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Name a worse Monster in all of Monster Hunter. Protip:there

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Name a worse Monster in all of Monster Hunter.

Protip:there isn't one
Najarala is bad but he is no Khezu.
Plesioth with old-gen hitboxes
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Ichinose is the worst Monster of all Monster Hunter

>nerfs B tier weapon in MHX
>new director comes in and fixes ichinose mistakes in MHXX

Wow, that was easy.
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Gravios. I don't have a copy of the YAMERO picture, so here's a prowler wearing Tiggy instead
>New Director makes cats useless as a player controlled entity by halving all stats in a G-RANK game.

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Worst monsters:
Bonus. Small monsters
8. Gravios and all variants
7. Kirin
6. Plesioth and all variants
5. Yian Kut Ku and Yian Garuga (although Dead-Eye Yian is actually alright)
4. Rajang / Blagonga and all variantsts
2. Raths and all variants
1. Diablos and all variants
cat modes are for gathering, not hunting fuck off furries
It's the only way I can fight with boomerangs.
Najarala's fun to fight with a glaive.
Basically most of Gen 1.
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Hopefully MH5 will have the two weapons they made concept art for but cut from MHX.
and also hopefully MH5 will be on Switch
It was made for ariel movesets.
this, Plesioth is the most broken mosnter
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This would have been infinite times better than giving us alchemy.
>just one dog but he gets new hats corresponding to different "weapons"

sounds more manageable than a kinsect
What? He's my favorite monster, bar none. I especially love his gear.
>Yian Garuga
You're not fit to be a hunter
>extra long roar, charge across the entire map, roar again, charge again, etc
>No, just no. Fun design, awful fight.
>awful all around
>also awful, giggi is infinitely better in every way
>utterly broken back in the day, not bad now. still makes this list for the ptsd
>so fucking sick of this fucker, just drop him from the series for the love of god
>Most large elder dragons
>obvious reasons
>deviant monsters
>as if rathalos wasn't bad enough, now he flies 99% of the fight and spams fireballs non-fucking-stop. They are all retarded and don't belong in MH.
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you're just annoyed you didn't get a "new" weapon.
Guard cats and beast cats look like alot of fun in MHXX.
Try to justify Dreadcuck Rathalos. I fucking dare you.
The Najarala is easy with an insect glaive. The Rajang kinda sucks.
>has all the same problems as Raths
>not bad
4th gen babby please stop trying to make the game babby mode for everybody else.
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>capcom dropping the mascot of the series

Yeah, no
Never tried them, I just stuck with a healer and steal cat.

How good are they?
>forced bounce, no-tell instant moves, and tiny yet incredibly mobile and fast monsters
>fun or engaging to hunt
pick one and only one
Guard cats earn adept guards, Beast cats get and invincible dodge they can do while also Piling on the damage. Pierce and big boomerangs combo are still recommended to use though for guard. Felyne assist gauge also fills way quicker when using melee attacks.
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All these votes for PS2 Plesioth.
All these people who never played the PS2 games.
Whats the problem with Najarala? I thought he was cool, I dont dislike almost any monsters except maybe Gypceros
Rathalos good.
Rathian bad.
Fucking bullet sponge health pool.
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You almost got me, well played.
XX had a new director? Does that mean it's not trash like X was?
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>people dissing /ourguy/

git gud shitters
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Najarala is actually quite fun once you get earplugs.


Ehhh, Ceadeus isn't a shit fight, but he's a boring fight. For some people though, boring's not necessarily bad, and Ceadeus went into the realm of comfy for me. It helps that I actually enjoyed underwater hunting even if I wholly admit that it had a lot of issues and needed to be improved badly.

how does taste this shit exist?
You know you can break the scales on the ground of both Najaralas right? Plus, normal Naja's sound attacks are pretty easy to avoid.
Monoblos is pretty shit and boring
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would you like a futuristic MH where we hunt monsters from different planets?
Chin dinosaur is my least favorite but I hate any monster who is slow as fuck and whose only gimmick is having tons of health
Ceadeaus is pretty high up that list as well as Gravios
Oh, sure. But melee weapons will bounce in doing so and you're going to spend a lot of time not attacking the monster in doing so.

As for Naja, it's not so much the attacks as just not enjoying having control of my character wrested away from me. I've never enjoyed roars, ever, and try my hardest to avoid them whenever possible. This usually means making all of my sets with some form of earplugs, or using weapons with shields.

