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/v/ Paid mods are making a return. How do we stop this htt

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/v/ Paid mods are making a return. How do we stop this




dont buy them

problem fucking solved
Last time users download mods from nexus mods and try to sell it on steam. The modders that created the mods had to take their mods down from nexusmods so they wouldn't get downloaded and sold on steam
Even when the system isn't exploitable, paid mods are cancer. End up with publisher/distributor deals for crappy mods, so the good stuff doesn't actually float to the top and passion projects get overlooked.

I've seen this shit happen before. Deus Ex: Revision anyone? Amateur mod hyped for 8 years, deal with Square Enix to put it on Steam/GOG? Now actually good mods are overlooked and people just install the first shit they see. Will happen again with paid mods, except now you'll have people paying for the shit.
I read that as mods on /v/ getting paid
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>your mod gets stolen and sold
>take down the original so only the bootleg can be found
If there was a free option why would you buy them through steam? That's retarded.
Valve is cancer. They are far from being what people romanticize them

A shame, I used to love the company so much...
I'm pretty sure this was after the rampant fucking backstabbing that started over mods using parts of other mods to function.
Which was much worse anyway.
Not gonna lie, former Valve supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Game crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
You dont itll die by itself, since mods in their nature are made by the community not paid developers.

Nobody can unfuck paid mods
>pirating mods will soon be a thing

What a stupid time to be alive
Paid mods already exist on many games, warframe and ark for instance. These paid mods are better than retail cosmetics.

Paid mods is good for everyone, the only people who disagree are people who are being shortsighted.
there are people who don't know any better
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Fuck yes, now I have a way to support my favorite modders. All anti-mod contrarians should fuck off.
We don't. Paid mods are an objectively good thing for the community unless you're a commie faggot who needs to go back to Venezuela.
alright, valve. if this is the kind of trash you're going to push, i'm seriously done giving you my money. you can find me on origin from now on.
you have a way already, a fair number of modders take donations. if you like a particular modder a lot tell them to make their paypal available for donations or start a patreon account

patronage like that is better than trying to create a marketplace
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>Fuck yes, now I have a way to support my favorite modders. All anti-mod contrarians should fuck off.

>We don't. Paid mods are an objectively good thing for the community unless you're a commie faggot who needs to go back to Venezuela.
Fuck of commie scum
It's pretty stupid that there's was a huge outrage when they first (and only for the first one) introduced the $1 for 30 days gamepass for a dota custom map.
There's a total of 5 maps that have it enabled now for maps that have ridiculous amouts of work put into them.

Meanwhile you can shit out a turd on websites like Kongregate and monitize them all you want including locking stuff behind making people watch ads that you get revenue for.
Then those people probably wouldn't be going to nexusmod anyway. I still don't see how this impacts a mod creator. If they made the mod without any compensation in mind, why would it bother them that they aren't getting paid for people to download it?
Who cares? This is no different than saying youtubers shouldnt be allowed to make money cause some faggots upload copyright content to it.
I want to donate to them through Steam.

Nice /pol/ meme.
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I make 3k a month selling free stuff, you'd be surprised how stupid people are.
it's not a donation then
I know people ironically support paid mods on /v/ to troll, but it still gets to me an makes me angry.

God fucking damn it, fuck you.
Ask modders how much they get, its fucking nothing. People will throw money at a patreon to some rich youtuber but popular modders get practically fucking nothing from donations.

The mentality of modders work being worthless needs to change.
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>Donations aren't really donations

Paid mods afe DOA because of steam's automatic updates. Who the fuck wants to wait days for every single one of your mods to update because the developer shit out a bug fix at 2am? Are they going to give pre release updates to every shithead that craps out a horse vagina on the market place?

What the fuck does the consumer get out of paid mods? It's great that you think the mod maker should get paid, but that requires someone to pay them. Right now, all the consumer gets is the promise that some day their investment will pay off in future quality mods that he will still have to pay for. Valve isn't addressing the customer side of the paid mods.
>lmao dude free markets are back

Fuck off libtard
Do you not understand how workshop subscriptions work or something?
Paid mods will make steam invest in the infrastructure of the workshop and employ staff. It will also encourage creators to be more professional, since it will be their job and all.
You're giving Valve money, that's the whole reason why they want to do this shit through Steam
Do you seriously think they're deleting threads for free?
How much do the mods on /v/ actually get paid anyways?
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And the problem is...?
Hotpockets based on performance.
>If there was a free option why would you buy them through steam? That's retarded.
Anon, there are literally people out there who won't buy a PC game if it isn't on Steam.

Valve has created this situation and we have allowed it.
And what happens when official updates break mod functionality? Modders aren't paid devs so they have no reason to support a mod once you buy it. You're essentially creating one of two problems. Either devs of games with lots of paid mods would be very slow to put out updates or it becomes paid content that has a really high return rate. If you try and sell people something that can break at a moments notice and then tell them to fuck off as far as refunds are concerned that's a whole other shitstorm. This seems like a very short sighted idea. We saw it fail once before too but I always knew it would come back.
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>Being this fucking dense
I do, i have some for games like stellaris and Xcom2. When a game update comes out or the modder changes the name of his mod, it stops working.
the modders aren't getting as much money from you as they would be if you just donated it to them
The workshop only exists because they intended to make money, if that becomes impossible steam can remove the workshop feature.
Paid mods are already on steam
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When a mod is sold on Steam the modder only gets paid when the mods makes at least $400 and on top of that valve takes 70% of the revenue you make for selling said mod
The problem isn't whether or not the mods are auto-updated because they're subscribed to, it's the fact that there's no guarantee that the fucking mod developer is even going to update it to work with the new version in the first place, which is borderline fraud when you've literally paid money for the mod.
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Scoopular codes*
Only way I can see this is if they put some extreme quality control by having people vote for what mod they want first and then when it gets enough votes, either valve or the developers have a process that combs through the mod to make sure it's functional and meet other standards and then release it after that for official purchase.
Is that really the split? That is so shitty its almost hilarious. They know for a fact that they're ripping off people who are only making content because they love whatever game it is they're modding in the first place. Classic.
I guess your donating to the supermarket when you buy groceries
I guess your donating to the game developers when you purchase a game
I guess your donating to your homeowners when you pay rent
Donations and paying to receive something in return are two different things
because by doing that it shows you are more interested in giving valve money than you are interested in supporting that modder, which was your initial point
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I'd rather use uplay than pay for mods
>W-w-we need paid mods to support muh mod authors
>Who cares how much goes to someone who didnt put in any effort
Fucking retards
Games dont get updates, unless you mean games in alpha still.
Yeah, that had been the problem back then too. If they don't make it clear who is liable for keeping things working and providing support it will probably never work.

Maybe Valve should just make their own version of Patreon for content creators right on Steam or something.
You know for a fact every time something came up for a vote, different subcultures would brigand the poll and we'd end up with staff having to play test furry loli bdsm vore mods.
You forgot about when the developer of the game wants a cut like Jewthesda did with all the skyrim mods.

There is a reason paid mods don't and won't EVER work.

When you bring money into the situation, everything turns to shit and shovelware. If you want to support modders, they all have tip jars on websites like the nexus, some have patreons etc, the point is all the money you want to give to them and support them for their work they did out of passion goes ENTIRELY to them. Paid mods on steam are a fucking sham and nothing more than valve and game devs grabbing cash for doing NOTHING.

You wanna support the modders? Fine, do it the right way shit head.
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I don't really care, fuck modders, they should be happy that they're getting a cut at all.
And that's the last (you) you get for me, at least you didn't try to weasel out of my flawless refutation.
Steam is a store, you have to pay for the infrastructure they offer.
>which is borderline fraud when you've literally paid money for the mod.
See this is where it gets interesting for me. The modder didn't sell you the mod. Steam did. So will there be a ToS for getting your mod approved? Will you have to sign a contract that ensures customer support for some indeterminate amount of time? If not it's exactly what you said. Fraud. If so, then the modder is a fucking developer at that point. I don't see a version of this where both the modder and steam come out on equal footing.
I do not see the problem is refunds are instant and unlimited.

Bad reviews tank a mod and asset flips/theft are punished.
Yes, they make you accept a seperate TOS and ask you for a bunch of info if you plan to do anything on Steam that supports revenue sharing.
When I go to a store, I don't pay for anything I don't buy.
I mean alright. If you want to support steam and valve go right ahead, just don't petition to get shit paid mods for the rest of us.
Steam wants a cut beause they run, created, update and would curate the workshop to spoonfeed people mods.

Publishers want a cut cause they often created the devkits or made the game compatible with mods.
Paid mods aren't an inherently bad thing.
>How do we stop this
You won't. What they said after the first backlash was they pushed them out wrong and with bad timing and should have picked a new game instead of an old one with an already established mod base. Not that there was backlash because they were paid in the first place.
They see it as a way to monetize something that was free before, and they'll cut some money to mod creators too to get them to jump ship since some money is better than none. Win-win right?
They'll use their huge platform to give it exposure and once the negative press dies down they'll push it on everything new until people just stop complaining and accept it.
>Steam wants a cut
70% of the revenue is more than a cut
>valve gets everything. publisher of the game gets nothing
Nice meme
>two parties that aren't the author get 70% of the revenue
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He's baiting you retardo
Obviously valve splits its cut with the publisher. At the end of the day the modder is still getting screwed
The developer did the majority of the work and took the majority of the risk, they deserve a 40% cut.

Steam charges a 30% cut for everything on it's platform, regardless of content.
>Steam wants a cut beause they run, created, update and would curate the workshop to spoonfeed people mods.

