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I can't decide if the graphics are good or bad? It's

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I can't decide if the graphics are good or bad? It's a fun game tho. Thoughts?
tfw watching streams online of actual friends playing this with each other

I'm a lone wolf
Needs more work.

I really hope there's a decent amount of maps and more load out options.

Graphics are so so. I really wish Tripwire had went for an engine with destructive environments. Makes the game feel a bit dated.
They need to work on making it not be so clunky before focusing on graphics
why can't get a kill with the slug REEEEEEEE
the MAT 48 is great though
I'm trying to buy the game, but I keep getting this message:

> Note: You already own the following items in "Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Digital Deluxe". You will not receive extra copies of these items when you complete this purchase:
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

the fuck?
Still needs a ton of bugfixing.
Some things I encountered:
- Memory leaks out the ass. At one point it was using over 9GB virtual memory on my 8GB system. Thrashed the pagefile like a motherfucker.
- Positional audio is apparently nonexistent. Unacceptable in a game like this. Needs a lot of work.
- Scopes on sniper rifles sometimes don't work. Need to drop the weapon and pick it up again to fix it.
- If you lose you win.

But all in all it's pretty fun. Needs more work but I can see it being better than RS eventually.
I'd also like controller/joystick support for helicopters.
ignore it
This. The graphics should be the least of the devs concerns.

Also helicopters need a lot of work.
why is the sks a piece of shit gun in it.
They are bad, you're welcome.
Its a waste of time
just play squad, rs/ro2 or PR instead
so it will be a typical TWI abortion at launch then?

good to know, will enjoy getting it for free in a year like RO2
Cause that's what they were IRL. Lots of NVA weapons were garbage and in terrible condition. Shot out barrels, peasants destroying barrel crown with the cleaning rod, using corrosive ammunition in a humid environment, etc.
On ultra it looks really fucking good for an UE3 game.

Its not top of the line, but it hits all the vietnam aesthetics you need so Im good.
>- If you lose you win.
That's because some servers have 2 rounds per map, and if it finishes 1-1 the team with the highest total team score wins.
Pretty dumb, it completely not obvious if you lost a round but won the match. It just says that you won.
Can someone tell me how to git gud? No matter how I play I get killed bysomeone who sees me frm like 40 meters. Do I have to play stealthily or what? I'm sorry for asking this but I really want to get good and enjoy another shooter, it's been years.
graphics are alright, pretty neat for the performance i get 100+

but the AA is shit everything is "sparkling" due to jaggies, everything just moving basically, and LOD are shit, theres stuff spawning in for me like 50 meters infront of me
make use of cover, follow your squadmates, use common sense
>- Positional audio is apparently nonexistent.

im using a 5.1 sound system and its pretty amazing

but yeah it'd be nice if they let you choose headphones or stereo and the setup of your surround sound, like GTA, so you can basically choose how wide you want the speakers to sound
It says right fucking there that you won by a tiebreaker.
I'm talking about the constant grenade sounds at full volume even though they drop half a map away.
This is also how it was handled in Ro2/RS, so nothing strange there
ive been downsampling from 2k to nearly 4k with almost no drops from 60fps

thats the best form of antialiasing you could ask for and you can force it on like any game

also th is is the most fun ive ever had in a FPS and i started playing FPSs over a decade ago


You just have to know the maps, I consider myself pretty good at RO2 but I'm getting destroyed in this game, I think mostly because I know the maps in RO2 very well but I don't know them at all in RS2 yet.
Play with a squad and don't play it like it's some shit Battlefield title. If you have to lonewolf it, camp in defense of either a squad spawn (tunnels) or an objective.

Focus on controlling choke points with a squad and don't try and rush objectives. I see more idiots rushing control points right in the middle of artillery strikes and that just racks up kills for the enemy commander.

This game is easy as shit to rack up points if you play smart.

Don't like it much, I would have preferred a game based on the Korean war. It would have gave them the opportunity to introduce a slightly more modern settings while keeping the bolt-guns which make RO so satisfying.
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I made friends playing last night. Had a hell of a competent squad leader and had to add him as a friend.

Ain't nothin like toasting chinamen in the rice paddies.
rs2 has bolt guns tho
The game is being released in like a month, it won't happen.
I've never given it much thought until this moment, but I bet there were a lot of people who went into the war as a racist draftee and came out a changed man after going through hell together with his black squadmate who kept each other alive.

sure you can grab a mosin, but the firefights revolve around assault rifes.
You can still use Mosins as the VC if you really want.
>tfw playing alone because all my friends are gay
aint nothing like war to open your eyes! (I've never been in the military)

much respect to those who do
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Fuck Tripwire
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How's the overall performance anyways?

