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>go to friend's house to play some vidya >his

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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>his parents start fighting
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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>his girlfriend starts yelling at him
>go to friend's house to fight parents
>start playing vidya
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>go to friend I haven't seen in a while for a party, chill out and play some vidya
>suddenly everyone else starts doing shrooms
>"Uh hey should I come back at another time?"
>"What? Nah, it's ok. This happens all the time."
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>mfw I join in and win
>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>realize you're a bigger faggot than he is
>in voice chat with friend playing some vidya
>he starts fighting with his parents

Time and a place for video games, and my friend seemed not to understand that.
>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>their parents use this as an opportunity to get free labor
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>go to a friend's house to play vidya
>actually play vidya and have fun
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>know a kid you don't like that much and his house is filthy because he lives with his single mother and she is never home
>hes also slightly autistic and has no friends
>but he has X system and you don't, and you want to play that one new game so you hangout with him anyways
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A kid once invited me when his parents weren't at home. When they returned, they got mad at him and I was told to leave. I heard him screaming aloud as I was getting away from their house.
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>Go to friends house to play vidya
>Get froggy styled in the ass

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>go to friends house for vidya
>Make out with his high school sister in the bathroom while he smooched her friend
The sleepovers were awesome
>stay overnight at friends house
>pee in bed

i was 14
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>go to friend's house to play vidya
>can hear his sister getting fucked by their dad through the wall
>go to friends house to play some vidya
>start doing gay shit
>stay overnight at friends house
>cream the bed
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>kid raised by a single mother comes over to my house
>spits gum on my carpet as he is leaving but i see it and pick it up before it dries

>friend invites you over to his house to play video games
>his brother with a criminal record sets his wall on fire with a bottle of axe and a lighter

>friend invites you over to his house
>his dad takes off his belt and starts beating him because he let his neighbors borrow a shovel
I went to one friends house and I HAD TO STACK WOOD ALL DAY FOR $0 WHY I DONT LIVE THERE
kindly decline and enjoy the show

made me kek
I didn't have friends when I was younger, it was very lonely. Is it sad my dog was my best friend?
Nope, cause your dog will always be there for you
>go to friend's house
>friend has arguement with dad over how he doesn't love him
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go on.
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>Dog invites you over to his house
>Can't fit inside and there's no door
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>go to friends house
>his baby starts crying and his girlfriend starts yelling
>end up just sitting there watching netflix for a few hours while he goes and deals with it

And they wonder why I never want to hangout
>my friends go to my house
>one of them is moving so he stole all my games
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>be me about 15
>playing Saints Row at friend's house
>his big brother and mom start screaming at eachother throughout the house
>hear smashing sound from upstairs and then his mom starts shrieking at him to get the fuck out of her house
>friends sadly plugs his ears and closes his eyes as we just sit there with the game idling
>eventually police arrive and demand to see his big brother's hands because they think he might have hit her
>turns out he threw the toaster through the window
>the sheer absurdity of that action combined with the serious and dark gravity of my best friend's mother and brother being torn apart right there and then made me start nervously giggling while my friend tried to block everything out
>brother gets kicked out of the house
>decide not to play Saint's Row anymore
thats a big gif
>go to white friend's house
>he gets mad at the game and smashes his controller
i hate it when this happens
>go to black friend's house
>_________lol jk__________
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>Go to friends house
>Wait till he falls asleep
>Jerk off to his mothers panties
makes me wish i was a kid again
>go to friend's to play vidya
>one of his friends you don't really know is over too
>he takes the vidya way too seriously and ruins everyone's good time
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>go to friends house
>Their families loaded and they have tons of cool shit
>friends mom catches you in the older sister's room smelling her dirty panties

Actually happened
>Tell friend how badly I want to play persona 5 but can't because I'm a poorfag and I don't have a ps4/3
>He buys persona 5 with his money
>invites me without telling me
>I told him that it is cool that he picked up the game but it is not a good game to play together
>He gets offended since he bought the game so we could play
>He still doesn't talk to me

What should I tell him /v/? Was I really that of a dick?
>go to black friend's house
>he gets mad that he has no games and smashes your controller
Yeah dude. Just play the game with him.
>Go to friend's-

Stopped readin right there
Jerk off to the waifus together

I must also say that he is a CoD/WWE/FIFA gamer only. He also doesn't know much about anime (other than dbz and naruto)

Also, even if he was the most weeabo gamer with the best taste in the world. In my opinion persona 3 and 4 wouldn't have given me the same emotions if I had played it with a friend.
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>go to friend's house
>his parents fucking die
>go to friend's...
Right, I don't have friends.

>go to white friends house
>"Anon you need to wash these dishe--"
>"Mom I'm not washing those dishes, I didn't use any of them!"
>"O-ok anon"
>"Damnit she's such a lazy bitch"
>Stare blankly and continue playing vidya

>Go to black friend's house
>"Anon you betta clean this damn kitchen, I done told you bout this twice already."
>"Aight ma."
>help friend clean kitchen
>go back to playing vidya

>visit /v/ later that day
>shrug and shitpost about FNAF

Fucking white folks.
>friends visit you to play vidya
>they´re actually friends of your brother, not friendly with you and remind you of that every time they can
>you end up fighting with them but still convince yourself that you have a great time even tho you end up physically fighting them
>go to bed reassured that you are atleast physically stronger than them
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>invite friend over
>a few hours later we are told that his mother died shortly after he left
To be fair he should have researched whether or not the game was a multiplayer or not in the first place.
Yeah I agree this one shitty dysfunctional white household and this one decent black household proves that whites are colonialist murderous asswipes and blacks are kings with psychic powers
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>Go over to best friends to play the vidya
>End up sucking his dick
>go to friend's house
>mom only allows us to play 1 hour and to go outside
>we both went on to play soccer in college and we were never fucking fat since middle school

Only went to his house like once every 3 months, fucking single moms making rules because they failed
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>friend comes over to play vidya
>parents start fighting

Every fucking time

I couldn't have people over without out them doing it
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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>he gets real touchy asking if you've ever had wierd feelings about other boys
sounds like that mom was actually giving a shit you entitled fuck
Hey now, isn't anecdotal evidence the end all be all of fact corroboration on this site?
>go to friend's house to play vidya
>steal r4 and ds that he stole from his classmate.
>never went to his house again.
How is your friend doing now? Blocking out those kind of things can really fuck you up.
>he punches his gf
yes and your favorite game is shit because I said so
>go to friends house
>start playing vidya
>his mom makes us pb sandwiches and protein shakes
>just before bedtime he gets into a yelling match with his mom while I autistically watch in silence
>Come to friends house play games
>Fall through trap door and into dungeon

I hate when this happens
>Go hang out with lifelong best friend
>He doesn't talk to you once, just texts his girlfriend while you awkwardly try to start a conversation with him
Well, it was fun while it lasted I guess.
>be black
>go to white friends house
>play robocop vs terminator
>his mother fucks my brains out and gives him money/vidya
Basically me but with summer camp instead.
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>go over to friend's house
>his parents make sure the door to his room is always open, check on us constantly

The fuck?
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>That friend who is still a fucking horny teenager well into his early 30s and thinks it's his god damn destiny to masturbate like five times a day and publically announce he does, as well as bragging about how he's done it at our houses and used to do it under his desk when we were in school

...Sometimes I wonder why we still hang out with him
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>Go to friend's house to play vidya.
>Friend's parents start trying to matchmake us together romantically.
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>stay the night at friend's house
>friend's parents make him do chores most of the evening
>he gets in trouble for not doing a good enough job
>go to friend's house to play vidya
>his sister sticks her smelly feet in my face
>Go to friend's house to play some vidya
>His wife makes some food
>Serves me the food and beer.
>We all play vidya and have great conversation.
Had the same experience but replace white with hispanic and black with white.
>anon's dad goes and makes bird houses in the cuck shed while you plough anon's mom
>anon starts calling you his real dad
god damn I love being black
until he dies

haha dogs r dumb
Ive never had any real friends. all of mine are online friends
hey man even if you feel like theres noone to talk to atleast you got us 8)
Those count too, anon.
>say fuck it and lick her toes anyway
>she gets grossed out and bitchy
if you don't want your delicious feet licked and sucked then you'd better not fucking put them in my face, you dumb slut
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>friend comes to my house to play vidya
>dad is raping my sister upstairs
>have to tell him that the noises are from a tv show my mom watches
Were you homeschooled?
just let him ream you boipussy for the game
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>spend night at friends house playing vidya
>wakes me up at 5am to help him with his paper route
we were already athletic tan af monkeys, going outside only made us more orange. Our senior pics looks like we had spray tans. His sister was a goth girl who played guitar in the house, she literally did nothing. She started smoking in high shcool zozzle
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You're probably meming but I had a fucking situation like that

>Went on a foreign exchange trip back in high school
>One of the girls on my trip and I hit it off
>Turns out it was the daughter of my mom's old coworker
>"Omg anon this is destiny you two were totally meant for each other!"
>Constantly tried to push us together
>Any time I had a bad relationship she would be like "see this is why you need to date anon-ette"
>After like six years of this shit I tried dating her
>She's a bitch and drove me insane, dumped her
>"I never liked her anyway anon"
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>go to friends house to play vidya
>treating me delicately the whole time i'm there, makes me food and shit
>tell him to join in, says "I just wanna watch" with a dumb smile on his face
>leave after a while because he was acting weird, not realizing he was just nervous as fuck
>move away and realize that i really fucking miss him
God fucking damn it, why did I have to realize im a homo AFTER leaving?
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>go to black friends house
>he gets mad at the game and starts speaking in ebonics
But I don't get to go to their house and play video games with them.

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If little shit like that fucks you up I'm a walkimg time bomb
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>Only ever had one black friend
>He lived in a borderline mansion and his family was cool
He probably got annoyed by me fast but we had some good times
Watched Monsters Inc (which embarrassingly made me cry) and went to Six Flags
No, evidence is for fags

Just take the popular opinion/idea and spout the opposite of that
>dog as your best friend for most of your childhood
>dies before you reach 18 and now you're left all alone with no social interaction skills whatsoever and emotional baggage
shit sucks

>anon's friends dad always has to go to the cuck shed once the mom finds out you're coming over.

