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I just installed Stellaris with the Utopia DLC. What am I in for?

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I just installed Stellaris with the Utopia DLC. What am I in for?
A mediocre 4x
waiting for at least a year so that 400$ worth of dlc can come out and make it fun
paradox in space, about six expansions before it gets good
boredom and apathy
A waste of time.
It's pretty much the Skyrim of 4x games.
So...I'm likely to love it if I loved Skyrim? Because I did.
yeah that's what he meant

go play your amazing new game
The new update is pure shit by the way.
Distant Worlds Universe is better
It's alright. Diplomacy is better, but still not where it needs to be. AI is still always either in love with you or -9999 to trade fucking star charts. Unity as a currency does help the midgame, but have fun when the guys with OP technology because they only have 3 planets get the +200 fleet capacity tradition and wreck the fuck out of everyone.

Honestly the combat is still the most disappointing thing.
What races are best as a Stellaris newfag?
Play around with the civ maker instead of going for premade races.
It really depends on which version of the game you are playing. Unity builds for exmaple are very good in Utopia.
Even for my first game? I played the shit out of Master of Orion 2 back in the day and ALWAYS made my own custom race, but it seems like that would be easier to do if I had a little hands-on experience first.
A pretty fun game for a bit until it get's a bit repetitive. Still needs a lot of improving even after a year and two DLCs.
baby's first gsg
Is it even grand strategy? I am not expecting grand strategy.
It's more 4x than grand strat, but it's real time, whereas most 4x is turn based, and you run your empire at both the macro and micro levels, which is pretty grandstrat.
How much does the planet type matter? I mean I get that the more similar a new world is to your species preference, the more habitable it will be, but is one type inherently better or worse than another?
Whatever planet type you pick, you will feel like you only find other types of planets.

No, it really doesn't matter.
A fun 4x hated for literally no justifiable reason other than the fact its 4x

We need more love for this genre, /v/ is just too retarded to play 4x these days.
If you're minmaxing it sort of matters, but thats a level of play that you dont need to worry about.

Pick whatever fits cosmetically.
Does it matter even then? Just genemod the shit out of your peeps.
Cool. How about weapon type?
The best space 4x game there is.
>inb4 endless upset shitposting

Stellaris simplistically is actually its greatest asset in a genre that is fucking bloated to the max. Every other space 4x game has so many utterly pointless crappy features, more often than not automated by the AI just because no sane human would want to do them, that it ruins the entire game.

Stellaris is just to the point, it needs a lot more work but its also salvageable unlike every other space 4x game thats either abandoned or sliding down the path of failure like ES2.
I just got the game a week ago, and so far my biggest complaints are:

1) the midgame consists of sitting and waiting for counters to tick down and bars to fill up.

2) Diplomacy consists of everyone blobbing into defense-pacts that make localized wars impossible. It feels like 1914 all the time.

3) Wars consist of piling every unit you have into a single stack and trying to wreck the other's guy's stack in a single battle. I was expecting to have to manage multiple fleets and fronts and such, but no.
So does the game seed the other species based off your own species' stats? Every game I've started I've spawned next to species that share one or both of my ethics.
Kinetics. Missles are absolute dogshit outside of torpedoes. You only need lasers for plasma.
Paradox's most popular game, somehow

While it's still ~4 expansions before it gets good I think it's got a fuckton of potential and a lot of the ideas behind it are really cool and interesting. But the gameplay needs some work especially in the midgame.
That depends on your roleplay and also how difficult your universe is.

Kinetic. Early game its the best, and it will last you until late.

Kinetic gives bonuses to armor and shield damage
Lasers just to armor
Missiles are unfortunatly pointless because PD is too strong and they 'despawn' when their target dies so you get a lot of wastage shots.

Late game you usually build your fleet to counter armor, swarms of fighters/bombers (which are a type of weapon) or shields. This depends on what you're fighting against.
You've hit the nail on the head of the biggest complaints of the community since release. The mid game is better than it used to be, but its still fairly stale.

