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This is so embarrassing.

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This is so embarrassing.
What, you making this thread again?
Because someone has money to own this, or the time to make it?
are those...

are those 3x3s on his wall?
>tfw you own all this shit and agree
Who does this belong to?

Swear I have seen it before.
I know, right? He didn't even organize the consoles by release.
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It is kind of ridiculous, especailly to display all of it proudly like it's worth something. I display high quality premium collectables.

It is, theres no new gen console and neiter is there a ps2 slim version and a psx with the "mobile" screen.
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>That tiny ass TV

Truly haram.
nice poorfag walls lmao
>pc duo rx AND pc engine cd-rom briefcase

the absolute madman

would you invite a girl back to your place if you had something like this set up out in the living room?

I plan on doing something like this but with them actually set up to work.
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Buddy if i could talk a girl into coming back to my place i sincerely doubt she would care.
Yeah and id still get laid because i dont like to be in the company of snooty cunts
Why not, you'd have to be a pretty big cunt not to think the organized display of all those console generations is kind of neat.
>classic games
>on HDTV
Just buy a fucking Trinitron for like $20 and you're good.

>Caring what some sluts think of you

If you get into a relationship with a girl who doesnt share your interests or let you enjoy them you should kill yourself
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Never have I witnessed such comfy and beauty
It's called a wife filter, anon.
something about this color scheme really disgusts me
You're probably just female and bereft of logical thinking ability.
This guy crushes pussy.
yes, because anyone worth anything more than a single fuck won't give a shit as long as it aesthetically fits with the room
>tv nowhere near eye level
>at an angle

enjoy your shit colors
If she's coming back to your place you're either just in it for the quick fuck which means she won't care, or you're dating and she presumably already knows your interests which means she won't care.

Geek is chic now anyway for a lot of women
If you're attractive enough to get her to come back to your house, you'reattractive enough to make her overlook it.
>Geek is chic now anyway for a lot of women

like the big bang theory? bazinga! the cake is still a lie 10 years on. confirmed, santa's little helper is a squirrel.
i get so jealous everytime someone posts this
xDDD I learned the memes from /vr/ am I fitting in yet guys???
I know people say this ironically, but if you've given up on having a girlfriend does it really matter how much of an autismfort your room is?
Not that anon, but it literally has become cool to be into nerdy shit, and I don't mean like Big Bang bojangles shit.

it's very nice, but does this guy have no legs or wtf?

why is shit so low?
What a failure of a human, do you also hide your games from desktop/hide a console whenever anyone comes to your place?
Do you also put a copy of great gatsby in every room?
Vidya, anime, you name it.
Honestly don't get the hatred of The Great Gatsby, it's a great novel

I assume it's because it's anti-Capitalism but I mean John Steinbeck isn't shitted on
If you're physically fit and attractive you can get away with just about anything. If you have a 6-pack, you can have anime wallscrolls and Mario plushies and girls won't care.

source: my former roommate

Fucking cringe.
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fuck off faggot fight me

I know when to put childish things away. It's right about the time I want to fuck.
Oh no, by no means I hate it.
It's just a "pretentious prick's favourite" because of Quentin, fits somebody who would hide their hobbies to fit in with normalfags.
I cannot imagine being this much of a fag to hide my plastic models because somebody visits me.
He's just an ultra-weeb trying to be a slant-eye. Also, he's so bad with money he literally spent everything he had on the computer and figures/posters. Look at that cleaner on the left for proof. "Mr. Sheen". He's so fucking poor he had to buy the knock-off of the knock-off.
You are just insecure and projecting being an adult means that you don't care what others think
I don't even think being fit matters, though it probably would help. I have a glass display cabinet in my living room of animu grils. A room of my house is also dedicated to games. Getting laid on the regular isn't hard as long as you're not an autist. If you still can't get laid, vidya and hobbies aren't the problem, you're probably just not nearly as interesting/attractive as you think you are.
I was in middle school so I probably didn't pick up on everything but that shit seemed so boring and meaningless, right up there with catcher in the rye as far as the writer didn't have an underlying idea to express through the book just random dumb wanking. I didn't even finish it.
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It's just a book that everybody knows is supposed to be good, so if your trying to be a poser it's probably what you would use (for comparison, someone who actually reads books and is trying to show off would probably try to display the most obscure shit they could find)
What would be the best console for me?

I hate pokemon games.

I hate the legend ofzelda games.

I hate difficult games.

