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Who's your favourite League of Legends champion? Mine

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Who's your favourite League of Legends champion?

Mine is Malphite!
The uninstall wizard.

FURIOUS Dotard detected.
Shaco, Urgot, and Gragas. But last time I played was early season 3 before the game turned to complete shit.
I try not to like characters because they get gutted
swain and leblanc are still good though.
>Play Riven when she first came out
>Fucking useless, play a REAL champ
>Continue to play Riven through the next season
>Fucking OP cancer, play a REAL champ

I haven't played for about 2-3 years now. Are people still butthurt or did power creep make her irrelevant?
No they aren't anon. Their numbers are good but they aren't fun to play and leblanc got robbed of her identity.
Why do I lose all my bird bitches
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I enjoyed Zac, Kog and Vel the most back when I used to play in season 6. Aurelion was really fun too, but getting slapped by nerf after nerf pissed me off when he was above average at best and nobody played him in the first place.
not a bad joke
this response is just cringe though
>needing gunblade to be viable
Is it normal that Jax does negative damage compared to two years ago? I reinstalled recently and noticed that.
can confirm, sold my plat acc cuz fuck this "game"
I literally came here to post this
What the heck is that picture.
The only numbers that changed in the two years is his passive resistances. Just learn the new build since there's no more wringles, devouer , as the gunblade rage blade rework
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>Swain gutted
And now I have a reason not to play.
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It's a shame so many good designs are wasted on this game I swear. My favourite is Gnar though.
He's arguably way better than he was before because his q can retarget people now instead of disappearing when they move out of range
>You can no longer stack tiamats on Malphite and oneshot people by hitting the minion next to them
>No more AP yi
>No more AP tryndamere
Why does Riot hate fun so much?
> no more ad fizz
They're Nazis
> play the game your own way but we'll ban you if you do
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Tank veigar with stormraiders surge on norms
>Won't die
>Giant burst
>Good AoE CC
>Run 99mph after doing any attack
>Only counter is if someone like yi, warwick, or a sometimes a jax jumps and sticks on you
Tresh jungle
Was weak after the start of s7 until the new update, now he's really fun mid-lategame
>No more going hybrid with original Poppy
This is porn, isn't it?
>original poppy
This is the biggest slap in the face. People couldn't deal with her old ultimate but Kayle and new Taric are allowed to exist? Riot is such hypocrites
I want to touch Ahri's fluffy tail
>tfw I did 100% crit ratio poppy since I was super accurate at landing the wall slam
>followed wall slam up with an auto attack, then a Q which auto refreshed my auto for another that crits with magic damage + the %health damage
>They couldn't kill you because your bullshit passive preventing anyone who didn't do true damage from killing you, while you vamped your health back with your 100% crit
Kled is funny as fuck and half the reason I came back for a week after a 2 year break. I also am found of teemo who can tilt the entire enemy team just by exist even in plat.
no.it was a meme in /lolg/ on /v/ that whenever someone said would want to draw something for other people someone always responded with "malphite tipping deathcap"
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Loved smashing people into walls then going nuts on them.
Poppy is a close second because I loved her survivibility
>No more Overlord of the Lane Bullies Zilean
>No more sunfire cape stacking
Was there a single good champion rework? Everything became less fun for the sake of super srs business esports bullshit.
No one plays Riven anymore.
I like the veigar ability changes, but it mostly keeps things almost the same except ult works off of % health missing instead of enemy AP

As for total reworks, I can't think of a single one I like. Most of the champs that I liked previously I hate the new playstyle of their rework because they aren't unique anymore.
I did that but hybrid with gunblade and lichbane (which had a 100% ap ratio instead of 40% or whatever). You literally never died.
Twitch, Jhin and Veigar.
>that stealth
>that nasty 4th auto
>that fucking nuke
most hilarious moment in league was a veigar mirror match that lasted 50+ minutes. we would just click on each other and insta die.
Them tiddies kept my elo and my dick up high!
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fellow yordlefag

