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This shit is tiresome and condescending to gamers. "We

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This shit is tiresome and condescending to gamers.

"We made this game with no gameplay and are charging you full price to see it because we stuck some females and ass in".
How can any of you stomach this
this is the weakest bait I've seen in a long time
congratulations, you're not even trying
The truth isn't bait. women are treated as sex objects in game but NEVER MEN
thank fucking god, I wouldn't be able to stomach that shit
the gameplay is good though
Shush, buttmad poorfag pirates!

The one male character is literally the most objectified character in the game.
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>We made this game with no gameplay
What did he mean with this
I must be missing something. I really don't get this new meme of saying that Automata has no gameplay or whatever.
OP is retarded, what he should be saying is that the game doesn't have good gameplay - which would be true.

How anyone defends the open world or the quest design is beyond me. Even the decent combat is ruined by the enemy variety and enemy design.
>9S' thighs
>not sexualized
Get out of here, you un-faggot. /v/ is not the place for you!
What's the point of self destruction ? I doesn't even damage nearby enemies

Is it only to watch 2B in thong ?
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I've heard people say that it's called "Emergency Fanservice" in the japanese version.
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Not true (pic related), though the ratio is admittedly skewed. I'd actually be down with more characters like Testament honestly, he looks cool as fuck and it would shut whiners up.
>the gameplay is good though

Some weird, 3D bullet hell dodging, but slowed down to toddler levels, mixed with some really weak and basic hack n' """"""slash action"""""".

Good. Hmmm...
Honestly I kinda feel similarly. My main issue is that the world design and navigation is FUCKING RETARDED. Why is the map in 3d and impossible to read? Why are sidequests marked on the map by only a little dot that you can't even determine a precise location for, nevermind a path there?

The game was almost unplayable for me just because it was all designef so retardedly. No other game I've ever played was so poorly designed.
>I doesn't even damage nearby enemies
But it does.
Automata's problem isn't necessarily enemy variety, in fact I think you people tend to put too much emphasis on vast enemy variety somehow being a requirement for a good game.

No, Automata's biggest problem is that its open world in general isn't very good. The map has even less to do in it than the average Ubisoft game, which is pretty fucking bad. It's still a great game overall though.
Do you have a learning disability or something? Retard.
>We made this game with no gameplay
That makes no sense.
I'm pretty sure less than 20% of my 45h of playtime was spent with dialogues/cutscenes.
>I think you people tend to put too much emphasis on vast enemy variety somehow being a requirement for a good game.
When your game takes 30-50 hours to complete, yes, that is a fucking requirement.
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I wonder who made this post
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>Game fanbase is mostly made by man
>Game creator appreciates female body in genuine and honest way and isn't scared of it because of modern society that demonizes something so natural
>Adds an attractive character for the sole purpose of pleasing his long established male fanbase
Nier and Drakengard have always been a niche series mostly followed by (not to offend anyone here) virgins. How is making 2B sexualized any surprising?
Name one game that actually has gameplay.
>Game design is fucking retarded
>Literally none o other game in the fucking world is this poorly designed
Never change /v/
Go eat your tendies and calm down, sperg.
I had no problem getting to any of the red dots, either I'm a genius or you're retarded.
No it isn't. The enemy variety in the game isn't even that bad, and harping on it just distracts from the actual issues it has.
The 3D map is really useful for finding where something was maybe quit being a retard.
>open world
Retard spotted. Did you think that first game was open world also? How about OoT? is that game open world? Oh and I guess Dark Souls is also open world by your logic.
Most people aren't autists who are willing to put up with and adjust to retarded world/map design. I just dropped the game instead of put up with that bullshit. When the developer learns to not be total shit then come see me.
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Can i get weapons i missed in Route A in other routes or am i fucked?
I didn't have to adjust anything, it was never unclear where I was going.
My only real gripe is that a lot of the bosses were kinda boring.

The ones against the giant Goliath class machines were scripted flight sections.

The ones against A2 and Adam and Eve were way too short.