My nigga giving her the bigger digger
>go to friend who you haven't seen in a few years' house
>his younger sister is now like 13 or 14 and angsty
>overhear her get into a fight with her parents and she ends up screaming about how she hates everyone and hates her life
>friend and I just trying to play vidya but it makes it real awkward
maybe they think you guys want to fuck :v
To be fair, the lazy ass mom should wash the dishes if she was the one who dirtied them.
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>friends buys lots of fighting games
>never wants to play them because he doesn't like losing
>doesn't try to get better either
Again, sounds like she was giving a fuck
Boys are supposed to be athletic and fit so they can find a girl to fuck and girls are supposed to be pampered at home and learn some bullshit talent that doesn't really matter so when she does get married, she isn't a sanctimonious loud mouth bitch who doesn't know her place
atleast you got a good imagination
You can play video games with them anytime you want, without having to take time to travel to their house.
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under. rated.
>be well into your early thirties and still post on a Argentinian skin bleaching board
I know exactly why he's still your friend
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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>start fighting his parents
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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>his gf starts rubbing her feet on my crotch
>go to friend's house to play video games
>his mom wants to play too
ugh lame
You should join a club of some kind, like a gay club or something.
Just kiss him, you fool
>dad sees on ebay that my super nintendo mario game goes for $200 on ebay!!!!
>friend comes over and steals it
>sells it for $5 worth of weed
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>go to friend's house
>family all like each other and spend time in the same rooms
>wonder what life would be like if I was born into a good family
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>tfw she has big ugly tits that she would shove onto my face

Ugh... gross!
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>go to friend's house
>he has to do chores
>play vidya with his sister in the meantime
>she says loser has to strip off their clothes
You can make that family, anon. Live the dream.
>go to friends house
>he has a small dirty tv
>best snacks though

Good times playing Halo
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>be 6
>go to friend's house
>no one there because they moved away
i never got over it
>you live in your parent's house
>shit in their toilet
>eat up all they food
>they buy you vidya
>some of you niggas still reap these benefits to this day
>she should wash the dishes because she dirtied them
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>Game is Tony Hawk
Imma see that bitch naked
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>Go to friend's house
>3 4
Just imagine he moved on, found a qt built bf that's better than you in every way, treats him better and you'll be fine.
>not turning on infinite grind, griding around the lip of a bowl and massaging the vibrating controller on her pussy
do you even score?
>go to friend's house to play
>his parents give him shit for some school shit he didn't do or something
>they throw me out of the house to punish them, saying he's going to go take a nap
Took me a while to realize how fucked this was.
what in the fuck even is $5 worth of weed

that's hardly a stick
i dont know what country you live in, but seeking professional help will be the best thing youll ever do if you feel that way. If you feel unsatisfied with the way your life is headed, there is no harm in talking to a professional
>Live in dad's balls
>One day make the decision to be born
>Since free will is real, I'm born 9 months later
>Some years pass
>Intelligent family members are so intelligent that they don't have a dishwasher
>The geniuses wash dishes manually
>tfw I'm forced to help them because I made the choice to be born and choice to buy a house that lacks a washing machine

Huh... good point... I can tell we are intellectual equals here, anon.

Your nigga decided to INCONVENIENCE HIMSELF by playing a weeb game to galvanize the friendship you all shared and you just rejected him?

Is this how all you neets approach social situations? Didn't you all have that one normal friend that tried with you?
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>over at friend's house
>hey anon are you hungry?
>yeah kinda
I have a friend who does this, although he's a good sport about losing. It's just not very fun to always have to hold back in a game I've never played against a guy who doesn't understand how to block.
>go to nephews house for quality time
>can't find him in the the living room
>head upstairs
>open the door
>see nephew pulling out and nutting on her buttcheeks while I get my brothers sloppy seconds
>contemplate why I didn't join the Yankees
>atleast you got a good imagination

Is the thought of having married friends who are good hosts so foreign to you? We're not all college aged here, twat brush.
>he washes all his dishes in the dishwasher
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>I was that friend
I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable, I should've just brought my games to your house or something
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>friend invites me over for vidya
>his gf comes over and he stops playing to make out
>they end up fucking on his bed while im sitting on the floor playing tony hawk
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>go to best friend's house
>play vidya
>go outside to do shit
>mess with some croquet set we weren't supposed to mess with
>go back inside while playing with a nerf dart gun
>his mom scolds us for messing with the croquet set
>shoot her point blank in the face with the nerf gun
>she flips her shit

God damn I was an asshole when I was little.
>That friend who has to take everything seriously because video games are all he has in life
>He makes such a mess that requires manual cleaning
>He doesn't prep his cooking to avoid this by using aluminum sheets
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>hangout with friend once a week, when we're both off work
>has soul caliber 5
>hes okay at it, and I've never played before
>insists we play
>I lose like every match for several weeks
>he constantly shit talks me, and says how easy I am to beat
>buy the game and git gud in a week, learning all key combos for nightmare and natsu
>beat him nearly every match the next time we hang out. It isn't even close
>don't say a single negative thing while I'm winning
>next week he's sold his copy
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>everyone goes to sleep
>you're wide awake
>spend 10 fucking hours lying wide awake
>occasionally ask if anyone's up to no response
>this happens every time
>tattle on anon to his parents
>they ground him for 3 years
>no vidya, no phone, no computer until he graduates
>kick him out of the house and say good luck with life, see you never
I'm going straight to Hell
My brother and I both used to be "that guy." Now we live on opposite ends of the country and don't talk.
Yeah, we were 12. He didn't get very much. I knew the game wasn't worth $200, but pissed he made that trade.

I fucking hated that shit
no, but i dont understand who you would expect to reply to your post
>go to a friends house to
Oh wait I don't have friends.
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>tfw she whacks us both off at the same time and the first to cum has to do the dishes
ugh what a hassle
Some other schmuck with normal friends who didn't just graduate from HS
youre not responsible for how your parents behaved.
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>go to friend's house
>his dildo collection falls out off the closet
>go to black friend's house to play vidya
>see my dad's lawnmower in their backyard
dont worry he will turn out a better man. His parent sound like authoritarian cunts
>tfw she does a better job with you so that you always lose

Ugh... she's such a bitch
Wtf are you talking about. Two friends and I had a 24 hour persona 4 extravaganza years ago. It was a lot of fun making jokes and stuff that we still comment on today.
>go to mate's flat to play some vidjer
>his parents start fighting a fuckin' roo
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I only had one friend growing up and he was really boring to be around.
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>Damn I have to clean them now
>he starts cleaning them with his mouth right in front of you
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>you both realize
>you both start kissing
>his dad walks in
>he joins in
>mom walks in on orgy
>parents start fighting
>you win
Just cucking your wife, Marty
>go to black friend's house to play vidya
>see my mom walk out of his dad's room with messed up hair and tartar sauce on her face
I never understood why she likes to eat fish tendies with tartar sauce in his dad's room
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>go to friend's house
>his dildo collection falls out off his ass
>friend sees it and says "What's this? OwO"
How do so many /v/ posters have black friends???
wow, something very similar happened to me. The difference is that my mom would walk out with mayo around her mouth, which is weird because she always preferred ketchup.
>go to South African friends house
>play fighting games and bitch about how crazy black people are

it's alright
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Does anyone else kind of wish they had an irl gay friend to cuddle with and fall asleep together?

I can't be the only one right?
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>tfw never have sleepovers with buddies from high school playing vidya and jacking it to late night cinemax ever again
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N-no, of course not. Why would I t-think that? I'm not some fag.
*looks away shyly*
i dont understand how you could think that people like that would reply to this thread
That's weird, it was honey and biscuits for my mom
>implying every dish requires you to "make such a mess" to be tough to clean

Enjoy your flecks of two week old food residue.
>friend comes over to play
>end up jacking off together in my basement
>I finished first
>"nice anon"
>never spoke about it again seeing him through middle school and all of high school
Because the US is only 60% white, in case you haven't noticed.
they dont
>implying they don't lurk here too.

This ain't club, junior
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>go to friend's apartment to play some vidya
>his mother jumps out a window
you were pissed he traded it and not that he stole it? Did you at least kill him?
Please be a shitpost...
>go to black friend's house
>he starts blasting craig mack out of a ghetto blaster and shanks you
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>She shows up five minutes later like nothing happened
>go to friend's place
>he jokingly starts dry humping his chubby brother
>cousin and I try to do the same while trying to make it look like a joke
He was pretty cute too
Last time he brought a boy over to play his parents caught them doing succ.
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>Invite a friend over to play some vidya while parents are out of the house on summer vacation
>Reminder shows up on the cable box for some porn my dad apparently ordered on cable
>Invite the rest of my friends over
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>Go to friend's house to play vidya
>most of the time is you watching him play faggy Kingdom Hearts
>Will never pick a game anymore if he knows you can beat him

>One time you find his dad's Penthouse mags and he flips and says "No one's supposed to know about those!"

>One time he impromptu wrestles you and almost grabs your balls, his mom yells "ARE YOU WRESTLING AGAIN? STOP IT"

Fuck you Joe you troubled monkey
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>2 or 3 wrestling figures on the ground, as well as a couple of game cases
>his mum slaps him for making a mess
I never got good at any fighting game that wasn't smash or basically smash, so I can still enjoy them with friends and only win 60% of the time.
When I was younger though I was a bit of a shit and kept complaining that my friend would use the same couple of characters and what seemed to us to be their best moves.
I didn't realize that I should either find a way to deal with those movse or to use them myself, or that my friend didn't have nearly as much experience with the game and would need to commit to a couple of characters and their most reliable moves to have a decent chance.
well they lurk for a reason. Because they dont want to interact with the kind of people who would post in these threads
Well I stopped inviting him to my house, and he tried to make up for it with some shitty star wars nintendo game. I didn't care about the game, but the fact that he thought it was that valuable and got such a shitty deal
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>go to friends house for /tg/
>drop dice like a sperg
>run after it to grab it
>friends wife says "anon why are you in my room"
speak for yourself you gated community sheltered racist faggot

There's an unfortunate phenomenon in black America called "too white for the blacks, too black for the whites." Most either go two ways: become a self hating weeb or suck it up and enjoy your hobbies in secret. I'm sure most of /v/ have had run ins with the former.