Poppy is one of those champions that is OP and will always be even after she gets nerfed. Her kit's just way too versatile.
sadly, she doesn't have enough porn
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>wanting fish porn
i got banned 1 week for playing AP malphite once, that was when i quit playing riots shitty game
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>not wanting fish porn
I wanted to post something more fishy but I didn't want to bother with the cropping/censoring
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This nigga right here, before they changed him of course.
Been a while but Kha'Zix is my main. Nothing more better than jump cooldown resets on kills on a scattered jungle team.
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WEW LAD. Thank you for your contribution. Lucky for you I'm also a fish lover.
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my pleasure, friend
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the courier
I think the only one that fixed anything was Cait because she barely got changed and it made her more relevant but I honestly can't think of another rework that didn't fuck the champion. Even the Karma and Heimer reworks didn't do anything but make them weaker. The only thing those fixed was Heimers grenade speed everything else got worse
You started playing last season didn't you? She used to be way better and super hard to itemize against
I only started playing her post rework
Her q used to do magic damage+percent health damage that scaled off ad and any instance of damage that would do more than 10% of her health got reduced by 50%
kek that foot
what the fuck is going on there
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i want to lick ahri's feet
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based robots
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My nigga

Those crit buffs were legit
this hit me way harder than I expected
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Teemo is cute and fun to play!!

Poppy's ultimate could potentially let her walk into a 1v5 situation, kill 2 people, and come out unharmed. Taric's ult only works after a long cast time and Kayle's ult is attached to a squishy character and only lasts 3 seconds.

Plus the other reason that Poppy got changed was because of how feast and famine she was, it was way worse than a lot of other characters like Riven to where she'd either be a cannon minion or just straight up shitstomp a game single handedly.

Kayle is scheduled for a VGU anyway so who knows if she'll even keep it.
I stopped when Singed got shit
I love everything about kindred, never could play her well though.
every ">my champion is better than yours" post ever
singed is laughably OP right now
The dude's comparisons really didn't hold water.
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Fiddlesticks has been consistently fun, no matter how much riot has tried to nerf every champion into the dirt. Not as potent as he used to be but I still carry games with him.
His new passive is way more fun than the old one though. I like that his idle animation freezes if he stands in one place long enough too.
yeah the passive buff is great. The Terrify and drain nerfs were lame tho
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my favorite is Lulu because its really fun to turn a really fed dive champion into a cat right as they jump into your team and laugh as they die helplessly

but I stopped playing in season 5 because my friends stopped playing and found it hard to find people that were ok at the game, but also not mean tryhards.

jungle and support are best roles but I love mid lane champions too
Jhin is fucking fun, too bad hes just a shit caitlyn.
Eh, not really. There are similarities but they don't necessarily occupy the same space. That said he's bad due to item nerfs more than anything.
the best
Who doesn't?
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Tbh Dota is the better balanced game but I find League of Legends champions to be far more fun. Its the only reason I keep coming back to this nerfed-to-shit game.
Vlad is still great though
I stopped playing late Seasons 3.
I decide to play again and all my favorite champions have been reworked, my favorite playstyles have been removed, the new client is shit, I can't kit out my own recommended item list anymore, the masteries are this streamlined "1/5 points in each tier" mess, there are lootboxes and every original issue I had with the game from the runes to the playerbase is just as bad as it ever was.

So many champions I used to like have had their kits forcefully turned into these shitty overly involved minigames where you have to keep an eye on your passive cooldown all the time to be able to play even moderately effectively.
And I get that most people typed in the lobby to talk shit at you most of the time but with the new system you just have these fucking dead silent lobbies and it weirds me out.