The spider bots near the end lacked personality

I really wanted more like the Opera robot. She felt like a dark souls boss
>Most people aren't autists who are willing to put up with and adjust to retarded world/map design.
What the fuck are you talking about? The map design was basic as shit and a single look at the map will show you where you need to be and at what height.
For your sake I truly hope that you are only baiting, man.
If you don't like it, then don't buy it.
By pirating it
Metal Gear Rising sexualizes Raiden plenty and has a similar gameplay style.
>"We made this game with no gameplay and are charging you full price to see it because we stuck some females and ass in".

that's totally just the narrative you've been looking for and wanted to spin though. You can't even see 2bs ass most of the time unless you go out of the way to
You're fine. After ending C, chapter select opens.
Yeah don't stress. You get Chapter Select eventually.

My advice is to not go for 100% on your first run.
>never men
>Adam and Eve are shirtless
>you can blow 9S's clothes off so he's just in pretty much spats

Fuck off.
Haven't played it yet, does it benefit from an open world?
I think you can still get them all in B, in fact you get chapter select later on so nothing's actually missable.
>but never men
>I don't know what the fuck im talking about
oh thank god.
You get a chapter select in ending C I think.
No. The world is its weakest point and legitimately ruins the game. It's that bad
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Its as "open" as the original NieR, which is to say that you can wander almost anywhere on the map whenever you want, but the possibility of doing anything out of order isn't possible.
open world
Robots aren't women, dumbass
It's a Soulslike Openworld Metroidvania
Automata is an open world game by the developers' own admission. What the fuck do you think an open world game IS?
haha I do not agree with you so it's le bait :)
get fucked
I dunno. It's fun to play and I like Yoko Taro's writing. What more is there?

You're forgetting the blatant shota in 9S and the incestual homoeroticism of Adam and Eve. That's actually one thing Yoko Taro's been fairly consistent with since Nier: sexualizing everyone.
This is embarrassing anon just stop
So you're admitting that you think OoT was open world then? Well congratulations, you are objectively retarded.
No it's fucking not. Souls games had linear branching paths, Automata is mostly a collection of large open zones with absolutely nothing in them.

The carnival is probably the most Souls-like the game ever gets and even then there's nothing at all spectacular about it.
Is Far Cry 4 Open World? What about BotW?
It's more of an overworld system than open world. Most of the missions take place in linear maps. The open world part just connects them. It also isn't excessive in size and it has enough enemies scattered throughout it to make traversing it fun if you like the combat. If you don't, you've got teleporting, and hog riding in between the two.
We're not talking about OoT, quit changing the goalposts.

You also didn't answer my question. What defines an open world game?
anon you're a fucking retard holy shit
>mostly a collection of large open zones with absolutely nothing in them.
Wow you just described literally every Souls game, good job.
>desert zone
>forest zone
>main hub zone
>"linear maps"

Automatafags are fucking retarded.
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What about Adam and Eve, both of which are naked when you meet them, shirtless the second time.
Souls games have objectively more constrictive maps.
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It works, doesn't it? All this means is they know their audience.

Haven't you ever been to a gaming convention? It's the most second-hand embarrassment I've ever felt. When the fat gamer nerds aren't crowded around a stage gasping for pieces of swag like hungry baby birds, they're "stealthily" checking out all the fine piece of ass cosplayers prancing around (and feeling equal parts sexual rage and despair in the process.)

it's actually quite funny how in 7 of every 10 amateur cosplay pics, there is always that one fatnerd off to the side checking the girl out with his flabby lips hanging open.
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>OP gets spectacularly BTFO
>forest zone
>not linear
You are fucking retarded.
>still using gif

This truly is /v/
Adam was literally nude when you first see him.
>My only real gripe is that a lot of the bosses were kinda boring.
Lackluster bosses and shitty difficulty scaling. The game became a joke near the end.
That's not to say I didn't absolutely adore the game though. It's miles ahead of anything Taro has ever made before, ever.
It's not even remotely linear. It's literally exactly like the desert zone except there's trees.
So what? The whores are there to show off.
Pirated it and was some kind of entertained during the first session. The next day I hadn't felt like playing it again.
You are literally unironically retarded, m8.
Not him, but if you treated the forest zone as though it was linear, you probably missed a hidden weapon.
>Pirated it
Lel. Enjoy your botnet, idiot.
How is it any different than darkroot garden?
Not at all, and in fact the open world part of the game actively hampers it at times.