I might have become self hating had I not felt up a black girl in 6th grade and realized that I just couldnt do it
>friend moves into a house with like 5 fucking roommates since we live in commiefornia and he wanted to stay at a place with a pool for cheap
>a bunch of our friends hop over into the already crowded house to play shit on LAN on our PS4s
>his mostly nude female roommate offers us weed and some blowjobs
>avoid it since we're all pretty sure she has some shit

it was alright
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>go to 'friends' house to play vidya when I was a kid
>don't actually like this person, just like vidya and family was too poor to own a console
>years later, realize what I poor asshole I was
>avoid that person forever
>now spend all my time working to buy my own vidya
What do black girls feel like?
>be into Pokemon cards in elementary school
>want to get some holographics
>someday find my dad's porn collection including porn trading cards
>trade them for the rare holographics
That's the day it finally clicked that pussy rules the world
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>Invite friend over to play vydia
>Alcoholic father stumbles in the room.
>Continues to blast Rush at extreme volumes whilst trying to play vydia
> "You're dad is pretty cool anon."
>go to black friend's house to play video games
>he only has the last 6 Madden games
Forbidden Velvet
>go to friend's house for vidya
>spend the whole night lighting bugs on fire with raid and a lighter and looking at porn and doing whippits

He became a pretty successful dealer from what I understand.
>see a black guy playing a Vita on my college campus
>"huh, I guess he's playing Madden or some shi-"
>nope, it's neptunia
>he owns literally every game in the series released for Vita, and even bought a 64GB memory card for the damn thing

That was the first time I ever met a niggaboo. It was weird.
chimpanzees and feces
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>it was all part of a plan to kick you up the arse
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>Go to friend's house
>It's out in the country
>Floors are literal sawdust
>Rat droppings everywhere
>Only has Atari
>I am about to make an excuse to call my Mom to pick me up
>"Don't go anon, there's stuff to do here"
>"Yeah like what"
>Leads me to gap in the wall behind water heater
>Like they just never finished building the place
>There is a way to climb up
>There is no attic but there is a small space to climb into
>His sister's room has its own small bathroom you can see into through a ceiling vent from that spot, also into her room if the door between them is open
>"Dude sick, you peep on your sister?"
>"No fag, on her friends"
>Few hours pass
>His sister comes home with skinny 5/10 girl with buck teeth, braces and long brown hair
>They go to smoke a bowl in her room
>She undresses, I guess to prevent the weed smoke from getting into her clothes
>Watch them smoke up in bra and panties
>Before she leaves, she goes to shower
>Watch her strip out of bra and panties, see my first actual irl naked girl
>Barely more than A cups, huge gnarly bush
>Watch her shower and get rock hard anyway
>Buddy is next to me, gets dick out and starts fapping
>"What the fuck"
>"Shut up she will hear"
>He keeps doing it so eventually I do it too

And that is the story of how I went to some yokel's house expecting videogames but got mutual masturbation instead

Like soft leather and welfare
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>go to friend's house
>Realize how weird and detached you're feeling right now
>Go home
I'm black can confirm

I'm don't hate my own kind by any measure but I can't get any of my peers to break out of the Fifa/CoD/Madden/2K trend.

One of my homies did play Witcher 3 though...

he fucking hated it.
>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>end up exploring sexuality for the first time
>watching late night soft-core porn on Showtime while doing some mutual-mastubation/handjobs.

This happened with at least 4 of my friends.
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good one fellow anon
pretty cool story bro
fucking tryhard
>be a kid
>have no friends

Funnily I ended up relative normal but childhood was really terrible

I don't hate my kind but the fucking kid n play eraserhead blonde shit makes me gag

Plus niggas barely play any weebshit or retro
Dude blacks are the biggest weebs imaginable
50% of all posters on /a/ and /m/ are probably black
Town's white as fuck, most of the times I seen a black person it's been business men in suits and usually their family who are just passing through. The closest I ever got to a racial minority friend was a korean exchange student who was more of a friend of a friend.

Was in a place for teenager with psychological problems that included a couple of black guys once. One was my age and just a regular friendly but mischevious teenager, and other was almost a young adult, lived at least some of his childhood in some african country, spoke french spanish and english and according to him had seen dead bodies in the street with heads blown off by shotguns.
He had almost exactly the same tone of voice and personality as one of my brothers. The idea that someone couldve been raised in africa and seen dead bodies lying in the street could be just like someone I know was a bit chilling.

You'd be in the minority if you didn't experience something like this in your youth. It's a lot more common than you think.
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>go to friends house to play vidya
>not allowed inside
>house is in bad shape
>youre pretty sure he didnt have any games anyway

Tyrone also lived right next to the train tracks
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>go to friend's house to play vidya
>he walks out of room
>hear a lighter light then coughing
>walks back in high as shit
>"What are you talking about anon, I went to pee."
>have friends as a kid
>be 23 y/o
>no friends now ;_;
>Anon, why don't we play vidya over at my house?
>Go to friends house to hang out and play vidya
>Asks me if i ever got layed
>Tells him no
>He tells me he'll help me
>Asks me if i knew anyone from school after graduation that still liked me
>Mentions girl he fucked that was a solid 7/10
>Whips out his phone to show me pictures of her sucking his dick
>Ask if i want to use the bathroom
>I take his phone and jack it to the pictures
>Crying out of humiliation
>After i finish and get out of the bathroom he asks if i wanna go to the store to get food
>Say sure avoiding his eyes out of shame as i hand his phone back
>He fucking brings me to the chicks house
>He asks if i wanna try a move
>We both go in
>chick is shocked to see me
>We start hitting it off
>Friend asks if he could take a shower (That was his plan to give me and her "alone" time)
>She says sure, but not to lock the door because it was "broke"
>We talk for a few minutes more
>She asks if i could go grab something outside for her
>I said sure
>Leave her house
>Grab a few bottles of wine and soda
>Get to door
>Bitch fucking locked it
>Friend comes out 20 minutes later and jokingly says "What took you so long?"
>We leave
>Go back to his place
>Never talked to him the rest of the night

I don't really know if he planed it or not. He did really seem like he wanted to help me. I just don't know anymore really.
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>go to white friends house for vidya
>Parents constantly fighting with each other
>Friend tells his mom to fuck off regularly

>Go to Mexican friend's house for vidya
>His Mom feeds me dinner
>Gives me homemade churros to take home
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4chan isn't Stormfront dude. This site is incredibly tolerant and always has been which is why we felt comfortable throwing the word nigger around. Then, just as Descartes predicted, our complete and total lack of self-censorship drew thousands of idiots to the site who thought they were in good company.
Now newfags literally think this site has always been some alt-rite hate site where they can feel comfortable talking about the dumb racist shit their diseased brains come up with.
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>Lean over towards friend and say his mom missed my dick by a few feet
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>beat friend in a game
>starts choking you as a joke but then it becomes serious anger
>That one friend who was the only person you knew who had a specific console

Joshua, I liked you, but I don't think I'd ever go to your shithole of a house if it weren't for the fact that you were the only person I knew who had an N64.
>go to friends house to play vidya
>first time I've been there
>his dad is shirtless with a bulging beer gut watching football with a beer in hand never saying a word or looking at anybody
>his mom warns me that he hits
>we go to his room and play duck hunt
>by we I mean he plays because he never lets me try and makes me watch him
>leave because I'm bored and don't want to get "hit"
Fuckin rednecks. That kid stole my pokemon silver, wrote his name on it and blamed it on his nonexistant sister.
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Here's a true fucking story for you fags that happened 8 years ago.

>be 17
>walk through hall during passing period and see awkward looking fag staring at me
>"Hey, are you anon?"
>I answer yes
>Turns out he's the awkward kid I hung out with until 4th grade
>Asks me if I wanna hang out
>At this point in my life I outgrew my autistic habits and actually had REAL normie friends
>Politely decline saying I have other shit to do
>Somehow gets my number and texts me when I'm free
>Finally buckle and walk over to his house one cold winter day
>I walk in and he's playing Magic: The Gathering with another friend of his
>They try to teach me how to play but I'm uninterested
>His other friend finally leaves and we just awkwardly sit in his living room
>He asks me if I've ever played some WoW clone that I don't remember
>Tell him I don't play WoW
>Finally shit gets real and he starts telling me how he was almost raped in boy scouts
>Said he was kicked out because he fought off the guy with a pocket knife and said he's kill him with a sledgehammer
>Tells me how his parents never believed him and how his Mom and stepdad want nothing to do with him
>I tell him that it's time for me to leave and walk back home after only 1 and a half hours of being there
>He never called me or texted me back ever again and I never saw him in the halls

Jesus fucking Christ this was hands down the most awkward experience in my entire existence.
Is either that or he's super into Japanese games.
>Owns every Dynasty Warriors in existences
>Into Jrpgs in a big way
>Way into fighting games(Mahvel, SF3)
>Only nintendo games they play are Mario Karts and Smash

>Huge anime fan
>subbed and sold anime at school on VHS

Ya'll niggas dont even know how much money I made in high school doing this shit.
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>At friends house
>playing some coop game
>we're arguing about the best method to get past a boss
>his dad yells at us to "stop fucking bickering" or he'll take our shit away
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My friend is just a faggot bitch though

>Still thinks he's gonna make it big some day
>Kissless virgin who thinks he's gonna date a super hot gamer girl
>Plays as Captain Falcon and constantly does the HYES SHOW ME YUR MOVEZ shit in real life
>Likes Luigi just because of the HURR UNDERDAWG shit
>Only plays humans in RPGs

Niggaboos are so fucking funny

>Used to be a manager at Kmart before they all collapsed
>The thuggest ass nigga you could imagine, wore his chains while he was working kind of shit, came up to me
>yo dawg u da annimay dawg
>Yeah, what's up?
>cool dawg, u got da peecee n'shiet
>Yeah, I download a lot of anime
>fuk yeah my nig here kin u git me some of dat cute girl shiet, cartcappas n shiet, don't tell nobody

Motherfucker loved moe anime like you wouldn't believe. He gave me a hard drive I am 90% sure he stole from the electronics department but I didn't really care. It was like that ZAP MUTHAFUCKA comic in real life, it was so surreal.