They just host the servers and that's about it you absolute mongoloid

Do you have to pay to use Steam itself too?
In a perfect world, where everyone was nice and there was no conflict or the idea of getting a quick buck at someone's expense would never cross anyone's mind, it would work fine.
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I haven't seen a legitimate argument against paid mods. Other than "b-but they should be free!"
Developer should release their mod api for a price if it isn't already so. They get money from that, and the game itself.

If they try to charge for mods to get further capital, I will acquire as many mods as I can and never stop seeding them.
>and took the majority of the risk
That risk was already covered by their publisher, dummy.
They should be free because people want them to be free. If people won't buy your shit because it's too expensive then your gonna crash and burn. It's called capitalism, friendo.

>Modders want to make money off mods
Steam gets 30% of every game sold, why do they do you think pu lishers sell games on steam?

If you wanted to sell a mod do you think you would sell vastly more being on the steam workshop or not?
Paid mods is the worst fucking idea ever. Modding as a practice works BECAUSE it's free. Selling mods introduces so many legal and ethical headaches that only someone like Gabe who is in a position to reap massive amount of money for no effort could ever support it.

>Selling mods which use trademarked IPs
>Selling mods which rely on other mods
>Selling mods which don't work or break on update
>Taking free mods, altering them superficially, then selling them.
>Buying mods then just rehosting them elsewhere for free.
>People sell their mods because there's no reason not to try and get money out of it, then stop modding because no one is buying their shit.
>Instead of making the mods they want, people only make mods that sell e.g. overpriced weapon skins
>Instead of making quality mods, people will stick to the simplest possible mods to improve cost/benefit ratio.

Literally nothing good can come from it. Valve has identified something that isn't being monetized and sees an opportunity to squeeze more cash out of people, that's ALL it is.
>A man isn't allowed to make money off of the things he creates.
>angels programmed the workshop
If the company that owns the game gets a cut, this is fucking scary. You will essentially get free development for your game and profit while doing no work yourself which is the ultimate risk-free capitalist dream: to make money while doing and risking nothing.

Will this make mods better or worse? There are multiple arguments on all sides.

I'll personally never pay for a mod though. Imagine the next elder scrolls game comes out with skyrim level hideous UI, and then having to pay $1.99 for SkyUI?

Never. Going. To. Happen.
No, he shouldn't be allowed to make money off of shit no one wants to buy.
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>They should be free because people want them to be free.

Everybody wants everything to be free you stupid faggot. I want a free new car and a few house, it's not realistic to expect everything to be free.
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He is if people are willing to pay for it. What's so hard to understand about that. If your audience is full of consumers who believe something should be free, it probably shouldn't sneak up on you when people choose not to spend money on your product.
Good points desu, literally fucking cancer.
Torrent them, obviously.
>inb4 corporate assmonkeys get butt blasted
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but my pc bros said paid mods wont come back???
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I don't understand why Valve is so eager to break a system that works just fine. The modding community is built on hobbyism, introducing money into the equation would just ruin it. We saw how awful it was already. The fact that Valve didn't learn from their first attempt shows how out of touch and stubborn they are. They've become way too insulated. It doesn't help that Valve just wants to dump this shit and run, they will absolutely refuse to dedicate the time and resources that would be necessary for proper curation.

The only alternative to Valve being absolutely retarded is that they just want to make even more money for nothing. Apparently Steam and their hat simulators aren't generating enough profit already.
unlike cars and houses, mods can be made and acquired for free
1. Free mods were stolen from mod authors and sold on Steam Workshop with no consent by the mod authors.

2. Some mods had crippled functionality if you used the free version. Some mods went so far as to have in-game pop-ups.

3. Since mods can sometimes require other mods to function, one mod going paid can immensely affect any other mods that work with it or require it.

4. Once a mod has been purchased, where is the incentive for the mod author to keep said mod updated to be compatible with the latest game version and other mods?
>If there aren't a lot of people buying it then it should be free!

Absolutely retarded.
I can't wait for air to be monetized then, hopefully they use the money I'm giving to provide better air.
Ill solve paid mods

You make em free. But add a tip button. From a penny to 100000000$
No no. You're misunderstanding the point. You can charge whatever you want. If the people who usually consume what you're producing don't want to buy it, they won't. You don't then get to stamp your feet and demand that money come from somewhere just because you worked hard.
If no one bought houses because they cost too much then the prices would lower. It's literally basic economics. Why the fuck do you think you can buy pallettes of Butch's shitshow for 50 bucks. It's because no one wanted it.
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>Burgers become the only people who pay money to modders
Fuck meant Burch not Butch.
The consumer doesn't get to stamp their feet and demand that things should be free either.

Yes, this is basic economics. Valve sees an area where profit can be made, modders will make more money then they are already making and Valve will have another revenue stream. The only ones crying here are those who believe they are entitled to free shit.
Cuz that's what modern corrupt capitalism is all about. You constantly re-evaluate the status quo in your business and find out where you can nickle and dime with excel spreadsheet level accuracy.

I'm just concerned that the free modding scene will completely die out and just leave a sea of paid mods.

If this happens a lot of companies will make their games more moddable which sounds good but if there are no free mods left eventualy you'll just have a legion of DLC content creators not on the payroll creating content for your game long after they have moved on.

I don't care about paid mods at all as Id never buy them but I care signficantly how it wil affect free mods.

If all free mods were eventually non-existent because of paid modding then PC gaming overall would suffer a huge blow in quality.
For a second I thought /v/ mods were getting paid so they'd actually do something.
This to be desu.
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>it's a valve is Jewish episode
>better quality mods that i can just torrent
Oh no I better make a reddit account to demonstrate my outrage that some chumps will be retarded enough to buy this.
>supporting corporations for free
>not even including the absolute garbage event that was paid modding the first time
paid mods kill the community, everything becomes a cash grab. texture reskinning, mess.
The console peasant tears when they buy a mod but can't use it will be delicious though.
That worked wonders for horse armor.
>Paid mods is good for everyone
no it's not. the marked will get flooded with crap mods by people who just care about making money.
If implemented correctly it will increase the quality of the mods we get, hell paid mods could reach a quality of expansions from the actual developer.
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The only way valve can redeem themselves an my eyes is if they announce pic related
>early access mods
>Pay for mod
>Causes a system panic that bricks your system
>Overheats GPU and it catches fire
It won't be implemented correctly though, Valve already tried it once and it was a disaster. Valve is just about the least trustworthy company when it comes to quality control.
So, third party dlc? Like they did in the 90s with Duke Nukem and stuff.
>pirating mods
No, it will not.
>quality of expansions from actual developer
firstly, free mods already do that. secondly, then developers will just stop releasing expansions and take money from people who don't even work for them.
But hey, those $3 texture reskins will be sweet, right?
>cosmetic sub-mod for early access mod for early access game
>defending paid mods, ironically or otherwise

jesus christ, what the fuck happened
Faggots who are anti gaming for some reason.
>sent to jail for 10 years for torrenting a texture reskin
pretend shills became actual shills.
You left reddit
says the phone poster
>If implemented correctly
Same statement, every time. How does it get implemented correctly while accounting for quality control? Basically, refute all of the scenarios outlined in >>377194151

Sit down and really think about the man hours alone that would have to be devoted by Valve towards customer concerns. Dealing with piracy, stolen assets, expectations of working products, etc. How do you protect this market from abuse? Because if you can't stamp that out, the idea is dead in the water. You're basically sacrificing consumer goodwill for barely any profit while it goes up in smoke.
To be fair this happened last time too. I don't know if they're just pcbros, trolls, or really genuinely believe the shit they spout.
People still make memes about how great this fat bastard is despite him not releasing any game with 3 in it.
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>Paying for mods in 2017

Haha I bet fags pay for internet with data caps, believe steam refunds should be based on time played, and think pirating is the same thing as stealing a physical object from someone.

fuck off filter

>Modders shouldn't be paid for their work
Lawsuits will swamp Valve if they do this.
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>Staunch supporter of free-market capitalism, "the invisible hand"
>Read this and rethink everything

Maybe communism isn't so bad after all......
The Ark's dev is the one paying modders tho
ANd they only choose the top mods voted by people, so your mods need to be good to get paid
Would by interesting if Valve drop their Jewness and copy this method
Welcome to nu-/v/
See >>377195327
>everything anyone does deserves money as long as it had a minuscule amount of effort applied
fuck off, corporate cum sock.
This is starting to remind me communism apologists now. Those weren't the real paid mods the last time, right? Let's try it again))))
The entire point of mods is that they're not standalone expansions. Should someone pay you a nickel every time you open up the door for them? Because that concept is what microtransactions and paid mods essentially promote. It's a disgusting obsession with capitalism, putting the almighty dollar over community and goodwill.