I love games like Project Reality and Squad, but the latter is nigh unplayable with all the clutter they add every update.
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>mfw i chose the black skin so I could blend in better to the foliage and now my character talks like he's black
I was on the fence on whether or not to get RS2, but now I'm definitely buying it
pretty good, i can run it at a pretty solid 1440p 60fps on ultra with a 6gb gtx 1060
That's nice, dear
Performance is ok, you can run pretty much everything on the highest settings with 5 year old hardware.

The problem is mostly some of the strange buggy shit you run into. For example, I tried to jump over an embankment and ended up teleporting halfway across the map. There are also memory holes that will cause the game to eat up your RAM for no reason. This is really alpha build problems that should have been fixed months ago.
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So what is Scout class support to do?
I mean the double barral is fun to use but the tripwire is so ass and barely work half the time
just like the dev

they could make it a booby trap like in RS1
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your supposed to smoke or flank
you have really good stamina
Graphics aren't great. They're good enough. Gameplay is pretty good, I run into a few bugs when placing traps, tunnels, and the like.

See that pisses me off because I'm on a 970 and I'm getting 60+fps on 1080p max settings, but randomly I get half a second drops to like 40 and its really annoying.

Have no idea what is causing it.
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Good ass game.
It's the pagefile bug eating up your RAM.
i don't know if it's just me but this game feels like it's a bit easier and more casualized than Rising Storm/RO2

not that there's anything wrong with that, though. game is fun as fuckkkkk
Guess he won't be needin them smokes
can you explain this to me like i'm retarded?
is there a fix?
what's really weird is this never happens to me in this game, but in Rising Storm 1 it happens all the fucking time.
Can I make Punjabi traps?
Can I create ambushes?
Is there a central command to order the Squad Leaders?
Shame this game is going to get ruined by shitty cash shop cosmetics.
What's wrong with the SKS? You can snipe a dime off a GI's nose with it.
I can't imagine what it's like to be around dead people all the time, people who were alive a minute ago are now dead, shit man
yeah I quite like the sks
wish the model wasnt so fucking HUGE though
The bayonetting action is pretty bad 2bh, they should have it like RO where you charge your stab and are able to run with it, as it is it's pretty useless and feels wrong

The aiming over cover doesn't always work right so have to stand up exposing yourself

When you pick up a dropped gun you cant reload it or ammo check without firing or reselecting it, I dunno if that's just me though

Checking weapon ammo sometimes reloads the weapon instead, again it might just be me
Holy shit, that sniper rifle scope bug is STILL a thing? That's been in RO2 since release
There's a bug in the game that randomly causes it to eat up your resources. There's nothing you can do about it until Tripwire patches it.
>they should have it like RO where you charge your stab and are able to run with it
but you can do this exact same thing in RS2, just hold your middle mouse button with your bayonet on as you run
>until Tripwire patches it
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More weapons would be nice Vietcong had a nice selection, a few of which could be ported over from RO
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Thanks for the tip guys, but I don't think this game's for me. Walking around for 100 meters just to get sniped/killed by a rocket launcher ain't my type of game,
Stop sticking your head out in the open and it will stop happening
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It runs on UE3, an engine known for looking like plastic.

But yeah I agree it is pretty fun. I just worry about them ironing out the balance.
It is a bit different having a majority of your weapons automatic compared to the rifles of WW2.
Reminder to use Enhanced instead of Authentic for a less vibrant looking game ala RO2/RS.
>never run over open ground, unless you are absolutely sure it is safe. But even then don't.
>when in a combat zone/front lines, remain crouched. You can still sprint while crouched although you will move slightly slower.
>Stick with your squad/teammates as much as possible. If you don't know the map, let your team move while you stick behind and cover them. If you see your team mates getting shot you identify where the enemy is and can safely shoot back.
>check the map as often as you are safely able to. Sometimes enemies will be marked due to recon or other players spotting them. Knowing enemy positions is invaluable in setting up ambushes or not getting killed yourself.
>get on the fucking objectives
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>positional audio
For me, the only thing that desperately needs work is the sounds for grenades landing. It's impossible to tell if they land outside of the building your in, or at your feet.

