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>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single

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>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game

Why don't you want to beautiful, smart and deadly, /v/?
years of Warcraft has trained my body to fap every time i see a sexy elf
I don't generally play them for that reason
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Why would I want to play on easy mode? Also I don't want to play as a granny.
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b-but I am beautiful
>female elf
The developers may as well label the race 'slut' and stop the pretense.
I hate elves. High elves in particular. Forest elves are just pathetic while dark elves are alright. Playing Skyrim as an elf extermination simulator as a buff, two-hand barbarian Orc or Dark Elf is the only way I can play that game.
For twelve years I've played Elves in WoW. Keep taking breaks but keep coming back. The engine is shit, the armor is mostly terrible, but I've grown so attached to them that I can't really get used to other MMO's with better character customization and outfits.

Doesn't stop me from playing every game with playable Elves, but my WoW Elves will always be my favorites.
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Get the dragon.jpg
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Malekith plz.
I want to put a baby in an elf
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>tfw dark elf player for 2 decades
>end times
>malekith was right

oh please, by the time one of them can cast a proper spell they've long since stopped caring about anything unrelated to magc
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time to get shit done.png
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My negro.
Malekith had a hard life.
why are mages so darn popular?

nothing better than to hunt your foe down as close as possible and cutting them down to shreds
melee 4 lyfe
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I prefer both stabbing and blasting people
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>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game

But I am anon. I love elves. I wish I was a pretty elf mage in real life too :(
>I wish I was a pretty elf mage in real life too
>that hair and face
you aren't pretty in tera either
>Why don't you want to beautiful, smart and deadly

I play games to escape real life
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I'm into dudes so it's easier for me to make attractive male characters than attractive female characters, because I'm unaware what men find conventionally attractive.

In hindsight she does kind of have an ayy lmao face.

Its like looking at my own shota pawn all grown up and addicted to meth.


>that neck
>that tiny head
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that's not my fault, you can't adjust the size of torso or various body parts in Tera

It's deeply regrettable
>these ayy lmao arms

whats wrong with the arms?
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Why would you pick anything other than female elf
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Are you blind? They are long as fuck.
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That'd be a decent character portrait.

I really like pic related.

God, I miss character portraits. I remember browsing forum galleries and shit for hours looking for good ones.

Photoshopped celebrity pictures and shit could get really good.
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>you will never be beautiful elf and engage in lesbian sex
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Don't fucking remind me.

Literally pulled it out of my Baldur's Gate portraits folder.
I always spec as a meatshield because I can't trust anyone else to do it.
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It's from icewind dale originally.
>powerful male wizards don't give a fuck about their apperance, or would rather voluntarily look ragged and wizened
>the first thing powerful female wizards do with their powers is to look young and pretty again

The one game that lets you play a loli without even having to mod it and you don't?
I know.
Because I would rather play an amazonian elf huntress.
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You say that like it's a bad thing. If it results in bodies like pic related then you best be thankful unless you're a some lala homogay trapfag or something.
this but replace 'huntress' with 'claymore bitch'
Jesus Christ that body.

Is that some WoW fanart or something?
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Some of us still remember Mialee, you mongoloid.
I wanna look handsome, punished and kick add. None of that gay shit, thank you
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>playing the opposite sex
>playing any race that isn't human
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Because fat-assed Brazilian volleyball wizards are better.
>wanting to be filled with cocks 24/7

Any female elf magic user is a bona fide slut, no exceptions.
>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game
i unironically do this except instead of picking a female elf mage i kms myself instead
Some day you will get over these insecurities.
Elves are PURE
Not for lewd
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Look son.jpg
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>game gives you the opportunity to play as a female
>game gives you the opportunity to play as an elf
>play as a male human
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Rude. Where's your proof?
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>being a bitch
>being a race traitor
yes, I remember it coming up at the fanart section on the WOW site and fapping to it.
>being human
Just accept my big orc cock.
>being a race traitor
In basically every canon I'm aware of that contains humans and elves, humans are inevitably imperialistic fucktards who have either completely wiped out, are in the process of wiping out, or simply enslaved the elf race; who are, invariably, peaceful, gentle, wise, naturalists.

