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>Small chit chat >This is the best Persona can do for

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>Small chit chat
>This is the best Persona can do for "Romance"

What the FUCK happen ! ?
>high schoolers
Gee, I wonder.
High schoolers hang out, drink together and fuck more than adults.
literal whore on top
Catherine is what Persona shouldve been ages ago
Thats what happens when you have your romance being a sidething that can never be referenced to or affect the main story-
>he didn't skip class to have sex in high school behind the bleachers

Amerifat detected.
maybe in the us, but doesnt seem so in japan.
And then I woke up.
not in japan
Lawfags get out REEEE
The fuck are you from saudi?
Japan is running out of babies, so obviously that's not how it goes over there.
High schoolers don't fuck to reproduce.
>Japan is running out of babies
time to send the blacks to japan
Just make Persona 6 set in California problem solved
Same thing at the bottom
Japan needs more people, not apes.
>tfw friend fucked her boyfriend in the middle of art class in the back room
>tfw friend ditched class to fuck her boyfriend in the auditorium
>tfw friend who tells stories of fucking her friend in the bathroom
Persona had the romance feel with social links, where Catherine's whole story was centered around lust and responsibility, not romance.
After Catherine I thought social links would improve in quality by 1000% but well I guess not. Atleast P5 made use of the cellphone system a little bit.
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Sending blacks would be worse than another nuke.
holy shit that cathrine game shows banging?
>everyone talks the same
>cellphone conversations are never for fun, just boring plot advancement
>nobody even sends silly pictures or anything
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>Catherine had Law,Neutral and Chaos routes before Persona

How can Persona even compete ? Catherine 2 when ?
From a gameplay POV, they did improve though. Most of the characters now at least have perks that make you want to go for them at the very least for that.
>Just wanted to hang out and make good memories
>Someone fucks someone and suddenly no one talks to each other anymore
>Happens with every group of friends I made all of highschool
Highschoolers are the worst, guess I might be a tad salty that I didn't get that chance to sex apart a friendship, but that doubles down on how shitty highschoolers can be. No one's immune.
Im hue and the ammount of sex my friends seen have had in HS / college is huge
t. 22 y/o kissless virgin
College's worse
No one cares and fuck everyone who's pretty.
I thought the memes of bitches and whores and mansluts were that, memes
god normies are soulless as fuck.
>>Small chit chat

fucking lol. this right here is what it is. we need some better more engaging dialogue. that being said i loved persona 5 especially when you compare it to the small almost infantile chit chat of persona 4. that game felt like a middle school simulation.
Atlus should develop an entire dating sim already.
I would no lie give up quite a lot to get Catherine 2.
Right. And it's not like we don't know what P5-kun is doing with his waifus.
>"hey while we're in your room how about we practice some things we didn't learn in school!"
>Makoto and I talked long into the night.

Oh my god those kids are having such stimulating conversation.
that just makes me think of the old /a/ screencap with the "walk me home gently" fag
>Catherine had fucking flip phones
>Catherine sent you lewds and Katherine sent you cute pictures
>Persona 5
>Everyone has a Smarthphone
>The Megapixels on camaras have improved 100x since Flip phones
>NOBODY sends anything funny,cute or lewd
>You take 2 photos in Hawaii and never see them again

For a game set in modern times where everyone is on there phone 24/7 and sending booty pics and snaps is all the rage these days they fucking blew it
>ywn be woken up at 3AM because of Futaba sending you memes.

Why fucking live if I'm only here to suffer.
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Has there ever been a game where minors actually drink Alcohol or is that too taboo ?

P5 needed a Kings game scene at the Crossroads bar with Ohya
japan is a different place anon
That's right, japanese highschool girls only please old men for allowance
This. High schoolers are like adults with more free time, more hormones, and less common sense. Who the fuck didn't lose their virginity in high school? Most people have sex around 15/16 now.
I think it's against the law to depict it is something. Maybe that's just on TV or certain age approved publications but I do remember it coming up in some manga interview long ago.
Why does Catherine look so good despite being 5 years older.
You'd be surprised.
She's literally a shapeshifting sex demon.
Everyone in here probably
Pretty sure he meant the game not the character.
Unironically, modern normies are the ones fucking up society
>girl of the group talked about how she fucked her boyfriend every day of the week he visited
>friend in group got dumped by girlfriend and talked about how he is is feeling horny and desperate
>roommate having phonesex in room while I'm trying to sleep

Being in college makes you feel like you're the only virgin in the world.

Underage drinking means it can't make CERO certification.

Which is why they get drunk of non-alcoholic rice juice. Shit like king's cup also adds that girls are sluts at their core.
I mean yeah her, but the game in general, holds up
I did and it wasn't worth it
That's seriously pathetic desu. I actually dropped out of school when I was 15 because of crippling anxiety and I still lost my virginity a year later and had sex loads of times. How is it even possible to be a virgin at 20, let alone 30? Were you just born horribly ugly? Or are you actively trying to avoid fucking someone? I seriously don't get it, for every loser like me and you there's another loser with a vagina who would bang you. Are you just telling yourself it's hopeless and you shouldn't try? Because you're wrong.
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I fucked my highschool girlfriend on the catwalk above the auditorium. Drops of my cum leaking from her pussy stained the seat cushions below. Shit was cash.
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>tfw you'd look like an idiot if you tried to dress like Vincent
Because Persona 5 is outdated.
Careful about that word "most". The sexuality studies I've seen break virginity-loss ages into multiple brackets. More respondents might have lost virginity at 15/16 than any other age group, but unless it's more than 50% "most" people probably lost their virginity much later.

People in general tend to overestimate the amount of sex their peers are having, which kinda self-reinforces as people try to look like they're having more sex because they think that's "normal".
Lucky you
I'd rather be virgin than having fell in love with a normie
Now I'm suffering the consequences.
It is especially true in Japan. High schoolers are horny sluts but overworked wageslaves have no sex drive
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Catherine would visually destroy P5 if it was was rendered higher then 720p and with some Aliasing in the in game scenes

At least P5 has cool menus
Is that actually real or just a hentai meme?
I dont care enough and dont want to go through the trouble of interacting with people just for sex. Might as well go on backpage, but thats wasting money.
Probably because japan has a negative population growth rate so they have nobody in their schools.
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Art imitates life, anon
>being a normie
>Romance in games now require Sex Scenes in order to be good

Thanks Mass Effect and Witcher 3
I mean I thought the bullying to suicide in school and work was a meme but it's actually worse than said
So high schoolers are not anything like adults is what I'm reading then....
Porn ruined my standards. Im not horribly ugly but Im no where good-looking enough to bang the girls I would want to bang and Im not willing to lower them just to randomly fuck someone
You think that matters dimwit? You dont put sex scenes with minors in it unless you want your game censored to shit.

No it doesnt matter what the consent age in Japan is. That shit wont be sold in america and thats what matters.
Why is this only available through Now?
>he doesn't know about enko
It's indeed real, although allegedly the government are trying to stop it
I've been with plenty of women and I'm sick of having my feels hurt after they get bored
It really happens. Look up enjo kosai
Pretty hype, now that I'm older I have 0 desire to do risky shit like that tho
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I lost it about a year ago at 23. I was just too much of a sperg in those days. Had a really stifled upbringing with my single mom and was just awkward as fuck. It wasn't until I moved out and started maturing as a person that I had any success with women.

It finally happened with a friend after the second date and I just went for it. Shit was awesome.

>tfw I went for a solid hour
>tfw she couldn't believe it was my first time

just like one of my Japanese animes
She's a succubus, not a prostitute.
You should still be able to download the game digital on a actual PS3
right, and it'd be such a great idea to showcase minors doing that
>prostitute: fucks men for a living
>succubus: fucks men for a living
How will they stop it if they purposefully ignore crimes like rape and violence just to keep the crime rates super low?
Same, once I went to college and experienced sex in a regular area on a regular basis, strange bullshit like that would never even cross my mind. Thanks, hormones.
But heavily implying an adult sexually assaulted a minor is okay ?
>let's just pretend this huge part of everyone's life doesn't exist because some white evangelical soccer mom had their feels hurt over it
Thinking like this is why the drinking age is still 21 yet you can be sent to die in Iraq at 18.
>prostitue: fuck men for money
>succubus: fuck men and feed off their juices
By giving girls bracelets that day "don't rape me"
Prostitutes are depraved. Succubi are just acting within their nature.
This jacket brought to you by Colgateâ„¢
Succubus confirmed for more honest than human woman?
Who says being depraved isn't the nature of a prostitute?