I think it's less defending paid mods and more coincidentally siding with paid mods out of spite against the emotionally charged. It's similar to people who mocked OWS not because they're corporate shills but because they a lot of people involved were retards.
there's a difference between support with donations and forced paywalls
be more specific. I need moni.
But that is the developer doing their own policing. If this same scenario would played out in the paid mod version of steam, Valve is taking a fairly large percentage when the modder and developer and doing all of the actual work.
>passion projects, open source, collaboration, and hobbies aren't allowed, everything has to have some kind of jewish profit-making scheme

please die
>the absolute irony of this post
>Try and implement paid mods for the first time
>Massive backlash, glaring holes exposed, "modders" stealing work of other people that cannot be copyrighted and passing it as their own, getting paid money for the absolutely shittiest products imaginable, it got to the point where meta-mods that made fun of the situation were being made and sold too
>this corporate cumsock is trying to pretend none of it ever happened

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>implying they don't volunteer time for their hobby
>implying they're employees under legal contract
>implying they're wage slaves in some wayward fashion
>implying donations don't exist
Quality control, IP rights, asset theft.
Fuck you.
>Modders absolutely need to be paid
Then hire and pay them then, you fat piece of shit.
keywords are if implemented correctly.

chances are they won't, as actually good implementation will require curation.

at most we'd get something on the level of "Mount And Blade: Viking Conquest" and "M&B:With Fire and Sword".. basically standalone "mods"
Don't forget that one free mod where casting its spells had a % chance of creating a pop-up to buy the premium version.
Paid mods already exist, it's called Workshop submissions

I'm betting the thing valve do is integrate the Workshop directly into every game so, companies can paywall the workshop


Imagine a future where entire small studios make mods for mediocre games and turn them into something fabulous this is what you don't want
I haven't seen a legitimate arguments for paid mods. Other than "b-but they work hard and should be paid for that!"
>Free mods: an idea so good it should be mandatory.
>this is what you don't want
Correct. If you're going to build a small studio, why not make your own fucking game.
Correct, i don't want that. mediocre games should fail, not be kept alive by the work of people who don't even work there.
look at it this way
>free mods
>no commitment, it's totally up to the modder to keep his mods updated, pure goodwill and pure sense of sharing.

>paid mods
>"oh fuck I guess I HAVE TOO"
>gets burnt out.
You're not just a fucking idiot, you are an ignorant idiot. These things already exist, for free and have existed for longer than you were alive probably. You have already been explained why involving money in this is a bad idea, yet you stubbornly keep closing your ears shut and yelling like a child "NANANA I DON'T HEAR YOU".
Did your brain just break? Mods were always free.
there is free porn
people still buy porn
there is a lot of shitty porn that can be bought
are paid mods like porn?
>instead of making your community better, make your own country and start from scratch
fuck off
>I guess I HAVE TOO
He actually doesn't have to. He got his money and it's their choice if they maintain support.
Even if you're for something as retarded as paid mods in the first place, how in the hell do you justify Valve taking a huge cut of the profits? It'd be one thing if it was like 5-10%, but what they were planning is just fucking outrageous.
Such a system wouldn't fly in a Bethesda game, which is clearly the kind of modding quantity they're aiming for.

Could the devs approve the myriad of fucked up things coming out of lover's lab? What about mods that make clothing a bit risque, but not enough to the point we're hitting X-rated? What about gore, or murdering children, or cheats, etc.?

Does Ark have a mod database the equivalent of ES, FO, etc.? That's a genuine question, I really don't know. Is it half as large? Skyrim has a lot of fucking mods.
>the market will fix itself meme
Just stop. Normies are fucking sheep and will pay for anything. See you in 5 years when we have to fucking rent fanart
>t-their platform!
>their service!
>my mone...i mean, modders deserve to be paid for their HARD work!
That is a perfectly apt and in no way retarded reply, anon.
>CS:GO is free
>moving the goalpoast
>counter strike isn't a mod
CS:GO is an exception to the rule, not the norm. Modding has been a donation driven hobby for decades
But what if we introduce consumer protections into this? I assume these are being bought with credit cards.

Amex, Visa, etc. don't give a flying fuck what kind of terms of service you sign - if you pay for a service to be rendered and the system doesn't do it's proper upkeep in keeping that service continually rendered, you are well within your rights to charge that back and that is extremely winnable. And suddenly, that $1 mod (and man, a $1 chargeback is petty as fuck) gets overturned and Valve's merchant account has to take a $25-30 hit for having a chargeback issued.
CS 1.6 (the original mod) is free
>CS 1.6 (the original mod)
So you are underage.
Counter strike is a mod, but it was acquired by Valve and became its product that they could distribute for money. Are you an idiot or just pretending? If Valve wants to outsource development of its games to the third party and then sell the end result, they are free to do so, but you have to be a special kind of a cretin to compare it to paid mods of games that have nothing to do with Valve.
CS:GO =/= CS
1.6 was not free. 1.6 was the first paid version. 1.5 was free tho
This. Remember when paid online was optional/not a thing? Fucking normalfags eat all that shit up.
>counter strike: global offensive isn't counter strike
two separate games
>CS, Natural Selection, Killing Floor should have been free and nobody paid for them
This is your mindset
Counter Strike is a mod that isn't free. see >>377196784
Who cares.

Only like 3 games have a current Steam modding community and they're all terrible.
>paying for mods
If paid mods become a thing, paid mods become standard. This effectively means two things:

1) the quality of mods goes down, even though most mods are already buggy and stupid
2) the modding scenes for games shrink

Why? Because modding is primarily a non-monetised hobby. This has dictated what kind of people get into modding, what kind of mods they make, and how they act in the community. All of that changes if modding becomes a business, it's naive to assume you can glue monetisation on top of an existing phenomenon yet preserve it as it is. It's not an addition, it's a fundamental change. The most obvious consequence is that publishers have even more of a reason to control modding in order to claim those potential profits instead of leaving it to modders. Another is that a large amount of modders will start behaving like businesses, which will alienate those who don't and alter the standards and conduct in modding communities for the worse. If you're profit driven, it is in your best interests to have your mods out before everyone else, which leads to large amounts of half-assed, redundant mods as everyone tries to claim a particular 'market'.
I regret buying 2 of the 3 there and the third I havent played
will I get a ban of some sort if I start posting some shitty "free mod" alerts on every paid mod I see on the community or whatever sub category it will be under
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>People sell their mods because there's no reason not to try and get money out of it, then stop modding because no one is buying their shit.

Hadn't even thought of that. :-(
the free download button for any mod should be a forced option. paid mod should not be the only option
kinda like donating
I don't care about mods and I only rarely benefit from them but I really don't want to see any money circulating in the modding community, especially when Valve and the devs of the game will get a cut.

The best modders who do big passion projects will probably never start to sell their mods though.
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Use /v/ mods, they do it for free.
The video game community is sort of amazing when you think about it. Where else can the Consumer dictate what's allowed to be put on the market?
This will never fail to make me laugh. There are people on here that do moderation work for absolutely no compensation. In other communities you may at least receive appreciation or your forum account will get the mod badge but on here you just receive hate.
No, you moron. I mean actively disallowing it. People WOULD pay good money for mods and you know it, that's why Steam is constantly pushing it.
Consumers don't make games, don't get carried away.
What are they planning?
Free market is always a good thing for the consumer, whenever this doesn't happen it's because the consumer itself is dumb.
>1) the quality of mods goes down, even though most mods are already buggy and stupid

Only if you measure "quality of mods" as the aggregate quality of every single mod averaged together. Paid mods would certainly result in a lot more garbage shovelware by people not actually interested in mods. I think it could also result in a few higher quality gems that we don't have with the current setup.
The mods are shit. You obviously refuse to remember, or werent on the internet, the last time paid mods was trying to be pushed. It fucking sucked. People stealing free mods and putting them behind paywalls. People reskinning weapons and selling them for $3. Stupid over powered items, items that you couldn't get without using the console to port them in.
people who want to pay for mods can, through donations. the community has thrived for DECADES without paid mods and now valve wants to fuck it up with them.
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t. modder
wew it's almost like it's a fucking stupid idea to launch something like this within a game that's been running for years
I don't even think it's funny. They must live horrible, sad lives to spend their free time on here deleting off-topic and porn threads. Their only reward is the sense of power they desperately crave.
But somehow they still manage to be lazy fuckups.
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Wew it's almost like it's a stupid idea in general.
What a load of shit. No one forces modders to make people pay for their things, if they do it's because they were greedy from the start and simply couldn't act.
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>the appeal of mods was they're basically free DLC

how bad did valve fuck up?
The easiest way to kill them is to upload pure shit at lightning fast speeds, and pirate every true mod.
Should i back up all of my kotor 2 mods?
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>he thinks that money isn't mostly going towards Gaben and Todd's asses

Enjoy being only able to "buy" five mods at a time, now games that normally had hundreds available will either drain your (or your mommy's) wallet, or be unavailable to you.
it's a fucking stupid idea to launch it at all. If paid mods are around for the inception of a game, then the game will either have a small or nonexistent modding community. paid mods do not work. they do NOT make the community stronger. they do not increase quality, especially on a platform like Steam of all things.
There is not one good reason why paid mods should be implemented and there are years worth of reasons why paid mods should be shot down at first sight. Fuck, i seriously think some of you guys are actual shills.
I have this theory that legit pedophiles become mods to easily farm CP.
>If paid mods are around for the inception of a game, then the game will either have a small or nonexistent modding community. paid mods do not work. they do NOT make the community stronger. they do not increase quality, especially on a platform like Steam of all things.
How are you making all these bold plans when the situation has never appened before
That's one thing that bothers me about these threads- people keep repeating how well the modding community works at the moment and has always worked and so on, but you don't actually have any insight into how it'd look like now if paid mods had been a thing for a while
It might be paradise with endless content for your favourite games and you'd never know
>Paid mods is good for everyone, the only people who disagree are people who are being shortsighted.
t. Radious

modders might have a paypal account or patreon page, how about you put money into that if you like mods
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Free and fair market capitalism works fine as long as the many good people of the world also promote the right principles and goodwill amongst each other.

The point is that if evil and greedy people get too much power, you only have yourselves to blame. The uninformed masses of good people supported bad things in a capitalism and that made it have bad things; But even then its better than a controlled economy with the same degree of evil on top. It is still the fault of good people making bad and uninformed decisions though.

There are plenty of good people in the world who can make a difference, but they have to be informed in order to make the right decisions. It is a constant battle that challenges every good person to do their best to create a better world for all of us to live in together.