Imagine something like BotW's map but instead of being able to go anywhere that might look mildly interesting you're constantly blocked off by invisible walls obstructing your path while you participate in really boring sidequests that for the most part add nothing to the game. That's the majority of Automata's "zones".
Is this game os unoptimized that even the cutscenes are lagging or is it just beacause I installed in on an HDD instead of an SSD?

I was more focused on the game lagging than the route A and literally dont know what happened.
If only I cared. My PC is a cheap piece of trash.
wat. i just torrented this, too lazy to install it tho lol
Played on a base PS4 with a hard drive that came with the system. Didn't notice lagging.
>participate in really boring sidequests that for the most part add nothing to the game.
At least 80% of the sidequests pertain to the main story and its characters.
I agree. It was trash. Boring and repetitive. The only moment I actually cared was when I was baited in the most ham handed way ever. Hey, give these kids a slide. Oh no, the kids are dead now! Most of the items are absolutely worthless and all the weapons are re-skins of the 4 types with no diversity. Oh, and with two modes, easy as fuck and fucking stupid mistakes 1 hit kill you as you blindly spam dodge.
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>squeenix removing ripped soundtrack off youtube
>official ost is missing a lot of stuff
It's not an optimization issue so much as a retarded coding issue. FAR fixed it.
>official ost is missing a lot of stuff
Like what?
If you want the OST to have everything, you need to buy the Special Edition version. Comes with 5 disks. Regular edition comes with 3.

I have it. Cost me over 100 bucks.
>Regular edition comes with 3

4 if you per-ordered
>Boring and repetitive
How? You have six weapon types, counters, aerials, different pod abilities, and a bunch of plugin chips to choose from.
>all the weapons are re-skins of the 4 types with no diversity.
Did you not play the game?
>Oh, and with two modes, easy as fuck and fucking stupid mistakes 1 hit kill you as you blindly spam dodge.
Don't be underleveled going into route C and that wont happen.
Hacking tracks the bonus disk, I presume?

That's what came separately from my Special Edition.
>Hacking tracks the bonus disk, I presume?
The problem is I have FAR installed, the textures are loading too slowly, same with the entire level if I'm running at full speed and sometimes cutscenes are ahead of the sound.

This shit is turning me off the game, right now I'm installing it on an SSD and I really hope that it helps.
Ah. PC gamer. That would explain it. Game needs patched, and from what I can tell, it isn't coming.
>How? You have six weapon types, counters, aerials, different pod abilities, and a bunch of plugin chips to choose from.

how does any of that provide gameplay different from shit ive been doing since devil may cry on ps2
That's a problem with the game though, happens way more on PS4 than it does on PC.

SSD might help that issue, but the FMVs stuttering is a FAR thing.
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Do you not like devil may cry? Why would you buy a platinum game if you weren't expecting that type of combat? They added plenty of variety to the weapons, chips, and pods to spice up the usual platinum combat.
They even fucked up the resolution so I guess all this slow loading is to be expected.
Why is this game still not being patched again?

I can deal with bad textures and FPS dropping to 0 for 2 seconds when loading a part of the world, but sounds not matching what is displayed on the screen is too much for me. At least I'm not the only one getting this bugs.
Literally how can you fuck up a port so much.
>You have six weapon types

>counters, aerials
These are just part of weapons, which are very basic.

>different pod abilities
Most interesting part of combat.

>a bunch of plugin chips
Which mostly amount to higher numbers.

>Don't be underleveled going into route C
Very Hard has you always dying in one hit, which highlights the shitboxes.

>being so retarded you can't tell differences between two games of similar genres anymore
/v/ is amazingly dumb sometimes.
Which have different movesets depending on what slot they are equipped in and upgrade level they are. And not all small swords have the same noveset as each other.
>These are just part of weapons, which are very basic.
Nope the counter is a chip and the aerial is with all weapon types.
>Which mostly amount to higher numbers.
Counter, shockwave, overclock, and evade distance all change gameplay
>Very Hard has you always dying in one hit,
No it doesnt get good.
I pirated it, and I thought it was cool until after the first boss. It turned into a shit open world follow the objective markers game. Uninstalled it immediately. What a waste of time and a shame, the intro was cool.
>Which have different movesets depending on what slot they are equipped in
And still end up with small movesets.