>tfw I wasn't even remotely surprised when he got arrested for breaking and entering when our store shut down
found the roodypoo
I unironically had this experience
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>go to friends
>play vidya

Bed time comes

>his mum comes in
>starts praying
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>friend comes to my house
>playing 007 goldeneye
>he's beating my ass
>get mad and go to use the bathroom
>sneak behind him and give him a 007 goldenshower

I wish I was making this up...
>go to white friend's house
>he starts fucking his sister while she sucks off the family dogs
beta as fuck
>in grade school
>friend brings some of his dad's dirty magazines to school
>everybody thinks he's a badass
>other friend decides to bring some of his brothers hentai to school
>nobody knows what the fuck even
>we all call him a freak
>none of us ever talk to him again
How times have changed.
>friend comes over for vidya and dude weed lmao
>brings his gamer girlfriend
>she is bad at video games
>they have an argument and then leave

What a fag
fucking faggot you should've been his friend.
Why the fuck did you jack off in his bathroom? Why not just say no?
>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>friend says he needs to make some newspapers first
>help him with it
>20 minutes later its done so time for vidya
>follow him
>tfw exploring new house
>walk past room
>friend just stops and his jaw drops
>i turn the corner and check it out
>see a naked woman sitting by fat fucking old due also naked whilst sitting at computer
>my brain turns to piss
>friend says i should just leave
>he gives me a dr. pepper
>that image
>thinking Gamergate caused a traffic increase during 2014 and not The Fappening
fix that image or i'll kill you
Gamergate was insignificant shit in comparison to what /b/ and The Fappening did to this site. Agreed on the Trump election though, /pol/ literally advertised the site as Trump central and welcomed newfags with open arms and still are now with that French shit
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Different anon but you're right.
I went through a lot of shit my last couple semesters of college, nearly lost all motivation to continue and better myself, but it only took a therapy session or two to fix things. It was done through my university, so it was surprisingly cheap, all things considered.
If you ever get mad enough that you start blacking out, you should go to therapy
I haven't seen my friends in half a decade.
>only one friend with a gaymen PC
>shows me Civilization 4 one day and it is amazing
>start going over to his house to play it
>"hold on anon, before we can play I have to do some chores. Can you help me? We'll get it done faster that way"
>2 hours later
>okay time for vidya
>His father calls him up to his room to have a "serious talk"
>you can start without me anon, I'll be done in like 5 min
>wait 15 min
>still nothing
>start playing single player
>later hear his father screaming at him
>keep playing until he comes back 2 hours later
>repeat for 2 weeks

Such is life in a calvinist home i suppose
>go to friends
>play vidya
>dinner time comes
>they don't pray before eating
I was very confused.
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>go to white friends house for the first time
>playing melee and he's about to get 3 stocked
>his father's back early
>"Cam, lemme talk to you for a sec."
>angry whispering through the walls
>"what the fuck do you think..." "keep...at school" "...back to MY, my fucking house..."
>belt unbuckling
>5 smacks hard af, Cam makes no noise
>"finish and then it leaves"
>he comes back a minute later with eyes red as hell
>"one more game and then I have to do homework"
>he's playing significantly worse
>let him get the comeback

Ran home faster than I ever have with tears in my eyes. Best of luck Cameron, hoping you aren't jaded as fuck by now.
Idk about the white community but the black community have always been closet weebs. My brother was a thug in Queens NY and he was the first to show me Fist of the North Star and Street Fighter vids. Then the WuTang Clan woudl namedrop Voltron all the time.

What really fucking did it though was Dragonball Z. Every fucking black boy watched it in the early 2000s. Now you have the most suave niggas who regularly watch shit like Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia.

Trust me, it isn't just blackweebs, its black men in general unless they're from the most destitute parts of America.
>go to very rich Filipino friend's house for sleepover and video games
> parents are super accommodating and friendly
> dinner time
> some sort of fish stew that smells and tastes rancid to me, a 14 year old born and raised in cow country
> his family are super interested in watching me eat it to the point where I think it may be a prank
> I don't want to be rude so I choke it down, stealth vomiting in my mouth a couple times
> never go back to his house again the entire time I knew him
> blog about the experience on /v/ 6 years later
As horrible as it sounds, he was a lost cause.

And despite me outgrowing my autistic tendencies in middle school, I'm still a relatively shy person who were prefer a no drama friendship and that is just too much for me. Plus, I hadn't seen the guy in over ten years.

Don't drop all that baggage on me in one hour and expect me to stay. We didn't even have the same vidya tastes so It'd be a friendship out of pity.
>Why the fuck did you jack off in his bathroom
Because he's the type of guy who doesn't really give a shit.
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>tfw no friends
i would like a gf tho

wew sounds like a good dad
>go to black friends house
>first thing i notice is a faint buzzing
>have to walk through kitchen to access living room
>all cupboards are open and empty
>get to living room
>carpet is stained and speaker wire run across
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if your intention was to make me mad then good job
>go to best friends house to play vidya
>his mom comes in to pick up clothes
>when she bends over i can see her huge tits and tiny nips
>Go home and masturbate for the first time
I remember asking the old posters on /b/ about racism in 2011 and they essentially said the same shit. At the site's inception, racism was literally just a joke that you weren't allowed to say in your normal life, but no one took themselves seriously until actual racists started flocking to the site in droves. Now there's no distinguishing hyperbole from actual belief here.
Still anon, that's weird behavior.
Sounds like that one episode of Static Shock.
queers need to be gassed
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>"too white for the blacks, too black for the whites."
I hate this so fucking much.

>Went to go visit family recently
>Some of them were glad I managed to graduate college and want me to actively encourage it for the younger kids
>Others started giving me shit because all I do is work and thought I was bullshitting when I told them I worked 2 jobs and went to school full time
Once my friend had to go upstairs for something he got in trouble with, and his mom kept hitting him and he was saying "OW. OW. MOM PLEASE" I had to stuff my face in a pillow to contain my laughs.
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>Invite friend over to play vidya
>my parents start fighting
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>Go to friends house for vidya
>Find out his older sister got teen pregnant
>Cant concentrate on vidya while admiring her preggo belly and swollen mammeries

Many fetishes were born that day
>playing N64 with friend
>his mom comes down and watches
>friend starts play wrestling with her
>i join
>i have per pinned sitting on her chest
>she isnt wearing bra so her tits are free
>her tits pretty much squeeze my penis and as she is struggling she pretty much tit fucks me
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OP you were at a nigger's house. Nigger's have no respect for the concept of a nuclear family. That's like asking for a cage of starved baboons not attacking each other for a scrap of food you chuck in to them.
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>go to friends house
>his grandma hanged herself in the tub
>well shit

>jacking off to a picture of your friend getting a BJ
>not even trying to hide that you're doing it, or only doing it because the chick is really hot
>doing it after your friend fucking gives you the picture with the intention that you'd jack off to it

you deserve it desu
it was not your fault
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>tfw I met a black weeb that watched stuff like cowboy bebop, flcl, big-o, shin chan and samurai champloo
I'll take things that never happened for 500, Alex
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>go to friends' house
>have no friends
sorry anon some people are just prejudiced as fuck
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>go to friends
>play vidya

Bed time comes

>his mum comes in
>starts playing
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>tfw watch Afro Samurai with a group of black weebs
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>"too white for the blacks, too black for the whites
This shit right here man, its a fucking trip.
Well that went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick.
>friends visit for my birthday
>playing mario kart 64
>i get sleepy
>ask friends how they are feeling
>they say they are good for a few more hours
>i get up and unplug N64 and go hide it and tell friends to go to bed
>friends cant get up early and play without me
I still don't believe that 98% of it isn't satire
He's either gay or on hard drugs. I hope he's the former.

Nigras have top titty taste in fighting games however, they are the only normies who properly appreciate Neo Geo
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>jerking off to my friend getting a BJ
>staring at his dick and not even paying any attention to the girl
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>That lonely single mom that was desperate for attention
>That time we went to a friends house when we were like sixteen and his actually kind of hot, thicc but not fat mom was super drunk and came out in just a button up and panties
>Our fucking nervous, spaghetti-dropping faces when she's demanding we all touch her boobs, does the whole WHY AM I ALONE LOOK AT DEEZ TITTIES I'M FUCKIN' HOT FOR MY AGE routine
>We all slept in the basement and she came down like "WHO'S GONNA KEEP ME COMPANY" while our friend was like "god dammit mom PLEASE stop"
>Next morning she's acting like nothing happened and avoids us

Fucking hell I still jerk off to that like ten years later

I'm the guy whose post you're replying to and I've been here for a long time. Racism was a joke among the ironically nihilistic users of this site. Every race was shit.
But 4chan's audience has changed, what was once a group of nerds exploring the internet is now full of facebook using normies and phoneposters. The fact that 4chan is so easy to use and find works against us because we get a lot of dumber people coming through here now.

It happens to pretty much every institution that becomes popular. As the site loses exclusivity it naturally becomes worse and the level of discussion drops.
Like i said, the guy really isn't the type to care or judge. Fuck, he's sold sex tapes (well, i guess it would be sex .mp4 really) of him banging women to his other friends.

who says "gown"?
Can we all agree that despite your views on black culture, that for the most part blacks are pretty chill when they like you?

I'm sure we're not going to agree
> tfw used to stay for sleepovers at different friends houses all the time
>one friend with a super hot and thicc single mom
>she comes to say good night to him but apparently forgot I was staying
>shes wearing a see-through gown and I see EVERYTHING
We found out later that she has having somebody over, but oh lord I couldnt think straight for days. My hormones went haywire.
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>go to latino friend's house
>he has 4 sisters who are all incredibly thicc
>Tells you to go get the family ferrets from the barn
>Get them and come back
>Mother and father also have joined in by this point
>hey tells you to jam one up his ass
>happily do so as I see scars around his assshole from probably years of this
>aunt and uncle are upstairs fucking the grandparents in some bondage orgy
>hear what sounds like a perfectly timed unanimous orgasm from the entire house
well anon
did you keep her company?
>4chan was just like reddit but I could say nigger jovially and my based black friends wouldn't mind :)))
Quite literally neck yourself cuck.
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>Spend the night at a friend's house
>Wake up with my hand on his shoulder
Yes. I agree. Although the one black guy I still talk to from high school became a pretty big sjw so I don't talk to him as much.
Black anon here, can confirm.

When I was in high school EVERY black dude I'd hang with played at least one major fighting game and watched DBZ on Toonami. it didn't matter if they were the she shyest nerd or the Varsity QB, they all did it, all of them period.
>go to friends house to plays some DBZ vidya
>Parents start going Super Saiyan and fight
>I go Super Saiyan Rose and beat them both
>Me and my friend start playing Hatred
Filthy Ningen
>/pol/fags ruin everything
What a surprise.
No, I was spaghetting all over the place with my other friends

Now she really IS fat, the last ten years have not been kind to her AT ALL
>go to filipino friends house
>mom is mid 40's but she looks like she is 20
>thicc as fuck

There's not a whole lot of satire left. It's pretty easy to tell the two apart and most of this stuff is genuine.
I smashed that Christian ass
There is unironically nothing wrong with saying nigger, whether you are a racist or not.
>go with gf to married friend's house
>order pizza and have fun

life is good sometimes
>Go to a friends house
>You don't play any games together
>You just sit there watching him blabber on about random shit
>You're there for several hours
>Don't want to just leave to be rude
>Never come back