Never forget this and work for that world and we will find new renaissance.
>It will also encourage creators to be more professional, since it will be their job and all.
fuck off retard. People mod because it is a fun hobby.
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didn't the developer/publisher of the sims have a paid modding community? It split the community in two and it hasn't recovered since. If it isn't broken, don't fix it
>it might be a paradise
it also might be a catastrophic failure that offers nothing to the modding or gaming community and ruins modding forever, because we all know that shit will not leave. Corporations are too greedy to not fuck it up.
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>I want to donate to them through Steam.
*I want to donate to Steam
>It might be paradise with endless content for your favourite games and you'd never know

But we already have that with free mods. I just installed a bunch of mods for kotor 2, probably around 20. Let's say each of those costed around 2 dollars, that's 40 dollars I would have spent. I could have gotten a game instead.

If paid mods become a thing say goodbye to your heavily nodded skyrims and whatever.
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>integrate the Workshop directly into every game so, companies can paywall the workshop

Oh my god... this would be a fucking nightmare. Don't give them anymore fucking ideas man!! Though I can't blame you for the warning.
We don't. The autistic screeching over "paid mods" was stupid.

Have you ever bought or traded for a cosmetic item in CSGO, TF2, or DOTA 2? Then you probably support paid mods, since a lot of those items are created by community modders, which Valve acquires and sells.

You don't like the fact that people will pay money for community mods? Frankly, neither do I, but that's not a you and me problem, that's a community problem.

>modders should not be permitted to charge for their software no matter the circumstances

And just who the fuck are you to say this?
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>The point is that if evil and greedy people get too much power, you only have yourselves to blame. And the only possible way to keep people from having too much power is through the hand of government.

>Lol just don't buy it though
Except that doesn't work because it assumes that ALL humans are completely rational omnipotent, always aware of the best deals, that all forms of marketing outlawed (as marketing is always based on appealing to human's irrationally). It also assumes that in today's global world, and especially in digital markets, that a corporation or business can't oppress a group of rational consumers by appealing to a larger group of irrational consumers.
>4chan shills for Trump, lol leftists BTFO
>4chan cries when capitalism negatively affects their NEETbucks
I know this is just a guess on my part but I think people who are good at modding are already modders. People who only get into modding after it is monetised are after money, not the pride of digital craftmanship. The reason for this should be quite obvious. That said, the existing good modders will be the first to paywall their content. They absolutely know they could make money, so their temptation is the greatest.
If you donate through Steam, Steam will take a cut out of it. If you want to donate to Steam, buy something else Steam sells. If you want to donate to both modders and Steam, consider donating directly to the modder, and then buying something separate from Steam. You do two good deeds, and you get something else (whatever separate thing you bought from Steam) out of it.

You get to exercise your heart of gold without the modding going to shit; everyone wins.
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Why not make games free too? I mean every argument you can use to keep mods free can also be used on devs.
>publisher/dev releases a half assed and buggy game on purpose
>provides modding tools for the community
>community fixes the game with paid mods
>get a cut off said mods
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Wow, capitalism sure is great!

Valve doesn't care about modders getting paid, if that's all this was about Steam would simply allow users to post a donation link, like Nexus does.

Valve just cares about gaining a new revenue stream. Gaben wants his cut.
>ITT: people who have never created anything in their entire lives that more than 100 people used.
Don't even say donations. There is maybe one or two people that will click that paypal button a year with donationware.
it's a hobby not a job kike
Yes publishers would sure enjoy an inbuilt way for modders top make money off their works without them getting a penny from it
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damn straight you bastard. I do it for free and release it so that other autists might enjoy it.
>hobbies shouldn't make money period
>modding shouldn't be a job period
Both of those statements are dumb
More like

>ITT: Valve shills

And you're one of them. If you truly supported paid mods you would want the mod developer to get the most money instead of valve taking a 70% cut.
It is foolish to rely on the government to control the economy because that will remove OUR freedom too. Empower the consumer since the majority of people are good, thus you ensure that good people have the advantage. If we sink under these conditions, we deserve to sink because it is by our own hand.
Donations are an act of charity or goodwill, not a transaction.
Too many moving parts even if there was an optionally donate button people will try to bootleg and scam for money. Have to put a lot of measures against theft of mods.
>If you truly supported paid mods you would want the mod developer to get the most money instead of valve taking a 70% cut.
Those are details that need to be adressed
Nobody sane denies that the first implementation of paid mods was a shitshow
Valve took their usual 30% cut, Beth took 50% or something ridiculous, leaving fuckall to the modder, both of those cuts were unreasonable
>the majority of people are good

I don't want to sound like an edgelord but that is a very unsafe assumption
>the majority of people are good
No, the majority of people aren't good, the majority of people are stupid, lazy, and irrational. However, I still have compassion for them by understanding that the only way to protect them is from themselves.

>it is foolish for the government to control the economy
Not if the government follows the will of the people, of which it hasn't for nearly a century now.
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Also its worth noting that bad people tend to be control freaks who lust after the power of governments. Good people tend to spend time helping their family and community and don't want to run other people's lives. That is a large part of why you want a subserviant government, instead of a government that lords over you.
That doesn't change anything about the point though
why is no one paying me for collecting stamps reeeeee
>People who only get into modding after it is monetised are after money

I don't agree with that at all. I think there will be plenty of people interested in only one or the other, but far more will be in for some combination of both.

You may as well argue that all people making any video game and selling it have no interest in making video games.
Because only you can enjoy your private stamp collection
Unless you're also uploading your stamp collection on the internet?
Well if you're selling your mod than you will need to live with the pay-off that only 20-30 people will see your work instead of a few hundred to a few thousand that would get it if it was free.
The fact that valve takes a cut at all is retarded. The only people who should get the money are they game devs and mod devs.

But valve just wants more money, if you support valves version of paid mods, you support valve growing into an even bugger monopoly.
Being stupid, lazy and irrational has nothing to do with them being good or evil. You see the same amount of all of these traits on both sides of the spectrum. The common person instinctively cares about his neighbor and usually has a great passion and desire to help his country succeed. Its really bad if the government controls that passion the people have for their country, as opposed to the average people controlling the government.
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You're donating to the mod author because you enjoy his work. It is not a transaction. You are not paying him for the mod itself, you are donating out of appreciation.

It's called giving patronage.
oh boy all the "im entitled to your hard work for free" threads again. People who currently makes mods are gigantic cucks for releasing anything for free tho
Why are you this daft
Plenty of people make money off their hobbies
Wait, they don't get paid? So they do it for no money?
>The fact that valve takes a cut at all is retarded.
It's their platform, their bandwidth, their systems
It's completely justified
>But valve just wants more money
Are you telling me that a company wants to make money
> you support valve growing into an even bugger monopoly.
Anon you're either a monopoly or you aren't
You probably meant to talk about getting a biger market share
>buy a total conversion mod
>have to buy several dependencies for $5 a pop
>have to buy several games and extract the assets that were stolen for the mod but no one cared when it was free
>have to install free assets by hand because the license doesn't allow commercial use
wow that sure improved my life
And you can do that by asking for donations for your mod.
Unironically pray to the brazillians, filipinos and niggers of the world to chimp out uncontrollably.
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>defending the fact that valve will make money for doing fucking nothing

And so the shill outs himself.

I really didn't think I would bait you so easy.
>doing nothing
>programming everything, handling the hosting, bandwidth costs, finances, etc.
Not that guy but you're a complete dumbass. Their % cut is high for sure but it's like you think companies exist and create things for charity. Complete fucking dumbass.
they aren't the targeted market. It's all the ameriblubbers
>You may as well argue that all people making any video game and selling it have no interest in making video games.
That's not entirely incorrect, you know. Video game development and modding are ultimately the same thing. Some mods have gone on to become full games, intially developed for free. Early into vidya devs were generally just some nerds who programmed simple games for primitve computers in their free time, and then someone figured out how to turn that into a business and then an entire industry. The treatment of individual developers or even entire teams in big game studios tells you a lot about the ideological differences between the people who finance and the people who make games.

Publishers want games to be made, because their entire profit model is based on selling games. Devs make games because they want to make games, and money is a necessary resource that they depend on, but they could've sought employment in literally anything if they just wanted to make money. Video game development isn't exactly a reliable source of income, especially if you aren't working for a major studio. Saying 'people who make games' obfuscates things because you won't make a distinction between the actual developers and the industry that has formed around them.
I'll pirate the mods
>somehow can't pirate
i'll find a new hobby

The concentrated rage of poorfags was the only thing to stop them last time.

When they try it again they will have their plans made and won't buckle under the same pressure.
Valve already knows this. Valve fostered a huge gambling scene but made massive profits before shutting it down and looking like the good guys. Now they will do the same with modding. They will wait till someone with a lot of money threatens to sue them and then they will stop the program or gimp it really bad.

Another bad thing about this is that paid mods on Steam gives Valve further control over the PC marketplace. Why would anyone release mods on another website when they could make money on Steam? Now people with DRM free versions can't have this mod because they chose the wrong platform to buy their game on.
>donate to them through Steam.

Sorry but it's a necessary evil for Steam to take a mod donation cut. They'd make it 100 times easier for mods to take donations than however the hell they even do it right now which is a problem since most people dont even know they could donate.
Probably some brand new game.

Hopefully it isn't total war
what gambling scene? I mostly play Singleplayer games.
Honestly it's a fucking stupid idea and Valve is blinded by greed. Qhen people pay for dhit they expect it to just work like any DLC. Does Valve think hey can get away with selling broken shit with no support whatsoever? At best people will stick to a bunch of their favorite mods and anyone new trying to enter the market will have to work full time to solve conflicts so their shit doesn't get instantly refunded. Yeah that's not gonna happen and neither will paid total conversions.
>programming everything, handling the hosting, bandwidth costs, finances, etc.