They've said they want to do a diplomacy expansion/update and a combat expansion/update. So we're all waiting for those.

Also unrelated but if anyone is playing on version 1.6, you need to opt into the beta build of 1.6.1. The 1.6 build makes it so the AI doesnt declare war.
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My total newfag alien race. I wasn't modeling it after anything in particular except for a bit of my own personal ethical inclinations, which are admittedly of the *tips fedora* variety.

Pls r8.
The big issue right now is the complete and utter absence of an intergalactic economy, which permeates everything from management to logistics to diplomacy. So long as there are only three tradeable resource categories, no production chains, and no trade simulation, everything will feel like shallow, uninvolved dogshit.

Of course, Paradox will never properly implement any of that. They've had two updates dedicated to fixing combat and the meta is still completely fucked. If they can't get rock paper scissors right, they'll never be able to simulate supply lines or even basic mercantilism. Especially not since the guy responsible for Vicky 2's (admittedly janky) economic engine left.
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>there will never be an economic simulation as ambitious as Victoria 2's ever again
Actually considering switching to oligarchy. This science directorate description actually looks pretty based even if it's even more fedora tier than the democratic one
>Pls r8.

No bio/10
It takes way to long for anything fun to happen.
>no xenophobia
>no militarist
>not wanting to genocide all other alien species by eating them to death
Kek /pol/ detected
>They've had two updates dedicated to fixing combat and the meta is still completely fucked
No they haven't.

Not a single update has focused on combat.
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Those games are always fucking boring. You should either play as an authoritarian Hegemony that bullies and bribes all of the "noble democracies" into supporting it, or you play as Space America and wage a bunch of liberation wars to carve up your enemies and assimilate their remnants into your glorious Space NATO. It's the closest the game gets to realpolitik.
Dont take pacifist. It means you cannot cede a planet, which means you cant take a planet from any other faction.

Thats the sort of thing you take later once you know how to play
>Space America and wage a bunch of liberation wars to carve up your enemies and assimilate their remnants into your glorious Space NATO.
That actually sounds fun desu, thanks.
That's such an original concept, anon.

How on earth did you come up with it.
Honestly it doesn't feel like there's enough depth diplomacy wise for those sort of playthroughs to be completely enjoyable yet.

Galactic Genocide Simulatoar: The Game

It's currently one of the best games Paracucks have developed.
This thread makes me want to buy the game, but all the dlc is pretty expensive and I don't really want to drop $50 on it for all the content because I am poor.
Is this game good even without the dlc?

Don't worry, any build or species can and will succeed. Avoid making a Hive Mind and you'll be fine for your first game. Roleplay the shit out of your species, and pick traits accordingly.
OP here, I agree, that does sound neato.
>what are Asimov and Heinlein
You know, the patches where they went in and completely rebalanced all of the components and shipbuilding?

You can still liberate and vassalise, which is almost always the better option.
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I should nut up and go ahead and turn on Ironman right away, shouldn't I? Or should I be a fag?
That applies to basically every playthrough, tbf.

Good lord, no. It's serviceable at best with the DLC.

Ironman is only for achievments.
Buy the game, pirate the DLC.
Would you be willing to elaborate on the pointless crappy features?
Where can you get the pirate DLC?

If you like 4X games but want more a more focus on politics and species then it's one of the best games in the genre. Utopia is really needed though because it adds a lot of great stuff like super structures and such.
Damn. Alright, it looks like a great game, so I think I'll go for it. Thanks anons.
Pretty much any site that hosts torrents.
The game is $12 on humble right now

You god damn poorfag
So many great mods. I think I have a legitimate addiction.
>Star Trek overhaul
>Star Wars overhaul
>EvE overhaul
>40k overhaul
And people wonder why Stellaris is popular
Huh. Forgot about that place. I'll need to check it more frequently. Thanks!
>Star Trek overhaul
Oh shit nigga I just came
Its probably the most polished overhaul as well, has all the race weapons and ships by the look of it
So....Ferengi, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, whatever? How many race options are we talking about here?
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How does this game compare to Distant Worlds?
Distant Worlds is obviously better but the graphics is garbage, so garbage it makes me prefer Stellaris just because it's more modern