Sound in general needs to be amped up. All the guns sound weak and flat. Furthermore, guns with select fire (full auto and semi) have to DIFFERENT firing sounds, depending which firemode you're on. Voices need to be louder too. People yell in a warzone, because everything is fucking loud.

>AKM/Type 97 rifles have way too much recoil, especially compared to M16s that GIs can fire fully stabilized, while 2 shots from an AK at you're pointing at the sun
>None of the LMGs have the ability to barrel swap IRL, don't barrel swap in game, but there's still overheating (even though you can magdump your rifle or use the heavy MG all day and not overheat, but 30 shots from an RPD and your barrel is cooking)
>Pungi stick traps are extremely hard to build for some reason
>Maps like Hue need to have player model movement cleared up and smoothed because its real easy to get caught on rubble/debris, requiring to jump or vault
>Gun models are way too big for the screen, even on higher FOV settings.
>Putting a radio in vehicles (like BFV) would give the game some more "soul"
>M79 needs direct impact if you shoot at someone too close for the grenade to detonate (especially considering you barely hold a dozen 40mm nades)
>enhanced gore from KF2 would be cool
All the gun models are retardedly XBOXHUEGE for some reason, I really hope they shrink them.
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They have it in options so that if you check your weapon and you're low on ammo, it will automatically reload. You can always turn this on/off.
Just about every firearm in RO/RS was used to some capacity.

Personally I'd like to see more pistol options, along with the RPK and a few more SMGs.
>30 shots from an RPD and your barrel is cooking
I fucking wish, I do two bursts and I can't see fucking shit from the steam coming off that shit, honestly do a better job suppressing with the fucking AK.

Also, pretty sure they removed the reverb in this beta, they had MAJOR issues with that shit in the previous 3 or so I played, guns sounded super loud and like total ass due to it. Funny how they aren't loud enough now.
We can all be united by our hate of soulless gooks, anon.
Am I the only one who does not feel like the movement and combat is clunky?

I'm loving it.
I am sick of shitty squad leaders who dont throw down good marks and then get mad at me for not giving them any support. I would put them down myself as a commander but with all the fucking retards running into where I tell them not to go I end up having a teamkill spawn delay of like 1:30. Playing commander is a blast when you got good squad leaders tho and end the round with near 100 kills.
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Climbing is clunky as shit. I couldn't walk over this little step. You have to vault or run over it. Now imagine shit like this spread all over Hue city
Maybe it's just because I'm used to RO2/RS movement though. RS2 seems to just be a straight copy paste so I don't notice any difference aside from the sprinting durations
I have played 10 hours and never had an issue.

Hue city is a shitty map though/
>All the guns sound weak and flat.

Aint that a fact, the AK should sound like it has a big hunk of metal slamming backwards and forwards as each round is fired

Also increase the mag loading speed a tad they're so slow
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the game is very unoptimized for me,can only ruin it in the low settings even though i ran rs1 in ultra
but besides that i very much enjoy the game
and valley is confirmed best map
The city maps are ass when it comes to placing tunnels as well as what you mentioned. Fucking hate those invisible walls. At least I dont get trapped in rocks like I do in the jungle based maps.
Heart still near enough slams out of my chest when under fire but I can't imagine what it was like to be in a war like Vietnam.
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>gunning for a cobra
>pilots spot a buncha gooks in the open
>starts rocketing
>Suddenly gooks turn into blue triangles
>abort abort!
>to late
>pilot and myself awarded hero of the soviet union
Actually its pretty funny

>AK is better at suppressing because there's no overheat, yet is has shitty accuracy and control
>RPD overheats too fast to suppress, but is far more controllable than the AK.
Fucksake no wonder the gooks won the war.
>mfw all these payfags that are terrible at flying

Early beta tester servers when?
Can you play now if you pre-order or something?
>Also increase the mag loading speed a tad they're so slow
This. The amount of times I've died because of the agonizingly slow reload times are too numerous.
at the very least they could copy Battlefield/DICE and go along with a staged reloading system, so you can move in the middle of reloading and not have your magazine somehow still in the gun.
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Is there any night maps?

I want to hide in a dirty hole, eyes wide open, using only flares and gun flashes to find gooks. Real heart of darkness shit, is there anything like that in the game currently?
I think what they could add is more debris, such as when market stalls/shop counters are hit debris and papers etc fly into the air, maybe puffs of dust off shoes when running across terrain/when diving prone on dusty ground etc.