The money is just a means to buy food.
succubus: literal semen demon
prostitute: only as good as how much you're willing to pay
>"be woken up"
>implying I wasn't still up posting about how much I want to bury my face in her smelly little pussy
I don't understand it either.
>Succubus: I want to fuck you for sustenance, and in exchange it will feel really good
>Human Man: Ok
>Human Women: [autistic screeching]
How can humies even compete?
Prostitutes take money upfront in an honest manner.
Girlfriends/wives latch on for years slowly draining your coffers only to ruin you when they want chads cock/ told they don't need no man leading you to suicide.
Succubi kill you upfront quickly with good sex
Catherine had more time allowed for modeling considering all you did was walk around in a bar and climb cubes.
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>purposefully ignore crimes like rape and violence just to keep the crime rates super low
I still can't tell if the whole Chad thing is still people repeating the meme or if there are really this many people that actually, unironically believe women are inhuman reptile leeches now because their oneitis dumped them or something. You need therapy if it's the later tbqh
Where do you have sex? Like, I can't go to my parents house. Am I supposed to have my own place? Fuck her in my car?
This. Japan needs to stop being so racist, sexist, xenophobic, and islamaphobic. They need a forced quota of at least 2.5 million refugees per year.
I go to r9k when I want to listen to people convince me to kill myself not /v/, Fuck off.
What about Succubi (Male)?
Legit hard to prove because they don't officially report them. Just a ton of stories I've heard
What's dishonest about prostitution? Shit, that's the most honest sexual exchange imaginable.
>Legit hard to prove
How convenient
Hasn't been just once bro I've been the chad and it didn't help, maybe I am really jaded tho
I'm not trying to convince you to kill yourself, I'm trying to convince you to stop limiting yourself from getting what you want because you think it's impossible. It isn't. Unless maybe you're horribly disfigured, socially inept, and a complete asshole all at the same time there's someone out there who will be with you.
Not very convenient for the girls getting raped.
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>people that actually, unironically believe women are inhuman reptile leeches
Best I can find in terms of objective source because the police just throw cases out http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/iatl/reinvention/issues/volume1issue1/gray
I fuck my girlfriend in either of our cars on a regular basis due to us both living at home and having huge amounts of debt.

It fucking sucks, but she has an SUV and we can use my truck in the summer, so
There are a lot of perverts in japan. If you are active and going out at nights you will definitely find strangers that will offer you money for you panties or to fuck you in japan.
Some people are just too shy, need to focus on studying (therefore being charming enough to have sex with someone is left on the backlog), have incompatible sexual orientation and can't find anyone that fits it, and etc.
Unironically this, but usually its unfortunte circumstsnces that lead a woman to prostitution. Nobody sane goes into it willingly.
>j-just lower your standards and fuck a 472 pound tub of cottage cheese or a woman that sounds like she smoke 10 packs a day and smells like old lunch meat and cat piss

My sister did, it's easy money, she went there from cam shows.
I live in Nippon and I can tell you that's certainly not the case here. I've dated 3 nips and the earliest one to ever lose her virginity lost it at 17. They had all had "boyfriends" in highschool but the most they ever did was kiss. Japanese people are like little kids.

Worth noting I also knew a Japanese couple in their mid 20s who dated for over a year without having sex even once. The guy said that whenever he tried to have sex with her she would brush him off. Same guy is 2 months into a new relationship and still hasn't fucked his gf.

I know the problem isn't with the girls either because I nailed all 3 of my girlfriends within a week of "confessing" to them. Japanese guys are just really, really timid.
anyone who doesn't live in a progressive country.
>not fucking your girlfriend in her parents' house
Beta detected
I agree 100%. I just hope it's fully legalized everywhere in the US someday.
Or just find a normal girl you dummy. They're not fucking unicorns, if you really think that what you just listed is all you can manage to get, you have serious self-esteem and self-image issues you're distorting reality. Either that or you ARE a 472 pound tub of cottage cheese, and in that case, who the fuck are you to complain
How did you get a girlfriend? Is it as simple as asking someone out? I've been shying away from girls that might like me because I feel like I couldn't be a good boyfriend to them without having my own place.
Can you afford her or does she offer discounts for you?
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>T-trust me anon-kun, I broke my hymen in gym class
You do a monkey dance until she decides youre cool enough to be seen with.

Rinse and repeat until you get the bright idea to marry
Sorry anon I don't want to fuck my sister.
Fapped to her camshows though since I didn't meet her until I was 16 since she's from my father's side.
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>Had two girls in group of friends in high school
>One was pretty cool, the other was the group bicycle
>I was the only guy that never got a ride

Surprisingly little drama came of this, and the other chick and I used to laugh about it and wonder what was the point in her doing it. In the end, one of the guys got her pregnant, and it wasn't even the black one.
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I fuck her at my place too, but only certain nights. Depends on our schedules. Meeting to fuck in our cars is just cheaper than a hotel room, with just as few questions asked. >>377195985
I only dated one girl in high school, fucked around in the school, then broke up in college. I've been dating randoms ever since now, where I've finally gotten a legit chick I want to be around. Trick is to fake it til you make it. I am perhaps one of the most incompetent people on the planet, but I'm funny I guess? So, find your strengths and really buckle down on what may make you "attractive" to whoever you're trying to get with.
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If you're not lying, what was your reaction upon your realization that she was your sister?
Become friends with a girl and get her attracted to you. Make her laugh a lot, maybe drop hints. And be honest with her, if you like her then tell her that. At least get to know her first though, don't just confess your love to someone because they have a nice rack.
I remember seeing something a while back where a Japanese couple hadn't even talked in like 10 years. The majority of the time the husband was too busy with work and when he finally got free time he was just too timid to initiate conversation and it escalated out of control.
I tell them that I lost my as a teenager and I obviously couldn't give a fuck if they had sex when they were 13. I honestly doubt any of them were lying about their first time, but hey, who knows. If you want to believe that all high schoolers but you world wide were having rough sex daily then be my guest.

I think Japanese women are a lot more ashamed of sex though and thus don't do it as teenagers because they're scared of being labeled as whores.

2 of my gfs literally claimed to have dumped someone in highschool for trying to have sex with them. Sucks to be those guys.

I didn't realize until I was in her room a few months later and it clicked. But being my step sister I'd known for 3 years I didn't particularly care.
Really wouldn't surprise me. Everybody here gets up at 5:30, takes the crowded train to work, works until 8 PM, goes out drinking with co-workers, gets home at 11:30, does more work until 1 AM, goes to sleep and then wakes up the next day. It's no wonder so many of them are so emotionally messed up.
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This. Women love being the gatekeepers of sex. That's why most people who oppose prostitution are women. Even conservative men support it by-and-large.

If women are no longer the gatekeepers of sex, then they lose their bargaining power in society. Suddenly, sex becomes much easier to get, much less risky, and women have to work harder to get the good men. That would ruin modern society. There would be no feminism in a world where women didn't have as much bargaining power as they do now.

There's already feminist lobbying against sex robots, under the guise of sex robots not being able to consent. Women who actually actively abuse their bargaining chip are salty as fuck. The good women who want an equal relationship aren't autistically screeching
What video games are you guys talking about?
Sex already has no value since you can call up some slut via Tinder within 10 minutes, or backpage etx.

People just pretend its some big deal so they can live out lame conquest fantasies and pretend slapping meat is getting them somewhere in life
The game of life
>gets up at 5:30, takes the crowded train to work, works until 8 PM,

fuuuuuuuk that
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This hasn't been a video games thread for a while.
What video game is that, anon?
I haven't heard about Tinder ever being a fucking .
What publisher/developer makes it?
And it should be taken down.
Mods let it sit and be shit for hours on end. I don't even know why I try.

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If you're not attractive, sex is still a bargaining chip against you. It sucks for the guys who don't look good.

