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if its any consolation OP I've one-shot this boss with each new character I've played
How is this boss hard again?
I spent two hours on Abyss Watchers and Pontiff (Two hours EACH) and killed Dancer on the third try
I don't think I can help you
Git gud
She actually had a really nice BGM.
Post the spanking mod webm.
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>2 hours

is this bait?
how on earth
literally the only boss i've never died to in any souls game
to be fair it's the one i did the least playthroughs of
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I spent 8 hours on Friede.
I just went back to DS1 to fight Kalameet and that fucker was ridiculous. Had to change my entire build to even get a chance at beating him.

Dancer is nothing compared to my struggle OP.
I got Abyss Watchers on my sixth try and spent about an hour on Pontiff. Whats your build?
Shoot at it with a crossbow until it dies.
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All of the main-game bosses have pretty small health pools.
>Still stuck at Taurus demon

lvl 15 knight btw, around 18 vitality and 14 endurance and strength. Do I need to grind mode?
The way she telegraphs attacks is a lot different from other bosses, take some time to just get used to dodging. If you have to heal only do it at the end of her combos because her reach is fucking ridiculous, running away is nearly useless at some points. When she does her long-ass spinning attack you can literally hug her ass and not get hit until the last, more horizontal spin.
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>spam chaos fireball

Nah this boss is complete bullshit though
>Grab that lasts for a full year and insta-kills
>3 AOE's
>can easily attack you from across the room

But it's surprisingly weak to dark. Slap some human pine resin on a raw weapon and stunlock her ass
He is piss easy. Might not seem it but once you're done with the game you will laugh at the fact you struggled on it.

Plunging attack once. Learn to roll properly and be patient.
It's interesting how different bosses vary so greatly in difficulty from person to person.
DaS3 is the easiest souls game though, because of how rolling works. Nothing gave me as much trouble as Fume Knight, not even close.
I spent a couple hours a day for a week killing Gael by myself on an under-leveled character with +6 weapons.
It was worth it
The tauros demon can literally die in like 5 hits. Holy hell, if you're suffering this bad just get some help.

The range for the Plunging attack is player model contact with the Tauros demon's head or shoulders while falling and pushing R1.

If you have a heavy-ish weapon like a handaxe, battleaxe, or longsword, then just 2 hand it and chop him to death, he will get stunlocked 100% of the time.

If you need the Zveihander, go to the graveyard and pick one up and come back.
You can easily kill him with any starting class without any extra levels. Chances are you're just not used to the game yet and need to get used to it. Since you're playing a knight, chances are you can't roll worth a shit but have a really good shield. Try blocking more of the attacks he throws out, and don't bother trying to run between his legs.
I think my main issue is the camera. I can never see what the fuck is going on, his model blocks everything. Should I say fuck it to lock on?
>Grab that lasts for a full year and insta-kills
It only insta-kills if you don't have your health around 900+. If you are at that or above then you should be fine.
>Should I say fuck it to lock on?
Yes. There's times to lock on and times not to - against huge bosses most of the time you're better off not locking on.

It's something the other games 'improved' on, you don't have to worry about camera lockon fucking you as much so you don't have to worry about toggling it midfight. To be able to sprint/roll in any direction etc.
I always use lock on. Very rarely have a problem with it. Try killing it without it though, a lot of people rarely use it.
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Dancer is an actual fun boss though, you dont have to fight with the camera and she gives plenty of time to dodge and attack.
Pic related, second time I fought her. All the bosses beyond her are a sharp ramp up in difficulty compared to what came before, excluding Aldritch if he spams that arrow shit. Maybe Pontiff too.
>It's interesting how different bosses vary so greatly in difficulty from person to person.
>Nothing gave me as much trouble as Fume Knight
Funny you should mention that, Fume Knight is probably the only DS2 DLC boss that I've managed to kill on my first try. Granted, it was by the skin of my fucking teeth, but a Greatsword, 50 strength, and more armor than Fumey himself probably made my life a bit easier.
Generally speaking, if the lock-on in any fight is giving you any amount of trouble it's best to dump it and just move the camera manually. Same goes for groups of enemies that you're having trouble keeping track of while locked on to one. This is gonna be an important thing to remember later in the game.
I never understood how anyone could have trouble with this boss. Literally never died to it, you can just roll through all her attacks really easily.
Dat ass doe
Big bosses in indoor arenas where you gota get underneath their body or between their feet are best fought without lock on. Taurus demon is ok with lock on, just make sure you dont roll off the edge.
By the way, you are aware of the ladder to the right of the fog door? Climb that and do a plunging attack to take alot of his health. If youre really desperate you can bait him to the other end and repeat the process. In general, just bait his overhead 2 hand slam, run and attack, roll back. I had alot of trouble with him when the game first came out, really dont understand why since I played through Demon Souls, now I kill him without taking damage.
So im about to play again DS1, wats the ez class to play? i allways go mage and sword+shield. or is flameguy more fun?
My tried and true build is always Xboxhueg mode. Heavy strength, no shield, no magic, no pyro, no miracles. Max Poise, Defense, and heavy weapons. Zweihander, Dragon King's Axe, Greateaxe. Etc.