I hate violent games

Not like online games

And I only play video games rated E For Everyone in the ESRB
I'd say it more means being able to decide for yourself just what other people think is worth caring about. Having a display of video games in your home isn't one of them.
High schooler, you're an idiot who needs to re-read the book. I had a similar issue when I tried reading Fahrenheit 451 in middle school and now it's your turn.
Sure, just wasn't sure since 4chan seems to have a hate-boner for it.
Your phone.
Fucking faggots, he had a wife and child who died in a car accident. >>376762675 Let the man do what he wants, he's suffered enough already.
why looks like a nice set up

apparently this guy had a life and a family and they died in a fire or something, so he dedicated his income and time that were going into those over to weeb escapism.

I dont know if it's true but it makes for a nice chan legend
Retro games thread?

Will I find an affordable copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga?
my back hurts looking at this
An old console for sure. Or a PC emulating old console games.
a e s t h e t i c
>Because someone has money to own this
bah! broken consoles from eBay. Empty game cases from eBay
You say that, but you haven't obtained enough yet.
From memory

>flapper chick
>eccentric rich guy throws parties at his mansion
>she gets invited somehow
>hangs out there before the party or something
>theres another couple, the guys kind of a dick or something but eh
>gatsby drivers her around the city or something
>she thinks its neat

Then I dropped it.
Yeah. Just tell them you're into collecting them. As long as you don't sperg out and don't start talking about vidya like it's your life it's fine.

I took a girl back to my apartment with all my games and shit out already why would I care if i had more.
Yeah high schooler, you didn't get it.
Re read it.
There's an issue here we need to resolve
That PC doesnt look that comfy to sit at with no chair. It doesnt even have one of those sitting pillows the Nips use
>trip into wall
>Die on the spikes
>Invite girl back to your place
>She sees the wall of vidya
>Probably won't even comment on it.
>If she does, it'd probably be something like "Wow, what's all that?"
>"Oh, I like to collect old consoles. The lighting stuff was just a project of mine."

That would literally be the end of it. Don't sperg out and take her on the grand tour of your collection and you're good.
>I assume it's because it's anti-Capitalism

Not really, if anything it's anti the narsicissm that comes with being rich for a lot of people.
How am I wrong?
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What's the best way to go about purchasing retro stuff?
Is online the way to go for everything? Are there any especially good sites in terms of price and stock?
Why did you do that to your grandma's home, anon?
Which emulators do you recommend?

I do not want anything from Nintendo.

I hate RPG games

I hate violent games.

And I only play video games for all ages.
Local game store is your best bet.
Are you saying Gatsby is an asshole for throwing nice parties for all his friends?
tfw you never had one to begin with
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Can someone tell me how one would be able to have all of those A/V and HDMI cables connected to the TV? I can't see any power cables there either.
Would love to have a setup like this one day.

Japan. Everything retro there is fucking dirt cheap, I'm talking consoles for $20. Because retro never became an expensive hobby there.


Not him, just the lifestyle of that social class.
And. Which games do you recommend for my Smartphone?
It's called switching out to what you want to plug in.
Why are you such a picky cunt?
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normies do this too though

If you had that set up and a girl was interested in you, you're both likely to have similar interests.
Mario 3?
Going to sweet parties your fun friend throws?

They're obsessed in their own little world, oblivious to the nature of society outside of their pocket of it, is what I'm saying.
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>mfw i can emulate that whole shelf
It's almost the best time of year for collectors. Spring/summer means garage sales, anon.

Switch boxes. 3 or 4 of them probably. Let's you just push a button to switch from one console to another without plugging/unplugging cables constantly.
Yeah, just realized all the stuff in that main cabinet isn't plugged in. Kinda gay, would like to find a way around having to disconnect and reconnect everything when wanting to play different consoles.
That seems plausible thanks anon.
If by affordable you mean "you don't mind paying like $600", then sure.
I'm envious.

So can I, but it's not the same thing. You're missing the entire point of being a collector. That's like asking why someone collects stamps when you can print them out.
I love it.
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>Original Xbox
so can most people with a functioning computer you dingus that's not the point of collecting shit
>making decisions in your life based on how Theoretical women will view it
would be better with those bendable sliding doors so you don't have to display your consoles 1000% of the time
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Fucking disgusting.
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Nice try, PCfat! Maybe in 10 years you'll finally get to suckle on those delicious scraps!
why would this be a turn-off? you're literally publicly displaying you have than enough money lying around to carry her through the female easy-mode life

I bet girls are really impressed by your emulation folder, fucking virgin cunt sitting there loading ISOs while Chad fucks your oneitis.
See, THIS is embarrassing
Placing the screen that high up gives me neck strain just looking at it.