Honestly Naja is primarily built for Insect Glaive hunting. It's really obvious. Polevaulting out of his coils, hitting his face, natural earplugs, it's the perfect weapon for him.
Lao-Shan was a fucking chore to kill in MHFU. Did they improve his fight in XX?
>chin dinosaur
His gear's design is fucking... mwah, perfect.
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wouldnt know, I always shield him and have no problems
I'd prefer a prequel, where we play as the original strongman wyverians and fight endless hordes of elder dragons, craft our own equal dragon weapon frankenstein, etc

Shit was wack back in the day, before it all broke down and the world effectively ended, turning into what we know of monster hunter.
You tell me, you're the one who likes fights loaded with sitting and doing nothing.
Most roars can be rolled through with the right timing, and with the Naja scales (esp Tidal with the bouncing water shots) it's highly recommended that you destroy the scales if you're not wailing on it.
Also, the coil attack can be supermaned out of, and it has plenty of weak spots to wail on at most other times (essentially whenever it targets anyone else for any attack, it has huge openings to exploit for the others.)
And I highly doubt monsters are designed for any specific weapon, it's more like weapons find niche monsters to exploit sometimes, like how IG is also really good against Gog.
Weren't ancient wyverians supposed to be giants, though?
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yea fuck Khezu, I'm so sick of that penis monster >>376952005
and forget what I said before gravios is way more annoying than Uragaan
that's the one
Like that giant dude in 4u, yeah.
Hey, I hate him too! Thought I don't think he has that much health, he's just really frustrating to get hits in.
it fixes a lot wrong with X, but not too much. Styles are still imbalanced and most times you're forced to pick the same HA/Styles as before.
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your probably right. the first time I fought him it just seemed endless
you know who else I'm sick of?
But can I actually get away with using Guild and only a single HA without feeling horribly gimped like I did in X?
There are a few new things that help to balance out problems in X, but yea, there's still some of the same problems.
They helped Cats quite a bit, and they added a separate Art for the SA that makes it into "axe only" instead of the current "sword only."
And Alchemy seems kinda neat for certain weapons with no good style or art, like HH. (personally can't wait to do alchemy HH, and no I am not one of those shitters that sit in the corner and do nothing, I'd just like something else to fill in when I already have my songs up)
Guild gets 2 Arts though, always did.
And for quite a few weapons Guild is best choice overall. It's almost always a matter of personal preference for style/weapon combos, but there are a few rare cases where a specific combo is best for a specific weapon.
Goldbeard Ceadeus
Ice Najarala
Jhen Mohran
Black Gravios
Stygian Zinogre
>they added a separate Art for the SA that makes it into "axe only"
Holy fuck are you for real? You mean I can actually use my weaponfu's axe form and NOT feel guilty about it because it's "inferior"?

I know, but I hate the concept of HAs and Styles, which is why I played Guild with 1 HA in X.
You'll still feel really gimped
>Los good
End yourself Los, Ian's so much better.
I like slower gameplay. It's why I enjoy Monster Hunter. Not every single moment is DODGE OR DIE, and most weapons demand some level of prediction and planning as opposed to just DODGE DODGE DODGE MASH MASH MASH.

So, yes, slower fights are right up my alley.

Uragaan legitimately got worse after his initial introduction. He used to be bigger and moderately faster, with a pool of moves that kept him in a smaller, tighter area of effect.

>most roars can be rolled through
But not "all", and I'm not going to learn the exact speed and hitbox of every roar in the game to learn the minute differences in an attack that every monster has. I strongly prefer to just use earplugs. I don't mind that roars exist, and I'm certainly not complaining about them.

As for the coil attack, I'm aware you can superman out of it. Personally I prefer to find the spot where the tail just touches the body and wiggle/roll through since I don't like having to put my weapon away if I absolutely don't have to. I certainly think people overplay the tripping though.

Wasting time to destroy the scales is just that, a waste of time, and the monster has plenty of opportunities to charge at me or pin me while I'm fucking with them. I generally find it more enjoyable and effective to just try and keep track of the water projectiles and dodge when I can, but the fight is still a pain in the ass. I must reiterate, I know HOW to fight Tidal Najarala - it is not that I have trouble with it, it is that I do not enjoy it, and feel that it is a poorly designed fight overall. One should not be expected to dodge hits without proper retaliation just because they're wasting 20 seconds to clear out 3-4 scales that Tidal Naja shed off at once, only for him to shed off another 3-4 right after, god forbid he sheds 8 in quick succession.

Really though I disagree that, at the very least, some monsters aren't designed for specific weapons. Gotta force that variety.
I cant wait to MH5 to erase cancer like the adept style
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good one
Stygian was actually kind of interesting in 3U.
4U turned it into pure cancer.
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you know you say that but it ends up being one of the best Deviants and overall fights in the game. The only cancerous thing it does it the new Astalos attack where it prongs it's tail into the ground
I remember there being a high or G quest that required you to kill a Stygian and some other cunt of a monster, could have been brachy, rath, gravios. I don't remember, but I do remember hating Stygian. The basic Zinogre in 4U was already insane relative to the one in 3U.
Ukanlos and Akantor
The Tempest Axe art buffs your finisher and gives you HH-tier movement speed in axe mode. I believe it also modifies a couple other things, too.