Poppy feels really awful to play now.
I liked pretty much every champion that was slated for a rework or at least hinged on a champion slated for a rework and they're all completely different.
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*blocks your path*
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I love female yordles.
AP tops aren't that common, so you can generally at least have fun in laning
even if dr.Mundo gets dicked in the jungle he still only needs a warmogs to be an unkillable dickhead that slowly eats your adc if left alone
>She will never force you to lick ever inch of her feet
Why live?
the ironing
Executioner's calling also exists and isn't a dead end build anymore as far as I know.
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>tfw your most played tops are cho'gath, swain and lissandra
>she will never shove her feet onto your face and keep them there for hours on end
>you will never enjoy her lovely scent with every breath you take during those hours
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>not playing Cho mid
Do you even fun?
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Yordles a best! BEST!
Tristana is too cute
cho'gath is such a dick pick for top unless you have jungle riding your dick and kissing any ouchies you get from trying to farm, and even then it only helps if you didnt get counter picked
This, he's kind of ass top unless picked into certain opponents. He's safer mid.
I'd be her footrest desu
I've never had much problem surviving laning phase with Cho. You outsustain 3/4 of the top meta and for the remaining 1/4 you just try to farm undertower and get a jungle camp or 2 to get by. Then proceed to oneshot their carries and midlaners with 1300 truedamage ults for the rest of the game
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>youll never sit across from ahri on a dinner date and have her playfully touch your dick with her feet from under the table
don't do this to me, anon.
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>don't do this to me, anon.

well its all your faggot's fault for posting such beautiful ahri feet this early in the day. i know its 4 om where im at but i just woke up and its too early to beat off to the sight of her soft tiny feet
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Get help you degenerate
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>heh... nothing personal kid
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get help for your shit taste you normalfag triple nigger
Rammus, been playing him since season one as my main champ. I played him exclusively for season 1 and 2, but now he's like 50% of my games. I played him so much for that I didn't even know other champions said anything until I played Annie one day.
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Vel'Koz all the way, baby.
7.10 will be amazing for you. If they roll up the changes to Rammus on that patch iteration.
Skin so rare, makes me think I am being ganked by a celebrity.
>she will never sit on your face, forcing you to eat her out while she plays with your dick with her feet
>its literally ok if Overfags, Hotsfags or other normies do it!
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fucking stop anon its too early for such deliciously lewd thoughts
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It's so comforting seeing so many other Ahri-footfags
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Kled is my husband
Also Ziggs
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Stopped playing in late S3, Leona was the only character I thoroughly enjoyed to play.
Bard and Ahri
I'd rather have this board clean for e-celeb threads, mobile garbage threads and what you mentioned, but that doesn't make you a special snowflake.
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>not getting banned for you waifu

you are small time kid
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Well you've already posted a lewd so start dumping m8.
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im a NEET desu, this shitty website is all i got


i got a couple hundred lewds of ahri. would take ages to upload them all in one imgur album. hell im finding it difficult it even find a non-lewd ahri i havent even posted yet to use as my pic
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I wish I could put this memelord into Dota so I don't have to keep LoL installed.
I also like TF.
and this one wouldnt get you banned?
as >>376841064 said, your last pic had nipples, so you're already on borrowed time. dump ahri lewds, and you will be awaited in valhalla
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and nami

ivern has some cute voice lines and a swag walk too
Your noble deeds won't go unappreciated, anon

Also, i don't understand how people can play this game competitively. It is too slow.
post yordles
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For me it's goblin techies, the best league of legends champion.
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Nautilus I can relate how dead inside he is
in dota i love visage
>ahrifag ruining the thread
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Gangbanging Ahri with /v/!
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yordles are the cutest and lewdest
Post feet
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dont lewd gnar
female feet please
The rework were they removed Heimer's 6 turrets (or was it 8?) was fine, that was total aids both for the other team and for the person playing him. Everything afterwards was bad, though. Also, now that I think about it, I liked playing with the 5 AS kog maw, too bad they also removed that for being too fun. And Ryze also had a few good reworks, until they settled down with the worst one.
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>Liked Sion
>New kit has nothing in common
>Liked Xerath
>Reworked into boring shit
>Liked Veigar
>Q, E, and R made much worse
>Like AP Varus
Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.
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I wish that was my head between her feet
Syndra is hot as fuck
Old Xerath was literaly garbage. The idea of decreased mobility in exchange for range is neat, but it's a lot better exmplified in his current iteration.
Yorick is a big one. As already mentioned, Heimer's [second] rework, where they actually gave him an ult, was good. Using the ammo system for turrets instead of standard cooldown was also good. I also think Xerath's rework was an improvement.