And also, Tinder sluts are either extremely hard to get, or are the kind that poke holes in condoms.
you need to have a jewfro and be a lankmeister
Vincent is similar in appearance to Spike Spiegel
>tfw I work at a comfy small scale game studio that has an 8 hour work day with 2 hour-long breaks a day, overall 30 hours a week
>tfw company policy focuses on a quality work environment which means we're encouraged to not overwork ourselves and quality work is more important than time spent working
>there are drinking parties but they're fun and paid for by the company anyway
>boss is a bro that's been making games since the 80s and has a glasses girl fetish
>can get extra hours if we want to in case we need more pay, but it's not mandatory like other places
>company trips to Hawaii, Okinawa, Vietnam, etc
>health benefits included
The gaijin don't know what they're missing.
>Mods let it sit and be shit for hours on end. I don't even know why I try.
Because you're autistic? Stop getting your panties in a twist over it. Threads derail all the time. Autistic screeching does nothing to help and is more likely to get you warned or banned.
>If you're not attractive, sex is still a bargaining chip against you. It sucks for the guys who don't look good.

Thats where good ol backpage comes in

Why guys continue to slave away for bitches who only have their body as an offering I have no idea, this society is a joke
>Japan only admits 27 refugees
>2 already caught for raping a woman
remove all kabab
Femanons detected.
20::80 rule in full effect.

It's actually pretty funny, because there was a study asking women and men to rate pictures of men and women, and most men rated women in the 4 - 7 zone, whereas most women rated men in either the 1 - 3 zone or the 6 - 8 zone. Either you're really attractive to women and they'll give you a blowjob on the first date, or you're absolutely disgusting to women and they'll tell you that they can't stand give blowjobs.
Thank you for talking about video games on /v/.
Fuck off.
>Because you're autistic?
Autism is a sign of not being to take social cues and being able to use them, you fucking mongoloid.
Coming to a chinese web site made for discussing video games, NOT DISCUSSING GAMES, posting OFF TOPIC BULLSHIT and wondering why someone would be angry is true autism, fucking kill yourself you piece of shit.
>Threads derail all the time
Because of your attitude towards discussion and your just general overall newfaggotry. Moron.
>Autistic screeching does nothing to help and is more likely to get you warned or banned.
Sounds like the mods don't know what the fuck they're doing. Kill yourself.
What kind of games do you make anon? Smart phone stuff?
Literally me ;-;
Honestly, I have a hard time believing that that's the case, same with all the "women are upset about sexy video game characters because they aren't as good looking/they will lose their ability to get men" stuff. Chad can still get sex for free, he would think that sexbots are dumb shit for virgin nerds, same for waifus and ample-chested cartoon women. The only men that are being "taken" by these are men who are considered undesirable anyway.

Thus, what I think the real issue is is that the idea of inferior men receiving sexual gratification deeply disturbs women. According to our base instincts, we still associate that gratification with actual coitus, as a "job well done" for reproduction. Thus, women subconsciously perceive men enjoying sexbots or a VR anime girl saying that she loves him as an unworthy male reproducing. Or something like that. Or maybe not, just a theory.
Hey bro, nobody cares
I did talk about games though... Well, a game studio.

PC games. Well actually we've done a few mobile things but they never took off. It's an eroge company.
fucking spoiler that shit cuck
20 y/o KHV reporting

go fuck yourself normalfaggot
>Catherine 2

What would the plot be though?
What's next, are you gonna tell me to put spoilers on Vader being Luke's father?
Pretty much why I dont beleive in treating these chicks like their shit dosent stink (so many men today are trained to, its sad)

Everyone is judgemental as fuck, might as well go for the best
Nipps are just as whorish as Americans.
I've got your PLOT right here.
Similar to first Catherine except you're a gay man tempted by a succubus (male)
If he was, he'd be fucking 9 year olds.
then how do you explain the fact that 1 in 200 nip women have been in an adult video?
They film a lot of those videos in public where huge crowds are walking by. So thousands of women have been in adult videos without even knowing it.
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>tfw you could probably pull this off
Well then they can fuck off.
I'm a scrawny autistic manlet with bad hygiene, so I don't bother women that won't want me anyway.
The least they can do in return is stay out of the way of me and my 2Ds.
Wow, it's almost like humans are living organisms that are wired to want to fuck.
Why would a gay man be tempted by a male that takes the appearance of a female?
>tfw last I talked to her my oneitis was actually dating some guy named Chad
Joke's on her I'm asexual now
Because I'm all out of hope
One more bad dream could bring a fall
When I'm far from home
Don't call me on the phone
It's not just the women. Men cheat a lot here too. It seems like a lot of people here don't seem to consider cheating to be that bad as long as their partner doesn't find out.
>tfw I stopped talking to a girl for not kissing me a month into dating
Whats the point of a relationship if youre going to sleep around anyway? People are fucking dumb
>having a oneitis
Grow up, man
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Socially inept is a understatement for my cause, I haven't talked to a stranger for 8 years and I don't even know who or what kind of person my neighbours of 19 years are. I'm a lost case
A lot (I'm not going to say the majority, but it's certainly a sizeable amount) of people are just utterly horrible and selfish users.
This, unless you were involved with that bitch for years you have no reason to think about her beyond the hour
Perhaps you should try turning yourself on and off again (or go speak to somebody/play some more videogames)
Notice how I said all three at the same time. Even if you're really socially inept, if you're a nice person people will want to be around you. And if you're a nice person and not horribly ugly, then someone will probably find your awkwardness cute and ask you out or something.
The reason why is because HUSH HUSH keep it down now

voices carry.
People who cheat are usually people who are unhappy in some way with their lives. They want the stability of a relationship to avoid being lonely but they also feel fucking bored with their partner and possibly don't even like them that much.

Yeah it's pathetic. I made it a personal rule to never date anyone who I knew had cheated in the past.
Same shit new characters
>Implying I'm not over her
>Implying I haven't been over her for a long time now
That was over four years ago, just thought it was funny her boyfriend's name is Chad
>tfw last time I saw mine she had gained like 75 pounds and is now with a guy that looks like the stereotype of trailer trash
If youre over her then dont use cringelife terms such as oneitis
well maybe you should've DONE shit with her ya bastard, "ooh me she left because all we did was sit around in the house all day" you know you could've done something productive like I don't know. Taken her to the park, a walk on the local trail. GOTTEN SOME DAMN ICE CREAM. Or at last taken her to one of your known spots most people don't know of
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A tiny bit of hope really boosts confidence, thanks anons.
Good luck with everything.
I dunno why you're telling me that. Never had a girl cheat on me yet. All my relationships have been pretty good up until this point and ended because we decided we weren't compatible.
All this does is build an image of women being gigantic kids you have to constantly entertain
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No problem anon. I was like you for a while, a was a complete shut in and I even ordered my groceries online to avoid leaving the house. But then I realized, strangers really don't give a shit about me. And if no one gives a shit about me they can't judge me or hate me, and if I dont give a shit about then, why should I care even if they do? So now I actually have a job where I talk with people all the time, and one of the job requirements is actually being able to work with people. Funny thing, that. The key is to just treat others how you'd want to be treated and don't worry about what they think of you, unless they really matter. It's that simple.
>tfw complete loser in middle school and freshman year
>stopped giving a shit about what people thought and just did my own thing
>girls start to give me more attention senior year
>literally banged more girls than the amount of numbered FF titles
>now have an awesome gf who's perfect for me

My nigga you can do it too.
Has it occurred to you that there is a reason cases might be thrown out beyond (ridiculous and probably not real) bias against people who have been raped?
But anon you are the equivalent of that. If you don't like that then improve yourself.
because that's my dream of having a girlfriend
I hope they give him fun sprite sin DSJ, guy was a goldmine.
>sex scenes with minors

Persona 3 and 4 strongly hinted at them, which to me is more than enough.
I was replying to a post that used the term. Won't happen again buddy.
Would you care to enlighten us on what reasons that might be?
Why didn't he just blow a few hundred dollars on a hooker?
>improve yourself for some average roastie to even notice you

Wrong motives desu, improve for personal satisfaction
because you can't dodge the rodge
>borderline minimum wage cuck
>ugly as sin
>small dick
>awkward antisocial faggot

It's too late for me, lads. Good luck to the rest of you.