It would cost valve very little to host those mods and bandwidth costs, they make so much fucking money every month.

If it was that expensive to host mods, sites like mod db would be dead already.
Or maybe people can see if the modders have a paypal account or ask the modder.

Having paid mods is going to divide the community, kill creativity and collaboration and invite lawsuits with IP rights because you are selling products not free labor
>The treatment of individual developers or even entire teams in big game studios tells you a lot about the ideological differences between the people who finance and the people who make games.

That's really got nothing to do with my point, which is that you can want to do something AND want to be paid for it at the same time. The two are by no means mutually exclusive.

"People who make games" doesn't obfuscate anything, either - it correctly refers to a very broad category, ranging from gigantic teams making AAA budgeted games to one-man indie titles. Some of those groups will be more influenced by money than others (and yes, in some cases influenced exclusively by money), but you can't completely write off personal motivation just because money enters the picture.
so instead of giving your full donation to the creator through their paypal or donations, you want to give steam a cut of it as well. paid mods through steam means that valve gets a share of that money. meaning you are giving less to the modders you love so much.
>Another bad thing about this is that paid mods on Steam gives Valve further control over the PC marketplace.
This whole thing is about control to begin with. As dumb as it sounds, introducing a payment model that seemingly benefits modders is simultaneously something that exploits them. The goal isn't to 'help modders' who were already quite fine and enjoying their activity, the goal is to expand corporate control and harness all forms of human activity for the purposes of profit.
John Podesta is sending a hit squad to your home right now.
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This anon gets it, please refer to steam EA for what cancer comes out of allowimg shitty ideas to become paid
It did?
75% CUT
They fostered a gambling scene within TF2, Dota2, and CSGO with the trading items system. People created bots so you can gamble your skins(that have real life market value that you used to sell on many sites) on professional matches or play casino type games on a website to win more ingame items. It got so bad that many people were throwing matches in the professional scenes of DOTA2 and CSGO cause you made so much money off of it. And leagues were sponsored by the gambling sites and professionals asked them to take their match off their website but the leagues refused cause the gamblers were paying them big money. This made underage children addicted to gambling cause now they can make big money betting on professional matches and they don't even need an ID to prove their age. It started to get really bad cause people started to DDOS professional players and if they lost a match and a bunch of kids lost their skins they would send them death threats on their accounts like twitter, facebook, etc and dox their parents/family. The only reason Valve put a stop to it is because the state of Washington started to sue them because they figured out Valve had an unchecked method of gambling that was highly illegal. It made national news for quite some time

Yep, all control. Valve is just another large corporation. Lucky for Valve is that they got a legion of people that give them great PR for free. They don't even have to hire support staffers cause everyone will bad mouth anyone who comments about bad service on Steam.
paid mods were up for like 2 days and still made them like 10,000 usd according to gaben, he said it didn't even cover the cost of hosting the content on the servers
>The only alternative to Valve being absolutely retarded is that they just want to make even more money for nothing. Apparently Steam and their hat simulators aren't generating enough profit already.
Yes? Valve has already shown that they now give zero shits about games, it's all about the money for them
Valve are scum and have been steadily declining in consumer friendliness since they bought out keys/crates in TF2. They're only interested because they'd get a portion of each sale. If they really cared about modders they'd add an optional donate button.
>believing gaben
>now I have a way to support my favorite modders.
like a patreon page, only with the publisher and distributor raking in the cash instead of the modder
apply some context to your tinfoil hat bullshit please

people asked how much they made

he told them how much they made
Never understood how people don't see the ease of exploiting paid mods. No safeguards against people charging for every mod update, no support if the mod dev is a butthurt douche and leaves/bans you, stolen mods, etc.

>It might hurt the modders PR if he does that
If they don't interact with the community much it would be trivial to use a new name/account.

The only way to avoid that would require the dev/publisher to screen everything (everyone knows Valve wouldn't do shit, especially once it gets big enough). Who honestly thinks any company would waste money to hire someone to do this. Volunteer mods can't do shit involving money too.
What I failed to explain is that modding has such a low barrier of entry that there is nothing keeping people from entering it, whereas video game development has a high barrier of entry because of one factor: time. The real costs of full game development are paying the devs so they don't die, since they are working on games full time and cannot maintain other sources of income. Devs aren't looking to become rich (if they are, they are genuinely bad devs unless they intended to invest their riches into game development), they need to take care of shitty ass real life expenses so they can focus on their preferred activity.

As such, someone who won't get into modding unless he's paid has to have a real fucking awful work ethic and no real interest in games.
A lot of modders have patreons, they do get paid for the labor if the mod is good, Valve and Bethesda and all those other pubs are just be greedy fucks.
>Sorry but it's a necessary evil for Steam to take a mod donation cut.
You have to be fucking working for Steam. I refuse to believe anyone is as fucking dumb as this one sentence is.
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Paid mods will kill modding. Especially when the creators only gets a small fraction of the money people are paying for their mod(s).
The fact that it filters to that is very telling really.
what do you think of SmH TbH FaM?
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>people actually support paid content over a donation system
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Good point. Children should be free to gamble with their own money, let alone digital items and chucky-cheese teir steam bucks if they so please.

But no matter how you slice it steam wasn't at fault because they didn't run the gambling sites. Fuckers went after steam when it wasn't steam's fault. Nothing like abusing the law to force a corporation to stop hundreds of thousands of people from consentually trading their pixels and chucky cheese teir matrix money however they please. The humanity, they were ADDICTED, it was like a drug or something leading them off the rails to become criminals and ruining their lives because it was so freedom oriented and consensual. Did I mention how consensual and fun it was for them? Gotta put an end to that by abusing the law and threatening people irl.
Only if by donation you mean patreon
Modding isn't that big to begin with. There are only few games where modding truly adds to the experience. Tabletop Simulator is the only one I can think of where modding truly only adds to the game.
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Holy shit, it's an actual paid shill.
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>I support the ruination of our nation's youth
And you have the gall to blame brownskins for your decline?
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I'll shill freedom anyday ponybro. I hate gambling btw.
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What a slimeball you are. Go ahead and dress up your poison with virtuous words, it won't work.
Paid mods would be good if implemented right, the issue is just they did a shitty job with the implementation last time

Make it go to the author directly, and be optional/only unlock extra stuff a la patreon and it'd be fine
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The day of glue is coming soon.
That is literally the least specific you can get. you might as well have said things.
>inb4 nuh uh

My dick, your car, and the basement you live in is considered art. Not even a joke.
wait, you just noticed now that steam are greedy jews? what about taking a 30% cut of all game sales on steam didnt notify you about their greedy intentions.

fucking 30% cut of a game they didnt create and its not like server lend off. Even fucking singleplayer games has to give up 30% of their revenue.

Hopefully with paid mods other online retailers will rise up.
If your game needs mods it's probably shit anyways.
That won't work, valve and Bethesda need to make money off it, 90% in fact.

>Ignore everyone.
>I'm right cause no one is saying anything!
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>late stage capitalism
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The US government has a monopoly on legal gambling and forces you to pay for a license to have that freedom even though this would all be illegal if they hadn't passed the 16th amendment which is one of karl marx's 10 planks of communism right out of his communist manefesto... The US government also forces you to get scam insurance which I consider gambling. And then responsible people engaging in a consensual game of guessing who want to put a wager on it in order to make it more fun and see who has the better judgment are not risking hurting anyone but themselves, but that is apparently the bad gambling.

I'm open for debate on whether its better to have gov forcing transparency in gambling or not, OR whether its better for the gov to enforce gambling contracts or not, BUT the freedom to gamble is not up for debate... Government licensing out a right is not up for debate, government forcing me to pay a corporation for insurance is not up for debate.

AND I might add again that I don't even want to fucking gamble.
Capitalism is literal cancer.
No it isn't. Only when it's not regulated or left unchecked.
Name a better meritocracy and then I'll consider it.
Mod authors do it for free, so they can put it on their resume and experiment, so they dont have to give a rats ass about customer support when its free. its a "take it or leave it" affair. plus, they can claim fair use, as its an educational purpose (letting the mod author teach himself how to into games) which allows him or her to use any tools they can pirate-I mean find a copy, to use.
With monetizing mods, all of that goes out the fucking window in a retarded "LOL WHOOPS, DID'NT MEAN TO HURT TALENT AND INDUSTRY, LOL XDD" Now everything's fucked, any mod author who used pirated 3d modeling software is now liable to be sued out the ass, their effort and time is now weighed against getting a fucking job, and hobby modders are pushed out of the scene by pros who can make a living off of this, thereby closing an avenue for aspiring game devs to learn, and all of this is judged by a bystander customer thinking "hmm, i could spend 12 dollars on a fucking apple, or i could actually get a good game". Basically, by "giving the option" (Read: economically forcing) mods to be paid, everything good about modding is fucked, and the jews come in to fuck up everything.
This is why even fucking mod authors dont want paid mods. They would rather be not paid at all than this trainwreck of economics at force.
Literally anything else.
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Gabe doesn't know how mods work:

>some mods need other mods to work
>some mods require outside game configuration to work
>some mods conflict with each other, some need to be loaded in a specific order
>some mods crash the game randomly and never get updated, some will crash just nonetheless
>some mods plain old use copyrighted material

How the hell do you charge based on this?
Eastern European here.
You are more wrong than you could ever imagine.
>tfw slowly expanding my library on GoG by buying games on sale and being lucky with GoG Connect if the titles do not appear on theisozone.com in case Steam goes completely to shit
I see no future in Steam.
Bethesda is already doing that with Fallout/TES games. Just release a bare minimum for people to turn into sandbox and make them develop child rape mods and stuff
start using gog

that's what i've been doing
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>he thinks that just because he paid money the product has to work
it's 2017 grandpa, get with the times
I've done the same. I also gave up my addiction to multiplayer games and focus solely on single player and coop experiences. I'm having a much more enjoyable time again with video games and GoG has so many old originals that I love back during my childhood.
At least my sex mods will always be free.
>valve-dronE filters to pcbro

really makes you think
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>no paid mods
>suddenly paid mods
>only a few seconds no more paid mods
>somehow in that timeframe modders needed the money from those paid mods to survive and whined to no end about it being taken away
Considering how it worked out last time it will never come back. It turned the Skyrim modding community into a bunch of wild fucking animals scrambling to make money. Because mods often build upon each other (especially for overhauls and the like) you'd simply never see that ever again. I think you lot need to look at civvie flight sims to understand paid mods. That's their future.
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Why doesn't Valve just get their own artists and programmers and make their own mods for games and charge people for that?
Reminder that the few modders who decided to sell themselves out got banished from the modding community.
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>How do we stop this
We rage against the system.
They will hear our hate and know that we are not fond of this new thing and will maybe back off like they did after the clusterfuck that was their last attempt.
>How do we stop this
By not paying.
Ignore all obvious steam shills/false flaggers.