Make the thick foliage make a sound when you walk through it, twig snaps when walking off the beaten track, as it is the bush makes no sound and is pretty immersion breaking

some off the assets like the cars look really nice though
i tried downscaling using the DSR thing in the nvidia control center thing, but my frames suffer greatly doing that
this game is so dumb

why are the clips so small

what level do i unlock ACOGs
No, but there was a map like that in RS with Japs.
>so you can move in the middle of reloading and not have your magazine somehow still in the gun.

Yeah that'd be nice.

Also increase the rate of fire of pump shotguns BUT make the pump manual as are rifles etc

What do you mean? There aren't really any games with destruction other than battlefield and even that's been shit since bc2. (Bc2 Vietnam was pretty dope)

Destruction fucks up map balance, and with arty there wouldn't be much left.


Feels the same as ro2. Not perfect but it's not too bad.

They need theater/campaign mode like ro2 and not switch sides at the end of the round.

Spawns are kinda wack on some maps, the vc spawn is a pain to get down on some maps

Bandaging is way too fuckin slow

Overall it's a great game, and should be a good replacement for ro2.

My father served in Vietnam, he was a southern farm boy who grew up in a prejudiced town and as a result was somewhat racist.

When he was serving he made friends with his machine gunner, a black man named Wodell "Gumbo" Johnson.

Gumbo was a very superstitious man and always wore his cross. My father, a devout Christian, formed a bond with him over their similar religious beliefs.

Sadly Gumbo was KIA shortly after returning from leave. As he laid dying in the jungle, he passed my father a note for his parents and his famous soup recipe for which he was named. Even though he died in Vietnam so many years ago, my Dad would always make gumbo for us at least one a month.
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That's a shame, there should be at least one night map.
>make the pump manual as are rifles etc
this is an option in the gameplay menu.
>They need theater/campaign mode like ro2 and not switch sides at the end of the round.

Yeah this is a pretty big deal for me, I loved playing with the same team-mates for a whole campaign especially when you had a good commander with plenty of teamplay etc
I read somewhere that TWI said they weren't gonna do night maps because they weren't enjoyable and no one could see shit of what was going on.

Charlie own the night GI
The AA is so fucking bad I feel like it's actually hampering me trying to play, especially in areas with heavy foliage. Is there any way to improve it?
shut the fuck up Gump

Just force AA on your graphics card you nub

This. It's a cool idea but always shit in practice.
check your map dummy
>this is an option in the gameplay menu.

Yeah I just checked you're right, had it deselected by mistake, sometimes the X throws me off and I read as being deselected if you know what I mean

tl;dr I suck dicks
Casuals ruin everything.

you can't force AA in DX11 games
I camped and I got a few kills, guess I'll just camp close to base for the first few matches.
It's because TWI couldn't optimize it to playable. They could literally have flares going off every few minutes and have a map like in that film Apocalypse Now.

But they would completely fuck it up. They should take some lessons from Joint Operation for jungle night combat.

>night map

We could have flares, maybe the map could be a base/camp assualt with searchlights, tracers arcing across the battlefield, G.I fairy-lights hanging in the bunkers, flare tripwires etc
>gooks won
No, the hippies won. If only they'd actually cared about the Vietnamese, commies wouldn't have killed so many after the US abandoned ship
>what is Rising Storm - Guadalcanal
Bandaging should be slow though, it was fucking retarded in RO2.
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>server displays 62/64 or 63/64
>attempt to join
>immediate server full message
>spam refresh
>it remains at 62 or 63 for five minutes

Fucking Tripwire.
There's actually a couple of rising storm night maps
>he didn't play on a server running a custom game mode without bandages

> Shows a video of a perfect example of why night maps are shit

It's just not fun for me. Rs2 isn't really supposed to be ultra realism like Arma is.
NVA got fucking rekt after how badly the Tet Offensive went.
Yes, hence my post.
Why the fuck are you saying "They can't do it" when they clearly can and have shown it in the past?

They can do it, but the night maps in rs1 kinda sucked.

They were okay but not great.
reserved slots mr. my first multiplayer game
>Millions dead or cancerified by napalm and vast swathes of farmland scorched to barrenness

Nobody won Vietnam, the gooks just refused to lose
>South Vietnam was annexed by North Vietnam
The commies clearly won.
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Supremacy would actually work really well for this type of gameplay.