Personally I made it a challenge that I would not use styles or arts until I beat a monster with Guild only and no arts.
I hate the fans of HAs and Styles more. They always chimp out whenever I point out that I preferred the older gameplay.
Lao shan was a joke once you got good gear. Seriously you could 1 man him with bows/HBG if you knew what you were doing, i know because i did numerous times while farming. Gaoren was even easier
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It only goes downhill from here, boyo. Look forward to it.
Yeah, I've notice that, certain weapons you'll never know what the fuck people are talking about when x monster is utter hell for them, but you'll be using a weapon that he wasn't using, and smoke'em all the time.
What the fuck are you guys smoking? 3U's Stygian was WAY worse than 4U's stygian. The 3U one too often just plunkered down and decided to spam those homing balls all over, which would track you way too effectively. Good luck using any kind of element or status against it, or not getting hit out of literally any attack at the worst possible moment.

4U's stigzig I actually found enjoyable to fight because it was basically a regular zig just with a "you'll wanna move soon" mechanic rather than 3U's "KEEP EYEBALLS IN ALL DIRECTIONS SO YOU KNOW WHEN A DRAGONPHAGE IS GONNA FUCK YOU IN THE ASS"
That's not the problem. Wailing or it for 30 minutes until it reached the fortress gates to be able to kill it was boring. Thank fuck for emulator speed-up, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to farm his mats for weapons
If I kill my friends, will I be able to save MonHun?
sns is awful and i legit made my self sick of monster hunter for good playing sns

hopefully mh5 makes mh great again, and i'll pick up my bow and play again
I never fought 3U's Stygian.
No, because then you'll be stuck solo hunting, which you will realize is the true hell.
I feel like there's something going over my head here.
In all fairness Styles and HAs did bring a massive change that can be viewed positively to a series that could be defined as stagnating.
I just feel like Capcom went about it the wrong way when they went about "breathing new life" into the series. Feels like it's lost its roots somewhere.
But...what would I know?

This Tempest Axe sounds nice. Perfect for me, since I prefer axe form.
Aww come on, Dagda
I only really stopped playing cause mounting feels broken as fuck.
I don't what else to say just the whole mounting shit, can't really get behind it.
It's extremely annoying as fuck in Online sessions to. Like fuck dude I just want to kill monsters.
>kut ku

there is plenty anon. Just because you can't deal with the coil attack doesn't mean it's a bad monster. Plus paralyze weapons are goat.
3U is a fight about positioning because you can make the dragonphage hit the Stygian.
4U randomizes some of those shots, sometimes it'll delay some of them and sometimes they'll fire off towards nothing. That makes the fight turn into a crapshoot every once in a while.
Literally all you have to do to be good at SnS is
>X+A, X, X, A, A, A, Down+A, X, Repeat
And know when to just move out of the way.
MH lost its roots when MH2 released, so any addition after that isn't much of a problem.
>3U stygian encourages situational awareness beyond just what the monster itself is doing
>actually getting hit by the dracophage balls in 3U when they're predictable as fuck
Mounting really isn't that broken. It doesn't do that much damage on its own and, like other status effects, grows more difficult to land and less effective in terms of results each time it's done. It can be broken in groups, but so could paralysis or sleep so it's not much different in that regard, plus you have to use a weapon style that more often that not gimps you or forces you to spam in order to get it consistently, otherwise it's a rare 1-2 occurence per hunt thing if you specifically try to bait monsters to ledges.

As of MHX, too, you do gain something back from attacking the monster while it's being mounted.
Who here /onlyeverwearsqurupecoarmor/
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>I don't what else to say just the whole mounting shit, can't really get behind it.
It's not like hugging a dragon's chest and poking it until it dies.
>>X+A, X, X, A, A, A, Down+A, X, Repeat
yes, it made me sick
Don't forget that this Tempest Axe mode also now allows non-Power phial SA to be actually usable.
Which monster would you want to mount?
>tfw love slut huntresses but hate pantyquest games because they're degenerate
Anyone feel the same here?
They discourage using any weapon slower than DB/SNS/Bow/LBG, and all of those are going to have their elements fucked so they're going to end up super weak.

Yes, asking people to have too much situational awareness beyond just what the monster is doing is unreasonable, because monsters typically take up the bulk of any player's awareness due to needing to read tells and time movements. This is what gets people stuck against walls. This is what makes people complain about ledges. The dracophage is so much worse than any wall or ledge.

Yeah, but it's only a crapshoot once in a while, whereas 3U stigzig is a crapshoot all the time period.
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God. DAMN. That's fucking beautiful.

>can actually get away with using axes that don't have power phials without feeling gimped/guilty
Say no more. Sign me up.
Zinogre armor or Deviant tama armor
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I want Tama to mount me.
I always looked at "elemental phial axes" as being "axe mode axes" regardless. They often had better elemental and raw values than their power phial counterparts, so I would treat the element phial as existing only to use the Phial Burst on, because the Phial Burst has so many small hits that it benefits more from Elemental than Phial, whereas Power benefits more from just using regular sword attacks.

