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If he right, and more importantly how do we get Gabe to stop

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If he right, and more importantly how do we get Gabe to stop being so fucking fat?

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>linking to polygon
Guess Microsoft is stepping up the marketing to distract from their recent massive security breach and the upcoming release of 10 S.

If they think Valve is a monopoly they aint seen nothing yet.

Unless they have an exclusive reveal they are fucking trash.
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>polygon link
kill yourself
Joke's on you; I'm sane enough to not consider companies "friends" and thanks to regional pricing Steam has cheaper prices compared to Origin, GMG or even GOG.
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>valve is not your friend

only retarded redditors ever praised "le lord gabeN xd"

>steam is not healthy for gaming

maybe, but I(and everyone not mentally handicapped) still want everything in one place. i guess gaming will have to suck it.
>conclusion predicated upon someone at valve calling a tranny "it"

Yeah, that and a profit motive does not evil make.
>reposting the same thread
Desperate shills are desperate
Gimme a pastebin or fuck off shill
Man, I wish I could spit Microsoft CEO and stockholders in the face.
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I'm not particularly fond of Steam's DRM, but I don't miss the old days of having to hunt down day 1 patches or deal with driver level copyprotection systems like Starforce and TAGES shitting my system up.

Of course, here in clapistan, the consumer has absolutely no rights whatsoever when it comes to digital purchases. Valve, Apple, Amazon, and whoever else are free to screw you whenever they like. They just don't because they have a reputation to protect and don't want to collude out in the open. If all the digital account stores decided to start charging rent for access on top of selling games, there isn't much the consumer can do other than buy physical.
Its not the best thing for it but god damn theres ao much worse out there right now
I always try and go GoG whenever I can, Humble Bundle after that if they have a DRM free version.
But Steam has too many exclusives, especially because I like weeaboo games.
I buy games from Steam (and GoG) because they're the best supported stores that have games for GNU/Linux.

All the other stores tend to be win32 only, which at this point makes them not a wise investment because they'd only be playable for me on the Windows tablet work gave me, and Windows is going Windows Store UWP-only in the future.
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>linking to polygon
why is this allowed?
>the same website that said "gamers are evil cis white privileged assholes and should be killed for supporting refunds"

And you not only have the nerve to link to them, but agree with them ontop of it?
Bring it up with hiroshima and ask him to change "polygon" into "fake news"

But yes, Valve is just a corporation now.
he doesnt even run this place though

there's still filters on /v/ from years ago for no reason

there's some high ranking mods that just are in charge of certain parts of the site
Gaben was looking less fat a few months ago but he got fat again. I thought he was on a diet or something, i guess that's the price of being billionaire, you can regain all your weight in a matter of weeks by eating the tastiest food money can buy.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
Just kidding OP is a fag and should go back
If you're anti-steam, you're anti consumer, simply because Steam has the absolute lowest prices on games by virtue of most keys resold on key reseller sites being Steam keys. Polygon can go fuck itself along with other distribution platforms that sell not only literal nothing, but OVERPRICED NOTHING.
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its more of

id trust steam over EA's origin, ubisoft's shit, and other such places.

Obviously everyone wants things all on one platform, and steam already does that. Everyone else is doing it cause they are greedy, not for your benefit.

EA went on record for thinking sales diminish the value of their products, that you should pay a premium when getting things online since its easier than going to the store, and many other AWFUL ANTI CONSUMER BULLSHIT.

would you really wish they had the monopoly?

If it was up to EA
>base games would sell for $80+
>games would never go on sale, always full price
>DLC will also cost $80 dollars
>you'd have to give them money all the time even if you don't buy their game.
>if you don't, they'd throw you in jail for stealing

you have to remember some companies are just real fucking scumbags ran by the most greedy corporate mother fuckers.

steam may have been all over the place, but it hasn't been as awful as what EA would be from the get go.
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>Valve is bad for the industry
>t. Polygon
You sound like a faggot
Steam is cancer and if it died out I would celebrate their games library going to GOG
That's true, however that applies to everyone including Origin and Polygon.
Living in Australia, steam is nothing more than a delivery platform to me; the prices are higher here, they're charged to us in USD so we pay at the current exchange rate with conversion fees, and coming this year our government is implementing a tax on online purchases which adds another 10% to the price. We're almost paying double on certain games.

So I buy my stuff from key stores like GMG and activate them on steam. But if we're talking about Gabe in particular, that fat sack of shit burned all his goodwill when he stopped developing video games.
>maybe, but I(and everyone not mentally handicapped) still want everything in one place.

This is pretty much the only reason I continue to use Steam over other services, inertia. If someone made a neutral platform that devs could make a plugin for to allow their games to download to (For example, adding a plugin that connects the program to your marketplace which causes your games to show up for purchase and download) would cause me to drop steam since steam would simply be a function contained within that master program. Even better, it would drive down the cost of games somewhat since Steam wouldn't take a 30% cut for selling your product directly (Assuming you have your game on your own marketplace.).
It's funny how much more pro-consumer Origin is compared to Steam. The only thing people can bash it for is for not being Steam.
You sound like a shitter with no arguments supporting literal cancer that killed off abandonware sites and is selling literal air to the mentally insane mongoloids like you. But it's OK, it's not like you or your shit literal who distribution platform matter anyway, LMAO.
Why print a piece if you arent going to take that opinion...
>decide to update because microsoft would just bother me all the time like they did when win10 was crated
>all of my files open in weird places
>gifs are opened in internet explorer
i fucking hate microsoft i should've got Linux
> "gamers are evil cis white privileged assholes and should be killed for supporting refunds"
are you denying the validity of that statement?
>would you really wish they had the monopoly?
I pick the third option and wish there wasn't a monopoly.

I don't mind using different clients for my games as long as they are all pro-consumer.
Steam is the only platform of games that isn't constantly broken or anti-consumer. If Steam somehow died, EA and jewbisoft would make their platforms anti-consumer as fuck within a year
Holy fuck everything I hear about Australia sounds fucking awful.
Have you never seen an opinion piece on any type of newspaper, magazine, or website before?

origin is extremely anti consumer, the only thing they've done is allow you to get refunds, but they'd probably disallow that too if they didn't get the golden turd award 10 times as well as get called out on how evil the fucking are 24/7.

now they are constantly in damage control trying to appeal and gain the sheeple's trust.

you have to be under a rock to forget this:
Honestly, I go in assuming whatever I buy on Steam might not be permanent and seek to decouple whatever I buy over time. It's not really a bad trade considering it used to be $8 to rent something for 3 days at Blockbuster and now instead I get to keep it "permanently," though I don't buy $60 games. I've got several games with the steam API removed that allow them to be played standalone just because I don't want to take the risk that my account will be shut out one day.

Doesn't work for every game though, particularly those who have steamworks so integrated into their programming they don't function right without it. But even Half-Life 2 can be forked with the source code to strip out steam entirely.
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>no arguments
>proceeds to spout a bunch of buzzword bull shit and ends with LMAO
Yeah no retard physical games are superior to your lord Gabens bullshit and if you have to buy digital then buy DRM free.
Not that it matters to me faggot I pirate everything that isn't multiplayer that I wanna play.
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its unavoidable you nigger.

its like saying i'd rather pick having NO disease at all in the world, or no hunger, or no government.

like you fucking are gonna have one so why the fuck pretend like you can have none at all.
Aaaand there goes any chance this had of being taken seriously by anyone.
I never really understood this controversy, I just assumed the person was used to playing fps on PC and got a console review copy and was just shit because controller. Which is understandable.
>I pirate everything
And thus everything you say automatically goes into the trash. Neck yourself, piratecuck.
>Oy vey da steam users aren't getting jew'd like console users, how dare dose goyim have a free service with discounted games.
Teach me your ways, fåm. I want to start backing my Steam library.
Is Origin and Uplay sales in a slump recently or is there going to be another steam clone launching?
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>its unavoidable you nigger.
Why would you say that?

>its like saying i'd rather pick having NO disease at all in the world,
What an awful analogy; you might as well compare it to food. A closer analogy would be a service provider like an ISP, which there are multiple of.

Only two things need to happen to open Gabe's anus:
1] Other companies need to work together or expand their platforms.
2] Government mandate.

That's it.
Steam, created roughly 12ish years ago provides a platform for indie devs to easily enter the gaming market

meanwhile EA has been buying and gutting devs for decades.

>steam is not your friend

yea, no, fuck off.
Reminder that Polygon took a 500k check from Microsoft.
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Being this booty blasted
Pic related, it's you ya dumb queer
For each game you download, there's usually a corresponding crack released within a few months or years. It's particularly easy to get one for older games, but for newer ones, you might have to wait a bit and sort through some fakes to get what you're looking for.

I've got a fileserver that I just store all my downloaded copies on, it's about 6TB in total.
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>Describing a company as profit-first

What the fuck company isn't? And did they think the only reason that Origin is hated is because it's EA and not because it has the quality of your average EA product?

Origin is run by EA, one of the worst gaming companies to exist. Valve is less evil by comparison, if only because Valve hasn't killed off multiple gaming companies and franchises.

>inb4 steamfag I pirate most of my stuff
GOG is better than Steam but everything else is FAR worse than Steam.
The only DRM steam has is the check when you buy it, everything else is up to the publisher/developer.

It's exactly the same as GoG's galaxy client, you don't get access to every game on GoG unless you pass the buy check ;)

have you taken a look at the steam store ever?
Don't talk sense in a shitposting thread friendo
He's not wrong in that looking only at Origin, it's definitely pro-consumer. However that's only because people have finally caught on that EA is literally the devil.
You can't pretend it's entirely altruistic, but it's certainly the best place to get recognition for a product. You've got to pay a sizable amount of sales to place a product on Steam, 30% to be exact.

For reference, licensing UE4 is only 10% of your revenue, and having your game on GoG is 8% I think.
GOG is just an online store, everyone else is like this platform or something.

