you mean?
>Like what?
Super Mario World vs Kirby Superstar is a huge leap in graphics alone.

I could have said Mario RPG, but honestly that was mostly trickery using rendered 3D models as sprites.

Also, the 32X went almost no where since Sega dropped support not even a year into it. Shame too, would have liked to see what it could have done.
>Super Mario World vs Kirby Superstar
Aside from the sprite-scaling in Kirby's intro, it's hard to see where the next-gen leap is coming from. The Genesis could do that kind of sprite scaling in software. It wouldn't be able to replicate the sprite scaling/rotation together with background scaling/rotation though - that would be too slow. Kirby's intro is combining sprite scaling from the SA-1 CPU with the SNES' built in Mode 7.

Super Mario World was not a particularly graphically impressive game even for its time, however.
>What is segasages
I miss cheat sites
Huge screen filling animated sprites were quite impressive for the time. Not making them background trickery like most games at the time was very cool.

There is a lot of subtle stuff in Superstar that most people would not notice, but without it the game would not be as well polished as it was. Seriously there are so many little things in the frame by frame game that just could not be done with standard hardware. Which is why the game is also a fucking hog to emulate properly.
A feature on both systems that i rarely see mentioned anywhere is the per tile offset.
Both on snes and genesis, you can actually offset individual tiles around on the horizontal and vertical directions, allowing to do wacky shit like the yoshi island fuzzy effect, and contra hard corp "rotations".
Just a reminder that Sumipe is batshit insane and you only like her for her body of work.
While OP's statement is false, this is also incorrect, there were a few games that were better on Genesis.
The SA-1 chip is basically a really fast clocked 68c16. It's really what the SNES should have had out of the box. I think games that used it also came with 256 KB of fast RAM. The RAM included inside the vanilla SNES was extremely slow and would have held back a faster CPU.

All the Genesis needed to crush SNES and all its add-on chips forever would have been a "mini-32X". Basically a Sega SVP chip combined with a 256-color video overlay.

The real problem with Sega's addons is that they were all overkill.
tell me more
I think it would be better if they just never did the 32x or even the SVP, and waited at least 1-2 years before coming up with a GOOD console to replace the genesis.
If they waited for example until 1995, got a decent DSP and made it drive a custom S3 virge chip with actually good memory, probably would be enough to put a huge dent on the playstation in rendering quality and even speed, as the chip would only need to render at 320x240x16.
No the real problem with Sega's addons was that it was too little, too late.

Should have just released a new console instead of trying to piggy back off the genesis. It's those poor decisions that ruined customer trust and ended up killing their console business.

If the Saturn only had been released properly perhaps they would still be around today, especially considering that even though due to popular belief, the Saturn was actually more capable of 3D rendering than the Playstation. But sadly Sega rushed it out by surprise to literally everyone and they didn't have any instructions sets ready to actually push that side of the hardware.
>I think it would be better if they just never did the 32x or even the SVP
I think the chip add-on system worked quite well for Nintendo. Certainly the gimmicks gave it attention.

A mini-32X that could be reusable between games would have driven down cartridge prices vs Nintendo that made you re-buy the same addon chips in every cartridge.

The reason CD and in-particular the 32X didn't sell was the price. CD cost twice as much as the base console, which is ridiculous. Cheap add-ons would have made sense.

>got a decent DSP and made it drive a custom S3 virge chip
While your sentiment is good, the S3 Virge was not a very good 3D chip. The 3D capabilities were developed as a gimmick to sell more 2D cards against stiff competition from Matrox.

S3 Virge's fill rate is 25 MPixel/s at best, and that's at PS1-level visuals. Texture filtering, etc lowers the fill rate by half or quarter. The real PS1 had a fill rate of 33 MPixel/s. SGI offered their GPU technology to Sega before they gave it to Nintendo for the N64. If Sega took an alternative path, that's what they should have gone for since it was actually good technology.

>the Saturn was actually more capable of 3D rendering than the Playstation
The popular belief is correct. Even though Saturn may theoretically have higher T&L capabilities than the PS1 if you combine both Hitachi SH-2s and the SCU DSP together ultimately all 3D has to be drawn by VDP1. Unfortunately, VDP1 was significantly inferior to PS1's GPU and that's a cold hard fact.
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How can snes even compete?
married with a Japanese girl and in relationship for 10 years.

Its actually easy have a good charisma and look good and be at least 1.80m tall and don't fucking act like weeb and the best thing this works on any girl not just Japanese.
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>tfw exactly 1.80m
Use platform shoes or some big wig.
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can't I just find a womanlet instead?

Good fuckin luck finding any of those, even back in the day.
nigga you tryna get aress?
>you will never be her boyfriend and make money by whoring her
Yeah and SNES had great games too, and far more of them. Close to the perfect game library, even today, but certainly for the time. Sega didn't have a fucking chance.