On the topic of videogames, hard hard is it to find a crackable ps3 and crack it? Kinda wanna play Catherine and other stuff but not if it's gonna be a huge pain in the ass.
>No girls in my high school
>Refused to do it with 2 girls in prep school (Only went 1 year)
>Uni was shit for girls and I was too busy hanging out with bros
>Each time I attend a party and meet a girl (pretty much everytime) I do nothing
>Now that I started working as an engineer, guess what ? No girls.
Pretty easy to keep your v-card at 21
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you're nearly me minus i'm not a manlet
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>It's literally the same
>twintails stalks potter kun just like catherine
My life now has meaning
>go to all boys school
>be homo
Who'd have thought
I'll have sex with high schoolers as much as I want and no nigger fucking roastie will tell me I can't.
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Why stop there?
Not everyone went to a public school for white trash.
I want to know as well. oh yeah some of your qualities match me too.
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Japan also doesnt really need a sex scene because they do have a thing called a doujin market, and laws that protect its sale.

which cannot exist anywhere else because of jews
>wanting to have sex
I've seen and heard way too many stories about women to want to even try. It's like a 50% chance you'll get fucked over for putting your dick in someone these days.
I'm sure they'll work it out themselves, merkel.
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>mfw still a virgin at 23
>girl I liked in high school had sex with several of my friends
>she now has drug issues
>she still tried to talk to me
>all my friends had sex already
>another loser friend from back then started lifting
>now successful as hell and has qt short gf
>I'm still a loser
>don't meet women anywhere
>qt market girl I talk to sometimes has boyfriend

At least I have Persona 5. I haven't felt this much joy in a while.
>Japan is running out of babies

Or maybe their population is going to stabilize at a level sensible for their pissfart little country?

They don't need hundreds of millions of people living in their country. It's just like people crying about the ageing population in the west, forgetting that after our world wars we DRASTICALLY overbred compared to before, to shore the numbers back up. The total human population being over three billion is anomalous to our history.
Fuck now I need to go brush my teeth
that's ok because the police and fbi are mostly white men
enjoy prison you pedophile piece of shit
It wasn't an all boys school, it doesn't even exist here, but an highschool with industrial science instead of biology.
I don't even remember why I said no to these girls.
Obviously lifting weights will solve everything

Catherine is a western themed story. Persona is an eastern themed story.
5 "strongly" hints at them as well, what the fuck are you even talking about?
>Easterners can't into romance


Those fucking teeth
Survivorship bias. You're hearing all the horror stories because those are the notable stories worth telling. No one talks about the dozens of other times they had sex and it was satisfying or exceptionally good. Especially because doing so makes you look like you're bragging which makes you an asshat.
age of consent isn't 18 everywhere
>implying men don't brag about banging hot chicks
Their fucking teeth look like Amber, jesus christ.
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>tfw you're vincent
>yfw a 10 rapes you and wants your babies.
Fuc man I should just call it quits lol.
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Wait, they have sex in the Persona games? Someone post scenes with Joker, please say he gets laid, too.
Agriculture is also anomalous to our history, anon.
>No one talks about the dozens of other times they had sex and it was satisfying or exceptionally good.
new to the internet buddy?
Honestly that sounds 100% correct based on what I've seen.
>What about Succubi (Male)?
Succubi is just the plural of Succubus, dumbass.

The male equivalent is an Incubus.
>he believes that
No no, an incubus is an incubus. A succubus (male) is a male succubus.
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>The male equivalent is an Incubus.
for you
Fuck the druggie girl.
A big theme in P5 is that Nip youths don't know how to do things normal people do, like communicate.
That whole situation looks like an Amber alert
Hey man, not that anon, but a dude I know is ugly as dick, literally autistic as shit, like straight up screeches every two minutes not as a joke, and super fuckin ugly (but he actually thinks he's a 9) gets laid every once in a while because of Tindr and Bumble and apps like that.
Trust me, if he can do it, anyone can.
I believe in you, friend
heavily implied for everyone atleast in valentines day

and some dates
Well, you corrected that anon. What's the next step of your master plan?
>hard hard
you're cute anon
>so sexually frustrated that he typed hard twice
Cute. Pent up virgins are the best
Some of us aren't that desperate and we don't succumb to peer pressure
i have social anxiety out the ass and when i got on antidepressants it killed my interest in sex anyway.
you could always just wait until the ps3 emulator improves
it's already playing demon's souls at native framerate
>Tfw seeing """"adults"""" get told what to do with themselves by other losers who are just as clueless as they are, bad habits reinforced by mutual mediocrity etc.

This world is a weird place
>High schoolers are like adults with more free time, more hormones, and less common sense.
But it's also countered by them being really insecure.
Haha were on the same boat anon.
>knew hs relationships were lies
>ppl just want to fuck
>all my friends made it a competition to lose virginity.
>they lost it to ok girls at best.
You're making the assumption all 4chan posters are "losers".
The userbase is more diverse than just failed NEETS or underaged children
It's all downhill from here.

I can buy it playing demon's souls, but even pcsx2 is kind of a piece of shit at times. I'm giving it at least another five years before I even try ps3 emulation.
>Japanese people are like little kids.
So they're normal unlike Westernfats?
That wasnt restricted to 4chan, its shit you see everyday

Whenever someone tries to argue for something based on "everyone does it" I cant help but think theyre not even thinking
> I'm giving it at least another five years before I even try ps3 emulation.
Okay, so what's the problem?
You plan on doing something important in 5 years that you won't have time to play video games anymore?
I mean, I don't think it'll be anything approaching stable anytime soon. I might be surprised, though, who knows. PPSSPP came out of fucking nowhere and ran basically everything in under a year, it could happen.
>not beating the shit out of her for trying to even do that
you're a shitty brother
Catherine's ending is really good. Not even for the crazy SMT nonsense, but just seeing her break down and end up loving a mortal. To the point where she can't even do her job as a succubus anymore because she doesn't want to leave his side.
Is it really diverse when there's 82% black people?
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>Too awkward in highschool to start a proper relationship beyond a couple of dates
>Not interested or smooth enough for "hitting the club", if that's still a thing
>Currently too busy between family matters and university to hang around with women and people in general
>Usually i only frequent close friends so i rarely meet new girls i could be interested in
I know grills find me attractive, but still have to work on my ultra shy personality to even consider using those apps at some point
>ERP and become friends with a girl through an MMO
>We mostly play shitty games like OW together.
>She is a total sexual deviant but really sweet and not hideous.
>Talk about meeting up at a convention or something.
>I could probably sleep with her but she's like nine years older than me and would be thirty at this time.
>I'd probably be doing all of this just so I could lose my virginity.

I don' know man...
is being quiet apart of "shyness"?

Just do it. Older women is fine but stop after 35.
>couldn't be apart of the school community because I was too overworked.
>incredibly tired everyday so I sleep in the afternoon.
>peers and staff think I stay up playing videogames all day.
>not enough energy to be social.
Sometimes, you barely even know a guy.
>it's already playing demon's souls at native framerate
no it's not, the footage shown of it still ran worse than the original
Lol yes. Shy boys have recognizeable bulges.
>All of this relationship and sex talk
I'm 19 (almost 20.) And still haven't had any significant relationship with any girl aside from maybe """being friends"""
Any tip? I'm really shy and often have problems talking to people. I'm somewhat attractive I think, but overweight and w/out much confidence. I have just recently developed this weird... desire(?) to have sex and now its annoying.
I think the joke was that it runs at a shit framerate on the real hardware too.
Are you just trying to get your dick wet or do you actually have feelings for her? It's entirely possible you're overthinking it.
We live in strange times, people have fallen in love through weirder circumstances.
What's more diverse than blacks anon? Whites are totally the opposite of diversity.
Honestly, a lot of grills find that shit pretty endearing.
And it's not too difficult to develop an online personality that's an embellishment of how you really are. Literally everyone does it so no one will think twice about it.
How did a thread about Catherine and P5 turn into 100 posts of /soc/ bullshit?

