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>What are playing right now?
>Are you enjoying it?
>What do you like/hate about it?
>is it fun?
Dark souls 2, just completed ds1 for the first time and getting into ds2. I found the change in graphics / bonfire mechanics a bit jarring but warming up to both.

I hate the smooth/silky birds nest voice so just ignoring it's existence.
SotFS or vanilla?
SotFS, should I have gone with vanilla ?
SotFS "ramps up" the difficulty by putting more enemies and ambushes everywhere because
>darksols is superduper hard meme
Brood War

Im loving it
I'm hating 350 APM Korean zergs.
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Super Mario 64. First time playing the non-DS version and playing it with a xbox controller is driving me mad. Took me ages to get to the King Bob-omb, mostly because i'm not used to the N64's control scheme at all. It's pretty fun and i can't think of anything i hate about it that feels like a legit criticism.
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>that image
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Shovel Knight Specter of Torment
Yeah its pretty rad, wall climbing and air slashes make the platforming a lot more enjoyable than shovel or plague
Railing on floors and chaining air slashes without touching the ground is fucking great, the curios are mostly useless though apart from the health refill which makes every boss easymode even if they were pretty easy to begin with. Also I miss the overworld map and bonus levels
Nier: Automata
I find it enjoyable when i stop playing it for awhile and go back to it, if i do that i can play 14 hours straight
I like the atmosphere of the game. I dislike playing as 9S and how simplistic the combat is
I find it fun
dwarf fortress, I enjoy it wen i manage to make stuff happen, I am still very new, I love the depth of everything but it can get a bit confusing, every few actions I make I end up getting stuck and have to quit the game and read guides and watch videos for the next hour or so. It is very tedious as this has happened 6 times now.
I have a feeling the fun will come eventually
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modded minecraft


Good part is automating shit and constructing nice bases and shit. Bad part is that it swallows RAM whole. Also the base game has lots of hardlocked things that not even mods can fix.

Its fun but in a autistic way
Yeah, Prey is pretty good.
I like sneaking around, reading emails and listening to everyone's voice mails. Finding out all the shit that was goin down before the aliums took over
Autism is what makes games more fun that they should be.
NieR: Automata. It's pretty good, though honestly the second playthrough seems boring af from the 2 or so hours I played of it.

That said, I liked the first playthrough so much that I'm willing to suffer a bit longer to get to the third.
Breath of the Wild.
It's great fun, love exploring and shrines at my own pace. I feel the sheikah/technology aesthetic isn't my thing though. Wish Zelda games would go back to the medieval mistique of ALttP.
>What are playing right now?
Draon's Dogma DA
>Are you enjoying it?
Hell yeah
>What do you like/hate about it?
I like everything, I hate there's only one
>What are playing right now?
2nd playthrough of MGS3
>Are you enjoying it?
Yeah it's good
>What do you like/hate about it?
I like the game but the difficulty settings are plain old stupid. """Hard""" mode still makes Snake a fucking bullet sponge and as far as I can tell all of the item locations are the same so there's no scarcity aspect either. Then of course there's European Extreme which is the polar fucking opposite.
>is it fun?
Yeah. I regret going Rambo mode though. I forgot about the Sorrow boss fight. Mistakes were made.
>>What are playing right now?
>>Are you enjoying it?
>>What do you like/hate about it?
Easiest way to say this is that it's a good entry in the immersive sim genera.
>>is it fun?
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>What are playing right now?
>Are you enjoying it?
For the most part, but I'm not far in
>What do you like/hate about it?
I like how it improved on almost every issue related to the gameplay if SMT IV, but I hate some of the writing, despite just being at he start. Some of the dialogue is abysmal.
>is it fun?