Early Stone armor- talking about shit like pre Capra Demon stone armor from Sif's Forest.
Yep, but I never ever hit him with the plunging attack. He seems to be standing too far away. Do I need to run and jump?
As long as you can keep a distance between you and bosses, pyromancy sort of trivializes the game. Its pretty similar to sorcery, you should try melee only, no shields only rolls and parry. Or go for Pyro and do SL1 run only, not as hard as it sounds since you can upgrade weapons and armor, but really satisfying to complete.

When you aggro him from the start he should get to a point where he chases you to the tower and stops by the door. It should be close enough, but yeh try jumping if you miss.
>that pic
precisely why I always maintain at least 50 throwing knives at all times
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Yeah, fuck her.
>play ng+
>kill dancer in 30 seconds with fully upgraded ringed dual greatswords
Based DLC weapons
I had more trouble with Dragon Armor on NG+
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Not a bad idea.
Gayest boss in ds universe
Not a bad idea.
Just do it without lock-on man.
There's a ladder to the side of the door you walk in from that lets you get on top of the tower to do a plunging attack, or just fight him on top of the tower when he jumps up to get you
Champ was the hardest fight in the game for me. Any boss that delays their attack fucks me up hard. It took me an embarrassing number of tries to beat Dragonslayer Armour as well
Use dark fire ball.
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The real boss of DS1
>Dragonslayer Armour
For me the hardest part of the fight was coming to the realization that his shield was the thing I really had to watch out for. I can't think of any other souls boss that's used it's shield that goddamn offensively, and it severely fucked me up. Everyone complained about the spells coming from off-screen but that's easily countered by "just sprint away lmoa"
Hardest bosses for me with a str build were Abyss, Pontiff and Dancer
Abyss took about 1h
Pontiff took until I used a shield
Dancer took me a little over 1h

Then I did a pyro playthrough and it was the easiest thing ever
>abyss watchers difficult with a strength build
Was this when the game first released and anything heavier than a straight sword was pointless, or were you using something that didn't have hyperarmor, when that's the main advantage to a strength build? Pontiff is pretty tricky with a big weapon, and dancer can be shit if you can't stagger her, but abyss watchers with a claymore and up are literally Press R1 and Win Trades All Day: The Boss Fight
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>be Pyro
>Demon Prince
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>Most bosses didn't kill you
>3 bosses killed me a combined 7 times

I just want to feel the rush of having a challenge again. Why are the levels sometime hard but most bosses piss easy?
This, holy shit
He even killed me in the DLC until I started using weapons that dodged his attacks
I'm the opposite. I never have trouble with the levels from any Souls game except that one area in 2. Boss fights have always given me trouble and I'll be stuck on some for days.
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>tfw beat the entirety of Ringed City with Onyx Blade
Dancer is a hard gear check.

I fought her right after beating aldrich and didn't want to lose the souls so I just threw myself at the fight like 20 times before giving up and going to upgrade my shit. Fight is actually easy as fuck if you have the right gear.
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I know your pain my friend
I spent 4 hours on vicar Amelia
Dancer isn't hard with any weapon unless you can't learn to manage stamina and run away from grabs
Actually come to think of it my problem wasn't un-upgraded gear, it was low health. I ended up spending a bunch of points on vitality and the grab was no longer an insta-kill so the fight only took like 3 more tries.
Faith build OP

>Quick weapon with Raw
>Lightning Blade
>Dump into Faith
>Dorhys Gnawing / Gnaw to destroy the Dancer
>Spam R1 to win for everything else

It literally breaks the game.
How is faith against bosses in ringed city? Being a mage sucked ass.
>that one area in dark souls 2
Iron keep?
I'm not the greatest ever at Dark Souls, but this is boss and pinwheel are the only bosses I've never died to once

I don't get it
My most recent playthrough I tried killing her early (not as soon as possible, but long before you normally would). Used BKGS and did decent damage, but still got my ass rekt a bunch of times and just barely survived when I finally beat her. She's tough, but fair, though I found a couple attacks offered very little time to react.
Nah it was the shrine of amana. I only played during release and that area was literal cancer.
I don't get it, I went for her early by killing the old lady and still had an easy time.
Could outdamage her, barely needed to dodge, grab took like 1/3rd of my health since I went full armour/health/strength build

Beat this boss first time.