Honestly GOG is the best thing cause the rest are bloatware, botnets, and spyware.
there's a difference between being shit (which is expected of game journalists) and almost dying to the very first enemy in the game
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Steam only got as far as it did since it operates on the tenuous promise from Gabe that if the service ever dies, he will hit the magic button that lets you de-Steam your games.

Then you have Games For Windows Live, which actually did shit the bed and die. Microsoft's response to all the broken games it produced? A shrug.
Many publishers were kind enough to offer a Steam code exchange, but the damage was done.
Microsoft just has to say "lol 25%" instead of everyone else's 30% and everyone will jump ship.
>Then you have Games For Windows Live, which actually did shit the bed and die

GFWL still functions properly in many games that used it's service, lots of stuff just moved away from it is all.

Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, and probably more games than that all still work online through GFWL.
GOG could expand into a Steam-like thing once they get enough cash, do what Steam does but better.
Pretty much. You can't rely on a defunct company keeping their word. From an obvious standpoint, a company going out of business has about zero interest in their customers at that point, who are about to not be customers at all.

You've got to go in to online marketplaces with that line of thinking. A particularly bad example would be Nintendo, which can't even figure out how to carry over your games between platforms.
They already have Galaxy but who would want that?
The whole point is to just download the game I wanna play and update and then not have to deal with GOG until I want the next game
Not when a huge chunk of the userbase is still on Win7. Not to even mention how horrible the windows store is and all the lost sales from people who refuse to use it
The biggest hurdle for any competitor is publicity / usage. Steam is THE biggest platform on PC right now and you can be sure that if your game/mod/content gets on there, people WILL see it. Whether or not this makes up the 30%-80% cost for hosting is a different matter.

If an up-and-coming company can somehow draw in devs and publishers and users, they have a base to grow from and compete. Currently only GoG is even remotely close but they aren't ambitious at all.
GOG has no games.
What's the point of a store without products to sell?
There's a lot of posts about Steam DRM and what terrible things Gabe could do with the user agreement, but probably never will because there isn't a reason to. At this point, it's just paranoia or corporate phobia

Valve makes a shitload of money from a huge community that doesnt mind handing over millions for virtual items and transaction fees, and/because they run the best client. They dominate the market by being better. Can anyone say they regret steam replacing Games for Windows Live? the single shittest DRM in existence. In reality you don't notice the Steam DRM at all, and it's the best and cheapest store client. You can even refund purchases for literally any reason, what more do people want

I disabled forced updates a long time ago, who /still on 7/ here? I tried downloading B&N Nook reader to rip some books, fucking jews made the app Windows Store-only.
>B&N Nook reader
Use Calibre you nerd
Its a deathworld. The pro is that if you were born of aussie blood you could bantz like no other and poison is inconvienant instead of fatal.
That's why I pirate everything I purchase.
Even if Valve goes bankrupt I'm not losing the games.

>Then why did you buy them in the first place?
Because I want to support certain developers and genres. Also, multiplayer.
Polygon is not your friend and gabe's fatness is unhealthy for him.
there is no validity in that statement. fuck off.

yeah nah, origin only appears pro consumer, everything behind it is anti consumer as fuck and they are waiting at the chance to get away with it without all the backlash they got the dozen times they tried before.

Why do that to yourself and pretend origin is good?


did you chuckle fucks forget who the fuck runs that shit?

"Q:One of the things that Steam does is this random deep-discounting of software, and it works well for them. Do you see that as something you want to do?

David DeMartini: We won't be doing that. Obviously they think it's the right thing to do after a certain amount of time. I just think it cheapens your intellectual property."

i mean there is a lot of stuff out there, and they got blown the fuck out multiple times over this kind of stuff.

They only APPEAR pro consumer cause they've been shit on so much.
I have a few problems with the steam client, but they're not too major yet, and often due to poor thought on a developer's part.

For example, some games don't allow you to run a dedicated server decoupled from Steam, so you have to have a second account to do so and still play, even when on another PC. And there's a definite issue when I'm trying to play games on the go -- no more easy to slap something on a flash drive and play it on another PC, nor is there a lightweight mode that doesn't launch a steam service as a separate process, instead simply running a tiny version of it in the back of a game.
The price of games is adjusted to market, you charge something absurd like exclusive purchasing 'rights' you're shooting yourself in the foot. The console market is still more lucrative than PC, micro-transactions seem to be floating most AAA titles and in my naive opinion it seems like ports are getting enough sales to start being more regular.

I think we'll see more carrot than stick tactics with steam as they can appear extremely generous with very little actual cost to themselves, being that they are literally gods of a micro economy.
no it wasnt a bad analogy, it is that you are given existing choices and you would rather pick a nonexistant never to happen 3rd choice.

kill yo self
It may not be my friend, but it isn't my enemy.
That'll do for me.
How many of you will still sing Valves praises when Gabe brings back paid mods?
>Steam is not healthy for gaming
>Having a single platform that the majority of PC games new and old are sold, automatically update, cloud saves and free online with steam sales delivering prices that blow physical store prices out of the water with the feature of being able to refund your games because you just simply felt like it isn't healthy for the game industry.

nice paid shilling by sony
this obviously means sony is mad has fuck and is losing sales

its funny, because its pathetic
I won't but I'd suck his dick for eternity for Ricochet 2
How assbrained do you have to be to link Polygon DIRECTLY?

Just remove this thread or replace the link with a web archive or pastbin
>companies are not your friends

neither are garbage game "journalists"
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>monopolies are good now

You still have to download the ebooks from the B&N servers, which requires the app, right?
Steams prices for new games can't compete with a physical discount that comes with Amazon Prime

The controversy is that Polygon employs people who don't play videogames and know nothing about videogames but think they know what's good for gaming
Interestingly enough, digital only is the main reason why I haven't been able to convince any of my videogame-playing coworkers to jump into PC gaming

>Why would I pay full price to rent a game when I can buy the physical game and do whatever I please with it?
the only reason polygon hates gabe is because he btfo a tranny
Discounting software is amazing for the consumer, but does decrease the overall revenue of gaming as a whole. With the advent of steam sales, everyone expects games to eventually be $20, $10, or even $5 after a year or so, meaning whatever game you make doesn't retain any real value. Nintendo, for example, takes the opposite approach and usually retains their starting prices for many of their games and has very few sales. For myself, it just means I'm more reluctant to buy them, but if all companies did that, it would mean more money for devs and thus more reinvestment (Even after a publisher takes a sizable cut).

Now, because of the drastic decrease in prices over time, more devs are switching to a DLC model or a service model to attempt to recoup costs. Every-so-often, this has drastic results with beloved franchises becoming gutted abominations. Not saying this wouldn't happen without sales, I just think that if a piece of software continued to sell at a high price point, it would occur less.

Have you never seen an organization refuse to publish the views of a contributor because it reflects poorly on them? I have. It's what you do because believe it or not, if you pay someone and print their message in your publication you are actually responsible for what they're saying. News papers are not public organizations they are private enterprises.
>Which is understandable.
No it isn't. You're reviewing a videogame as your job, the job you're being paid for, not playing drunk with friends.
If you can't handle the console version, give the review to someone who can.

Oh thanks. I tried an older version of the nook reader, but it wouldn't let me download the book unless I updated. I'll try this.
>steam prices can't compete with these prices I pay monthly for
Ok then
>It's unfair that Steam got to the top by working on it's client and understanding customers over many years
>Nobody is allowed to to make their own Steam like store
Valve just knows how to properly boil a frog.
What do you do with your physical games other than install on your system?
My favorite thing is when they beat the game on easy and bitch about the ending then get BTFO when people catch on
When it comes to new releases, I buy day one, full price if I'm interested enough.
Stop generalizing.
My only problem with paid mods is simply that Valve/Publisher simply takes too high of a cut from them. If I were to create a mod, I would not sell it for $5 if I were only getting 50c a sale. Even as a consumer, that just means I'm lining a host's pocket and not encouraging more mods to be made.

If mods for money happens again, it needs at least a 70%/30% split for the modders. There also needs to be protections for those who claim mods they didn't make and sell them on Steam without the creator's knowledge.
The way that thing was lurching I genuinely thought the bell end was playing on a laptop and using the trackpad.
I called it a monopoly, not unfair.
Games get most of their sales within the first month after coming out. Steam is actually making them more money with sales to sell to people who can't afford buying full price games
I'm sorry you don't have a free student account and can't see why 20% off for a physical copy is superior to paying full price for a rental
I'm talking about console games:

Play them
Resell them
Borrow them to friends
More important of all, the online store can't take the disk away from you.
why won't they publish my own opinion then?
because any type of newspaper, magazine, or website won't simply publish any kind of opinionated moron's words and wash their hands off any responsibility.
they might not stand by that author's wordsw, but they are offering their space and public to grant attention to that opinion. they wouldn't do so if they didn't consider it to be worthy of their website's reputation.
to so readily embrace such a shitty "wake up sheeple" edgy piece speaks volumes about them, specially in a time when we're nearing E3 to start shitting on specific companies
I'd be more behind this.
Papa Gabe can get a cut, sure, but I'd want my cash to be mostly going to the mod-ho doing the work.
alright, fine. ill concede. no more steam.
how do i get all my games off of it, huh?
Well yeah, I'm not a child anymore so I don't get these student handouts
That and more money over the games lifetime every time there's a sale and a older game get's a jump start with it's something like 10 dollars with all the DLC.
Obviously, they're trading long term profit for short term. Cheap games drive down the cost of other similar games, making gaming less lucrative and less of an investment as a whole.