Not when you learn the backstory, then it's just sad
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Fuck off faggot, those are spoils of the great console wars of the ages. Go have sex with women or something, cuck, and leave the last bastion of man alone.
That's a good joke. The novel industry is just as stale as the game industry. Sure do love half my book choices being gritty teens killing each other or vampires.
I agree, all those analog only game consoles with a digital TV. Its like they enjoy control delay and shitty image quality.

>The Great Gatsby

oh im laffin m8
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>not having multiple hobbies

I TELL bitches when to come to my crib motherfucker. Don't want my bitches running into each other and such.
If she's not interested in it and you are able to keep her entertained in other ways it doesn't matter. Would you not date a chick just because she has an elaborate Barbie doll collection even if she never brings it up when it's not relevant
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>not playing video games AND reading books
What are you fucking gay? How weak can one man be?
Do you at least play with them?
this place creeps me out.
Because they're loud, hot, noisy and give you literally cancer.
Getting a good HD screen with low latency and with a proper upscaler is far better
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goddamn I hate collectibles
if you're going to decorate your rooms with inordinately expansive trash at least have the decency to fill it with tasteful trash like vases and paintings and whatever actual decorations you can find instead of garish plastic toys from ALL THE EPIKEST NERD FRANCHISES XDDD
What's worse the guys that spend all their time playing video games or the women that go to their anonymous internet video game board to nitpick about how they spend all their time playing video games. As far as I'm concerned you should be putting out.
>western figures

That was made in Hong Kong, stupid.
>Getting a good HD screen with low latency and with a proper upscaler is far better
No its not. Its also several hundred dollars more expensive.
>There are "adults" who read novels
Lmao, adults should only read history books.
>it's tasteful because some old people from the boring ages liked it
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It's always Great Gatsby in these. This is some elaborate trolling, I must admit.
>loud, hot, noisy
What? Not at all.
There's almost no noticeable increase in noise at a massive increase of picture quality and depth.
you can have tasteless furniture as well, but I've never seen a tasteful collection of nerd figurines, it's always out of place
The problem is having all the systems out at once to "impress" people. But in the end all it does is cement your reputation as a man-child.
Put all but one of the systems away. Have one system, and one monitor (preferably CRT). Put all the games and shit in a dresser with drawers to hold them. You are not a teenager anymore. You do not need to decorate your room like one. If you have a wife or girlfriend she has to put up with this shit when people come over. Stop embarrassing her.

Like your neetbox is so tastefully appointed.
>10,000 dollars worth of video games
>shitty small 200 dollar Wal-Mart tv
>The problem is having all the systems out at once to "impress" people.
You say that like it doesn't also offer incredible convenience.

>put all but one away, you're not a teenager
But then that would mean setting them up every time. Why would you want to inconvenience yourself that way if you didn't have to? Also surely a teenager wouldn't be able to afford or have the space for such a set up.

>wife or girlfriend is embarassed
If your wife or girlfriend has any issues with you doing something like this then you are not with the right person.
my student apartment (thank you very much) is a mess of second-hand furniture, but if you try at least try hard
>it's always out of place
Until a few decades from now when wishy-washy art "critics" and collectors decide all this shit if great now because some people had it long ago.
>letting strangers in your house
>at least try hard
Never heard someone refer to being a tryhard as a good thing before.
As long as you don't talk exclusively about video games like some autist then she won't care but if that were the case you'd never even be able to bring a girl to your room in the first place so this scenario doesn't matter.
The best way is to start 10 years ago before Ebay and "collectors" made the market retarded
>What's the best way to go about purchasing retro stuff?

You're way too late for that party buddy.
YES they are.
>Japan. Everything retro there is fucking dirt cheap

That's unfortunately slowly becoming less true with each passing day thanks to resellers going to Japan on vacation and buying a ton of import games in bulk to sell on ebay at an inflated price later. Some Japanese retailers even began marking their prices up because of them.
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Somebody sounds insecure in their adulthood.
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buy physical console games that are
1. niche/unpopular
2. relatively good games
3. at the start or end of a console's lifecycle

then wait 10 years and they'll be rare and expensive as fuck.
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>see thread
>compare it to my desk
>everything is in reach
>not fancy
>just the minimum holding the maximum
>reminded that im poor
pic related, this is a treat for me
no i cant heat it
>If you have a wife or girlfriend she has to put up with this shit when people come over. Stop embarrassing her.
Male guests will think it's cool
Female guests are spiteful and jealous bitches anyway so it's a lost cause with them.