Do you seriously like everything about it? I like the game too, but it's pretty flawed.
Battlefield 1
I like the gunplay and the new Frontlines game mode, lots of fun with a squad of coordinated good players
I guess, but I still think 4 is more fun overall and I miss Assault Rifles a lot (RIP SCARH)

I would recommend it to people who liked BF3 and 4 but with a slightly different pace. Medic Rifles in 1 are lots of fun, especially the Autoloading 8. Though most people probably hate it cause it's EA.
I'm playing Battlerite. It's the best competitive game in terms of game design out right now, but the player base is kinda disappointingly small.
It feeling unfinished even with the restoration mod
Yes. Kreia brings on the banter like no other.
I'm in the same both, but I'm 140 hours in. Currently moving through the third king of the DLC. I can't wait to be done and move out of the DS universe for a while. I've been playing these games for a year (I only play a couple of hours or so a day)

I'm going to play something different before BB and DS3. Ds2 is ok but is so long wtf.
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>Breath of the Wild
>Not as much as I used to
>I like the options you have and how you can ignore the main quest. I hate how all these shrines end up only having a few unique puzzles and the rest are copy-pasted and only serve as fast travel

I feel like I got memed on. It's not nearly as amazing as everyone on this board says it is. It feels like a fucking chore trying to get anything done, and the sense of progression really isn't there. Long story short I'm glad I pirated it.
PUBG, really enjoyable. It is true it has some bugs, but in 15hours the game crashed just once for me. Having an high-end pc makes you playing @1440p with good fps, 30 in spawn island (who cares) 70-100 ingame. Solo is funny, duo is beautiful, i could play it forever. Haven't tried squad yet as most of my friend list doesnt have that game and i dont want to be matched with kids/russians. Good spawn zones are pretty obvious, but you can be lucky and find anything anywhere. Best part is you dont actually need to win to enjoy the game, and winning is mostly based on luck imo. Ye you can be a good shooter, but if you find yourself in a bad position you're most likely dead no matter what, map is huge and you just can't guess where 100 people went in the last 20-30 minutes.
8/10 game mostly for bugs and optimization, if it get out of EA will probably be 10/10. Probably the most funny multiplayer shooter i've ever played.
Yooka laylee.

It's fun, but flawed.

First level is 4/5, but goes downhill. So overall a 3/5 game. I like the positive feel, grimdark gun games have gotten stale.

Also, I pirated it, because fuck supporting sjw faggots.
I'm playing Robotech: Battlecry. It's very >fun, switching between forms for during dogfights is the best shit and everything's very fast-paced which I appreciate. The devs liked escort missions with never-ending fucking enemies, though.
I'm getting this vibe as well, granted I haven't played it. I mean it does look like a great game, but Zelda fanboys are intolerable cunts. Twilight Princess is like a 6/10 game and those morons think it's some master stroke of video game design.
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Payday 2
I like a lot of the games aspects but fuck me if the weapon balance isn't fucked. Nerf the heavy crossbow and DMRs and buff everything else. Especially the melee weapons.
Yes, incredibly so.
I don't do video games
Revolgear II
It tickles my inner nostalgiafag visually and is a hori shmup, something that's unheard of nowadays in the dwindling but danmaku saturated shooter market. It's far too easy but it's freeware so I can't complain too much.
It's pretty fun, although ships 4 and 5 break the game handily.
Overwatch. It's very frustrating but I keep playing it for some reason. Blizzard needs to step up their game and make more content.
Nier Automata

Thoroughly enjoying it so far, the music is incredible and the movement all feels very fluid. World is a bit empty though so running around is a pain at times and I accidently beat the game by running the wrong way and leaving Pascal's village but hey
I played DF a few years ago and loved it.

But I've forgotten most everything and don't feel like going through that god awful painful learning phase again.

Persona 4 on PS2
The story is pretty good, but it's like the designers intentionally ignored every QoL improvement to RPGs since 1995.

I'm sure it will be fun now that I'm treating it like an old RPG and just grinding so my numbers are the biggest numbers.
Mario 64 is easily the most overrated game of all time.

It doesn't even feel like Mario if you were raised on 2d. Not even because of the dimensions, it just feels off in thematics and characters and ambience and music and sound. Sunshine was even worse there. Haven't bothered with Mario since.

Banjokazooie was far, far better anyways.
Why P4, instead of P4G? Also, you don't really need to grind in that game.

I snagged P3, P4 and SMT: Nocturne when Gamestop was getting rid of all of it's PS2 games all for like $20, and I never bothered getting a PS3.