You are correct though, the majority of reworks are not very good.
I love the new Yorick
You usually didn't siege for the range, but for the preposterous magic penetration. Riot decided they didn't like that and changed his kit entirely while butchering whatever "lore" he had.
>laying down with her feet up
I love this pose
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Yeah the new Yorick is good. I think the good reworks are
>Some of Heimer's
>Most of the Ryze reworks, definitely not the last one though
>Turret Kog Maw
>Ashe, not that it changed much
>Maybe Sion. Maybe.
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Machine gun kog was really fun, but a nightmare to play against. The damage reduction on his autos didn't matter when he built all on-hit items.
I want to _be_ Ahri.
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And my last one. Hope all you footfags enjoyed!
I remember one time I was doing golems while the enemy team attempted to sneak into red so I pentakilled them over the wall in like three seconds. It was crazy.
Of fuck that one is great
Katarina. I hated her before, but now she's really fun.
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what in the fuck

what lane? what do you start?
Not him but I assume the gimmick is farming AP in mid until midgame so you can have both huge burst and huge HP. Sometimes I used to play support veigar by splitpushing a bit during mid game to catch up from not farming early and it also kinda worked, you could still oneshot the enemy carries.
Veigar support works alright ever since they have him stacks just from hitting spells
I want to fuck her foot pussy
Yeah she's a lot better now
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>any instance of damage that would do more than 10% of her health got reduced by 50%
God that passive was fucking broken. It basically meant any damage you took at all was cut in half. I loved it so much.
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I can't believe they butchered her lore. It was so perfectly tragic and fucked up the way it was.
Chogath is super good. You stay at full health just by last hitting correctly
And his e can help with that, while also harassing opponents ever so slightly
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>nobody remembers him
Orianna here
Old Xerath was great, he played like a mobile artillery and had unique positioning mechanics compared to a lot of characters, but people didn't like him because the best way to play him wasn't to mindlessly EQEQEQ people because you'd run out of mana. Then they just reworked him into Lux-lite with an extremely unsatisfying ult with a tiny hitbox.
Haven't played since 2011 but I still remember the fun I had with Singed
>play old taric full ap/tank
>they nerf his aura
>they nerf his passives
>after struggling they rework him
Fuck this
>play game for first time in years
>want to play my boy AP sion
>he's now some grimdark edgelord
what the fuck happened to my arnold schwarzenegger zombie
Riot is determined to make their supports as unfun to play as possible for some reason. You basically cannot solo lane them or snowball on them anymore because they refuse to add meaningful ratios.
oh hey me, was graves also one of your favorite adc's to lane with?
I main vel and wreck shit with him if that's who you were implying's design was wasted
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thanks ashe.webm
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Yordle boys
>contrarian tendencies
>read that Taric's getting a rework
>I could start playing support
>I actually really enjoy playing him
>amazing stun, big armor or armor shred, spammable ult
>6 months later the rework hits
>his flavor's great but he's not fun anymore
>feel very sad
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Oh yeah also
>decide to learn jungle
>pick sejuani because she seems fun and is a tank so goes around my corner
>really fun as fuck
>cindehulk appears
>start curbstomping people
>they nerf her because of cinderhulk
>yeah ok, it was somewhat expected
>they remove cinderhulk and nerf her again
Seriously fuck this
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I fucking love Karthus. The footsies, the CC, the concept of a death cleric, the Requiem, the METAL. In fact, all the champs I'm interested in spooky types that look at death with a smile, either genuine "it's a good thing" or "I FUCKING LOVE IT."
>I'm interested in Kindred but I need to actually play the game to actually play her