Does this guy have a Twitter or something? Who is he even?
>b-b-but girls will think you're weird!
Reminder that having "weird" hobbies like vidya and anime is only "weird" if you're obese and ugly. Attractive guys can do whatever the fuck they want and still crush pussy. It's only weird if you're not attractive.
Fuck off, I would rather die a virgin than bang an uglo.
Sneakerheads are not normies, anon.
You have to have absolutely no game AT ALL if they turn you down because of video games

I have a room that has my gaming PC and well over 8 consoles along with cabinets for my games

I never had a issue getting laid after some prissy chick from UCLA saw my room , most normal girls don't give a shit if you play video games because there is a good chance their brother or father or ex played video games

have my (you) either way
But Gasby isn't a narcissist and he make a big deal about not forgetting that he got a better deal at life than almost anyone else in the world.
>The novel industry is just as stale as the game industry.
Currently, yeah, but at least with novels you have 100+ years to go from. You could read books strictly from the 1920s and stay busy and entertained for years.

Although I am quite biased as I teach English. You guys should see the slop they push on us to work into the curriculum while we let things like Shakespeare die. It makes me want to live in the woods.
>not emulated on PC
Some projection here.
Shakespeare is overrated dreck

t. Master's in English
Do you know the one about the interracial couple with a ton of kids where the dad left but the mom "always pulled the plane back up right before it crashed into the ground"? Now that I've been to /pol/ I understand why it was in the curriculum.

>taking that obvious joke post seriously

found the nerd virgin with oneitis
I don't even have an oneitis dude, maybe I would have picked up your joke if you were actually funny.
I swear Quentin comics are a step up from rage comics
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I read it in high school and while it is a good novel, there isn't much to write home about it. Stay mad, Quentin

you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me
>Do you know the one about the interracial couple with a ton of kids where the dad left but the mom "always pulled the plane back up right before it crashed into the ground"?
I don't, sounds like typical YA tier writing though. My district gave me books for my classroom library and a few of them are ok, but a ton are either high fantasy cringe or stuff about super serious teenage problems like gossip.

Here's your (You).
The saddest part is not only his wife and child died but he also had to witness Umineko Chiru.
>high school English teacher is a Shakespeare-worshipping hack
Titus Andronicus is the only good thing good ol' Will ever wrote.
>>If you have a wife or girlfriend she has to put up with this shit when people come over. Stop embarrassing her.

Dude its just a bunch of video games consoles, I really hate to bring up that quote about trying to act grown up but holy shit you are the a prime example of that.

The funny thing is that person is probably better off then you right now and you are calling him a child.
>le high fantasy is bad meme
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>The problem is having all the systems out at once to "impress" people.
>If you have a wife or girlfriend she has to put up with this shit when people come over
Someone sure is projecting onto other people.

So basically you're the kind of guy that's insecure with themselves and feel like they have to act "normal" in front of people or else you'll feel embarrassed then? I feel sorry for you anon. And I feel sorry for whoever you feel the need to be fake around.
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Why not? I've obviously charmed her to the point where she would come over to my house so it's not like it would be out of the blue. I mean if you had a chick get turned off by something like how you decorated your living room then would you really want her in the first place? Sounds like she'd be a judgmental cunt.

Also you're assuming that no chick would enjoy nerdy things. Seriously, go talk to a member of the opposite sex sometime. As long as you don't have the maturity of a 12 year old and present yourself well she won't really care about all your vidya shit.
The YA high fantasy on my shelf most certainly is.
Insecurity much?
they were literally made by a high schooler
ugly fucking wallpaper and drapes
get a real desk and throw away half of those monitors
That's what the upscalers are for.
Having 2 TVs instead of one is more autistic.
In defense of the having two tvs thing it's more nostalgic to play on an old tv with the actual console. If you want to play retro games with an HD upscale then you're better off just emulating it. Unless you want to play Xbox games or something.
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>tasteful trash like vases
>doesn't even own a PS4 Pro

that's pathetic
the only thing we can do is reunite him with his family... anyone own a gun?
got a link so i can feel better about myself?
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