You absolutely need to grind in this game, if only to survive the rando crits bosses like to pull off.
Metal gear rising
A lot
The music is good, the bossfights are pure kino but armstrong is strong
A lot
No, Scholar is the far better version. This is coming from someone with hundreds of hours on both.
I assure you, you do not need to grind. You can and it will make it easier on you, but if you're good at fusion you'll get by fine without it. P4G is a fairly substantial upgrade, but the vanilla version is fine too. Did you get the vanilla version of 3 or is it FES.
>What are playing right now?
>Are you enjoying it?
I fucking hate it. Kill me.
I have no reason to care about any of the characters.
I have no reason to care about the story.
But the gameplay is pretty good. Definitely got an Arx Fatalis vibe to it, and I fucking love Arx.
IV:A lacks the intense and thick atmosphere of Tokyo from vanilla IV.
After beating Day 6 I set the game down.
It has some really good elements to it though, and Gaston is awesome.

Vanilla of P3, yeah.

I'm basically 100% blind on it, only using a guide that says which S.Links are on which days.

I'm at the end of the strip club and Shadow Rise is no problem, 90% of Teddie is handled by my Titania, but I can't live through his random crits, thus the need to grind.
>it's harder playing a 3D platformer with a joystick instead of a d-pad
oh, okay
>What are playing right now?
Saints Row 2 on PC

>Are you enjoying it?
Hell yeah.

>What do you like/hate about it?
IMO it's the best open world crime game I've played, and somehow I haven't been fucked yet by the legendarily shitty port.

>Is it fun?
You do realize Zelda fanboys have shitfests over the games. Not all of them hold each one up as a masterpiece, especially the Gamecube games.
>What are playing right now?
Dwarf fortress
>Are you enjoying it?
Fuck yeah
>What do you like/hate about it?
I love it
>is it fun?
I was about to finish building the wall when a werelizard attacked me.
It then all went downhill from there.
In the end, there was a single survivor, the chief medical dwarf.
He saw his own children and wife turn into horrible beasts and kill each other.
He was physically okay but he just decided to sleep forever in a corner of the hospital.

So yes a lot of fun
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Persona 5.

It's quite good but the script is way too literal.
I really don't think anyone talks the way these kids do.

I love the palaces, I'm upto the 2nd palace boss.
The bonds or social links or whatever is always fun, especially my interactions with the doctor.
I hate how linear this game is though, especially as I'm a veteran SMT fan who never tried Persona before.
The goddamn cat wont let me do anything.
They introduce all these elements like working a job a night, or renting a DVD that needs to be watched in two sessions and then returned within one week, and then I never get the chance to do these things!

It's a fun game but the life sim stuff is way more shallow than I expected.
Working is just entering your job, having an introductory cutscene for flavor text, and then it ends and you're skipped into the next day.
No minigame, no choosing who to serve or talk to, and no choice of how to spend my last hour before bed.

It at least has a fun twist on the Press Turn combat system which feels like an amalgamation of all SMT combat systems upto now.
Same, except I haven't played DS1.
I got SotFS back in 2015 as my first Souls game, but I never got around to playing it until this month.
I've heard all the other games are better, so at least I'll have the best for later.
I'm only at No-Man's Wharf though.
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I'm surprised that you haven't been spoiled on who the killer is, but I suppose it's for the best that you haven't. Try using buffs and debuffs if you haven't been doing so, they make a pretty significant difference in MegaTen games and are essential for some bosses. If you haven't been doign that, then that's probably why you've been needing to grind. If not, I don't know what the problem is because the only time I had to grind in any of those games was the final boss of Strange Journey.

That's the feeling I'm getting as well. It's hard to hold a good atmosphere when characters are throwing around dialogue like "homeslice went bananacakes." At least Dagda's cool, part of what made the series capture my attention to begin with was when I saw Cu Chulainn for the first time, who I would always hear about in school because I live near where his whole mythos took place, and I woudl hear a decent bit about Dagda growing up too. It also helps that he does a decent Irish accent, which is surprising after hearing the other characters trying and failing to pronounce Tuatha De Danann.
I feel so bad for you.
>Working is just entering your job, having an introductory cutscene for flavor text, and then it ends and you're skipped into the next day.
>No minigame, no choosing who to serve or talk to, and no choice of how to spend my last hour before bed.
You do get this on some of them, though it's not much. You can work at a bar at one point where you can choose what customers to talk to, and sometimes if you work at the restaurant you'll be told multiple orders back to back and you have to remember them all. Also, ti's pretty shitty of them to do, but I think they made it linear just so they could give you more time in a re-released edition. They did that going from P4 to P4G, and it's an easy improvement to make that would get people to buy the game again.
>What are playing right now?
Granblue Fantasy

>Are you enjoying it?