>And not all small swords have the same noveset
Only difference is string length, on strings that don't vary much beginning to end.

>Nope the counter is a chip
Counter is the attack after a just dodge, parry is a chip.

>Counter, shockwave, overclock, and evade distance all change gameplay
Evade just makes dodge more lenient, and the others are the only real gameplay changes and rarely used in optimal setups.

>No it doesnt
That's the entire gimmick of Very Hard, if an enemy hits you and you don't have up a shield or Reset/Berserk to randomly save you you die regardless of level/HP/defense.
>I didn't like the game I didn't pay for
Poor baby
>Only difference is string length
With different animations
>Counter is the attack after a just dodge, parry is a chip.
Quit being disingenuous you know what I meant, point is parry requires a chip and being able to parry is game changing.
> rarely used in optimal setups.
Keep pushing that goalpost
>That's the entire gimmick of Very Hard
Except it isnt, will you get hit hard? Yeah of course its hard, but I've been one shot on normal before.
This exactly

Operabot was the best boss, I was disappointed that none were nearly as awesome to fight nor had as good of a soundtrack. I liked the game but some bosses were just lacking.
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>paying over 100$ for music
Does it benefit? I'd say no. But I dont think it detracts from it except for time spent running around at times. I dont see why people sperg out over the open world, its not that cumbersome.
I always wondered, is that thing 9S wearing underneath supposed to be underwear? I could never get a clear look at it.

Also why doesn't self destruct remove anyone's top off? I want shirtless 9S
We should have had a fight against the forest King, and some kind of Goliath in the desert before Adam is born.

That would have rounded it out pretty well
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>We should have had a fight against the forest King
Did you not pay attention to the game's story?
One of his retainers, then. Just *something* other than a shitty fight against A2 you don't even get to finish
You already fought basically the entire forest kingdom senpai.
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>mfw I love this game purely cos of the pre-teen girls in thongs

The gameplay is extremely below average for a Platinum game. The message of the game is Nihilism but then the author has the audacity to actually end the game with "Everyone lives happily ever after".

If this game didn't have 2B and weird robot faces it would be a 4/10 at best.

But god dam I love that ass so 7/10.
I get that. Doesn't change that the end of the forest area is unsatisfying
>The message of the game is Nihilism but then the author has the audacity to actually end the game with "Everyone lives happily ever after".

You literally have to fight the author to get this ending though, sounds like you just didn't get it.
>the pods reject reality so hard they develop human emotions and fight against the ending
>the message is nihilism

Are you mentally incapacitated?
>The message of the game is Nihilism
Existentialism=/=nihilism brainlet
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>Point out a flaw in the game
>Hurr durr you just didn't get it. Obviously it was 2 deep 4 u

It was a cheap cop out so people didn't hunt him down like they did with Kojima and MGS2
If we forget that OP is an SJW subhuman and talk about this game:

I platinumed it (I know that's nothing special)
>Route A 7/10
>Route B 3/10
>Route C+those meme stories 9/10

fight me
I really appreciated the slight change in perspective in Route B, and thought participating in the hacking segments 9S is constantly shouting about was awesome. His combat was ass, but you also beat Route B in half the time. I'd honestly rate it as strongly as Route A for the novelty alone. I do think it could have been improved on, but I don't think it was as bad as people made it out to be.
this game would be 9/10 in my eyes if you werent forced to play as 9S for so long, all i wanted to do during the hacking phases was just to be A2 and fuck some robots up
> Taro giving a shit what fans want
I guess in your Universe Nier and Drakengard never happened
>The message of the game is Nihilism
When getting the ending you have to explicitly deny there is no meaning to this world.
>pre-teen girls in thongs
But it does
And for A2 it's also a limiter release
>He didn't pirate
>Frogposter doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
>If this game didn't have 2B and weird robot faces it would be a 4/10 at best.
Really? 2B to me was the worst aspect of the game. I enjoyed 9S and A2 miles more than 2B. 9S flipping his shit in route C was great, and A2's banter with the pod was a breath of fresh air.
>no gameplay
Cool b8 faggot