Maybe it was just some mental gymnastics but that's always how it felt to me.
___ Mohran
FUcker here, I live under a rock and never played a monhun game released after Portable 3rd. Did they change anything major on Khezu since FU? Everyone seems to fucking hate him but the only Khezu I know is the slow piece of shit from 2nd gen that's a complete joke as long as you have a shield or earplugs.
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I want to BE tama
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I dunno
Nope. Literally 0 changes. And that's why everyone hates it.
It's antiquated, it spams moves, and it's just a nuisance to hunt. Shiggi Giggi is far and away much better monster.
He's even more cancerous with his electric attacks now. It's fucking ridiculous. He has attacks that literally coat him in electricity all over while he slowly walks towards you, and I'm sure this comes as no surprise, but he screams way too fucking much, and will sometimes fuck you over while recovering from screams.
I hope mizutsune bites your head off fag
Red Khezu yes, normal Khezu is the same exact thing but using the 3rd gen Flying Wyvern animation skeleton instead of the gen 1/2
Element Phial on axes with actual decent elemental values were decent. Sure, not as amazing as a high raw SA with a power phial, but they weren't totally worthless. Shredded anything with vulnerable elemental hitzones.
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Look at me
I'm THE Tama
I don't remember FU Khezu, but it can do a double electric current, it can do electrified walk/run, and when on the ceiling or walls it can eat you or shoot slightly homing electroballs.
Neck extension attack
Double electric AOE
G-Rank electric AOE with star-shaped electric arcs
>Gen 3 adds a whole bunch of cool monsters
>next gen forgets most of them for shitty 2nd gen monsters


>want the helm for transmogging
>have to beat the super hunt to unlock a Deviant's transmog
god fucking damn it
but I guess I can't complain too much since it is only a cosmetic thing instead of how horrible dealing with 10 levels of Deviants was in vanilla. I pity whoever decided to start a new save file instead of a completed Gen file
>plays 4U and Generations
>fucking Capcom actually downgraded Qurupeco and Gigginox fights with Yian Kut Ku and Khezu

for what fucking purpose
It's crazy how poorly axe mode has been treated over time. It got weaker and weaker with every incarnation. Finally, 4U gave it a moveset that let it really shine what with being able to roll into upswings meaning chops were easier to access and it had a proper finisher, but they completely fucked its motion values.

I am legitimately surprised that Gen unfucked axe so much by boosting its attack values back to 3U standard and on top of that fixing the finisher to hit three times and deal more damage, and that XX has gone the extra mile with Tempest Axe.
Fuckin finally.
I forget, isn't he back for XX? Or am I blind?
Quropeco is in stories so they atleast acknowledge he's a favorite.
I don't get what's the deal with you faggots and peco, he wasn't much more interesting than kut-ku or hypnocatrice, the major difference is that he could screech like a retard to call monsters which were a minor nuisance at best because you just had to throw shit at their face to make them go away.
I mean he's alright but nothing to write home about.
>have agnaktor and uragaan which are basically all of Gravios's core concepts and attacks separated into two monsters
>bring Gravios back anyways, and make him even more cancerous by giving him a subspecies

At least Ruby Basarios wasn't too bad. I would rather have seen Emerald Gravios though than Black Gravios. Maybe he'd be mildly less cancerous.
>Gen 4.0 adds a diverse cast of new monsters
>endgame makes them irrelevant for grandpa monsters, except shaggy because of GQs.

Man, Gen 4 really is a dumpster fire.
Axe mode was always my favourite aspect of Switch Axe. The appeal of wielding an actual greataxe that wasn't just a model using the greatsword moveset was too strong for me to ignore it. Sword mode never appealed to me because, well, if I wanted to use a big, heavy sword, I'd use the actual Greatsword weapon class, wouldn't I? Sure, SA sword mode had a different moveset and operated differently, but in a series like Mohun where each weapon class is distinct in both looks and function, I didn't really wanna play with something that looked like something else, but with different attacks.
If that makes any sense.
>by giving him a subspecies
black gravios was already a thing
I think that they should add underwater combat again.
He had personality. Kut-Ku just has stupidity. Quru had well-designed third-generation movesets. Kut-ku had poorly designed first-generation movesets. Quru wasn't just another fucking Rathalos skeleton. Kut-ku was.

Fucking gas all the chickenwalkers. Tigrex only escapes because he's got an interesting and well-designed moveset even for early generations and he only chickenwalks when he doesn't see you.
Nah that's pretty much all it does. The HA is garbage in G since most monsters won't give you enough time to actually stamina swing them.