That's not to say that's bad for the consumer up front, it's just that down the line people are going to expect cheaper games, and when people expect that, it's hard to make ambitious titles that cost more or retain their value.
And yet you don't see why people would have Amazon Prime for things that aren't gaming related then get an added bonus for gaming.
You sure you aren't a child?
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>polygon calling anything not healthy for gaming
>when they themselves are one of the worst gaming """journalism""" websites out there
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I think most of /v/ has recognized that Steam has become cancer.
>not simply waiting for a 50% off or higher sale like any human being with a fully functional brain
>settling for 20% off but still buying at full MSRP because MUH RELEASE DATE HYPE
good goyim
Paid mods are never going to be good. Steam is never going to put enough effort into shifting through all the cash grab mods or stolen mods for the system to work
I don't need stores to be "platforms." I just need them to sell me games. I can keep a folder full of shortcuts on my own.

friendly reminder that Polygon was started with Microsoft money.
they could simply have the users curate the system, just like they're doing for public reviews. Nowadays I trust them more than the website review scores.
The only fucking reason Steam has a monopoly is because not a single other service on the PC platform comes even remotely close to as beneficial for the consumer as Steam is. Not a single fucking one. That's not Valve's fault, that's the market trying to jump on the bandwagon and catch whatever flies they can grab without actually trying to compete. It's not Valve's fault that Origin, UPlay, and whatever the fuck other platforms are terrible. Origin at one point installed fucking viruses onto your rig, but we're just going to call Valve the bad guys because they're winning. Get the fuck outta here.
It's pretty simple for cash grabs, community ratings will drop them so far down the list of mods to make them worthless. I can't say how they'd fix stolen mods though, I would not want to have to register my mod with Steam just to provide some protection against having some chucklefuck pick it off my site and repackage it for sale.
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OP, I detest Polygon and Steamcucks with a passion. Who exactly am I supposed to support here?
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>Valve is not your friend, it's a corporation out to make money
Well no fucking shit, sherlock.
I never considered them my friend. I just enjoy the low prices and convenience. Their games are generally solid, too. Have a good product and I'll support you. Pretty simple.

The only reason I consider Steam over piracy is because I get to support the tiny indie devs, and bragging rights.
Yeah it's a much better idea to wait until the community for a game is dead so I can save money on my rental rather than owning physical, playing day one and letting my friends borrow it and play and in the end being able to resell it if I choose to recoup even more money.
Didn't think that one through did you retard?
I never consider Steam and Gabe as my friends, but I always consider Polygon as garbage, so as anyone quote their articles.
gog because you don't need to use their download app
This article's a couple years late. Remember when people worshipped Gabe?


here's some more reasons to hate them
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>______ is bad for ______
>sincerely, tabloid-tier "newsblog"
Sadly, some still do. Fuck Polygon though.

Yeah, like I thought it won't even synchronize the library. Thanks anyway though.
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I do the same thing, anon. Got a decent VPN and started backing up my steam-only games. So far I've backed up:

TES: Oblivion
New Vegas
Dow Soulstorm
Medieval 2

And I bought a bunch more over GoG. Probably going to download Arkane Studios games next, seeing as I've already bought them all
>muh community
so you literally only play MP games, ever?
>muh friends
you buy shit already thinking of sending it away to others for god knows how long? and somehow the resell value will stay fresh?
I bet that game is a blast if you already come in thinking of getting rid of it before you're even going to buy it
You don't need a community for single player games
That's still an awful excuse. I play FPS games like 90% of the time on PC but can still adapt to using a controller above the level of a toddler playing video games for their very first time.
Wow I hate Polygon but this site is kinda autistic
Why are they concerned about Valve and not Microsoft who already has a total monopoly on PC gaming?
Steam, like every service that doesn't let you own the thing you buy is bad for the consumer.
You can only play or watch it it until the service dies or their license for the product runs out, the product can be taken awy from you at any time, yet you still get charged full price.
I bet this guy has an article defending some console for doing the same shit he's attacking Valve for.
and valve is still better then EA and Ubishit.

Valve earnd its place on #1 spot.

Never I had any problems with valve or with the products. Fuck I love valve even more after calling the degenerates by its proper description "IT"

God bless valve, god bless gabe newell.
>If he right
He's not. What that little commie overlooks is that "for-profit" is kind of the name of the game in capitalism. Steam overs a service that so far no one else has toppled. No other company has managed to conglomerate and offer the customer such a wide variety of vidya on a single platform in such a way. What Steam is now is leagues better than what it was, and it still has room for improvement.

Is it perfect? No, of course not. They have to make money too. So of course they pull their own various amounts of bullshit to make that dollar. But again, who are their competitors? Origin? Yeah, the service that installed viruses on your computer and is rife with EA's scams and anti-consumerism and not to mention EA only games. UPlay? Well see Origin but somehow shittier with a user UI that was seemingly designed with contempt for humankind in mind. Microsoft? Oh that's fucking rich, yeah here comes Microsoft and their "Apps" to just take over the marketplace by any way other than force. GOG? They're not even a competitor, it's a bunch of Slavs trying to make sure older games don't die off into obscurity by at least offering them on a marketplace.
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and EA and ubishit and all others.

Success breeds jealousy
>or deal with driver level copyprotection systems like Starforce and TAGES shitting my system up.

Before Denuvo caught on there were still games that used those while only being available through Steam.
how to stop the impulsebuy faggot
>muh community! I absolutely need a community for everything I play, even for single player games, gotta enjoy le hype and see everyone talking about it on the internets!
>I'm saving a lot back if I resell it! screw getting it for 50, 75, even 80% digital, I can finish my 200 hour JRPG so fucking fast, lend it to Jimmy so he can get the disc all scratched and dirty with Cheetos, then I'll still be able to sell it back for sixty bucks at Craigslist!
If it is your job to be a plumber, you better know your way around every tool you need to plumb. A person given the task to review a video game should be able to use a controller. The problem is that they hire people who clearly dont play video games and yet they are given the right to influence peoples opinion about video games. Having a journalism job means that you understand the subject matter, otherwise you are not qualified to speak on it.
The reason Steam doesn't go full anti-consumer is because they have no stock holders to please. Gaben already has enough money so he doesn't have to go full jew on everything
>only play MP
No? But the majority of games I buy have MP
>friends hold onto your games for god knows how long
If I've beaten it then they can take their time but most of my friends don't suck at games so it usually only takes until the next week or two and if it's really good they will probably pick it up and play with me
>already thinking about getting rid of it
If I CHOOSE to you fucking idiot and let's be honest if the game is only worth a few playthroughs then what's wrong with reselling?
Again try to think things through before posting
I do love how we just have instant reminders for this shit. God's work anon God's work.

Also because they got absolutely raped in European courts. They didn't even offer refunds until they got sued into the ground.
When was the last time a steam sale had a deep discount on something that wasn't already on deep discount the last steam sale?
Every steam sale thread is filled with people bitching about it being more of the same.
If you really are so broke you can't afford a game until it's on a deep discount then just pirate it you unbelievable faggot.
there's nothing wrong with reselling, but arguing that reselling physical games is that big of a deal is silly, most digital games I've got were for literally less than 10 bucks and no way in hell I'd rather pay the same price for a shitty scratched disc that's already been through 3 owners or more.
how so? cheap games, huge liberally of games to chose from, indi titles.

DRM you will have one way or the other so theirs no legal way around it.
>linking to polygon

be gone you shill.

And that article is fucking ridiculous. If valve hadn't done it gamestop or EA would own the marketplace and be 100x worse. Steam has issues, but it was pivotal in bringing PC gaming to where it is today.

All I'm seeing here is "whoa, our hits are low today. Let's cook up some controversy and fix that."
>how do we get Gabe to stop being so fucking fat?
stop him eating 'nabe'
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You can just disable this via system settings. The setting exists solely to keep your retard family/siblings from installing adware from free software websites and opening suspicious looking EXEs.
They could have only done it for Europe. I bet EA would have done so if Steam didn't do it first for everyone
I'm not even saying it's a big deal but it is a nice option.
The scratched disc is a pathetic straw man I'm not a child who can't take proper care of a game and neither are my friends. Otherwise why would I lend them anything?
They dont have a monopoly. Thats where you wrong kid.

There is Ubisoft and Origin and Microsoft.

Who offers the best system will earn the most, such is the way of capitalism.
lmao the main reason polygon has a problem with Steam is because they have no authority there. This is basically a power play desperately trying to grasp at relevance.
I fear for the day that the fat fuck dies. That is the day that steam becomes a full faceless corp entity.
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>literally won't make HL3 and literally admitted that they won't because they're making too much money with hats and shit.
GOG sells overpriced garbage, because nobody resells GOG keys. GOG is shit by definition.
Same. I'm sure it will get real shitty in a few years following gabes death
>When was the last time a steam sale had a deep discount on something that wasn't already on deep discount the last steam sale?
>Every steam sale thread is filled with people bitching about it being more of the same.
these are just the richfags and spoiled brats who want new shit to get the same discount as the older games, it's ridiculous.
anyone whining that CoD WWII isn't 50% off in the winter sale this year is just being an obtuse shitposter.
>If you really are so broke you can't afford a game until it's on a deep discount
who said anything about being broke? why is it absolutely necessary to pay so much for a game instead of waiting for a decent sale? just because I have sixty bucks in my pocket right now it doesn't mean I should drop it for the game immediately, unless I have literally nothing else to play.
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Odd, they put "Valve" and "Steam" where they should have put "Polygon".
Valve removed the ability to submit support tickets for their games. The ticket system is for steam only. If you attempt to submit a ticket for a game, they direct you to the community forums.

There is absolutely no support for Valve games anymore. What the fuck. Also they keep fucking shuffling the workshop content directories around. Shits changed like three times already.
Or the hype is just to big and they cant satisfie it.

Just think about duke nukem how it fuckt up.

Just wait for valve develop a new engine pushing the limits further and using HL3 as flagship showcasing it.
you're probably right
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It's never too late to switch. Watching the windows shitshow from this side of the fence is pretty amusing
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They literally admitted that it was because their too profitable right now. However in that case the fans are to blame because they keep buying the micro transaction shit that's making steam so rich right now.

They also said they wouldn't release it due to fear of fans disliking it(like you mentioned.)