Feels good being good at video games.

Watch the boss, don't listen to the music. It's deliberately misleading.
>Not DS1 Blightown with 10fps
True shit at its finest.
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>not summoning 3 phantoms for every boss fight
what a fucking pussy
If you just play it safe with a fast weapon it's easy.

First phase you can get off like 5 attacks as she's just walking around not doing anything.

Second phase there are certain openings that always lets you hit him (after the 4 hit combos). Avoid everything else if you are a coward.

The problem is that she has a ton of moves.
>not summoning two NPCs for every boss in New Game ++

It's like you're a fucking casual or something
Blight town was easy shit after coming from DeS 5-1 and 5-2. That swamp was way worse than what Dark Souls had.

>going through world 5 with pure black tendency
>fucking giant red phantom hillbillies everywhere
>not looking up the most OP builds and farming to achieve them as early as possible and then summoning 2 phantoms and an NPC for each boss
Can't believe scrubs like you are on my /v/.

he rolled once when he was running away from the spin attack, he tried to hide it with the camera but you can see one of the wooden chairs blowing up, that only happens if you hit them or roll through them and he didn't hit them
>not getting your friend to invade you in Demon's Souls to clear out the entire level for you before you summon two phantoms for the boss

what are you a fucking pussy
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>not hacking the game and one-shotting all the enemies in the area including the boss with a kick
fucking casuls i swear
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Never played DeS. Makes me want to, but I know it won't be as hard as it could have been and 'll just be disappointed. Makes me want to go and die to O&S 20 times, like I did during DS 1 for the first time.
>not just not playing the game at all and then shitposting about how easy the game is on /v/

Jesus find a new hobby you cucklord schmuck
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>not just stopping being an autist
it's like you want to be a loser
you can't post in Dark Souls threads without being somewhere on the spectrum
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well shit, you have a ooint there
That's not one-shotting, One shotting means 1 hit 1 kill.

That's one try though.
>tfw currently doing this boss fight for people on a level 19 sorcerer with all 4 damage rings, candle stick, court sorcerer's staff (better at barely any int level invested, heretic could be better but not enough strength- can't spellbuff r2) and dusk crown

I have 63 sunlight medals from it so far
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>Level 19
Why would you do that to yourself?
I'm level 50 on ng+ and I get plenty of summons for dancer.
How? Any time I try to co-op it I get lagged out and can't enter the boss fog.

I don't even live in Brazil.

>die to o&s 20 times

Aw yeah niggah that's the real DS experience
Mostly for souls to jump straight to a high level if I feel like it. It doesn't take that long for me to kill it if the host only summoned me, It takes about 2 ashen flasks each time. 4 if he summoned another person, and he's retarded if he summons a third because that's just too much of an hp boost to the boss.

I don't know? Never happened that problem my man.
Abyss Watchers literally made me laugh at how pathetic it was, I parried every single attack with the small leather shield.

And running blindly off the rooftop in newbie panic vs the gargoyles while shouting at the camera controls
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Abyss Watchers were way harder
- attacks comes at a different timing than other bosses
- watch out for her subtle attack announcements
- spinny thing goes for 8 spins: 1 initial, 6 continuous, then 1 final beyblade shit in place
- gtfo when her hand goes up

good luck anon
when locked on also never roll to the left, always roll forward or to the right. She has moves that catch you off guard and clip you if you roll left.
This boss was easy was fuck compared to Sulyvahn.
I know what you're talking about because I did a doubletake on the same thing. He just sprinted through the chair - look at his stamina bar, it doesn't decrease in the way it does when you roll.

Tolo is fully legit.
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>there are people who unironically have trouble with the Taurus demon
Literally just run back, go up the ladder, apply electric lube, use a plunging attack, run the other way, run back, go back up the ladder and repeat
This is a weird boss for me. I had little problem fighting Nameless King, but dancer just rips me a new asshole everytime.