Man, fuck you if you've done this. He also had a second controller. A waste of time.
Fuck. I was getting sympathetic until you said you let him win. You should have beat him.
Actually happened too.
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>sleep over at friend's house playing vidya
>shares the room with his pussy little brother
>little brother makes his mom turn off the system because he wants to go to bed
>friend starts telling him there are witches under his bed (faggot was deathly afraid of witches)
>faggot friend starts crying and wakes up the dad
>mfw the dad beats the shit out of my friend in the kitchen while i'm just sitting there in my sleeping bag
>friend's mean grandma comes in and tells me to go to bed
never slept over there again
You are a fucking piece of shit.
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>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>he stops playing to start fucking his gf right beside me under the blankets and I'm sitting there pretending not to notice
>this is what newfags believe
4chan always hated niggers and always will you stupid faggot.
Based Dad
Some of them are pretty chill, they have to work harder to keep up appearances though. A guy I know has been through some pretty awful shit and still managed to stay motivated, I don't know how he does it. I would have lost my fucking mind.
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>invite friend over to play vidya
>parents start screaming at each other loudly
>go to friends house to play vidya
>sit there and watch while he plays vidya
Fuck you Brian, I always offer of you want to play something two player and you just fucking shrug and whenever I force you to play you don't seem into it.
>Go to friends house to play vidya
>His mom makes smoothies
this literally happened to me
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>Go to friend's house
>"No games before dinner"
>It's weird vegan curry with romaine lettuce and fried mushrooms
>"Organic meals in your tummy will do you a lot of good. Anyways now lets us pray"
>Bow my head
>"Praise be unto Kalgathu the Grain Father for this bountiful harvest which has been delivered unto our plates. Preserve our fields against the pestilence sent by Kramdar the Corruptor, Dark Prince of the Crimson Gemstone and bless our family with healthy crops if it be your will."
>Everybody opens their eyes and starts eating
How old were you, what happened after because this sounds hilariously traumatizing.
>hangout with friend every once in a while
>everytime we used to hang out, bust out my copy of street fighter IV and get into these back and forth fights all the time
>everytime we'd always challenged each other equally, not really counterpicking but just choosing who we're best with
>funnest time I've had with a fighting game
god damn it felt good to have a rival, actually made me want to git gud at fighting games
Am I the only one that thinks being a child was fucking shit, but growing up and being an adult is fucking great?
Seems like everyone wants to be a child again. Lol fuck that shit being a child was fucking trash most of the time
Shoulda joined in
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>tfw the friend you experimented with and had feelings for became a huge homophobe

>hanging out with 2 friends and 1 friend's gf
>friend with gf drives us home
>stops at the park
>starts boning his gf in the front 2 seats
>other friend is pretending to be asleep in the back
>flip shit on him and basically tell him it's fucking weird to do that right now
>starts fucking laughing at me
>home is like 20 miles away
>wait outside the car until they're done


This happened to me, we were playing that yugioh ps1 game with the bullshit AI and he threw his controller at the wall and broke it
i had a couple gay experiences as a kid but im not gonna elaborate on them (its not like i got fucked or fucked an ass or anything). it just seems like normal shit for kids to go through.
>>"Praise be unto Kalgathu the Grain Father for this bountiful harvest which has been delivered unto our plates. Preserve our fields against the pestilence sent by Kramdar the Corruptor, Dark Prince of the Crimson Gemstone and bless our family with healthy crops if it be your will."
things that never happened
yeah i just wish sometimes that mental problems wouldnt be looked down on as much as theyre right now
>go to friend's house and spend night
>wake up middle of night to piss
>After making it halfway to bathroom realize I hear something
>His mom is getting fucked
>Creep back to bed because what the fuck else do I do, the bathroom is right next to the bedroom
>Hear "Is anon trying to listen in?"

Pretty much every time after that I'd listen to make sure it was safe but she was having sex 7/10 times.
>play street fighter with friends
>body them even though they know just as much about the game as I do
>"lol I dont even play this game"
>never brings stick over when I ask him
>never plays me online

I bodied him too hard I guess
I agree for the most part. But I'd personally argue that my adult life would probably be better if I had done things differently in my childhood and teen years. Which kind of makes me enjoy the idea of reliving it.
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>go to friend's house to play vidya
>friend's dad keeps screaming about delegates
I miss living in NY
>go to friends house to play some vidya
>realize I don't have any
>play by myself
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You will drown in a sea of blood on the day that Kalgathu looses his vengeance upon the unbelievers. No throat which does not sing his praises will go unslit upon that day, and your soul will be digested for all eternity within the crimson gemstone where Kalgathu hath imprisoned Kramdar, and the fools who serve him
Being an adult sucks when you're not willing to settle. If you find a comfy job, family etc. then I can see how it'd be great. But when time slips away like a piece of foreign silk and you have a list of aspirations that become harder to obtain as the days go by, you tend to ruminate on the days where time moved more like a spigot of glue.
i guess it all depends on your experience, being a child and growing up etc.

I had a great childhood but growing up was a horror because of severel factors i dont wanna get into to.
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>stay home because no friends
>parents start fighting

>invite friends over to play videogames
>mom and her boyfriend in her room
>m-maybe they're sleeping or just watching TV
>start to hear mom moaning
>apologize to friends
>never been so ashamed before
Usually, one of the kids involved was molested. Most of the time, kids don't really try that stuff until their teen years.
>Go to friend's house to play Smash bros with him.
>Kept winning
>He eventually gets mad after a match and punches me.
>Take his game and throw it out the window and run out the house.
>Never talk to him again.

Good times.
>tfw this was an unexpectedly comfy /v/ thread

And I only had to wait 7 weeks! Ooh Boy!
>friends invite me over all the time but they were normies and wanted to go outside and play sports and shit

>I just wanted to play videogames all day

>shun them for years because I just wanna play vidya

>have no friends left by high school
I'm white, seen this a lot with other whites.

Say what you will about blacks and latinos but they do love their mothers.
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Are you ok anon. You need some tap water or something.
>"Is anon trying to listen in?"
>"let's give him a show then ; )"
>Stay and nurse your boner and listen to unrestrained fucking by experience adults.
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I was like 11 or 10. Wanted to take a piss and I just find his grandma there in the tub, hanged herself with some cord. Friend calls his mom, and when she came I just went home. Didn't affect me at all, desu.
You don't have to hide your pain, anon.
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>tfw the cousin that plundered my pre-adolescence butthole like the pedo buttpirate he is turned into a worthless NEET
I've had that experience, but in reverse. me and my friend were hanging out with another friend and his GF. The one without one was driving and i was in the front seat. It started off tame, them doing shit like flashing us (either with the guy grabbing his GBs shirt and raising it and having her huge tits be shown or her trying to pants him) my friend fucking stops the car at an empty park and yells if they want to do something, do it in the fucking bathroom. The fucking madman actually does it and we had to wait for about 3 minutes until they came out.

Funny thing was, his GF seemed pretty pissed and he seemed like he was floating.
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>go to brother's friend's house to play vidya
>he has adhd so his mom buys him a lot of vidya to keep him occupied
>he's still a shit regardless but I put up with him cause I was a poorfag with no shame
>he was an alright kid, but he was "that kid" when it came to video games, always demanded to be first player and in control, gave you the shitty controller, would play single player games and force you to watch
>him mom was a nice as fuck though so I stopped myself from kicking his shit in
>every time he got too much in his head his based mom came in and made him learn his place
>he'd throw a fit but in the end couldn't do shit against him mom
>his mom was REALLY nice
Fun times.
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>go over to friends to play vidya
>take pictures of his sisters feet and jerk off to them in his bathroom

>be child
>spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week at school actually learning about the world
>get spring break, winter break, summer off, and other miscelleous days
>part time job you have can go towards just stuff you want

>be adult
>work job you hate 8 and 1/2 hours a day, 5 days a week
>get 10 days off a year
>90% of money goes towards bills and essential things
>spend the time at work doing the same shit over and over

I want to like being an adult but I'm not seeing the appeal.

>get original call of duty for my bday
>tell friend we can switch off on deaths
>he spends all his turns camping so he takes forever to fucking die
I did too, seems pretty normal to me. At least from talking to my adult friends.
I'm assuming that anon doesn't mean kids as in 6 year olds, but teens.
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>only have a super nintendo early 2000s with 3 games
>have to play outside and stuff or watch tv
>go to friend's house
>he has a n64 ps1 ps2 xbox gamecube and so on and many games
>"no anon let's play outside"
Sounds like you have a shit job.
Nah. As a kid, life was structured. There was an ever present goal to attend to (complete your 12 years of school). I've failed to create a structure for myself as an adult, and all my goals are speculatory at best.
>go to friends house
>his little sister shows up and has tits bigger than her head.
sometimes it happens that way, hyung
tom is this u
Your friend was a cunt.


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How many of you used to fantasize about having sex with your friends mothers?
>go to a friend's house
>steal demon's souls, dark souls, and resident evil 6
>his copy of demon's souls wasnt even opened and he had it for 2 years
It has its perks but the worst is hanging with friends. While you're in high school you can always hang out with friends on weekends and after school. But when a group of four all have different jobs you're looking at very little meet up time
none of my friends had hot moms ;~;
He's a crypto-homo compensating exaggeratedly in the opposite direction in an attempt to stifle any homo public prescription. He needs someone to help him find his true self. You must fuck him, Anon.
Luckily most friends that have done this to me have the greatest moms and or dads.
>that friends dad who fucking hated you and you never figured out why
>disliking degeneracy is a fear
Wow, that's pretty dead-on.
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>when your 30 years old playin some online vidya, and the guy you've been playing with all night type sin that he has to go becaus ehes got school in the morning

>"oh yeah, what classes are you taking? University classes can really suck sometimes."

>lol anon wat are u talking about. im only in grade 9. kk see ya"
>that friends dad who fucking hated you and you never figured out why
He was a drunk that hated you sober or loved you drunk.
Mexican families are fucking scary

>Stepsister (she's like ten) is always somehow "friends" with people my age or older, I assume just because she was always being babysat
>One day one of her "friends" is spending the night
>Mexican girl with the most unbelievable fucking tits you've ever seen, the most godlike child-bearing hips, and the juiciest bubble butt I have ever seen in my god damn life that STILL has never been topped
>Stepsister was always "trying to find me a girlfriend" despite being an obnoxious brat
>This time I'm perfectly okay with what she's brought home
>Manage to somehow at least get this girl to lift her skirt for me and show off her cute hello kitty panties
>Find out she was twelve

Granted I was only fifteen so it's not TOO terribly fucked up but I genuinely felt disgusted with myself when I found out
>go to friends birthday party
>we play a bit of vidya and watch Kung Pow: Legend of the Fist
>do birthday shit
>good times
>suddenly everyone heads outside
>everyone starts playing football
>have to join in because I'm literally the only kid not into sports
>also had no idea how football works other than "catch ball, run somewhere"
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>go to friends house
>mom just chills around in her underwear with a wife beater on and no bra
>get a pair of her panties out of the dirty clothes that night and jerk off with them
>hear a noise but never see anything
>when I get home the next day the same pair of panties is in my bag, freshly cleaned
no one has the gif of that black kid standing awkardly and looking at the camera?
>when your friend tries to get everyone in the room to take their pants off
>claims him and his gf were already pantsless under the blanket
>everyone takes their pants off
>he still keeps the blanket on
>he accuses people of being rapists for making sex jokes but coercing a room full of people to strip is fine
Looking back he was an even bigger dickhead than I remember.
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That's usually how it goes though.
The american job market is fucked, no matter how well you did in college.
I've seen way too many friends land "the job of their dreams" only to realize it's fucking awful and they hate it despite the good pay.