But still, what's left? I never even played HL all that much but as a person who waited 7 fucking years for a sequel to Golden sun 2 I can empathize.
He is right and wrong. The articles makes good points like Valve absolutely fucking over Hat makers for more profit in their own games.
>The scratched disc is a pathetic straw man
oh really? something that is absolutely possible as long as we're dealing with literally any physical media? holy shit anon aren't you looking silly right now
why are you bringing up your own habits of taking care of your shit? you and your friends aren't the only ones filling up bargain bins and ebay listings
>screen cap
>link to click bait shit
wonder who
>if he's right
We've known Steam is cancer for a long time. There's just no alternative. DRM will never go away, so GOG can't compete, and I'm sure as shit not going to use anything developed by ubisoft or ea.
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Not him but there's a few programs I use that don't have linux compatibility, so I'm stuck with this bullshit for now.
Dual boot
skimming over it and seems like he is a mad jew that they don't have a monopoly on a certain service. he also tries to talk for all of pc gamers "we this we that"
I'm very very tempted to GPU passthrough and run windows in a VM

It'd have to wait until I've got a new computer, but I think it's a better option than sticking with windows as my OS. I'm getting sick of this microsoft bullshit
>there isn't much the consumer can do other than buy physical.

a lot of physical games still require you to connect to steamworks/uplay/origin even if you want to play offline so you'd have to just pirate or not play
You misunderstand the role of journalists anon

they aren't paid to inform the public, they're paid to lie to the public, misinform them, and spread propaganda and advertising under the guise of honest reporting

journalists are literally the scum of the earth and anyone who's ever EVER worked anywhere near these people can confirm this, not even lawyers are as bad as journalists
He is using good points to force an agenda. He is right in the fact that Steam is absolutely not your friend. They care as much for profit as any other company but the article was written with an agenda in mind.
I'm bringing up the fact that when properly taken care of discs almost never scratch. Is that silly?
Why wouldn't I bring up my own experiences when you are talking to me about my own practices?
Have dual boot ready, try the program in wine, if it won't work, try in a virtual machine and last resort is the actual operating system. For example I have an USB printer connected to my router and the router has propiertary software for printing through it so I transfer the documents to a VM and do it that way.
That's why GoG's my preferred option

They're already a faceless mook corp entity and they're providing what I want regardless, and even if they go full tilt soulless evil corp like everyone else, I still got all my games because there's no DRM.

Steam's gonna end up fucking people in the long run, so are origin and whatever other bullshit ea and microshit etc are stirring up
Arthur Guis doing us a favor and reminding us how shit polygon is
I might be too stupid for dual boots, wine, and VM use. I've never used Linux before.
GOG can't reach the same size as Steam, but not just because some companies aren't willing to sell their games without DRM but also because GOG themselves are faggots who reject legit games for the sake of "muh curation".
Their selective bullshit doesn't even make sense, you think they're against weeb stuff but then Neptunia and Agarest show up in their catalog.
>linking directly to polygon in the fucking OP
he is misinterpreting the lord gaben meme as that is mostly ironic. the illusion on infallible valve fell long ago and was never really a thing in the first place.
Skimming through the article. It just sounds like someone from EA that is mad about Origin not taking off because they don't understand the work that Steam has done to be the main client to get PC games from and that EA is a shit company jumping on the bandwagon with Origin when Steam proved successful.
>shit up some skinnes in a few days
>or make the community do them for you
>add them in a box/case/whatever
>get loads of money
>people who win the valvecasino put their special items on the steam market
>people buy said special items for 100s of bucks by adding money to their steam wallets
>get even more money for 0 effort

if you were valve right now, would you give a fuck and try to even shit out a game again? be honest
Valve hasn't been anyone's friend in years.
I would say that DRM is holding GOG back more than them being selective.

enjoy ransomware idiot.
skimming is my thing. revise this
More like Microsoft
>I'm bringing up the fact that when properly taken care of discs almost never scratch. Is that silly?
yes it is when we're talking about reselling games in general, as if we should presume all used games to be in good condition out there.
>when you are talking to me about my own practices?
how did you associate my example of a scratched disc belonging to at least three owners before to be talking about you specifically?
>Calling out a site for being autistic
>While being at /v/
The best thing valve could do is what they've been doing already and basically acting like a patron / publisher for promising games or mods

team fortress 2 and portal, 2 of valve's most successful games, were basically just indie titles/mods that valve put their money and expertise behind.
>implying you can get ransomware when you run Common Sense 2021
sure I'm not speaking for everyone but I've given up on buying loads of stuff to build a library there exactly because they've decided against selling shit I've got on Steam instead
It's mixed, then. I tried getting help with a workshop issue for L4D2.
GTFO Ben Kuchera
>he fell for it
>pokemon go article
That "game" is still alive?
That bullshit about 30% percent cut is like most retarded argument since god-knows-when and people already figure out that every distributor takes the same amount. So it's doesn't really matter, you will lose even more money doing it by yourself or not getting enough advertisement to your shit, which will hurt sales even more. That retard doesn't even understand basics of publishing. All this is just to poke around and claim something stupid about someone big to get attention. Valve was changing game industry just by throwing a fart and become best corporation ever. Comparing to other scammers, those people should walk on the water and resurrecting dead.
The ginger girl with the DS
>author name is right there in the pic
dude I know Ben sucks but come on
Get off your fat ass and find out for yourself
Maybe if you didn't have crippling autism you'd understand that even if one person has those opinions in the company doesn't mean everyone holds them. Though that escapes you thus since one person may disagree with that persons opinions within the company they shouldn't publish it at all.
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are people seriously valvedroning or is it just polygon hateboner?
I'm understanding where you're coming from. When I started, I had trouble understanding what I'm supposed to do, messed with some system level files and had to reinstall. The best thing about it is that reinstall takes about 30 mins with all my config files still intact.

For example: Wine should not be installed from the official repos, it's on version 1.6 whereas the latest is 2.5. You should check most programs websites for what is the recommended installation method.

After installing wine .exe files work exactly like on windows except for minor graphical stuff or if the program makes hardware level calls.

He single-handedly destroyed Half-Life franchise and there is no way in hell he can hire the old talent again to make the game.

He knows very well if they ever try to making hl3 it will be ripped to shreds because it didn't hold up to the series.
At least Griffith McElroy and Nick seem to be pure...
Tim can stay for a minute and ponder his career choice, then GTFO
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Wrong title. It should be like this:
"Polygon is not your friend, and Polygon is no healthy fro gaming"
you're naive as fuck if you think the press simply opens up spaces for every joe in there who's got a flavor of the day piece of mind to drop
The creators update is the first time I've had to update my BIOS to make it compatible with a version of windows.
This, Half-Life 3 could literally be the best game in existence and it would still be ripped to shreds because it has the Half-Life name.
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But hey, atleast wannacrypt can work on linux through wine https://mobile.twitter.com/hackerfantastic/status/863359375787925505
>A company is not your friend
WOOOOOOW. You mean Sony and Nintendo aren't my bros? Surely you must be wrong. A lot of people defend companies, and the only reason for that is because they're your buddies.
are gamers the only kind of """"people"""" to befriend corporations?
Valve has it's problems but it's the best platform out there that nobody can compete with. Saying that it's not good for the industry and that it should move over for shit like Origin is retarded though.
I don't think you realize what Windows 10 S is
gog galaxy
>Wow I hate Polygon but this site is kinda autistic
It seems like a full archive for corrupt journalists and what they did to be put on that list with links and descriptions.

Still, lets be honest, all you need to know is to avoid everything related to Polygon, Kotaku and Famitsu as those are the publications that show up in every gaming related controversy.
People give IGN a lot of shit, but fuck me, they are like a pillar of integrity compared to Polygon.
Get used to it. Microsoft is going to force hardware obsolescence so get ready to have to buy new CPUs every 3-4 years because the OS won't support the old ones and it will force itself to update and then be unusable.
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>linking to polygon
Gog is fine but the article brings up Origin like 6 times and gets all buttmad that people say Origin sucks.
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>only retarded redditors ever praised "le lord gabeN xd"

4chan has been on his cock for a long time. I used to get BANNED back in 2012 for criticizing valve. I'm talking week long bans time after time for making threads questioning their business practices.
>[company] isn't your friend
Stopthe presses
same shit is going down in the NeoFag thread, plenty of shills for Origin and Uplay when these are just a poor man's Steam acting as excuse to sell their exclusive EA/Ubisoft games in it that aren't listed on Steam
or in case of uPlay, force you to open it after opening Steam and run their games over both clients
the fact they're bringing this up as a Valve thing specifically with the Summer Sale and E3 right around the corner really activates my almonds
>every person /v/ has sent a giant card to back then has either died or been corrupted into massive faggotry
> polygon

And fuck you OP for directly linking to cancerous clickbait website.
GOG has piss number of games
to be honest, 2012 was a little too early for the sheeple to wake up since valve started "being good" around around 2010
That's true, but linking Polygon is still bannable offense.
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>polygon wants StarFORCE back
god help us all
I just hope you retards stop replying to sales threads literally made by shills to get you to buy garbage you'll never play
Gabe used to be your friend until he discovered everyones a complete retard and hates cool new things.
Now he's a bitter fat guy that wants to extract all resources from every retard possible.
I refuse to believe someone can be good at games on PC but unable to use a controller at all.
I know I'm not
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I stopped doing that ages ago, I only buy jap games now
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B-b-but my games are all locked to my steam ccount, I c-cant just leave steam.

T-this isn't anti consumer or anything, s-steam sales, GabeN lol!!


>The only alternative to Steam is StarFORCE

anon pls
this thread is dying and no one will notice that I want to die, too
take me home country roads
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Get out now while you still can. I'm currently looking for someone to offload my account onto for a bit of coin then I'm done with steam.