A largish night time map with a lot of vegetation with signal flares that trigger when a patrol attempts to take an objective. Obviously if the devs don't want to do this then they can be modded.
>no indicator of reserved slots on the server browser
Americans left the country, then the democrats got voted in and then they gave up on it.
Are you me? I literally just had that happen.
it need to be an american night like your pic
otherwise it would be completely shit
in part because there was stagflation and a general sense of "fuck that place, we've got our own problems" at the time.

Carter was so bland/weak/lacking political-saviness that he lost to reagan who proceeded to buttfuck the country with neolib reforms
Fucking up helicopters and the recon planes with just an AK is great

When you come in with incredibly superior weapons and training and get fucked this hard you lost regardless. Not to mention all the shell shocked dudes that came back changed forever causing further harm to society.

Vietnam was real fucked. USA never really recovered from that loss.
>thinks there is a tangible difference between red and blue when it comes to hawkish war mongering for their corporate buddies in the arms industry
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>thinks it was just commies.

The North Vietnamese saw it as a civil war against western imperialism. The entire conflict was a mistake and we could've had a decent ally (basically SE-asian Tito) had we not acted irrationally.

they rekt the Chinese (who attempted to invade along the northern border of veitnam after the Vietnamese liberated cambodia from the Khmer Rouge),
I think your autism is interfering with your ability to enjoy this game.
>dude, Where's my Tank?
Your just bad honeslty
Don't run in the open
Crouch and peak when you are near an open area
And flank people
Anyone else feel like the default M-16/AK are the best weapons? I've tried all the classes out and rarely found myself in a situation where the class weapon would be better than the laser death rifles.
PPSh is pretty good for wrecking shit on the city maps. But I agree, much of what is offered is super underwhelming.
AKM king of the jungle.
>if you lose you win


Bolt action is really good, one shot kill, perfect accuracy, long range.

Just don't miss.
>not using coach gun both barrels


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D-does anyone want to play with me...?
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>Your just bad honeslty
Bullshit, 80% of the hits I have made with the Mosin did not kill while the AK variants will almost always do the job in a single shot. What makes it worse is that in the previous games they would have all been kills.

its use is inexcusable
>only 2 heli landing zones
>3 RPGs per team

Pretty easy famanam
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Been playin since the first beta wave, pretty sad seeing all these new guys getting absolutely rekt by Charlie. Oh well, they'll learn some day.
You know sometimes I catch myself thinking war could be fun but then I see shit like this and realize im a fucking moron
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tfw you look up and see those napalm canisters falling towards you
You have the time to get gut before the game is out
>that guy drowning in the tunnel
Viet Cong Antfarm?
Apocalypse Now isn't a documentary. That scene is highly unrealistic.
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>pop off a few rounds at a Huey flying overhead
>it starts drifting to the left before crashing into the treeline
>got a headshot on the pilot

so good
I love it when you and a squad of guys wait for a chopper to land too and just throw everything you have at it and the troops hopping out
Anyone have any beta keys?
You're right, I'm not gonna let you down anon.
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tfw doing it with a MAT-49
Project Reality Vietnam plays better and has the same graphical quality.
Large images are automatically scaled down for mobile posters

Ya fucking mobile poster
that's FXAA bluryness for you ;) we hope you will enjoy - Tripwire

desu it was first thing i turn off completely, i still know why those retards haven't added SMAA already
That has nothing to do with what he is talking about, moron.
The M16's puny mag is unforgivable. You're fucked if you get a surprise enfilade on a group and want to get more than a kill or two before dying.

I prefer M60 with the 200 round belt.
>I can't aim
>plays better
questionable... PR vietnam (due to being a BF2 mod) lacks the interesting attention-to-detail regarding firearms (being able to pistol-whip/butt-stroke, adjust sights, etc.) that RO/RS games do..

If you could somehow get those features into ProjectReality you'd have a pretty good argument..
>"i prefer the *miss* gun
Last day of beta today!
fuck really i thought id had something fun to play for the next few weeks



shit cunt balls dicks

Single shots son
it only takes 1-2 torso shots to kill a man with the M16
recoil is low and followup shots are easy so its good for CQB as well
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Lmg are amazing
They better have a release date if the betas going to be finished.
I imagine the open beta will start very soon. The game is still advertised as a Q2 release.
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>GI being kidnapped in the tunnel