>What do you like/hate about it?
I like the characters, setting, and seeing really big numbers from working buffs, timing shit right, and getting weapon grids going.

I hate the grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, and grinding. Also Rs being totally worthless despite having more interesting characters.

Also grinding

>Is it fun?
>What are playing right now?
call of duty infinite warfare exclusively for the zombie mode.
>Are you enjoying it?
yeah the game is just mindless i can waste a few hours on.
>What do you like/hate about it?
the fact that you can just boot it up and just blast zombies for hours is great,
the fact that activsion are still super jews and make its so you can't individually buy a certain map pack.
>is it fun?
for some i say the appeal of just mindlessly killing zombies is dead boring but i can't be asked to sit through a 20 minutes cut scene before anything actually starts happening.
Persona 5
It's great
>What are playing right now?
Star Wars Battlefront 2
>Are you enjoying it?
For the most part, although I have some big problems
>What do you like/hate about it?
Like: Class based, fun to drop in and start fucking shit up, all classes are good it's just what playstyle you want.
Hate: In single player the AI is too easy on normal but too hard on elite for me. No way to adjust difficulty beyond a checkbox basically. AI in general is dumb as fuck.

Not sure if it used to be like this, but in MP everyone just spams rolls in a zig zag pattern while shooting and there is way too many chokepoints.
>is it fun?
It's fun but definitely aged and to be honest I think EABF2 will surpass this game since they seemed to have learned from the first game.
>What are playing right now?
Vagrant Story
>Are you enjoying it?
>What do you like/hate about it?
I love everything about it, from the combat to the customization. From the lack of handholding to the overall atmosphere.
I hate that I missed this game for so long even tho I'm a Matsuno fan.
I also don't like how poorly balanced the chain abilities are, but they don't break the game for me.
>is it fun?
Heck yeah.
>What are playing right now?
Persona 5

>Are you enjoying it?

>What do you like/hate about it?
Persona fusioning is easier than ever so you don't have to dick around backing out of fusion to get the skills you want. Don't like that NG+ has no fool confident item so I need to wait till later in the game for itemization again.

>is it fun?
I did just fuse a level 99 yoshitsune with max strength though so fun stuff.
>What are playing right now?

>Are you enjoying it?
I generally like EO, so yeah.

>What do you like/hate about it?
I like mapping the dungeons and shit. Story is alright. VA is bleh.

>is it fun?
I genuinely think it's one of the few perfect games out there. It doesn't try to be more than it is.
>What are playing right now?
Replaying Dungeon Siege
>Are you enjoying it?
Yes. It's a mix of nostalgia and the fact that the game ticks some boxes no other game does.
The game itself isn't very good though.
>What do you like/hate about it?
8 party members real-time combat, the game really feels like a journey. Also I like that towns and shops are very infrequent so you have to be very careful with what you buy and sell. Unfortunately the combat is very simplistic.
>is it fun?
It's a love or hate kind of game. Most people would probably find it boring.
Katamari Damacy
The music, the humor, the challenge, the large variety of items.
Replaying Demon's Souls. Definitely enjoying it.

Never played any other Souls games so I can't compare it to them but I do love how satisfying the gameplay is. Don't think there's really anything comparable. Mixed feelings about how many things are locked behind world tendencies and drops from NPCs. Especially sucks that multiplayer is dead.

You bet it's fun.
Im replaying The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

its pretty great and i bet im one of the few people who dont mind the combat in this game

interacting with master mirror is pretty fun
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>What are playing right now?
Playing through the PS4 version of Kingdom Hearts 2 FM.

>Are you enjoying it?
I'm enjoying it. Haven't played it on Critical before and I had no idea you got like 50 AP and a bunch of abilities from the get-go.

>What do you like/hate about it?
The game is really flashy but can also kick my ass on Critical if I play like an idiot. I think they also decreased the time it takes to refill your drive gauge because I don't remember it filling up this fast in the original version.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
A lot
Only problem I have is normal enemies are too easy
>Sleeping Dogs
>Yeah, I'm enjoying it a lot.
>I like a lot about it, but I wish there was a few more cosmetic options.
>At least to me, it's more fun than GTA V.
Thread posts: 71
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