The mod community has always been a labor of love, not a labor of labor. They don't need money, and those that get it already get it through donations. Monetizing creative construction through fan made software goes against years of internet counter-culture, a place that basically fucking invented global piracy on a large scale. Everything should be free, there is no need for an economy, no need to pay someone for their work if someone else's work is also completely free, it's an industry of good will, not monetary value.

This may sound like airy fairy bullshit, but it's the truth, and it's why this proposition will achieve massive resistance, even from the people it seeks to benefit, because it's wrong; and it misses the point. Motivation and creation can be spurred from money's antithesis, freedom of exchange.
>How do we stop this
By sending ransomware to dumb normies and children and locking their computers.
So, instead of offering me a better deal, they now practically enfore pirating fucking mods. Mostly for unfinished video games.

Just hire the modders already. It's not like valve haven't done that before.
there's no internet counter-culture since 2007. internet is as mainstream as tv now. does it surprise you that the huge influx of normies is trying to impose the rotten values of their normie life on the internet?
>How do we stop this
Don't pay for it, fucktard.
Thread Closed.
>Still playing Beshitsda games
>Not sticking to DOOM wads and mods
Inb4 Zenimaxs destroys one of DOOM's legacies by killing its sourceports
>/v/ Paid mods are making a return. How do we stop this

Buy them if you want to and don't buy them if you don't want to.

It just feels so weird and disgusting to have consumerism as the driving force of the internet now. That's the OPPOSITE of what it used to be.
The steam workplace is basically a repository for shit. Most mod sites are, but the workshop in particular does a poor job of filtering out all the bad shit.
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>the videogame industry is getting worse year by year thanks to all the retards and normies who defend shitty business decisions
I should find a new hobby.
Gaming is a cheaper and more accessible hobby than it has ever been grandpa.
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PC gamers deserve everything they get.
Free online, Overwatch, Doom and LoL brought the worst and most degenerate audience to video games. It's even worse than the Undertale/Depression Quest hipsters.
immuh pirate so i dunn0 whut these peecee gaymurz are tryinna defend!! OH HERES ANIMAY BUTTZ LOL PEECEES
Let them come, I gave up on PC gaming long ago.
Okay so you hate a bunch of popular video games. What kind of games do you like?

There is an excellent chance that your market is still being served.
I basically stopped playing and buying newer games.

There's a million old games I've missed out on in the past decade.
Dont be frustrated you cant express your degeneracy properly on your platform of choice
>Depression Quest
Dear god almighty, please tell me that garbage wasn't in ANY way successful.
What does Doom have to do with this?
It's just going to end the same way. Modding will either collapse completely or Valve will have to yield. They don't have the resources for quality assurance on this scale, and it's a system that's going to fundamentally divide the community like it did before. Even if you opt out of selling your mod, some dipshit is going to steal your work and sell it themselves, while Valve rolls around in the shekels they're getting for it.
So islam's cool then?
No, idiots fucking bought it and started the current DLC culture.
I'm talking about nu-doom
I visited their offices and got a tour last month. The employee I met didnt even play video games and seemed to have a disconnect to normal people.
>The employee I met didnt even play video games
Valve's main product is a service platform, it's kinda expected.
>be "oldfag" /pol/tard (lmao /pol/ and old)
>get flooded by r/thedonald and phonefags that don't assimilate and alienate my precious white (brown) 1488 hiel hlitter board
>flood other board, don't assimilate and alienate said board by shoehorning my retarded world views into every unrelated discussion
You are exactly like that dumb German Neonazi who seeked asylum in Hungary but got arrested there for illegal migration.
>now I have a way to support my favorite modders
Can't you just fucking donate? it's like 2 clicks. Almost all serious modders have Patreon or something.
If you haven't did it already you probably didn't liked these mods that much
god damn, i got baited
>How do we stop this

Stop using Steam. Good lord, everytime someone bitches about paid mods and stills uses Steam gets on my nerves, PC idiots gloats of being better than console "peasants" but the fact that they are 100% dependant onf 1 company shows how inept and tasteless they are.
Yeah but it USED to be awesome vidya.
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>Stop using Steam
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>/v/ trying to tell me how to spend MY money

Fuck you
Yes, let's open up this can of worms yet again, because it worked so wonderfully last time
It should be illegal for some people to own money. You're better off with food and toilet paper coupons.
Why not just make it so the mod can be a maximum of $2.6 ($2 for the creator, .6 for Steam)? That way the modders can make a decent amount of money and people won't be quite as annoyed
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>ITT: we suck gaben's penis
This doesn't address many of the fundamental problems that comes with paid modding.
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>$2 for the creator, .6 for Steam
Why does Gabe need so much money? Is he trying to buy every restaurant in town? Is he a car collector or something?
mark my fucking words theyll bring them back alongside a new valve game

may not even be half life 3 but itll happen
It's not going to work. Considering modders themselves were the most vocally against it.
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I'd pay for this kind of quality
>being against paid mods

I already think that modders are nuts for wasting and implementing their best ideas into fixing someone else's shitty game. But to do so without even getting paid? That's beyond stupid.

Skyrim has modders putting out better work than their salaried employees.
Why don't you just offer the same service with lower prices
Surely that's an easy way to your first billion considering they do fucking nothing
I'm just throwing shit out, I disagree with paid mods anyway

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That kind of quality comes from love and wanting to improve the game.
Cheap ass shit comes from wanting to get paid.
It will eventually happen because too many young modern gamers out there. You fucking cucks never grew up in the 90's so you fags are used to companies ass fucking you retards with their corporate greed.

Many of these fags are even in this thread now saying it is a good idea.
incentivizing modders who spend countless thankless hours to make their mods polished enough to warrant a price, its not a super bad idea, cheap ideas will get flagged for to many bugs and quality mods should get the payment and reorganization they deserve, there is a drought of talent in the industry and its needs some kind of kick to inspire people to sink countless hours into these endeavors.

I think it would give the consumer much more a push for quality and original art that has to quality enough to pay for rather than ripping art which is not so bad if your mod is free.

No not every mod should qualify for payment and should be vetted for quality before being allowed to have a monetary value attachted to it with contracts stating it must keep a certain quality and updated frequently for maximum compatibility with newer version, if it had these strict controls it could work fine, it should only be a small pool of mods with the quality to warrant a price and may even inspire established studios to create quality 3rd party addons.
>I learned nothing from Greenlight
Can you imagine producing intellectual property for Bethesda and not even getting paid? I don't see how its possible to be more cucked. Even as a paid modder you are getting a fraction of the money and credit you'd be getting if you just designed shit for your own game.
>I still don't see how this impacts a mod creator.
Did you somehow miss the entire fallout last time? People were stealing mods and uploading them as their own, other people were stealing mods and changing one thing and then calling it their own, vital things like SkyUI would have stopped getting updates at all on the Nexus page because the guy wanted you to pay for them but his mod is tied to basically every other mod so if you don't have it you're fucked, etc.
Except something similar to that happened with steam greenlight and that has a lack of quality control so shitty made meme games flood the market all the time.

I'm totally against the idea of paid mods, but in my opinion if it were to ever work in any way, it would need someone other than the lazy fucks at valve to manage the system.
>incentivizing modders who spend countless thankless hours to make their mods polished enough to warrant a price
A good number of modders already use donations or patreon, this also has the advantage of the fat jew not taking most of the money.
>there is a drought of talent in the industry and its needs some kind of kick to inspire people to sink countless hours into these endeavors.
And monetizing it will do the opposite. Why expend thousands of hours making a massive mod that may as well be a legit expansion pack if making lewd armors sells more and takes a lot less time?
>if it had these strict controls it could work fine
Yeah, but we are talking about Valve here, they literally don't give a shit as long as the money keep flowing.
And that's without going to the issues mods have over games.
Revision is sucha garbage holy shit
>Paid mods
What kind of modders would want paid mods? Valve and the game publisher would take such a huge chunk of the income your better off with a donate button or locking it behind a forum people have to pay to register to
> weebs shitposting again

> Modders want to charge money for their work
> People want to pay for it
> "wtf Gabe!!!111!!"