I'm done with being abused by this anti-consumer trash.
Gaming is not healthy for people
>Microsoft has an Xbox monopoly
>Sony has a PlayStation monopoly
>Nintendo has a Switch monopoly
Do you realize how dumb you sound?
Steam is literally what killed most DRMs. Publishers want protection for their products, and consumers want an easy place to purchase, store their games in one place and not have to worry about the old annoying shit like tracking down CD keys, the original discs, no cd cracks, patch mirrors, etc.

Steam fixed all of those problems and really isnt a bad DRM. And while starforce was one of the worst, its far from alone on the evil end of DRMs.
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fuck gaben and fuck pc player
nothing is inherently healthy
even breathing and drinking water requires acceptable conditions. drink dirty water or breathe polluted air and you get screwed.
>Valve created and owns PC gaming
Yep this is how I know I'm posting on /v/eddit, home of the nu-PC gamers
This is a good way to put it, yeah. Steam rising to popularity was inevitable. They had the perfect mix of good for producers and good for players.

The best system is one that is good enough for everyone, even if it's also shit for all of them.
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nigger i've been saying valve is shit for years. suddenly all the fanboys are thinking twice because some guy with a job makes an article on the internet.

humans are fucking dumb.
Why should games cost 60€ though? Movies have way bigger budgets and I pay half that for bluray copy and even less when seeing it first month in theatres.
>suddenly all the fanboys are thinking twice
that isn't how it's happening and you know it
No fanboys are reconsidering, nothing can make them reconsider. Everyone else is using the article to wack off what they already knew.
>a monopoly is when a company grows powerful enough to dominate a market that still has a sizable competition but none of them are competent enough to face it despite having craploads of money to do it, specially EA
this is how retarded you sound right now
a market with active competition going on doesn't somehow become a monopoly just because someone grows bigger than the others. claiming so basically boils down to monopoly being simply "he's more successful so it's unfair"
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It's actually super nice here. All the horrible stuff you hear about is an elaborate ruse to try and keep refugees away.
movie budgets go mostly towards CGI, famous actors and advertising, that's why their budgets are so inflated.
games have way more stuff to take care about during development. having all cutscenes "ready" is just half the work to make a game.
If Steam is so bad, what do you suggest we use instead, smartass?
It's a common theme among new linux users to reinstall the OS 4-5 times before they get it right.
Why not just using the Rate the Mod & Donate system?
GOG you dipshit, it's almost as if Steam is the only thing some of you people know
>Previous sales on a 20 year backlog
>Current sale on the last 12 months of games + 20 year backlog

Gee, I wonder why it looks like only a fraction of the discounts is on new games
where are the games though?
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i don't have an answer for you because there really isn't anything else with the popularity and variety that steam has. honestly though, i don't own a lot of games on steam and never have. i was always a console gamer. the only reason i started using steam YEARS AGO, was because it was required in order to play half-life 2. the only games i have and play on steam, are valve games. everything else i buy for my consoles.

i know fanboys don't like to hear this and will attack me with it, but pc gaming is a joke anyway.
Get him diagnosed with diabeetus. I got type 2 two weeks ago and I've already dropped 4kg because I don't want my fucking feet cut off.
still cant believe they uploaded it them self
an entire video of the reviewer shooting at the floor, waling into walls and overall playing like its his first time with a console game
blows my fucking mind
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You are not going to get a DRM free world. GoG only exists because steam is there (atleast not in the state its in today). Sure, you have the very few real publishers who put their new releases on GoG, but about 85% of the releases on GoG is infact old games (originally GoG was about saving old games, finding a place for people to buy said games since it was impossible to do so before, and bringing them up to date enough to play on modern machines) or indie games, and almost all of those indie games are also sold on steam, for higher profit and unit counts, and less piracy.

if publishers didnt have a quick, easy end all be all answer to the DRM problem, most games wouldnt be ported. Steam makes it easy and gives them a sort of peace of mind, which allows them to be a little more lenient and put their games on riskier sites like GoG.

People REALLY forget what the PC landscape was like before steam. Everyone had their own client/website (EA had like 7), everyone had their own DRM (unless it was one of the draconian ones, and people who use that term nowadays REALLY didnt live during those times to see what draconian really looks like), CD keys where being spoofed constantly, there was no central place for patches...

Steam, for all the bad mistakes it had, did FAR better good than any of its worst mistakes (of which there really isnt many), and solved far more problems than it ever created. Anyone remember the absolute horrid shitstains of servicetree, stardock, impulse, D2D, gametap and gamestop online digital gaming service? Yea.
serves you right for stuffing your face and not taking a walk every day, not even asking you to work out to get roided or anything, geez anon you're lazy as fuck
>literally 1/10th of the selection of good games, at best

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Thanks for the encouragement, friendo.
This is a normal console player though
>unless it was one of the draconian ones, and people who use that term nowadays REALLY didnt live during those times to see what draconian really looks like
I remember reading through an old blog at one point recently, and stumbling across them ranting about the original Bioshock PC release. There's a complete shitshow of a DRM thing people don't even discuss today when it comes to stuff like Denuvo or Steam.
>counting the deluge brought upon by greenlight as games


Too many people treat their bodies like they're replaceable toys. It's like, would you buy an expensive car and then put a ton of food and other nasty shit into it? No because it would most likely permanently damage it.

The same analogy can be applied to your body. This shit should be taught in school.
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Need to update my PS Store by Sony to buy my PS Games, but wait! I have to update my system OS to access the store to buy my PS Store Curated by Sony!

>Wow, FFXV Came out! I paid full retail for Day 1 Release of a game with gutted content for DLC down the line
>I guess I need to wait to install these updates'
>Wow, I hate Steam DRM!
Did people forget consoles used to Region Lock you? Or that models aren't backwards compatible for the sole purpose of reselling you old titles? Or that if you want to create a game and releasing on iOS isn't condusive, you literally have no other option than Steam because no one other than Valve has given a single fuck about new developers?

wtf, I hate Valve now!
you don't need encouragement, you need a sarge to scold you back into shape
if you want encouragement just think about keeping your fucking feet
>I refuse to believe someone can be good at playing the piano but unable to play a trumpet at all.
This is how stupid you sound
I trust Valve more than I do Polygon.
... That's what I'm doing. That's how I lost 4kg.

What the fuck did you think I meant by mentioning not wanting to lose my feet?

Backwards compatibility used to be a thing with consoles though. Why did it stop? Many reasons, but mostly because BUSINESSES figured out that they would Jew people out of more money by not including it.

It's going to make a comeback soon though. I can feel it.
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Valve and PC gaming allowed this...
>maybe, but I(and everyone not mentally handicapped) still want everything in one place. i guess gaming will have to suck it.
The majority uses steam because of this very reason. Me for example, I couldn't care less about the other services Steam offers. Buying and storaging games became a trivial affair with Steam.
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>It's going to make a comeback soon though. I can feel it.
exactly, but 4kg isn't enough, it's just the beginning
now stop looking for encouragement and just go. get encouraged by the results instead
i was looking forward to this article and ready to praise polygon for at last doing some decent journalism. i was glad someone was finally going to break the normie zeitgeist of valve/gabe being wonderful. i knew there were lots of contentious points the author could really attack.

then i read it and almost choked on the stench of memes and the simple childlike approach the writer took. i got fooled again. fucking internet bloggers.
That's literally not even the same thing

Good attempt though

Think about it. There's a lot of people out there who still own Playstation 1/2 games, most of which aren't on the PS store and probably never will be. If Sony made a console or at least a variation that cost a little more but allowed people to play older Playstation games on it, they would make lots of MONEY.

It's going to happen. Watch.
GOG is waiting for you.
Sure, when people get tired of being jewed on hard-drive space, they'll make it so that you play your old games, except you'll need to purchase the SONY PLAYSTATION 1 EMULATOR (free with PS+ account!) for $15.00.
You shit shill thread failed earlier today why are you reposting this shit. Dragon dad autistic.
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>It's going to happen. Watch.
>just you wait!
It's almost too funny.
this is a great example why the mockery over "video game journalism lel" is retarded.
even for such an easy field like videogames, you could still make a fool out of yourself even if you've got the most interesting subjects to talk about.

Only $15? Shit, I'd buy it. I have over $500 worth of Playstation 1 games, and even more PS2 games.
the majority of people that still use steam are ironic weebs, they had to write it in a way the retards would understand
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you answered your own question which is the main reason why I stopped gaming on console get sick of re-buying games I already own due. Them wiping people game library when a new console and pay to use online service is released.
Thats a pretty week example anon. If you're good on the piano you can honestly pick up another instrument relatively easily. Its all about practicing and learning necessary skills
>t. Played the piano almost 18 yrs now

Yeah there's good and bad. Just depends on your perspective. I do get tired of the 'everything is trying to kill you' claim. Maybe the rest of the world are just pussies.
You could just keep your old consoles
I've totally given up on the idea after "PS2 Classics" got introduced on PS4 and PS1 games like FF7 got half-assed (((remasters))) for $20.
better luck next time with PS5 in 2020

Not him, but that argument is dumb. What are you going to do when it eventually stops working? You can't buy another. Better hope someone is selling one on ebay.
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Heres some of what you could expect with the old DRM.
>disabled drives (cd/dvd/etc)
>CD key deactivations after 5 inputs
>full scans
>resource hogs (we're talking using almost 2/3rds of your ram for just the DRM)
>deleting files it thought where anti DRM
>stopping other games from launching/crashing other games
fun times
console/emulator you actually need
>8 bits era
>16 bits era
>32 bits era (only emulation)
>arcade system
NT are the kings of not giving a fuck.

This is an actual tourism campaign.
I have a box of old 8-tracks. Are companies obligated to keep producing 8-track players for all time?
>This is an actual tourism campaign.

No it wasn't.

No, but they can make money if they do, which is probably why... they still make them.
This is true for all corporations.
Sure, I mean, that's assuming they'd let you put in your physical discs, and don't sell you super reduced price games over again.