but I'm a shitter that's been playing since 2012 but hasn't been interested enough to reach level 30 yet, so I'm quite uninformed
Kassadin back before he was nerfed and before DFG was nerfed.I used to play with a friend that mained zilean and we would do this combo where I would stack my rifts up, he would put a bomb on me, and I would jump on someone, unload everything and have his bomb go off and instagib just about anyone. After that they would all focus me with the rez ult on and I would jump away as the rest of my team goes in since they just used a lot of their skills on me. Also I played a lot of udyr.
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I miss old Gangplank. I miss being able to deny creeps. I miss when you could run Jewplank. I miss cheesing with Critplank at level 1. I even miss his chest-high pubes. The thing I miss the most, though, is him not looking shitty in my favorite skin of his.
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>mfw you press R
Anybody know if Udyr is playable again? I quit about last year after I was forced to stop playing him because he didn't fit in the game anymore.
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Singed was and is such a great character, which is hilarious considering how little effort they put into him compared to all these new cinematic characters with pages of lore and entire events dedicated to their launch.
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>tfw mordekaiser was the only champ you played and continued to use long after he fell out of the meta
He really didnt deserve what he got. Probably one of the most butchered champions.
I've been trying to make builds for remote debuffing since I rarely kill with it anyway. I know there's Rylai's, but that only does so much.
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The path of Yisus is the only path I walk.
w-what happened to swain and LeBlanc?


I don't even think those existed last time I played
He's not doing too hot but hes not unplayable.
The way the game is right now just doesn't benefit him as it used to. He can still jungre easily but his damage falls off hard and getting up to an ADC or mage is difficult because everyone either has a mobility spell or passive to kite you and most crit itemization has move speed.

Whoever is balancing at Riot needs to get that ADC cock out of his mouth, I want my fast as fuck bruisers back.
unironically urgot but hes probably gonna get destroyed by his rework
i bet he will either be a tank or a test for some gimmicky new ability or both
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LB got a rework so she can't instant burst anymore, but her sustain dps is great. Swain is still good.

Pushing 100k on my boy zilean.

Viegar is good too.
Yeah, he's fine when he can build speed items and actually catch people, but now with the jungle changes, it takes too much time to hit that point. By then, the enemy will have gotten enough items and damage to kill him before he can even touch them.
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> post yfw the enemy team picks a champion that your main champion counters
> mfw someone picks Tryndamere and I main Tahm Kench

>Quinn gutted
>52% win-rate in diamond+
>58% win-rate for Quinn mains
Eve's initial rework was fine. I think they ended up continually nerfing her until she became trash though. I do miss old Eve's stealth.

New Sion is a ton of fun but there was no reason not to just make a new champion. I guess old Sion's ult and targeted stun weren't in line with LoL's new game design outlook but it still is unfortunate.
I didn't even know this was DFG until I read the image. I'll always remember it as campy electro-skull (ditto for Archangels being that stupid yellow blob).

Honestly champ reworks don't bother me nearly as much as item reworks.
I stopped playing after season 4, but I liked Nautilus, Annie, Leona, Sona and Vladimir.
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Before I knew it I had a huge Jinx folder and was more or less onetrick ponying for a long time and she was pretty much the only reason I played.
They're wasted because league is a piece of shit
What game isn't a piece of shit?
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>be me
>lux main
>open lootbox and lelementalist skin drops
>decide to main her and in other roles than mid /supp
>lux ad top with botrk and rageblade
>never lost top lane again
>try it in jungle too
>make it work somehow
>lux adc too with the same build
>lux is love
>lux is life

>bronze league privilege
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>tfw i main GP since his rework
>now everytime i tell anyone i like him i get "yeah dude i also love tobias fate xddd get shit on"
Swain followed by pre-rewrite Poppy. Seriously, I understand changing her voice files, model, and even her backstory somewhat but to completely changer her character and entire playstyle? Fuck off.
Poppy's old kit was fucking broken. It needed to go
Yeah, and now she doesn't even play remotely similar to what she was before on top of being a fucking terrible waifubait character.
Reworks are a wonderful thing. Just look at Gangplank, Warwick and Galio.
I haven't played since 2012. what happened to Warwick and Galio?
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>bronze league privilege
>ez climb to gold 3
only reason i stopped is because of exams and other stuff to do
tell me more how is your life as a meta slave at silver 4
Warwick got a rework that turned him into an okay character, but completely different from what he used to be. His R is a skillshot for instance. I dont know about Galio.
She still has her charge stun, which was the most iconic part of her kit. Just because she plays differently, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Her old kit was impossible to balance because of how overpowered some of her skills were. If there was any champ who needed a full scale rework, it was poppy. Besides, as far as reworks go, poppy's isn't half bad. Morde and Skarner got it really bad.
>what happened to Warwick and Galio?
thats a long and painful story ,anon
Warwick's rework isn't that bad, they gave him a fear and turned his ult into a skillshot