This graphic just gets worse the more you look at it.
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>tfw the audio keeps cutting out on me.
This also started happening to me in RO2 and RS and i have no idea whats causing it.
One day its doing perfectly fine next day its unplayable because the fps drops to fucking 12 fps every few seconds and the audio sounds like its coming from someones shitty mic.
I've started several threads in the steam discussions but haven't got any helpful advice.
your using wireless or corded headed phones?
I played through a round were we ran to time, had more people left alive on our team, and the GI still won
>- If you lose you win.
Damn you're dumb
Bet you're also one of those people who switch their side back every round
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>mfw I haven't bought a vidya game in 5 years, hardly played any new ones
>have 1000 hours in Rising Storm and Red Orchestra
>beta was pretty fun if a bit glitchy.
>25% off for preorders and beta testers

Fuck it, this will be the last video game I ever buy.
know what direction the enemy may be coming from and always make sure their line of sight of you is obstructed, basically use cover nigger.
corded yeah.
oh yeah that took me days to figure out, it was such a pain in the ass finding a solution to that.

anyways, good luck

In the alpha the m16 had a choice between 20 or 30 round mags, not sure why they removed the 30.
I don't care about the game looking vibrant
Will I spot enemies easier on Enchanted? Already turned shadows and foliage to low
>that pop in
so they did not fix anything from RO2?
Don't be pedantic

I downscale from 5k resolution on my 1080gtx and it looks/runs amazing. Native resolution looks like utter garbage because of the lack of decent AA.
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I've played a couple hours back in November I think it was? For the most part, the game is the same. Ignoring all the bugs and balance problems they had originally which is why I couldn't stand playing it then and I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed. Not to dismiss that I enjoy playing it, but it feels like Rising Storm with a reskin.. which that was a RO2 with a reskin which that was a giant shit over RO.

Of the maps currently, the cities are shit. They're so confined that goes against RO's nature, but besides that the layout is awful. The rest are somewhat nice. The tunnels is something that people in the beta seem to ignore and it's insanely easy as a viet to get behind u.s. lines.
Honestly, why do they still exist? Almost every role they play out the same. I just don't see the purpose of needing so many roles anymore tbhfamblam. At least they killed SL to be someone int he squad, that's the better change of it all.
Again, it feels exactly like Rising Storm. I honestly don't know what I was expecting.
>die to it while you can't see it
Jesus fucking christ it's equally as annoying as it was back in December.

Other than that, it's just like RO2 except everyone is running around with shitty MKBs. I'm debating if I want to buy it or not. The experience is almost exactly as RS and RO2, so why bother? Soak up the beta and that's all I'll need.
Why is the game clunky as fuck to move in?
because they were the least prevalent of mags
clunky engine
>It's another "Americans get slaughtered in Hue city" episode
Why does this keep getting picked?
happened to me only once and it was when I alt tabbed like 3 times in a short period. Did you do that?
Yes :^)
MFW always win as americano's when i'm TL
>TFW you realize the M14 is god-mode on Hill 916 and some of the "Supremacy" maps..

>aside from when you encounter anyone at a range closer than 20 feet.
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>Switching sides!
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>get 50 kills on hill 937
>more kills than squads
Feels good to be a dirty viet living in a hole planting mines.
>^Hill 937, whoops.
>1 minute for switching sides
>yet when the map changes people start spawning as soon as they load, in fact the first batch of defenders spawns directly on the point but it's usually only a couple of people with SSDs
Great fucking logic
is this a mod or whole other game?
Yes to all if you meant punji traps
How the fuck does the tripwire work? It's always red when I try to place one.
Only works on dirt surfaces.
It's both a shame and a blessing that most casuals don't give a fuck about tunnels
Most GIs sitting in trenches don't even bother looking at tunnel exits near them and some don't even seem to be aware that they can't fire their main weapon inside
>get 10+ kills easy by sitting inside a tunnel looking at the entrance as Americans literally pour into my wave of bullets
>one tunnel exit has ammo supply so I never run out
Ferrs gud mong
>it's the whole US team keeps trying to cap that fucking hill while gooks cap the rest of the map episode
From my experience its al;ways the other way around. C is the only point the Vietnamese can reliably spawn close to so it is naturally where most of them end up while hueys in combination with squad leaders enable the US to get anwwhere with ease with multiple mobile spawn points.