If not wanting to be an imperialist, industrialist shitbag makes me a race traitor, I'm okay with that.

Plus, I mean, depending on your canon, a female elf is the perfect picture of ideal female beauty, except with even more ear to nibble.

How do you turn that down and not be a homosexual?
Only faggots play females real men play male elves
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>this awful face, holy shit
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This is the best post.
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Because cute gnome midgets are the patrician's choice.
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I don't see a problem here.

You're the shitbag.
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what the goddamn fuck
is this supposed to be as ugly as it is?
>we want the entire world to rot in shit like 18th century London, and we'll kill you if you say no
>"haha no problem here man. Deus vault!"
Nah m8, you're the shitbag.
A standard, "perfect" elf.
I'll leave you with food for thought:
Humans created elves, and all other races, as they are just fictional. Humans are automatically the best.
Icewind Dale portraits are so good, fuck. Can't stand default BG portraits - ugly, have to replace with IWD ones. My recent favourite is orc warrior/thief with green stuff.
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Mialee is the iconic elven wizard for Dungeons and Dragons, 3rd Edition. She has face problems, but they don't seem to be intentional.

I'm pretty sure she's canonically an adventurer because she was expelled from the declining elven civilization by the echoing cries of "OH GOD, IT'S HIDEOUS." Humans have much lower standards, and so she nerds out in their lands, instead.
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She's asian, though. Some senior modeler inside Blizz really likes making fine booty
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>he isn't picking (female) Elf wizard/mage in every single game
>Elf wizard/mage
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>Gay robot made by elves
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This was a nice thread at some point.
I play human male warrior in every game and you can't stop me
>tfw male elves are skinny twinks
Wheres my beefcake elves?
2017 cucks addicted to porn
Enjoying masturbating doesn't make you an addict
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tell it to the judge you slut
She ain't Asian in that skin's delicious brown variant, anon. Still, you're not wrong on either count. Li-Ming, Tyrande, Sylvanas, D.Va, Tracer, and one or two others have such perfect asses it's kind of distracting mid-match.
who says they are smart? they just have a lot of specialized knowledge.

>spectre Tracer

Her suit is so tight you can almost see the wrinkles of her asshole
>get raided by knights
>execute ugly old magic cunt
>kidnap and rape cute magic bitch

I'd take rape over death.
It's just another form of defense.

Source of this arcane image?
>get raided by knights
>kill them all because I'm a fucking wizard not some cheap harlot
Fixed that for you
Shannara Chronicles.

Caught it on Netflix. Not sure if it's still there. Only one season. Not very good.
>powerful wizard
>getting successfully raided by knights

see while cute magic bitch is getting raped, the old-ass wizard is vaporizing dicks from way up in his tower
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I'm part of the superior race.

Elves exist purely to serve throbbing orcish girl cocks
>superior to anything
there's a reason they're stuck living in the badlands, on mountain tops, in swamps etc.

Its because anything resembling good real-estate has already been conquered by humans. Orcs are surviving by virtue of humans not caring enough about the shitholes they live in to kick them out.

Thank you anon.

From the look of the screenshot, they atleast shouldve used contact lenses to have blue/hazel/green/grey eyes.
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Eh, maybe.
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because i can be a blue space goat instead
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>This is what elf cucks believe.

We show up and take whatever we want. We live everyone, but our homes are your former homes. Thats a nice wife you have by the way. Be a shame if something happened to her
And get fucked by space-Muslims?

Y'know what, if they were limited to horns and pointy ears, might've been alright. But hooves? Fuck that shit.
>wizards want to be ugly
They don't. I'm sure any wizard worth half his spellbook will make himself young and virile again.
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the hooves are high heels
>Spot the footfag
But anon thats a witch not a wizard
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>not playing as musclegirl (any race)
stop playing weak ass characters.
Occasionally an orc takes one of our wives, sure that can't be helped
And then occasionally they take someone important's wife
Then we go to war, burn down their camps, kill 10% of their species and force them to move half a continent away.