No one cares that you're lonely and this isn't the place for social advice you faggots.
It's amazing really, love this game.
>High schoolers hang out, drink together and fuck more than adults.
>This is what virgins think
ayy lmao
What don't you know? What reason do you have not to do it?
It's your hormones! Start exercising to boost the chemicals. This will make you hawt. Lose weight and lift you'll better. Also its spring.
>"I don't care so nobody cares DX"
Aww, did we ruin your first time on /v/?
Actually, don't answer that, no one cares.
>forgetting that after our world wars we DRASTICALLY overbred compared to before
See, the problem is that if we don't keep our population up people let a ton of immigrants in.
Normies get the FUCK out
reminder: you only like the way he looks because of his lengthened legs and slim figure
is sex that much better than fapping?
I think I have a bit of a crush on her and its sorta that thing where just because of spending so much time together feelings start to develop. Realistically I don't want a relationship with her and she has said that she just wants FwBs. I think I'd maybe just be ashamed of myself if my main reason for going would be "I want to sleep with her." rather than going to meet up with friends and I could be disappointed if she said no.
>there's another loser with a vagina who would bang you
Even the ugliest woman will be able to fuck an at least average man.
just do it
So let me get this straight
>be friends with girl
>you also talk dirty to each other and get off to each other's words
>she wants you and you want her
>you want to meet up
>hmm I dunno if I should fuck her though guys
What's wrong with you? Take her to the bone zone, you both totally want to. Maybe you'll end up being a couple too, how cute.
Any tip for good/fast/efficient exercising tips? I may go to a nutritionist soon, but would like a head start and sooner than later loss the 70lbs
M8, you're just telling yourself that so you have an excuse to not try.
Burn more calories than you take in. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. That's 99% of it right there.
Just be yourself. Seriously

It's a meme but I stayed single until I was 23. I was just like you trying to court girls but it never got anywhere. I just gave up and focused on my study and then it all happened on its own with the girl initiating the relationship.

Still together with her for 4 years now.
It depends, but short answer is no
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>when a thread on /v/ of all places makes you want to improve your life
something is wrong this day
I kind of want to go to China and be employed as the company white guy. Apparently they actually do that shit.

It'd be nice to get appreciated for the 'ole pale skin rather than bitched at about it.
How overweight are you?

I was overweight from age 6 to 17. I stopped eating the entire summer holiday only drinking water and literally not eating anything. I became sick but I actually lost all my weight and I was actually the most popular guy at school the last year of highschool. (Still didn't give any girl any attention as retribution for them being shallow fucks that never gave me any attention the previous years though).

Seriously just STOP eating. It's not that hard. Buy a scale if you don't have one already measure your weight every day. It feels really good to see lbs/grams fly off of you daily because you are literally not eating anything.
Y'know what, you're right. I'm just getting all anxious and self-conscious. Even if she doesn't want to then I'm still spending a weekend with my friends who I never get to hang out with in real life. I even have the time between now and then to get myself into shape so I'm less disgusting.
>Chaosfag endings
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Guy here that actually thought English for 3 years in Japan and 2 years in China (1 year mainland 1 year taiwan)

Those company white guy jobs aren't relevant anymore those were a serious thing from 1990's to around ~2010 but nowadays people get fucked hard. You also have almost 0 rights in China. No real chance of getting a green card or owning any property. Good luck trying to get a credit card or opening a bank account as well (I was lucky already having a Japanese compatible bank account).

Even Marriage to a Chinese local will not grant you Chinese citizenship as well.

"White monkey" jobs like what you are saying are oversaturated and it's slowly moving away. Even english teaching jobs are now starting to require a bachelors degree minimum just like in Japan.

You also make a lot more in Japan but the hours are harsher and slightly more expensive cost of living in some areas of expenses.
Don't post anymore
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>Just be yourself
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>thought English
I hope you know she's probably nervous and self conscious about it too. It's called infatuation anon, you want the other person to like you so you get nervous that maybe you're not good enough. But the truth is if you know she's into you and she wants to meet up, you already are.
Now you understand why Chinks are still terrible at English. They hire literally everyone from a native English country as long as you have a bachelors degree in anything.

It's a job of basically paid shitposting. I still left Asia though due to me not liking Asian women and wanting to start an actual career and maybe have a family eventually.
We've been sticking seeds in the ground for ten thousand years. We've been mass breeding for less than seventy. If you think those are comparable than take ten thousand inches of dick up your arse, and seventy in your mouth and tell me if both holes feel equally abused.
Nah I'll post as much as I want. Contrary to what you might tell yourself to feel better, most people on 4chan have normal lives and have sex regularly. It's just an /r9k/ meme to pretend everyone is a bitter virgin, then actual bitter virgins showed up and started taking it seriously thinking they were in good company.
Well, fuck that, then.

Guess I've got no real options. My country is fucked and I've got no escape.
Holy fuck anon, if you were any more backwards you'd shit out of your mouth.
Sometimes I feel being myself doesn't work, though.
Then again, that may have something to do with my self steem...
>people didn't have lots of children before 1945
what the fuck am I reading

It's not abnormal for humans to breed a lot, it's just abnormal for most of those children to survive and breed as well. The baby boom itself has little to do with the world population increase, most of the increase is from third world countries finally getting access to better health and agricultural supply, letting their high birth rates actually result in more living people, who then have more kids themselves and so on.
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I want to FUCK Eric !
Its easier to b urself if you dont make people the center of your life to begin with, because then you have no incentive to put on airs for their attention, you're simply about your business

Basically concern thyself not with these hoes and get on with your life
What annoyed me the most was that dates are only as events between social link levels, and after you max your link you can't do shit. I maxed out Hifumi one event after hitting rank 9 and going out with her, and then I tried going out with her on my free nights where I had nothing else to do and all I got was shogi in the church. It punishes you for getting them to max rank, and there's no reason they couldn't have let you still do the date events afterwards.
I use this whenever people say SJW shit hasn't infected japanese vidya.

Fucking trannies.
Erica is more of a joke character though, everytime he starts talking shit about men and how they're such pigs, about what women want, etc all the guys just blow him off since they know he's full of shit.

Only poor Toby isn't in on the joke
Can you please go be retarded somewhere else?
transgenders as a trope and joke character has always been a Japanese meme since the 90's and I'm 80% sure that is what actually brought the idea of transgender-ism into the heads of fucked up 90's kids that are the screaming SJWs of today.
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>Who the fuck didn't lose their virginity in high school
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>people pretending sex has any kind of value today when its infinitely harder to actually have a lasting and beneficial relationship

Some of the most stupid people I've known have had plenty sex
I want you to remember what website you're on. If you don't want to hear shit like that go back to a safe space.


I suppose. I'm just more used to it being a more over the top joke. Eric could come off as a convincing woman, which is unusual in how japan treats trannies.
did anyone extract catherines nude model out of the game to see if they gave her nipples
>Eric could come off as a convincing woman, which is unusual in how japan treats trannies.

Thats what makes the "twist" so effective, you dont get it until all the guys are laughing in his face
>Who the fuck didn't lose their virginity in high school?
oh how times have changed
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It's utterly ridiculous you have a proper phone in P5 and nigga can't get nudes, not even off the adults you date
>Who the fuck didn't lose their virginity in high school?
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong website, Facebook is right around the corner
crashing this thread
WITH NO vidya discussion
>/v/ is now full of unvirgins

This is very true but most of the people itt that don't agree with this are older people.

Back in our time you needed to be social and cool to lose your virginity. Nowadays you just need to exist to get fucked. Doesn't matter if you are ugly or whatever sex is seen as fun and girls want to see how the weirdo is in bed. Also being nerdy is cool and mysterious. Gaming is now mainstream and not considered a bad hobby. Staying home on your electronics all day is also the norm.

If you are older than ~20 this doesn't apply to you. But if you are younger than 20 and still a virgin it's 100% your own fault because pussy is free and plentiful for this demographic. I've fucked plenty of 16 year old girls from this younger generation and I'm almost 30 myself which says a lot.
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>Most people bust a nut in under 3 minutes inside a girl and think they achieved a higher understanding of the world around 15/16.*
who gives a shit about sex. What we all really missed out on was young love.
>le safe space XD
Fuck off retard.
Young love and sex go hand in hand dummy. That's what I'm trying to say, if you didn't have sex in high school what the fuck were you doing? Did you really never have a girlfriend, ever?
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>no Catherine follow up for another 10 years
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>sloth and lust are normal and rampant
i don't like this future
Hey, you don't even have to leave 4chan. Go to /lgbt/ or /co/.