Shit like that just isn't worth it.
Yeah, all the time. Wait, fantasize?
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Do people who are adults and have friends visit their friends house? What the fuck is the point unless you are massive incel nerd retards who want to do autistic slumber party shit?

I did it when I was a kid, but now? Christ.
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>friend's dad has a leather recliner
>every time I went over, poke a few holes in the back with a pair of scissors
>one day friend finds me doing this
>get cursed out but nothing else happens
>still get to come over
He seemed to enjoy our mutual blow jobs and all the stuff we did. Shame he grew up in a religious house.
Surely this is a fake post. Nobody is actually this pathetic.
this never happened
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haha :')
>not making sly comments to his GF about having a threeway
>Not trying to start a dick measuring contest to try and humiliate him

Your lose, anon.
Sounds like good parenting imo. Disciplines his child and makes sure he won't grow up associating with degenerates.
>that one friend you had that was really poor
>could never figure out why he was poor because both his parents worked jobs
>hang out at his house playing vidya and have dinner with his family

>dinner is spaghetti noodles with ketchup and greasy ground beef
>his dad keeps looking at me across the dinner table with an angry face full of regret
They're both shit.
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>Friend invites me over to play vidya
>He's actually killing himself and uses me to find the body
>go to white friends house
>"Anon you need to wash these dishe--"
>"Dad I'm not washing those dishes, I didn't use any of them!"
>"O-ok anon"
>"Damnit she's such a lazy bastard"
>Stare blankly and continue playing vidya

>Go to black friend's house
>black friend starts crying
>>Find out she was twelve
>Granted I was only fifteen
should have tapped it hard.
>friend my family and I haven't seen in years comes over to hang out
>We end up talking to my mom for hours, catching up on what's been going on in his life
>Play dokapon kingdom afterwards until 4AM when he goes back home
Friends are awesome
and you didn't join them? What are you, some kind of straightedge faggot?
I enjoy my job and it pays well.

Maybe your friends are just fucking idiots.
I know that feel
that's why we never hung out with Jared again lol
You don't really stop visiting your friends at home until you all are in different cities or in committed relationships. Why wouldn't you visit your friends?
This sucked. I wasn't rich but my parents
are well off. Always felt sad going to my poor friend's house. We always played the same few Sonic games.
To be completely fair, I did get a good squeeze of her butt and all that, and tried to go a bit further, but she started getting super nervous and revealed that tidbit to me.
>go to muslim friends house
>mom never let me play GTA but muslim friends have it so go there to watch them play
>everyone is always yelling in arabic
>somewhere over half a dozen kids
>friends are the oldest brothers
>oldest sister is a total cunt who hates me for no reason
>accidentally run into grandma injecting some sort of medicine into her boob
>she starts screaming in arabic
>the mom and friends laugh and usher me out of the room
>the mom once made us pb+j with tortillas
>fucking genius
>they give me a hookah to give to my mom as a gift
>had no idea what it was
>one day they give me some meat and tell me it was chicken (I was a picky eater)
>eat it
>best piece of meat I had up until then
>"Its goat."
I miss them.
this is why you get 5 dogs and divide your love equally among them
>go to crushes house to play vidya
>there is no vidya
Ara ara~ anon-kun
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>never bring anyone to your house because your family is both dysfunctional and broken and you just want to get away from them and be with others kids parents who are super nice and treat you better than your own parents
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Don't even joke about this shit
probably not to that anon, but with all the crazy shit that happens, it could have happened to someone at some point
>go stay over at friend's house to study math
>we also like videogames so hey let's indulge a little
>stay up until late playing videogames
>go to sleep
>wake up in the morning
>get breakfast
>studied math all morning
>played more videogames towards the afternoon
>thank him for help and hospitality

Y'all faggots seriously need Jesus.
Aha--I get it because aha ha black people don't have fathers, aha.

Fuck man you /v/ guys got the jokes!
Playing video games alone is pathetic and should be avoided if possible. The only issue is that this game is like 60 hours long and he'll hate it because he's a jock apparently but w/e maybe it'll be cool.
It's not a joke.
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>Go to friend's house
>his mom makes FUCKING TRaSH for dinner
>be at friends house
>go on omegle
>see these girls
>friend offers to show his dick
>he does it while I look away

I peaked, anons. I looked at my best buds dick. It was smaller than I thought and he's taller than me.
It's bad enough I already have a tulpa, why would I need another one?
professional help is a meme.
It's literally doesn't work, and people will use it as a discriminating point against you.

If you ever go to a therapist, then you've lost all your constitutional rights.
Haha just get some parents nigga like baka just get em senpai get them parents nigga haha
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What do you do?
What do you do when you realize upper management is full of backstabbing assholes?
What do you do when you realize the cunt in charge of HR is a power tripping nutcase?

I take it you haven't had enough bad experiences at previous jobs to justify getting paid for a hobby something you actually enjoy doing.
I feel kinda bad for you m8.
Whatever suits you, though.
>Vague memories of playing with my mom's friends kids when I was younger
>Just a girl and her brother, we watched shit on the tv and played outside as well as vidya
>remember being so happy back then
>grow up and see her high-school graduation picture sticking out of an envelope sent to my mom
>she's a fucking gorgeous 9-10/10
>5,3 acne scarred social autist with a very uncertain future and will probably be given a minimum wage job with lots of student debt
Video games
They don't exist, anon. You're hallucinating
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White girls - Incredibly sugary novelty coffee
Black girls - Fruit flavored soda (grape, watermelon, strawberry)
Asian girls - Tea, milk, or some dark as fuck coffee
Hispanic girls - Alcohol (If older than 12), cheap knock-off soda (RC cola, Mr. Pibb, Bepsi, etc)
Native girls - White boi semen Living in Arizona, near the Navajo Nation, most women there hook up young and early with White guys.

well if you're going to play vidya it's usually done online so no reason to leave your house

and anything else, there's tons of shit to do that requires going out
>that friend with the super religious family
>he apparently tells his mom literally everything
>as a result, she deems you a bad influence and constantly gets in the way of your friendship
She didn't let him watch spongebob just because I told him about the episode where they swear and its dolphin noises.
How is this related to this thread?
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>Go to wellfare kids house
>He's got better stuff than I do
Tbh didn't have food or a good house but had some sweet games
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I like imaging big buff black dudes, chains and gold teeth, gang signs and tattoos, all that nonsense, sitting down to watch shit like K-On and that maid dragon thing
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I knew a Muslim girl in my Sophomore year of Highschool. She was really shy and quiet, and wore a Niqab. One day, she and her friends got their nails done. The next day she came in with a bruised lip and a black eye. She never came to school again after graduating from 10th grade.

should just keep going or gone into a relationship with her.
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It works if you pick a good therapist. If you get a shit one you're going to have a bad time.
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>friend buys you a full priced game so you could play together
>want to play it alone because "muh immersion"

Say your sorry and play the fucking game with him you autistic fuck.
>What do you do?
>What do you do when you realize upper management is full of backstabbing assholes?
I don't interact with them.
>What do you do when you realize the cunt in charge of HR is a power tripping nutcase?
The cunts in HR are genuinely nice people that I enjoy spending time with.
>I feel kinda bad for you m8.
You feel bad for me because I genuinely enjoy my job? What the fuck bizarro world were you born in?
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>friend says his family hate eachother and don't get along
>go to his house
>no sound of people screaming and breaking things
>house is nice even though he claims to be a poorfag
>he actually gets along well with his family
>mfw he keeps complaining about his "horrible" home life to me

>Mom was a money-grubbing bitch like some kind of real life Mr. Krabs
>Never wanted to feed my friends, always told me to make sure they ate before they came over
>Threw a fucking shitfit over my friend and I going through a bag of doritos in one night
>Got pissy with me for ordering a pizza even though I used my own money from my own job
>Stepdad was a harsh, no fun allowed asshole who constantly and openly talked shit about how disappointed in me he was for "wanting a gay sleepover with your faggot loser friends"
>The one time in my life I was allowed to have a birthday party I could only invite two friends, no cake, nobody was allowed to bring presents, and my parents made them go home after a few hours and take down my decorations by myself
>When I moved out about six years ago they were suddenly all teary-eyed and constantly fucking call me about "why don't you ever call us/come over/etc????"

You just described that guy anon

K-On was actually one of the first things he asked for
Because we're being race realists now apparently. Not that I mind.
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>reading LoTR
>at end of class, crush says "Hey anon, let me see that quick"
>writes "We should get together and watch the movies sometime :) " in it
>a couple days later say "You want to come over in a few days and watch those movies?"
>"I need to ask my mom"
>never talk again
>be obsessed with DBZ in 5th grade
>go to friends house also obsessed with DBZ
>want to play DBZ vidya but there are no fucking DBZ games for N64 or PS1 except that rare shitty 2d fighter
>friends dad who is a tech illiterate drunk somehow manages to download us a SNES emulator on his laptop
>downloads the RPG DBZ game and gives us his laptop to play
>stay up till 5 am playing it, amazed that it's possible to play SNES games on a computer

Scott your dad was a drunken wizard
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>be 14
>over at friends house
>we go to use the computer
>he has to fill out a sign in sheet his dad made
>have to put in time we logged in and time we logged out
>only allowed an hour a day max

>got home back to my place and spend 4-5 hours on computer daily
>bruised lip
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>two friends always talked about things they did when they hang out like getting high or getting a women to flash them on omegle
>they never invite me
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>meet up on a lot of old friends
>getting along mighty fine but something seems off...
>find out later they're all pussywhipped potheads
I doubt one can hallucinate 24/7.
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>Friend shoots beebees at his old Dragon Ball figures
>Still liked Dragon Ball and wanted to save those
t. Started browsing /b/ in 2016
It was really fucking swollen.
I'm sorry dude, my parents wanted me to go outside more.
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You're missing the point.
I feel bad for you that you haven't experienced that.
I feel bad for you because you didn't find other means of motivation, or find the time to work on other hobbies.
I also feel bad for you because it's going to happen whether you realize it or not.
Oh, and guess what? Programmers get replaced all the time, you better hope you start interacting with the higher ups before you get canned
You're doing it right now.
Sure they can, it's easier because you actively want to believe it
>he apparently tells his mom literally everything
That was me. That attitude has really fucked me up. In all honesty I still have difficulty existing with the approval of my mother. If my dad was still alive things would have been different
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>go to friends house
>we start holding hands
My childhood was. I couldn't even have a dog as I was allergic. I would just talk to myself until I overheard my sister and her friends making fun of me about it.
>That one kid who always made everyone get completely naked and play doctor and "examine" each other's bodies at a sleepover

That kid was me. To no one's surprise, I turned out to be gay.
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>Go over to friends house
>His scumbag of a dad expects me to help his son wash his boat
Fuck that I just went home.
She couldn't speak for shit. Like, any sound involved in using the lips (v, b, m, w) were barely enunciated, which is weird considering she used to drag them out longer than usual.