I mean last time the orcs tried building a city humans actually salted the place so thoroughly nothing grows on it's ruins 500 years later
>not playing elin
>was probably not around for the mass loli adventures of /a/ during beta.

Thank you for proving my point.
This is legitimately one of the hottest r34 ever created.
Why is there so little porn of Lineage dark elves considering how popular the games have been?
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Whatever floats your boat, footfag. Shit don't bother me at all
Its funny how they marketed it with the brown elves but they ended up with elin. I can almost imagine the manager walking up to the cubicle of the lead artist, looking over all the designs for premium outfits he already designed adorning the walls, and then telling him to tear them all down and start working on elins.
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Are you saying I should post more SC?
There aren't enough good games that let me play a female elf.
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>marketing puts their money on sexy women, using the cataric (or w/e theyre called) female as main character
>put her on the boxart, promotional art, and screenshots
>game comes out
>dies out like usual
>small band of elin loves hold on and buy every costume from the premium shop they can find
>find out nips are buying that shit
>company is surprised they can maybe save the wreck
>hit up their japanese distributor for info
>tells them they love the loli and tells them about the ideal weeb outfits, school swimsuit, french maid outfit
>they make them
>nips slobber it up
>they drop the tittymonster females and just shit out elin after elin outfit
>make elin limited class
Because playing women in vidya gaems makes you a tranny source I did so for years with the ass excuse and am now a tranny
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I play as a lalafell bard. can i be beautiful, smart and deadly too?
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>the only redeeming quality of castanic are their horns
>give them to the new elin-exclusive class too
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Pick one. Only men can be pretty.
I suggest you stop being aggressively gay
Not the word 'aggressively'
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This is the correct taste to have. Elves should always be all male and all gay.
What does any of that have to do with the previous post

Go fuck each other in some dungeon. Vanish.
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Patrician taste. Elf boys a best.
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dark elves making friends.jpg
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Beats me
They're fixing the thread desu.
>playing elves
it's like you want to repeatedly get gangbanged by orcs
>bullshit retcons
>its cool though because it made my edge-lord lord look like the goodguy
>we will NEVER get vidya Delves that look like this again
In how many video games does this happen?
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Go look at any korean vidya, shit's swarming with lewd
I like playing elf girls and pretending that they are sexual predator alpha lesbians who collect harems of cute human slave girls
Not nearly enough.
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The only things elves deserve is cold hard steel.
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>it's like you want to repeatedly get gangbanged by orcs
Who wouldn't?
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night elves are doubtless the worst elves in wow
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agreed, brother
>t. knife-eared drug addict
modern kMMOs have this terrible jiggliness to them as well as weird gear. Boobs, asses and sometimes thighs move like they are pudding, they have no weight. Gear has been corrupted by the shitty kpop dress code. So instead of slut gear with fishnets and a few straps of leather, everything is nylons, has weird cuts, asymmetrical cuts, ugly stocking design and tacky stuff. I take the western high fantasy pulp design over that k-shit any day of the week.
The only reason to play a game with elves is to kill them.
>cropped porn
you're a real fucker
I'm talking exclusively about Delves.

Best custom character is pissed off looking old man
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we've made mistakes and rebuilt since

you scum invited the legion to azeroth though
Though you are correct about wizards, Sorcerers are all about being charismatic, so, good looks (and force of personality) is a boon for them.

Sorcerer master race.
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>male elves
I'll be honest I can't imagine anything gayer
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>Not being an aesthetic wizard
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That's why it's objectively the best choice.
You realize that blood elves were also night elves back then right?
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That's the point. Gay is always superior.
fake news this is not true
Blood elves were high elves were highborne were night elves were trolls
Melee fags are best at low level, but, they scale for shit and other than being a meat shield/distraction, they are pretty much shit at late game.
jesus, im not gay but I would totally get fucked by him
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You just proved it.
Last time Orcs tried to place down a city, the fundamental idea of a city orc was proven illogical. Orcs exist to raid as a migrant army not to hold land.