Either way, they'll fuck you over somehow, whether consoles get more expensive because muh harddrives space (which the Emulator or the game files, or the save files will just happen to eat up a bunch of your space), and muh graphic cards are about to be the next gen selling point. I mean, you gotta buy a new one every 4 years


I uh, think Valve could improve a lot with Steam, and I wish they'd fix their games as Developers, but Consoles are literally like owning an iMac that you buy new to play mostly nothing good and gimped. Japanese developers are pretty fucked. They take forever to make 1 single franchise seller and blow tons of money on graphics engines that fucking blow anyway, or they end up like Kojima, who did make good games, but now makes movies for babbies.

People who have never played Metal Gear, or Silent Hill, or ZOE, are hot for Hideo for community meme reasons. This Anti-Valve shit is for community meme reasons.

Good, fuck off.
I'm sorry you wasted $2k building your first gaming PC to realize you want to be a whore on Twitch anyway.
Yes, 12 million weebs.
And only a tiny fraction of them buy Japanese games for some reason.
read it. soapbox: the post
>valve is not your friend
don't care
>valve is a corporation that only cares about financial gain
don't care
>valve is blah blah blah blah
don't care

I find it amusing that the writer of this article claimed that your average PC gamer would care about this shit. Valve could be literally torturing babies and draining their life essence to power their super weapon in an effort to destroy mars, and I still wouldn't care.
you do know what "ironic" means in this context right?
If a game is $25 on Origin/Uplay, $30 on Steam, and $35 on GoG, which would you buy?
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I still have them but issue is accessibility having 6 or 7consoles wired up to your tv. Can get messy even if you manage the cables. Also talking about digital titles that get lost transition to new console hardware or software. Xbox fucked over a portion of my library of downloaded games got wiped and I can't re-download because they don't exist anymore due to being on last gen download market or it did not save the purchase data from last gen meaning I have re buy so fuck that.
I keep mine in the closet and just pull them out when I want to play them, and put them away when I'm done.
I'd wait for a sale
or pirate it if I really wanted to play it ASAP
It's this mentality that make pc winning, and that's a bad thing.
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Steam because it's a matter of convenience at this point.

Besides, I'm not some shekel pinching kike who gets upset over 5 dollars.
If people think valve is a monopoly they are fucking stupid.
>assuming price is the only factor in which people by a product

>Not considering all the other service you can get with it.

>Not considering that people don't want to download 4 different storefront clients just to get a game 5$ cheaper.
>12 million

Oh please. There aren't even that many people using Steam. Most of those accounts are just duplicates anyway.
real numbers are closer to 2 millions at best (we're talking about pc aftera all...)

Nah. Setting up an emulation program and everything else is even more annoying than just taking your own console out of the closet.

I mean, both are annoying as fuck, but the latter is definitely less annoying.

If these companies just introduced a way for people to play their older games on the newest piece of technology available, they would make bank. Kinda like what they're doing with the PSPro. Want better graphics? Just buy this console. They should do that with backwards compatibility.
12 million is the peak active concurrent daily users on Steam. Steam has 125 million accounts registered.
fake accounts
>Steam has 125 million accounts registered.

More than half of those are duplicates. Imagine if Valve gave people the ability to close/delete their Steam account. They won't though for that exact reason, the fake popularity benefits them.
Do you get a lot of pussy because of your piano playing?
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. You can count on me.
This article is at least 5 years late since not even riddit thinks Gaben is their friend anymore after he tried to push Paid Mods with Todd.

EA sure as fuck aren't anything but a bunch of corporate suits who do nothing but buy devs to churn out pure garbage using their name on the box to guarantee sales, milk you for every last red cent they can with microtransactions/DLC, and then bury the dev in a shallow grave when it stops working.

GOG probably inherited the "Friendly Gaben" crown but even those poles aren't your buddies, for one they have very few recent titles and for two they tried to sue some grandma in Germany for pirating Witcher 2 or some shit.

I personally have over 8 Steam accounts since I've started using it in 2004, and it's not because I'm a filthy cheater (don't ask).
123 million fake accounts.
>moving the goalposts
The poster said there were barely 12 million accounts on Steam. There are more than those. I admit a large amount of the 125 million could be inactive, but to say there are barely 12 million when Steam peaks at 12 million active accounts a day is a lie.
what about bots? They could purposely inflate the numbers to make PC gaming look good.

I've never seen it break 10 million let alone 12. What exactly are these people doing? Because they're certainly not playing games.
This is why I game on console.
None of that shit.
Oh sweet, naive anon
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League of Legends reportedly has over 100 million active daily players. Why is it so hard to believe Steam has 12 million?
>100 million

Total bullshit.
fake numbers
It's almost social media for the steam community. My brother is on it literally 24/7, and I have the Steam app on my phone to message him because I know he'll actually read it.

There's 2 people right there with steam accounts, actively on steam, not playing a game. Steam automatically logins anyway. I'm more interested to know what the parameters for "active" is. If it's just people connected to the Network, I believe 12 million active users number.

>People bitch about what happened to TF2
>have no idea how huge and worse DotA2 is


HotS is alive.
>League of Legends reportedly has over 100 million active daily players
yeah..... if it was available on console.
I did say reportedly.

Not an argument.
>I did say reportedly.
>Steam reporting their own numbers
so fishy
If you'd read the post you'd know I was referring to League, but you're just being wilfully ignorant.
>being able to refund your games

Only after they lost that court case in Australia. Having to go through litigation shouldn't be a pre-requisite for customer service/protections/rights.
Said no one ever.
>League of Legends reportedly has over 100 million active daily players

outright lie from riot, game never had more than about 15 million. and that wasn't daily players, that was monthly players.

Delusional much? That's my logic too. Anyone who thinks Valve is going to give everyone some type of key to unlock all their games before they go under is a huge idiot.
>They should do that with backwards compatibility.
>Either way, they'll fuck you over somehow, whether consoles get more expensive because muh harddrives space (which the Emulator or the game files, or the save files will just happen to eat up a bunch of your space), and muh graphic cards are about to be the next gen selling point. I mean, you gotta buy a new one every 4 years

It's always going to be a Numbers Game, and it has been since the PS2. The PS2 was the best value home entertainment system you could get. You got a NEW Game Console, DVD Player, MP3 CD Player. with the ability to add Internet, $300. Backwards Compatible with almost any PS1 game you wanted.

$300 > $700 > $400, It's going to be >$650
good job using the best gateway instrument in your analogy

I feel like I'm the only one who never had a problem with the original PS3. Sure, it was $600, but look at what you were getting. A free blu-ray player, and a way for you to play PS1/2 games on top of the newest shit.

Oh well. It's history now.

I read through the article, if you read between the lines it's an advertisement piece for EA's Origin. A good chunk of the article goes on about how EA's Origin was demonized only because they were EA, not addressing the fact they were pushing some shady ass business tactics and their EULA was asking for complete unfiltered access to your computer data/information.

The author of this, or the publication/editor is a cuck who is taking a direct cut from Valve's competitors. There's nothing in this piece that offers any solution or dialogue to any concrete problems Valve's marketplace has.

This is shit journalism that's focused on identifying real problems with Valve, without giving real facts and reasoning as to the actual cause of these problems.

>tl;dr this is a hit piece hired by angry Valve competitors. The journalist in this case is a fucking sell out.
>kids are like 16
>come here and trash valve and steam

most of you wouldn't have been able to into pc gaming without steam.

wannh! it's too hard!

i certainly sure as fuck don't miss the days of downloading 4 patches from 7 different sites because half them are swedish versions or 1.01->1.1 instead of 1.02->1.1. But you kids don't know anything about that, do you?

Steam is literally the best thing that ever happened to video games
>Game requires both steam and Uplay running to launch

This says it all. I really couldn't put it better myself.

I remember that and I still don't like Steam. We did not need Steam in order to fix that. Could've just made a website that offered the latest patch for every game. Not hard.
I don't think you understand what the word "free" means and no form of backwards compatability is worth a $200 premium even if its hardware based.
There are plenty of genuine reasons to dislike steam and modern valve but polygon are colossal fuckheads who shouldn't be given the time of day.
Ausfag here too, I never buy from steam, I always use g2play or similar. The prices are just so much better.

At the time, you could buy a standalone blu-ray player for the same price as a $600 PS3. So to me it may as well been free.

And I think emulation for both the PS1 and PS2 was worth the $200 especially since I own a lot of games from those gens.
But not all PS1/2 games at launch, until they decided to go ahead and do it anyway with later models. Also, Blu-Rays were a far cry from the industry-standard that was DVDs. DVDs were no where near what Blu Rays costs, and even the fucking normie Best Buy DVD Set guy wasn't really quick to buy Blu-Ray versions of their DVD Shit.

I swear console gamers are retarded. They will literally buy the same thing over and over and over again. I love plugging in my old consoles, and I have an extra space that I can keep them out and plugged into a CRTV, but when I move, I'm not taking the TV with me and at this point, I've been carrying around 2.5 containers full of old consoles and discs for nostalgia.

And that's for games I actually enjoy, unlike PS3 and on games. There's a few great exceptions, but then what? I need more machines to drag around with me until I fucking die?

The Steam model is literally what Sony and Xbox should do instead of making their shit fucking consoles. Let that go 3rd Party.
>No, money.

That anyone complains about Steam but buys new consoles is mindblowing. Consumer Gymnastics at their finest.
>direct link to polygon

proof that vox employees shill their articles here to farm for hateclicks.

i hope you slip and crack your skull OP. mad unfunny nerd writing for a site staffed entirely by mad, unfunny nerds
>And I think emulation for both the PS1 and PS2 was worth the $200
then you're a moron since the ps2 had backwards compatability and didn't cost anywhere near as much despite being practically the only affordable DVD player at the time.

Anyone who tries to rationalize the PS3's launch price after having seen what it did to Sony is an immense idiot.
>Could've just made a website that offered the latest patch for every game

it was called fileplanet and it cost $15/mo to not download at 100k/sec anon. that was your alternative.