But Brave Swax is amazing and is what you should be using if you just want to axe. Y+X for a 90mv finisher that keeps your gauge topped up and is spammable?
Unstoppable fun.
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I really miss monster hunter. I've put over 600 hours into each game since 3rd or tri, whichever came first.
But I didn't care much for any of the styles, while I mostly used hbg, I hear that that there weren't any good HH, which is one of my main weapons, guard lancing with style could have been so much fun, but adept sucked.
And the worst offense was the ticket system. Forcing you to fight one monster so many times was just boring. I would rather go back to the 1% drop chance instead of knowing that had to fight for X amount times more. With increasingly higher difficult and Instakill attacks and bad players
Got to around 160 hours in Gen.
At least Gravios isn't as much of a problem since one of the best HBG in the game happens to be a Water Pierce HBG (Mizutsune).
Doesn't excuse the presence of fucking REMOVE GRAVIOS, but the knowledge helps ease the sting a little.
all they need to do to fix axe mode without HAs is
1. Reduce Power Phial's 1.2 mod to something more reasonable like 1.15
2. Make same form combos (Axe to Axe, Sword to Sword) super clunky but Axe to Sword and Sword to Axe combos chain faster to encourage creative combos.
3.) more combos from morphing. I really want to see the sword upslash be able to transform into the Axe upslash so they can get into a reliable combo for the infinite+finisher
4.) Optional if HA go away: Make Tempest Axe's chops activate if you hold the infinite for a long enough time
I think you should fuck off underwater and stay there until you run out of air
Could have sworn it was introduced in 4U. My bad. My memory's been shot for a while.

I'm sorry but no, Brave sounds like shit across the board for most weapons. Over the top, overpowered bullshit. Really turns me off.

Besides, stamina slash was never meant to be used commonly on a monster, it was meant to fuck their face in when they tripped or got paralyzed or you flashbomb or trapped them, or when they were exhausted..
Outside its songs and flint attack Quru has the same moveset as Kut-Ku though.
Fuck you, Hyper Blangonga is a serious pain in the ass to fight. I'm so fucking glad there is no Deviant Blangonga.
I never got the retarded complaints about tickets. For one, no one "forces" anyone to do them one level after another or repeated over and over.

Second, i mean do you people just hunt a monster for the gear and then abandon the game? What the fuck? What happened with hunting just because you wanted to?
I still advocate they should remove the reload function and make axe attacks speed up gauge recharge time.
Honestly when styles/arts go away with 5 I would not be surprised if the Tempest Axe function of the stamina slashes improving as you hold them for longer carries back into guild style proper. I could even see the alternate x finisher replacing the standard chop finisher.
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*flashs you*
>taking damage
>what happened to people just playing to play rather than playing to progress
dunno, why do people bother raiding in wow when they just kill mobs in the world
This alone would be a huge gamechanger.
It's not specifically the moveset, which can consist of the same general umbrella actions, but how the moveset is animated and timed to make it unique to Quru and polish them up for 3rd gen.
Alchemy's lunge to reload animation would be really nice to give to base SA as well. Otherwise the lunge would become worthless
Well, that's all the Swax HA really does. It makes you run faster, stamina swing faster and changes your finisher slightly.

It doesn't offer enough to make axe mode better than sword mode. I've played around with it enough to know.
>a tiny little nick of red that also happens to count towards activating an ability that boosts your attack power when you go red
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He meant overpowered shit like this:
And mind you, this is Super "dude five OHKOs lmao" Azurebolt
You say as if Kut-ku doesn't have pretty unique animations on its attacks.

I hate the Rath skeleton too but come on.
Ehhhhhhhhhhh. I see value in Switch Axe being "Two weapons in one package" compared to Charge Blade's "one weapon in two forms".

Instead of forcing sword players to use axe mode so they can use sword more, I see value in trying to balance out both modes to be of generally equal worth so people can just do whatever playstyle they like without feeling guilty or forced to use a particular one.
Outside LS? Not really, that "tiny little nick" expands and expands.
>load video
>it's long sword
>close video
People in general will always go for the stronger option.
It makes several of your non-stamina slash attacks faster and stronger as well, though, plus it's worth noting that you don't need to do a sustained slash session just to use it as part of your combo for the improved x at the end, just roll, do 1 chop or two and x and roll out and you're good. Gen certainly offered me enough opportunity to do that with the R finisher, I don't see why this'd be significantly different.
It also shrinks and shrinks, too.
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And now you understand the meaning of "restriction in freedom"
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>Wanting Peco back
Just like my peeanus weenus then.
>Beast cats get and invincible dodge
>charge blade eats a ton of nerfs not even being in the top 5 of mh4u (ig, gs, bow, hbg, lbg)
>logic was guard points into aed was op
>logic was thrust into aed was op

>make a new weapon style
>lets everyone get a GP equivalent

? ? ? ? ?
>longsword faggot
he deserved it, that weapon was 2nd gen's cancer
Wait am I doing something wrong? Because Beast Cat's R command feels absolutely horrible
>hunt monsters from different planets?
Brachy is pretty much an alien.

Man I sure do hate the "please chain sonic/flash bombs and pitfalls traps for free damage" monster too. Git gud you shitter.
Some GPs like Lance and DBs are okay
Then you get this: >>376957076

My peanuts free nuts
if I get to use cool hi-tech weapons, count me in
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[homes in on u]
Everyone complaining about Khezu and Gravios should learn how to use a ranged weapon.

I also hope OP is memeing because Naja is a pussy unless it's Apex. Pierce rounds all day every day.