Why the fuck does my game keep crashing every time I hear the metal gear alert sound. Also does a fast travel unlock at some point? Getting real fucking tired of running around an empty desert for every side quest.
>Why is the map in 3d and impossible to read?
Because fuck you.
>Also does a fast travel unlock at some point?
Yes, keep doing the main quest until you get it.
I guess I'll let side quests be for now then. Apparantely the crashing is caused by FAR. Is there anyway I can turn of global illumination without FAR?
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>giving Nier tomato a chance
>boss fight against the giant golem machines

And that's why this game is irredeemable trash.
>With different animations
The animations are the same, only difference is how far you can go along in a string.

>being able to parry is game changing.
Not hardly.

>Keep pushing that goalpost
If you're never going to be using a chip then it becomes less important, doesn't it?

>Except it isnt
Read the description of the difficulty, it's no lock on plus OHKOs.

>but I've been one shot on normal before.
Because enemy stats were high enough to kill you at your current stats. Very Hard makes defensive stats irrelevant, a Lv 1 enemy hitting you at Lv 99 with max HP, defense chips and defense items active will still oneshot you.
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Daily reminder
Anyone else get too depressed after the bunker got destroyed, and seeing 2B break down and die, to play?
no because we're not fags
nice projection
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At that point I really wanted to keep playing actually, needed to see what was gonna happen next.
Do you know what those 3 things are yet?
Do they explain it? I assumed they were something to do with the sub units since there's three of them.
Well, time to start playing again.
go back to tumblr, faggot
I'm not the fag that cries over robits blowing up in a weeb game
No you're the fag that spams these shitty threads non stop.
Neck yourself.

Pirated version? With FAR? Check the crash log, if it says there's a problem with xinput1_3.dll, then you need to find the cracked version of FAR since it fixed that issue in that release. My buddy and I had the same problem and checked his github and saw the release note for that version addressing that specifically. I found the crack for it on some .ru forum and played for like 5 hours yesterday without a single crash when before that, it'd crash in like 10-20 minutes.
>Game creator appreciates female body in genuine and honest way and isn't scared of it because of modern society that demonizes something so natural
>Adds an attractive character for the sole purpose of pleasing his long established male fanbase

Do people actually believe this? The only reason there is a female is to grab the waifu consumer base. It's all corporate planning.
you're slurping on some mad SJW dick and you don't even know it senpai
I am playing with a pirated version and a cracked version of FAR I got from some guy on youtube. Crash log says nothing about xinput though. Could you link me yours?
>Adds an attractive character for the sole purpose of pleasing his long established male fanbase
>he only reason there is a female is to grab the waifu consumer base.
So you also believe the same thing, it just so happens that you are also triggered by it. Cool.
Kill your self mr butthurt over Hitman.

I am unsure what the problem is then. I am at work but the crash log would say something about an access violation and then it'd have a line with Name: xinput1_3.dll which I guess is just saying what the offending file was. This is a thread with the problem, which he told the guy to fuck off of course because he realized the guy pirated but there was a fix put in anyway in

Why are you doing this?
You're projecting and overly defensive. I'm just stating the obvious and it seems odd that people would assume there isn't a clear reason behind certain choices that is common business practices.
So how's the actual game? I've seen lengthy discussion about the story, and of course about 2B's butt (90% of posts), but I never see anyone discuss the actual game. Is it fun? Is it hard? Are there any interesting bosses? Are the settings varied? Also, is the different endings different chapters of the game, or is it replaying the same levels with different characters and cutscenes?
You clearly have no fucking clue what the word projecting means.
Bosses are really uninspired and borring
Setting is almost all brown
Different endings are almost all joke endings from a fail state and the main "endings" are all linear where you unlock one after the other except for C and D where it depends on who you choose to play for a single fight
Combat is some of Platinum's worse
Filled with fetch quests