Really, the part of young love I feel I lack is being a girl's first real love.
you absolutely reek of reddit
Atlus is full of shit by not continuing the Golden Playhouse stuff, its INFINITELY more interesting than highschool bullshit

SMTfags think they have it bad, GP only had one game
Nah, I'd be banned from reddit for shitting on trannies.

All I want is more Raidou. Imagine a third game with a revamped combat system.
I agree desu, I'm 20 so I guess maybe the people disagreeing with my post are just behind on the times. Seriously I can count the number of non-virgins in my graduating class on two hands and half of those are girls saving themselves (aka will get fucked in college).
>I'm almost 30 myself
That's why they sleep with you; high school girls love sleeping with older guys no matter what they look like because older guys are seen as more handsome, more mature and more successful than the highschool boys they normally interact with. I remember at my senior prom, barely any of the single guys had dates because all of the girls brought an older guy from other schools and colleges to the prom instead. In fact one of the first tips I hear on here for older guys wanting to lose their virginity is to have a car and sleep with a highschool girl specifically because they're so easy around older guys.
Why is Atlus to retarded to make HD remaster
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>tee hee how come you don't have a girlfriend anon???
Do you really think EVERYBODY found somebody for themselves in highschool? Is your perspective that narrow?
Yep. Its nothing new.
You should leave 4chan though.
Thinking SJWs are responsible for trannies in Nip media makes your new so glaring that it's fucking blinding.
I'm in a predicament, I have standards but I also don't really want to make an effort
Oh, I don't think SJWs are responsible for trannies in nip. But it gives me a chuckle whenever someone implies that nip media doesn't carry the taint of modern day progressive thinking.

Hell, the last stand out anime was about gay figure skaters. Looks like Japan's conservative stance is lessening with their new social media driven generation.

It's a shame, really. Can't escape that shit anywhere.
>fujoshis are new
>>tfw friend fucked her boyfriend in the middle of art class in the back room

I refuse to believe the people involved were actually subtle enough to get away with this as opposed to the teacher just letting it go
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>When a woman tells you it's normal to not know who the father is
>a big enough market to make faggot on ice as popular as it was
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>implying fujos are a recent demographic
>reddit spacing
Public schools are free for a reason, nobody gives a fuck.
Really makes you enjoy a 20 year old Crystal Pepsi.
Nah, it's just that the non-party member romances have 3 hangouts: a universal one, then 2 more (including going to your room) if romanced. You didn't miss an event, they're just less developed than the party member romances.
>reddit spacing

That's the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard.
and you can't show them fucking since it would be cp depending on region
They hide behind the fact that no one can tell a difference
I didn't even get those though, I got her coming to my room to practice shogi with Mara, but that was it. Everything else was just the same generic shogi event at the church.
It's been a thing since Persona 3, but the most it really is is you and your waifu of choice having a suggestive conversation alone in your room before it fades to black. If you maxed out Elizabeth in P3 then it was pretty blatant what was going on though.
Well apparently they are you fucking moron
if you really think gay iceskating is THE instance where the fujo market became apparent, you should look down the end of a fortunetelling shotgun and pull the magic trigger

>2 sentences maximum
nah. go back
I'm a virgin, not bitter though. Well, a little bitter, but mostly okay. Me not having sex made a lot of sense retrospectively, what didn't was popular kids talking to me and me even thinking that i "deserve" sex even though i really didn't see the life as it was.

Why do you think sex matters so much? In your posts you write that the biggest loser can have sex with another shitty loser but how does a situation like that lead to any kind of solution or happiness? Now it's a situation where two people who hate themselves and their lives are together and anons write stuff like "sex is overrated" because they are always anxious out of their minds and sleep with anxious uggos.

Step one for "losers who hate their lives and just want a little company" is to stop treating yourself as a loser and stop trying to scam people into getting into something that you yourself hate. If a person can view their situation as fun in it's own way they can share the fun with others.

For example, what are the benefits of not having sex? You don't have stds, you don't have a nagging wife that you hate but can't leave because you have kids that you can't appreciate because you hate your life.

Most of the people that are into the "tfw no gf" problem have a middle age crisis, only sooner than baby-boomers. The difference is that because you don't have as much baggage and are younger you can actually figure stuff out and become the person that you want to be so it's a blessing in disguise.

And i don't think that making people hate themselves in order to make them change, which is what I think you are (hopefully) trying to do is a very valid strategy: it can help with straightforward stuff like forcing yourself to go to the gym but in as complicated matter as relationship it can lead to never being relaxed and fulfilled in one, always tense and self-hating. Self-acceptance is much cooler and allows you do self-improvement because it's actually fun.

does this

bother you?
>an adult and a demon seductress who came onto him while he was intoxicated
>two teenagers who just started dating alone in an intimate setting

I'm not seeing the issue. What's wrong with being shy and embarrassed at that age?
Are you in middleschool? A paragraph isn't a minimum of 5 sentences, slick.

>Well apparently they are you fucking moron
That doesn't disprove my point at all.
>if you really think gay iceskating is THE instance where the fujo market became apparent, you should look down the end of a fortunetelling shotgun and pull the magic trigger
It's not that I don't know that fujos sustain some markets. God knows, somebody has to keep CLAMP in business. But Faggots on ice was way more popular than a niche anime like that should have been.
I wasn't a disgusting normie like you
I'm pretty sure the bottom is a cultural thing(gap moe?: Anne is usually forward and unreserved in casual setting, shy and withdrawn in romantic setting) that just not really a thing in the west.
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Good thing I have long legs and a slim figure.

Being this lanky doesn't generally pay off, but here we are.
>game/anime is rated 17 plus.
>revolves around highschool kids.
Everytime. there was a thread earlier about disgea devs saying how the Japanese market wasn't big enough anymore and jap devs would have to to start tailoring to the west. I don't want them to necessarily become western in style but this is a concession i hope they make.
There are plenty of adults who enjoy anime and weeb games, it would be nice if they didn't all pander to 14 year olds. They half explore mature themes and include content arguably not suitable for minors anyway, but they still gotta be highschool kids with all the annoying stereotypical traits. And hold back in random areas that i guess are inappropriate by Japanese standards.
And now you see why I told you to go back to tumblr.
You wanna know how I know you're a newfag?
You seem to be under the impression that /v/ isn't gay
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I think he still looks fine desu. I think he could fit actual nip proportions
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>tfw lost my virginity at 16 and haven't had sex since then, 22 now

I-im fine
>live in Japan
>speak fluent Japanese
>lift weights
>no problems talking to girls
>(apparently) handsome
>have never even held hands with a girl once in my life let alone date one or have sex

Get on my level faggots.
What's considered small dick nowadays? Mine is like 16-18 cm and I think it's small..
Dick length is not important

I have a so fucking long dick that creates so many fucking problems, I'd gladly gift some cms to you anons
Would rather have a small dick so I could go as hard and deep as I fucking want.
You can't get it hard? The fuck?

Agreed that a big dick isn't really that important. Most girls don't give a shit about it.

I do though. I love that my dick is big. I love when girls comment on it. It excites the shit out of me. I love that I can't really be deepthroated.

So while yes, it doesn't really "matter" in the sense that women can get off by getting eaten out or having sex with a below average guy provided that mentally, they're just really into him, it matters to me. I love the things that come with having a big dick and I wouldn't give that up.
George Costanza was at Yankee Stadium in that scene. I'm surprised his name is spelled right.
Well what's your suggestion? Make up an elaborate persona that you'll never be able to maintain for the entire relationship and end up looking fake in front of the girl as well as anyone she talks to?

Being yourself is the optimum strategy because either she dumps you because you're not her type (saving you time and energy in the long run) or she's into you and you both end up hitting it off fairly well.
>Being yourself is the optimum strategy

Being yourself on your best behavior I'd say.

Yeah, you don't want to be fake to attract girls you aren't compatible with. It's good to show some restraint though.

i.e., I told my current GF that I liked video games on our first date. I didn't pontificate on the dichotomy between Solid Snake and Big Boss though. That came later after she already liked me.

because Gamebryo engine and not Criware

P5 protag is Vincent's son
>Being yourself on your best behavior I'd say.
You're not going to always be on your best behavior anon, so if you're going to act like a sperg and start listing off the dichotomy between Solid Snake and Big Boss, you might as well do it early so that she can make an informed decision about whether or not to abort the mission or not.