Now pay up a ransom or its your kingdom on the chopping block
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TERA 2017-05-14 13-06-48-02.jpg
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I always play as an elf female.
Whether it's a warrior, or a rogue, or a sorcerer it depends on how I'm feeling.

This is my female elf sorceress I wish I was her
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Because I'm not a fag, I'm small, dumb, brutal and drunk most of the time, so I'm taking a dwarf
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It's unfair how sexy some people make elves.
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Great Tier:
Good Tier:
Okay Tier:
Shit Tier:
Elder God tier
>elves drow
>all sorts of elves
Skeleton tier
Good tier
Okay tier
shit tier
Great Tier:
Shit Tier:

Fixed your list for you, anon.
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same but as a cute pony mare
>elves and orcs in the same tier

what are you, some sort of interracial lover?
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>he's picking (male) Elf archer with magic support spells in every game?

why don't you want to be actually beautiful, smart, and deadly, /v/?
Yes, let's kill the thread. It ahd a good run. There were even some video games here.
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lets just discuss wow races please
This thread has had pinups and cropped porn since its beginning, numbnut.
God tier
Trash should be exterminated tier
>everything else
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but anon, i do!

i still remember that glorious day where i grinded blackrock depths. rolled for 3 epics and got 2. still among my favorite to transmog to this day.
At least some of them got deleted. Mods have given up it seems.
Boring tier:
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Literally 2 pictures, and one of them was vidya. Technically both, if you include hentai adaptation of an eroge. Fuck off back to /reddit/
I want to be Sylvanas' closest servant so badly.
Yes, because someone from reddit would want this thread stay on-topic. This narrative makes a lot of sense.
You'll have to pry that position out of Nathanos' undead hands
Used to raid his ass in the plague lands in vanilla and now the ilevel is insanely higher. Could solo Illidan and kiljaeden last I played so.. I'd resub again if I could challenge nathanos
I gladly would
Didn't he fuck his mum?
Have you seen dark elf women?
Have you seen your mum?
Inbred gays that die from not being close to their wooden dildos
Muh magic,but whit some anti magic armor they can suck me cocke
Yeah sure where is your gun
Where is your beard cuck
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She looks like an old hag.
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Forgot meh picture
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>haha DWARVES dude :PPP xd BEARDS and BEER!! :DD

I mean I like dwarves, but grow up.
I feel sorry for you if you play whit some race just to fap
I don't, dunno where you got that from
I have to agree, shallow stereotypical Dwarves are no good and offer little to a story, the best kinds beat Elfshits at their own game, Greybeard Sorcerers and cunning pitfighter Rogues and that shit.

Hell, the Dwarf I LARPed as for a few years began as a basic rowdy brawler Monk but decided he would hone his hand to hand skills to not only punch people and things apart, but also BACK TOGETHER by taking Blacksmith, and eventually formulated his own Martial Arts style focusing around the duality of creation and destruction.
Female elves are so magical and enchanting

I'm a bit obsessed with them for some reason
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what are some games/settings with fun elves? I feel like they have the potential to be interesting and fun to play but so few games actually bend the norm

also you're kidding yourself if you think Dwarves aren't the most reddit race
>he thinks he can't be beautiful as a male elf wizard/mage

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In what games can I play as a cyborg elf besides Shadowrun?
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>only elf mages can be beau...
>He thinks dwarfs (which are rarely choosen to be played whit ) are reddib tier but elfs which every horny neckbeard picks are not
Ya dun guffed
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found you
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Dragon's Crown's Elf is great, because she moves like you would a cliche wood elf archer expect to move. If you don't spend most of your time in the air, raining down volleys of arrows, you are doing something wrong.