Can you really blame Gabe in this situation? In my opinion the public is at fault here, this was predictable given the change of mentality people had regarding the internet (now everything has somekind of paywall - ads, patreon, botnet).
Welcome to reality, pal, no system is perfect.
anyone who defends this shit should kill themselves, they are the cancer that helped kill video games
also what the fuck we were gone for like 3 hours
>Can you really blame Gabe in this situation?
Yeah cause the fat fuck wants to make money of of others people's generosity and naivety and zenimax/bethesda wants to make money off people that make their game better
>People want to pay for it
that's where you're wrong kiddo
This, normalfags will eat it up and it will be like Horse Armour: In 5 years it will be standard practice.
people already had the option of donating to the modder. valve didn't suggest paid mods out of benevolence towards modders, it was so they could sink their teeth into another avenue of profit. in the proposed paid mod model, valve and the game-specific publisher took the lion's share of the mod's sale and the actual modder was left only with crumbs.
Most of it will got to Valve anyway if it's anything like when they tried to bring paid mods to Skyrim a few years ago. The modders would get less than Valve.
You faggots have all brought this on yourselves. Steam is DRM, it was, is, and will always be DRM. It is not a platform for "real gamers", it is a fucking box office for PC games which is slowly being leveraged into giving the end user less freedom. You want affordable games, unpaid mods and unrestricted use of the software you pay money for? Go buy your games on gog.com, or on physical media. I find it funny, because the harcore PC fanatics are always equally fanatic about Steam, and yet they fail to realize that Steam does little more than make it harder and more expensive for you to access the games you want. You want this kind of shit to go away? Stop buying your games on fucking steam.
gog still lacks a shitton of games, only recently have they been stepping up their game.
>stepping up their game
hehe i get it
yeah I was wondering why shit wasn't getting updated. what happened?
Sure, but I'll take a smaller catalog of games over the inability to actually own what I purchase. Once in awhile I have to order a game off Amazon or something, if it's really hard to come by, but generally gog has most of what I'm looking for and their prices are typically much, much better than Steam. The only way services like gog will continue to improve is if we stop feeding the Valve beast.
Stop sucking gabens fat cock, you cuck
>PC fanatics are always equally fanatic about Steam
not anymore. the paid mods fiasco left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I don't think valve is going to force paid mods after the resounding outrage against them last time, but all the same I hope some meaningful competition crops up.
Modding community was hit hard by paid mods, it is well and strong now without paywall bullshit
I feel you man, I too have been using connect as much as possible.
Guys what if it happens again just never comes back. Where will we go?
What if a mod like script extender becomes paid?

All that does is screw over every other mod that requires it. That is why paid mods is such a clusterfuck - so many mods rely on other mods to work, all created by different people who may or may not want to try to monetize.
The current modding scene is perfectly capitalist, just like open source software is perfectly capitalist. Paid mods are a bad idea because there really is no worthwhile business venture in making content for someone else's game. Adding payment buttons to mod platforms will simply flood the scene with zero-effort asset flips and attempts to flip someone else's work. And unless there's a central motivation in the scene to keep everyone on the same page with regards to licensing, previously cooperative projects will balkanize.
Basically you turn modders into the enemy and villainize people who participate in the practice.
Make modding 'uncool' win the community itself. you kill the problem entirely.
Lot of total conversion mods could be just their own games but can't do that
Gateway to allowing more fangames
>denuvo mods
we get our freedom
I'm having trouble posting
>not anymore.
They still do, just not as much. Valve wouldn't be the largest distributor of digital games if people weren't still fanatic about Steam. As for paid mods, you're going to see it eventually, guaranteed. If they didn't learn their lesson after the first backlash, they are obviously trying to push this pretty hard. They'll keep introducing the idea little by little until it sticks.
well, that one went through. I guess the system isn't accepting posts with images for now.
Reminder that gabe is a literal jew.

Instead of making games they're focusing on just how much they could milk their users for money. Fuck Valve.
>"Modders need to be paid"
AKA "We want our share of money from content someone else made".
Three kinds of people:
Assmad Sonybros and Nintenbros
I haven't seen a Red Faction screenshot in over a decade.
Paid mods are literally the worst thing that could happen to modding. Even a game that is completely unmoddable would be better. Anyone who supports paid mods is either an idiot or a drooling ogre with a heart that runs purely on lust for shekels. I have no doubt that they will be the way of the world at some future date.
we textboard now
unlimitied unsupported dlc woooooooooooooooooooooo

the game plays shitty just pay 5.99 for a modders fix. its wonderfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
paid mods are fucking great and this should have happened a long time ago. nobody wants shit quality furry mods anymore. the people want full fledged mods and total overhauls in our favorite games like skyrim and grand theft auto 5. Embrace it and stop being poor, we are about to witness a revolution in the gaming industry and it's fucking fantastic that gamers like me get to be a part of it.
>just don't buy them
>the market will fix itself XD
>implying mod compatibility is guaranteed
I hate every single shill here.
>I have no doubt that they will be the way of the world at some future date.
I agree, because they know they can make huge cash just by attaching a fee to a service. Like all companies, they want to nickel and dime you however they can.
get with the future or get left behind

this is horrible there doesnt need to be full overhauls for games like skyrim. developers will get even more lazy and produce shittier games and outsource it to these modders to fix even more. all we get is more piecemill games
Reminder this is the future you willingly chose.
how did i chose this?
Didn't ID Software do this ages ago and did it right?

Valve actually wanted curation and checks for stolen mods, Bethesda demanded that they not do that or the deal wouldn't go through. Seems this is more Bethesda's fault that anything.
Did you ever buy DLC, pre-order a game, or participate in any sort of microtransaction economy (e.g. TF2 hat trading)?
by not stopping it
Use nexus and for paid mods/dlc use torrents. Simple solution.
does buying the full game after dlc come out count as buying dlc?
eh i was for this idea before but now... eh

let's hope it works out on it's own yea?
I gurantee everyone who supports paid mods is 16 at most and grew up with DLC and microtransactions everywhere and love paying for them.
then no i haven't participated in that at all

i dont preorder. i usually wait for lets play to show up so i can actually watch the game myself
>There are people itt RIGHT NOW who legitimately are okay with AAA devs relying on modders even more to fix their shit work

I want Bethesda to fuck off forever.
What is this faggotry you speak? The whole point of mods is to give the community creative freedom. You already paid for the fucking game, why should you have to pay for the ability to use it? You're defending a literal group of corporate homosexuals who want to charge you money for something that you once got for free, all on the basis that the quality of these mods will surpass the "shit quality" mods that currently available. You don't want shit quality mods? Then don't play them. Play good mods. And if you really care so much, mod the game yourself. Don't try to invalidate your own autism by claiming that paying for mods is going to somehow improve the quality or depth of mods. You are fucking retarded.
Reminder that if paid mods became a thing, say goodbye anything like Star Wars mods or really any fucking mod that deals with different IPs.

You will only be able to make mods with items that are already in-game or create entirely new ones by yourself.
fuck no, implying modders would not prefer making simple quick cash from furryfags rather than wasting their time on total overhauls. Currently mods are done with passion to fix unfinished cashgrab games, I don't want to live in the world with cashgrab games and cashgrab mods.
yep and these higher quality mods will come at the cost of an even shittier base game as devs think they dont have to do anything

>lets make gamers pay, to make the game themselves.
>We are now entering the age of pirating mods
We truly do live in the worst timeline
Yo is BlartShart good or nah?
o fuk.

Except that Valve takes a cut from the modders. You will be paying for mods AND the donations go to Valve and just a portion goes to the modders.

Whichever site you see it it's still jewish trickery.
The best part is, these infinite repost threads are designed to numb you to the idea of paid mods so hard over time that when they do come back you don't even care anymore

10/10 strat
the console plebs definitely will pay for mods
PC is just beta testing for releasing on console market
thanks to you cancerous fucks, we now pay for betas, good luck when we have to pay for mods
It's pretty simple, release mods under the GPL. Bam, now your mod can't be sold for money or included in a mod selling for money.
I stopped paying for games unless they have a DRM free physical release.
This digital only is extremely anti-consumer. I ended up getting a console just so I could actually own my the games that I fucking paid for.
Valve and that fat faggot Gaben and all his blind cocksuckers are the scum that have hurt PC gaming and made so many games be digital only, or if they are physical you get a fucking card in the case with a Steam code on it
Yes it would.

But gamers are fucking scum, the roaches of mankind.
>stupid, lazy and irrational
I have found that people with these traits are often malicious, either by intent or as a byproduct of their ignorance
Show me a single finished mod that with 'professional' quality that is not backed by a Patreon.
Yeah console is the only way to play offline and without signing up for an account. Most people don't care anymore though.

Steam is videogame Facebook and this is what people want.
on pain of what exactly? assholes still gonna steal mods
That is money that is still going straight to the modder and not Valve.
Patreon lets the modder get all of the money.

Steam paid mods would let valve get even more money to waste on even more pet projects like the vive.

If you support modders getting compensation, than you will just donate to them regularly so they get the most money.
Patreon takes 5% and makes the recipient handle fees.
If you make enough it's also taxable income.
And valve takes 30-35%, you see the problem here?
Steam gives indie games and mods a huge platform to advertise on.

It seems a win for everyone. By advertising on steam they get far more exposure thus much more money than patron alone.
Valve is providing distribution and promotion of your work.
Which costs next to fucking to host.

Valve makes more than enough money everyday to be able to host them without taking a cut.

They just want more money, and the fact that you are defending it raises several alarms.

Not true when the market place will be flooded with reskins of weapons and stolen mods.
>Valve is providing distribution and promotion of your work.

Holy fuck this shill speak. If i didn't know any better i'd say i was on r/steam.
It will never be implemented correctly by someone like Valve. They're too lazy for anything more than the absolute minimum to maintain Steam.
>Valve makes more than enough money everyday to be able to host them without taking a cut.
That's just business, they already host and distribute free mods as is. Paid mods isn't going to remove this.