No, seriously, I boot up DW and the Windows 95 inference makes me puke
There's no good Mass Effect mod though

>40k overhaul
>caring about graphics in a 4X game
lol stick to endless space you aspie
Hory shet.
Kinetic masterrace.
Get kinetic artillery, slap them to your cruisers.
Get plasma cannons, slap them to your cruisers.
Build lots of corvettes, destroyers, and cruisers, but build a lot of cruisers. Corvettes are there to soak damage and drop shields. Put plasma and photon torpedoes on them. Destroyers are there to punch shit. Make them mini cruisers. Cruisers are your shit wrecker. Make about a third of your total cruisers have point defense. Instead of full plasma/KA.
Get one maybe three battleships and put a giga cannon on them and may e some flak artillery. They're just there to make your fleet pretty.
PS: flak artillery>tier 3 PD because FA can be used offensively
bad game
>or you play as Space America and wage a bunch of liberation wars to carve up your enemies and assimilate their remnants into your glorious Space NATO.
Literally me
>Ayo alien despot who doesn't want into my federation, stop oppressing your people
>*liberates three of your systems*
>*makes protectorates of liberated systems*
If you want to be 100% like USA, be fanatic Xenophobe/Millitarist so every liberation produces ISIS-like purifiers.

They you can liberate them AGAIN

Most of Stellaris can be described in a way that sounds fun

Then you realize you're just slowly painting the map by moving your doomstack and engaging in what is probably the worst combat system ever implemented in a 4x
Too much micromanagement for late game to be fun.
>probably the worst combat system ever implemented in a 4x

No. Endless Space.
My scientist gained a level from scanning shit. What does this actually mean?
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Fuck me, that was good.
He can scan shit betterer.

ES has crap combat but almost very single flaw of ES combat applies to stellaris with the addition of having to deal with retarded ship AI and WEDGE FORMATION YEAH
Combat system is too barebones but still functional. If you want worst combat you go to Endless Space, that convoluted mess is unbearable, even though the rest of the game is alright.
There are certain things you can't scan without having appropriate level scientist.
What's Endless Space and why is it's combat bad?
Another space 4x. It's alright mechanically and has really good graphics, but for combat you get locked into separate environment and have to play something like three-step RPS with about 20 elements all of which you have to first research. It's really overcomplicated and ends up being more about random guessing than strategy.
So one of my objectives is to build a mining outpost, but there are no resources to mine in my home system. So first I have to build a frontier outpost in the next system? There's also a planet I want to colonize in that system so how does that work?
You can build stations in any systems that are within your borders, no need to build any prior stations.
Pretty fun in the beginning, gets boring in the middle. Never reached the end because I got bored. Just like every other Paradox game.
>start a quick game for tutorials
>spend an hour playing without realizing it
I think I'm having fun with a video game. I'm not used to this.
The only system in my border is my home system so I guess I got fucked by the starting map layout? I guess I should just build the colony ship. That would be the more resource efficient way of getting the system in my borders since I want that planet anyway. The frontier station would be a waste.
You can only colonize planets within your borders. So your only choice is to wait until they grow.
Oh okay so the borders will expand on their own then? Good to know. I don't think the in-game tutorial had explained that to me yet. What's that based on?
>You can only colonize planets within your borders
Stopy lying on the internet.
Pacifist is terrible.
oh shit nigga
Why would a non-idiot okay Stellaris when Distant Worlds exists?

Grafixs are important for every game and every genre, except for games that don't have graphics at all like a text adventure.
What is good about Distant Worlds and why would one play it over Stellaris?
>$59.99 USD
>for 1998's top sprites and spreadsheets
>caring about graphics in a 4x game

Like I said, why would a non-idiot play Stellaris over Distant Worlds?
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