Galio on the other hand is absolutely nothing like the old Galio and I'm fucking pissed
Its the reason I stopped playing
Support thresh into support Tahm Kench is one of the most depressing lanes.
Even if the thresh hooks tahm, none of the damage sticks. Sad lane indeed
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ziggs a cute
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Warwick is now a half wolf walf machine created by Singed, his gameplay is not too different, he still has a fuckton of lifesteal, and now can see trails of blood from other champions.

Galio is a giant gargoyle statue, his gameplay too is pretty similar to the original, his W is his old R, and new R you jump into the air and fly to a ally champion, punching the ground and knocking up all enemies.
If the Thresh hooks tahm and the enemy adc isnt much worse than yours early then they probably all in you.
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I legit like to play this guy, even if the first minutes are hell.
rip. I remember when I used to run Madreds on WW and be king of the lane with Galio. Good times.
Her charge was part of her kit and even if you think it was the most iconic part keeping that doesn't make a difference. She doesn't play even remotely the same. She isn't even the same fucking character. You could've introduced her as poppy's sister and everyone would've been fine with it. Poppy needed a change, yes, but it shouldn't have come at the expense of her entire character from playstyle to her characterization. Stop defending hacks anon. You sound just as bad as people who play FFXIV and defend SE on everything to do.
Early game adc+thresh don't have the damage to go through tahm's 2 health bars.
at least now he jumps to his target like a wolf instead of teleporting like a magic wizard.
I mean tahm and his adc jump at you since you wasted your cc on a semi immortal support.
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Did you really prefer this?
I don't defend hacks, or did you overlook the part of my post the pointed out reworks that are actually, objectively garbage? More people enjoy playing as and against poppy post rework. Even if you don't think so, it was a good rework.
>yeah dude i also love tobias fate xddd get shit on
Can someone explain this meme to me?
one trick pony streamer , plays only/ mostly gp
A LoL streamer that got insanely popular lately one tricking Gangplank. Pretty cool guy.
Tristana is bae
Been playing this faggot recently.
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I love playing Jhin followed by Twitch, Orianna and Miss Fortune.
He's fun as fuck, but his laning is fucking hot garbage trash.
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Haven't played in a while. Do they still try to keep some consistency with their "lore"? Was an interesting aside from the main game. When I quit playing the latest champ had like half a paragraph of lore and it was basic as fuck.
They have a new lore team that writes short stories for basically every new champ now.
They generally do some nice tie-in material. Sometimes they even do full-scale events.
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>tfw you will never play full AP sion again
The lore is now written by a seperate team, and is pretty good.

You should check out Bilgewater, Mount Targon and Camille's lore.
That shit was broken as fuck. Old Sion was messy as fuck in the ways you could play him. AP burster or AD bruiser that never died when his ult was up.
The lore got fucked by the new staff and is now in a state where half of it is retconned and the other half is shit. I still don't understand why they didn't just make a different game with another setting instead of ruining this one.
More then half the people that play League these days don't give a shit about lore.
how the fuck do you even get into this game, every match people instalock mid/top/bot and you are stuck as support or jungle
Play with 9 bots and practice each role
It really helps to get into it with a friend or two. It's how I even started to play them before despising the genre. I played Lux bot for ages before people told me I needed to actually play bot champs. Helps I'm an ADC main now.
I'm pretty sure no one cares about the lore anymore because there's no point clinging onto a dead corpse, and anyone that did care already quit. It doesn't help that they've removed the lore so far from the game itself that you need to go to their website to read up on new stuff happening in the game's world instead of being able to read the in-game newspaper about Noxian and Demacian political intrigue or about Kassadin and Malzahar getting into a brawlfight with Karthus watching.
You sound so far in the past that it's like you came here by time machine. Yeah, the early days of League back when it was small was some of the best times for the game, but the game is a massive e-sport game now. The new lore team is there to satiate the people that want lore while the actual game team doesn't even think about lore.
Literally who

I would love to see a single screencap of a gold level match where you played AD Lux.