Honestly, you never truly know a person until you can list off qualities that you don't like about them. Anyone can be ideal, but a lasting relationship is one where you can appreciate all aspects of them, from their good qualities to their bad qualities.

Or at least, that's how I see it...then again I'm a random moron posting relationship advice on 4chan of all fucking places, so what the hell do I know?
New you dipshit. I can't fuck hard because it hurts gurls.
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niggers traps are not a new thing to japanese media we had fucking hibari-kun in 1982 you dumb nigger

more even earlier shit like rose of versailes and other shoujo shit
hibari-kun being a shonen manga

you're too much of a dumb faggot to even look into the shit you're talking about seriously go off yourself you fucking waste of jizz for talking about stuff without even knowing shit about
I thought you can't get blood to your dick, lol.
The thing that makes me not a sperg is I recognize when it is okay to geek out and go deep on vidya lore and when it's not.

Having something you're really into isn't spergy.

It goes both ways too. My gf is really into the show "Once Upon a Time". If she gabbed endlessly about it on our first date, there probably wouldn't have been a second.

Two years in? I'll gladly listen to her complain for 15 minutes about why the show sucks now. That's what I'm there for.
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How much of a dumbfuck naive retard can you be?

all this shit is old news seriously you show any real lack of knowledge about shit come back when you're not a uniformed nigger.
I really liked pretty face
Hmm. I just kind of go hard anyway.

A woman once told me that I was a bully in bed but that I probably just got away with it because women are afraid to challenge a man with a big dick.

Maybe I should be gentler.
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>being this liar

nigga I am nip
There's only so much you can do with a silent protagonist.

Persona is a high school popularity simulator for the user. It does a great job of it. I loved Persona when I was in high school and I still really like it now.

But Catherine is about an adult man with an adult job in an adult relationship struggling with freedom vs. responsibility.

It's a lot more relatable to me now than Persona ever can be.
The funniest part about that image is all the angry shapes would fit if they just went through the hole sideways.

Wish i could play it for the first time again.
Get sucked in my sheets?
it'sa pretty fun read actually
>not pictured: auto collapse
How the loving fuck does a gig like this exist and how did you get it?
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>Wake up
>See this
>She blocks your path

What do ?
It's like a deeper (hopefully intentional) meaning. It's easy to come away from the comic and just think the circle is a cunt but if you really look at it, all the other shapes are just sitting around being salty shits instead of thinking about how to get out of their situation.

Pretty applicable to neets and sweatbeasts who insist that they can't get laid because of their "standards".
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Woah not cool dude
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Yes, yes there is.
ra<3e her
I'm assuming that's Vincent's shirt

I don't think it was ever specified

Do niggers have no sense of progression? Do they always go back into being violent and mud huts? They have always proven that they are not ready for a modern society, why do countries keep accepting them.
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>tfw girls flocked to me at the age of 14-18
>I was too much of a sperg and just ran away from them
Now I'm a NEET and I hate myself.
Catherine looks good for 720p
it's literally the whole point of Persona 5
Pick one Ninttoddler
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Those stupid negroids amirite. xD
they strongly imply fucking but never show it
the above image is her just sitting on top of him and talking
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Aloha snackbar.png
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Even doing nothing those fatluses are still of more worth simply because they're not out committing crimes. Facts, take em or leave em.
I'm sure you were very fair and even-handed in selecting the screenshots to represent the two games, OP.
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limit break my shit up.gif
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Get on my level faggots.
I've dated a girl for 3 years without sex for religious reasons
at that point you have to ask yourself if sex is really that important to you, and if you're anything like me, the answer is no
what you really want is love since that not only enriches your life but makes sex a million times better
A puzzle game?
>tfw there were like 4 girls I knew of that were interested in me
>1st was a fat ginger that straight up asked me out and I turned her down
>she later got expelled freshman year of high school for fucking her bf (which was an even bigger loser than me) in the school's elevator designated for cripples and tards
>2nd was another fat girl that was dumber than a bag of hammers
>she later dropped out Senior year due to having a kid and 3 years later now has 3 kids
>3rd was a girl that straight up asked me what my dick looked like and how trimmed up everything is down there
>was oblivious to everything and she eventually got fat and got married to some scrawny Cletus Spuckler looking motherfucker
>4th was a tiny qt flat chested brown scene girl
>she just quit talking to me after freshman year and started banging some fat Pedro
>pretty sure there was a 5th one that I only found out about after I graduated and had reached the age where it would be illegal to do anything with her
>she stopped by grandparents' garage sale one day and went on and on about great of student I was and how they were impressed with me knowing all this really obscure shit when discussing the world wars and vietnam in history class
Top is Catherine BC on Project Scorpio
Bottom is Persona 5 at 4K 60FPS on PS4 Professional
>tfw no brazillian gf with a fat ass to submerge my dick into every night

Why live
Catherine's central theme is relationships and how you identify with them as the player. The thread is wholly relevant to the game, even if the game itself isn't explicitly mentioned or referenced most of the time.
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+10 voice of reason. Props from a Michigan native.
I lost my virginity at 21 and it never bothered me. Wasnt even some secret I was embarassed about, no one really actually cares anons. dont tell a girl you're trying to sleep with you're a virgin after 20 though. I mean sure they might be able to tell after tou fucl them, but by the it technically isnt a lie to say you've had sex
>w-whites are still superior b-because I said so!

Great argument senpai.
The game is already rated M, what could underage drinking possibly push it to?

>romance Ann
>go to Hawaii
>hey Akira what kind of girl do you like?
>hey Akira let's have alone time
Fucking what
Just do it.
>When you're so desperate to show how much of an ebin racist you are you ignore basic history
Can we send all the /pol/fags to reddit or redditchan?
>not wanting cake

Are you sure you're not a faggot?
Are you me?
>Who the fuck didn't lose their virginity in high school?

Guess how I know that you're a woman

If she's hot, take her to pound town.
I want to ride him, too.
stay mad Ahmed Al-Farooq Muhammad
>Japanese high schoolers have sex a lot
>Japanese high schoolers are pure
Well, which one is it?
Whichever one fits my argument at the moment, poopsie.
Like someone mentioned earlier Persona links can only exist in their own little bubble and never affect the main story which is why they can't build anything complex with them. It just ends up feeling meaningless. They're never going to change it at this point because it's become a successful formula unfortunately.
Now that was uncalled for
Wow, it's almost like 'Japanese high schoolers' is a group made up of many individuals.
>What we all really missed out on was love
free birth control for anyone over 16 there (13 for the US)
no babies doesn't mean no sex
Id rather get on my knees and give you the business hot stuff
I'm a boy btw
There is one scene where you more then assuredly fuck with your teach in the attic of a cafe.

Maybe it's just a play on innocent japanese high school kids vs a more debauched relationship with an adult.
High Schoolers dont use protection
False, they don't have a drive to pursue relationships because they are too much of a hassle. Casual sex or paid sex on the other hand big thing in Japan.
Tae asks you if you want a full body examination.
In P3 Elizabeth straight up bangs you
>Japanese girls are pure just like my animes
How to spot a virgin IRL. I was stationed in japan last year and that average nice guy gets a harem of hot pure virgins bullshit is a farce. If you've been to highschool in America then the social structure in japan is exactly the same only it's more polite. There aren't many fights and instead of cheating the girls are more likely to leave you outright for the better man. And they fuck a lot. Like holy shit, I gave up on having sex with teenagers when I turned 22 but nip girls are so easy, all you have to do is show a little confidence and bravado an you're fucking them on the second date. and when you fuck them once you can fuck them again any time any place The only draw back being that they're not experimental and condoms are like holy law there. If you ever wonder why hentai has grotesque amounts of cum it's because you'd be lucky if you find a girl who won't force you into a condom every time.