I remember farming that shit for weeks and never got the goddamn circle.
Oh fuck that's good
The art for that game was so fucking good
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I want to play WoW but I am hilariously late to the party

life sucks
people trip all over themselves to help a beautiful woman

it's a tool
Subhuman cucks, you mean. Actual people ignore women at every opportunity.
>virgins ignore women at every oportunity

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Elves are garbage.
Mages are too.
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I fucking love draenei
draenei are sluts
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She looks like she would stink
Too soon.
You are making me miss lineage 2. Only mmo i ever enjoyed.

probably thinking of huge orc cocks
stop that buddy
I want to breed that Draenei
male draenei are cuckolds
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didnt i tell you to stop
More cute gobbo's pls.
Late how? That might have been true in vanilla or BC with raid attunements but now you can ding 110, do the quest to get AK 26 and start the usual grind. Granted you won't be at AK 35 like most people but that's more than enough to get into raiding or whatever you want since AP tokens give an insane amount.
Jesus, I remember this picture. This circulated like circa 2001 internet when 'hentai' was a rare and precious thing.
I did not understand a single word of what you just said. That's what I meant when I said "late to the party"
So you have to learn stuff about the game, I don't think that's any different. WoW prides itself on being the most accessible casual game on the market. That said I wouldn't recommend spending a lot of money getting into it. I'm most likely getting out, done and seen most of what I wanted and now it's the usual waiting X months for the new raid and Blizzard to fuck up class balance along the way.
So there's two games I need to buy?
WoW and WoW legion?
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My nigger
Best taste
What's her name again? Haven't played Hearthstone in forever
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I love haughty, bitchy elves that are secretly nice a lot.
It's my weakness. I love arrogant bitches.
I love fucking draenei
draenei females were made for irrumatio
sounds like kuudere
They're cute, but fuck that.
Only in my cuhrazy jap games
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Kuudere would be more cold.
While I like those too, I was talking about straight up arrogant bitches that are always smug, snarky and on a horse so high they're above the goddamn clouds, but that aren't evil nor uncaring. They're good and help those in need, but they're super haughty.
cold, haughty and arrogant lie close. Although -deres depend on the moe gap. So its not too strange
I believe so yes, Battle Chest and Legion. You can just make an account and try 1-20 for free with some limitations if you have doubts. Bear in mind that 1-100 and 100-110 is an entirely different game and barely resemble one another.
>Goblin Slayer would still murder this cutie.
dem arcane silicone implants
Cold makes me think of quiet and hard to get close to.
Arrogant makes me think of smug, haughty and not afraid to remark how better she is.
I guess I might try it. It isn't really that expensive if I end up liking it.


damn son
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>doesn't understand the appeal of male elves
You fool. The true appeal of the male elf is gap moe. When a member of a traditionally feminine race displays masculine, heterosexual qualities it amplifies the effect and the contrast is dynamite. Bitches fall over themselves.

Full-on twink prancing feminine gay male elves are shit, though.
tbdesu i dream of being a fragile human maiden that gets fucked by big elf cock
>Full-on twink prancing feminine gay male elves are shit, though
They are a meme anyway, barely exist.
One thing to consider, if you do end up liking it, as long as you have some skill with numbers you can play the market/auction house and earn enough gold to buy game time with in-game money, no dollaridoos required. I'm far too lazy to do it now but I have in the past and after a while it pays itself. A friend of mine hasn't paid sub fee in over six months.
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>oh my iluvatar is he out there
>tell him I'm not here
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You and me both, buddy.
but kuudere cold in the sense that they are distant and haughty. Not bookworm quiet type.
kuudere is more "cool" cold than haughty cold

they don't care about showing off
Saskia was anything but fragile.
How about dragons pretending to be elves
I want to sex them
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Look, there are less masculine elves in this world than you think, ok? Who am I supposed to post?
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open the silmarillion
find the first male elf name that you see

there, badass elf
Night elf males are canonically tall and buff.
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Thanks, senpai. It's good to know I haven't run out of new and exciting things to do in this life.
I don't have a lot of time to play but I could try that out

I'm gonna just try the free game probably
god tier: Trolls
everything else is gay shit
or you can try one of the million WOWclones that came out afterwards and are either free to play or pay to play with no subscription. They died since most people were already invested in WoW or they had startup problems but you can swing in now. If I would have to pick an MMO now I would try my luck with one of the new ones and not WoW. At the other hand WoW is well documented in what it provides while the million korean grinding MMOs usually are kind of a gamble.
but do they have the new models with the fem belves with tight, perky butts?
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