Melee btw
Actually just rewatching the vid, dancer broke that chair, not him. If you're talking about around 50 seconds.

Dancer gave me the most trouble of any DS3 boss, even more then Nameless king, Gael and Midir.

However its probably one of the best since her fight is just like a dancer. Synchronize your movements to hers and you have a pretty easy fight. Break synchronization and you just start stepping on each others toes and she is a big girl who is going to run over you.

Its why she can be one of the easier bosses or one of the harder ones.
Use dark hand, lowest stats get you 160 per hit plus it takes barely any stamina so you can most certainly hit 2-4 times and be safe to roll like 4 times even with the class with lowest endurance.
I made a twinking character a little bit ago, had a friend transfer me a dark hand. It's ridiculous.
>playing SotFS
>burned an ascetic to get the NG+ Sinner soul as early as possible to get that sweet weapon buff
>bought three brightbugs because chances are I'm gonna eat shit against a boss + 2 pyromancers
>See a summon sign, decide to try my luck
>poor soul doesn't know what's happening, he just wanted dem souls
>he actually manages to kill the pyromancers while I keep sinner busy
>he dies to the boss's basic attacks right when she's just a few hits away from dying
Before that I've never actually felt sorry for a phantom I summoned. He probably would have been stoked as shit to get all those extra souls.
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I forgot Sinner had those fucking adds in NG+. Everytime I remember something like this it makes me want to replay that game.

I never make it past Forest of the fallen giants without quitting. The game just feels awful compared to every other souls game
>Keep hearing about tough Dancer is
>Practically shitting my pants when I start the fight
>Figure out her attacks patterns after one death
>Beat her ez

Dancer is probably one of the easiest fights in the game. I had more trouble with the Crystal Sage.
Straightsword Souls III
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>almost beat her the first try
>20 tries later
The thing with Dancer is that by the time you actually have to fight her, your levels alone pretty much win the fight.

SL1 dancer is a different story, or killing her before Vordt for some sweet sequence breaking

>Crystal Sage
This boss legitimately gives me the most trouble
You can get the dark hand instantly once you get Yoel after beating the dog of boreal valley, Just let Yoel level you up 5 times by dying 2 times each, and after the 5th he will die when you come back and this woman will be there and you can just buy the darkhand for 12k, and have a dependable weapon for at least until Anor Londo. Maybe even during it.

You probably know this already,
i'm just in a typing mood
DS2 isn't my favorite in the series, but if there's any category where it unquestionably does everything better than everything else in the series, it's the NG+.
Nameless King with the Painting Guardian's Curved Sword is 10/10 the worst thing ever.
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>started DS3 a while ago
>got to the "I've got a bone to pick with you" boss
>he kept killing me with fog
>haven't played since the 14th of April
I wish you could upgrade it somehow, I built a sub-30% and I have it equipped in case I ever decide a shield is a good option but blocking with that bitch costs so much stamina I want to die, and it's the only option I have without sacrificing substantial absorption. With that said it's especially fun when you actually hit an invader with it.

Which brings me to the question: why the fuck is the PvP in this game so fucking laggy? I was dicking around in the arenas not too long ago and I use the Crow's Talon claws, I could have a motherfucker dead center in the weapon art and not a single hit registered in their health but I got all the confirmation sounds. What went wrong and is there a fix?
You mean the easiest boss in any Dark Souls game?
sounds like that's you
I play with my friends who literally live on the opposite sides of the earth from me and it's rarely that bad.
I know what you mean, Invaders and whoever I invade seem to have lag, but my companions are always lag free.
You mean Pinwheel, the boss that dies in one single combo and can't possibly kills you?
High Lord Skeleton can be a bit of an RNG shitshow sometimes but persevere, shouldn't take you more than 3 attempts. Break his bangles, obviously.