Do it nigga, I'll wait.
>love shaco pre season
>salt powered machines could run for years
>watch him get pushed into the abyss as riot forgets he exists
>and than tweaks all his skills overtime to be even worse
>wasn't even acknowledged in the assassin update
just remove him from the fucking game already riot
One of the newest champs. Duo release of Xayah (ADC) and Rakan (Support). That post's talking about Rakan.
Shut up
At least they were great once
No ones knows what it's like to be a Mord main
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>tfw he doesn't feel the same anymore
I guess I could have instead complained about how they've ruined all of the reworked characters they've touched, and I don't just mean gameplay-wise. Seriously, why did they take a huge, frozen turd on Trundle's lore? Also, what the fuck is the deal with retconning Summoners? I just don't understand why they had to get rid of almost all of the old lore and then not replace it with anything unique.
>Swain gutted
What? He was made even better then before. The Q being an AoE cripple that you can now use to farm and area denial instead of just putting it on one champ is so good.
Quinn got better as well, as her ult became not totally fucking useless. Stop talking out your ass.

I'll agree with LeBlanc though, that was pretty drastic.
mord was OP for like 2 weeks after his rework before they patched him

i also refuse to believe mord mains still exist
If there's one thing I fucking hate about the retconned lore is the removal of Summoners. That was just stupid. Now there's not even any reason these random beings fight each other on top of a mountain.
[Spoiler]you're right I switched to pantheon but he's still number one in my hearth[/spoiler] fuck you riot he deserves to be OP after all the suffering
Panth is legit one of the most fun tops. People get so salty at you for playing a "braindead" champ.
azir was flat out broken for about a year and a half after his release

and i dont mean broken as in too strong, i mean he didnt function the way he was supposed to most of the time. they needed to gut him
I love playing him but I hate his ult
I'm a casual player so I dont take time to train myself and never manage to place a good ult
So it became a 2nd TP for me
Getting good ults off in solo queue is a pain. I do better when I'm playing with friends over voice.
Gold 3 is the same as bronze friend
Ah, another character I loved playing but was rumored to be getting gutted-I mean, "reworked" soon. Does anyone know how much longer until he gets the axe?
swain is OP against melee top laners dude, Quas smashes that shit on Challenguer and I'm still undefeated with it on low dia, literally freelo, so not gutted

she still is permaban on high elo rofl, you just need to master her and it's not worth the effort, but not gutted

that's what you deserve azir was cancer the same way kalista is and deserve to be left to rot

scorro plays her ocassionaly and she still 100-0 squishies, stop playing her adc she's not an adc
He might be getting reworked? I have no idea about that. He seems fine to me, there's more "outdated" champs then him that'll get touched first. I heard Urgot is next on the rework block.
Swain top is my pocket pick.
AP Sion and Xerath were two of my favorite champions. I'm glad I quit before they were gutted.
When I used to play it was Kha'Zix and Eve.
>AP Sion gutted
Might not be your AP Sion, but he still exists:
one of the most entertaining builds in the game desu
Entertaining cause it was so broken. Literally stun someone for like 2 and a half seconds while also dealing half their health bar in damage while also popping your shield on them and killing them.
Taric. ez plat from this sexy mofo

No homo tho
Pink Taric master race
got the pool tho, the ult sold me and i love to blare at the enemy with his megaphone
Well yeah, gotta say that the sounds for his Pool Party skin are pretty good. I like how he speaks through a megaphone and I like the guitar licks when he ults.
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>tfw your Galio x Poppy fanfiction has been made to seem completely out of character and makes zero sense now