Very nice. Do they show anything like in OP?
do it anon. literally worst case scenario like you said you have a fun weekend with some e-friends. I met up with my WoW guildies at blizzcon one year and we had a hella fun time regardless of me maintaining my virginstatus.
Oh welk, tell my about your choices on Catherine, were you honest with your answers?
can confirm. I was there for work two years ago and they have mastered sex to a fucking art to where you can get easy ass of the sweetest girl, you just have to use a condom. now actual relationships are hell over there because the taboo of both spouses working and no kid within say the first year is seen as an abomination so most just deal with sex like a doctor and get their fix just to up and back to being alone climbing a corporate latter
Anon, its japan, the country that literally has been paying for TV shows and anime to make propaganda so their kids fuck each other and make kids

Japanese teens dont fuck
they do fuck however much like the US is suffering now with such abundance of contraceptives it leads to a lower birth rate. Also they are double whammed with both stronger taboos of kids out of wedlock and the demand that a family unit must be the traditional bread winner, homemaker setup. This has lead to them viewing sex more like you would a meal and they just get there fuck going and then keep on as a single person.

In irony there demands for a more pure culture has created a far more hedonistic one. They just have a hell of pride and would rather smokescreen that everything is fine when you can basically go and get laid with ease then back to your 9 to 9 the next day.
english isn't your first language I see

the fake profile lol
>no side boob
useless atlus
I actively avoid all contact with people and live a life of solitude

I'll probably kill myself before I get laid
but persona 5 is not about romance at all
You can't draw a conclusion based on these two images alone, and anyone who does so is an idiot in practice.
I got really close, and boy do I not regret staying a virgin.
>t. Chad
Get the fuck out of /v/, will ya
Can confirm. Japanese girls have like so much sex, they can't stop fucking. It's nonstop, one time I went to Tokyo and got my dick sucked by 100 (hundred) women in a span of 3 hours. Holy shit, I can't believe someone would never want to go to Japan. So many women having sex all of the time like every time all of time, just nothing but sex. Went out and found a Japanese version of Tinder and met 20-30 women in one day, fucked them all in the next. Man, it's so easy lying on the internet, telling people bullshit and them actually believing it.
>3 years
Try nearly 5. She's religious and a bit fucked up in the head because of her upbringing so I think she's literally afraid of having muh dik in her so her vagina tightens up to a ridiculous level where I can barely get a pinky in there.
Almost 25 years old here. I think about it a lot, but I just end up masturbating to degenerate porn and I feel better.

It would be impossible to lose it at my age because women never initiate anything. They always wait to for the man to make a move and I'm never around girls like I was in school. Its not like I'm ugly or anything. I work out and I've had a girl say she wanted to sit on my face once, whatever that means. Guess I'll just die a virgin but whatever.
When you're ugly as shit, have no self esteem and are not really sociable that how you dont have sex.
I would know im 24 and a kv.
>gratuitous sex scene
5 more years and you will forget about mortal affairs anyways.
>tfw vincent and potter-kun are the same person
I have a jewfro, am skinny and no, you cannot pull that off, ever
can confirm that what this guy confirmed is wrong
> women never initiate anything. They always wait to for the man to make a move

>I've had a girl say she wanted to sit on my face once

Anon, you're just too stupid to pick up on them hitting on you.
not in japan you fucking retard

also even in america that's a meme propagated by MSM and your local church. retards are fucking in high school and now they're all in their mid twenties with kids miserable.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
But you didn't make him any bigger, you just made him shorter. Now it's a skinny manlet.
Can confirm this guy is a liar who sells himself out to old men for discount rates
>Not interested in getting a gf
>Somehow got 2 women interested in me anyways, but I cut all contact with one and rejected the other
>Start thinking about getting a gf
>Literally no luck
>Everyone just friendzones me
>Live with aunt
>Aunt is almost 30
>Never had a boyfriend because she wasn't interested in relationships or so she says
>Rarely goes out and just stays home all the time playing vidya and watching movies
>Somehow makes friends with some slut at work
>Slut comes over to our house
>Constantly talking about banging guys
>Already has a kid that's 10yo+ (she's in her late 20s)
>Aunt gets a boyfriend in a few days span because suddenly she's interested in guys
>Going out almost every 2nd day to meet the guy
>They probably bang every time
She didn't actually say it to my face.
>current /v/ ever taking any of the rules seriously

>"japan has a low birth rate" may may

I'm not saying they aren't fucking less but to say they are doomed because of low birth rates is dishonest to statistics. they just don't fuck AS EARLY as other countries. not to mention considering their population compared to others' numbers their number have been largely similar since the 80s. Anime tiddies aren't killing japan.
it's not a rule, I was just mocking the bullshit that guy wrote
the winning move is not to play

>Man, it's so easy lying on the internet, telling people bullshit and them actually believing it.
You clearly missed my point then.
Because they had money to leave and the blacks were stuck there?

>milk booze is an actual thing

it's just vodka made with milk instead of potatos like normally and isn't white but it does exist.

look up Black Cow anon
>He didnt bang his aunt before Jamal-kun came into play
>Look up Modern day Detroit
>Nitpicked picture of ugly Detroit
>Look Up Chicago
>It's fucking nice
>75% black

Really makes you think


they don't have a chimp problem they have a pollution problem.
You know what the funny thing is? She told me a bit about the guy. He's 35 years old, plays vidya all day and watches anime. So literally me, except older. And I'm not interested in my aunt, at least not anymore after I started living with her. In fact I want to move out and just get my own place.
That's where I thought his story was going while reading it
Nigra when I was in HS I was sneaking through my girl's ground-floor bedroom window nearly every night. No doubt her little brother heard me railing her through the paper thin walls, because he's now a basement dwelling cuck who unironically enjoys Nu Male Scam and Fallout 4 console mods.
>butthurt virgin detected.
Don't get why weebs idolize nip girls. If you can't get a pure virgin american you're definitely not getting a pure japanese virgin either. Anime lied to you my friend.
It wasn't that far off from being Persona with puzzles instead of dungeons.
>I've never been to Chicago the post
>chicago doesn't have a chimp problem
>Chicago "murder capital of the USA" doesn't have a chimp problem because It doesn't fit my argument"
Next you're going to tell me st luis isn't a cesspit because you are genuinely retarded.
I've been to Porn and Chicken
Why do people care about sex that much? It's horribly overrated.

Nobody cares if you're a virgin.
We weren't so different you and I
Virgins care about it because they think it's something magical and awesome. Same shit with them caring about girlfriends. Just look at all those people crying ">tfw no gf". Most of them are depressed as fuck, have shitty lives, but all they care about is getting a gf thinking that it'll magically solve everything once they get one.
>baseless insults because i called your bullshit
>calling me a butthurt virgin/ weeb
So this is how somehow reacts when I call you on your BULLSHIT. You've probably never been to Japan, outside of your country or even outside of your mother's basement, faggot. When in my post did I say anything about anime, idolizing Japanese women or anything else? The answer is: I didn't.

>following this survey result, the average number of guys that 20th generation single women have had sex with is 9.4 people
>People still think Japanese women are pure
>Y-y-you're lying
>muh pure japanese waifus
Sounds like you're bitter. Been going on tours in Asia since I was 20. Got deployed to Atsugi a little over a year ago and got to experience what real Japanese society is like. You can cry and call me a liar all you want but if you're ever interested in actually experiencing Japanese society as well (among other facets of the world) instead of your Japanese fantasies then do your nation a service and enlist. Or keep fapping to "waifus" and crying. Your choice.
>Ever thinking women are pure
I'm actually in the process of enrolling into the Air Force, retard.
I have MEPS in June.
You sound pretty retarded because you've made absolutely no argument at all.
>muh waifus
>muh anime
>hurr durr you're a weeb/permavirgin
>Lost my virginity at 17
>Haven't watched anime in years.
Are you an Army faggot? You have to be to be this retarded.
Then again you could be full of shit so...
>nobody cares if you're a virgin
t. Someone who lost his virginity at a normal age

Try being rejected and cockblokced because you're a 20 y/o+ virgin and then come talk faggot
>Be a woman
>Be a virgin
>Gets a boyfriend
>Boyfriend is happy and shit that he gets to be her first
>Be a man
>Be a virgin
>Tell a woman you're a virgin
>Most of them go "ewww" or stop talking to you
Really makes you think.
Don't see why you're clinging to the "muh pure Japanese" myth then, poor souls gonna be pretty disappointed if you ever get stationed in japan.
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