I'm sure third party sites would have worked out great with game patches frequently topping several gb now

No, no. You have that backwards. The early models offered complete backwards compatibility, the later models offered not as much BC, and even later they removed it all together.
Normies never cared when this happened with their games onf their phones.
Normies play multiplayer games on console anyway.
Who the fuck beside hardcore Steam haters actually say "I just rent a game with Steam!"?

I payed $400 for my launch PS2. How much did you pay?
>At the time, you could buy a standalone blu-ray player for the same price as a $600 PS3. So to me it may as well been free.

except the bluray player was meaningless to everyone. dvd was a generational media type, the media type that followed is streaming video, not blu-ray. blu-ray never mattered, at all. I do not even remember ever having watched a single one.

Ps2 was not "practically the only affordable dvd player" by any means
Not him but you overpaid by $100 unless you live in Canada or something.
Valve's gonna die and all your gaem are gonna disappear any second now I swear
This year's the year
maybe next tho
Wow I hate valve now!
I log-in to orig-in now!

People with not many games in their Steam account aka me? The only games I have/buy on Steam are Valve games, because why not.
Sure and the PS3 was not the only affordable blu-ray player by any means.
Your mom on the other hand.....
also tim cries about people not liking origin without mentioning gog cause people lliking gog completely torpedoes his point


If Sony was smart, they would've done what they did now, and simply made a model without the BC. It wouldn't been a lot cheaper, and the people who cared about BC would've been satisfied.

But Sony is retarded so that never happened.

Nope, but I do live in Jew York so maybe that had something to do with it.
Almost nobody who cares about BC is going to pay an entire 1/3rd extra just for BC.

I did. Was I the only one? Whoa, I feel really special now.
So do I and you still got ripped off. Even chipped PS2s were going for less than that.
>Pokemon Go's new event sends adventurers out looking for fossils

why are they pretending that there is anything new at all and its just a number bump/spawn rate change the same as every other ''''''''event'''''' so far
Aren't krauts dragging Valve through courts 24/7 for their anti-consumer garbage?

I guess KBToys ripped me off then.
There's a small handful of people who know what DRM is, and then there's console autsist REEEtards that use that term, despite crying about piracy being so wrong!!!

They don't even remember when it stopped you from even playing. I said it before, and I'll say it again: They idiolized PC gaming thanks to Yahtzee MayMays back in 200whatever and now that they ordered their Pre-Buildt PC to be cool, they realize they actually don't want to play games and genres popular on PC.

So VALVE is EVIL!!! H-Here, Sony! I Pre-Ordered my Day 1 Release for the Pre-Order Bonus from GameStop! Y-yeah! Fuck Steam!
No you paid for the PS3 since there was no cheaper SKU without BC when the console launched.
Yep they sure did.


Do you even hear yourself? I payed for it because it's something that I wanted. I was one of the people who scolded them when they removed BC later on. They never should've removed it. Like I said before, they should've done what they did with the PS4Pro. Simply offer an alternative for people with less money.
Fileplanet had already died by the time I finally got ADSL ;_;
Do you hear YOURSELF? You bought a PS3 when there was no option to buy one without BC. So you can't sit here and claim you made a choice to buy a PS3 just for the BC alone. There was literally no other option.

Again, almost nobody is going to pay a fucking premium that 1/3rd extra just for BC functionality.
>I swear console gamers are retarded
>proceeds to show they have absolutely no clue how things actually went
Playstations a bad one to rag on anyway, because every single time it's had BC, it was because it actually had the previous console inside of it to handle to running of the game. Which then got removed in later models.

It's really Nintendo that has the problems, and even then it's mostly because of actual changes to the media being used. Are we just supposed to stay on the old standards to allow all the old carts to fit into the new systems? On the other hand, VC not being universal across all systems that can handle it is fucking retarded. And why doesn't the WiiU allow you to play GC games, despite it actually being able to do so? They didn't even try to squeeze you for GC VC.

Digital only really became a viable thing for all games with this last gen or so. Not to mention now that architectures probably won't be doing dumb shit between each gen with that "Power of the Cell" nonsense. Every gen before now has had either major architecture changes or major media changes when BC got prevented. It wasn't even a thing with home consoles until the GC/PS2 era.

I wanted BC. It wasn't an issue for me.

That's fine and all, but stop defending their decision to completely remove a feature that a lot of people cared for.
I am very good with a mouse and keyboard but whenever I use a controller in FPS games I get dumped on by everyone.

Still much better than the polygon review but the point stands.
>I wanted BC. It wasn't an issue for me.
Because there was no other option. You had to get a PS3 with BC because they didn't sell a model without one at that time.
And at no point did I defend the decision to remove BC, I am literally telling you that charging $200 for the feature is beyond fucking retarded when its base functionality in almost every other console that has it. Learn to fucking read.
>You're reviewing a videogame as your job
>If you can't handle the console version, give the review to someone who can.

That's not how it works. You're given the game you will review and that's it. What you like / dislike is rarely taken into consideration when the games that need to be reviews are divvied up.
the point with the polygon review is that it looks like they're playing with one foot and thats it
seriously, valve and steam are great
>dur steam drone
i wish you had some real reason to hate valve, but it just seems so stupid
And then you tell your editor that you'll make the company look bad and that the review will be awful and he'll give the gameplay job to someone else if your business isn't a complete shitshow

Okay, that's fine. But why do you keep saying that I bought it simply because there was no other option? I would've done so even if there was, because I wanted BC, I don't care if the price was outrageous.

At this point, I'd rather Sony charge an outrageous price just so I can have BC again than to pay for games that I already own physical copies of.
>That's not how it works.
Actually thats exactly how it works. The review editor is responsible for deciding who gets to review games, giving a console shooter to someone who doesn't know how to play console shooters is a major fuck up on their part.

What they most likely did was have one of their junior video staff capture footage for them so the reviewer didn't have to. Polygon's video staff probably couldn't give a fuck about games. Not that any of their writers really do.
>seriously, valve and steam are great
Nice argument you presented there...
You should have gone for the food analogy /v/ loves. Its much easier.

>I refuse to believe someone can be good at making apple pies but unable to make creampies.
I'm literally playing games I bought on Steam in the PS2 era.

Digital has always been viable, just not as profitable as selling a console + game system.

>At this point, I'd rather Sony charge an outrageous price just so I can have BC again than to pay for games that I already own physical copies of.

Right, which makes you guys the literal retards funding the shittiest consumer market (consoles) and keeping prices unnecessarily high. You'll pay AN OUTRAGEOUS PRICE for the privilege of playing games, when it was a feature they included "No Duh" in the PS2?
>But why do you keep saying that I bought it simply because there was no other option?
Because its a demonstrable fact. You bought a PS3 to play PS3 games, don't pretend you decided to pay extra for BC when they literally did not sell one without it at that time. And if you don't care if the price is outrageous why the fuck are you arguing with me when my entire argument is that nobody would pay for the functionality because of the fucking price? The fuck is wrong with you?
>I'd rather Sony charge an outrageous price just so I can have BC again than to pay for games

whats the point when you're not saving any money? you clearly don't care about price value
people were perfectly capable of precise aiming and headshots and whatever across three generations of halo. fuck off

No, actually it just means I'm willing to go the extra mile however stupid if it means Sony will listen to my pleas, which they probably won't but for the sake of argument let's say they do.

Please remember that these are businesses.

You know, I'm not good at FPSs at all but I can take solace in two things - I'm better than your average girlfriend and I'm not Arthur Gies.
>it just means I'm willing to go the extra mile
>Please remember that these are businesses.

christ kid

I am saving money since I own a lot of games. $200 for BC let's say, when I have more than 4 games which were initially $50 each. It's worth it.
you admitted the price would be outrageous so you clearly don't care about saving money. and no $200 is not worth BC functionality for anyone with a brain.
>Please remember that these are businesses.

So is Steam and they managed not to bend you over and fuck your wallet, you dumbie. Jesus Christ.

That's fine, but I do think it's worth it.
2010 is precisely when Valve turned into complete dogshit though, that was around the time of Engine Update which eventually riddled TF2 with hats and DLC and caused quality of the game to plummet

That was also the beginning of Valve seeing just how much their users would pay for less and less 'content' and putting more and more restraints on gear like seasonal exclusives and retarded garbage that has since become the standard

Not me since I don't own a lot of games on Steam. Less than five.
you're in the extreme minority
most people are not going to touch a $600 PS4 that plays older Playstation games, which is no surprise sony hasn't done it. and im sure you'll say sony is retarded despite the playstation division being extremely profitable especially compared to when sony was losing literally billions of dollars during the era they were selling the BC ps3 only
Can't we just go back to the old days where playing videogames just made you that one loser kid.
That's why I only play Nintendo games.
>pokemon go is still chugging along

didn't it die out like within the first 2 months? it completely vanished within half a year
>427 replies
>no pastebin
>no archive

and they say nu-/v/ isn't real
nope, video games are now chic and cool and also progressive and we need to drive out all the hateful incel gamers out of the market so we can sell more app-based microtransactions

Proof? Anyway, I find that really hard to believe. You're going to sit there and tell me people will pay $450 for a slight increase in graphics but a variation with full BC would just be a waste of time?

That's funny.
there are reasons to be concerned in the long term-- steam's monopoly is so absolute that they can basically do as much anti-consumer shit as they want, cuz nobody is gonna choose morals over their game library
Faults of a Developer/Publisher to visual gore the games up with gaudy cosmetics. Unfortunately, There was obviously a huge, huge interest for it. Games became free, cosmetics never effected gameplay.

I still miss Cosmetic-Free TF2 every fucking day but clearly MANY people enjoyed the micro-economy.

Valve is not my favorite developer.
Steam, however, for so many reasons mentioned above, is fucking fine and the kind of DISTRIBUTION model, where even shithead Indie Devs can release their games and reach the same audience as AAA Publishers. Steam has many subgenre of games alive, where as they have NO market presence on console.