Game really picks up after him.
Why on earth would you do that to yourself
It really does pick up quite nicely after him, I agree.
At least Pinwheel doesn't have giant glowing bracelets that scream "hit me"
No, instead it just stands there and lets you kill him in two strikes.
As a matter of fact, just the random mist is more dangerous than anything pinwheel can do.
Stand near his ribcage and slightly to either side and he can't hit you with the fog.
Fine, second easiest boss but still barely harder than pinwheel
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>Beat Friede first try surprisingly. Didn't even know the trick to her invisible gimmick and just rolled around like a maniac and never got hit
>Beat Demon Prince second try
>Took me 4-5 tries for Midir but that was because he could one-hit me with certain attacks
>Only took like 3 tries for Gael

>Champion and Doggo took me almost an hour
In the defense of pinwheel, he could be the first boss you stumble upon after the asylum demon if you're incredibly thick and don't take the tanky, unkillable skellingtons as a queue to fuck off. By the time you get to Wolnir you've had to go through the Artorias Fanclub, which is a much harder fight, and if you're geared up to get through them Wolnir won't be shit.
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Before realizing I could twink real hard with it, I was already SL25, which is imo 5 levels too high already. So using Yoel wasn't gonna happen unfortunately.

It got pretty boring though :(

Bad quality cause I don't usually make webms
btw this is my second char where I went deprived
story behind this?

The Abyss has him now.
fastest I've ever seen Vordt killed was with a host, his phantom, and me summoned all with dark hands. It took longer for the transition between skipping the cutscene and entering the fog door than the actual fight.
I haven't finished the game yet, most recent thing I did was kill the gold winged knights atop grand archives, that was fun haha. Dancer I beat on the fifth try, I was trying to greatsword her down and mistiming things so I gauged
down to a lighter weapon and was able to take her down without too much trouble. Pontiff took about four good attempts with six deaths in the middle trying to understand all of his swings haha. It's crazy how blind intuition can get you really far and then it goes to shit when you try to analyze it more. I beat Abyss Watchers and Champion Gundyr on the first try. I feel like I'm getting close to the end, there are x amount of thrones and I have all of them but center throne. I haven't played the dlc yet either was waiting until I beat the majority of the game first.
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
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My god, planned or no?
Not planned
I'm >>376777967, beat Taurus demon already. Turns out I just needed to give up on plunging attacks and shield my way through while poking him. Was a cakewalk onceI did that
Why not summon like the devs intended you to do.
Summoning actually makes it harder if you summon more than one as the hp pool of the boss rises per summon
Thanks for the blog faggot
you're welcome I just kinda wandered in here
I killed the dancer on my first attempt, maybe it was good RNG (she used her spin move only once), but Pontiff on the other hand took me like 20 tries. I was almost desperate enough to equip a shield and start blocking or parrying him, but this would kill the fun. Same thing with the Champ.
>all this talk of pontiff being hard
>was a literal who to me so I had to look him up
>was a literal who because I killed him quick and was insignificant

huh, I don't remember how hard he was though or if I had too much trouble, It is weird how I remember Vordt or Mr Bones more than him.
Could anyone recommend me a good 2-hander build for DS2 PvE? Is it in any way viable to use miracles in such a build?

I've killed pretty much everything up to Lost Sinner but invested my stats all over the place and would like to respec.
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She took me nearly 3 whole days. Beating her before the catacombs didn't help, sure, but I beat Sullyvahn on my second try.
She is unironically the hardest boss of the whole series for me and she would be considered as such if her healthpool was larger and if she could hit like a truck. Midir couldn't even compare to her
After all this training I'm still unable to avoid reliably all of her moves.

How much vit do you need for the grab not to instakill? It oneshot me at around 20vit and while being embered
I'm the guy who suggested blocking more attacks. I'm guessing you used the starting knight's shield, and that'll serve you well until end game, but don't forget to look out for better shields and don't forget to upgrade your shield after your main weapon. That 'stability' stat matters a whole lot more than you might think it does. Just go through the game with whatever seems to help you win. Nothing else matters, you can worry about challenge after you finish your first run.
I'd recommend a Mastodon greatsword, really good weapon for str builds. As for miracles, they're pretty meh for offensive, all you get that'll really do damage is lightning blade paired with sacred oath (these two together really make you hit any boss super hard) and wrath of gods (mostly for pvp though for a quick 700-800 damage). Miracles aren't really that useful for PVE, they're more a utility for PVP.
I had 30 points in vitality and the grab attack still took around 80% percent of my HP. So be sure to be at full HP all the time if you want to survive it.
So is it a universal fact that Midir is the strongest boss in the series? The thing is a healthtank.

Right, thanks. Already beat the dancer anyway, the grab was the least to worry about after getting hit by it once
/v/ is bad at vidya.
Did her like in the third try just mashing my way through, never even really taking note of the patterns or knowing what changed in phase 2. Didn't bother trying real hard because I got the idea she's super passive and doesn't even do anything.