Also Sega resorted to silly fucking gimmicks like "Blast Processing" that just sounded like such a tryhard piece of shit. Even today Sega is trying to be edgy and it just comes off as cringy.
>and far more of them

Op, your picture looks like she is about to take a Mega Drive and lay down a 32x.
The Genesis is my preferred console, but it isn't hard to see why SNES won. It was riding the success of the NES, Nintendo was a bigger brand name than Sega, it was more powerful, there were more games, and the marketing team did a better job of selling the product. The end result is the SNES dominating the 4th gen.
They pronounce words without a large emphasis on one syllable like English does, so it's more like the second one you said (su-mi-re as opposed to su-MI-re or something).
>expect Sumipe thread
>it's just /vr/ console wars
You guys never fail to disappoint.
Where can I buy that hoodie?

The Shinobi games, you filthy slut.
was a SEGA kid but revisiting the SNES library there's just too many good ones on there. Genesis will always be first in my heart but the SNES library is stronger

It sure was nice having two great consoles with such diverse libraries of games. It made going over to a friends house to play the SNES or Playstation a lot more fun than it would be today
>it was more powerful
>there were more games
wrong in the west
>the marketing team did a better job of selling the product.
wrong in the west
>The end result is the SNES dominating the 4th gen
genesis outsold the SNES in almost every country except japan and germany

I always wondered if Keio was actually good or if people just liked it because of the cute girl on the cover. Really need to get to giving it a go.

>that filename

it has a dick doesn't it
PC Engine was the patrician's console of that era
Wait until image uploading works again

It was about half and half. He dropped out because he thought the soundchip sucked and Sega dropped him officially because of the kiddy diddlin.
>pc engine

Everybody who owned that either didn't exist or were sweaty wapanese neckbeards who got off to 8bit anime porn.

Which one of them is a guy?
Хopoшo, /v/
>You will never become Sumipe's producer and make her stars shine on in russian
I dare someone to find a song from any Sega Genesis game that sounds as good as this:

Sega can't into drums
Aoi is cuter anyway.
SNES music is muffled as shit

>SNES music is muffled as shit
>Posts muffled Genesis music

Did you even try?
not an argument
>literally deaf
have some time trax anyway, pure waveform no samples

They both sound pretty meh
They were neck and neck for most of the 4th gen.
The two main contributing factors that led to Nintendo winning were Donkey Kong Country and Sega discontinuing the Genesis early.
I am a Sega fan, at least a little more than Nintendo. I will be the first in line to tell you the SNES had better hardware in almost all areas. If SNES cut back on color palette they could have also had 'goin fast' for a few games too.

Anyone that says the SNES, which released years later with then current internals, was weaker than the Genesis just doesn't know shit.

I am sure people would say the OG Xbox is stronger than a Wii as well, lel. Fucking idiots.
Is a hard but very fun horizontal shooter that can be played in bursts, so you can always emulate it in a portable. I have it on my PSP, Vita and N3DS.
In fact, here, take:
A cia I made some days ago, but be warned that isn't playable on old 3DS because it runs slow.
which is valid, since Sega basically dropped out of the race to focus on Saturn (and somehow fucked that up despite being on top at the time, good christ), while Nintendo kept pushing the SNES since the N64 wasn't out yet, allowing them to easily take the lead

The Sega CD's biggest issue is that the Genesis isn't designed for add-on hardware at all.

The Sega CD has fairly advanced scaling hardware... that might as well not really be there on 60hz models since there's not enough time in vblank to get everything across into Genesis VRAM (vblank takes fucking forever in comparision on PAL machines, so if there were any truly PAL exclusive games, they'd be able to take advantage of that). It's got a 12.5MHz 68k... that's basically just sitting lock-step in sync with the slower Genesis one most of the time, and even if it really did stuff on its own, you still need to pass all that shit back to the Genesis somehow. The Sega CD is a fucking mess.

The easiest way to fix the issues would have been to give the Sega CD a direct video overlay like the 32X, which would also allow it to have more color and limit how much the Genesis bottlenecks it, but they either didn't think of it, or thought it would have been too expensive.