Right because you're an idiot (sorry, it's true) whose repeatedly paying money every generation for the privilege of playing your older games, if the Physical Disc is supported. If it's not, you're buying your game again on a new console.
this thread again... man, cucksites are really desperate for clicks.
there was a nice 2 day period this week where it seemed like mods were doing their job and /v/ was actually pleasant to browse

then they went back to not doing their jobs and everything reverted instantly

I don't buy games that I already own unless they're remasters. Please stop with the assumptions.
he has brought truth and you condemn it? the arrogance
The PS4 Pro isn't $450 retard. It hasn't sold anywhere near as much as the base PS4 and the reason you find it hard to believe even less people would pay $600 for a BC PS4 is because you are delusional and barely literate.


Whatever you say. I've grown tired of this argument.
>unless they're remasters
In other words you buy games you already own.
Cool, even the Remasters come out for certain generation machines, which may or may not be supported in the next console generation.

And then you'll buy the GOLD PLATINUM 2019 ABSOLUT COLLECTION. You're getting sold your nostalgia, repackaged and you're literally saying that it's fine, but it's cancer.
I'd be tired of the argument too if I was losing as badly as you just did.
Dont forget about this same thread already created and still active

Mods probably just leave these threads freely since polygon shares the same ideology as them

I never said it was fine. Remasters aren't even the topic here. Are you okay, anon?

Wanna know how I know you're a liberal?

Also, here's some sand for your eyes.

Maybe if you weren't literally brain damaged and could actually carry on on the other half of it, the argument would be more exciting.
>Valve: uh from our sales data it shows that single player games tend to die off quickly and don't make as much money as multiplayer games in the long run therefore fuck you stupid losers we aren't making anymore single player games.

where were you when fat shit gabe ruined everything and forgot what it was like to be human instead of a fat blob. He gave up taking risks and just wants to permanently leave the company in a no risk safe environment, why doesn't he just come out and say he has no confidence in his company that they can ever do anything without him once gabe is dead.
You know I used to think you guys were bullshitting but I can't play any mp game without someone calling me a tryhard.
are you asking proof of a hypothetical or proof that the playstation division is profitable now and they lost billions of dollars when they were selling the PS3 with BC
>clearly MANY people enjoyed the micro-economy.
Here's the thing though.

Games like TF2, CSGO and Overwatch use psychological tricks and subtly goad the player into spending money without even registering that they're doing so. Valve pioneered many of these tactics through focus testing and good business and economic sense, which is how you end up with players like that one guy who had like four HOUWARs and was addicted to having every rare item and rare effect.

Like with OW I have seen many people argue that the crates are okay because they are purely cosmetic-- and because you can earn enough points in-game that you don't *need* to pay.

But these excuses clearly don't matter in the slightest, or hold any water, since the crates alone still generated $180m for OW in less than a year. Because as long as the *option* is there to spend money, idiots *will* even if they don't have to. And companies like Valve have helped train us this way
>actually carry on on

Oh okay now it's a hypothetical. You should've stated that initially. At least you're learned your lesson now, right?
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>get demolished in the argument
>call your opponent political names in a non political argument

congrats on the self own btw
>reaching so far as to point out mistypes
Really struggling for anything to grasp onto, eh shitposter?
Or maybe it's a fucking given since there is no PS4 with BC. Maybe you should learn how to fucking read.

Look again. The base model is cheaper. Also Best Buy used to charge $450 for the Pro. It came down in price.

So you're saying I should stop taking stupid people seriously?
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>Included Free: 2 Items
what's the free shit it comes with?

A movie and Geek Squad support.
>Look again. The base model is cheaper
Who the fuck said it wasn't? Are you literally retarded?
>Also Best Buy used to charge $450 for the Pro. It came down in price.
You're a bad liar and a dumb cunt.


Q: When will PS4 Pro be available, where, and for how much?
>PS4 Pro will launch in the US and Canada on November 10 for a suggested retail price of $399.99 USD
Its funny because they talk about the cut they get but consoles are even worse Actual devs get probably 30% themselves on consoles
he's saying you're a stupid person, which you would understand if you weren't so stupid.

Wow, you can read. Congrats, anon.
Why do we have two threads of this shit?
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>Polygon discovering the BASED GABEN meme

Those guys are 6 years late.
Nobody believes that anymore outside of a few PCMustardRace Redditors
>subtly goad the player into spending money without even registering that they're doing so.
Completely false in every way, even with Overwatch. In Valve Economy, it was ALWAYS clear that you were loading your Steam Wallet with Funds from an account to Purchase a cosmetic. There's literally nothing low-key about it.

My point is, this is what people wanted anyway. People bitch about how steam treated Modders, when they've literally been taking profits from Community Modders the whole time.

I don't like it the Cosmetics. You don't either. But especially with Valve, since gameplay is not affected, why is it bad to cater to such a large community who do enjoy it? This is the reality of online multiplayer games, people want to customize. I'll always be pissed Valve shit on their aesthetic to be ricey, and again, they are awful as a Developer, but they created an entire micro economy, and never "tricked" players into participating.

I think a lot of people feel foolish for spending so much and now want to blame anyone but themselves for being such total faggots.
Still Valve is not to bad with that 30% cut honestly
Why does it have to be this way.
I like how you are still trying to one up me after having fucked up multiple times ITT. Just concede and fuck off already

How so? I'm not the one throwing around insults. ;)
Except for when you called me a liberal. Please keep doubling down on your retardation.

Liberal is an insult now? Anyway that was after the 'argument' had ended.
did you even read the article or just parrot opinions you heard on /v/
>Wanna know how I know you're a liberal?
I'm sure that was meant as a complement.
Also if the argument had ended then why did you continue to argue over the price of the Pro?

Why are you still replying? You've lost every single argument so far including the one you're trying to have now.
as opposed to parroting opinions on polygon?
why the fuck should anyone read their garbage

Because why not?
>Imagine if Valve gave people the ability to close/delete their Steam account

i think steam support could close it

but honestly, i doubt even 1% of people would bother to close their steam account if it was a single click away
No really, why are you still replying? Do you just get off on losing arguments and being retarded?
A more akin comparison would be someone that plays a piano should also be able to play an electric keyboard decently.


Because why not???

There are objectively bad video games.
Financial success doesn't take precedent over quality,

>It's a lefty cum rag tells people they are too stupid to make their own decisions so should outsource those decisions to twitter blue ticks who practice good think, while begging for paetron bux episode.

>Jealous much?
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because I read it and its saying what a lot of people on /v/ think now
Its sums up really well how valve has been turning into a greedy kike over the past few years
It even tells people to stop spouting steam sale memes to market for them

I miss the days when I had physical copies of games taking up space and 5 year old games were still full price.
>He gave up taking risks
what do you call the steam machines, steam controller and the vive
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>Its sums up really well

No it doesn't. His article vastly over simplifies what valve actually contributes and is written in Mad Nerd Purple Prose. It just reads like it was written through clenched teeth with tears welling. I mean half of Polygon's articles do. But this especially. Half this article is Colwill just screaming at people who like valve which makes sense cause screaming at people who play games is all he does. He also also cries about people not liking origin without mentioning GOG cause people liking GOG completely torpedoes his point. Valve definitely has problems, especially with insisting fanwork/automation can do everything and lack of QC but this polygon article sucks major dicks and so do you for defending them.
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pretty kawaii
so do I, and unlike you, I'm being genuine in saying this, there will be a day there is nobody left that remembers how it feels to actually own a game that you have purchased
>You le don't own your game on le Steam!!!

They are called failures.
I'll have the last laugh when valve collapses under its own weight and shuts everything down
Even those trying to do "good" always ends up acting like cunts. They have this self-imposed moral high-ground that and they would berate everyone on the other side of the fence without thinking of other points of views.
Damn. You got rekt, son
Even if the person was used to playing FPS on PC and had no idea how to play on a controller, anyone who has any idea how to play would have attempted to back away from the enemy rather than standing right next to it and getting the crap kicked out of them.
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>just you wait!!
the 30% cut is nearly identical to retail + distribution cost for physical console games. And this is before licencing fees to console companies. In fact I'm almost certain that the big 3 take the same 30% cut for game digitally sold on consoles.
It won't. At this point even if Valve goes bankrupt someone will buy Steam from them.
Nope. Think of this Valve=1 thingy to spendy money on Console=Xbox, Sony (nintendo) and then physical copies, like c'mon man.
looking forward to EA or Ubisoft (read Vivendi) buying them out then, sounds like a fate worse than death
You're missing licensing costs. Distribution became irrelevant a long time ago due to the fact that all major publishers either make agreements directly with retailers or have their own distribution divisions.
the day this """happen""", all your cartridge and cd would be dead since a very long time.
keep on waitin'
>maybe, but I(and everyone not mentally handicapped) still want everything in one place.

But that is the definition of mentally handicapped. You have to have everything on the one DD service you are used to and refuse to use any other. That is pants on head retarded.
My Method of buying and storing games has allowed me to play that game that I bought once multiple times on any Computer I login into Steam with, and has been that way since the day I purchased that game.

I don't need to buy new hardware to support it, I don't pay to subsidize this "feature" in newer gen consoles to support it, I can access my game anywhere on any PC, as long as I login.

I can give my friend my Steam info and they can play for free. Even Better, I can steam share and they don't even have to log out of their account to play my games.

>This is pants on head retarded to console gamers
And that's why I have been pirating all the games I actually own, my dumbkopf friend :^)
>Gabe was doing a good job losing weight for a while
>Put it all back on and then some
Just give the man some dnp or some shit.
>buy battlefield
>buy dlc for it
>log in to find out that i no longer have battlefield on my account
>call support to ask what the fuck
>"yea i see that there is no battlefield on your account, is there anything else i can help? goodbye"
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