If it's not Apex, git gud. You'll be proud later.
Well, then you can go ahead and be disappointed in the HA like I was.
Any monster that does nothing but hipcheck and tail swipe. So pretty much all of gen 1 and 2
What's wrong with Najarala? I remember it being on of the easier monsters to fight but it was fun because it was unique because it didn't have any major reskins.
>spam flash bombs and traps for free damage
So every monster in the game then? That applies to literally anything.
The only part that doesn't apply to literally every monster is sonic bombs, and even then that still applies to a good number.

>forced to use earplugs/gunner weap to make a fight even remotely bearable
yea, no, fuck Khezu and Gravios
this is fucking disgusting

mh5 cant come soon enough
I doubt I'll be significantly disappointed in it given that I already do axe mode only guild mode only.
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>Protip:there isn't one
Protip: You're wrong. Hope you like pinball, fucker!
I don't understand the hate for gen 3 onwards Diablos. The only miss-step it had was on Portable Turd-4U because P3 decided to halve Tri Diablos' movepool just to bring it's shitty sub back. Tri and XX Blos are both really good, especially XX Blos who gained Monoblos' attacks from 4U. Ouma Blos is also a fun fight except I'm torn on the steam. If it were my call the steam would have done a heat wave similar to G rank Crimson in 4U rather than just being a plain old AoE
>same shitty theme for all deviants
I wish they had just left the monsters with their regular themes, it would be an improvement in almost all cases
No, it's because of the way Diablos recovers from sonic bombs that make him much easier to exploit. You sonic bomb him, flash bomb him as he comes out of the pit so he falls, pitfall trap him, flash bomb him as he escapes that, and shock trap him after. This is all pretty much guaranteed as long as you hit the first sonic bomb, and it disables him for like a minute and a half. I don't know of any other monster that's so easily exploitable.
Isn't it great how XX added a style that runs counter to the entire philosophy of combat in MH? No need for smart positioning, no need to dodge, none of that. Just facetank attacks and be rewarded!
>charge blade eats a ton of nerfs not even being in the top 5 of mh4u
I get legitimately sad about the 4u CB, because every time someone talks about for the most part you get retards claiming it was overpowered and broken because of a video of some guy using gimmicky sleep set requiring certain gear and a godlike charm could chain sleeping steve in G2. Yeah I can understand it being better KO than hammer was something that needed to be touched, but they didn't even fix that. It STILL KOs better than hammer. The only thing they changed was the damage, (which is fine change idc) but the worst change was ruining it's playstyle and moveset. Removing GP into AED and Thrust into AED removed the original flow it had, and now it's just incredibly clunky.
deviants were a mistake
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Adept has ruined me in so many ways.
Arts did that already in Gen.
Yeah, I knew for a fact that if I ever played Adept Bow, I'd be ruined forever. So I stuck with guild bow.
garuga a shit
Don't forget YELLOW SHIELD. That shit shouldn't even exist.
>waah I can't just GP into AED over and over and over and over
Removing that objectively made the weapon flow better since GPs now allow you to combo uninterrupted, it's just not huge free damage whenever the monster tries to attack.
I love how the adept is constantly rewarding you for not using the iframe window, slowly making you unlearn the timing for iframes
adept is free e+3
braver is facetank for damage
when the fuck is monster hunter gengen?
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>tfw no mhxx on vita
I personally hated lagi

Rathalos to because of its fuckin bullshit
>it's just not huge free damage whenever the monster tries to attack.
thats false, there were only a few attacks you could punish with a aed after a gp

>removing options made the weapon flow better
theres no way you legitimately believe this
already happened fucko, import it or download and english patch it
I already did but my friends are faggots who can't into nip.
How long until we start to see one-frame AOEs in XXX with all the arts/styles they keep adding?
khezu never fucking stops stalling, it's not exactly hard to fight on its own but fuck having to deal with several of them or just one alongside a monster that takes a good while to fight
how do i transmog in xx
Plesioth in MH 1

>Fight with melee
>Bullshit hipchecks and can only gnaw on ankles, have to wait for it to come out of the water

>Fight with ranged
>Accidently kill it in the water, get nothing

Since my 3DS died like a month ago and I'm waiting for the E3 to see if Nintendo is going to kill 3DS or not I'm playing p3rd on PPSSPP to get a detox of that style.
>No need for smart positioning, no need to dodge, none of that. Just facetank attacks and be rewarded!
So nothing changed because that's what lance is.
it's MH, you don't even need to know nip to play the game as long as you've played previous MH games
Never, it's not 4U you know.

if they would make a monster hunter that dont have them, i would love it so much.
I've played 3rd, 3U, 4 and XX now in nip. My friends aren't that dedicated to the game though.
Lance still required smart positioning and knowing when to dodge/block because not everything can be countered, and some moves leave you open if you do attempt to counter them.
Also, evade lancing exists which pretty much cancels your argument since evade lancing embodies smart positioning and dodging in its entirety.
>make fun weapon
>not even a great weapon
>fun playstyle
>lets play stay on the aggressive constantly, able to parry any and all attacks assuming they're good
>gut it completely because no fun allowed

>Monster hunter w/out Raths
*bashes face in repetitively with fire elemental hammer*
tfw monster hunter died at 2
>One-frame AOEs
Next thing you'll say is that 4U has spiky neon ocs that scream in the middle of the arena.
How do you get use to the horrid camera? The c stick is fine but the d pad on the touch screen is awful.
>brave eat first move
>second move hits me
Yeah, nice "reward" here.