I will find the man responsible...
Jhin. Love this fucker.
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Malphite was my favorite champ since 2011, then he got nerfed, then nerfed again, then again. Literally every old champion that was fun to play like Vladimir and Fiddlesticks have been raped with the nerfbat so many time that this game is boring as fuck now, and everything needs some fucktarded skillshot or crazy mobility because MUH PLAYS, League died after season two.
Yes. Old lollipoppy was the stuff nightmares are made of. Just like her old kit
As a support main, he's the best lane partner. Just then I realized he best lane with Nami, wiped the floor every time.
It's been ruined by the chinks, and almosr every cool champion has had their character and voice acting turned into edgy grimdark shit.
Warwick is a fucking stupid Sabre-Toothed Squirrel from the Ice Age movie now.
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Since it came out.
Hello other Me and yes he was.
It wasn't broken at all. He was a terrific farmer and ganker, while also being pretty beefy for a caster, but that's where his strengths ended. His ult was useless in the AP build, he wasn't good at teamfights and most other AP casters had a better late game. The build was fine.
He was basically an assassin at that point. Kill one person then run away or just die. AD Sion with the stacked E and ulti was fun as well as if you built crit you literally healed back up to full from one late game crit.
>while butchering whatever "lore" he had

It's so fucking dumb

>be a slave
>make friends with royalty
>he gives you an awesome fucking life and a sweet gig as his right-hand man
>un-slaves you and everyone else in the empire
>still betray him anyway
ad fizz is still a thing. if you are

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Best girl.
>tfw bandlebro
Im afraid...
AD tank Fizz always comes back sooner or later and it's always cancer if the Fizz player is good. Same with tank Ekko.
>AP Rengar destroyed
>Repeated nerfs to AD rengar
>Sword of the Divine removed
>q no longer affects towers
>changed E to skillshot
>removed stealth from ult, literally gave the enemies a warning he was nearby
>reworked again, q isn't a basic anymore so no resetting AAs with it
>ult is basically a worse Evelynn, no ferocity generation
>w is shit in the jungle since it has no stand-alone recovery anymore
>damage keeps getting chipped away every patch

Just let him be dead already, he's suffered enough.
As an ADC main I'm happy that Renger keeps getting fucked by Riot.
More playful lewd
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>being this ignorant
Malphite still sees play as a counter to champs like Quinn in high elo
Vlad is still stupid strong since his rework. Fiddle-- yeah Fiddle sucks. He's only a comfy pick when there's no cancerous jungler to invade hin, like Ivern. Instead Fiddle would do best to counterjungle Ivern.
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Pic related, with that sweet, armored skin. Currently mastery 6 and HOLY FUCK ITS HARD TO GET THE FUCKING MASTERY 7 FRAGMENTS. I only get an A from a 16/7 match? For fucks sake.
You think you've got it rough? Try maiming support. You never get S unless it's a complete stomp and you start racking up kills too. My highest mastery is still blitz at 6. Stuck at 5 with pretty much every other because the algorithm for rewarding S weighs so heavily on KDA
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Best girl
I have no idea how those fucking grades work. It seems totally random at points.
Also yeah that Nocturne skin is the best one. I like how they changed his silly edgy dialog to more sinister sounding edgy dialog. It's like that Vladimir skin.
Well hopefully this contribution system they're implementing (and will unironically abandon in the future) will help with that. But this Rito we're talking about balance is something they have a hard time understanding.
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Oops, wrong pic.
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I like these 2
>thinking generic "sexy fox" is best girl
>denying that banana mage isn't best girl to you.

It´s prett funny to play but you´ll need cooperation from your team
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Even if Ahri is just another of the fox-girl archetype, she's by and far the best and most attractive example of it. Plus her playful, confident attitude makes me diamonds
Why're they naked
My favorite character is why are you playing LoL?
Because I've been playing it for 7 years and I can't bring myself to quit for longer than 4 months
I've been playing it for like 4 years and I don't wanna stop?
A play Ashe, but i don't know anything about this game. Is there a possibility that she gets nerfed?
Not in the near future
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Garen and Darius are my niggas
Ashe is in a pretty average place right now, I doubt she'd get nerfed
She's not popular, so no she probably won't be touched for ages.
>gold 3
Kek, you can play any shit at gold. The only hard part is not to make teammates tilt because of your pick.
I'm not. Chink Overlords sucked all of the fun out of this game long ago.
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