I also somehow managed to cheese the ds1 taurus demon on my first try when everyone keeps going on about how hard that was.

I think sometimes you just get lucky, good patterns, AI is fortunately non-aggressive, what have you. I'm sure there are other bosses I have died a hundred times to that were a breeze for others

It's been 2 years and I'm still overly salty about her boss weapon.

>In the fight it's fucking cool-ass fire sword plus dark sword
>Transmute the shit out of her soul to get that
>Instead of dark, the other sword is sparkly purple magic
>Shit scaling
>Shit damage
>Utterly worthless

It was almost as disappointing as the White Hair Talisman.
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Is it really that hard for you? I mean, I beat her my first time through and have always done early dancer since then. She is pretty predictable. Not that I am ragging on you, a lot of "experienced" players I know struggled with her and it always baffled me.
I was stuck on her too, I imagine she gets you with the half hour long tracking spin move? If you strafe to your left and try to stay behind her, all but THE FINAL SPIN will miss, and most characters can block that part. Other than that don't get greedy and just use one heavy attack or spell or whatever at a time.
I spent at least 3 days trying to kill Nameless King.
I one shot it first try.

Honestly it was the easiest of all the bosses I had fought in the game.
Try bleeding
>some anon
>"lmao, X boss is the easiest shit. Y on the other hand took me like 30 tries"

>some other anon
>"kek, I killed Y on my first try. But X was killing me over and over again"

Every time.
post lewd pics of dancer
I heartly laugh at the file name
>almost as disappointing as the White Hair Talisman.
Oh lord please don't remind me
>it's a pyromancy/miracle catalyst
>it must give me a lot of viable options along with my lolpoise lightning stakes
>definitely won't be worthless for damage
Crystal Sage's illusions were fucking annoying
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>run around popping the clones
>get hit by a crystal hail
>can't ever see it coming unless you angle your camera straight up or see the real one cast it
>hitstun forever
>clone i was about to kill white dragons breaths me in the face
>knocked down
>the 12 purple slow homing crystal catch up to me while on the ground
>roll the fuck away from them
>sprint across the level to find cover
>better take a sippy quickly
>get killed through the wall by white dragons breath

I always kill Abyss Watchers and Wolnir first so I can get a +6 weapon for this stupid cunt. That and not letting him teleport when he's using HCSM normally lets me kill him before he can summon his clones.
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>Entire fight encourages you to get behind her to avoid her crazy slash combos
>Up against her ass the entire fight
>Begin to notice the subtle curvature of her posterior form

It's hard to concentrate when you have an erection for the entire fight.
Dancer kicked my ass during my very first playthrough.
That is, until I went in naked and with a Flamberge.
Only so much you can post on a Christian imageboard, anon.
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This fight is super easy if you just go in naked and roll like a COLOSSAL FUCKING FAGGOT because blocking is fucking garbage in Dark Souls 3 and this series is just Bloodborne-lite now.
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>kill watchers and go to catacombs + smouldering lake for +6
>rush dancer with +6 to get to lothric castle
>get chunks for +9 in castle
>do ocieros and gundyr to trade the sword fragment for a slab
>slap sage's shit with a +10 weapon

The only way to do it, really.
Blocking is still good unless you try to block every hit of a 10-way combo.

Aw shit. Hiding behind a fuckhuge shield is the only way I can get through these games
I actually did this on my SL1 run. Also you can get +7 before dancer, you get 1 chunk from the lizard on the path to Horace in Smouldering Lake. And by trading a black firebomb to whatever-the-crow.

Taking out sage and deacons with a +10 raw longsword and hornet ring was excellent
>tfw I died like 9 times to Dancer while Pontiff was a pushover on my third try
That may be crazy but I respect your gumption
Yeah, and the best part is that it works for twinkling and scale weapons as well, because lothric castle is so full of both.
I spent two afternoons on those lizards in the waterway. Fuck dark souls
Somehow beat this guy and brothers first try, but lost to Lord of cinder about 20.
you mean those giant rat looking fucks, because holy shit they are annoying to fight
I spent 2 hours on Ludwig.

Also does anyone else really enjoy the dancer boss fight, how the footsteps and music are jjst rite

Use a caster on it arrtard. She can't dodge your giant magic missiles.
I enjoyed datass
/dsg/ couldn't answer this for me, or maybe they just wouldn't, I don't know. Probably the latter. What's the worst ranged build in DS3? INT, FTH, or DEX? I want to play with the worst stat in the game for shits and giggles.
/dsg/ is a pvp dickwaving contest.