Not every monster has 1-hit moves only, you know.

Also no, with Guard+2 you can literally block everything and counter without even really learning how to play the game. Only a really small number of moves can't be countered like that.
>Attack Gypceros with fire anywhere but the tail

I mean I know that a hammerfag wouldn't know the difference but still atleast get your facts straight.

Just a video demonstrating it. you can't attack during it.
Not to mention that Lance required you to compromise your set for G+2.

Meanwhile, Brave LS only requires you to fill the brave meter and since going back to Brave Mode is a non-issue, you don't have to compromise your critmeme set.
Garuga's hitbox is so huge that's basically an AoE.

And yes Gore Magala was introduced in 4 not 4U, sorry.
You don't even take damage with the lance though.
None of those are 1f.
Instant charge only happens when he's directly in front of you, and that's almost always on the part of the player for looking garuga in the eyes like a mad man.

Magala has no 1f aoe explosions
Shaggy has aoe explosions but not even 1f, it's very lenient as theres an indicator where an explosion is going to happen
I think you don't really like Monster Hunter, friend.
Careful of what you say, Art/Style fags have delicate feelings.
It's not even on my top 10 shitlist what is your problem?
I don't particually like either it but compared to shit like Gravios and Kezhu or the giant monster slogfests it's like a godsent.

Eh, i use adept bow, but I honestly find myself dodging attacks based on positioning and reading the monster than anything else. I still cheese some attacks though. Mainly hellblade and his tail nukeball spam
You're right. Garuga actually damages you even before starting the fucking animation.

It's the only monster i was talking about having 1f moves, by the way.

Gore was referring to the non-greentext part of the post.
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>tfw hammerfag

One day, when flesh is eaten and wyverns return, hammer will be relevant again and have a cutting move.
>requiring hammers to have a tail cut material for their bis hammer

>hammers need a cutting move

Why'd you want to ruin what makes the hammer a unique asset?
You never played lance

You run out of stamina after like 4 block, most monsters recover faster than you when you block their attacks

Guard is one of the most useless skills, It takes 15 points be able to block 2 extra attack per monsters, 15 fucking points, and you run out of stamina anyway after a few block

evade lance >>>>>>>>>>> guard
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This is my fursona, her name is Valfalk
She can fly with jetpack wings and uses those wingblades to defend herself

Ecology? Isn't that the name of a food brand?
>running out of infinite stamina
jesus christ, that's worse than 4U e+3 lancing
>that utter dicksucking even bad decisions instead of using his position to bring attention to how they are flaws.
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>memehunter videos

Why do people suck this guy's dick? His voice gets grating and his videos are quite mediocre.
elder dragons have always been fucky in terms of ecology
Nice, epic, i like it.

>he attacks Gore Khezu while defending shit like Teostra or Amatsu
He was the first guy I saw and I half agree. Only half because his 4U videos are what got me into just about every Mon Hun weapon besides LBG.
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He's a pretty helpful guy back when MH4 was still japanese-only
Gen 1&2 monsters become stupid easy as a gunner, especially now that adept is a thing. Makes me laugh everytime someone complains about khezu, because there's literally quite nothing he can do
Cause he was helpful. He's not very charismatic and has gotten shit wrong, it's just easy information.
He genuinely likes the series and while I don't give a shit about his tutorials, I like watching his famitsu translations and videoblogs now and then.
would be a godsend.
you could make the silver and gold ones special/secret fights ala fatalis or just make the regular one non-essential to game progression be it MQ or gathering hall.
Maybe because the majority of players is using BM weapons?
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we need more rath subspecies
Yeah. People should honestly give other weapons a try sometimes, there are some that are clearly better for this or that monster
This. We need a blind rathalos so he can't be flashed, and also you bounce off everything and the biggest hitzone is 15.
I change to HBG when I know a monster is real big or weak to water (Mizu HBG OP), but otherwise I play BM, and I always find that even though I know that HBG is better against a monster, I feel like it's too boring to play ranged and I want to be in the thick of it until I remember that for quite a few monsters being BM is suffering (ex khezu or gravios)

tl;dr I find gunning real boring, but I feel like I HAVE to use it on certain monsters
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Brave LS feels so good, I don't even give a shit if it's cheesy.
Should I drop my deviant X sets for low-end G stuff if I plan to solo G to the Mantis fight, or will it carry me through? Don't know how big the power gap is.
>We need a blind rathalos so he can't be flashed
Dreadking ad Dreadqueen already do that.
Also your only opportunity to attack him is after 4 minute world tour sessions where he has a 75% chance of changing area after the 4 minutes.
Those become base rath tier once the wings are broken, i mean truly not flashable
That is not Kezhu and it also doesn't take Gigginox's slot away by being not Kezhu unlike the afformentioned piece of shit known as Kezhu.