I just assumed she had a bruised lip because she went back to normal the next week.
Don't bother with him anon, he's the kind of faggot who will never get his shit together until life kicks him in the fucking sack

>mfw I joined the union at the first fucking opportunity it was presented to me at my new job

Feels good knowing that the upper management is constantly tripping over themselves because they know the union will fuck them up in a heartbeat if they do anything less then actually treat us like human beings
Goodnes, women like that get me going.
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>tfw it was your controller

You just crossed the line fampai.
I browsed /b/ starting in 2008. Moved on to other boards around 2010. 4chan always hated niggers.
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>have friends come over
>ceiling out in my dads room collapses and falls on him and 1 of my friends
>they get rushed to the hospital
>miraculously they're OK
>friends don't want to come over anymore tho
At least you had a sister to fuck.
Wow, that is fucking harsh dude.
I would have cut all ties with them too, holy shit.
Sorry, she's telling me to stop replying to you guys.
>if they do anything less then destroy themselves to please a corrupt kleptocrat
>hang out with a friend who we all called storm because his real name was jedediah or some gay shit
>know him for about 3-4 years, he was hated in the neighborhood but he was just mischeveous like me
>he moves away
>4 years later he calls my house and says he wants to meet up
>say yeah sure that'd be cool
>10 years later i never did call him back

feels bad honestly but i went through a phase where i was extremely shy
>I feel bad for you that you haven't experienced that.
You feel bad for me that I haven't experienced bad things? What the fuck am I reading?
>I feel bad for you because you didn't find other means of motivation, or find the time to work on other hobbies.
I have plenty of time for hobbies, why are you assuming so much about my personal life?
>Programmers get replaced all the time, you better hope you start interacting with the higher ups before you get canned
Nah, Indians can't get a security clearance to do what I do.
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>that friend that gets a gf and stops hanging out with the group
>she dumps him after he tried to rape her
>comes back to us, won't stop moaning about how he misses her
And yet you did anyways. That's called cognitive dissonance
That's not true. 4chan has always been openly racist. We never really shat on Whites or Asians, except for the religious zealots. Back when Jack Thompson was still a thing. After about 2006 - 2007, when the Religious Right died off, we didn't really give a shit because no one was arguing for censorship or ideological hegemony.

Just like religious zealotry caused many people to become Atheist, SJWs caused many people to become racist. You made your own bed. We're not reverting.
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>K-On was actually one of the first things he asked for
>he is/was sat in a jail cell with no anime, when all he wanted was more K-On
that white kid was a prick but all you proved is that whites are better delegators
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I'd give you a hug if I could, Anon, nobody should have to be that miserable growing up.
The only thing I have in my life is my grandparents who I will probably lose all to live when they go

I voted Trump you faggot
The Union keeps my job from making me do stupid bullshit like that fucking piece of shit manager I used to have who threatened to fire me if I wouldn't come in and work off the clock
>meet old friends
>something is off
>they are all dressed in suspenders and holding bibles
>find out they're all pussywhipped christfags
>Tell friend about your crushes
>He starts being interested and openly flirts with them
>Even if you didn't tell him he would find out through the grapevine
>Flirted with them too
>He still thinks you are his friend
>SJWs caused many people to become racist. You made your own bed.
>That's not true. 4chan has always been openly racist.
Mixed signals desu
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>White people
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>spend the night at friends house
>he falls asleep at 9pm like a pussy while you stay up till 2am, and only fall asleep because you're bored
>wake up at like 7 because internal clock in my brain goes off early because im sleeping in a weird bed that isnt mine
>oh well, at least we can do stuff now
>he sleeps in till almost noon what the fuck
>sit there awkwardly eating cereal alone with his mother while she reads the paper
>his mom catches me looking at her big boobs but just goes back to reading the paper
>end up watching TV till he wakes up
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I just feel so bad when I see stuff like that though.
I mean personally I got burned from previous jobs pretty fucking hard.

I was hard working, honest, had a lot going for me, and put up with a lot of shit only to have it thrown back at me.
Everyone has their breaking points. It's better to know where yours is before you find out at work one day Like I did.
Not just here. We've always been racist, but never like "gas the kikes race war now 14/88" racist. It was casual racism. But when casual racism started equaling LITERALLY HITLER, everyone became more racist.

Just like when not being hyper religious meant being literally Satan. Same shit, different decade.
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>go to friend's house
>he starts sensually touching your dick during the sleepover
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>Be me,
>19 yr old freshman
>At insane loft party with college buds
>Made out with 6 girls
>Absolutely shitfaced
>See nerdy black weeb in Mario shirt playing Mass Effect Andromeda on big TV in the corner of the loft
>In the midst of a massive party of possibly 70 people
>Sit next to him and talk about vidya
>Wake up to him still playing after he put a blanket over me when i passed out
>Gives me an uber back to campus as the party dies down
My closest friend was my donkey.
>only been here since 2008
Quit saying "always" like you've been around the block or something.
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i dont really know.jpg
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>this happened at asian friends house
>30min later his mom comes in with a fucking buffet of food to choose from
>puts tray stacked with food on the coffee table with a really annoyed look and then leaves the room
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>why are you assuming so much about my personal life?
I dunno Anon, you seem awfully defensive about it.
I'd hate to think you were just making shit up on a Malatian finger puppet imageboard.
>But when casual racism started equaling LITERALLY HITLER, everyone became more racist.
But that's retarded. You're literally just proving them right and escalating things. By choosing to become more racist instead of ignoring them you acknowledge that they have power over you and that the allegations of racism do in fact bother you.
>called storm because his real name was jedediah or some gay shit
>calling him an even gayer name instead
>go to friend's house
>family all like each other and spend time in the same rooms
>wonder what life would be like if I was born into a good family
>meanwhile friend is constantly talking how much he hates them and his brothers and sisters
>wishes they were dead
>ignore it while I cry on the inside and we continue to play video games
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>Go to friend's house
>Playing some Power Rangers fighting game
>Lose twice because idk what the fuck I'm doing
>Finally win once and start gloating
>Provoke him until he got mad
>His mom comes in
>She pulls him into another room and chews him out for being a bad host.
I still feel bad.
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>go to friend's house for FF10 marathon
>taking a soda break
>his mom comes in
>"...No, I don't like it very much"
>"Oh! That's very interesting!"
>she leaves
>muffled yelling through the wall
>loud thud followed by friend's dad
>look over
>friend is completely pale and mortified
>we end up watching a scooby doo marathon while he slowly claws his way out of his mental abyss
I think he got better as time went by but he never struck me as a problematic kid outside of that incredibly telling but isolated incident
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>Go over to friend's house
>His older sister is wearing nothing but a tanktop and booty shorts
>She keeps leaning against you while you try playing vidya with him
>Too young to really understand what is happening, but masturbate furiously to her later anyways
>parents fighting
>lots of yelling
>playing vidya
>mad because they're breaking my immersion/concentration

I lost my soul man
I haven't even said anything about my personal life, though, and you're just assuming shit. I don't understand.
The muslim family I knew was not nearly that dedicated.
>i-i was here since 2008! Im an oldfag hurhur
Ya right and I was here since 2005 now fuck off you double nigger
Not him but holy fuck why do you think you have any merit here?
You choose to spend your free time on /v/ of all places?
Something's not adding up
4chan isnt a single entity you faggot. Stop projecting
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Allegations of racism bothered us before because it was a moral judgement. We didn't like them morally grandstanding, like the Christians. It's the same fucking thing. SJWs are just reverse Christians. Maybe you wouldn't have a huge rise in racism if you didn't push so hard and call everyone a Nazi for not giving a shit. How could you not see this coming when it's what led to the demise of evangelists?
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Now I want you to remember this shitposting segment when this happens to you at your job, you can't back up your claims, and you get replaced for some bullshit reason you can't refute, all because someone you don't know decided to take the piss.
Hahaha! I get that you're a triggered redditer hehe.

Maybe you should just go back haha! Your pathetic use of sarcasm will be used more there
I don't think I have any merit here. Why do you assume I do? I'm just a random asshole wasting time just like you.
that's typical for teenage girls, i've seen it happen at a friend's house before too.

why are teenage girls such spergs about their parents? in my experience, teenage boys tend to be more respectful.
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I always did this when I was hungry too, it was a sneaky way to get my mom to order pizza which she always did.

>had friends over
>stepbrother wanted to play with us
>we let him
>mom came home with groceries and pizza
>I go downstairs to help and friends help too
>stepbrother was such a little shit he sat there and killed us while we were gone
>parents got really mad at him
>mom cooks a digorno pizza or red baron pizza
>have friends over
>stepbrother is such a fat fuck he takes 4 slices from a 9 slice pizza
>end up giving friends 2 slices each and I take the last one for myself
>mom sees this and stepbrother gets in trouble and cries and screams

I just wanted a good time with my friends, I feel like he always tried to ruin everything, and usually when it was just me and him our parents would let him hit me and if I ever retaliated they would beat me with a belt, but he never had anything happen to him.
2003 - 2008 = 5 years
2008 - 2017 = 9 years

I've been here for more than half of the time 4chan has existed, you piece of shit.
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>"who do you like?"
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>go to friends house
>has his friends over too
>5 people in 1 room
>ones sleeping, the rest are all playing smash melee
>only 10 at the time while they're all 15-17
>done playing smash
>friend puts in VHS
>it's fucking vintage porn
>everyone except 1 starts masturbating out in the open
>the dude who everyone thought was asleep suddenly wakes up and starts masturbating too
>one of them goes into the bathroom to hide until its over
>grandma comes to pick me up few minutes after
>friend tells me to have a good one while he's masturbating
>last time I went over there
>mfw my last memory of him is a room of teenagers masturbating to a fucking vintage porn on VHS
>We didn't like them morally grandstanding
So you aren't actually racist, just trying to ironically make racist jokes to piss off the people who called you racist in the first place in the hopes they'll calm down? That makes no sense. Also,
Stop, you are so new.
I'm just tired of spoiled clueless idiots who think they understand the world from their ivory tower

>Almost every part time job I have ever had treated me like shit, managers openly talked shit to me even though I busted my fucking ass harder than everyone else, worked all the shit hours nobody ever wanted to work, but I'm still somehow a piece of shit
>Office job that's paid my bills for almost five years and actually gave me some feeling of stability up and folded out of fucking NOWHERE despite everyone on track to get raises and being told we were the best location within the company
>Join the union so that management actually has to treat me like a human being and can't just push me around and expect me to deal with it
>haha what are u sum kinda bitch???