I haven't played too much of the game but I'd say it is basically the original with vastly superior gameplay. The world is semi-open world. Combat is much MUCH improved obviously since Platinum worked on it. A lot of revisiting areas for sidequests if you're into that (and you should be since sidequests give a ton of story on the world). I play on hard and enemies do a lot of damage and bosses will sometimes 1 shot you. The areas themselves aren't that well designed IMO but the characters are interesting. I imagine the subsequent playthroughs are just as other characters.
>Is it fun?
That is subjective. I found it fun, but also a bit emotionally exhausting.
>Is it hard?
You can make it uncessarily hard if you want to in the difficulty settings.
>Are the settings varied?
You have a desert, long abandoned city, humble militia camp, small sea side area, forest, cave, and perhaps more I'm forgetting.
>different endings different chapters...
A&B are same, but differ in that they're played from the perspectives of the other character. Their perspectives are not 1:1, but similar.
C&D changes a whole lot.
E is something special.
You are triggered and projecting those emotions on me
Jesus christ that modder's a faggot
>but there was a fix put in anyway in
In the official version?
>Setting is almost all brown
I can see the rest of your post being someone's genuine thoughts on the game but this alone proves you're bullshitting.
Go away Hbomber
>You can make it uncessarily hard if you want to in the difficulty settings.

I should've been more specific - Is it good hard like Ninja gaiden/RE4, or bad hard like playing a game on an unintended difficult settings where all the stats are just bananas?

Yes, check his release page

> - Fixes XInput interface mismatch between 3DMigoto (9_1_0) and game (1_3)

Honestly, I don't hate him for what he's doing. It is his content and he can do what he wants with it. I pirated the game to play on PC for performance because I'm buying the game on PS4 (to have a physical copy). I still don't think I'm entitled this his stuff and make no excuses for it.
It is almost all brown for the majority of the game.
Are ANY sidequests worth doing? Most so far have been tedious garbage.
hard as in you can dodge and parry every single attack if you are good enough
It's Ninja Gaiden-esque on hard settings.
Normal can get rough when you encounter a large number of enemies. If you're looking for that Ninja Gaiden fuck you type of difficulty, play on Hard or Insane (whatever its called).

VH is just Dante Must Die mode since it is 1 hit death no matter what. I think Hard is a good balance because at least then you can make use of defensive stats and healing items.
Really? I thought eventually you'd be able to take more hits. Is it even possible to complete on Very Hard?
Hard Mode is good once you get some chips.

Very Hard Mode is basically SHMUP mode, everythinge one shots you
Strange thing for me is, it doesn't even list a file which caused the error. It just says
>[ FaultMod ] # File.....: ''
You are retarded and I regret replying to you in the first place.

I'm not sure then. You can try one of the newer cracked versions of his mod and pray. It is a fun game but the crashing would make it practically unplayable since there is no autosaving.


I'm sure it is very possible. You just have to play perfectly and make great use of things like counter.

Nah, he's correct.
Nice of you to confirm I was correct
>It is a fun game but the crashing would make it practically unplayable since there is no autosaving
I think I've walked through that shitty desert like 6 times now because of crashing. I guess I'll try to find a newer version.
NieR General?

I got this game a few days ago to celebrate the ending of exams.

Is there eventually a fast travel? currently lv13.

Just got to the Aliens in a giant sinkhole.

That is when it started for my buddy and I as well. Are you using a controller? Try one of the cracks here (remember to get the actual FAR mod with it).


You'll need to register.
You get it right after aliens
That's when fast travel is unlocked.
What? I'm playing it right now at the price of FREE
Thanks. I need the official version of FAR?

Yes, the thread links them and a cracked dll to replace. Don't mix and match the versions. Get the version for the specific crack.
Alright thanks man, gonna try this as soon as I can.
>Play on normal
>It's a cakewalk
>Play on hard
>Get one shot half the time
>Honestly, I don't hate him for what he's doing. It is his content and he can do what he wants with it. I pirated the game to play on PC for performance because I'm buying the game on PS4 (to have a physical copy). I still don't think I'm entitled this his stuff and make no excuses for it.
You're fucking cancer in so many ways.

Cry more and do nothing about it.
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