>They just want more money, and the fact that you are defending it raises several alarms.
You're missing the positive in this completely.

Creators already have a number of potential overlapping income streams; Pateron, Youtube, Twitch, direct donations, etc.
Steam paid mods don't prevent you using these, they add only yet another potential revenue source for a creator.
It's sad that there really are people out there that support Valve here.

Aside from the obvious attempt to profit off of something that isn't theirs, I think there is another scheme here: I don't doubt for a second that Valve will have a user agreement that forbids modders from distributing their mods elsewhere and grants Valve total ownership of them. On top of that, you can bet your ass that these mods will not work on non-Steam copies of games.

This is just plain disgusting. Remember folks, YOU ALREADY HAVE MODS. Valve is not giving anything to you, they are trying to take something away from you.
>You're missing the positive in this completely.

There is no positive, Valve cannot into paid mods. Remember what happened last time? People stealing mods left and right, people reporting the actual creators of the mods for stealing, etc.

>they already host and distribute free mods as is.
Than there is no reason to host paid mods. Valve just wants another easy revenue stream. Valve are lazy fuckers who want easy money. They put bethesda to shame.
Can you actually mods from the steam workshop though?
>Not true when the market place will be flooded with reskins of weapons and stolen mods.

If they are truly stolen valve can just remove them. Also, the market wants skins, thus the market will deliver.
>Valve is not giving anything to you
We will get better mods
we already knew it was coming. they are going to push it when the next elder scrolls game releases. as if fo4 wasn't reason enough to not buy betheshit anymore
Valve also didn't give a shit people stolen mods and sell them in their service.
Really, mods are so much of a fucking legal clusterfuck, a sane company will stay away from that shit. But Valve is too greedy and seem a potential income source and don't care about anything else.

Is also disgusting the whole thing can be summed as:
>Hey remember that thing you used to have for free? FUCK YOU PAY ME.
>If they are truly stolen valve can just remove them

Oh yea, Because valve has such great customer service. By the time they remove ONE stolen mod, there will already be 15 more.
no we won't. there's no proof of this. in fact we have proof of the exact opposite. the sims community had a vibrant modding scene at one point then ea started to monetize them and all of a sudden there was a flood of cheap 99 cent new textures. no one took risks anymore because it was less profitable and more time consuming. no one is going to pay money for some fucking mod that could possibly break your game. complex mods need quality control and who is going to provide it, steam support? top fucking lel
Smells like valve shills in here, i really hope it is and not actually /v/ who supports paid mods.
Modding is only a hobby right now. With based steam, people will be able to make full time jobs out of it. We will get to use mods with two to three times as much effort placed into making them. Everybody wins
This already happens. I fail to see how paid is the problem here. At the very least, content creates get paid an X amount when before they did not. Paid mods won't effect patron either.

Valve could take steps to verify mods and only allow verified mods to be functional online.
lol i troll u
>Paid mods will make steam invest in the infrastructure of the workshop
It's true though. You know that one mod where the guy put 2,000 hours into making it, and got hired by bungie because it was so good? There will be many more mods like this because of that. Imagine DLC quality mods. It's going to be great and breathe life back into Skyrim.
>trusting a company to know whats best for you, than you yourself.
>trusting steam to give the poor content creators a fair share
>trusting steam.

Next you will be telling me EA cares about how much fun I have playing FIFA 20xx, and how good of a deal it is.
>I fail to see how paid is the problem here.
The problem is people can make money off of stolen mods.

>Valve could take steps to verify mods
And what happens when someone uploads the mod to steam before the actual mod creator does?

And do you know how easy that would be to circumvent? just change a couple of things and voila, brand spakin new mod.

>and only allow verified mods to be functional online.
Oh yeah, thats what everyone wants, only online mods. Go fuck yourself, you are so obviously a shill it isn't even funny.
Please go through this shitty imgur album before posting nice things about paid mods
Not an argument
>Valve just wants another easy revenue stream

You're completely ignoring the creator's ability to make rational decisions in your arguments.
>The problem is people can make money off of stolen mods.

Unless steam has a vetting service of verified content creators. Which would be extremely easy to do, and easy to moderate and ban hammer those that steal.

>And what happens when someone uploads the mod to steam before the actual mod creator does?

That would require the content creator to get hacked, or to leak his own mod, which would be incredibly stupid all around. Then the their could be taken to court, never mind steam. You generally have work proof of what you have been doing.

>Oh yeah, thats what everyone wants, only online mods.

It's either that or ONLY paid mods for offline which would be impossible to enforce.
>Unless steam has a vetting service of verified content creators. Which would be extremely easy to do, and easy to moderate and ban hammer those that steal.
Yeah, because Valve has been so great at customer support
Because a hive mind makes for good discussion, right?
i already gave you my argument you fucking nigger subhuman. i told you that there's precedent and it will never work. everything will end up being cheap 99 cent textures. no one is going to pay for shoddy amateur work that can possibly break your game
Just go ask nexus mods and they will probably laugh at you for wanting paid mods.
Has shit to do with CS, and if would be a exponentially smaller size than the valve player base of multimillions, thus able to deal with them on a more 1:1 basis.

It's 100% possible to do, make creators and valve money. I see nothing wrong with it. Counterstrike has a lite version of this already when it comes to maps.
Sims modding is completely different from Skyrim.

>everything will end up being cheap 99 cent textures.
I expect a lot of shitty meme textures from people trying to make a quick buck, but there are great mods right now being done for free. They can have even more work put into them when they can charge money for their work.

>no one is going to pay for shoddy amateur work that can possibly break your game
I definitely wouldn't. But I would have paid for mods like enderal and falskaar. We would have many many more of those mods if people could earn money for it.
>Unless steam has a vetting service of verified content creators. Which would be extremely easy to do, and easy to moderate and ban hammer those that steal.
Maybe that would work if it wasn't valve we were talking about.

>That would require the content creator to get hacked, or to leak his own mod, which would be incredibly stupid all around
Not only are you a shill you are dumb as fuck. What about all of the other mod hosting sites? Do you know how easy it would be to download a mod from there and than upload it to steam?

>It's either that or ONLY paid mods for offline which would be impossible to enforce.
Or you know, you could not do paid mods and just avoid this disaster all together. If valve online only mods a thing they're going to create an even bigger shitstorm than before.

>Then the their could be taken to court
Going to court over a mod? Are you serious? No court is going to take that shit seriously, get outta here.

Where you do live by the way? India? How much is valve paying you for spewing this nonsense.
At that point they should of just bought a licence and resold the game...
Yeah because those cosmetics go through the game's marketplace and are moderated by the developers, same with PS2. Big overhauls and shit that relies on other modder's work will be impossible in that kind of environment for multiple reasons. Valve's idea was a terrible clusterfuck and if they want to implement a system that doesn't implode it will end up looking exactly like what everyone else already does, and that will exclude about 80% of the kinds of mods you see on places like Nexus.
>have to use the console to give yourself the armor from a paid mod
what a mess
>Maybe that would work if it wasn't valve we were talking about.

>Hurr durr, valve iz dum

It would be incredibly easy to set up and mod.

>What about all of the other mod hosting sites?

So it would require a content creator to want to sell his work to upload it FOR FREE before putting on the market place.

Yeah. Seems logical.

>If valve online only mods a thing they're going to create an even bigger shitstorm than before.

They already have it for CS:GO and Dota. The market eats the shit out of it and buys em up.

>No court is going to take that shit seriously, get outta here.

no court will take a stolen product seriously? OK kid.
>but there are great mods right now being done for free. They can have even more work put into them when they can charge money for their work.
Yes, it's also why Mass Effect Andromeda is the best game ever. After all it had millions throw into its developmenet. Right?
You know you paid for Skyrim, right? It wasn't free.
You are now making an argument for paid mods.

Why should me:a get cash while fantastic modders get nothing?
>People are defending this
>False Equivalencies and Class Bias
And it was shit too, so I don't see how you still believe money = better product.
You're fucking up your own argument now, dude.
Not him, but better products deserve money. See >>377221310
Skyrim was shit? Skyrim was the best elder scrolls game and probably the best single player RPG of all time.
>>Hurr durr, valve iz dum

No they're smart, they've made money by doing almost nothing for years. The problem here is valves shit customer support, even Forbes talks about how bad it is.

>So it would require a content creator to want to sell his work to upload it FOR FREE before putting on the market place.
>Yeah. Seems logical.
I don't even know what to say to this, how can you be this fucking stupid?

>They already have it for CS:GO and Dota. The market eats the shit out of it and buys em up.
CS:GO and Dota are online games(And valve owned) games, it makes sense. Online only mods for single player games like Skyrim is just asking for trouble.

>no court will take a stolen product seriously? OK kid.
It's a mod, not a stolen product. And legally, its not even yours, since you used assets from the game to create it, the game devs would have to go to court, not the mod dev.

And on the matter of legality, what happens to, lets say for example, star wars mods? Will Disney be getting a cut of that because it uses copyrighted material? If they don't than they could sue valve, and even the mod creator for making money off of their work.
CS for content creators is a whole different ballgame for the millions and millions of valve users.

>I don't even know what to say to this,

You can't say anything because I destroyed your argument. All you can do now is adhom.

>paid mods are only for skyrim

Whao, whao, whao, slow down there chippy nobody said that, nor did anyone say skyrim is even a prime market for such things.

>all mods use assets from the base game

Stop posting.
>hey can have even more work put into them when they can charge money for their work.
This is a shitty pointless argument.
Modders already can charge money from their job via patreon or paypal. Some instead go the extra mile and just make a game themselves.
The only thing Valve is offering is Valve cutting 70% of the price for themselves by doing nothing.
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