Man, I've been looking for fucking ages, god damn.
>what is tucking
Why do so many people get tricked by trannies?
Because it wasn't cruising off the success of the NES, it's not rocket science.
Still, I love the Genesis but I wouldn't say it's any better or worse than the SNES, they were both god-tier.
ps2 was better than both anyway

Be a nip.
Pretty sure it doesn't work for them anymore
>-60m people in few years
Take a look at her Instagram
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her face is fucked up. what's wrong with chinese people?
What's her insta?
>literally no pics of pussy on her instagram
Dude, just admit that you're fapping to a man
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nearly arcade perfect strider
the best console version of lemmings
sega left because they didn't enter a proposed partnership with Sony to make the CD addon for the Genesis

Image the world if we had the Sega Playstation
>Better console
>Selection of games is utter trash
>soundchip consists of actual farts, making every port sound like shit
>Implying it's as easy as "Hey I'm gunna get laid now" then sex just falls into your lap

You are the worst kind of human being and I wish I could hate you to death.
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You're both 100% right.
t. aging sweaty neckbeard
Man, you can tell she's such a fucking mega-normie. Like, she sucks up fun and shits out demands and depression.
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Post some more Sumipe
alien solider
alot of shmups
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>Selection of games is utter trash
Is it a bait?
So shit games?
Same reason why Nintendo 64 lost to the ps1

But it didn't.
The second. If they were saying smile, they would write it su mai ru
Now commencing music dump.

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>Dune 2
>Mega La Mania
How can snes even compete?
I know Shinobi III has already been posted, but this is the better track.

Continuing my efforts

just posting this because I only recently found out VF2 got a genesis port
How the FUCK can the Super Nintendo even compete???

No idea

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I insist about Keio.
It's good

Mega Drive has a game coming out in September while SNES has been dead for ages.

This song was the absolute shit when I was 7

what game you talking bout
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Funny you mention that, because there's actually a project going on for snes, though I don't know if it's still alive.
This is a really fun one

That trailer had too much going on, I would rather see more gameplay.

These are the people that have made a few games for the genesis before aren't they??

I think it was an rpg that came out a few years ago they also claimed was the biggest genesis game ever.

It is cool though.
Once again, the power of the system doesn't matter as long as it can play games and has a good library of games. Nothing on the Genesis came close to Chrono Trigger, FF4, FF6, Super Metroid, DKC, DKC 2, or Super Mario World.
>Uesaka is an avid fan of Russia and its history, culture, military, literature and art.

I see. She does good with Nonna and Anastasia. She probably auditioned for Hibiki in Kantai and was surprised to get Fubuki, the lead role.
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>Rabi Ribi
I want to impregnate this woman with impeccable taste
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SNES = MD(+CD/+32X) > MD (stock)
MD (6-button) > SNES > MD (3-button)

The closest are the Sonic games and Gunstar Heroes. Still, neither come close to Super Metroid, which is literally one of the top 20 games of all time.
Anon, I agree with you, but you should play DKC again and realize that it is not a very good game. Even DKC3 is better.
fucks sake at least make an attempt to pretend you've played more than a few genesis games. And what's with your boner for Super Metroid, it's not even the best game in it's series
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Yeah, Watermelon games. They made Pier Solar.

I think they are going to drip feed gameplay slowly as it's not out until September. They just released an entire ONE new screenshot today! Wow!

Not exactly happy with the little they're showing but oh well I still think it looks amazing. And I dropped $50 on it cus I love beat em ups.

God I hope it's not shit.
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master palette and sub-palettes were the most important graphical elements back then
Just kinda sucks that it's $69, I would rather it be around $40 or $50 but I understand.

Its also nice to see they still reprint the older stuff.
Stop discussing vidya. Post more qts
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I think there's a cheaper option.

Ones more expensive but it's just a slightly fancier box that's signed. Why would I pay like $20 more for some nerds I don't knows signature? I got the non-limited version.
it released i thought?
>6 buttons

>inb4 muh fighting ga-
Who the fuck plays fighting games with a controller?
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>it's another zm/prime baby who doesn't "get" super metroid because he's a scrub episode
alot of people actually
What remarkable games does the SNES have if you remove JRPGs?
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>Super Metroid fan pretending he's a hardcore gaymer
I always thought this video was funny, I don't know why it has so many dislikes.

69 (USD) IS the cheapest option.
Pocky & Rocky and Demon's Crest, for example.
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IMHO the Genesis 6 button is the second best controller of all time. Right behind the Saturn's, which is basically just an improved version.
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>thinking about face buttons when the biggest feature of the controller is the 10/10 d-pad.
What is that one video showcasing Genesis graphics capabilities that had fucking rad music and images?

I cant find it anywhere
You weren't very descriptive, but i think you might have mean this.

Thats the one, thank you!

Man the Genesis has an amazing aesthetic
It appears they have made a sequel to it.


If someone made like, a cyberpunk adventure (or a really good shmup if it could be done smoothly) game using these techniques i would cream.
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Okay, it's one of those threads.

>average sega megadrive/genesis music

>average snes music
Okay, you know those tesla coils sounded really fucking cool.
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best pad.jpg
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Best gamepad coming through.
>average sega megadrive/genesis music

this sounds a lot like rock music using the gems or ea sound drivers (e.g. road rash)
>Weaker nearly every way except performance

What other specs besides performance constitute strength of gaming hardware?
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>mfw both are kinda cool
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