I have no sympathy for them
I'm beginning to think you have some serious mental issue, anon. Nothing you say makes any god damn sense.
>go to black friend's house
>"Tyrese come fold this heeuh towels"
>"I'll do it later ma."
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>friend invites me over to his house to play some vidya
>don't really want to come over since he still lives with his whole family and constantly argues with them
>eventually take him up on the offer one day when home internet wasn't working
>as soon as I arrive he's arguing with his sister and throwing her shit around the floor
>quitely sit down on couch to play some xbone and 3ds
>his pet cat comes over and allows me to pet it, giving off the hint that it receives no affection from anyone in the family
>just awkwardly sitting on the couch petting a cat while trying to play monster hunter as my friend argues

Never again
Yeah, but WE are racist, anti-religous shitlords. You are not. You're an astroturfer. Get boned.
My sister hated me, she would always beat the shit out of me, and break my stuff. If I was ever stupid enough to fight back she would tell my dad, so he would beat the shit out of me instead.

Thanks bro. I actually tried killing myself when I was 11. My dad beat me as a reward for trying. My childhood wasn't all that bad though, just not good.
>Parents always fought when I was a kid
>Close the door and raise the volume so I don't have to hear it
>At the very least, filter out most of it
>Parents almost don't fight at all now and are pretty happy
>Even so, now I keep my door closed almost all the time since the slightest outside noise bugs the fuck out of me and makes me uncomfortable
>Parents are always asking why I keep my door closed all the time
>tfw you always avoided answering this
are you in tucson?
>Whip the bitch out of you
I laughed and will use this jokingly in the future
>wake up from first ever sleep over
>I was like 13 and would never do sleepovers because I was a bedwetter
>wake up hours before my friend
>have no idea what to do
>call my mom to pick me up
>go out and sit in driveway
>his grandma comes out and says I can come in and hang out/eat breakfast/have her wake up my friend
>n-no that's okay, I'll just go home
Fuck me.
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>go to new friend's house
>it fucking stinks like a portal from Hell
>food, stains, and pets everywhere
>no one cares and thinks it's normal to have your house like a trashdump
What is with some of these people?
>go to friend's house
>find his mom's vibrator
>smack him in the face with it

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>Girls that you talk to ask you who you like
>They start trying to get you together
>Even if she doesn't like you
>You're just trying not to spill your spaghetti while you try and look uninterested and uninvolved

>previously talked about how it takes us forever to fall asleep
>by 2am they're all out within 10 minutes
>lay there for 4 hours and hear their parents get up and go out, make myself some breakfast, they give my some orange juice and have a chat
>Navajo nation
North Arizona, my dude.
Don't say I didn't warn you, it happens to anyone, really. You think you're safe when you raised all those red flags? The number one sign of a job going to shit is higher ups mistreating employees.
I'm telling you this because I've experienced it first-hand.
Good luck, anon.
What the fuck, man.
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>his mom orders pizza
>oh thats cool I guess, but I know its expensive and now I feel bad
>orders one medium pizza
>we eat the whole thing
>his dad comes home from work
>"hey hun, whats for dinner? Im starvin."
>"Oh, I got pizza for the boys."
>we're in the living room playing super nintendo
>his dad walks into the kitchen and lifts up the pizza box lid expecting a nice piece of pizza
>its empty
>he just walks out to the garage and slams the door so hard a picture falls off the wall
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>he didn't join in on the eventual orgy
I pity thee
are the natives the scum of the earth up there too or nah, the tohono o'odham natives are literal trash people
It's shit like this is why I never eat the last piece of anything.
So? Don't act like you've been here since the beginning when you haven't, dumbass. Especially when your early experience was fuckin /b/.
>stay overnight at friends house
>wake up in middle of the night to pee
>notice friend has wet his bed and is sleeping in it soundly
>piss all over him and go back to sleep
You bedwetters are deep sleepers
Where you baned from their house?
No. And it's hard to imagine someone else doing this.
>You think you're safe when you raised all those red flags?
What red flags?
>The number one sign of a job going to shit is higher ups mistreating employees
The higher ups treat me just fine. What are you even talking about anymore? Why am I even responding anymore? Thankfully the thread will be dead soon and I will be free of this madness.
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>"do you like being touched anon?"
There's no right answer
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thats mad gay son
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>be 14
>go to friend's house to play some vidya
>he starts masturbating while watching porn
>he has a huge cock, maybe 10 inches
>I'm just there, sitting on his bed as if nothing happened, but completely ashamed on the inside
>he cums on a sock and then we start playing

Years later, the picture of him wanking is still in my mind. Now I'm straight but I'm attracted to big dongs. Am I gay, /v/?
>"are you ticklish?"
>he starts tickling me before I can answer
>manage not to laugh until he's done
>thank God that they don't know I'm ticklish and won't start tickling me all the time to annoy me
Jesus christ, how do some parents behave like that?
>go to brother's house in the city
>use the bathroom
>he has 3 female roommates, their dirty underwear is all over the place
>feel up my first bra on a fucking clothes horse
Yes, you're a flaming faggot.
My friends dad kept doing this, so they started calling him "massah Chad".
Good job anon, because of your gluttony, your friend's dad likely beat his mom that night for not getting a large pizza.
total opposite with me

>me and buddy hang out with this 1 kid
>we dont like him, but hes got a hot, slutty older sister
>we run a train on her eventually
>say 'choo, choo!' every time we see him

high school was great
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>Knew a girl in middle school
>She had a "lol so funny" last name so people made fun of her
>Sweet girl though and pretty fun to talk to
>Ended up in a lot of the same classes in highschool
>You know she's actually really cute
>Became really good friends with each other
>Ended up liking her
>Ends up in another class with one of my friends
>He ends up talking about how much he wants to go out with her and shit
>"haha yeah dude pretty funny"
>She starts hanging out with our group of friends cause some other girl we hung out with introduced us to her
>One summer we're all just chilling and hanging out
>Friend starts getting close and light flirts with her
>Fuck that like I'm gonna let that happen
>Start doing my own advances
>Other friends we're hanging out will call me over
>"Come on anon can't you read the situation"
>"Friend likes her so we're trying to set them up together so try not to get in their way"
>Fuck everything
>Apparently some spic mormon we knew was also going after her
>She ended up dating her childhood friend we were also friends with
>Friend does a complete 180 and calls her a bitch behind her back
>She ends up getting into a fight with her childhood and they break up
>Group splinters
Fun times.
>didn't compare sizes with him

Jesus christ what a faggot.
Her fault for not ordering it.
>called the dad "she"

Way to fuck your own joke up
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>sometime during grade school
>go to friend's place
>his gaming room has a real weird fucking smell that i can't put my thumb on
>it's a bad smell but i keep taking big, curious whiffs when no one is paying attention to me
>smell was there maybe every other time i visited him
>years later
>hit it off with a cute girl at a party
>take her into her parent's room
>bout to go down on her
>let out a stupid sounding "OH FUAAWWCK" as the memory comes back to me 10 years later
>favorite thing in the world now is just slob jobbing vaginas while i edge myself now
Why Cameron? Why was your gaming room saturated in the smell of cunt?
Go back to your other posts.
You don't even realize you posted the signs of a bad work environment. It sounds like the higher ups aren't acknowledging you since you "don't interact with them", which is usually the first step when it comes to firing people. Makes it easier on their conscience to let someone go.

Don't believe me?
Look up your company on glassdoor.com.
Take some time to see where things really are and where you stand. There's obviously things they aren't telling you, find out before it's too late
>dad likely beat his mom

So his dad went to his own mother's home and beat her for his wife's fuckup?

I wasn't worthy, friendo. Maybe my dick was 6 inches at the time, I just didn't want to lose in front of him
>tfw I did this to a friend
>realized how stupid it was
>won't make the same mistake twice
I've been with the same company for 10 years, anon. Please stop spouting horseshit about stuff you know nothing about.
I'm literally a fucking med student and that's STILL not good enough for them because I'm not a billionaire CEO fucking bitches on a yacht RIGHT NOW

>Constantly bring home A's
>"Yeah but they're not A+'s so fucking work harder"
>Do all the work around the house because they won't make my sisters do it
>"Jesus Christ anon you still haven't gotten to [extremely specific and minor thing]?"
>Back when I turned 16
>"You need a fucking job"
>Get a job
>"No that fucking job sucks get a NEW one"
>Get a better job
>"What the fuck anon you fucking loser I had my own car and house at your age and didn't have to borrow his parents' things"

I'm genuinely kind of amazed I'm not a serial killer to be honest
>interacting with 3DPD
You got what you deserved
You don't do it to shame yourself, you do it to make him feel even better.
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>go to friends house
>we're both in 6th grade
>his dad comes into the living room
>starts playing with him
>wrestling evolves into him tickling the shit out of him
>feel awkward just sitting there
>start tickling him too

I don't know if you'll see this post due to thread being auto saged, but your parents need to know a thing about inflation and economic changes. At least you can improve your life.
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>get PS2 for christmas
>poor friend is over visiting
>says "wow, I wish my family had that kind of money....." with a really sad voice
Believe in Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, anon

you will have peace
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What the fuck anon
Ironically, I did end up getting a girlfriend in my last year of highschool, although we ended up breaking up because of college/university/long distance shit.
Used to be reserved as fuck but I ended up becoming a huge flirt because of it.
Still stay in my basement jacking off to my anime though.
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>Have a cool friend
>Go over to his house one day
>"You can't pick that character"
>"I always pick him. He's my guy"

Jeff you're a cool dude, but you can't just hog Scorpion
Jesus isn't paying my bills
>be known as the poor anon with friends
>never able to play video games except at their house
>they always let me borrow shit and I always try to bring food over in return
>years later realize we were poor not because we didnt make enough money
>mismanaged all our funds buying lotto tickets instead of paying bills on time
>reason was if win it would all be worth it
>go over to friend's place
>play video games and shit, have a great time
>end up spending the night
>bed time comes
>lay wide awake on the couch or other makeshift bed in the dark
>this bed is uncomfortable, morning routine in somebody else's place is awkward, the food they have isn't the food I'm used to, didn't eat that much because I don't like it and don't want to be a burden so I'm hungry
>get up and leave, walk home in the middle of the night for like an hour
>feel bad but also comfortable in my own bed
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I was always that weird kid, sadly. I just wanted people to like me.
Last post.
So bad I do
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