In otherwords, a monster can't be as bad as Kezhu unless they manage to make an even worse troglodyte wyvern.
is there still a hunting school in the newer gens? cuz i remember those training missions were pretty good for general tips both of strategies and sets for every monster and clearing them helped me improve to the point where i can effectively use every weapon even if i have my favs.

one of the worse things you can do in MH is lock yourself down into a single weapon type, especially when you refuse to play anything ranged. it needs some getting used to, but when you get good at ranged weapons some monsters become pathetically easy and much less of a problem to farm or power through. the opposite is true too, as the seregios for instance is much easier for me in melee than ranged.
Yeah, there's tutorials for each weapon still.

I understand why people get turned off from gunner weapons, there's a few things to learn and master to get good kill times, like where to shoot, critical distance etc. When it takes them 30 minutes to kill something the first time they use it they just drop it, but gunner weapons are mad solid when you learn them. Khezu is a good example, and also plestioth, he gets destroyed by thunder LBGs. Try gunner weapons folk. They are good i promise
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Someone needs to make an updated version of this with Brave and Alchemy
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i miss the instructor
Aerial IG is more attack helicopter than arial DBs could ever hope to be.
I love the aerial vault, but i hate that aerial replaces the roll with the jump. I can't play this game without rolling
pick a random pre-gen3 monster out a hat and its probably worse than snek
never got the hate, its not amazing to fight but the concept is cool the armor is some of the best looking
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Maybe we can add the Frontier Raths to the mainline games!
Rajang. Seriously, fuck that fucking monkey. Follow close (but not TOO CLOSE, seems like proximity is painful.)**fury swipes**, see opening rush and swing -nope-*quick attack**, dodge roll swing -noper- , sheathe, he's tired, swing **roar** -nope-, no earplugs. **Thundershock** **thundershock** Rajang activates his Z-attack and uses the Z-attack! **Catastrorage**it's not very effective, player is KO'D
Blangonga is the worst piece of shit. It's not that the moveset is bad, it's just the constant hoping hoping hoping. And god forbid doing it with someone else or a cat, cos he'll spend the entire hunt running from one side of the map to the other

Just have Rathian interspecies breed with like Deviljho, Glavenus, and Astalos. Imagine the horror.
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>that typing style
Naj is fine with Lance until G-Rank, I just couldn't solo the fucker there. Then again I got stonewalled at G2 in general, made a new file with some friends recently so hopefully they stop being such lazy faggots about getting Caravan done so we can actually progress further
>that faggotry
>disregard me I suck feminine penis.

What's everyone's beef with him? I usually run IG against him, so I never had an issue with him. Heck, with my SA, I didn't have a problem with him. And this isn't counting playing in MHX.
They wouldn't like that since they act too different from the base Los and Ian.
Can't have people actually seeing you can use the same skeleton to do different things you know.
You actually sound like you're twelve. Now tell me your hunter name so that I can blacklist you.
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>Dissing my main monkey
Rajang is one of my most favorite and scariest fights imaginable. We need more monsters like it, just a seemingly bottomless well of rage that also has a variant which also happens to be a bigger bottomless well of rage.
Give me yours so i can blacklist you
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Shut up and post guild girls
New weapons fucking when?
>not giving all your images an ifunny watermark and a reddit filename

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>Fighting Tidal Naj with two friends
>Both are lance
>Get caught in the circle
>Try to get out 3 separate times
>Every time I get hit with the Lance charge and launched back in
>Take the massive hit eventually because I can't leave my prison
>"Why didn't you get out of the circle bro?"

When you have a fanbase of a high difficulty series whose general advice consists solely of "git" and "gud", people are going to look elsewhere for more thorough and helpful advice. Adam consistently provided this from his write ups (from 3U and 4) to his videos and as such he's praised and respected for it.

If you're a seasoned hunter, you'll know where to look to find the info you need and you really don't need to follow Adam's advice, but for those who are new the series, Adam has an incredible source.

Black fucking Gravios.

Fighting two of those fucks in 4 nearly made me lose my shit.
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I want to impregnate Guildmarm!
haha dude just mount him xD
He's got some annoyingly hard (as in they cause bounces) areas along where you normally strike. LS and Bugstick can basically ignore this.
The only thing I dislike about Monkey King is that his rage resets his stamina, and he spams attacks non-stop then rages non-stop. I get to see him do a moment of pause then he's like "all aboard the pain-train, motherfuckers!!!!" It's like playing hot-hands with Terry Crews, except less funny.
As I keep saying, I will update it when the game gets localized.
i mean shit on later fights he enters the fight on SSJ and only goes up from there, if that's not pure rage then i don't know what is
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>The only thing I dislike about Monkey King is that his rage resets his stamina
That's its best feature!
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