I would say crossbow builds are the worst ones.
Thanks mate, I'll need to restart then. I went with INT since I figured it'd be garbage late game.
It took me like 7. The thing is that i could get through the first two phases easy every time but I had no idea what the fuck to do against blackflame
My first encounter with her was on my sl80 ng+ str build which took 2 hours. on my sl100 ng mage it took 3 hours. But on my sl 20 lothric high wall twink build it took 1 try, and still had 10 estus left.

Yes! The bastard on the bridge was ok but pulling on and limiting space was a ball ache.
I'm stuck on Abyss Watchers and I'm not sure what to do. I'm using the Great Club and the only opening I have to attack is when I'm charged at and the only thing I can do is heavy attack immediately after dodging to SOMETIMES connect. Second phase I am not even sure I can damage the boss without also taking damage.

First video on Youtube I saw using the same weapon I had was someone just eating every hit and taking 1/3 of the damage I was taking and just golfswinging every time.
for second phase you can circle around his flip that he does at the end of combos and backstab.

first phase try rolling attacks maybe?
Rolling light attack doesn't have enough range to hit during the charge opening. Rolling heavy attack leaves me with barely enough stamina to roll away once but it's what I'm currently doing. I'll try both backstabbing and then tanking and see what works.
What enemy are you talking about out of curiosity?
You can cheese first phase by waiting until the Watchers kill themselves.
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Probably this one
Faith sucks ass anywhere.
Garbage boss that is beaten by random mashing, this thing needed x2 HP to even have a chance at showing you most of her moves, I guess they nerfed her so ppl who want to do her early have a chance. SAD!
The thing about DeS is that it's built as a just an RPG game, not PRO MLG PREPARE TO DIE HARDCORE GAME. So yeah, it's easier in general, but it's also made without any specific focus, so, if you have a build you're sticking to, at least some part is bound to become insanely hard for you, since they all have their strengths and weaknesses.
Climb the tower, lock on when he gets close, roll off the edge of tower toward him (no need to jump) and attack.

It should work 95% of the time.
Why do folk lie like this?
Dodge towards her
Yeah, they went with the DS2 philosophy of bosses faking you out, that's why they're much better in the second half. Clearly Tanimura worked on them more.
He has less openings in flame mode buy you can still backatab him after he does a jump attack.

Stay close to him and heal behind him at good times, running away usually gets you hit as you're drinking, canceling out most of the heal and basically wasting time and estus.
Abyss watchers can be hard as fuck if you haven't upgraded your weapons, à la gargoyles twins in dark souL 1
>First playthrough
>Dancer keeps fucking me
>Dragonslayer armor beat first try
>Beat Dancer first try
>Dragonslayer Armor can one-shot me when he's two hits away from death
It's funny how in ng certain enemies or bosses suddenly get much harder than they were.
How do I into pyromancy? Am I supposed to max any stats for it and is there a better flame than the starting one?
I do love how a lot of bosses wait just a second more to fuck with panic rolls. Specially with Champion who flows from attack to attack in ways you usually don't see coming.
Play it, even if it's not super hard it's great game
And more entertaining.
Is there a way to improve your chances for being summoned for the Watchdogs and Aldrich covenants?

I need their specific rewards.
Just take gold serpent ring +3 and farm those from regular enemies, it's much faster.

The boss I had most problems was Nameless King, mainly because of the camera in the first half and the janky dept perception in the second half.
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>Did all those advices to increase drop
>Three hours later still nothing
>Finally get summoned
>As I enter the world, duty fulfilled, no reward
I'm still some ten away from the second reward. Wish they'd fix this shit.
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Well I finally killed it. It didn't use its wide cleave on second phase for the first time so I got in a backstab and 50-0'd it.
I hate the Nameless King fight only because of that. I spend most of my time swinging and missing because i'm actually several feet farther than what I thought.
what boss has the best theme in the entire franchise
I like Gwyn's since instead of this bombastic track for the final boss, we have this mournful piano track that goes along with his story.
Most satisfying might Mario and Luigi since if you've beat them, you've actually heard more than the first minute.
For me it was the fucking dragon. Boss was easy, but annoying.

To have that fucking thing constantly jump up and fly around as a melee character is just frustrating. Shit must be completely trivial if you're a ranged character.

I only started enjoying myself in the second phase.
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