An Lao is a mess and needs a lot of refining.
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Both teams spawn closest to C but because VC have the forest as cover and spawn tunnels they always win the fight Americans can only win if they ignore C and go for the other points.
The difference is that both of the VC spawns are next to each other and close to C while the US have one close to C and another close to F. Cover is irrelevant because it doesn't change that the Vietnamese have to spend five minutes running to get to anywhere that isn't C and tunnels are a shit solution as they require the SL to get to wherever they want to dig them which is a shitload of running and then a couple of minutes later the front has moved so even spawning on the tunnel leaves you with five minutes of running to get anywhere.
Any american team with competent pilots will easily win An Lao as the hueys can land behind E, F and B safely meaning that the US team can spawn pretty much anwyhere on the map.
Agreed, night maps are fucking awful. There's always some douche who turns their lighting and contrast way up and rather than do the same thing I just leave the game because fuck that shit.
I say VC spawn system is way more reliable as long as SLs place tunnels
A good deal of pilots are retards who use huey as an attack heli and never land
Yeah I don't disagree but right now there are so many dumbasses playing who don't realize this and will keep trying to take C.

It kind of reminds me of pavlovs from RO2, D is the by far most important point but dipshits always rush for C instead and throw the game.
>PR's gunplay
I don't think there's an FPS with gunplay that's more retarded and unsatisfying than PR.

>Whoa I'm under fire
>Better wait 3 seconds before I return fire if I want my shot to land in the same zip code!
A good tunnel makes no difference to the overall game though as it is static. For example I once had a sl that placed it in a really neat spot between E and F which allowed our squad to take both points and score a lot of points for our team. The thing is though that only one squad can use each tunnel, so of course we were quickly dislodged by half of the US team and then the tunnel was useless because the fighting was happening at D and B which meant I could either spawn at base and spend three minutes running to those points, or spawn at the tunnel and spend three minutes running to those points or try and cap the nearby ones by myself which would take eons and make little difference to the game overall.

Conversely hueys are constantly moving all of the place and the entire US team can use them as they aren't restricted to a squad so within a minute of respawning, a squad leader can easily be the team needs him to be and then suddenly his entire squad is spawning on top of him. The asymmetry works in Territories and Song Be because it's a tiny map but on An Lao and any other maps the same size it just completely breaks down.
>increases contrast and vibrance
>doesnt do a damn thing about AA
what times the beta over tonight
probably tomorrow morning/noon since all the devs are at home right now
I'd like to see more vehicles and weapons like the m113 and tanks. Maybe some 90% jingle maps and some maps with the US defending.
Speaking of which the tripwire seems kinda underpowered

Shits visible as fuck, only works in very specific locations and you can only put two down? Pls
Tanks would have no place in this game desu
Get on the discord and say you're going to cut yourself if they stop the beta.
its got adjustable weapon sights that go out to 2000, in increments of 100.
Yeah? What's your point

How would a tank fit into jungle warfare
>Shits visible as fuck
It can still block a doorway because you can't defuse it through a wall
Also people aren't looking at the ground all the time, especially when they're near the enemy
Considering how the land mines are practically invisible even to someone who is looking for them it doesn't seem unreasonable to at least lower the tripwire a little bit, like down to ankle height. Right now it's at your fucking knee.
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so if they stop the beta theyll stop the beta

>oh no a bush and a tree, how will my 49 ton tank capable of producing 750 hp ever handle it

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Why do you think war messes people up so bad. It's fucked up, but in the heat of the moment you have to ignore to end up the same.
>cherry picking scenarios and not mentioning ditches, valleys, mountains, steep hills, ect

tankfags are so delusional.....
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You dense motherfucker, it's not about the fucking bushes, it's about what's hiding in the bushes.

Have fun driving through dense as fuck jungle at a cool 5mph while every fucking gook in a mile radius is running towards you with an RPG.
true, if only we had like, tanks built with bridges in the-oh we do that
if only we had tanks designed to clear pathwa-oh we do that
maybe we could have an entire class of solders whose entire job is to traverse or make areas passable, like, enginee-oh we do.
I get Black Ops 1 flashbacks whenever there's choppers or planes in the sky
Fuckin killstreaks
oh no, better just give up, and walk in on foot i guess. yeap. no private johnson, dont agent orange the entire forest to cause the leave to drop off and die, this isnt vietna-
How wouldn't they? I'm not saying in its current form, obviously you'd need larger maps. Later on I'm the war tanks and helicopters were used by both sides. I'd like to see some larger maps more focused on the mixed infantry/vehicle warfare similar to how it is in ro2. Vietnam had plenty of city battles, and extensive use of apcs and tanks. This would also give more purpose to the explosive classes.
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mfw using the itchaca
does anyone use the shotgin with the duck bill
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>Most GIs sitting in trenches don't even bother looking at tunnel exits near them and some don't even seem to be aware that they can't fire their main weapon inside

>Follow a line of GIs into a gook tunnel
>See the big flashing warning saying I can't use my primary weapon in the tunnel
>Pull out my pistol
>VC comes around a corner and mows down all my helpless teammates
>Just wait for him to kill them all so I can line up a shot
Yeah, I went on a nice little killing spree using it on Hue City.
The clunkiness is sort of inherent to RO. Not necessarily defending it but....the series has never been about smooth gunplay. Proper positioning and team tactics take priority over the snap shooting you get in most other shooters.
Instead of an "It ain't me" game they should've invested more time into RO2. It's been like 5 years and the entire game still has like 6 vehicles
I use it sometimes. For some reason I've found shotguns harder to aim than in RS1 so I need the extra spread
yea the american shotty is weird with where the pellets go right now. the double barrel is fucking pristine though
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tfw you go to start a squad but someone else clicks on the same fucking one a fraction of a second before you so you just join it as number 2 instead and before you realise everyone has already joined other squads so there is no point in making a new one
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>tfw you have the game on SSD and can pick any squad or role when the round starts
tfw half the server has the game on an SSD as well
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam looks better, sounds better and has actual destructible terrain. All of this in 2000 and fucking 10
The B-B-BUT WE'RE INDIE! excuse can only get you so far.
Game is ass.
Considering this is Vietnam, how does the balance feel? As far as I know, Vietnam was mostly potshots and blind rushes into forests.
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wow great logic totally still not in high school
What makes you say this?
>20 rounds
I wish, they're going for ultra realism where its 18 because soldiers didn't trust the mags to hold 20 but hey, the early m16 had shitty mags as a major problem so that led to paranoia I guess for the m16a1
I think 20 also works for balance. The m16 is amazing at mid to long range with a high rate of fire and such little recoil. It would be an all around monster with a 50% larger mag.
I wish they would add the type96/99 lmg or some sort of zb26 based lmg.

It's just not the same without the magazine blocking half your screen
> @
>> Get out
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i'd say the visuals are pretty alright

>Had a hell of a competent squad leader and had to add him as a friend.

really? funnily enough, the EXACT same thing happened to me last night. pretty good SL, had some fun in-game, had to add them. we haven't talked too much since adding each other, but they're pretty cool
>had to add them
correction, they added me
Plenty of potshots
2 deaths out of 3 I have no idea where I was killed from
>they can't fire their main weapon inside

all I have is a m16 what the shit am I supposed to do
it's kina low quality and vietnam novelty wears off pretty fast.
i would rather play squad and wait for modding support and vietnam mod for it.
Yeah, but it's an arcade game compared to this. I enjoyed that game, but I like this gameplay much more.
Ask devs why grunts don't get a pistol
Get called battlefieldbabby
they somehow ruined pretty simple, but very tense and immersive gameplay of RO2 and I don't like it. it feels like insurgency in jungle which is bad. ro2 always had strong feel of team around you, frontline and cover. nothing like this in vietnam. you just wander around, shoot a gook, glitch in terrain and get killed. repeat.
This is gorilla warfare anon

No frontlines here
insurgency mode in project reality did gorilla warfare times better. tripwire doesn't want to invest anything significant into the project so we eneded up with a sloppy rehash.
That's not the experience I've had.
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At least it looks better than Rising Storm 1 and RO2.

I still hate the vaseline smeared look. Older things like Bad Company 2 and even Insurgnecy look nicer because they feel crisp.
>when someone compliments you on being a good SL
feels good man
>If you lose you win
so just like vietnam war ?
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>be transport pilot
>constantly drop full loads of people behind enemy lines
>never get shot down, have one of the highest scores on the team
>memory leak freeze causes me to crash as I'm trying to land
>"man this pilot is shit pls kick"
The graphics are fine but the character models are absolute fucking ass, fucking UE3.
This game is genuinely shit.

RO2 is so much better.
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>tfw bitchy underage voice even though I'm 22
>wanna be commander regardless
>nobody takes my orders seriously and some people are downright hostile
>can't even take part in the roleplay mic banter

I-I just wanna fry some gooks with the lads, is that too much to ask for
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>That "Ka-klink" noise you hear when your prone
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>roleplay mic banter
You're one of these "/v/ tards" spouting shit and ruining it for everybody, aren't you?
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